Blockchain Concept in Educational Movement: A Study Case from
Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM)
Euodia Yudo Prabowo, Muhammad Nur Rizal and Lukito Edi Nugroho
Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
industrial revolution, gerakan sosial, sekolah menyenangkan, blockchain, cryptocurrency, bitcoin
In the era of 4.0th industrial revolution, there were many aspects of life that were changed by this revolution,
including education. In this study, social movements that lead to education are the core of this research. The
purpose of this study is to discuss the social movements that can use the concept or contract that is used in the
field of information technology to become a platform to support the work of social movements. The researcher
looked at some references related to the use of information technology in the field of social movements. In this
study using the blockchain as a concept that is a reference for social movements namely Gerakan Fun School
which supports world education there are currently many uses of the blockchain concept in various fields,
apart from finance, there are also health and energy fields that have used the blockchain concept as well as
growth community that uses the blockchain concept that is very fast and easy to spread, like bitcoin. The Fun
School Movement (GSM) is a reference to be a case study in this study because the growth of the movement
is quite fast and this movement makes it easy for the government to make schools fun for students who go to
school. This social movement has several agreements with the blockchain from aspects of their approval or
freedom to make social changes. This movement does not depend on the government to make social changes,
this social movement relies on the trust and support of this social movement to adopt broadly.
The lack of reference from the use of the concept of
information technology to be applied to social change
encourages researchers to conduct research that ad-
dresses this issue. The purpose of this study is to
prove that concepts in the field of information tech-
nology can be used as a framework for social move-
ments that focus on the education sector to make so-
cial change. In this study the researchers also dis-
cussed cross-disciplinary learning, in which in this
study it can be seen that there are two disciplinary
fields that are used as the main ingredients, namely
social and information technology.
Cross-disciplinary learning refers to learning ac-
tivities related to subjects outside the scope of disci-
pline without integration from other disciplines (Di-
nov, 2008). Interdisciplinary or interdisciplinary col-
laboration aims to produce broad insights, major im-
pacts, and the best results from work. Like the two
founders of the social movement, both of them have
their respective expertise in different fields, namely
the fields of psychology and information technol-
ogy. These two founders want to practice cross-
disciplinary learning in this social movement, where
researchers see this in the work system of this social
From several studies that discuss cross-
disciplinary learning above, researchers want
the results of this study to be a reference for higher
education systems in the 4.0th industrial revolution
that require more capabilities than technical abilities,
such as the ability to complete, leadership, and other
non-technical abilities. The essence of this 4.0th
industrial revolution is the creation of knowledge and
new values based on connections to various types of
information (Yoon, 2017). This type of information
that makes cross-disciplinary learning can be one way
to deal with this industrial revolution. It is not only
learning concepts that must be changed to be able to
face this industrial revolution, but also need teachers
who are able to create learning ecosystems that
make students happy and can explore the potential of
critical strength and creativity to be ready to face this
industrial revolution. This is the vision and mission
of this social movement. To change teachers so they
can prepare their students to be ready to face this
Prabowo, E., Rizal, M. and Nugroho, L.
Blockchain Concept in Educational Movement: A Study Case from Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM).
DOI: 10.5220/0009866601720179
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism and Information Management (ICCETIM 2019) - Creativity and Innovation Developments for Global
Competitiveness and Sustainability, pages 172-179
ISBN: 978-989-758-451-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In one of the reports written by Bernarr Marr pub-
lished in Forbes magazine. There are 8 ways to deal
with this industrial revolution. One of these meth-
ods is very focused on developing human potential,
which becomes the focus of being one way to deal
with this industrial revolution. The following is an
excerpt from the report:
”Although machines master many tasks normally
performed by humans, humans are still more pro-
ficient in creative endeavors, imagination, critical
thinking, social interaction, and physical agility. Fu-
ture education systems need to develop these inherent
capabilities so that they are equipped to partner with
machines in the future rather than compete with them.
”- Bernarr Marr
n the quote above it is said that when the indus-
trial era 4.0 was running, the machine would master
a number of tasks previously carried out by humans
and at that time would be replaced by many machines.
The development of the potential of each individual
is urgently needed so that in the future humans will
play the role of controlling the engine rather than act-
ing as the engine where it is found in education in
Indonesia today. The report also writes that it is pos-
sible for students to hone their curiosity about new
things, problem solving skills, curiosity and repetition
of new knowledge, schools need to provide a posi-
tive, comfortable and pleasant learning environment
that allows students to hone skills In this day and age
school is no longer just a place for students to learn
scientific or knowledge matters, but also school must
be a place for students to develop themselves and their
personalities into individuals who have skills beyond
the technical ability to compete in the era this indus-
try 4.0 In this interconnected digital world, future em-
ployees need to have a global mindset. Schools and
educators must adapt learning to take this into account
for their students.
In this study the author tries to find the concept of
technology that developed rapidly in the era of indus-
trial revolution 4.0. One of the technological concepts
that is felt to be in line with the efforts to be able to
face this era is to use the concept of blockchain tech-
nology, the reason for which blockchain is one of the
rapidly developing technologies. With its ability not
to depend on stakeholders, this concept of technology
is very fast and in demand, not only in the financial
sector, but also in terms of development, health, man-
ufacturing, security, and others. According to a report
from Neer Varshney written on (Varsh-
ney, 2019), the blockchain has the ability to manage
and manage public ledgers that are distributed and de-
centralized, so that performance in their organizations
and transparency is a very high problem. upheld in the
concept of this technology.
The blockchain technology was first outlined in
1991 by Stuart Haber and W. Scott Stornetta, two re-
searchers who wanted to implement a system in which
the document timestamps could not be damaged. But
only two decades later, with the launch of Bitcoin in
January 2009, Blockchain had its first real-world ap-
plication (Fortney, 2019). The Bitcoin protocol was
built on the Blockchain. In a research paper that in-
troduced digital currency, the creator of the Bitcoin
pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto called it a ”new peer-
to-peer electronic money system, without third par-
ties. According to Luke Fortney, Blockchain is liter-
ally just a block chain, but not in the traditional sense
of words: When we say the words ”Block” / ”block”
and ”Chain” / ”chain” in this context, we are actually
talking about information digital (”blocks”) stored in
public databases (”chains” (Fortney, 2019), which in
this social movement are public databases are teach-
ers who join the Fun School Movement itself. Ac-
cording to other researchers, Ameer Rosic mentions
that the blockchain is a list a developing record, called
a block, which is connected using cryptography, each
block contains cryptographic hashes from the previ-
ous time block, and transaction data (generally repre-
sented as a Merkle tree) (Rosic, 2019).
Examples of the use of the Blockchain concept are
not only from the field of cryptocurrency as done by
Satoshi Nakamoto, but also there are several studies
that have discussed Blockchain use outside the finan-
cial sector, research conducted by Alexander Grech
and Anthony F. Camilleri in 2017, conducting re-
search on the use of concepts blockchain for the world
of education. In 2018, Sandi Rahmadika and Kyung-
Hyune Rhee conducted research on the use of the
blockchain concept to provide a decentralized per-
sonal health information architecture model. In 2018,
Vishal Patel conducted a study of a framework for
sharing safe and decentralized medical imaging data
through a consensus process using the blockchain
Nowadays humans have been facilitated by vari-
ous types of technology that exist to help carry out
activities in their daily lives. With the advancement of
technology the effect not only affects things that are
done by humans, but also on human thought. Nowa-
days many people want things that are more practical
and efficient in the process of doing something. The
desire to do things that are more practical, free, and
efficient, many people want to do something with-
out being associated with an institution and institu-
tion, because by dealing with institutions or institu-
tions according to some people will hinder the per-
formance of their work processes. This is also done
Blockchain Concept in Educational Movement: A Study Case from Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM)
by the blockchain to cut through the bureaucratic pro-
cesses that do not require a little time. The lack of
interference from the government or this institution
that makes the concept of blockchain technology can
be an appropriate reference for social movements to
make social changes.
In a conventional centralized transaction system,
each transaction must be validated through a trusted
central institution (for example, a central bank),
which can cause cost and performance bottlenecks
on the central server. Unlike the centralized mode,
third parties are no longer needed on the Blockchain
(Zheng et al., 2017). The non-centralized nature of
Blockchain is what makes it interesting and is also
currently being developed by many people to be used
as a work system of a system or movement made to
make it more effective than existing systems or move-
ments. made in accordance with the vision and mis-
sion of a system or movement made.
Blockchain is a tool for achieving integrity in dis-
tributed software systems. Therefore, it can be seen as
a tool to achieve the nonfunctional aspects of the im-
plementation layer (Drescher, 2017). Although bit-
coin is one of the most popular applications for the
blockchain, Blockchain can be applied to a variety
of applications that go far beyond Cryptocurrency
(Zheng et al., 2018). Some fields have tried to use
the blockchain concept as a framework for the system
that has been created. Many of them choose to use the
blockchain as their framework for several reasons.
