A Test: The Writing Model Prototype of an Applied Master's Thesis
using Genre
Nur Hasyim
, Ade Sukma Mulya
, Abdillah
and Darul Nurjanah
Jurusan Akuntansi, PNJ, Kampus Baru Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424
Keyword: Thesis, Applied Magister, Writing, Genre
Abstract: The research article describes the testing of model prototype to write the applied master thesis. The test done
to ten students of applied master student on Politeknik Negeri Jakarta. Based on the results of testing on ten
applied master students it is known that the prototype of the writing model provides an increase in knowledge
of 34%. This condition is interesting and needs to be followed by testing the prototype to find out how much
an increase in student skills in writing. On writing, student must have guidence, namely writing base on genre,
as follows. In writing, certain parts of the thesis have writing needs. Writing needs can be written using certain
types of text (certain genres). The description text structure is the thing to be described and parts of the thing
to be described, while the exposition text structure is thesis statement, arguments, and reiteration. In each text
also has certain linguistic characteristics, for example the description text is used more additional
conjunctions; exposition texts use more consequence conjunctions. If the paradigm understood, students can
finish the thesis correctly and quickly.
The paradigm of the writing model prototype of the
applied master's thesis is as follows. In writing,
certain parts of the thesis have writing needs. Writing
needs can be written using certain types of text
(certain genres), for example descriptive text or
exposition text. In each type of text has a certain
structure. The description text structure is the thing to
be described and parts of the thing to be described,
while the exposition text structure is thesis statement,
argument, and reiteration. In each text also has certain
linguistic characteristics, for example the description
text is used more additional conjunctions; exposition
texts use more consequence conjunctions. The
prototype model have never been tested. Therefore,
his study tested the model to find out how much
increase in students' writing knowledge after they
were given knowledge about writing a thesis using
the genre paradigm.
This research also becomes very important to be
investigated because until now there has never been
any research on testing prototype models about
writing a genre-based applied master thesis. Existing
studies relating to the genre as follows. Loan and
Pramoolsook (Nguyen & Pramoolsook, 2014) in
their research entitled "Move Analysis of Chapters
Results-Discussion in Tesol Master's Theses Written
by Vietnamese Students" published in 3L: The
Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies
- Vol 21 (2): 1 - 15 found that non-native English
master students need to be given clear instructions on
writing part of the research results and discussion:
what parts are and how to write them. Loan and
Pramoolsook, in his research entitled "Rhetorical
Structure of Introduction Chapters written by Novice
Vietnamese TESOL postgraduates" published in 3L:
The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language
Studies - Vol 20 (1): 61–74 found that beginner
writers need to be given writing learning, clearer
guidelines, genre and cultural knowledge. Hyland in
his article entitled "Genre Pedagogy: Language,
Literacy, and L2 Writting Instruction" in the Journal
of Second Language Writing (2007). Hyland said that
genre can help students in writing so that writing is
effective and relevant to their needs. "For teacher
educators, genre-based pedagogies offer valuable
resource for assisting both students and their students
to produce effective and relevant texts." According to
Hyaland, the genre is also very good for helping
second language learning to be able to learn to write
because the genre provides a clear explanation of the
type of text. Badger and White in his article entitled
Hasyim, N., Mulya, A., Abdillah, . and Nurjanah, D.
A Test: The Writing Model Prototype of an Applied Master’s Thesis using Genre.
DOI: 10.5220/0009871200002905
In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2019), pages 34-37
ISBN: 978-989-758-468-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
"A Process Genre Approach to Teaching Writting" in
the Journal Language Teaching Research (2015). The
article stated that there were three things that
influenced the writing of writing: (i) a genre-based
approach, (ii) the writing process, and (iii) written
product. It was stated that the product of writing was
determined by the process of writing and the genre
approach. Because of this, all three of these things
influence each other.(Hasyim, 2015) Yasuda in his
article entitled "Genre-based Tasks in Foreign
Writting: Developing Writers" awareness genre,
Linguistic Knowledge, and Writting Competence "in
the Journal of Second Language Writting" (2011)
stated that "a combination of genres and task can
create a crucial pedagogical link between socially
written writing and language use, which is expected
to create interfaces between writing and language
development in FL contexts (a combination of genres
and assignments can create crucial learning links
between performance writing in certain social
situations and language use choices that are expected
to be able to provide the best work to create written
work and language use in context." [5]
The research carried out with research development.
Meanwhile, the prototype model was tested on ten
applied master students at the Politeknik Negeri
Jakarta, by giving an explanation to students about the
prototype model. After that, written questions were
given to them about how much they could improve
their knowledge of writing an applied master's thesis.
Based on these answers the data analysis is then
performed and concluded. The principally, the
analysis data used the qualitative analysis (Santosa
(Santosa, 2017) that cited from Spreadly, 1980):
domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, inter-
component analysis, and finding themes
Genre theory, among others, was delivered by (i)
Martin and Rose(JR & Rose, 2007) in his book
entitled Working with Discourse, and (ii) Wiratno
and Santosa. Martin and Rose stated that genre is a
staged goal-oriented social process (genre is a social
process that is oriented towards goals that can be
achieved gradually). Wiratno and Santosa states that
text is a social process; Likewise, parts of the text are
social processes. In certain social processes there are
needs and targets that can be solved by using certain
types of text because each particular type of text has
linguistic characteristics so that when linguistic
characteristics are understood and the social
processes carried out are understood, the writing of
texts can be carried out correctly and quickly.
Applied Master Thesis is a macro genre in which
there are chapters, sub-chapters, sub-chapters, and
other sections of the thesis.(Hidayat, 2018) These
parts are social processes so that the author can utilize
the type of text / genre (in this case is the micro genre),
1 type of text or more than 1 type of text, to achieve
the goal. To achieve this goal is carried out in stages /
staged. Micro genre is (i) description, (ii) report, (iii)
procedure, (iv) telling, (v) explanation, (vi)
exposition, and (vii) discussion. Text Description is a
type of text that describes what something is as it is.
The description text relates to the specificity of
something described, its color, taste, and other
physical properties. Report text is a type of text that
deals with grouping things into classes or subclasses.
In contrast to the description text which shows the
specificity of something described, without comparing
it with the others, the text of the report shows the
generality of placing something reported into its class
compared to the other classes. Procedure text is
instructional text. In everyday life, the procedure text
is found in the manual on how to operate electronic
devices, how to call on public telephone, and how to
cook based on recipes. Storytelling text is a text that
contains activities or events that took place in the past.
The social function is to arouse or revive real
experiences in the past to create a kind of
entertainment for the reader. Explanation text is a text
that contains an explanation of the state of something
as a result of something else that has happened before
and causes something else to happen later. The social
function of explanation is to explain the process of
occurring something according to the principle of
causation. Exposition text is a text that contains
personal ideas or proposals about something.
Exposition text is also called one-sided
argumentation. Discussion text is a text that contains
an issue or controversy about something. The issue
was responded to from two sides of the argument so
that the discussion was often called two-sided
argumentation. In each type of text is built with the
structure of the text and has certain linguistic
characteristics. Various types of text have linguistic
characteristics. These linguistic features are used as a
reference for writing thesis sections (chapters, sub-
sections, sub-sections, and other elements.(Martin,
A Test: The Writing Model Prototype of an Applied Master’s Thesis using Genre
Wiratno and Santosa said that thesis is a macro
genre in which there are chapters, sub-sections, sub-
sections, and other sections of the thesis. These parts
are social processes so that the author can take
advantage of the type of text / genre (in this case the
micro genre), 1 type of text or more than 1 type of
text, to achieve its purpose. To achieve this goal is
carried out in stages / staged. The micro genres
include (i) descriptions, (ii) reports, (iii) procedures,
(iv) storytelling, (v) explanations, (vi) expositions,
and (vii) discussions. Description is a type of text that
describes what something is as it is (something as it
is). The description text relates to the specificity of
something described, its color, taste, and other
physical properties. Report text is a type of text that
deals with grouping things into classes or subclasses.
In contrast to the description text which shows the
specificity of something described, without
comparing it with the others, the text of the report
shows the generality of placing something reported
into its class compared to the other classes. Procedure
text is instructional text. In everyday life, the
procedure text is found in the manual on how to
operate electronic devices, how to call on public
telephone, and how to cook based on recipes.
