The Efficient Fintech of Indonesian Zakat Institution based on
Muzakki's Psychology
Farikha Amilahaq
, Provita Wijayanti
, Noor Emilina Mohd Nasir
and Suraya Ahmad
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Kaligawe Raya Street, Semarang City, Indonesia
Universiti Technology of Mara, Dungun, Malaysia
Keywords: Muzakki’s Psychology, Mass and Non-mass Indonesian Zakat Institution, Financial Technology Services,
Digital Payment.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the efficiency of the Indonesian Zakat Institution (IZI) based on the psychology
of Muzakki (Muslims who pay zakat). The method is done by comparing the psychological conditions
between the Muzakki of IZI Mass (their workplace is bounded by a certain IZI), with Muzakki who pay
independently (their workplace is not tied to a particular IZI). The respondents of the study consists of 78
IZI non-Mass Muzakki and 70 IZI-Mass Muzakki. The regressions analysis is done using SmartPLS. The
result shows that IZI Mass is unable to optimize the benefits of digital zakat payment service. Because the
psychology of Muzakki has not reached the right level to pay zakat (the awareness and the understanding
about the obligation to pay zakat), but they have must did it. Meanwhile independent respondents belonging
to IZI Non-Mass have a higher level of compliance. That is why IZI especially IZI Mass need to improve
their socialization and education towards Muzakki and young Muslims (prospective Muzakki), and also
informing the statements of IZI’s zakat management toward the community, especially toward Muzakki,
then offer convenience services for paying the zakat.
1.1 Background
Zakat has been concerned by the Indonesian
government since 1999 by arose the Law on the
Management of Zakat. The regulation is updated by
the Act No. 23 of 2011 about the Management of
Zakat, and still used till now. The government's
concern to the zakat management has increased
because the majority of Indonesian people are
Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that must be
done by Muslims when they have reached the
requirement of zakat obligation, and muzakki can be
regarded as kafir (infidel) if they deny such
obligation (Kurnia & Hidayat, 2008, p. 4). Indeed,
zakat is not just a gift from rich Muslim society to
the poor ones. However, zakat is an obligation that
must be given to the rightful person. The rightful
person is called as mustahiq, it consists of the eight
(8) types of mustahiq called as 8 asnaf i.e.; the poor
and needy people, slaves, fisabilillah (people who
struggle or dedicate their lives in the way of Allah),
muallaf (Muslims newbie), gharimin (people who
have debt), ibn sabil (travelers who run out of
supplies), and amil (zakat board).
Infact, the national collection fund of Zakat,
infaq, and Sodaqoh (charity) in Indonesia is only Rp
3.17 trillion in 2015. Meanwhile, the potential of
zakat in the same year is almost 100 times from the
collection, it is Rp 286 trillion (BAZNAS, 2017, p.
6). This phenomenon gap raises a question of how to
increase the zakat collection.
In order to increase the collection, some
researchers try to analyze the condition of muzakki.
So the compliance behaviour to pay zakat will
increase. (Sukri, Wahab, & Hamed, 2016) has
examined the behavior of obedience to paying Zakat
of gold in Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM)
environment, where the results of his research
indicate that one of the factors that can influence the
related behavior is the individual's own attitude
toward the behavior. However, (Azman & Bidin,
2015) who have researched in UUM found that the
attitude does not have a significant effect on
compliance to pay zakat (savings).
Amilahaq, F., Wijayanti, P., Nasir, N. and Ahmad, S.
The Efficient Fintech of Indonesian Zakat Institution based on Muzakki’s Psychology.
DOI: 10.5220/0009859600002898
In Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (7th AICIF 2019) - Revival of Islamic Social Finance to Strengthen Economic Development Towards
a Global Industrial Revolution, pages 11-18
ISBN: 978-989-758-473-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In the other hand, (Azman & Bidin, 2015) agreed
with (Sukri et al., 2016) that religiosity has no
significant effect on the adherence of paying zakat.
