The Effects of Simple Inhalation using Mint (Mentha Piperita)
Aromatherapy on Decreased Shortness of Breath in Lung
Tuberculosis Patients
Siti Marlina, Novrika Silalahi, Septa Dwi Insani, Herri Novita Tarigan, Friska Ernita Sitorus
InstitutKesehatan DELI HUSADA Delitua
Alamat: JalanBesar No.77 Delitua Deli Serdang
Keyword: Mint Leaf, Shortness of Breath, and Tuberculosis.
Abstract: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tuberculosis is a disease of global concern. Pulmonary
tuberculosis is estimated to still attack 9.6 million people and cause 1.2 million deaths in 2014. Pulmonary
TB symptoms that have similarities with other diseases are shortness of breath. Efforts to reduce shortness
of breath can use medical and non-medical drugs. One way that can reduce shortness of breath is by giving
the aroma of mint leaf therapy with a simple inhalation or evaporation method. The most important
ingredient in mint is menthol. Mint leaves contain 30-45% menthol, 17-35% menthone, 5-13% menthyl
acetate, 2-5% limonene and 2.5-4% neomenthol. This type of research is analytic observation research, with
case control design. The sampling technique in this study was consecutive sampling with a total of 29
respondents using the Wilcoxon statistical test. The results obtained p value 0.002 <(α) 0.05 then H0 is
rejected and H1 is accepted, which means that there is a simple inhalation effect using aromatherapy mint
leaves (menthapiperita) to decrease breathlessness in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. The results of this
study can provide input for nurses in providing services to patients with tuberculosis in the community that
the use of mint is one of the efforts to reduce shortness of breath without consuming pharmacological
According to WHO (World Health Organization,
2015), tuberculosis is a disease of global concern.
With the control efforts taken, the incidence of deaths
from tuberculosis has decreased, but pulmonary
tuberculosis is estimated to still attack 9.6 million
people and cause 1.2 million deaths in 2014.
Indonesia, India, and China are the countries with the
most pulmonary tuberculosis sufferers, respectively
10%, 23%, and 10% of all patients in the world.
According to the WHO Global Tubercolosis
Report (2016), it is estimated that Lung Tuberculosis
in Indonesia in 2015 amounted to 395 cases /
100,000 population, the death rate was 40 / 100,000
population. In Indonesia in 2016 the number of cases
of Pulmonary TB was 351,893 cases, an increase
compared to 2015 which was found at 330,729 cases
(Indonesian Ministry of Health, 2016). The
prevalence of pulmonary TB in Indonesia is grouped
into three regions namely Sumatra 33%, Java and
Bali 23% and Eastern Indonesia 44% (Departement
Of Health). North Sumatra is one of the provinces in
Indonesia where the TB incidence rate is quite high.
The definition of tuberculosis is a disease that can
be transmitted directly caused by TB germs, namely
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Diffusion of oxygen
will be disrupted due to the presence of nodules or
inflammation of the alveolar wall. If the attacked
lung expands, the cells will die and the lungs will
shrink. As a result, the patient's breath will be
breathless. Symptoms of shortness of breath are
found when the patient's lung parenchymal damage is
widespread. In mild pulmonary TB patients have not
felt any shortness of breath, shortness of breath
suffered will occur if the infiltration has reached half.
Pulmonary TB patients with symptoms experienced
like this need to be taught a simple method with the
method of evaporation or simple steam inhalation
which can be done at any time at home at their
respective homes.
According to Wahid (2013), complaints that are
felt by pulmonary TB patients vary or are also found
to be no complaints at all when a health check is
Marlina, S., Silalahi, N., Insani, S., Tarigan, H. and Sitorus, F.
The Effects of Simple Inhalation using Mint (Mentha Piperita) Aromatherapy on Decreased Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis Patients.
DOI: 10.5220/0009488402860292
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology (ICHIMAT 2019), pages 286-292
ISBN: 978-989-758-460-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
conducted. Pulmonary TB can also be called "the
great iminator" which is a disease that has many
similarities with other diseases that also give unclear
symptoms. The clinical picture of pulmonary TB is
divided into two groups namely respiratory
symptoms such as coughing up blood, shortness of
breath, coughing, chest pain. And systemic
symptoms include malaise, fever, weight loss.
Pulmonary TB is a disease that can be transmitted
through the air (airborne disease). TB germs are
spread from person to person through sputum sprays
(droplets) when active pulmonary TB sufferers
cough, sneeze, talk or laugh. TB germs die quickly
with direct sunlight, but can survive several hours in
a dark and damp place. In body tissues, these germs
can sleep for a long time (domaint) for several years
(RI Ministry of Health, 2012).
Pulmonary tuberculosis is a direct infectious
disease caused by TB (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis)
bacteria. Most TB germs attack the lungs but also
affect other organs (MOH, 2007). Factors that
influence the occurrence of pulmonary TB disease
include socioeconomic conditions, age, sex,
nutritional status and smoking habits. Although
smoking is not a major cause of pulmonary TB
disease, smoking can damage the pulmonary defense
mechanism thereby facilitating the entry of germs
such as TB germs.
Plus, the phenomenon of smoking in Indonesia is
still considered normal, even considered a lifestyle.
Smoking behavior is common for most Indonesian
people, especially adult men. In the last ten years,
cigarette consumption in Indonesia has increased by
44.1% and the number of smokers reaches 70% of
Indonesia's population. (Fatmawati, 2006).
Tuberculosis (TB), is a lung disease caused by the
attack of the bacterium Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
Diffusion of oxygen will be disrupted due to the
presence of nodules or inflammation of the alveolar
wall. If the attacked lung expands, the cells will die
and the lungs will shrink. As a result, the patient's
breath will be breathless. Shortness of breath this
symptom is found when the damage to the lung
parenchyma sufferer has spread.
In mild pulmonary TB patients have not felt any
shortness of breath, shortness of breath suffered will
occur if the infiltration has reached half a part, in
pulmonary TB patients with symptoms experienced
like this need to be taught a simple way with the
method of evaporation or simple inhalation of steam
which when time can relapse can be done at their
respective homes. Boiled water vapors that are
inhaled to reduce shortness of breath usually use
natural ingredients such as mint leaves which will
produce menthol vapors for the inhalation process
(Yessie&Andra, 2013)
Efforts to reduce shortness of breath can use
medical drugs and use non-medical drugs. One way
that can reduce shortness of breath is by giving the
aroma of mint leaf therapy with a simple inhalation
or evaporation method. The most important
ingredient in mint is menthol. Mint leaves contain
30-45% menthol, 17-35% menthone, 5-13% menthyl
acetate, 2-5% limonene and 2.5-4% neomenthol
(Elshabrina, 2015). Mint leaves contain menthol so
they are often used as raw materials for cold
medicines (Jefry, 2014). The aroma of menthol found
in mint leaves has anti-inflammatory properties, so
that later it will open the respiratory tract.
In addition, mint leaves will also help treat
infections caused by bacterial attacks. Because mint
leaves have antibacterial properties. Mint leaves will
loosen the bronchi so that it will launch breathing.
To relieve breathing can be to inhale mint leaves
directly. Whereas a simple inhalation is to breathe
warm steam from boiling water mixed with
aromatherapy as a warmer, for example mint leaves.
Essential oil diffuser is a tool to convert essential oil
into small granules to then blend (spread / diffuse)
throughout the room.
In patients with pulmonary TB who experience
clinical symptoms is one of shortness of breath,
usually the patient's family panic in what ways to do
or reduce shortness of breath symptoms other than
using oxygen when at home with pulmonary TB
patients do not have oxygen equipment then these
patients need to be taught simple ways with a simple
evaporation or inhalation method.
The benefits of aromatherapy include overcoming
insomnia and depression, relieve anxiety, reduce
feelings of tension, improve the health and well-
being of the body, mind, and soul that are often
combined with alternative medical practices.
Aromatherapy does not only work when there is only
interference, but also can maintain the stability and
balance of the system contained in the body so that
the body becomes attractive. Therefore,
aromatherapy is a holistic treatment to balance all
bodily functions used was the American Thoracic
Sosiety (ATS) shortness of breath scale, using an
observation sheet. While the independent variable
instrument uses a diffuser, and is carried out only in
the treatment group. Simple inhalation research
procedure using aromatherapy of mint leaves
(menthapiperita) to reduce shortness of breath in
pulmonary tuberculosis patients the data collected
must first apply for a research permit at the Pon
Village Health Center in Sei Bamban District.
The Effects of Simple Inhalation using Mint (Mentha Piperita) Aromatherapy on Decreased Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis
After obtaining permission, data collection is
carried out by first explaining to respondents about
the objectives and benefits as well as the procedures
for conducting research, ask respondents to sign an
informed consent. Taking data in this study is an
observation sheet. For respondents, the technique of
giving mint aroma therapy with a simple inhalation
or using a diffuser is done by inserting into the
device 2-3 drops of essential oil containing mint
leaves for 3 times a day within 15 minutes in 1 week
is placed not far from the patient approximately
effective for inhalation.
The type of research design used is Pre
Experimental with the design of One Pretest-Posttest
Design Group, namely the type of research that aims
to determine the effect of an action on the group
before training (pretest) and handling (posttest).
The sampling technique in this study was
consecutive sampling of 29 respondents. This study
aims to discuss how to use mint leaf aromatherapy
(menthapiperita) to reduce shortness of breath in
pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Puskesmas Desa
Pon, Sei Bamban District. In the dependent variable,
the measuring instrument used is the American
Thoracic Sosiety (ATS) shortness of breath scale,
using an observation sheet. While the independent
variable instrument uses a diffuser tool, and is
carried out only on the manager group.
Simple inhalation research procedure using mint
leaf aromatherapy (menthapiperita) for reduction of
shortness of breath in pulmonary tuberculosis
patients, data collected in advance apply for
permission to conduct research at Puskesmas Desa
Desa Pon Desa Sei Bamban District.
After obtaining permission, data collection is
carried out by first explaining to the respondent the
purpose and benefits and procedures for conducting
research, asking respondents to sign informed
Retrieval of data in this study is the observation
sheet. For respondents, the therapeutic treatment of
mint leaves with a simple inhalation or using a
diffuser is done by inserting into the device 2-3
drops of essential oil containing mint leaves for 3
times a day within 15 minutes in 1 week placed not
far from the patient which is roughly effective for
Apply for permission
research implementation
on Health Center
Data collection
Signed informed
Explain the benefits,
objectives, research procedures
The Technique of giving mint
aroma therapy to respondents
Action implementation
By Simple inhalation or
method using a diffuser tool
Put in put the tool 2-3 drops of
essential oil containing mint leaves
Put in For 3 times a day
within 15 minutes
Whitin 1 week placed not far from
the patient which is roughly
effective for inhalation
Figure 1: Flowchart of the Research.
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Figure 2: Image of a diffuser tool and how to open it.
Figure 3: The stage of using a diffuser.
The results of observations of research respondents
before being given treatment are known to show
their breath short and short of breath and the use of
The Effects of Simple Inhalation using Mint (Mentha Piperita) Aromatherapy on Decreased Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis
respiratory muscles in respondents who are too short
of breath when leaving the house or take off and
dress or shortness of breath with a very heavy
degree. Shortness of breath experienced by
respondents resulted in psychological changes such
as anxiety, fear and feeling very uncomfortable
because of the ineffectiveness of breathing patterns.
while shortness of breath.
In patients with pulmonary tuberculosis that are
not treated immediately, the impact will be caused
by the extent of lung parenchymal damage and can
cause several complications. Given the severity of
lung parenchymal damage and complications that
will occur, patients should be treated to treat
shortness of breath. With this treatment it is hoped
that it will reduce the shortness of breath.
Based on the univariate table below, it can be
seen that in the pre-test or before the administration
of simple inhalation using mint leaf aromatherapy
(menthapiperita) to decrease breathlessness in
pulmonary tuberculosis patients, it shows that the
number of respondents before being carried out in
the experimental group found that most experienced
shortness of breath with a degree of severe shortness
of breath that is as many as 14 respondents or
around 48.3% and minor minorities as many as 3
people or around 10.3%, in the post-test majority of
minor people as many as 16 people or around 55.2%
and severe minority 1 person or around 3.4%.
Table 1: Pre_Test and Post_Test Data Distribution in the
Treatment Group of Lung Tuberculosis Patients.
Based on the table above after simple inhalation
administration using mint leaf aromatherapy for
decreased breathlessness in pulmonary tuberculosis
patients, showed that of the 29 respondents in the
experimental group it was found that most of them
experienced mild shortness of breath scale values of
16 respondents, with very heavy degrees of 4
respondents, with a moderate degree of 8
respondents, and those who experienced a severe
degree of 1 respondent.
There is a difference in the value of the shortness
of breath scale before being given a simple
inhalation and after being given a simple inhalation
using mint aromatherapy (MenthaPiperita). Simple
inhalation is a steam of warm water from boiling
water that has been mixed with aromatherapy as a
warmer, for example mint leaves.
After being given a simple inhalation using mint
leaf aromatherapy (menthapiperita) in the
experimental group, the respondent showed that
their breathing was not wheezing because the aroma
of menthol found in mint leaves has anti-
inflammatory properties, so it will open the
respiratory tract.
Table 2: The Influence of Simple Inhalation Using Mint
(MenthaPiperita) Aromatherapy Against Decreased
Shortness of Breath in Lung Tuberculosis Patients in
Puskesmas DesaDesaPon District of SeiBamban in 2019.
Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post
Mild Mild 3 16 10,3 55.2
Moderate Moderate 8 8 27.6 27.6
Heavy Heavy 14 1 48.3 3.4
Intense Intense
Heavy Heavy
Total Total 29 29 100 100
Shortness Of breath
Percentage %
ICHIMAT 2019 - International Conference on Health Informatics and Medical Application Technology
Pre-Post Test:
1. Mild
2. Moderate
3. Heavy
4. Intense
1. Male
2. Female
1. Farmer
2. Government
3. Entrepreuner
1. 26 Old- 30 Old
2. 31 Old- 35 Old
3. 36 Old- 40 Old
4. > 40 Old
Chart 1: Distribution of Pre_Test and Post_Test Datain
Groups Treatment of patients Lung Tuberculosis.
The Wilcoxon Test results show aromatherapy of
mint leaves (menthapiperita) on decreased
breathlessness in pulmonary tuberculosis patients in
the treatment group shows that H0 is rejected and
H1 is accepted, meaning that there is a significant
effect of decrease in shortness of breath in the
experimental group between before and after
In the experimental group before being given a
simple inhalation using mint leaves aromatherapy
obtained a mild degree of 3 respondents, a heavy
degree of 14 respondents, a moderate degree of 8
respondents, and a very heavy degree of 4
respondents. Then after being given a simple
inhalation using aromatherapy mint leaves, 16
respondents experienced mild shortness of breath, 1
respondent with severe degree, 8 respondents with
moderate degree, 4 respondents with very severe
Shortness of breath scale values before being given a
simple inhalation using mint leaf aromatherapy in
the experimental group found 14 respondents
experienced shortness of breath with a severe
degree. Whereas in the dick group, it was found that
6 respondents experienced shortness of breath with a
very heavy degree. Shortness of breath scale value
after being given a simple inhalation using mint leaf
aromatherapy in the experimental group found 4
respondents experienced severe shortness of breath.
Whereas in the dick group, it was found that 6
respondents experienced shortness of breath with a
very heavy degree.
From the Wilcoxon Test results showed a simple
inhalation effect using aromatherapy of mint leaves
(menthapiperita), the technique of giving mint
aroma therapy with a simple inhalation or using a
diffuser device is done by inserting into the tool 2-3
drops of essential oil containing mint leaves for 3
times a day within 15 minutes a week is placed not
far from the patient which is approximately effective
for inhaled against decreased breathlessness in
patients with pulmonary tuberculosis .
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