Storytelling is a text that contains activities or events
that took place in the past. The social function is to
arouse or revive real experiences in the past to create
a kind of entertainment for the reader. Explanation
text is a text that contains an explanation of the state
of something as a result of something else that has
happened before and causes something else to happen
later. The social function of explanation is to explain
the process of occurring something according to the
principle of causation. Exposition text is a text that
contains personal ideas or proposals about something.
Exposition text is also called one-sided
argumentation. Discussion text is a text that contains
an issue or controversy about something. The issue
was responded to from two sides of the argument so
the discussion was often referred to as two-sided
argumentation. In each type of text is built with the
structure of the text and has certain linguistic
characteristics. The research is done by development
research according to Sugiyono.(Sugiyono, 2006)
4.1 Result
The results of this study about improving the
understanding of applied master students at the
Jakarta State Polytechnic after being given an
explanation of the prototype model as follows.
Table 1: Increasing Knowledge Students on Before and
After being Explained the Model Prototype
Initial of
ge about
The Test
ge about
After The
ng of
A 30 80 50
B 50 70 20
C 70 85 15
D 60 80 20
E 50 85 35
F 40 75 25
G 30 80 50
H 20 90 70
I 40 75 35
J 50 70 20
Average of Stundent Increasing of
4.2 Discussion
Based on the results of these tests it can be seen that
the increase in student knowledge about the writing
of the applied master thesis significantly increases.
This condition is encouraging. Thus, prototype
models have the opportunity to become models that
can be used effectively. This result is interesting
because it can give benefit to students as effort to
accelerate graduation.(Fachrudin, 2017)
The model of writing for an applied master's
thesis is based on genres. It is related to the aspects of
the text structure. The research supports the research
about a genre which is similar to the analysis of the
text conducted by Loan & Pramoolsook (2015) in
preliminary writing with Loan and Pramoolsook
(2016). As found in his research findings, the
structure of the description text is (1) something that
is explained, (2) the part of something described. The
structure of expotition is statement, arguments, and
reiteration. The text structure report is (1) something
reported, and (2) class or subclass of something; The
text structure of the discussion is (1) problem
statement, (2) arguments for pros, and (iii) arguments
for contra. A researcher makes it easier to apply by
applied master students to write an applied master's
thesis.(Zeige, 2015)
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
Based on the results of testing on ten applied master
students it is known that the prototype of the writing
model provides an increase in knowledge of 34%.
This condition is interesting and needs to be followed
by testing the prototype to find out how much an
increase in student skills in writing. On writing,
student must have guidence, namely writing base on
genre, as follows. In writing, certain parts of the thesis
have writing needs. Writing needs can be written
using certain types of text (certain genres). The
description text structure is the thing to be described
and parts of the thing to be described, while the
exposition text structure is thesis statement,
arguments, and reiteration. In each text also has
certain linguistic characteristics, for example the
description text is used more additional conjunctions;
exposition texts use more consequence conjunctions.
Fachrudin. (2017). Analisis terjemahan istilah teknik dari
bahasa Inggris ke bahasa Indonesia: studi kasus buku
Fundamental of Engineering Thermodinamics
karangan Michael J. Moran. Universitas Sebelas
Hasyim, N. (2015). Analisis terjemahan istilah teknis
penelitian dari bahasa inggris ke bahasa indonesia:
studi kasus buku qualitative data analysis karangan
matthew dan a. michel huberman. UNS.
Hidayat, T. N. (2018). Translation Shift of a Transitivity
System in Obama and Trump’S Inauguration Speech.
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 13(2), 91.
JR, M., & Rose, D. (2007). Working with Discourse.
Martin. (1991). Nominalization in science and humanities:
Distilling knowledge and scaffolding text. (M. de
Gruyer. (ed.)).
Nguyen, T. T. L., & Pramoolsook, I. (2014). Rhetorical
structure of Introduction chapters written by novice
Vietnamese TESOL postgraduates. 3L: Language,
Linguistics, Literature, 20(1), 61–74.
Santosa, R. (2017). Metode penelitian kualitatif
kebahasaan. UNS Press.
Sugiyono. (2006). Metode penelitian pendidikan:
pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan r&d. Alfabeta.
Zeige, L. E. (2015). Word forms, classification, and family
trees of languages-Why morphology is crucial for
linguistics. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 256, 42–53.
A Test: The Writing Model Prototype of an Applied Master’s Thesis using Genre