Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities
in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach
Murtala, Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra, Chalirafi, Eddy Gunawan, and Irham Iskandar
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Malikussaleh, Indonesia
Abstract. Wages are one of the deciding indicators in employment opportunities,
wage improvements in the economic development process are absolutely
necessary. With an increase in wages, it means an increase in income, an increase
in purchasing power and an increase in people's welfare. Increased income of the
community will have an impact on increasing demand for goods and services,
then in turn at a macro level will encourage companies to develop. This study
aims to determine the effect of real wages on employment opportunities in
Indonesia by using the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) approach. The data used
in this study are time series data during the 1980-2015 period. The analytical
method used in this study is the Vector Auto Regression (VAR) model.
Estimation results show that employment opportunities and stationary real wages
are at different rates using Philips-Perron. The results of the analysis did not occur
co-integration in the long run. Real wages have a negative effect on employment
opportunities in Indonesia. This condition illustrates that during the study period
the increase in real wages that occurred in Indonesia was not followed by a
balanced increase in productivity, so that an increase in real wages led to a
reduction in demand for labor.
Keywords: Real wage causality relationship ꞏ Job opportunities
1 Introductions
The employment problem in Indonesia is very large and complex. Great because it
requires millions of workers. Complex because labor problems affect simultaneously
by many interrelated factors, taking a pattern that is not easy to formulate (Tobing,
2006). Demographic factors influence the number and composition of the workforce.
Indonesia has been quite successful in reducing the number of births and deaths to a
full extent. However, this reverses the impact on working population growth which is
much faster than overall population growth (Ananta, 2003).
There are several main problems in the labor field that discuss about Indonesia,
namely the matter of employment opportunities, relatively high levels of labor force
growth, low wage rates, and labor productivity, which are compared between regions,
both in terms of wages and labor rates. This problem is not only related to the region,
but also a national problem (Hasibuan, 2007: 32).
The creation of employment opportunities is done by growing the business world
through various policies including in the fields of production, monetary, fiscal,
distribution, prices and wages, exports - imports, and in the field of employment. Thus,
Murtala, ., Putra, T., Chalirafi, ., Gunawan, E. and Iskandar, I.
Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0009847600002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 190-199
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
every decision in the field of employment and employment opportunities taken in
general, always has a political dimension. Labor issues also address wages and social
security issues, setting minimum wages, employment requirements, labor protection,
dispute agreements, freedom of association and industrial relations, and international
relations and cooperation. All of them contain economic, social and political
dimensions. In other words, this employment problem has multiple dimensions, is
complex and very complex.
The development of labor in Indonesia for the period 1990-2015 can be seen in
Figure 1:
Source: Department of Population and Labor Mobility of Indonesia, (data processed, 2016)
Fig. 1. Development of Manpower in Indonesia Period 1990-2015.
From Figure 1 illustrates the development of labor in Indonesia, shows. In 1990 the
workforce in Indonesia was 89,794,936 people, then in 1991 it increased by 0.53
percent or to 90,273,568 people. In 1992 the number of workers in Indonesia increased
again to 91,230,888 people, this situation continued to increase each year until 2002 the
workforce in Indonesia reached 104,631,968.00 people. In 2003 it decreased by 11.94
percent or 92,142,064.00 people. Then in 2004 the workforce in Indonesia again
decreased by 85,268,624.00 people or 7.46 percent. The development of the number of
workers in Indonesia until 2005 has increased again and in 2006 has decreased again,
however the number of workers in Indonesia over time with increasing population
conditions and improving economic conditions, the number of workers in Indonesia is
also increasingly increased, namely in 2015 reaching 135,541,032 inhabitants.
For employers, wages are seen as a cost burden thus encouraging employers to act
rationally, namely by setting wages equal to the marginal value of products of labor.
However, the government's policy which requires employers to take into account the
Minimum Physical Needs of workers in setting wages has caused the average wage rate
of workers to increase, because now the wages received by some workers are higher
than the marginal product value it produces.
This Regional Minimum Wage Policy often brings criticism from the business
community. Because in reality the productivity level of most workers is still below the
minimum wage level, the establishment of the minimum wage is seen as an increase in
production costs. The way out by entrepreneurs to ensure their business continuity is to
increase the selling price of products or reduce the amount of labor used. Both of these
alternatives have consequences for labor. The decision of employers to increase the
selling price of products will lead to inflation, and that means that the real wages
received by workers do not increase. On the other hand, if the solution taken by the
employer is to lay off some workers, then that means there is unemployment.
The minimum wage was first introduced in Indonesia in the early 1970s, and in the
later stages of the 1980s along with changes in the labor market, once a minimum wage
became important. In the first half of the 1990s the government more than doubled the
Tenaga Kerja
Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach
real minimum wage. In the second half of the 1990s nominally the minimum wage
continued to increase but in real terms the increase was small. Even in 1998 the real
value of the minimum wage fell quite large because of high inflation in that year due to
the economic crisis that hit Indonesia.
