Comparison of Postoperative Renal Function Test between Off-pump
Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and On-pump Coronary Artery
Bypass Grafting in 10 Years in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan
Yosef Aloys Hamonangan Siregar
, Marshal
, Doddy Prabisma Pohan
Department of General Surgery, University of Sumatera Utara/ Haji Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Department of General Surgery, Division of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, University of Sumatera Utara/ Haji
Adam Malik Hospital, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Off-pump CABG, On-pump CABG, Renal Function
Abstract: To analyze the difference between the results of the examination of renal function before and after the on-
pump CABG (CABG) action compared to the off-pump CABG (OPCAB) action for 10 years. A cross-
sectional study using medical record evaluated the ureum, creatinine, and creatinine clearance between
OPCAB and CABG. This was also followed by urea differences after the procedure of either CABG or
OPCAB with a p-value of 0.049. There was no statistically significant difference at the time after the
procedure, where the result of the p-value obtained was 0.187. When viewed from the median value, the
creatinine value in the CABG group is 0.82 compared to the OPCAB group of 0.89. While the last variable
assessed was CrCl, after the procedure, the value of p = 0.926 is obtained. However, when viewed at the
median OPCAB value is 89 compared to CABG which is 86.81. Coronary artery bypass grafting procedures
with either the on-pump or off-pump method only minimally affect kidney function. The different
procedures also do not differ from each other against creatinine clearance and also serum creatinine.
However, there are differences in urea levels.
CABG is one of the main surgical procedures most
often performed, approximately 400,000 operations
performed annually in the United States. However,
over the past decade, there has been almost a 30%
reduction in CABG procedures in the United States,
despite an aging population and increasing evidence
to support the effectiveness and safety of operations.
This decrease was accompanied by an increase in
percutaneous coronary revascularization procedures
(Alexander & Smith, 2016).
Off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting
(OPCAB) is a surgical technique for coronary
revascularization that eliminates the use of a cardiac
pulmonary bypass (CPB) machine in managing
ischemic heart disease. On-pump Cardiac arrest
CABG has been the gold standard in CABG for a
long time, however, off-pump CABG (OPCAB) has
been developed along with advancements in the
device to avoid the damaging effects of the
extracorporeal circulation.
Renal dysfunction is a major complication that is
well known after CABG. Reported incidents vary
with the criteria used, ranging from 1% to almost
40%. Plasma creatinine levels are very specific
markers of kidney function. Plasma creatinine levels
are easily obtained but depend on the patient's
muscle mass. The relationship between preoperative
renal dysfunction and postoperative morbidity and
mortality is stronger when creatinine clearance
(CrCl) is used than the creatinine level used. Several
authors have reported the beneficial effects of
OPCAB in high-risk patients in terms of prevention
of potential ARF. Based on these findings, this study
aimed to analyze the difference between the results
of the examination of renal function before and after
the CABG action compared to the OPCAB action
for 10 years.
Marshal, ., Siregar, Y. and Pohan, D.
Comparison of Postoperative Renal Function Test between Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in 10 Years in Haji Adam Malik Hospital
DOI: 10.5220/0009862401600163
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (ICTROMI 2019), pages 160-163
ISBN: 978-989-758-469-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A cross-sectional study was performed based on
secondary data from the medical record in Haji
Adam Malik General Hospital, Medan from January
2019 to March 2019. Age between 20 to 60 years
old who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting
in Cardiothoracic Surgery Department in Haji Adam
Malik General Hospital from January 2009 to
December 2018, having ureum less than or equal to
40 mg/dL and creatinine less than or equal to 1,1
mg/dL were the inclusion criteria in this study, while
previous history of chronic renal failure and
incomplete medical record were the exclusion
criteria. The ureum, creatinine, and creatinine
clearance were measured twice, preoperative and
postoperative. Normally distributed data were
presented in mean (± SD) and non-normal data
distribution were presented in median (min-max)
and nominal data in frequency (%). Analysis using
the Wilcoxon test was used to analyze the pre- and
postoperative renal function and Mann-Whitney test
to compare the CABG to OPCAB procedure.
Statistical analyses were made using SPSS version
Patients characteristics were presented in table 1.
Table 1. Patients characteristics
Characteristics CABG OPCAB
Age (mean ± SD) 52.10 ± 5.22 52.30 ± 6.28
Male (n, %) 72 (87.8) 34 (85.0)
Female (n, %) 10 (12.2) 6 (15.0)
Body Weight 63.5 ± 13.9 66.28 ± 12.5
Table 2. Renal function before and after CABG
0.83 (0.49-
0.82 (0.40-
Statistical analyses were performed using the
Wilcoxon test
*Statistical significant was found in p-value <0.05
In table 2, based on the characteristics of patients
who underwent the CABG procedure, for ureum
before CABG, the median was 23.95 with a
minimum value of 11.0 and the highest value was
39.8. Whereas after CABG, the median value is 39.0
with a minimum of 17.0 and a maximum of 71.0.
The statistical test results show significance with a
value of p = 0.0001. While other variables did not
show any differences.
Table 3. Renal function before and after OPCAB
26.0 (12.9-
32.5 (15.0-
0.93 (0.57-
0.88 (0.38-
85.96 (34.81-
Statistical analyses were performed using the
Wilcoxon test
*Statistical significant was found in p-value <0.05
Based on table 3, the characteristics of patients
who underwent the OPCAB procedure, for ureum
before OPCAB, the median was 26.0 with the
minimum value being 12.9 and the highest value
was 90.0. Whereas after OPCAB, the median value
is 32.5 with a minimum of 15.0 and a maximum of
86.0. The statistical test results show significance
with a value of p = 0.016.
Table 4. Comparison of kidney function of patients
undergoing CABG and OPCAB procedures
Characteristics CABG OPCAB
Preoperative ureum
26.0 (12.9-
32.5 (15.0-
0.83 (0.49-
0.93 (0.57-
0.82 (0.40-
0.88 (0.38-
Statistical analyses were performed using Mann-
whitney test
*Statistical significant was found in p-value <0.05
Comparison of Postoperative Renal Function Test between Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and On-pump Coronary Artery
Bypass Grafting in 10 Years in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan
Table 4 showed results of the urea examination
before the procedure, there were differences between
the two groups with a p-value of 0.018. This was
also followed by urea differences after the procedure
of either CABG or OPCAB with a p-value of 0.049.
Furthermore, for creatinine before the procedure,
there was a statistically significant difference with a
p-value of 0.0001. Based on the median value, it was
seen that the serum creatinine of patients in the
OPCAB group was higher than CABG (0.93 versus
0.83). However, there was no statistically significant
difference at the time after the procedure, where the
result of the p-value obtained was 0.187. When
viewed from the median value, the creatinine value
in the CABG group is 0.82 compared to the OPCAB
group of 0.89. While the last variable assessed was
CrCl, where no significant difference was found at
the time before the action (p = 0.086). Likewise,
after the procedure, the value of p = 0.926 is
obtained. However, when viewed at the median
OPCAB value is 89 compared to CABG which is
Coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) is a
procedure that uses autologous arteries or veins as
an alternative graft of coronary arteries that have
been blocked due to atherosclerotic plaques either
partially or completely (Alexander & Smith, 2016).
Based on research from Asimakopoulos in 2005,
the age of patients undergoing the CABG procedure
was in the range of 55 years to 75 years. slightly
different results were obtained in Reents's 2014
study, where the average age of patients was 78
years, slightly older than the upper limit of the
Asimakopoulos study. Whereas in this study, the
average age of patients in the CABG on-pump group
was 52.1 years with a standard deviation of 5.22
years. similar results were found in the OPCABG
group of 5.23 ± 6.28 years. In our study, there were
no significant differences based on age in the two
groups (Asimakopoulos, 2005; Reents, 2014).
For sex, the majority of our study was male, and
the figure was almost 90% in the CABG group, with
87.8% compared to OPCABG at 85%. Whereas in
previous studies, male groups ranged from 70% to
80% (Asimakopoulos, 2005; Reents, 2014).
The use of a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)
machine or what is often called an on-pump
(CABG) is considered to play a role in the risk of
acute postoperative kidney injury when compared to
an off-pump (OPCAB). This decrease can reach
17%. Even this relative and absolute risk reduction
can be found in patients with chronic kidney disease
before surgery (Garg, 2014).
The Aimakopoulos study carried out an analysis
of 704 patients divided into two groups, 404 patients
who underwent the OPCAB procedure and 300
patients who underwent the CABG procedure. In
this study measurement of kidney function in the
form of creatinine clearance (CrCl) (mL/min) and
plasma creatinine (µmol/L). The study compared
plasma CrCl and creatinine in the condition before
surgery and followed up on the first and fourth days
postoperatively. In both groups, there were no
differences in initial values before the procedure,
both in the group with OPCAB or with CABG.
Whereas at follow-up, there was only a difference in
plasma creatinine on the first day, and the difference
was not significant at the fourth day of follow-up
(Asimakopoulos, 2005).
Another study from Wang in 2003 stated that
CrCl use in post-cardiac surgery evaluation was
better estimated than plasma creatinine (Wang,
2003). The results of these studies form the basis of
research from Asimakopoulos in 2005.
In our study, we used serum creatinine values,
urea levels, and creatinine clearance. This study
divides patients who run the CABG procedure with
the on-pump method and also off-pump. We
compared each preoperative value of urea,
creatinine, and CrCl. However, there were
significant differences in the baseline data before the
procedure on urea (CABG= 23.95; OPCAB= 26.0)
with p= 0.018 and creatinine (CABG= 0.83;
OPCAB= 0.93) with p= 0.0001.
Then a postoperative kidney function
examination was performed and compared the
results of each. In this study, there were significant
results between urea after the OPCAB and CABG
procedures with a p-value of 0.049 with urea values
in the CABG group having a higher median (39.00)
compared with the OPCAB group (32.50).
Furthermore, creatinine after the CABG procedure
was higher than creatinine after the OPCAB
procedure and this difference had a statistically
significant value (p= 0,0001). However, when seen
the median decline that occurred, in the CABG
group, the median decrease was only 0.01 while in
the OPCAB group, the median decline occurred at
0.05. The last component we assessed was CrCl
where there was a statistically significant reduction
in the group with the on-pump CABG procedure
when compared to the group of patients who
underwent the OPCAB procedure ie between 89.00
in the OPCAB group and 86.81 in the CABG group
(p= 0.926).
The same results were obtained in the Garg
study, 2014 which compared the variable serum
creatinine between on-pump and off-pump. The
ICTROMI 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
result was that the off-pump group had an average of
114 versus the on-pump group with an average of
120 (Garg, 2014).
When viewed one by one the comparison
between the values before and after the CABG
procedure, the area is obtained before the median is
23.95 (11.0-39.8) and after 39.00 (17.0-71.0) with a
p-value of 0,0001. This indicates an increase in urea
in postoperative conditions. Furthermore, for
creatinine variables, in the condition before the
procedure, the median value of 0.83 and after was
0.82 and there were no significant differences in the
two variables (p= 0.052). The last variable was
creatinine clearance, where before the CABG
procedure, the median was 93.06 and after the
median CABG, it was 86.81. However, there was no
difference that was statistically significant (p=
Whereas in the OPCAB procedure, the median
urea before surgery is 26.0 while after, the median
increases to 32.5. There was a statistically
significant difference (p= 0.016). Furthermore, in
creatinine, obtained before the OPCAB procedure,
the median value was 0.93 while after the procedure
it was 0.88 with a p-value of 0.061. However, when
viewed in comparison, the creatinine value appears
to have improved after the OPCAB procedure. The
latest data assessed were creatinine clearance, where
the median value before OPCAB was 85.96 and this
median value increased to 89.00 after OPCAB, but
the increase was not statistically significant (p=
Based on Asimakopoulos's research in 2015, for
plasma creatinine values obtained a median of 95 in
the OPCAB condition before surgery, this result was
decreased after the first day's operation to 96, and on
the fourth day, the value decreased to 98. Whereas in
the CABG procedure, the median value was
preoperative of the plasma creatinine is 93, the first
and fourth postoperative days are 99. However, there
is no difference between these three variables
between the pre and post values both those
undergoing the CABG or OPCAB procedures
(Asimakopoulos, 2015).
For creatinine clearance values, the value also
decreased in OPCAB, the median value at
preoperative was 72, the postoperative first day was
71, and postoperative fourth day was 68. As for
CABG, the preoperative median was 74, the
postoperative first day is 71, and the fourth day is 70
(Asimakopoulos, 2015).
Coronary artery bypass grafting procedures with
either the on-pump or off-pump method only
minimally affect kidney function. The different
procedures also do not differ from each other against
creatinine clearance and also serum creatinine.
However, there are differences in urea levels.
Alexander, J. H., and Smith, P. K. (2016) ‘Coronary-
Artery Bypass Grafting', New England Journal of
Medicine, 374(20), pp. 1954–1964. doi:
Asimakopoulos, G., Karagounis, A.P., Valencia, O.,
Alexander, N., Howlader, M., Sarsam, M.A., et al.
(2005) ‘Renal function after cardiac surgery off-
versus on-pump coronary artery bypass: analysis using
the Cockroft-Gault formula for estimating creatinine
clearance’, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 79(6), pp.
Garg, A. X. et al. (2014) ‘Kidney Function after off-pump
or on-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery: A
randomized clinical trial’, JAMA - Journal of the
American Medical Association, 311(21), pp. 2191–
2198. doi: 10.1001/jama.2014.4952.
Reents, W. et al. (2014) ‘Acute kidney injury after on-
pump or off-pump coronary artery bypass grafting in
elderly patients’, Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 98(1),
pp. 9–15. doi: 10.1016/j.athoracsur.2014.01.088.
Wang, F., Dupuis, J.-Y., Nathan, H., Williams, K. (2003)
‘An analysis of the association between preoperative
renal dysfunction and outcome in cardiac surgery’,
Chest, 124, pp. 1852– 1862.
Comparison of Postoperative Renal Function Test between Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting and On-pump Coronary Artery
Bypass Grafting in 10 Years in Haji Adam Malik Hospital Medan