Model of Applied Master Thesis Research Method Writing
based on Genre
Nur Hasyim
, Ade Sukma Mulya
, Abdillah
and Darul Nurjanah
Jurusan Akuntansi, PNJ, Kampus Baru Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424
Jurusan Akuntansi, PNJ, Kampus Baru Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, PNJ, Kampus Baru Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424
Keyword: Genre, Applied Master, Thesis
Abstract: The text in the part of the research method that is owned by some of the applied Jakarta Masters Polytechnic
students is that there is an inaccuracy in writing. This problem needs to be given a solution by developing a
writing model for the writing method section in a genre-based master's thesis. By using the development
research approach prepared a model of writing the Research Method based on the genre. The result are (i) the
main need that needs to be written in this part is describing related matters to research, such as: approach,
data location, data source, data collection method, analysis data method, data inference, and research steps so
that, this part need to be written based on description text dan procedure text, (ii) description text used for
explaining things that related to research, while procedure text used for explaining the steps of research, (iii)
description text and exposition text have linguistic characteristics that need to be guided in writing.
The chapter on research methods is a relatively
difficult part to write. There are at least two reasons
for this: first, lack of understanding about what should
be written, second, lack of understanding about how
to write strategies effectively. For this reason, studies
on writing strategies for part of the research method
are needed.
The study of the strategy of writing research
method chapters is also needed because based on the
results of the literature study there were no studies
that had investigated the topic. The research found
discusses the move analysis on writing Introduction
by Fachrudin.(Fachrudin, 2017) There are also
studies related to writing scientific papers, but do not
discuss the writing model of genre-based research
methods.(Hasyim, 2015)
This article describes the writing model of part of
the research method in a genre-based applied master's
thesis that research on the topic has been carried out
in March to September 2018.
The research question is what is the model about
writing the section on the genre-based master's thesis
research method? The study was conducted with a
qualitative research approach. The data of this
component analysis, and finding themes
(concluded).(Hasyim, 2015)
research is information can be in the form of
situations, events, people, interactions, and
observable behaviors related to the model of writing
the Research Methods section on genre-based applied
master thesis so that writing can be done correctly and
The data of this research are everything (can be in
the form of situations, events, people, interactions)
related to the writing model of the thesis (applied)
research method based on genre.
The data will be collected by conducting focus
group discussions with genre experts, Politeknik
Negeri Jakarta structural Officials, and applied
undergraduate students. In addition, it is carried out
by conducting direct observations on students who
are preparing activities for the preparation of an
applied master's thesis to obtain data about the thesis
preparation activities and obtain data about the
Hasyim, N., Mulya, A., Abdillah, . and Nurjanah, D.
Model of Applied Master Thesis Research Method Writing based on Genre.
DOI: 10.5220/0009869700002905
In Proceedings of the 8th Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar (ASAIS 2019), pages 14-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-468-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
difficulties encountered when preparing a thesis.
Meanwhile, the data of this study will be analyzed
with qualitative analysis: domain analysis, taxonomic
analysis, componential analyisis, and finding cultural
Applied master's thesis is a scientific paper that needs
to be written by an applied master student as one of
the graduation requirements. The paper is a research
report from applied research that is expected to
immediately provide a solution to the problem (PNJ,
According to Santosa, genre is a social process
that is oriented towards a goal that can be achieved
gradually. In genre theory it is stated that at each stage
of communication there are needs and objectives that
can be solved using certain types of text (micro
genres).(R. Santosa, 2017) Certain types of text have
linguistic structures and characteristics that need to be
guided so that their needs and goals can be written
correctly and quickly.(T. W. dan R. Santosa, 2011)
These (micro) genres are descriptions, reports,
procedures, telling, exposition, discussion and
exposition; more specifically the type is called the
micro genre and each type of text has a tendency to
utilize certain types of linguistic units/certain
linguistic characteristics: verbs (process),
conjunctions, adjectives. These verbs include the
material verb/process of happening whose presence
in the sentence generally raises the role of the actor
and the role of the target; mental verb / process of
mental whose presence in sentences generally raises
the role of taste and the role of phenomena; the
relational verb / process of relational is a verb whose
presence in the sentence produces a definition
sentence (T. W. dan R. Santosa, 2011).
Wiratno and Santosa said that thesis is a macro
genre in which there are chapters, sub-sections, sub-
sections, and other sections of the thesis. These parts
are social processes so that the author can take
advantage of the type of text / genre (in this case the
micro genre), 1 type of text or more than 1 type of
text, to achieve its purpose. To achieve this goal is
carried out in stages/staged. The micro genres include
(i) descriptions, (ii) reports, (iii) procedures, (iv)
storytelling, (v) explanations, (vi) expositions, and
(vii) discussions(T. W. dan R. Santosa, 2011).
Description is a type of text that describes what
something is as it is (something as it is). The
description text relates to the specificity of something
described, its color, taste, and other physical
properties. Report text is a type of text that deals with
grouping things into classes or subclasses. In contrast
to the description text which shows the specificity of
something described, without comparing it with the
others, the text of the report shows the generality of
placing something reported into its class compared to
the other classes. Procedure text is instructional text.
In everyday life, the procedure text is found in the
manual on how to operate electronic devices, how to
call on public telephone, and how to cook based on
recipes. Storytelling is a text that contains activities
or events that took place in the past. The social
function is to arouse or revive real experiences in the
past to create a kind of entertainment for the reader.