The development of real wages in the 1980-2014 period in Indonesia is seen in
Figure 2.
Source: BPS Indonesia, 2014
Fig. 2. Development of Real Wages in Indonesia Period 1980-2015.
From Figure 2 illustrates that the development of real wages in Indonesia shows a
progressively increasing development. Starting from 1980 the real wage in Indonesia
was Rp. 20,000 \ months until 1990 real wages in Indonesia increased to Rp. 110,000\
month, then in 1990 it increased to Rp. 120,000 \ month. In 1992 real wages in
Indonesia again increased to Rp.140,000 \ month, this situation continued to increase
each year until 2009 real wages in Indonesia reached Rp. 1,200,000 \ month. This
increase continued until 2015. As inflation continued to increase, real wages also
increased. Where the real wage is the lowest monthly wage with work time 7 hours a
day or 40 hours a week for the 6 day work system and 8 hours or 40 hours a week for
the work system 5 days a week.
This study aims to find out how much influence the real wage has on employment
opportunities in Indonesia. Job opportunities can be interpreted as an employment or
all types of jobs available where workers to make a living to meet their needs.
Djojohadikusumo (2000: 27) defines employment opportunities as positions that
arise both inside and outside the company as a result of investment and population
growth and the labor force on the one hand will affect the problem of unemployment
and expansion of employment opportunities. In addition, employment opportunities can
also be interpreted as the number of residents who work or those who have already
gotten a job. The more people who work the more extensive job opportunities (Esmara,
2002: 134).
Job opportunities contain an understanding of business opportunities or
opportunities available to work as a result of an economic activity, thus employment
opportunities include jobs that have been filled and employment opportunities can also
be interpreted as participation in development (Sagir, 2004: 52). Based on the
definitions of the two descriptions above, it can be concluded that employment
opportunities are the number of people who participate in development by doing a job
and receive the results of the development.
The definition of employment opportunities or groups of people who work
according to the population census in 1980 and 1990 are those who during the week
before enumeration did a job with the intention of earning income with working time
of at least one hour. This group also includes those who during the week before
Series 1
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
enumeration did not do work or worked for less than an hour, but had a permanent job,
but while they did not work because of illness, strike and others (BPS, 1999: 32).
Specifically, a request describes the maximum amount of labor employed by the
employer to be employed at each possible wage level within a certain period of time.
The demand for labor by employers can be seen in the short run (short run) and long
run (long run). In the short term employers are more likely to increase employment if
they want to increase production. In the long run, the tendency of companies to
substitute towards the use of relatively cheaper inputs. The amount of labor demanded,
both in the short term and in the long term has a negative relationship with wage levels.
According to Connell, (2009: 133) changes in labor demand can be influenced by
various factors, namely the demand for production (output) produced by labor, labor
production, the amount of labor available in the labor market, and the price of other
resources (substitute goods).
The terminology of wages means labor income received from the employer because
he is considered to have done work (Soepomo, 2002: 152). From the above
understanding, there are several things that cause given wages to someone. First: wages
are earned because of services that have been given by someone to the owner of the
object of work in accordance with the work (Kartasapoetra, 2007: 93). Second: wages
are earned because someone has done work that should be done or not doing work,
because of the dispensation for workers who are sick or unable for reasons that are
acceptable to both employers, this is contained in Government Regulation No. 8 of
1981 concerning wage protection (the drafting team of the Republic of Indonesia
Department of Labor, 1996: 21 Article 5 Paragraph (1) Letter a).
The National Wage Research Council, states that wages are an acceptance as a
reward from the employer to the recipient of work for a job or service that has and will
be carried out as a guarantee of a decent survival for humanity and the production is
expressed or valued in the form of money stipulated according to an agreement, law or
regulation and paid on the basis of an employment agreement between the employer
and the recipient of work (Handoko, 2005: 118).
According to Law No. 33 of 1947, concerning compensation payments to workers
who had an accident related to work relations. Article 7 Paragraphs (a) and (b) referred
to as wages are:
a. Each payment is in the form of money received by workers in exchange for
b. Housing, food, food and clothing are useless, the value of which is estimated at
the general price in that place.
According to Prisono (2006: 79) wages or salaries can be seen as a reward or
repayment to workers for the production output that has been produced, while the
minimum wage is the lowest wage that has been calculated as a basis for the provision
of wages that should be sufficient to be used as a survival cost the worker and his family
according to their level of need (Kartasapoetra, 2007: 158).
In the economy there are various types of goods and services. From year to year
they experience price increases / changes that are not uniform. There is a high price
increase and there is a relatively slow increase in price. In addition, various types of
goods are very different interests in human life. Some are often bought by consumers,
such as food, clothing and rental homes. There are also those whose purchases are not
made too often such as buying houses and cars, or traveling abroad. This difference has
Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach
a different effect on the welfare of the community if the prices of these items become
higher. The problems just described cause difficulties in trying to show the rate of
change in prices prevailing in an economy from year to year. This in turn makes it
difficult to calculate real wages from year to year.
Each country usually describes changes in prices in its economy by creating a price
index, which is an index that gives an idea of the average level of changes in prices over
time. One of these price indices is the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This price index can
be used to estimate the real wages of workers from year to year (Sukirno, 2012: 352).
Ferdinand (2011) said that the factors that significantly affected employment in the
Province of West Sumatra in 2005-2010 were government spending and the amount of
Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) which had a positive effect. While real
wages have a negative effect on employment. Meanwhile Nazamuddin (1998) the
unemployment rate in a place is negatively correlated with the level of wages in that
place, so that an area or country where the wage level is relatively high, there is low
unemployment. Increasing the level of wages, thus should not have an impact on rising
unemployment.On the other hand Nindya and I Wayan (2014), that real wages have a
significant negative effect on employment. An increase in real wages will reduce labor
absorption. In contrast to research conducted by Setiya (2013) the real wage variable
has a positive and significant effect on employment with α 5%.
2 Materials and Methods
The data used in this study are time series data for the period 1980 - 2015. The analytical
method used in this study is multivariate vector autogression (VAR). Before arriving at
the VAR analysis there are several estimation steps that will be used in the analysis,
which consists of:
1. Test data stationarity and degree of integration
2. Determination of the lag length
3. Granger causality test
4. VAR estimation
5. Variance Decomposition
Where :
KK = Job Opportunity
UR = Real Wage
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Stationary Test / Unit Root (Unit Root Test)
Stationarity testing is the initial stage before estimating the time series model. Time
series data that is directly analyzed will cause spurious in the results because in these
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
variables often contain unit root. Therefore it is necessary to do a unit root test to see
the time series data stationarity. Unit root test is done by the Philips-Perron (PP)
Table 1. Unit Root Test with Philips-Perron.
2th Difference
KK 0.0000
UR 0.0000
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
The hypotheses tested were H0: β1 = 0 (indicating the presence of a root unit or
non-stationary data) and H1: β1 0. Here β1 is the PP value. If the PP probability value
is greater than the alpha testing level, then the hypothesis H0 which states that the data
contained in the root unit is rejected means that the time series data is stationary, and
vice versa. Based on the unit root test results from Table 1, it can be explained that at a
significance level of 5 percent, the real variable wage (UR) and employment (KK) has
a PP probability value smaller than the 5 percent alpha testing level on lsecound
different or I (0).
3.2 Determination of Optimal Lag
In determining the optimal lag the values of likelihood ratio (LR), final prediction error
(FPE), Akaike information criterion (AIC), Schwarz information criterion (SIC), and
Hannan-Quin criterion (HQ) are used. The optimal lag length chosen based on the
criteria above is shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Optimal Lag Length Based on Several Criteria.
0 -1060.116
1 -944.4201 210.3561 3.56e+22
2 -936.7871 12.95305 2.87e+22
3 -928.7292 12.69731* 2.26e+22*
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
Based on Table 2 the LR and FPE criteria choose lag order 3. Thus in this study the
optimal lag length that will be used is 3.
3.3 Cointegration Test
Cointegration test is a test of whether there is a long-term relationship between
independent and dependent variables, this test is a continuation of the unit root test
(Unit Root Test) and the degree of integration test (Integration Test). Cointegration test
results are seen by comparing the value of the trace test and max-eigen test with the
value of critical value. Cointegration test results can be seen in Table 3.
Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach
Table 3. Cointegration Test Results.
Trace 0.05
o. of CE(s) Ei
envalue Statistic
Value Prob.**
one * 0.627615 38.95965 25.872 0.00
At most 1 0.175327 6.361346 12.517 0.41
Trace test indicates 1 cointe
eqn(s) at the 0.05 level
* denotes re
ection of the h
pothesis at the 0.05 level
-Michelis (1999) p-values
Unrestricted Cointe
ration Rank Test (Maximum Ei
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
From Table 3 shows that of the two variables tested only one variable occurred
cointegration so that from the test results it was stated that the two variables tested did
not have cointegration.
3.4 Granger Causality Analysis
Causality analysis shows a causal relationship. To know the characteristics of causality
relationships, namely changes in a variable that is more influential on other variables,
it requires a Granger causality test. To find out the results of the causality test can be
seen in Table 4.
Table 4. Granger Causality Test Lag 8.
ull H
pothesis: Obs F-Statistic Prob.
UR does not
er Cause KK 34 6.59548 0.0044
KK does not Granger
Cause UR 0.67572 0.5166
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
From the results of the Granger causality test in Table 4 it can be explained, UR has
a one-way causality with KK, meaning that real wages are suitable for use as
independent variables and employment opportunities as dependent variables.
3.5 Vector Autoregression Estimates Analysis
As previously explained that there are two research variables that are stationary in the
second difference so that all variables can be said to be integrated in degree 2 or I (2).
Furthermore, the estimated VAR will be performed on the second difference with
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
endogenous variables DDKK and Cholesky Ordering DDUR DDKK as follows
(statistics t [......]): Equation ............................ 1
Vector Autore
ression Estimates
DDKK(-1) 1.396190 -0.000506
(0.20576) (0.00302)
[ 6.78556] [-0.16743]
DDKK(-2) -0.516275 -0.005122
(0.33416) (0.00490)
[-1.54500] [-1.04453]
DDKK(-3) -0.021707 0.003464
(0.19158) (0.00281)
[-0.11331] [ 1.23210]
DDUR(-1) 17.16994 0.621151
(14.6278) (0.21467)
[ 1.17379] [ 2.89346]
DDUR(-2) -18.91750 0.084022
(19.8429) (0.29121)
[-0.95337] [ 0.28853]
DDUR(-3) 4.582129 0.627216
(17.5102) (0.25698)
[ 0.26168] [ 2.44077]
C 12297440 188244.6
(6513920) (95596.6)
[ 1.88787] [ 1.96916]
0.951448 0.995176
Adj. R-
0.939309 0.993970
F-statistic 78.38511 825.2033
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
From equation 1 partially, the real wage has a negative effect on employment in
Indonesia in the first period, as well as in the second period, the real wage still has a
negative effect on employment opportunities in Indonesia, meaning that if there is a
shock to an increase in the real wage, employment opportunities will decrease and vice
versa. This is due to the increase in real wages that occur not followed by an increase
in balanced productivity, so that an increase in real wages encourages a reduction in
demand for labor.
Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach
R square value of 0.95 shows that the real wage is able to explain employment
opportunities by 95 percent and the remaining 5 percent is explained by other variables
outside this research model.
3.6 Analysis of Variance Decomposition
Variance decomposition provides estimates of how much a variable contributes to
changes in the variable itself and other variables in the coming periods.
Table 5. Variance Decomposition.
Variance Decomposition of DDKK:
1 2838612. 100.0000 0.000000
2 4847961. 97.86369 2.136308
3 6289431. 97.66674 2.333265
4 7073693. 97.50407 2.495928
5 7451087. 96.53752 3.462478
6 7609198. 95.24495 4.755048
7 7672046. 93.88854 6.111461
8 7755015. 92.16676 7.833236
9 7904401. 90.14906 9.850943
10 8125281. 88.03926 11.96074
Source: Data Processing Results, 2019
Table 5 shows that in the first period 100 percent of the variability of employment
is explained by the average employment itself, while the real variable is zero percent.
In the second period the variability of employment opportunities is explained by the
average employment opportunity itself of 97.83 percent, while from the real wage
variable of 2.13 percent. In the third period the variability of employment opportunities
is explained by the average employment opportunity itself of 97.66 percent, while that
of the real wage variable is 2.33 percent. Up to ten percent of the variability of
employment opportunities is explained by the average employment opportunity of
88.03 percent, while from the real wage variable of 11.96 percent.
4 Conclusion
a. Based on the estimation results of the two variables analyzed, namely employment
opportunities and stationary real wages at different securities using Philips-Perron.
b. Of the two variables analyzed, it turns out that cointegration does not occur in the
long run.
c. Real wages affect employment opportunities by 95 percent and the remaining 5
percent are explained by other variables outside this research model.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
d. Real wages have a negative effect on employment opportunities in Indonesia. This
is due to an increase in real wages that does not occur followed by an increase in
balanced productivity, so that an increase in real wages drives a reduction in demand
for labor.
5 Recommendation
a. It is expected that the government is able to maintain the minimum wage of labor
every year by considering the ability of the company so that there is no termination
of employment (PHK), so that the power consumption of workers who receive
wages with the standard Wage Rill does not experience a decline.
b. Then the government is also expected to stabilize inflation, by issuing regulations
such as imposing sanctions on traders who sell goods at high prices.
c. Considering the very limited ability of large and medium industrial sub-sectors to
absorb labor, the government should focus more attention on developing small and
household industries, especially in the form of facilities to obtain capital and at the
same time guidance and guidance in increasing efficiency.
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Causality Analysis Real Wages and Opportunities in Indonesia with a Dynamic Model Approach