The Determinants of Foreign Tourism Demand to Indonesia: Gravity
Model Approach
Dyah Titis Kusuma Wardani
and Nufimbar Susy Anindita Handayani
Department of Development Economics, Faculty Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Jalan
Brawijaya, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55183
Tourism Sector, Foreign Tourists, Demand for Tourism, Gravity Model, Panel Data
This study aims to analyse determinants of foreign tourists demand to visit Indonesia. As one of potential
sources of foreign exchange, tourism sector in Indonesia become necessary to foster the Indonesian’s economic
growth. Declining in number of local tourist is not as matter as foreign tourist since it has a potential source
of foreign exchange. Gravity model of travel cost for foreign tourism is estimated using panel data consisting
of eight countries during 2009-2016. Data are obtained from Statistics Indonesia (BPS) and the World Bank
data. The results show that, GDP per capita of both domestic and foreigners also population are significant
factors that increase foreign tourists demand. One of a significant factor that lower the number of foreign
tourist visiting Indonesia is the distance from the origin country foreigner travelled from. In addition, the
appreciation of Indonesia (domestic) exchange rate against $US also decrease foreign tourism demand. This
research suggests that, Indonesian policy should provide a guarantee of airline access for tourists in order to
attract more visitors. Thus, the increasing in such foreigners to visit Indonesia will lead to expanding in job
creation and the increasing share of GDP which finally strengthen the Indonesian economy.
Tourism is a sector that has experienced rapid growth
in recent decades. With the increasing growth in the
tourism sector, it can encourage a country’s economic
development. Tourism is a potential sector for na-
tional development because it can generate foreign
exchange (Deluna Jr and Jeon, 2014) (Chasapopou-
los et al., 2014). Multiple effects from the tourism
sector certainly affect the economy. Both foreign and
domestic tourists will certainly influence tourist con-
sumption. The value of tourist expenditure will affect
income, foreign exchange earnings for tourist areas,
and employment opportunities. Tourism is an impor-
tant sector in attracting resources and generating in-
come. Interest and efforts to develop the tourism sec-
tor will help the process of economic development
for a country. Tourism sector does not only bring
contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), but
also directly and indirectly has impacted the whole
economy, partially through it contributions to expand
employment opportunities, enhance source of tax rev-
enue, and open a way to increase welfare of the peo-
ple. Therefore, most countries are trying to remove
barriers that limit the flow of tourists and continue to
increase the benefits of tourism revenues.
Figure 1: The Total Number of Foreign Tourist Visits to
Indonesia, 2009-2016 Source: Statistics Indonesia (Badan
Pusat Statistik Indonesia)
It can be seen from the figure 1, the development
of foreign tourists every year always shows a positive
level of growth. In 2009 the total number of foreign
tourists are visiting Indonesia was 6,323,730 people
which then continued to increase until 2016 the num-
ber of foreign tourists was 11,519,275. There are
eight countries with the largest number of tourist vis-
its to Indonesia, such as Singapore by 24%, followed
by Malaysia at 22%, Australia 17%, China 15%,
Wardani, D. and Handayani, N.
The Determinants of Foreign Tourism Demand to Indonesia: Gravity Model Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009867602240229
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 224-229
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Japan 8%, Korea 6%, Britain and the United States
4% each. Considering the geographical distance be-
tween Indonesia to some countries such as Singapore
and Malaysia, those countries has become the two
largest number of tourist visiting Indonesia because
Indonesia away closer compared to other countries.
Figure 2: Total Number of Visits of Foreigner from Top
Eight Countries, 2009-2016 Source: Statistics Indonesia
(Badan Pusat Statistik Indonesia)
Some previous studies supporting the hypothesis of
the research was conducted by (Pratomo, 2012), he
conducted the research from 1989 to 1997 using
Error Correction Model (ECM). They reveal that,
Malaysian per capita GDP has a positive and sig-
nificant also elastic effect. This means that, in the
long run an increase in Malaysian per capita in-
come impact on the rise in the average number of
tourists.(Selimi et al., 2017) conducted a study and
their analysis was carried out from 1998 to 2014 with
6 countries using econometric panel regression. In
their research, they found that, per capita gross do-
mestic product (GDP) has positive and significant ef-
fect on tourism and economic growth. Another study
was also conducted by (Fang Bao and Mckercher,
2008), their study shows that, distance has a negative
and significant effect. Therefore, distance plays an
important role in tourism. The further distance, dif-
ference available in terms of travel duration, activities
taken, friends, expenses, and how many times they
can repeatedly visit a certain place for vacation.
Another study conducted by (Chasapopoulos
et al., 2014) with panel data analysis using Gravity
model from 2001 to 2010. They reveal that, distance
has negative relationship with foreign tourist demand,
whereas trade ties between Greece and countries des-
tination is an important factor that can affect foreign
tourists’ demand for tourism services. Furthermore,
(OTHMAN et al., 2018) was conducted from 2012
using cross-sectional data with regression of ordinary
least squares (OLS) and quantile regression (QR).
The results of his research show that, population and
GDP have a significant positive effect while distance
has a significant negative effect on tourist arrivals to
Malaysia from Muslim countries. (Blake and Cortes-
enez, 2007), their analysis was carried out in the
first quarter of 1994 to the third quarter of 2006 us-
ing a structural time-series model. Their study shows
that, the exchange rate variable of the country of ori-
gin and the exchange rate of the destination country
have a negative and significant effect on the interest
of tourists traveling to UK, while the dummy foot
and mouth disparity variable has positive relationship
with the interest of tourist to travel to UK. (Mariyono,
2017) was conducted his research from 2002 until
2011 using panel data regression. In his study, GDPi
and GDPj have positive relationship with demand for
foreign tourism to Indonesia, whereas distance has a
negative and significant effect. Moreover, population
variables have a positive and significant effect on the
demand for foreign tourism to Indonesia.
Furthermore, the research was conducted by
ao, 2015) using a unit root test panel and dy-
namic data panel (GMM-system estimator). The re-
sulted of his research shows that the ICP variables
such as the number of workers in tourism sector, infla-
tion and consumer prices and final government con-
sumption expenditure have negative and significant
effect while GDP of foreign country has a significant
positive effect. The research conducted by (Deluna Jr
and Jeon, 2014), they investigate determinants of in-
ternational tourism demand for the Philippines using
gravity models. This study reveals that, the variable
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has a positive rela-
tionship with the flow of foreign tourist visits.
This study mainly focused on eight largest countries
where foreigners mostly is coming from, those are
Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, the United States,
United Kingdom, Republic of China, Japan, and the
Republic of Korea. The selection of the research pe-
riod for eight years is from 2009 to 2016. This study
is used secondary data. The data was obtained from
various credible sources such as Statistics Indonesia
(BPS), the World Bank, and the Ministry of Tourism
for data on the total number of foreign tourist vis-
its to Indonesia, Indonesia’s GDP per capita, foreign
countries GDP per capita, exchange rates of domes-
tic country (Indonesia), distance between two coun-
tries and population of foreign tourists. The research
framework based on macroeconomics theory and pre-
vious study is as follows:
The gravity model has been familiarly used in ex-
plaining the volume of trade, capital flows and re-
The Determinants of Foreign Tourism Demand to Indonesia: Gravity Model Approach
Figure 3: Framework of Analysis of Gravity Model
gional science economic geography also migration of
people between countries in the world (Kosnan et al.,
2013). This research applied Gravity model approach,
as research conducted by Sheldon and Var (1985) ex-
plains that initially the gravity model predicts that the
flow of tourism from region i to region j is the same as
from country j to country i. (Kimura and Lee, 2006)
in their study shows that, gravity equations is better
to predict service trade than service trade. Distance
between the two countries is also important in mea-
suring interactions between two countries. In look-
ing at economic interactions between Newton’s grav-
itational law regions, they can be used with equation
(Anderson, 2016):
i j
i j
Where Xij is the economic interaction of region i
with region j, G is gravitational constant, Yi is eco-
nomic activity in region of origin, Ej is a measure of
economy in the destination region, and Dij is a dis-
tance between countries i and j. The equation ex-
plains that in each region the greater economic ac-
tivity will have a positive effect on economic interac-
tion between two countries, whereas the distance has
a negative effect. In addition, studies that used the
bilateral tourism flows gravity model include(Garin-
Munoz and Amaral, 2000)(Eilat and Einav*, 2004)
(Gil-Pareja et al., 2007) (Hanafiah et al., 2010) (Mo-
hebi et al., 2010) (Kosnan et al., 2013) (Ghani, 2016)
(OTHMAN et al., 2018) Model is applying the grav-
ity model of international trade which is introduced
by (Tinbergen, 1962). In estimating tourism de-
mand, some adjustments are made by the Rodrigue
(2004). Therefore, it become more convenient with
the tourism model. The model that has been proposed
by Rodrigue (2004) as follows:
T Dx
i j
i j
TDij: represents tourist arrivals from country, i to des-
tination country, j. K is a constant, mi is a factor that
generate the flow of international tourism, mj is a fac-
tor that attracts the flow of international tourism. Dij
is the distance between origin country, i and destina-
tion country, j.
The aim of this research is to analyze the effect of the
Indonesian GDP per capita, foreigner countries GDP
per capita, the distance between Indonesia and the
foreign countries, Indonesia exchange rate, and for-
eign countries population in 2009-2016 toward total
number foreign tourist visits. This study uses panel
data analysis with a random effect model. The results
shown in this chapter are the best estimation results
to meet the criteria of theory, econometrics and eco-
The aim of this research is to analyze the effect
of the Indonesian GDP per capita, foreigner countries
GDP per capita, the distance between Indonesia and
the foreign countries, Indonesia exchange rate, and
foreign countries population in 2009-2016 toward to-
tal number foreign tourist visits. This study uses panel
data analysis with a random effect model. The results
shown in this chapter are the best estimation results
to meet the criteria of theory, econometrics and eco-
nomics. The table of regression result is indicated in
Figure 4 as follow:
Figure 4: Regression Results.
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
From the estimation results of the Figure 4, ran-
dom effect estimation model can be made through the
following equation:
ln(tot f oreignvisits) = 1, 126+1, 217ln(GDPcap
+ 0, 939ln(GDPcap
)–1, 622ln(Distance
i j
) + 0, 469ln(Population
) (3)
α = -1,126, this means that, when all independent
variables (Indonesian GDP, foreign tourists’ GDP,
distance, exchange rate, population) are considered to
be zero, then the demand for foreign tourists to In-
donesia is -1.126. b1 = 1,217, this means that, with a
1% significance level, for each 1% increase in Indone-
sia’s GDP per capita will increase the total number
of foreign tourist visits by 1,217% (ceteris paribus).
Furthermore, b2 = 0.939, this means that, with a 1%
significance level, for each 1% increase in GDP per
capita of foreign tourists’ countries will increase the
total number of foreign tourist visits by 0.939% (ce-
teris paribus). Moreover, b3 = -1,622, is identifying
that, with 1% significance level, for every 1% increase
in distance reduces will decrease the total number
of foreign tourist visits by -1,622% (ceteris paribus).
Then, b4 = –0.141, this means that, with 10% sig-
nificance level, for each 1% increase in domestic ex-
change rates, will decrease the total number of foreign
tourist visits by- 0.141% (ceteris paribus). b5 = 0.469
means that with 5% significance level, for each % in-
crease in population of foreign tourists’ countries will
increase the total number of foreign tourist visits by
0.469% (ceteris paribus).
Based on the results, an analysis of the discus-
sion on each of the effects of the independent vari-
ables can be made on the demand for foreign tourism
to Indonesia which can be interpreted as follows, the
regression results in this study show that the proba-
bility of Indonesian GDP per capita is 0,000 which
means that the variable GDP of Indonesia does affect
the total number of foreign tourists with a significance
level of 5%. This is in line with the research hypoth-
esis. The coefficient of Indonesia’s GDP per capita
is 1,217, means that an increase of 1% in Indone-
sia’s GDP per capita will increase the total number
of foreign tourists by 1,217%. The positive relation-
ship between Indonesia’s GDP per capita and the total
number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia is con-
sistent with the study by (Deluna Jr and Jeon, 2014).
Their study reveal that, per capita income in Indone-
sia has a strong influence on tourists’ tourist decisions
because per capita income in Indonesia reflects the
economic condition of the country. The regression re-
sults show that, the probability of GDP per capita for-
eign tourists’ countries is 0,000 which means that the
variable GDP per capita of foreigner countries the to-
tal number of foreign tourist visits with a significance
level of 5%. This result is as stated by the research
hypothesis. The coefficient value of GDP per capita
foreign countries is 0.939, it means that, an increase
of 1% of GDP per capita foreigners, will increase the
total number of foreign tourists by 0.939%. The pos-
itive relationship of foreign countries GDP per capita
with the total number of foreign tourist visits is in line
with the theory of (Garin-Munoz and Amaral, 2000).
According to (Garin-Munoz and Amaral, 2000), the
amount of GDP per capita in the destination country
can illustrate the magnitude of economic activity in
the country. The good condition of a country’s in-
come allows its citizens to travel more frequently to
other regions.
The regression results indicate that, distance co-
efficient is -1.622, this means for each 1% increase
of the GDP per capita of foreigner countries will re-
duce the total number of foreign tourists by 1.622%.
The negative relationship between distance and the
total number of foreign tourist visits in Indonesia is
along the lines of the theory. Distance is important
in affecting the number of foreign tourists. The fur-
ther the distance, the more costs will be incurred by
tourists to visit a country destination. According to
(Fang Bao and Mckercher, 2008) Distance plays an
important role in tourist visits. Indonesian exchange
rate influences tourist demand. This is in line with
the research hypothesis. The coefficient value of In-
donesian exchange is -0.141, this means that, for an
increase of 1% point of domestic exchange rate (IDR
against US $, appreciates), this reduces the total num-
ber of foreign tourists by 0.141%. The negative rela-
tionship of the Indonesia exchange rate with the total
number of foreign tourist visits is in agreement with
the theory of (Blake and Cortes-Jim
enez, 2007). Ex-
change rates of foreigners greatly influence the total
number of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia. This
is because when the currency of Indonesia depreci-
ates against the US$, then the total number of foreign
tourist visits to Indonesia increases and vice versa.
The population coefficient value of 0.469, this in-
dicates that, for 1% increase in GDP of the country
of origin of foreign tourists will increase the number
of tourist demand by 0.469%. The positive relation-
ship of the population with the demand of tourists
to Indonesia is in line with the theory. This is be-
cause the population in the world grows from time to
time, and the arrival of tourists to a country will also
increase along with population growth in the world.
This result in accordance with the study of (Santer-
amo and Morelli, 2015) which states that the greater
The Determinants of Foreign Tourism Demand to Indonesia: Gravity Model Approach
the population of a foreigner’s country, the higher the
demand for tourism. Population also corresponding
to the tourism market in the destination countries.
Determinants of the number of foreign tourists to In-
donesia from 2009 to 2016, can be concluded as fol-
lows, both Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP
per capita) of Indonesia and foreign countries have
positive and significant effect on the total number
of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia. This explains
that the greater the GDP per capita of Indonesia, the
greater the total number of foreign tourist visits to In-
donesia. At the same time, the greater the GDP per
capita of foreign countries, the greater the total num-
ber of foreign tourist visits to Indonesia. This situa-
tion also indicates the larger market of tourism sec-
tor in foreign countries, with the increasing GDP per
capita of foreign countries reflects purchasing power
and demand power. Moreover, the better living stan-
dard, the higher ability of foreign tourist to travel for
vacation purposes. Therefore, this is also means a
large potential for foreigners to travel to Indonesia,
since Indonesia is well-known as one of interesting
tourism destination. Distance between Indonesia and
foreign countries is significant and it affects the de-
mand for foreign tourism with a negative relation.
This means that, the further the distance a country,
the fewer the total number of foreign tourist visits
to Indonesia, this is because transportation cost will
also become more expensive with the further distance.
Domestic exchange rates of Indonesia has a negative
and significant effect on the total number of foreign
tourists to Indonesia, this explains that, when the ex-
change rate of the Indonesia currency weakens, the
tourism cost will reduce, then the total number of for-
eign tourists to Indonesia increases, and vice versa.
Population of foreign countries has a positive and sig-
nificant effect on the total number of foreign tourist
visits. This reveals that, the more population of for-
eign countries, the greater chance the number of for-
eign tourists to visit Indonesia.
Based on the conclusions, we can provide some
policy recommendation for the Indonesian govern-
ment as, the first, this research is expected to be a
material improvement and consideration for the gov-
ernment in improving and maintaining the stability of
Indonesia’s income to maintain the number of foreign
tourists to visit Indonesia. The second, the govern-
ment is expected to increase cooperation in the expan-
sion of international airline routes to reduce distance
constraints in order to increase the number of tourists
from various countries.
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The Determinants of Foreign Tourism Demand to Indonesia: Gravity Model Approach