International Relevancy of Tax Return in Indonesian Tourists Context,
International Duty Free Facility, and Regulation of Indonesian Customs
Duty on Tax Payment and Return Systems
Johanes Ronaldy Polla
, Harjanto Prabowo
, Mohammad Hamsal
, Boto Simatupang
and Surya
BINUS University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Tax refund, Duty Free International, Indonesian Customs, Payment system and Tax return.
Value added Tax or VAT fee charged to a person in accordance with the applicable law in Indonesia. Increased
tourism in Indonesia closely related to tourists visiting Indonesia. The provision of facilities that can support
the tourists while in Indonesia through the development of facilities and infrastructure. The fiscal side of the
support comes in the form of tax refunds to foreign tourists who have spent their money in Indonesia. One
of them is Tax Refund and Duty Free International, offering easy facilities to increase the export of goods
purchased in Indonesia by foreign tourists referring to the increase of state income. Outflow of goods (Export-
Import), which is clearly regulated by the Customs Duty, makes an important foundation for implementing
existing regulations. The more demand for goods purchased by tourists the greater the potential of Indonesia
to continue to be visited by tourists especially through the Facilities that Indonesia provides. The method used
for this research is qualitative method. This study aims to analyse the effect gained through the taxation on
the tourists of Indonesia and abroad and the existence of Duty Free against customs regulation (customs) that
exist in each country.
Tourism is an important sector and contributes posi-
tively to the national economy in every country. The
most obvious contribution of this sector is the coun-
try’s foreign exchange earnings. Additional foreign
exchange from the tourism sector has also contributed
to the strengthening of foreign exchange reserves.
The strong position of foreign exchange reserves in
turn will encourage strengthening (appreciation) of
the rupiah exchange rate against foreign exchange,
especially against US dollars (Nizar et al., 2013).
The development of the tourism industry in Indone-
sia has increased from year to year and in these in-
dustries plays an important role in economic develop-
ment in Indonesia. The development of the tourism
sector also has links with international trade (exports
and imports). This is proven through various stud-
ies that have been conducted in a number of countries
where both sectors have a positive causality relation-
ship. That is, the two sectors can influence each other.
So far that can be done only by observing the devel-
opment of the two sectors based on international trade
statistics (exports and imports) and the number of for-
eign tourist visits (tourists) to Indonesia. ”In order to
attract foreign tourists to visit Indonesia, then they are
given tax incentives, where the incentives are called
VAT Refunds in the form of return on Value Added
Tax (PPN) and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM)
that have been paid for the purchase of Taxable Goods
in Indonesia which was then taken by the individual
out of the Customs Area. VAT Refund is done on
the date of departure abroad shortly before leaving In-
The government can maximize these facilities in
order to improve the quality of services in the country
for tourists, according to the General Chair of the In-
donesian Shopping Center (Hippindo) Tenants Asso-
ciation: ”Currently there are very few foreign tourists
who use these facilities due to the minimum amount
of transactions reaching Rp. 5 million. . This tax re-
fund facility is very good considering that Indonesia
has a target of bringing in 20 million foreign tourists
until next year. ”(Source:
Relatively high tourist demand by foreign tourists, in
addition to facilities or ease of tax returns through
Polla, J., Prabowo, H., Hamsal, M., Simatupang, B. and Ningsih, S.
International Relevancy of Tax Return in Indonesian Tourists Context, International Duty Free Facility, and Regulation of Indonesian Customs Duty on Tax Payment and Return Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0009868702930299
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 293-299
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
VAT Refund conducted by foreign tourists, there are
other facilities offered by Indonesia given the increas-
ing interest of tourists to Indonesia, namely by pro-
viding Duty Free facilities located at various airports
International especially in Jakarta. Duty free makes
it easy for shopping lovers, especially for foreign
tourists who want to shop for goods from the coun-
tries they are traveling with, which most of them
choose to buy luxury goods without having to be bur-
dened by the goods tax.
A tax refund is imposed when tourists shop in a
country and are still charged by taxes, but then when
they are in airport or when they return to their country,
the tax can be exchanged again, according to regula-
tions in that country. The number of criminal cases
and cheating that occur when a tourist carries their
goods makes regulations imposed by the airport in
any country. The desire of tourists to shop more in
a country but is hindered by the existence of several
provisions and restrictions by Customs and Excise in
addition to the facilities that have also been provided
by the state regarding the procurement of Tax refunds
and Duty Free shopping places, how many items can
be taken, what is prohibited and there are still many
discussions about the tax refund system and the exis-
tence of Duty Free facilities for tourists on the pay-
ment system.