However, long time ago before the research of
(Mukhlis & Beik, 2013) believe that religiosity
affects the behavior of muzakki adherence especially
the people of Bogor Regency where they conduct
research. It is also supported by (F. binti N. A.
Mastura & Zainol, 2015) with his research on
compliance to pay zakat savings of employees of
private and public companies in Malaysia.
The renewal research had been done that
proofing the behaviour of paying zakat could adapt
the planned behaviour theory belongs to (Ajzen,
2006). However, the research also found the
intervension of normative factors that affecting the
models (Amilahaq & Ghoniyah, 2019). The
intervension is such an appeal from the workplace
that the Muslims employee should pay zakat. Then
the office facilites them through deduct automatic
salary. The program is a collaboration with some
Indonesian Zakat Institution (IZI) such as BAZNAS
(National Amil Zakat), LazisMU, and LazisNU.
Then the collaborated IZI can be called as IZI mass,
means the zakat institution who had fixed market.
1.2 Objective
The previous research that found another interesting
phenomenon on zakat management implementation,
need to be proven by analyze the significant
difference. Therefore, this study can be called as
advanced research about zakat of the author.
2.1 Zakat Definition
Zakat is the right of others (mustahiq), it is attached
in muzakki’s treasure. Therefore zakat must be
issued by muzakki then it should be distributed to
the right. The definition is confirmed by (Kurnia &
Hidayat, 2008, p. 7), that zakat is not a gift or even a
contribution/tabarru', but the rights of others.
Scientifically, zakat is one of the main
characteristics of the Islamic economic system (MA
Mannan in (Kurnia & Hidayat, 2008, pp. 8–9)). It is
based on the essence of zakat which is one form of
implementation of the justice principle. The six
principles of zakat in Islamic Economics are; the
principles of religious beliefs, the principles of
justice and equity (social goals), the principles of
productivity (unstoppable turnover), the principle of
reason (social responsibility), the principle of
freedom, and the principle of ethics and
That six principles are implicitly in line with
(Yunus, 2016) opinion that the management of zakat
based on the essence of nature can convert mustahiq
into muzakki, as exemplified in the story of the
Caliph Omar's leadership in which all his people
have become sufficiently capable that the amil at the
time got confused to distribute zakat .
Distributing zakat can also make the halal
treasure of muzakki to be holy, blessing, growing,
either meaningful to Allah. Because it can be
utilized by mustahiq, not to settle only on a muzakki.
This is as stated in QS At Taubah verse 103 and QS
Ar-Ruum verse 39.
2.2 Theory of Planned Behaviour
Theory of planned behaviour first introduced by
Ajzen in 1985. This theory is the development of the
Theory of reaction action. These theories basically
born from knowledge field of the psychologist, as is
Icek Ajzen is known well as the social psychologist.
Based on planned behaviour theory, the
important factor is the tendency to do the behaviour.
The factors affect the intention are; the attitude
toward behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioural control. The perceived behavioral
control also could be hypothesed as moderating
factor. Therefore, this research is still invloving the
complete model (Ajzen, 2006; Amilahaq &
Ghoniyah, 2019; Bidin, Deraman, & Othman, 2017;
F. Mastura, 2011; Othman & Fisol, 2017; Sukri et
al., 2016).
The zakat compliance behaviour express the
Muzakki’s behavior to pay zakat on income through
IZI. While the attitude of Muzakki express their
personal opinion of the action (the behaviour). It is
based on some indicators i.e. 1) responsibilities, 2)
usefulness of zakat for the Muslim community, 3)
the priority level of paying zakat, 4) feelings of guilt
if not paying zakat, 5) zakat utilization in general, 6)
individual contribution to Muslim society , and 7)
the importance level of Zakat (Ajzen, 2006; F. binti
N. A. Mastura & Zainol, 2015).
The subjective norms is a normative factor that
express the perception about the behaviour from the
people around him, such as family, friends, or
figures/clerics related (Amilahaq & Ghoniyah, 2019;
Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010). While the perceived
behavioural control in this study is focused on the
capability of Muslims in using financial technology
services for zakat payment.