Explanation text is a text that contains an explanation
of the state of something as a result of something else
that has happened before and causes something else
to happen later. The social function of explanation is
to explain the process of occurring something
according to the principle of causation. Exposition
text is a text that contains personal ideas or proposals
about something. Exposition text is also called one-
sided argumentation. Discussion text is a text that
contains an issue or controversy about something.
The issue was responded to from two sides of the
argument so the discussion was often referred to as
two-sided argumentation. In each type of text is built
with the structure of the text and has certain linguistic
Based on the results of the literature study, no
research has been found that has discussed the writing
strategy about the part of the thesis research method.
The research that has been done is research on the
structure of scientific papers by Cargill and O’Connor
(M. Dan Cargill and P O’Connor, n.d.) and the
analysis of moving the thesis introduction section, by
Nguyen and Pramoolsook (Nguyen & Pramoolsook,
2014; Samraj, 2008).
Cargill and O’Connor said that scientific paper
structur, namely: abstract, introduction, methods, and
discussion. Meanwhile, Nguyen dan Pramoolsook
said the CAR concept; on introduction for thesis must
contain information that problem have space to be
investigated.(Ekowardono, 1988)
In principle, the writing model of this genre-based
research method is as follows.
Firstly, formulated about something that needs to be
described in the Research Methods section. The need
is to describe various things about research activities
and steps regarding the implementation of research
Model of Applied Master Thesis Research Method Writing based on Genre
Secondly, the type of text that is thought is suitable
for use in writing writing needs regarding research
methods. By looking at the needs in writing research
methods it is known that the type of text that is
suitable for writing research methods is description
and procedure.
Thirdly, understand the structure of the description
text and procedure text. As is known the description
structure is (i) something described, and (ii) parts of
something described, meanwhile procedure structure
is (i) goal from something, and (ii) step-step to do the
Fourthly, understand the linguistics features of the
description text and procedure text. Furthermore, the
linguistic characteristics are guided in carrying out
the writing part of the writing method of the applied
master's thesis.
Sixthly, Linguistics features of description text are (i)
using an additional conjunction, in Indonesian, such
as dan, and serta, (ii) using sentence transition, in
Indonesian, such as selain itu, ditambah lagi, and di
samping itu. Linguistics features of procedure text
are (i) using a time chronology conjunction, in
Indonesian, such as lalu and kemudian (ii) using
sentence transition, in Indonesian, such as kesatu,
kedua, ketiga, keempat, kelima, setelah itu,
sebelumnya, and selanjutnya.
The following is a paragraph example of the part of
the research method written with the procedure text.
We can see in the text used time cronology
The article material which was presented in this study
was the result of research which was carried out with
a development research approach, namely research
which was used to produce certain products and test
the effectiveness of the product (Sugiyono, 2006).
The product in this research is a genre-based theory
writing model. The research steps as follow. Firstly,
studying the results of previous research related;
secondly compiling prototype models; thirdly,
carrying out FGDs with language experts to get input
on the prototype models that have been compiled;
fourthly, conducting prototype trials; fifthly,
implementing FGD to discuss the results of the
trial prototype model; sixhly, produce a
translation model for the root words and invented
words. In this research article, the results of the
research step (i) to (iii) are presented. The data of this
study, namely information relating to the writing of
genre-based applied master thesis is collected with (i)
literature study, (ii) conducting FGD with language
experts, and (iii) direct observation of students who
are preparing an applied master's thesis. Meanwhile,
after being collected, the data were analyzed with
qualitative analysis: (i) domain analysis, (ii)
taxonomic analysis, (iii) compound analysis, (iv)
analysis of cultural themes, then the analysis results
were used to compile the model.
riting about genre-based scientific writing is
basically a way of writing with an oriented towards
the alignment of the mindset of the author. The author
must understand what he is writing; the text he is
writing needs to be written with what type of text; the
structure of the text he is writing is what the structure
looks like; what is the linguistic characteristic of the
text he is writing: nouns, verbs, conjunctions,
adjectives, number words, and other types of words.
The genre-based writing strategy is oriented to
different text structures with move analysis-based
writing strategies such as those carried out by Nguyen
and Pramoolsook (Nguyen & Pramoolsook, 2014;
Samraj, 2008) which are phased-oriented. However,
when viewed from the similarity, genre-based writing
strategies and move analysis-based strategies actually
have a similarity side, that is both see aspects of the
text content which are then viewed by the parts. those
parts which in the genre are called text structures,
while in move analysis are referred to as phasing in
the text.
The writing model of the research method section
in the genre-based applied master's thesis in the
viewer's perspective is very important and
indispensable. In order to implement this model,
training and assistance is needed so that it can be
understood and applied. Use of the model is
recommended to understand the type of text so that
when writing is more appropriate and directed in
accordance with the genre-based paradima of writing.
The mindset of the genre-based research method
writing model is to understand the writing needs of
the section, namely to describe things related to
research and write down the stages of research
activities. Next, the appropriate type of text is
specified to write the section. It is known that the type
of text that is suitable for use as a writing base is a
description and procedure. Furthermore, writing is
done with reference to the structure of the text and
ASAIS 2019 - Annual Southeast Asian International Seminar
linguistic characteristics that are often used to write
the text: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
conjunctions, and others.
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Samraj, B. (2008). A discourse analysis of master’s theses
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Model of Applied Master Thesis Research Method Writing based on Genre