Modification of Recovery Techniques to Increase VO2 Max on
Women Volley Ball Athlete
Dian Helaprahara
, Rachlai Eko Arisetiawan
, Mas’odi
Physical Education, Sport, Health and Recreation of STKIP PGRI Sumenep, Indonesia
Keywords: Massage, VO2 Max, Volley Ball.
Abstract: Volleyball is one of the quite popular sport in Indonesia. Most of athletes experience fatigue towards the
end of a match which can affect the outcome of the match. Recovery techniques are important things to do
during and after the match. This study aimed to determine the level of VO2 max of volleyball athletes by
modifying the recovery using massage in active and passive recovery. The research subjects were 15 of
PORPROV (Provincial Sports Week Championship) female volleyball athletes, Sumenep Regency.
Subjects were divided into three groups, namely the first group of recovery with active and massage
recovery and the second group with massage recovery and passive recovery and the third group as the
control group. The results showed a significant difference in VO2 max in the first and second groups.
Volleyball is a sport that consistently holds activities
or competitions at the sub-district level to national
level in Indonesia, and therefore, it is one of the
most popular sports in Indonesia. Volleyball requires
its players to always have a pretty good endurance.
In addition, it also requires speed and strength
during the match.
The volleyball organization in Sumenep regency
at the Provincial Sports Week Championship
(PORPROV, henceforth) in East Java has formed
two teams namely the Volleyball men's team and
women's team. However, there is a problem faced by
the PORPROV team, namely a decline in athlete's
performance caused by physical deterioration. This
decrease in physical condition is caused by improper
training programs provided by the coach the
decrease in physical condition can be seen in the
fourth and fifth sets during the match which causes
performance to decline. If the performance
decreases, it will affect the concentration and
accuracy of the game.
Getting an achievement could not be separated
from coaching and good training patterns. There is
one way that can be used to improve the
achievement is by using recovery techniques carried
out during and after the match. The special methods
are needed to restore the performance of athletes
who experience fatigue (Andek, 2013). The right
recovery technique will maintain the athlete's
endurance. Endurance is a support for players to be
able to concentrate on achieving achievements.
In order to support the athlete's performance, it is
necessary to have the right technique. There are
several ways to do recovery techniques in sport and
one of them is by using massage and jogging
technique. The results of previous studies indicated
that active recovery techniques can quickly restore
the body's condition compared to passive recovery.
Recovery techniques are very important in restoring
the athlete's physical condition when experiencing
fatigue while competing. This study aims to modify
recovery techniques by combining massage with
active and passive recovery.
Helaprahara, D., Arisetiawan, R. and , M.
Modification of Recovery Techniques to Increase VO2 Max on Women Volley Ball Athlete.
DOI: 10.5220/0009784902870290
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 287-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: Descriptive Calculation Results
Measurement results
VO2max (satuan)
p-value (<0.05)
Active Recovery & Massage Group
Pre Test
39,40 ± 3,05
Post Test
46,40 ± 1,82
Passive Recovery & Massage Group
Pre Test
34,60 ± 1,52
Post Test
39,80 ± 4,97
Control group
Pre Test
29,60 ± 3,21
Post Test
29,80 ± 3,11
This research is an experimental research using pure
experimental design - Pretest-Posttest Randomized
Control Group Design. The data were calculated by
using t-test paired statistical analysis and SPSS 18.0
for windows software version.
2.1 Subject
The subjects used in this study were the Volleyball
Women's Team in preparation for the Provincial
Sports Week Championship (PORPROV VI). The
team contained15 athletes. The first group is the
recovery group with massage and active recovery
(i.e. jogging). The second group is the recovery
group with massage and passive recovery (i.e.
sitting). The third group is the control group.
2.2 Procedure
Each subject filled in a letter of willingness to be
a part of this study. Each group participated in an
endurance measurement test (VO2 max) twice at the
beginning and end of the study. VO2 max
measurement was done using MVT test. First, the
subjects took the VO2 max data. Then, each subject
was treated according to the group that had been
determined. In the final stage, the data were taken
back to see the difference after the treatment.
The description of the results of the study is shown
in table 1. From table 1, VO2 max increased in all
three groups. The first and second groups
experienced a significant increase (p <0.05).
Meanwhile, the third group did not have a
significant increase.
Based on the results of measurements in table 1
above, especially in the active and massage recovery
groups, it could be seen that there was an increase in
the mean value between pretest 39.40 ± 3.05 and
posttest 46.40 ± 1.82. In the passive and massage
recovery group, there was also an increase in the
mean value between pretest 34.60 ± 1.52 and
posttest 39.80 ± 4.97. In the control group, there was
also an increase it was mean pretest value of 29.60
and post-test of 29.80. The standard value of the
deviation was pretest 29.60 ± 3.21 and post-test
29.80 ± 3.11. From the average results of the three
groups, it was concluded that by giving treatment of
VO2 Max, there was an increase from the three
groups, although the control group gave the smallest
Doing certain work or sport activities can cause a
person to be exhausted and to face a decline in the
quality and quantity of work or sport Decreasing the
quality and quantity of work or sports is caused by
the intensity and duration of work or exercise that
causes disruption of homeostasis. This condition is
subjectively perceived as fatigue. Such fatigue must
be prevented and immediately recovered by an
athlete. Recovery is a return to the condition of
homeostasis to its normal condition. Recovery can
indeed occur spontaneously, but it can be
accelerated through engineering efforts (Giriwijoyo
and Sidik, 2013).
There are two forms of fatigue in humans,
namely mental fatigue and physical weakness. This
study focused on the handling of physical fatigue as
a means of recovery for athletes while carrying out
volleyball training activities in increasing VO2 Max.
Physical fatigue is caused by physical work or
muscle work, and is considered as an attractive
problem to physiological experts. It should be
understood that physical fatigue is the fatigue of
ergosistema-I (ES-I). ES-I functions actively as
nervous system and muscular system. The
combination of the two is better known as the neuro-
muscular system, so that fatigue can occur in one of
them or a combination of the those systems. It can
be concluded that fatigue can occur on both the
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
nerves and the muscles (Giriwijoyo and Sidik,
Based on the results of this study, group I had
greater increase amounting to 17.77% in VO2 Max
for volleyball athletes in Sumenep regency. This is
due to combining methods, which included active
recovery and massage. The study showed that active
recovery was compared to passive recovery, but this
difference was not significant. The existence of
biological variations in a person and recovery time,
that is too short, are important factors for the results
and it is recommended to increase recovery time and
increase sample homogeneity in order to reduce
variations in biology (Afriwardi and Rezki, 2008).
The second group also had an increase, which
was about 15.03%, as the results of the pre-test and
post-test on VO2 Max in volleyball athletes in
Sumenep regency. This number however was
smaller when compared to the first group. As stated
by previous research, passive recovery can restore
maximum muscle strength such as initial muscle
strength, when it was being given manipulation of
effleurage for 3 minutes, because it can improve the
ATP-PC and more quickly oxidized lactic acid will
give more energy or strength (Simatupang, 2015).
Active and massage recovery techniques are very
important to speed up the recovery process. Massage
techniques will quickly circulate the blood that
carries oxygen to the working muscles. The muscles
will experience a little fatigue when oxygen enters
tightly. The oxygen will help lactic acid to produce
during the combustion process and the energy
system will be quickly discharged by the body.
Excellent physical performance of a sportsman also
needs to pay attention, in terms of nutrition. Almost
all of the athletes need to use the main energy source
of carbohydrates (CHO), especially athletes who
carry out maximum explosive movements such as
volleyball. As we know that, muscles that have
enough CHO (muscle glycogen) can make anaerobic
power formation. The most important energy
resource for exercise or physical work is the main
energy source of carbohydrates and fats. The supply
of fat in the body is almost always enough even for
someone who looks thin, while the supply of CHO
in the body must always be considered (Giriwijoyo
and Sidik, 2013). Research findings claimed that
chocolate milk has superior rehydration properties
compared to other sports drinks. It is based on its
ability to reduce urine production and increase fluid
retention. Thus, chocolate milk provides a practical
and convenient choice when choosing post-sports
recovery drinks for sports athletes, especially female
athletes (Dow et al., 2018).
Figure 1: Increased VO2 Max Results
The conclusion of this study is that the identification
of recovery techniques by adding massage can
increase athletes’ VO2 max rapidly. This is due to
an increase in the circulation of blood and oxygen
throughout the body.
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aktif dan pemulihan pasif terhadap lamanya
perubahan kadar laktat darah pada mahasiswa
fakultas kedokteran universitas andalas, Majalah
Kedokteran Andalas, 32, pp. 190197.
Modification of Recovery Techniques to Increase VO2 Max on Women Volley Ball Athlete
Dow, K. et al. 2018. Chocolate Milk as a Post Exercise
Recovery Aid in Division II Collegiate Volleyball
Players, Women in Sport & Physical Activity Journal.
Giriwijoyo, H. Y. S. and Sidik, D. Z. 2012. Ilmu
Kesehatan Olahraga. Bandung: PT Remaja
Giriwijoyo, H. Y. S. and Sidik, D. Z. 2013. Ilmu Faal
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PJKR UNTAN, Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran,
2(SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-
619-7105-16-2 / ISSN 1314-2704), pp. 139.
Simatupang, N. 2015. Pengaruh Pemulihan Pasif Dan
Pemulihan Pasif Dengan Manipulasi Effleurage
Terhadap Kekuatan Otot Lengan, Jurnal Ilmu
Keolahragaan, 14(1), pp. 1523.
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)