Fun School Movement (GSM) is a social move-
ment with teachers to create a learning culture that
is critical, creative, independent and enjoyable in
school. The Fun School Movement (GSM) was cre-
ated with the same philosophy as the blockchain.
The movement promotes and builds the awareness
of teachers, principals and educational policy mak-
ers to build schools as a fun place to learn science
and provide life skills so that children become suc-
cessful learners. GSM aims to transform Indonesian
schools through a grassroots development approach
involving teachers, principals, and the government to
build a culture of learning that is critical, creative, in-
dependent and enjoyable (Menyenangkan, 2018).
2.1 Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan
The movement promotes and builds the awareness
of teachers, principals and educational policy makers
to build schools as a fun place to learn science and
provide life skills so that children become successful
learners. The Fun School Movement aims to trans-
form Indonesian schools through a grassroots devel-
opment approach involving teachers, principals, and
the government to build a culture of learning that is
critical, creative, independent and enjoyable (Menye-
nangkan, 2018).
Encouraged to make the revolutionary paradigm
for education in Indonesia to see and feel the direct
effects of the pattern of education in Australia by the
founders made them want to make changes to the
paradigm. The revolution carried out by this move-
ment was a revolution to pursue critical thinking skills
and narrow the education gap with other countries
through the Joyful School Movement.
The experience felt by the founder of the Fun
School Movement was felt when he picked up the
child to come home from school when his son was
still studying abroad, there was something extraordi-
nary and customary in Indonesia where after school a
child felt happy. (Drescher, 2017) they are to find out
and find out what actually makes children feel com-
fortable and happy when their children are in school.
Reflect on the experience experienced by the
founders of the Movement Fun School. The founder
of the Fun School Movement did not want Indone-
sian children to become memorizing robots without
adequate design skills and critical thinking to deal
with changing times [8]. In addition, children today
live in an era that disrupts technology and requires
not only academic ability, but also they need creativ-
ity and critical thinking to be able to face life in this
very modern and advanced era. That is what underlies
the struggle of the founders to promise when they re-
turned to Indonesia, they go straight to school, invite
teachers at the grassroots level to change the environ-
ment, culture and teaching methods that present edu-
cation that humanizes humans, frees reason and ful-
fills the nature and mind of students to ready to face
challenges in the future of a world that changes very
quickly and erratically (the era of disruption) (Menye-
nangkan, 2018).
The reason why this movement does not really de-
pend on any institutional governance and they actu-
ally run this movement independently is the founder
of this delightful school movement that seeks to
spread their enthusiasm and enthusiasm through sub-
urban schools, where schools The school is currently
due to lack of learning facilities, they are trying to
trigger the school to become more creative and have
critical thinking so that schools in the suburbs can
have the same competitiveness as schools in big cities.
What they did in this movement was to promote and
build awareness of teachers, principals and educa-
tional policy makers to build schools as a pleasant
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
place to equip students with knowledge and life skills
so that children become successful learners (Menye-
nangkan, 2018).
This fun school movement wants schools and ed-
ucation in Indonesia to humanize students. Currently
education in Indonesia, they only focus on learning
material and not behavior change. according to one
of the founders of a pleasant school movement in this
era of disruption, the main goal of education is char-
acter. Although there is already a character strength-
ening program, the assessment is still cognitive based.
In fact, if the character is good, the academic will fol-
2.2 Blockchain
Blockchain is a technology that connects all members
in a network or group with the aim of recording and
sharing data without the role of centralized authority
(Zheng et al., 2018). In a simple theory, a blockchain
is a group of blocks that are connected to each other in
a network (chain), where block content is a list of data
transactions carried out by each member contained in
a network where all network members have transac-
tion data and there is evidence stamp of work on ev-
ery transaction made by each member on the network,
where the stamp is obtained from the algorithm ob-
tained from the machine to get a stamp that matches
what the group wants, which machine process makes
bitcoin one of the applications of the blockchain due
to difficulty getting stamp and requires complex algo-
rithms to get the stamp.
2.2.1 Blockchain Structure
The main component that makes the blockchain is a
block, the block stores a collection of legitimate trans-
action instructions that have been hashed and encoded
in Merkle. The blocks that are connected then form a
chain. This iteration process confirms the integrity of
the previous block, all the way back to the original
genesis block. The blockchain structure is in fig. 1
Figure 1: Structure of Block
In this data section, this contains data from trans-
actions that have occurred and are happening.
Hash is a block marker. The usefulness of this
hash is to mark the block so that it matches the
sequence of transactions that occur in the data
header. This hash will be used for every transac-
tion that occurs on the blockchain, each new block
will use the hash in the previous block.
Hash from Previous Block
The hash of the previous block is a block marker
on the blockchain used to indicate from the pre-
vious block series. The purpose of this Hash is to
make a connection from the previous block so that
the blocks on the blockchain are arranged sequen-
The following is Fig. 2, this image explains how
blocks in the blockchain work when a transaction oc-
Figure 2: Process of Recording Data in Blockchain
The hash process for each transaction that occurs
using this block is done with the help of a machine
algorithm, where this machine is used by many peo-
ple to mine cryptocurrency. Because the process of
requiring hash provides a very complicated process
that requires more resources to create hashes to mark
transactions that occur on the blockchain.
In the example drawn, there is an initialization
block, where the block is the first block that records
transactions contained in the blockchain, so that it
can be seen in the Hash of the previous block empty
(000000), because there were no previous transac-
2.2.2 Blockchain Type
There are many types of blockchain, this can make it
easier for application or system developers to imple-
ment the blockchain into the system or business pro-
cess that is being developed. This is the basis that the
blockchain is very flexible and there is a possibility
that there will be another model or type of blockchain
in the future. Here are a number of models or types
of blockchain that are currently developing and also
using blockchain.
Blockchain Concept in Educational Movement: A Study Case from Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM)
Figure 3 below is a table of comparisons between
the three types of blockchain, namely the Public, Con-
sortium, and Personal:
Figure 3: BLOCKCHAIN TYPE (Zheng et al., 2018).
Determination of consensus. On all three types
of blockchain there are some differences in the roles
that members perform on the blockchain. On the pub-
lic blockchain, each node can take part in the consen-
sus process. And only one set of selected nodes is re-
sponsible for validating blocks in the blockchain con-
sortium. In a closed (private) blockchain, it is fully
controlled by an organization that can determine the
final consensus (Zheng et al., 2018).
Granting permission. In the process of grant-
ing permission on each type of blockchain has its
own characteristics. Transactions that occur on pub-
lic blockchain types can be seen by the public,
while granting permission on the blockchain is closed
(private) or the blockchain consortium can decide
whether the stored information is public or restricted
(Zheng et al., 2018).
Rules of Provisions. On all three blockchain
models there are differences between the rules set by
each blockchain model. On the public blockchain,
transactions that occur on the blockchain are stored
on various nodes on a distributed network, so it is al-
most impossible to change the rules set on the public
blockchain. Unlike what happens to the blockchain
consortium and is closed (private), if on both types of
blockchain, the majority of consortium members or
dominant organizations want to change the rules that
are on the blockchain, on the blockchain consortium
and can change (Zheng et al., 2018).
Efficiency. The efficiency of the three types of
blockchain is different on each type of blockchain.
On the public blockchain, it takes a lot of time to
spread transactions contained in blocks because there
are many nodes on the public blockchain network.
Taking into account network security, restrictions on
public blockchain will be much tougher. As a result,
the transaction results on the public blockchain are
more limited and have high latency. Unlike the con-
sortium and personal, with fewer validators, consortia
and individuals can be more efficient and have lower
latency (Zheng et al., 2018).
Centralized. Centering traits of the 3 types of
blockchain have differences between each other. The
main difference between the three types of blockchain
is that the public is decentralized, the consortium
has a partially centralized and personal nature that is
fully centralized because it is controlled by one group
(Zheng et al., 2018).
Consensus process. On the three types of
blockchain they have their own characteristics in
conducting a consensus process. On the public
blockchain, everyone in the world can join the con-
sensus process on the public blockchain. Unlike the
case of the public blockchain type, the blockchain is
a consortium type and is closed (private). One node
needs to be certified to be able to join the consensus
process in the blockchain consortium or private (pri-
vate) (Zheng et al., 2018).
2.2.3 Charateristic of Blockchain
There is no definite agreement about the characteris-
tics of the blockchain. However, it can be seen from
several studies conducted by several researchers such
as (Tapscott and Tapscott, 2017), (Puthal et al., 2018),
(Sultan et al., 2018), (Viriyasitavat and Hoonsopon,
2019). There are at least 10 core characteristics of the
blockchain which can be described as follows:
Network Integrity: When people on the network
make transactions with other people, they act with
integrity and expect others to act accordingly. If
someone does not follow the rules, the system will
automatically remove it from the network.
Distributed Strength: Strength is distributed be-
tween members and allows each member to ac-
cess and copy information. Because decentral-
ization minimizes dependence on third parties, if
members in the network are disconnected by au-
thority, the system can still run as usual.
Value as Incentive: This system allows each mem-
ber who contributes to the system to get a prize as
an incentive and those who do nothing will not
be punished but also cannot get any prizes. This
prize is needed not only as an incentive but also as
a reflection of the reputation of members.
Resilience: Because there are many people who
keep transaction records, the system has less risk
of data loss and manipulation.
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
Privacy: Each member has the control to share
their own data with others and be responsible for
Transparent: All members can access and audit
previous transactions.
Encouraged by Consensus: Verification is carried
out independently by each member and validated
based on consensus on the results of member ver-
Guarded rights: Because of transparency, every-
one knows the owner of the data and his owner-
ship rights are protected.
Openness: Anyone can join the network as long
as he follows the rules set by the consortium.
Inclusion: Even though it has a standard system,
it works for everyone with different conditions.
3.1 Blockchain for Education
Blockchain is considered the second generation of the
Internet for some researchers. The first generation fo-
cuses on communication and collaboration, but ”it is
built to move and store information rather than value”
(Menyenangkan, 2018). Like what has been pub-
lished Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott through the
results of reports from research that has been done.
Having a ledger that can contain values from infor-
mation such as transcripts, certificates, or banking ac-
counts made with technological support can help pro-
mote higher education and provide alternative models
to provide lifelong learning.
The use of the blockchain concept for education is
currently still being discussed by several researchers.
By adopting the new technology it will have an im-
pact on the educational process that is happening now.
Like this blockchain technology, using this technol-
ogy, there will definitely be a big change that is felt
by adopting this blockchain technology for progress
or changes in the education system. One study con-
ducted revealed that using blockchain technology can
provide infrastructure for students to create their own
learning pathways and allow students to access learn-
ing or higher education content and these students
can be involved in collaborative development experi-
ences. By adopting this technology, it is clearly stated
that the blockchain’s role can help many students who
are in school or teachers from school.
The advantage of using this blockchain technol-
ogy can be used as a place for teachers to collaborate
to improve the quality of education in their schools.
This is the focus of the Plesant School Movement
to improve the quality of education, the purpose of
which is to improve the quality of education from
schools in rural areas, where teachers are currently
being triggered to think critically to be able to im-
prove quality. from their school with the concept of
this movement, where the results of the movement are
expected to trigger critical thinking also from students
who attend school.
”Blockchain is a technology that has applications
in the world of learning at the level of individuals,
protection, national and international groups. This is
relevant in all types of contexts: schools, colleges,
universities, MOOC, CPD, companies, internships,
and knowledge bases. Instead of old hierarchical
structures, technology is the focus, with the freedom
to migrate to technology, not coordination. This is
really disintermediation technology. ”- Donald Clark
The flexibility that the blockchain has is that
makes the consideration of several system develop-
ers and also organizations that choose to use the
blockchain as their framework. Using the blockchain,
the trust created by this movement, and to maintain
that trust, of course with social movements that focus
on education like this will not use public blockchain.
With social movements that focus on this education,
they must use a consortium or private blockchain.
Of course, it will be regulated accordingly to pro-
vide checks or certifications for everything shared by
members of this movement. In terms of certification,
the blockchain can store a list of publishers and re-
cipients of each certificate, along with the document
signature (hashes) in a public database (blockchain)
that is stored identically for all members of this move-
ment [13]. With this, it is possible for the blockchain
to store a lot of stored data, it will be an advantage of
this movement, because with all the stored data it will
make it easier for new members of this social move-
ment to quickly grasp what previously members have
done to make the school more fun for students attend-
ing in schools that adopt the curriculum from the Fun
School Movement.
3.2 Consortium Blockchain for
The concept of the blockchain consortium is one of
the blockchain concepts that still has independence
like the blockchain, but at the same time it can still be
controlled as for stakeholders in this system or organi-
zation. if there are system developers or stakeholders
who are willing to use and apply the blockchain con-
cept in the educational environment. The reason why
Blockchain Concept in Educational Movement: A Study Case from Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM)
researchers propose a consensus blockchain in the ed-
ucational environment as a concept:
A. Because part of the blockchain consortium is cen-
tralized, stakeholders still have the ability to mon-
itor how the organization or system works.
B. Stakeholders can provide who can participate in
their organization or who doesn’t.
C. Stakeholders can still improve their rules in the
D. The Blockchain consortium has more reliability
than other types because it can change rules and is
easier to adapt to new environments or technolo-
But that is not only for stakeholders. by using the
blockchain consortium it still allows members of this
type of blockchain to have the same transparency and
freedom to create equality in their educational envi-
ronment by using data that is in this data store, be-
cause it is transparent and everyone in the system can
see at that time, not only one member has that data
but all members have the same data as everyone in
this system, so it will be difficult to manipulate data
because other members have the same data.
In this study, we found that if some organizations
use the blockchain concept, it must have the same
characteristics as the blockchain. With this study, we
found a measuring component to find out whether the
concept of blockchain exists in this organization in
this case the Fun School Movement (GSM), but it
can be used by other researchers to measure different
The measurement component consists of several
variables that indicate the use of the blockchain con-
cept in this organization. Supporting these measure-
ment components are initialization, workflow, distri-
bution, effectiveness, and efficiency. With this mea-
surement component, it does not only measure that
organizations use the concept of blockchain or not but
also measure and determine what type of blockchain
the organization is currently using.
Initialization. This measurement component is
more to capture the first initialization of the organi-
zation. By capturing the initialization we can identify
how the organization chooses their members and how
they provide the first initialization of this organiza-
tion, in this case the social movement that focuses on
Referring to the concept of the blockchain, the
first initialization process is the key to determining
the type of blockchain used by the organization. If
an organization uses a public type then members of
this organization are liberal, everyone can join the or-
ganization as long as they have the same vision and
perspective as the organization.
If the organization uses a type of consortium,
members of this organization are chosen by organiza-
tional stakeholders, stakeholders always review their
new members if they want to join the organization. If
the organization uses a personal type then the mem-
bers of this organization are closed only focus on one
organization. The difference between a consortium
and a person is the style in which stakeholders work.
In the personal type, the organization centered on the
other side of the consortium still uses a partial model,
so that it is mixed between centralized and decentral-
Not only selecting members, this measurement
component here also captures how this organization
initializes their new members. In the blockchain con-
cept, new members are usually given a record of
transactions from organizations that have occurred in
the organization, if in this case financial organiza-
tions, but if they are in a social movement, they might
be able to know how to work in this organization,
notes on what other members have done , or guid-
ance notes for new members to know how to work the
organization’s vision and mission.
Workflow. This measurement component is more
to capture how the organization works. The work-
flow in this measurement component can determine
the type of blockchain used, how centralized the or-
ganization is, how tight the rules of the organiza-
tion are. Capturing these in the measurement compo-
nent can be a test for this organization, how well the
blockchain is being implemented in this organization.
Spread. This measuring component is more to
capture how the organization grows. With the con-
cept of blockchain, trust is the main reason why this
concept is getting bigger. So, the main purpose of this
measurement component is to find out how members
of this organization have confidence in the vision and
mission of this organization and want to share ideas
about this organization.
Effectiveness. This measurement component is
more to capture the effectiveness that members feel
about the concept of blockchain that has been ap-
plied to this organization. Choosing this concept as
the backbone of the organization is a new challenge
in this era, knowing that this is new technology and
many researchers are still debating or experimenting
on this new technology is a big challenge from an or-
ganization that applies this technology.
With this measuring component, we can see
whether this new technology can be implemented
in social movements, which in this case is the Fun
School Movement (GSM), one of the social move-
ICCETIM 2019 - International Conference on Creative Economics, Tourism Information Management
ments that focuses on education. By focusing on ef-
fectiveness as a measuring component, we can see the
impact of this technology as the backbone of the or-
Efficiency. Just like the component of measuring
effectiveness on this measuring component, we are
still focused on members of the organization. We try
to capture the efficiency of this concept that is applied
to the organization. Knowing that effectiveness and
efficiency are the main keys to the success of imple-
menting this new concept, we want to capture it in the
measurement component, so that it will be a statement
to the organization whether or not they have success-
fully implemented this concept.
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systems that belong to the blockchain concept, this
will be one solution to close the gap made by edu-
cation regulations for schools in the suburbs and city
centers. By closing the gap between them, it would
make the same situation for schools in the suburbs
and city centers, students from both schools would
have the same knowledge and quality.
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Blockchain Concept in Educational Movement: A Study Case from Gerakan Sekolah Menyenangkan (GSM)