2.1 VAT / VAT (Value Added Tax)
In Law Number 42 of 2009 concerning Value Added
Tax, it is regulated a new thing about the existence of
the provision of Value Added Tax (PPN) reimburse-
ment for foreign tourists for the VAT that has been
paid for the purchase of taxable goods that will be
taken outside Indonesia. This provision is regulated
in Article 16E paragraph (1) to paragraph (5). The
sound of Article 16E Paragraph (1) of the Law is as
follows: ”Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury
Goods that have been paid for the purchase of Tax-
able Goods brought outside the Customs Area by pri-
vate persons of foreign passport holders can be asked
to return”. The VAT requirements can be requested
again contained in article 16E paragraph (2) of the
2.2 Tax Refund Terms and Regulations
for Foreign Tourists in Indonesia
In order to attract foreign passport holders to visit In-
donesia, these individuals were given tax incentives.
The incentives are in the form of return on Value
Added Tax (PPN) and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods
(PPnBM) that have been paid for the purchase of Tax-
able Goods in Indonesia which are then taken by the
individual outside the Customs Area. Taxable Goods
purchased within a period of 1 (one) month before
the individual passport holder leaving Indonesia is
deemed to be consumed outside the Customs Area.
For foreign passport holders who do not have a Tax-
payer Identification Number (NPWP), a Tax Invoice
that can be used to request VAT and Sales Tax on
Luxury goods must include an identity in the form of
name, passport number, and full address of the indi-
vidual person in the country who issued the passport.
Tax Refunds for foreign tourists in Indonesia are reg-
ulated in Article 16E of the Law number 42 of 2009,
which states that:
1. Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods
that have been paid for the purchase of taxable
goods which are sent outside the Customs Area
by private persons can be requested to return.
2. Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods
can be requested again as referred to in paragraph
(1) must meet the requirements:
(a) Value Added Tax Value is at least Rp. 500,000
(five hundred thousand rupiahs) and can be ad-
justed to Government Regulations.
(b) Purchases of taxable goods are carried out
within 1 (one) month prior to departure outside
the Customs Area.
(c) All tax invoices fulfill the conditions referred to
in article 13 (5), except in the Taxpayer Number
column and the buyer’s address filled with the
passport number and complete address in the
country that issued the passport for sale to the
person who has a NPWP.
3. The return of Value Added Tax (PPN) and Sales
Tax on Luxury Goods (PPnBM) as referred to
in paragraph (1) shall be carried out when the
foreign passport holder person leaves Indonesia
and is submitted to the Director General of Taxes
through the Office of the Director General of
Taxes in the city air determined by the Minister
of Finance.
4. Documents that must be shown when re-
requesting Value Added Tax and Sales Tax on
Luxury goods
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
5. Provisions concerning the procedure for submit-
ting and completing a return request for VAT
and Sales Tax on Luxury Goods as referred to
in paragraph (1) shall be regulated by or based
on the Minister of Finance Regulation, Since 1
April 2010, for Private Foreign Passport Hold-
ers (hereinafter termed Tourist Foreign or Foreign
Tourists who shop for goods subject to VAT (Tax-
able Goods) in the Customs Area, if the goods are
brought back to their home countries (out of the
Customs Area), then the VAT paid at the time of
purchase of the goods can be requested (termed as
Value Added Tax Refund).
2.3 Payment & Tax Return System by
Based on the journal that the author got from the au-
thor, Aditya Putra Pramana (2016), said the statement
that in Law Number 42 of 2009 concerning Value
Added Tax, it is regulated a new thing about the provi-
sion of restitution of Value Added Tax (PPN) for for-
eign tourists for the VAT already paid for the purchase
of taxable goods that will be taken outside Indonesia.
This provision is regulated in Article 16E paragraph
(1) to paragraph (5). This provision is a reflection of
the principle of destination, that VAT is imposed at
the destination of goods or services to be consumed.
Therefore the Directorate General of Taxes as the ex-
ecutor of policy in the field of taxation made the Di-
rectorate General of Tax Regulation Number PER-20
/ PJ / 2010 which on April 1, 2010 began to estab-
lish regulations on Value Added Tax (VAT Refund)
services in Indonesia.
A. Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis in this study uses groove model
analysis techniques. The steps in the data analy-
sis model flow according to Miles and Huberman
(2012: 15-19), are as follows:
(1) Data Collection
Data collection is to collect data at the re-
search location by conducting observations, in-
terviews, and documentation by determining
the data collection strategy that is deemed ap-
propriate and to determine the focus and depth
of data in the next data collection process. The
author uses the In-depth interview method in
the interview to get more in-depth data from the
(2) Data Reduction / Data Reduction
According to Sugiyono (2016: 338) The data
obtained from the field is quite a lot, for that
it needs to be carefully and in detail. Thus the
data obtained is then reduced will give a clear
picture, and will make it easier for researchers
to conduct further data collection, and look for
it if needed. Data taken and taken through the
results of interviews by informants.
(3) Presentation of Data / Data Display
After the data has been reduced, the next step
is to present the data namely the assembly of
information organizations that allow research
to be carried out. In presenting data, vari-
ous types, networks, activities or tables are ob-
(4) Draw Conclusions / Conclusion drawing
Withdrawal of conclusions, namely in collect-
ing data, researchers must understand and be
responsive to something that is directly exam-
ined in the field by arranging patterns of direc-
tion and causation. According to Miles and Hu-
berman in Sugiyono (2016: 337) suggests that
in data analysts in qualitative research is carried
out at the time of data collection takes place,
and after completion of data collection in a cer-
tain period.
B. Flow Models and Components in Data Analysis
Figure 1: Flow of Data Analysis.
C. Testing of Data Validity
The validity of the data in the study is often only
emphasized on the validity and reliability test. In
qualitative research, findings or data can be de-
clared valid if there is no difference between what
the researcher reported and what actually hap-
pened only to the object under study. According
to Sugiyono (2012: 270), the validity of the data
in qualitative research includes credibility tests
(internal validity), transferability (external valid-
ity), dependability (reliability), and confirmation
International Relevancy of Tax Return in Indonesian Tourists Context, International Duty Free Facility, and Regulation of Indonesian
Customs Duty on Tax Payment and Return Systems
A. Object of Research
Figure 2: Data on foreign tourists to Indonesia from 2011-
B. Triangulated Data
Source : Author 2018
Information :
5 Responden : BL : Respondents who like travel-
BN : Respondents who like traveling
MK: Respondents who like traveling
CD : Tour Guide
BC : Head of Customs and Excise Information
Service Subsection
The four respondents showed the same answer
about having done a Tax Refund in the country they
had visited. They do this because they remember that
Figure 3: Triangulated Data
the shopping transactions that they spend are quite
large and the taxes returned will be large too, which
makes the four respondents interested in doing it ev-
ery time they shop abroad. Comparing with the im-
plementation and realization of Tax Refunds in In-
donesia, according to them in Indonesia it is still lack-
ing, because they believe that in every country it must
have the Tax Refund facility but how it is practiced
in the field. They still don’t know where the Tax Re-
funds are located at Indonesian airports compared to
the countries they have visited. 4 of the 1 respondents
who answered also they did a Tax Refund when their
local people told them about this facility, awareness
of the community to be able to provide adequate fa-
cilities for their tourists
Other facilities that can be enjoyed are by the exis-
tence of Duty Free International in each country, 5 re-
spondents agree that the price offered at the shopping
place is cheaper than when buying outside Duty Free
because the goods are not taxed anymore and almost
some items are offered in Duty Free are luxury items
or alcoholic beverages. Another reason 4 respondents
agreed to say that the items purchased from Duty Free
did so to easily pass customs airports
Regarding talking about facilities at the airport,
each respondent agreed that they had passed Customs
and Excise at the Airport when they left or entered a
country. The obstacles of the four respondents when
the goods they brought must be held by the Customs
and Excise without clear reasons, they argued that the
socialization of the Customs regulation was to con-
tinue to be carried out so that the people understood
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
it was not only approved by some people. In contrast
to the Customs Information Services Subsection Head
explained that the Socialization had been carried out
well by the government and Customs, but sometimes
the people themselves still did not want to find out
what and how these regulations could be formed and
implemented. It goes proactively to both parties so
that the regulation exists to mutually be mutually un-
derstood and obeyed.
The four respondents agreed that handling the tax
payment system was faster and wasted no time. The
four respondents did a Tax Refund and according to
their experience they carried out a tax refund system
very quickly, they hoped that the system could also
be applied in Indonesia to support the convenience of
tourists visiting and providing clear information re-
garding the flow of transactions clear where and how
the process should be done.
A. Changes to the regulations regarding passenger
luggage listed in PMK 188 regarding passenger
luggage are limited to only USD250 to USD500
as stated in PMK 203 regulations. It is hoped that
new regulations will be more useful in the future
to be understood and obeyed by the public that the
government sees great potential in the future, the
tourism sector in Indonesia will increase exports
in the country compared to imports of goods they
carry from abroad.
B. The existence of a tax refund increases interest in
shopping for tourists when going to a country. Be-
cause not infrequently the tax imposed is not com-
parable to the goods obtained. According to
C. Respondents who frequently travel abroad, they
really enjoy these facilities, with the return of the
tax refund, the returned tax can be used again to
shop for others.
D. Duty Free Shop as a shopping place that is mostly
located in the international airport, making it a
shopping center for foreign tourists when they
don’t have time to tour the country or just tran-
sit, Duty Free can build a country’s image towards
tourists who shop there.
E. Customs and Excise have carried out in accor-
dance with existing regulations with regulations
that have been made by the state to protect their
people, but there are still some individuals who
are still less assertive in dealing with the problem
of importing these goods.
In view of the 4 functions of Customs and Excise,
Trade Facilitator: Facilitating trade country
Indutrial Assitency: Give related assistance with
the problem of goods industry
Revenue Collector: Tax Collector
Comumunity Protector: Community Protection
The procurement of Tax Refunds and Duty Free
facilities in Indonesia without us realizing that it has
a great advantage for the development of the coun-
try of Indonesia through increased demand for goods
and the interest of tourists to visit Indonesia, this can
be used as a means of income for Indonesia in the
tourism sector Suggestion :
A. The VAT Refund counter is currently considered
far from comfortable in Indonesia because it is
too small, narrow, and difficult to find its location,
making airport visitors reluctant to visit, they do
not know where the VAT Refund counter is, so
the airport / the government can improve facili-
ties that are considered to be lacking because this
affects the level of service that is not optimal so
that tourists are reluctant to do VAT Refunds, so
Indonesia has the potential to lose the opportunity
to provide good facilities and tourist buying inter-
est may decrease due to tax returns they did not.
B. High-quality goods such as luxury goods that
have a well-known brand with cheaper offers can
be obtained at Duty Free (for example, bags,
watches, clothes, shoes), because at Duty Free
tourists can shop luxury goods without being
taxed , hence the importance of developing this
facility so that it is increasingly spread out in var-
ious international airports which become tourist
transit centers to Indonesia.
C. In this new year, airlines are also competing
to offer low-priced packages for tours abroad.
And travel abroad has become one of the needs
for some people to spend their vacation time.
Dissemination of information and dissemination
through tourism parties such as tour parties, air-
port tags, or collaborating with small SMEs to of-
fer goods at affordable prices to the most expen-
D. Regulations that are not complicated in their han-
dling and clarity of regulations so that the people
themselves can obey them and tourists who come
can be more aware of the existing regulatory tags
to avoid violations.
International Relevancy of Tax Return in Indonesian Tourists Context, International Duty Free Facility, and Regulation of Indonesian
Customs Duty on Tax Payment and Return Systems
A. Research Implications
Theoretical implications The contribution of this
research is based on empirical studies, which
come from the formulation of the problems that
have been prepared. Through the formulation
of the problems that researchers have collated,
there are phenomena regarding the development
of tourism in Indonesia.
In the study, the researchers found several variable
relationships including Tax Refunds, Duty Free
International, Customs and Excise Regulations on
the Tax return and payment system, with the fol-
lowing explanation:
A. Tax Refund
According to the journal presented by (Pra-
mana et al., 2016), ”The application of VAT
Refund is closely related to Indonesian tourism,
because according to Law Number 42 of 2009
article 16E paragraph 1 and Regulation of the
Directorate General of Taxes Number PER-28
/ PJ / 2013 Article 1 paragraph 1 states that the
target recipient of this VAT Refund service is
an individual who is a foreign passport holder
and the majority of foreign passport holders
are foreign tourists who come to Indonesia to
travel. ”In the study found 3 out of 4 respon-
dents who used to travel frequently Overseas,
we don’t know about the Tax refund in Indone-
sia, where we are, while we as hosts don’t know
about this facility, especially foreign tourists or
tourists when visiting Indonesia. According to
Aditya, he explained that ”Many Indonesians
are still foreign to the VAT Refund program,
but in other countries this program has been im-
plemented for a long time, Indonesia has only
implemented this program for 5 years since it
was first implemented on April 1, 2010, the first
place implementing this is Soekarno Hatta In-
ternational Airport and I International Airport
B. Duty Free International
According to Anwar Zaib in the journal he cited
(2013)(Anwar and Utama, 2014), ”The inter-
relationship between shopping and tourism has
resulted in the rising number of travelers and
the increasing amount of shops and sales. ”It
is said that tourism is closely related to shop-
ping for demand for goods to meet the needs
of visiting tourists. In this study it was found
that Duty Free in Indonesia was still lacking
in knowing and the items offered were limited,
only a few items were traded. When compared
to the South Korean countries they strongly en-
courage Duty Free as a tourist place, and al-
most all tourists visit to come to their Duty Free
by offering cheap prices with good brands from
their country (cosmetics).
C. Customs and Excise Regulations
According to the respondents, the researchers
interviewed related to legal treatment in the
event of a violation in carrying excess goods in
a country, contained in an article compiled by
the following countries, ”PMK-182, continued
in PMK-188, and the latest PMK, PMK-203,
concerning provisions on the export and import
of goods carried by passengers and transporta-
tion equipment. Before I explain it, the con-
cept; the concept starts from the Basic Law - the
constitution -, Law (UU) no. 17, 2006. That is,
changes to the law no. 10 of 1995; especially in
article 2 paragraph 1, which states that: goods
entered into the customs area are treated as im-
ported goods and are subject to import duties.
So all goods entered into from abroad are stated
to be payable by import duty. Including items
carried by passengers. Which in 2018 revised
new regulations in PMK-201 which stated that
passenger luggage became USB500 which was
previously from USD250 per individual. How-
ever, in this study, it was found that respondents
who interviewed researchers brought the excess
content of individuals to their respective rea-
D. Payment and Tax Return System
According to Probir (Roy et al., 2015) in his
journal said, ”Among direct taxes, income tax
is the main sources of revenue. ”The more a
taxpayer earns the tax that is one of the biggest
income in getting it through various sectors
in a country, because it becomes However, in
this study it was found that there were difficul-
ties when someone wanted to pay taxes, reg-
ulations that were too complicated and some-
times unclear made someone confused where
and when this was implemented, and not only
about money. per year makes someone more
creative think again to simplify the system to
make it easier and effective, as stated again in
the findings in the journal Probir Roy (2015)
mentioning, ”Smart and efficient tax and VAT
systems are now obvious need for healthy fi-
nancial situation” system online for tax and
VAT payments.
Practical implications
Some of these studies are summarized in the re-
sults of the research in the form of the points be-
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
A. Tax Refund
The provision of Tax refunds that are more
spread throughout the airport, especially in the
International Airport because this is a facility
that can be given to tourists visiting Indone-
sia that the ease in offering existing facilities is
easy to do without a complicated system. Make
Tax refund as a facility that can support tourism
in Indonesia with more attractive offers and try
to make people aware to be able to help develop
these facilities in various places in Indonesia.
B. Duty Free International
Duty Free International, which is usually al-
ways on the airport, can be developed outside
the airport, adding more value to every item
sold, Duty Free is one of the tourist destinations
when it cannot get out of the airport because it
only transits between countries, building a good
image for tourists for our country that’s very
important. Cooperate with SMEs to develop
what they want to offer to foreign tourists to
increase exports of goods from Indonesia when
they bring them back to their countries.
C. Customs and Excise Regulations
The existence of applicable regulations some-
times does not make people aware of the impor-
tance of this. Customs and Excise has worked
as much as possible in order to implement the
regulations that can be implemented properly
in accordance with practice in the field. Social-
ization to the public was more informed in each
airport that the Customs and Excise had a rea-
son why every item carried by passengers had
certain limitations. Not infrequently this still
makes people confused
D. Payment and Tax Return System
Payment systems that are faster and more ef-
ficient in terms of time, a convoluted process
that is expected by the community. Human Re-
source Development also must be more respon-
sive in handling in their field, because this is
related to foreign tourists, and all submissions
must be correct to avoid the existence of miss-
comunication, not to mention discussing taxes,
then closely related to money (foreign currency
This research is limited to the service quality in partic-
ular public hospital with 202 respondents. Suggestion
for future research is to analyze and compare service
quality in more than one hospital, especially in pri-
vate hospitals. Find more respondents with various
backgrounds. Most respondents in this study chose
the hospital because this hospital because it is free of
charge and they get recomendation letter from their
nearest health care.
Anwar, S. and Utama, W. (2014). Konsep teoretik
toko bebas bea (duty free shop) dan pengawasannya.
Widyaiswara Utama Pusdiklat Bea dan Cukai.
Nizar, M. A. et al. (2013). Pengaruh pariwisata ter-
hadap perdagangan internasional di indonesia [effect
of tourism on international trade in indonesia]. Tech-
nical report, University Library of Munich, Germany.
Pramana, A. P., Al Musadieq, M., and Agusti, R. R. (2016).
Analisis pelaksanaan pengembalian ppn untuk turis
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Roy, P., Jobaer, S., and Sultana, N. (2015). Automation of
electronics tax & vat collection. system, 40(40).
International Relevancy of Tax Return in Indonesian Tourists Context, International Duty Free Facility, and Regulation of Indonesian
Customs Duty on Tax Payment and Return Systems