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance
2.3 Financial Technology Services
Perceived behavioral control refers to individual
perceptions of his ability to implement a behavior
(Ajzen, 2006). Based on this explanation, it can be
said that the perceived behavioral control in this
study is how much individual’s confidence can
affect to applying the behaviour. This factors
becoming the main study of the research because of
the constructs (indicators) reflect the use of high
technology in zakat transaction. The factor also
become the reason why zakat payment through
deduct automatic salary is exist. It is the financial
technology services served by the workplace along
with the IZI Mass. It is believed could increase the
ability to implement the behaviour. By the facility
served, Muzakki could pay their zakat easier.
As for the financial technology services served
by non Mass IZI are. the zakat payment by mobile
banking services; zakat payment via virtual money
collaborated with some digital platform such as Go-
Pay, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, and Paytren. Also IZI
could open zakat payment via popular website such
as, even open their platform such as which is held by IZI named
Rumah Zakat.
2.4 Zakat Understanding
Knowledge is one of religiosity dimension proposed
by (Stark & Glock, 1974, pp. 14–16). Religious
people are expected to increase their knowledge so
that the application of religious actions will be done
properly according to religious provisions. Zakat
which is part of the worship behavior toward Allah
SWT (pillars of Islam), as well as a behavior of
muamalah, is also inseparable from the various
provisions that have been regulated such as nishab
and haul. So it is important for muzakki for having
the comprehension in order to apply the behavior of
paying zakat wisely.
Based on those explanations, it can be said that
in this study, the knowledge meant is knowledge of
muzakki about zakat and various things that
encompass it, such as zakat compulsory law, zakat
obligatory terms or conditions such as nishab and
haul, and the virtue of zakat.
2.5 Trust on Indonesian Zakat Institute
Mayer, Davis, & Schoorman (1995) define trust as a
person's willingness, including taking risks, on the
actions of others based on the hope that the other
person will take important actions for the person
who believes them, without having any supervision
and controlling.
The trust in this research means trust of muzakki
toward IZI. Muzakki will authorize the distribution
of Zakat funds on IZI. Such trust is arised because of
the IZI’s ability to carry out its responsibilities as a
zakat manager. This responsibility is in accordance
with the expectations of muzakki and in accordance
with the provisions of the Shari'a. This capability
also can proven by a wide range of distribution and
management of ZIS fund distribution, in order to
achieve optimal utilization of ZIS fund. It also can
be seen by the IZI’s capability in accounting for ZIS
fund management reporting toward muzakki,
government, and Allah SWT.
The aspect used by the writer to measure the
trust of muzakki toward amil zakat institution in this
research are due to the seven core values that
underlie the building of a trust (Wibowo, 2006), they
are; openness, competence, honesty, integrity,
accountability, sharing, and rewards.
2.6 Intention
Tendency of person to apply a behavior is a
definition by (Ajzen, 2006). Meanwhile, the
intention to pay zakat is the first way to do worship
as a form of obedience to Allah SWT (Kurnia &
Hidayat, 2008, p. 37). The intention of this study
consists of the tendency of a person to pay zakat
through IZI, as has been exemplified by rosulullah’s
friend at the time that is paying through amil zakat.
The number of zakat can be calculated by using
nishab (and haul). It shows the application of zakat
paying behavior needs to be preceded by preparation
such as calculating whether a person is obliged to
pay zakat and how much zakah to be paid. While the
implementation of zakat paying behavior through
IZI also needs to start from finding amil zakat of
muzakki that they can contact and trust. Thus it can
be said that the tendency in the intention is not only
inward but also the real preparation of a person. In
this study, the measurement of intention is reflected
by the indicators stated by (Ajzen, 2006).
2.6.1 Intention Effect on Behavior
Intentions could indicates a person's tendency to
reject or accept, interested or disinterested, with
particular behavior (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010), and
intention can also be said as a sign of one's readiness
to apply a behavior (Ajzen, 2006). They both believe
The Efficient Fintech of Indonesian Zakat Institution based on Muzakki’s Psychology
that intention is a very influential factor to predict
certain behaviors.
2.7 Difference Behaviour of Muzakki
Previous research has analyzed the efficiency of the
Indonesian Zakat Institution (IZI) by dividing it into
two groups, namely IZI which is related to certain
organizations (mass / IZI Massa) and IZI that do not
have a relationship or connection with certain
organizations (independent IZI). Therefore this
study aims to analyze the efficiency of the IZI’s
connection based on the view of the psychology of
Muzakki (Muslims who pay zakat). The method is
done by comparing the psychological conditions
between the Muzakki from the organization that is
bounded by a certain IZI and Muzakki paying
independently (the organization is not tied to a
particular IZI). The relationship owned by the
organization with IZI is the policy of an
organization/company/institution to implement a
zakat payment through salary reduction where the
certain IZIs become amil zakat (the IZI Mass).
Therefore, in this study only hipothesing one, it
is whether any difference behaviour (Muzakki's
Psychology to Pay Zakat), between the Muzakki
who pay zakat through Mass IZI, with the
Muzakki who pay zakat volunteerly, it is by the
non Mass IZI.
Questionnaires consist of 11 points of respondent
identity / Muzakki, 47 open questions with a Likert
scale of 1-7, and 7 closed questions. Nevertheless,
there is a possibility of more in-depth interviews
with practitioners in the Zakat institutional sector in
Indonesia to strengthen the results of this research.
The data obtained from the questionnaire was
processed by using Partial Least Square (PLS)
program. Partial Least Square analysis is a powerful
analytical method because it does not have to
assume data with certain measurements. It can be
applied to any data scale, and does not require many
assumptions fulfillment (Ghozali & Latan, 2015).
The respondents of the study consists of 78
Muzakki who pay zakat independently (IZI non-
Mass), and 70 Muzakki who pay zakat through their
workplace (Mass IZI). As for the analysis is done by
three regression usig SmartPLS. Two regressions are
for comparing the difference between two kind of
respondent, and the third regression is using dummy
variable in testing the significant difference.
First analysis is done by arrange the descriptive
statistic. This study devide the demographics
elements based on the type of respondent.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistic of IZI non-Mass Muzakki
and IZI Mass Muzakki.
Description Criteria
IZI Non-
Male 32 34
Female 46 36
19-35 years old 47 33
36-50 years old 17 22
51-58 years old 10 9
No Answer 4 6
The last
High school 10 6
Diploma 3 20 14
Bachelor 39 31
Master 5 6
Doctoral 3 1
Others 1 7
Single 29 17
Married 47 52
No Answer - 1
of paying
Zakat in
< 1 year 34 15
1-5 years 26 17
> 5 years 12 35
No answer 6 3
Entrepreneurs 14 -
Civil Servant 14 43
40 25
Others 10 2
< Rp 4,480,000 40 37
Rp 4,480,000 -
Rp 6,055,200
12 26
> Rp 6,055,200 22 5
No answer 4 2
Total Respondent (N) 78 70
Source: Author’s Document (2019).
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance
IZI non Mass Muzakki is 78 respondents with
various background and profession. As for the 70 of
IZI Mass Muzakki is dominated by worker,
especially civil servant worker. It is because public
institution has collaborated with National Amil
Zakat Institute such as BAZNAS, to manage the
zakat of the employee. So do with some private
institutions who have collaborated with some IZI,
such as Sultan Agung High School with Lazis Sultan
Agung in Semarang City, and some Islamic High
School that collaborate with LazisNU, LazisMu, or
National Amil Zakat Institute (Baznas). Those
collaboration in kind of zakat management of their
employee, such as the financial technology services
to take the zakat automatically when the salary is
The variables analyzed is using more
comprehensif model than the previous study
(Amilahaq & Ghoniyah, 2019). This study is not
only involve variables from Planned Behaviour
Theory, but also adding trust and religios factors in
affecting behaviour. Moreover, the perceived
behaviour control is put as moderating variable. The
previous study believed that higher capability of the
person in perceived behavioral control, will
moderate the other factors toward behaviour. Thus is
inline with the existence of technology. When the
person is able to use the technology to pay zakat,
then it will be easier for them to do so. Therefore,
perceived behavioral control in this study is focused
on the use of financial technology services in zakat.
Three regression model has been analyzed and
showed some differences relationship towards
behaviour. It can be said that for difference
background of respondent, they showed different
relation. As for the analysis result could be
summarized on Table 2 as below.
Based on the Table above. We can see the
different relationship between two kind of
respondents. Subjective norms as an external factor
of a person, directly affects towards behaviour. It
happens to the two group. However, the impact is far
higher happen in IZI Mass Muzakki. It strengthen
the fact that the behaviour of paying zakat by
respondent of IZI Mass is caused by the external
pressure, such as the strong persuation of the
For IZI non mass Muzakki, arguments from
around also could increase the trust toward IZI. As
for the IZI mass Muzakki, although they do the
payment due to the external factor, it can not
increase their trust towards IZI. Thus because the
persuassion to two cluster is in different way. The
one could be soft persuasion due to other’s
experience and understanding about paying zakat
through IZI, while the another could be strong
persuassion to do the payment through their
workplace, without any comprehensif explaination.
Table 2: The Results of The Three Regression Analyzes.
No. Relationship
IZI Non Mass -
IZI Mass -
All Muzakki
1 Attitude -> Intention Not significant Not significant Not significant
2 Attitude -> Trust significant Not significance Significant
3 Int*PBC -> Behaviour Not significant Not significant Not significant
4 Intention -> Behaviour Not significant Not significant Not significant
5 PBC -> Behaviour Not significant Not significant Not significant
6 PBC -> Intention Significant Significant
7 PBC -> Trust Significant Significant Significant
8 Religiosity -> Behaviour Not significant Significant Not significant
9 Religiosity -> Intention Not significant Not significant Not significant
10 SN -> Behaviour Significant Significant Significant
11 SN -> Intention Significant Significant Significant
12 SN -> Trust Significant Not significant Significant
13 Trust -> Behaviour Significant Not significant Significant
14 Trust -> Intention Significant Significant Significant
15 Dummy -> Behaviour - - Not significant
16 PBC -> Trust -> Behaviour Significant Not significant Significant
17 Attitude -> Trust -> Intention Significant Not significant Significant
18 PBC -> Trust -> Intention Significant Significant Significant
19 SN -> Trust -> Intention Not significant Not significant Significant
Source: SmartPLS 3 (2019).
The Efficient Fintech of Indonesian Zakat Institution based on Muzakki’s Psychology
Perceived behavioral control significantly
affecting the behaviour for the IZI non-mass cluster,
through trust. It strengthen the allegation that
Muslims will choose to pay zakat through IZI
because of the easiness to access the institution.
Perceived behavioral control in this study is focused
on the capability to use the financial technology
served by many IZI, such as paying zakat via online,
bank transfer, through some marketplace aplication
such as bukalapak and tokpedia, and through
website of charity. In fact, the financial technology
served is not only ease the transaction but also be
able to publish the some charity program such as
donation for the poor, orphaned, serously ill
Muslims, mosque construction, etcetera.
As for the zakat payment through salary
reductions is digital zakat payment served by some
workplace. The existence is notes on dummy
variable in this study. The result of third regression
shows the not significant relationship of dummy
Thus, this study still could not provide the
significant prove that there is difference of
phenomenon between Muzakki who pay
independently, with the Muzakki who get strong
persuasion from their workplace. However, the
existence of difference relation of other factors can
be seen by comparing the first and second
regression. Atleast, it can explain how the
psychological of two type of Muzakki are different,
as has been explained on paragraphs above.
The result of regression also can be served on
Figure 1.
The existence of financial technology services ease
the access of transaction and the access to get
information about IZI. Muzakki will be easier to pay
zakat through online platforms, and will be easier to
the information about zakat management
Figure 1: Result of Third Regression; Model with Dummy Variable. Source: Output of SmartPLS, 2019. Notes: The
number displayed on the model reflect the regression coefficient. As for the complete result of three regression can be
shown on the table below.
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance
Table 3: Result of Three regression Model.
No. Relationship
IZI Non Mass - Muzakki IZI Mass – Muzakki All Muzakki
Coefficient P Values Coefficient P Values Coefficient P Values
1 Attitude -> Intention 0,224 0,161 0,023 0,863 0,073 0,481
2 Attitude -> Trust 0,395 0,004 0,089 0,471 0,264 0,008
3 Int*PBC -> Behaviour 0,111 0,144 0,000 0,996 0,065 0,152
4 Intention -> Behaviour 0,169 0,287 0,029 0,870 0,087 0,504
5 PBC -> Behaviour 0,215 0,169 0,039 0,860 0,115 0,366
6 PBC -> Intention 0,029 0,862 0,419 0,001 0,291 0,003
7 PBC -> Trust 0,429 0,001 0,733 0,000 0,576 0,000
8 Religiosity -> Behaviour -0,062 0,664 0,279 0,089 0,074 0,489
9 Religiosity -> Intention 0,076 0,477 0,016 0,826 0,048 0,456
10 SN -> Behaviour 0,295 0,014 0,557 0,000 0,401 0,000
11 SN -> Intention 0,303 0,001 0,179 0,019 0,244 0,000
12 SN -> Trust 0,106 0,076 0,142 0,122 0,104 0,055
13 Trust -> Behaviour 0,353 0,034 -0,026 0,890 0,274 0,030
14 Trust -> Intention 0,304 0,050 0,338 0,003 0,317 0,000
15 dummy -> Behaviour 0,047 0,423
16 PBC -> Trust -> Behaviour
0,158 0,025
17 Attitude -> Trust -> Intention 0,120 0,088 0,030 0,474 0,084 0,034
18 PBC -> Trust -> Intention 0,130 0,085 0,248 0,006 0,183 0,002
19 SN -> Trust -> Intention 0,032 0,223 0,048 0,159 0,033 0,097
Source: Output of SmartPLS 3, 2019.
reports of IZI. This factor is covered on perceived
behavioral control variable, as reflection of the
capability of Muslims to implement the behaviour
through online platforms.
In other way, strong persuasion of external
environment could also encourage the Muslims to do
so, such as the strong persuasion from the workplace
to pay zakat simply and automatically, it is through
salary reductions, along with payroll system
execution. However, the Muzakki who pay zakat
automatically through their workplace (IZI Mass
Muzakki) is not ready psychologically.
The study showed that there really is exist the
difference psychology between the Muzakki who
pay zakat volunteerly, with the Muzaki who pay
zakat normatively. Therefore it strengthen the
important of socialization and education toward
society about the understanding of zakat. Therefore,
their worhship will be worth. So that is why IZI
especially IZI Mass need to improve their
socialization and education (syi'ar) towards Muzakki
and young Muslims (prospective Muzakki), and also
informing the statements of IZI’s zakat management
toward the community, especially toward Muzakki,
in order to achieve their willingness and obedience
to pay zakat (Muzakki’s psychology), only then
offer convenience services for paying zakat.
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Religiusitas, dan Kontribusi terhadap Minat Pedagang
Mengeluarkan Zakat di Baitul Mal (Studi Kasus pada
Pedagang Pasar Los Lhokseumawe). At-Tawassuth,
(1), 95–124.
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance