Correlation between Anxiety with the Success of
Cancer Pain Management
Steven Theo
, and Wulan Fadinie
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Cancer Pain, Pain Management, Anxiety
Abstract: Pain is the most common symptom in cancer patients. The prevalence study states that 56–64% of patients
handle cancer pain. Generally, patients diagnosed with cancer have three forms of emotional responses that
arise such as rejection, anxiety, and depression. Guidelines for managing cancer pain are quite numerous,
but the results are inadequate, therefore often associated with anxiety. Anxiety can cause inadequate pain
management in cancer patients so that it needs to be diagnosed as soon as possible to maximize therapy.
This study was conducted to find the relationship of anxiety with the management of cancer pain. This
research is a descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional design. The study sample was cancer patients in the
pain clinic Haji Adam Malik General Hospital who had met the inclusion and exclusion criteria based on the
total sampling method. The research data is primary data directly taken from the subject using interview
techniques. The research instruments were the HADS, BPI, and PMI questionnaires. Fisher's Exact test
results show no association between anxiety and the adequacy of cancer pain management (p = 0.321, CI =
95%). There is no relationship between anxiety with the adequacy of cancer pain management.
Pain is a protective mechanism meant to bring to
conscious awareness of tissue damage that is
occurring or is about to happen (Sherwood, 2014).
Pain is the most common symptom felt by cancer
patients. Prevalence studies suggest that cancer pain
is handled by 56 to 64% of patients per month
(Arslan et al., 2014).
In 2012, there were an estimated 14.1 million
new cancer cases and 8.2 million cases of cancer
deaths. And the incidence of 50 countries is around
400 per 100,000 men and 300 per 100,000 women
(Torre et al., 2016). The prevalence of cancer in
Indonesia is 14 per 10,000 people and the prevalence
of cancer in North Sumatra of 10 per 10,000
population (Kementerian Kesehatan RI, 2013).
In patients diagnosed with cancer, in general,
there are three forms of emotional responses that can
arise namely rejection, anxiety and depression. In
these circumstances, it is complicated for cancer
patients to be able to accept themselves because the
condition and treatment of cancer can cause
continuous stress so that it not only affects the
physical but also the adjustment of individual
psychology. Cancer patients generally will have low
self-acceptance, low self-esteem, feeling hopeless,
anxiety, and depression. Therefore, people living
with cancer generally experience twice the pain of
most other illnesses, in addition to suffering from
cancer itself also suffer from depression and anxiety.
Until now there has been no data on the occurrence
of anxiety in lung cancer patients when they first
found out about their illness (Harris et al., 2015).
Although there have been many guidelines for
managing cancer pain, cancer pain patients still get
inadequate treatment of cancer pain (Singh et al.,
2016). Anxiety was a psychological factor that can
cause inadequate pain management in cancer
patients so that they need to be diagnosed as soon as
possible to maximize therapy (Teodora et al., 2012).
Research in China states that 25% of cancer pain
patients do not get adequate management of cancer
pain and have a higher risk of anxiety than patients
who receive sufficient management of cancer pain.
So that if allowed to continue it will further
aggravate the success of managing cancer pain (Li et
al., 2017).
Theo, S. and Fadinie, W.
Correlation between Anxiety with the Success of Cancer Pain Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0009861701190122
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease (ICTROMI 2019), pages 119-122
ISBN: 978-989-758-469-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This research is descriptive analytic with a cross-
sectional approach, namely by taking samples of
cancer patients with pain. The relationship between
variables namely anxiety with the successful
management of cancer pain was determined based
on data collected from interviews at the pain
polyclinic at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital.
The population used in this study were all cancer
patients in the pain polyclinic of Haji Adam Malik
General Hospital. The research sample taken is a
subject from the selected population and has fulfilled
the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The sampling
technique in this study was total sampling. The data
used are primary data obtained from interviews in
the pain polyclinic of Haji Adam Malik General
Hospital. The collected data is then processed using
a computer statistics program. In this study, the
information is categorical, and the hypothesis will be
analyzed using Fisher's Exact statistical test.
2.1 Inclusion Criteria
Outpatient cancer pain in the Pain Polyclinic of
Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy Department
at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital which has at
least three months of treatment.
2.2 Exclusion Criteria
a. Cancer pain patients who are getting pain
medication to undergo chemotherapy.
b. Patients cannot be interviewed, and no
guardian accompanies the patient.
The minimum sample size is taken based on the
number of cancer patients who have received
therapy for at least three months.
Of the 50 research subjects consisting of 17 subjects
with anxiety and 33 subjects without anxiety, and 5
subjects received inadequate management.
Table 1: Distribution based on patients’ socio-
demographic profile.
Age Frequency
16-20 0 0
21-30 5 10
31-40 3 6
41-50 15 30
51-60 16 32
>60 11 22
Men 26 52
Women 24 48
Elementary school 13 26
Junior secondary school 16 12
Senior high school 31 62
State employees 4 8
Private employees 4 8
Pastor 1 2
Farmer 8 16
Driver 1 2
Do not work 20 40
Entrepreneur 12 24
Married 44 88
Single 6 12
50 100
From table 1, most cancer pain patients are
found in the age range of 51-60 years (32%), more
in men (52%) than women (48%), with senior high
school education background (62%), in non-working
samples (40%), and married people (88%).
ICTROMI 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease
Table 2: Distribution of cancer pain patients based on the
type of cancer
Cancer Frequency Percentage (%)
1 2
8 16
1 2
6 12
Cervical Carcinoma 5 10
Colon Carcinoma 2 4
Ear Canal Carcinoma +
Sinonasal Carcinoma
1 2
Tongue Carcinoma 1 2
Breast carcinoma 2 4
5 10
Ovary Carcinoma 1 2
Thyroid Carcinoma +
1 2
Vulva Carcinoma 1 2
1 2
Sinonasal Carcinoma 1 2
Chordomal Sacrum 1 2
1 2
Hepatoma 1 2
Melanoma Palatum 1 2
Non Hodgkin
1 2
Non Hodgkin
Lymphoma Colon
1 2
Primary Bone Tumor 1 2
Pulmonary Squamous
Cell Carcinoma
1 2
Tongue Squamous Cell
1 2
Bladder transitional cell
3 6
1 2
Total 50 100
From table 2, most patients in the pain
polyclinic of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
Department at Haji Adam Malik General Hospital
were rectum adenocarcinoma (16%).
Table 3: Anxiety with the success of managing
cancer pain.
Adequate Not adequate
P value
Anxiety (+)
14 3
Anxiety (-)
31 2
45 5
From table 3, it can be concluded that there is
no relationship between anxiety and the success of
managing cancer pain or vice versa (P value> 0.05).
This study was a cross-sectional study to see the
relationship between anxiety with the success of
cancer pain management.
In this study, there was no association between
anxiety and the success of cancer pain management
(p = 0.321).
The results of this study are not compatible with
the study of Teodora et al., (2012) which states that
anxiety, depression, and other psychosocial factors
are associated with the failed management of cancer
pain. The study also revealed that patients who get
adequate treatment of cancer pain also need to be
treated with anxiety, depression, and other
psychosocial factors because cancer experienced by
patients can also have an impact on the patient's
psychological condition (Teodora et al., 2012).
The results of this study are by the research
conducted in the Portuguese Cancer Institute, and it
was found that there was no relationship between
anxiety with the success of managing cancer pain
with P value = 0.42 (Reiz et al., 2017). Teodora's
study also mentioned that there was no reciprocal
relationship between the two variables (Li et al.,
The current research constraint is that the
results are not significant due to the use of potent
opioids by 45 samples so that the PMI results from
0. Although the sample has a high BPI value, the
drug given is a potent opioid will produce a PMI
value 0 which means Cancer pain treatment is
given adequately even though not all samples have
high BPI values. In addition to strong opioid
Correlation between Anxiety with the Success of Cancer Pain Management
administration factors, researchers suspect that
family and environmental factors of patients also
have a significant influence on anxiety experienced
by patients, this is because when interviewing
patients, the patient's family response is perfect and
the patient's family also pays attention to the
patient's psychological state (Susilawati, 2013).
According to research conducted at Dr. Sarditjo
General Hospital in Yogyakarta, family support is
closely related to the level of anxiety experienced by
patients. Patients who receive positive support from
the family show a decrease in the level of anxiety
experienced, but family support does not sufficiently
affect the patient's anxiety level. The anxiety
experienced by the patients based on internal factors
such as a factor of maturity, personality type, and
physical condition. The external factors are social
support and family support. The psychological
profile of cancer patients such as cervical cancer that
comes during a medical examination shows a high
level of anxiety, anger, and alienation. Hospital care
is also one of the worrying factors for patients. In
patients with cervical cancer who undergo treatment
at the hospital when going to surgery, chemotherapy,
radiotherapy or other treatment measures, also often
experience anxiety. Also, because of the non-
personal attitude of doctors, nurses or other hospital
staff, sufferers feel that they are the object of
examination. Such conditions often make the
sufferer feel a loss of self-identity, and lose control
of his body, making the patient feel uncomfortable
undergoing treatment at the hospital. Due to the
many factors that influence anxiety in cancer
patients, it is necessary to educate people who care
for patients to always pay attention to their bio-
psycho-socio and spiritual needs through health
education and counseling to patients and families
(Susilawati, 2013).
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BPI: Brief Pain Inventory
HADS: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score
PMI: Pain Management Index
ICTROMI 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease