The Effect of Regional Government Expenditures and
Government Transfers on Income Inequality:
Study in Districts/Cities in West Java
Azas Mabrur
Polytechnic of State Finance STAN Jakarta, Indonesia
Abstract. This paper examines the effect of local government spending and
central government transfer on income inequality. The study was conducted
using a panel data model with Fixed Effect model with data samples from 20
cities/districts in West Java during 2013-2017. The results of this study indicate
that total local government expenditures in West Java has the effect of increasing
the Gini coefficient, which means an increase in income inequality, while
government spending in the economic function can reduce the Gini coefficient.
This results shows that Local government expenditure allocations in West Java
have not been able to support inclusive growth. To encourage inclusive growth,
government spending needs to be appropriately allocated, especially prioritized
in the economic function, not in other functions such as administrative and
service functions
Keywords: Gini ratio · Government spending · Income inequality
1 Introduction
The state budget as a form of state financial management is determined every year by
law and implemented for the greatest prosperity of the people. This becomes the main
foundation in the management of gvernment finances, that the main purpose of
managing state finances is to achieve the welfare of the people. The implementation of
the State Budget includes the transfer of funds to the Regional Budget, which has also
increased from year to year, where by 2018 it has reached more than 800 trillion rupiah.
Increased government spending is expected to be able to influence the improvement of
people's welfare achieved by reducing disparities in the level of welfare between groups
in society due to differences in the level of ownership and opportunities for the use of
economic resources for the private sector (Badrudin, 2012).
Prior studies have found a positive relationship between fiscal decentralization and
economic growth (Iimi, 2005) and (Yilmaz, 1999), while others establish no direct
relationship (Martinez-Vazquez & McNab, 2003). however, it cannot be denied that
government spending in developing countries is an economic stimulus that has an
important role in economic growth. economic growth discussed in the last few decades
is fair and equitable economic growth (Aoyagi & Ganelli, 2015). The results of the
study indicate that redistributive fiscal policy and monetary policy aimed at effective
macro stability in promoting inclusive growth. The coefficient of fiscal redistribution
Mabrur, A.
The Effect of Regional Government Expenditures and Government Transfers on Income Inequality: Study in Districts/Cities in West Java.
DOI: 10.5220/0009855000002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 281-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
is significant and positive, which means that the government's redistribution policy is
able to drive inclusive growth.
In addition to being classified in the economic classification of government
expenditures such as personnel expenditure, goods expenditure and capital spending
are also classified based on function. Many public policies are treated as expenditures
but actually should be considered as investments, especially those that invest in human
resources, both at the individual level and at the level of the individual group. These
expenditures include health care, education, and security (Boarini, Causa, Fleurbaey,
Grimalda, & Woolard, 2018). the example shows that some redistributive policies,
especially health spending and higher education, benefit the poor while at the same time
increasing growth through increasing human capital (Benabou, 2000).
The largest example of redistribution was found for Belgium, while Colombia and
Peru showed a rather limited overall redistributive effect. Transfers on average reduce
income inequality by more than 85 percent, while taxes are responsible for redistribution
of 15 percent. in that country, transfers still play a dominant role in reducing the initial
income gap. Among all welfare countries, Continental European countries achieved the
highest level of reduction in initial income inequality (Wang & Caminada, 2011).
In the short term, higher inequality helps economic performance but reduces the
rate of GDP per capita growth further in the future (Halter, Oechslin, & Zweimüller,
2014). Policy reforms that promote growth that tend to reduce income inequality are
needed: among them 1) Improving the quality and reach of education, 2) Promoting
equality in education, 3) Reducing the gap between work protection on temporary and
permanent work (Hoeller, Joumard, & Koske, 2014).
At the local government level, APBD has an important function for the creation of
community welfare. Public welfare in general can be measured by increasing per capita
income of the population, decreasing poverty and unemployment rates and increasing
human development index. Aside from being a stimulus for economic growth,
government spending must also be directed at creating an equitable distribution of
income for all elements of society. This means that economic growth is not only
beneficial for certain groups but must be evenly beneficial for all levels of society. A
recent study concluded that the direct and indirect combined effects of income
redistribution are 'pro-growth' averages. In this study it was found that the treatment for
inequality - redistribution - is no worse for growth than inequality, because some
policymakers might worry (Ostry, Berg, & Tsangarides, 2014).
Income inequality is a condition where the income distribution received by the
community is unequal. Inequality describes the gap between those who have a high
income and those who have a low income. Gini index is the most widely used measure
to measure inequality. This is because there is a direct relationship with the Lorenz
curve where the gini index measures the extent to which the Lorenz curve departs from
the egalitarian line. This is defined as twice the area between the Lorenz curve and the
egalitarian line. The Gini index value lies between zero for complete equality and one
for complete or most extreme inequality (Shah, 2005). Gini index value of 0 indicates
the existence of a perfect income distribution.
Based on data from BPS as of September 2018 the province of West Java has a gini
index of 0.405 higher than the average index in Indonesia of 0.384. This condition places
West Java province in the top 3 provinces with the highest level of income inequality.
BPS data also shows that in the period March 2015 to September 2018, the Gini ratio in
West Java Province was still stagnant, even the position in Sep
tember 2018 increased
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
compared to the same period the previous year. This shows that the government's efforts
in not overcoming the inequality of public income have not been optimal.
On the other hand, the regional government budget in West Java Province continues
to increase from year to year. This raises the question whether the local government
spending has not been able to overcome the problem of poverty and welfare disparities
in the people of West Java Province. This study wants to see empirically whether
regional government spending and transfer income from the central government in the
Regional Government in West Java has an influence in reducing income inequality as
measured by a declining Gini ratio.
2 Theory and Hypothesis Development
Politically, a country with increasing economic growth, where the average income in
the economy exceeds the average income, the majority vote tends to support the
redistribution of resources from rich to poor. This redistribution may involve explicit
transfer payments but can also involve public expenditure programs, such as education
and child care, and regulatory policies (Perotti, 1996). in governments that carry out
decentralization, the central government transfers to local governments and local
governments treat it as transfers of income in their budgets. Redistribution will be
carried out by local governments with public expenditure.
Researches try to answer the question how income distribution can influence output
growth. In these studies, the possible reverse causes of the level of development towards
inequality are recognized but ignored (Perotti, 1996) and (Benabou, 2000). Theoretical
models linking income inequality with economic growth through the three channels
(Benabou, 2000). The first is the balance of power in the political system. The second
channel is socio-political instability, which leads to a decrease in security of property
rights. The third channel is the rationing of human capital investment loans due to
imperfections in the capital market. Are specialized channels able to get empirical
support. The conclusion is that the socio-political instability argument is strongly
supported and the interaction between lending constraints and investment in human
resources also provides some support while there seems to be less empirical support for
explanations based on the effects of redistribution through fiscal policy (Perotti, 1996).
In fiscal policy, a high level of income inequality leads to higher demand for
redistribution. this in turn affects growth through the allocation of resources from
investment or through taxes that distort the incentives needed to fund redistribution
(Tanninen, 1999). Studies show that in poor countries, higher inequality tends to inhibit
growth but in rich countries it can actually encourage growth. According to the Kuznets
Curve, inequality first increases and then decreases during the process of economic
development - emerging as a clear empirical order (Barro, 2000). What effect do
various government activities have on inequality? These activities include expenditure
programs, especially education and health, transfers, and non-proportional taxes. The
level of inequality of the country also determines the income redistribution program
through government expenditure, because governments in a more unequal society tend
to spend on redistribution programs. This may not be as efficient as an instrument for
reducing poverty and reducing inequality because the benefits of public spending can
be captured by nonpoor (De Mello & Tiongson, 2006).
The Effect of Regional Government Expenditures and Government Transfers on Income Inequality: Study in Districts/Cities in West Java
In this study, researchers will examine whether local government spending has a
positive effect on reducing income inequality
H1: Total local government spending has a positive effect on the Gini Ratio
In terms of government expenditure classifications, does the type of capital expenditure
have a positive effect on reducing income inequality
H2: Capital expenditure has a positive effect on the Gini Ratio
In terms of the expenditure function, does spending in the economic and education
sectors respectively have a positive effect in reducing income inequality
H3: Spending on Economic function has a positive effect on Gini Ratio
H4: Spending on Education function has a positive effect on the Gini Ratio
In terms of the source of income, does income from transfers have a positive effect on
reducing income inequality
H5: Income from transfer has a positive effect on the Gini Ratio
3 Research Method
3.1 Sample and Survey Procedure
The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS) of West Java Province and the Directorate General of Fiscal Balance.
The data collection method in this study was carried out with documentation, i.e.
gathering records / data needed according to the research to be carried out. The data
needed is in the form of district / city Gini Ratio in West Java Province as well as data
on revenue realization and expenditure of city districts in West Java Province.
The data analysis method used in this study is the panel data model, which is a
combination of cross section data from 20 local government and time series from 2013
to 2017. There are three methods that can be used for data processing using panel data,
namely: Common effect model, estimating panel data with the OLS method; Fixed
effect (FE), adding a dummy model to the panel data; and Random effects, taking into
account errors from panel data with the least square method.
3.2 Measures
The panel data regression analysis used in this study requires a model specification test
to determine which model is considered appropriate in the function model regression
process. From the results of the tests conducted, the right model is the fixed effect model
based on the results of the Chow test and Hausman Test which results in both
probabilities of less than the 5% significance level (0.05).
The regression function model that will be used is as follows:
= β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ e
GINI = Income Inequality
TOTBEL = Total local government spending
CAPEX = Capital Expenditures
BECON = Spending on Economic function
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
BEDU = Spending on Education function
TRANS = = Income from Central Government Transfers
4 Empirical Result
On average, the city of Bandung had the highest Gini index of 0.440, followed by the
city of Tasikmalaya, while the lowest index is in Indramayu Regency. Based on
observational data, in general the Gini index in urban areas is indeed higher than the
Gini index in rural areas, its mean that in urban areas income inequality is more
pronounced than in income inequality in rural areas.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics.
Mean 0.363540 26.79881 27.93679 27.26403 25.52806 28.45559
Median 0.356015 26.82130 28.02988 27.50975 25.59531 28.49431
0.477236 28.06399 28.73285 28.42144 27.62151 29.55902
0.279878 25.47274 26.77368 23.03965 21.50634 27.18485
Std. Dev. 0.041067 0.604204 0.470165 0.880707 0.881229 0.541704
Skewness 0.326486 0.089586 -0.575630 -1.953733 -1.318869 -0.275653
Sum 36.35399 2679.881 2793.679 2726.403 2552.806 2845.559
Sum S
. Dev. 0.166964 36.14122 21.88443 76.78890 76.87989 29.05090
Observations 100 100 100 100 100 100
Table 2. The estimation results with Fixed Effect Model.
Variable Coefficient Std. Erro
t-Statistic Prob.
C -2.066697 0.638900 -3.234777 0.0018
L_CAPEX 0.007266 0.017970 0.404318 0.6871
TRANS 0.008655 0.022086 0.391881 0.6963
EDU 0.013071 0.007048 1.854520 0.0676
L_ECON -0.015466 0.006528 -2.369314 0.0204
TOTBEL 0.071416 0.027269 2.618930 0.0107
Effects Specification
Cross-section fixed
0.763575 Mean de
endent va
usted R-s
0.687919 S.D. de
endent va
S.E. of regression 0.022942 Akaike info criterion -4.499391
Sum s
uared resi
0.039475 Schwarz criterion -3.848098
249.9695 Hannan-Quinn criter. -4.235801
F-statistic 10.09271 Durbin-Watson stat 2.547051
The Effect of Regional Government Expenditures and Government Transfers on Income Inequality: Study in Districts/Cities in West Java
The adjusted R-square value is 0.68% so that simultaneously the independent
variable can explain 68% of the dependent variable. From the significance test results,
it can be seen that not all independent variables are significant in the model, where
Prob. t-statistic> a as the degree of confidence of the estimate used (a = 5% = 0.05). In
the regression model above the independent variable Spending on Economic function
(L_ECON) and total local government spending (L_TOTBEL) has a significance <0.05
this means that these two variables have a significant effect on the income inequality
variable (GINI). While the Capital Expenditure variable (L_CAPEX) and Income from
Central Government Transfers (L_TRANS) have not significant to income inequality
4.1 Total Local Government Spending
Intercept value of 0.07 means that an increase in government spending by 1 percent
will increase the gini index by 0.07 so that H1 is rejected. Based on these results, overall
government spending in the districts / cities of West Java actually led to an increase in
the gini index, which means increases the income gap. Government spending, which is
expected to be a stimulus for economic growth in the regions, has increasingly
empirically created a income disparity. This can happen if the output of government
spending has not been able to reach the lower classes of society. So we need better
spending priorities to create inclusive economic growth.
4.2 Spending on Economic Function
Intercept value of -0.015 means an increase in economic function expenditure of 1
percent will reduce the gini index by 0.015 so that H2 is accepted. Economic function
expenditure is government expenditure whose impact is on economic growth and
community welfare so that it is expected to create employment opportunities, reduce
poverty levels and reduce the public income gap.
As for transfer income from the central government as well as spending in education
it has not shown a significant effect on the gini index. In contrast to some previous
studies which provide evidence that spending in education can reduce income
inequality, the results of this research have not found the same role in West Java. this
needs to be further investigated how the role of spending in education in West Java so
that it can be more directed towards the results as expected.
5 Conclusions
Previous studies have shown the effect of government spending on economic growth,
but how it affects the income gap. does government spending have a role in reducing
the income gap or vice versa. The results of this study indicate that total regional
government expenditure has an effect on increasing the Gini index, which means that
the income gap in the community is higher. This can be understood because in general,
government spending does not only benefit the lower class, but even the middle and the
upper class have more benefit from government spending. Meanwhile, government
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
spending in West Java that specifically allocated to economic functions has the opposite
effect, which can reduce the Gini index. This is a positive result in encouraging
inclusive growth in West Java Province
Based on these empirical results, the government needs to prioritize budget
allocations for economic functions compared to budget allocations for service and
administrative functions. Appropriate budget allocation is expected to encourage
regional economic growth that is inclusive and equitable and can be felt by all citizens
in the region.
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The Effect of Regional Government Expenditures and Government Transfers on Income Inequality: Study in Districts/Cities in West Java
Appendix 1. Gini Index per District / City in West Java.
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Avera
Kota Bandun
0,415 0,477 0,441 0,438 0,428 0,440
Kota Tasikmala
a 0,394 0,371 0,485 0,416 0,422 0,418
Kota Bo
0,405 0,363 0,473 0,425 0,410 0,415
Kota Cirebon 0,378 0,404 0,413 0,404 0,411 0,402
Kab Bo
0,382 0,385 0,418 0,401 0,384 0,394
Kota Cimahi 0,404 0,388 0,395 0,416 0,365 0,394
Kota Sukabumi 0,341 0,359 0,428 0,417 0,403 0,390
Kota Depo
0,394 0,365 0,400 0,401 0,352 0,382
Kab Bandun
0,344 0,374 0,397 0,399 0,391 0,381
Kab Purwakarta 0,388 0,369 0,352 0,356 0,389 0,371
Kota Bekasi 0,354 0,329 0,410 0,392 0,351 0,367
Kota Ban
0,341 0,320 0,419 0,367 0,381 0,366
Kab Sumedan
0,337 0,328 0,349 0,367 0,387 0,354
Kab Bandun
0,309 0,326 0,339 0,357 0,405 0,347
Kab Ma
ka 0,322 0,342 0,353 0,356 0,351 0,345
Kab Kunin
an 0,325 0,370 0,344 0,332 0,320 0,338
Kab Ciamis 0,332 0,310 0,332 0,333 0,364 0,334
Kab Suban
0,331 0,314 0,333 0,348 0,344 0,334
Kab Garu
0,309 0,330 0,306 0,347 0,369 0,332
Kab Karawan
0,319 0,303 0,341 0,344 0,348 0,331
Kab Bekasi 0,329 0,328 0,345 0,309 0,336 0,329
Kab Cirebon 0,321 0,284 0,328 0,356 0,355 0,329
Kab Sukabumi 0,301 0,321 0,356 0,329 0,334 0,328
Kab Cian
0,285 0,280 0,281 0,361 0,348 0,311
Kab Tasikmala
a 0,317 0,294 0,304 0,304 0,319 0,307
Kab Indrama
u 0,27 0,281 0,288 0,262 0,291 0,280
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting