The Correlation between Leg-arm Muscle Power and Volleyball
Players’ Open Smash Ability
Hakim Irwandi Marpaung
Bambang Priyonoadi
Graduate School Program, Yogyakarta State University, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo No.1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Leg power, Arm power, Open Smash volleyball
Abstract: This study aims to determine the correlation between leg-arm muscle power and open smash ability. It
employs descriptive method and measurement techniques using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 2.0 with simple
correlation and multiple correlation test. The participants of this study were volleyball players (n=10, age 15
± 17 years) selected by total sampling technique. In order to asses the leg, arm muscle power, and open
smash ability, the researcher used vertical jump, medicine ball, and volleyball smash test. The results of R
calculation showed that the r
value= 0.822 > r
= 0.632 and F
= 7.301 > F
= 4.74. The
correlational analysis was conducted and it indicated a very high correlation between all variables. It can be
concluded that there was a positive and significant correlation between leg-arm muscle power withopen
smash ability on male volleyball players.
Volleyball is a kind of sports which is played by two
groups of people, where each group consists of six
players. Volleyball is a widely known sportswhich
can upgrade the sense of recreation and performance
or competition. Ithas been proved in many volleyball
competitions in any level. There are five techniques
in volleyball, such as upper passing, lower passing,
service, smash, and blocking (Palao, Santos,Ureña,
2017). This study focuses on open smash ability,
where leg and arm power were the most affected
object matters . Regarding to the techniques, power
and speed are necessary for the playersto support
thgeir physical fitness. The power of leg muscle is
useful to create an optimal jump when the players
perform an open smash, while the power from arm
muscle is useful to improve power and speed when
they hit the ball.
Palao, Valadés, Manzanares, Ortega (2014)
suggested that in order to master the basic volleyball
technique, the players have to be in good physical
condition, since the condition will give an important
contribution for the players. It will lead them to
perform better in doing those techniques, which
might ease them to gain severalachievements. Irianto
(2004:4) stated that “the factors which determine the
achievement in sports are good physical aspects such
as power, speed, agility, coordination, power,
muscle durability, healthy heart and lungs, accuracy,
flexibility, reaction, and fitness”. Therefore, it can be
concluded that volleyball is a kind of sports where
good physical condition is the basic requirement
todevelop physical and mental condition. By having
good physical condition, the players should
implement intense, appropriate, programmed, and
consistent training, in order to gain the optimal
Leg and arm muscle power are very important
for volleyball players, especially for smasher, since
leg muscle has the main role in doing an optimal
jump, and arm muscle actively contributes in hitting
the ball (McGown, Conlee, Sucec, Buono, Tamayo,
M., Phillips, Beal, 2013). When the players’ leg and
arm muscle is in good condition, they will have
optimal power, and their smash will be hard to
block. In order to give a deadly smash to the
opponents, the players have to make good position
and power while smashing the ball, take the highest
point to avoid opponents’ block.
According to the results of observation and
interview at 10th 30th June, 2017 with trainer or
education sports teacher it can be assumed that ten
male volleyball players at Nurul Amaliyah
vocational school Tanjung Morawa had gained three
Marpaung, H. and Priyonoadi, B.
The Correlation between Leg-arm Muscle Power and Volleyball Players’ Open Smash Ability.
DOI: 10.5220/0009786803790385
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 379-385
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
times training in a week, at Tuesday, Thursday, and
Saturday. Based on the observation, it had been
known that several problems occurred during the
training of basic techniques, such as too easy to take
the smash, too easy to block the smash, and several
failed and inaccurate smashes. The researcher
assumed that the problems were caused by the
weakness of leg power and arm power.
Based on the problems above, the researcher
formulates a research question: What is the
correlation between leg and arm muscle power with
open smash ability among Volleyball players at
Nurul Amaliyah Vocational School Tanjung
Morawa, Sumatera Utara.”
Indra Kasih (2016) stated that “Smash is an
action of hitting the ball in the pointed direction with
great power, along with optimal jump, entering the
opponents' field." Gerhard Durrwacher (1982) also
stated that "Smash is the main hit or the effort to
create an offensive play, in order to win the game."
Nuril Ahmadi (2007) stated that "Smash is an action
where the hands of players fully contacted the upper
part of the ball, hitting the pointed lines of the ball's
track within massive power and speed."
It can be explained that smash is an effort to gain
a score in the game, which is usually performed by
the front line of the attack field since only in the
area, players are easier to strike a smash through the
net. Smash also can be done in the backfield;
however, it must be done with the optimal jump
from 3 meters of the backline.
Nuril Ahmadi (2007) stated that Smash could be
done with several steps, such as steadiness,
approaching, striking, and landing. Further detail of
each step is explained as follow: 1) Steadiness
Players stand with normal posture about 3-4 meters
in the back distance of net. While players try to
make a step forward, they make steady little steps in
their place; 2) Approaching players step forward,
then take a foothold along with the lowered body.
Both arms already on each side of the body, then
they pull the arms into the backside followed by an
explosive jump, ready for striking the ball by
posturing a swing from the back to front side; 3)
Striking While in the air, players should be able to
reach the ball and then hit the ball with great power
from the dominant hand. The positioning must be
focused on how palm of the hand can make a whip
move. The hit can be optimized, if the whip
movement followed by strong foothold, lowered
body, and controlled standing. This position must be
performed in one harmonic and explosive
movement. 4) Landing After the ball has been
successfully hit, the smasher is ready to land.
Landing must be done with good positioning using
two legs and steadiness.
Analysis of smash movement involves process of
steadiness, steadiness depends on the track of the
passing ball, about 3 - 4 meters from the falling
point. When the players jump, they must take a full
awareness on how our legs have been positioned.
The leg which serves as the foothold must be
positioned in front of another leg. The movement is
called lower leg flexi movement. Smash analysis
also comprises process of jumping, which smasher
continue the process with stepping movement after
the process of steadiness. This process is an
extended process from lower leg flexi movement
using particular parts of the muscle (extremities
inferior muscle)i.e.m. Rectus femoris, m.vastus
medialis, m.vastus lateralis, m.biceps femoris, dan
m.gastronemius. When players take an explosive
jump, it must be performed continually. The starting
step has to be coordinated with the arms which have
been swung from behind the back of the body,
bending the knee, then both arms must be massively
jolted through the thigh, leading the legs to open.
Shoulder follows the explosive movement. Shortly
after jumping,the body floated in the air with
position swelled backward, which is the
hyperextension motion. The soles, ankles, pelvis,
and toes moved in harmony to obtain a perfect range
of motion to create explosive movements and
vertical jumps. The analysis continues to examine
process of striking which is the skill requiring hand-
eye coordination to adjust the right time from the
highest jumping range to the falling ball. The active
wrist jerks forward with the palm and fingers closing
the ball, which is a flexion of the wrist by involving
the flexor carpi radialis muscle, the extensor carpi
ulnaris muscle, and the extensor digitorum. After
exposing to the ball, the beating arm makes a further
movement with the midline of the body or the
extended range of arms, which involves the deltoid
muscle, the pectoralis major muscle, and the
Maximus Dorsi muscle, followed by bending
gestures involving the abdominis.
The correct strike will result in a hard and
fastball going to the ground with a fast spin with the
top (topspin). When striking, the muscles directly
involved shoulder groups such as deltoid, trapezius
and triceps brachii and lower arm muscles such as
flexor carpi radialis muscle, extensor carpi ulnaris
muscle, and extensor digitorum.
Lastly, process of Landing is also involved. The
next move after striking the ball above the net is
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
slightly bending and landing with both legs (lower
limb flexion motion). The way to land after
performing each smash is similar to moment when
the upper body bends forward, and feet are directed
forward to maintain the balance of the athlete
landing on both legs with a slight bend.
Open smash is a variation of attack techniques in
volleyball that is quite difficult to do because it has
complex moves. The movement consists of elements
of speed when running the starting steps, jumping,
coordinating with the ball when it hits the ball and
the power when it lands. A mistake that often occurs
is the absence of explosive power or power in
making open smash/spike moves. Explosive power
greatly affects the results of spikes where leg muscle
power and arm muscle power are very important in
volleyball games, especially for smasher. Thus, by
having good leg and arm muscle power, the smash
will be difficult to block. In order to produce a
deadly strike to the opponent's field, the player must
smash when the ball is at maximum height to avoid
block from the opponent.
As stated by Kasih (2016), the special
characteristics of a normal smash (open smash) are
the ball (bait) is high enough to reach three meters
above and the distance of the ball trajectory ranges
between 20-50 cm from the net. The point of the
falling point of the ball between the feeder and the
smasher measured from the projection line of the
smasher to the net. The first step starts after
removing the feeder by looking at the ball, reaching
and hitting the ball as high as the net.
From a number of opinions above, the writer
concludes that the skill of open smash / open spike is
one of the blows that have a fairly high ball
characteristic, namely 3 to 4 meter height which
means that a spiker must have a high enough jump
quality so that the spike/smash results are at its best.
According to Harsono (1988), “explosive power
(power) is the ability of muscles to exert maximum
power in a very fast time. Then, Bompa (1994)
states, "explosive power is the result of an alloy of
the power and speed of muscle contraction".
Whereas Sajoto (1988) argues that muscular “power
is the ability of a person to carry out maximum
power with his effort being deployed in the shortest
amount of time”.
Based on these opinions, it can be concluded that
power is the result of power and speed, which is the
ability of the muscle to exert or exert maximum
power in a very short time. If every two individuals
can lift a weight of 70 kg, but one can lift it faster
than the others, then that person has better power
than the person who lifts it more slowly.
Power of the leg muscles greatly determines the
ability of a player to perform various movements in
playing volleyball, which is one of his jumping
moves when he wants to do a smash. In the
volleyball game, the maximum speed of smash is
determined by good explosive power. In other
words, the player who has the explosive power of
leg muscles is one component of a very important
physical condition, which must be possessed in
volleyball. The parts of the leg muscle (inferior
extremity muscle) consist of m.rectus femoris,
medial vascular, lateral mucus, m.biceps femoris,
m.gastronemius, m.soleus. Doing a leap when doing
a smash really needs good leg muscle power. By
having good leg muscle power, most likely they will
result in a high jump and overcome the net height so
that it will be easier to smash when floating in the
The explosive power of the arm muscles is also a
very important thing an athlete must have in
carrying out volleyball smashes. It is where an
athlete must be able to hit the ball quickly and
strongly so that the opponent is difficult to return the
Suharjana (2018) states, "power is the ability of
muscles to contract strongly and quickly” while
Kasih (2016) suggests that power is the ability to do
business optimally in the shortest.
Thus, it can be stated that "power is one of the
most important traits for skills (performance) in
sports and maximum power or known as explosive
power is the maximum combination of speed and
power. Muscle explosive power is very important to
do a motion activity in every sport. The explosive
power of the arm muscles will determine how hard
an athlete strikes and how far they throw the ball.
The explosive power of the arm muscles is
influenced by the ability of the arm muscles, while
the part of the arm muscles (superior extremity
muscle) is m. Trapezius, m.deltoideus, m.pectoralis
major, m.biceps brachii, m.triceps brachii,
m.brachialis, m.brachioradialis, m.pronator teres,
m. flexor carpi radialis, m.flexor digitorum
superficialis tendines.
1.1 The Correlation between Leg and
Arms Muscle Power with Open
Smash Ability
Based on the results of the analysis,, it takes a high
jump and a strong and fast punch when doing a
smash. To support good jumps and punches, power
is also needed. Explosive power is the ability to
overcome load resistence at high speed (Harre,
The Correlation between Leg-arm Muscle Power and Volleyball Players’ Open Smash Ability
1982). High speed is defined as the ability of
muscles to contract strongly and quickly. Thus the
explosive power is influenced by strength and speed,
both the speed of stimulation and the speed of
muscle contraction (Fox et al, 1988).
Based on the opinion above, it can be concluded that
power is the result of strength and speed, which is
the ability of muscles to exert in a very short time.
When jumping, there needs to be leg muscle
power. Good leg muscle power will help the spiker
to produce a high jump to overcome the height of
the net so that it will make it easier for the spiker to
make a smash when floating in the air. Achmad
Irfan (2016) states that leg muscle power is really
needed by a spiker to do a smash in which making a
strong and fast jump in order to hit the ball when
the ball is above the air or the volleyball net.
Moreover, when doing a punch, there is a need
of arm muscle power. Good arm muscle power
enables to do strong and sharp strokes that will make
it difficult for your opponent. Kasih (2016) states
that arm muscle power is needed to produce punch
power so that the ball falls at the high speed and
dives sharply.
Leg and arm muscle power is very important in
playing volleyball, especially for spiker, because leg
muscle power plays a very significant role in
jumping and arm muscle power plays a significant
role in hitting the ball. Therefore, by having good
leg and arm muscle power, smashes will be difficult
to stop. In order to create a smash that kills the
opponent's game, the player must smash when the
ball is at maximum height in order to avoid damages
made by the opponent.
As stated earlier, this study aimed to determine the
correlation of leg and arm muscle power with the
results of the open smash ability on volleyball
players. This study employed descriptive methods
by conducting test and measurement techniques.
2.1 Instrument
The data in this study were variables which were
correlated on leg muscle power, arm muscle power,
and the results of open smash ability, collected by
tests and measurements. The instruments used in this
study were vertical jump, medicine ball, and
volleyball smash.
2.2 Data Analysis Technique
The data obtained in this study were calculated using
Microsoft Excel and SPSS 20 with simple
correlation and multiple correlations test,.Before
testing hypotheses, the requirements tests were
conducted, such as data normality test and linearity
3.1 Description of Research Data
This is a description of the raw data of the research
results, which include data on number, average
value, maximum value, minimum value, and
standard deviation.
Table 1: The result data of leg muscle power test.
Statistic X
Maximum Value
Minimum Value
Average Value
Tabel 2: The result data of arms muscle power test.
Statistic X
Maximum Value
Minimum Value
Average Value
Table 3: The result data of open smash test.
Statistic Y
Maximum Value
Minimum Value
Average Value
3.2 Analysis Requirements Test
Analysis for requirement test is required in the
analysis of statistical data in order to make the data
collection useful in this study. Requirements test for
the data analysis were normality test and linearity
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Table 4: Normality test.
Variable L
Leg Powe
0.168 0.258 0,05 Normal
Arm Powe
0,247 0.258 0,05 Normal
Result of
Open Smash
,210 0.258 0,05 Normal
Table 5: Linearity test.
No Research
Sig Note
1 (X
) - (Y) 84,736 0,083 Linie
2 (X
) - (Y) 0,215 0,932 Linie
Normality test of the data using reliability test
from table 4 showed that the values for each variable
are higher than the L
= 0.258 with n=10 and
level α= 0,05. because L
< L
table .
It can be
concluded that the sample comes from a population
was normally distributed.
Based on the data analysis, it can be seen that the
correlation between leg muscle power and the open
smash ability is linear, with an F value of 84.736 and
significant 0.083 (sig>0.05). The correlation
between arm muscle power and the open smash
ability is linear, with an F value of 0.215 and Sig
0.932 (sig> 0.05).
3.3 Hypothesis Test
3.3.1 The Correlation between Leg Muscle
Power (X
) with Open Smash
Table 6: Correlation of coefficient X
with the Y variable.
Correlation n=10 α = 0,05 (R
0,822 0,632 4,086 1,86 67,57%
The results of testing the first hypothesis obtained a
correlation coefficient of rx1y = r
0.822> r
0.632 and t
= 4.086> t
= 1.86. Based on the
testing criteria of the hypothesis that H
is rejected
and H
accepted, then this study concluded that there
is a positive and significant correlation between leg
muscle power with the open smash ability of male
volleyball players. The determination coefficient of
67.57% explaining that leg muscle power
contributed 67.57% to the open smash ability.
3.3.2 The Correlation between Arm Muscle
Power (X
) with the Results Open
Smash Ability (Y).
Table 7: Correlation of coefficient X
with the Y variable.
Correlation, n=10 α = 0,05 (R
0,749 0,632 3,193 1,86 56,10%
By testing the second hypothesis, it was obtained a
correlation coefficient of rx2y = r
0.749> r
0.632 and t
= 3.193> t
= 1.86. Based on the
testing criteria of the hypothesis that H
is rejected
while H
is accepted, it can be concluded that there
is a positive and significant correlation between arm
muscle power and the open smash ability among
male volleyball players. The determination
coefficient of 56.10% explained that arm muscle
power contributed 56.10% to the results of open
smash ability.
3.3.3 The Correlation between Leg (X
) and
Arms Muscle Power (X
) with the
Results Open Smash Ability(Y).
Table 8: Correlation of coefficient X
and X
with Y
Correlation n=10 α = 0,05 (R
0,822 0,632 7,301 4,74 67,57%
By testing the third hypothesis, it was obtained a
correlation coefficient of rx1x2y = r
0.822> r
0.632 and F
= 7.301> F
= 4.74. Based on the
testing criteria of the hypothesis that H
is rejected
while H
is accepted, then it can be concluded that
there is a positive and significant correlation
between leg and arm muscle power with open smash
ability of male volleyball players. The determination
coefficient of 67.57% explained that leg muscle
power and arm muscle power contributed 67.57% to
the results of volleyball smash open ability while
32.43% was influenced by other variables.
Based on the results of this study, the leg muscle
power and arm muscle power contribute positively
to the ability of open smash results. There was a
positive and significant correlation between leg
muscle power and the open smash ability among
The Correlation between Leg-arm Muscle Power and Volleyball Players’ Open Smash Ability
male volleyball players at Nurul Amaliyah
vocational school Tanjung Morawa, North Sumatra.
The limb muscle power plays a role when jumping,
which will do open smash by having good leg
muscle power. It is useful to help the smasher jump
highand jump over the net. It will ease the spiker to
smash when floating in the air. The movement
during the jump to reach the high net is an anaerobic
move that uses the ATP-PC energy system due to its
explosive moves. In this case, Harsono (1988: 175)
states that to produce a strike in the smash is very
determined by the efficiency and the effectiveness of
muscle movement which also involve the leg
muscles, such asinferior extremity muscles, m. rectus
femoris, m medial vascular, lateral mucus, m. biceps
femoris, and m. gastronemius. As a support for
repelling, it is clear that leg muscle power
contributes positively to open smash.
In addition, there was a positive and significant
correlation between arm muscle power and open
smash ability among male volleyball players at
Nurul Amaliyah vocational school Tanjung Morawa,
North Sumatra. Explosive muscle power is very
important to do a motion activity in every sport. The
explosive power of the arm muscles will determine
how hard an athlete strike the ball, how far they
throw the ball. The explosive power movement
when hitting the ball is an anaerobic move that uses
the ATP-PC energy system because of its explosive
moves. The explosive power of the arm muscles is
influenced by the ability of the arm muscles, and the
part of the arm muscles (superior extremity muscle)
involve m.trapezius, m. deltoideus, m.pectoralis
major, m.biceps brachii, m.triceps brachii,
m.brachialis, m.brachioradialis, m.pronator teres,
m.flexor carpi radialis, m.flexor digitorum
superficialis tendines. Power from the arm muscles
is needed to produce punch power in which the ball
falls at high speed and dives sharply. It is clear that
arm muscle power contributes positively to open
Another finding from this study is that there was
a positive and significant correlation between both
leg and arm muscle power with the open smash
ability among male volleyball players at Nurul
Amaliyah vocational school Tanjung Morawa North
Sumatra. Explosive muscle power is very important
to do a motion activity in every sport. Power from
the leg muscles is useful to help the smasher produce
a high jump over the net so that it will ease the
player to smash when floating in the air. Meanwhile,
the arm muscle power is needed to produce punch
power, so the ball falls at high speed and dives
sharply. Since it is clearly proven that smashing
requires several components, namely leg and arm
muscle power, this shows that these two factors are
inseparable and make a positive contribution.
Regarding the objectives of the study, it can be
concluded that: 1) There is a positive and significant
correlation between leg muscle power with open
smash ability among male volleyball players; 2)
There is a positive and significant correlation
between arm muscle power with open smash ability
among male volleyball players; 3) There is a
positive and significant correlation between leg and
arm muscle power with open smash ability among
male volleyball players.
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The Correlation between Leg-arm Muscle Power and Volleyball Players’ Open Smash Ability