Resilience of Tsunami Widow after 10 Years Tsunami in Banda Aceh
Karjuniwati, Maula Husna
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
Keywords: Resilience, Widow of Tsunami, 10 years after Tsunami Disaster, Banda Aceh
Abstract: The tsunami is an extraordinary event that has a negative impact on a family that causes the loss of family
members, one of which is a widow. The tsunami widow suddenly lost her husband and children and had to
live her future life as a single parent with challenges. Resilience is needed by tsunami widows to be able to
survive and be able to recover from a not good situation. Resilience is the ability of individuals to survive,
remain stable and psychologically healthy after going through a traumatic event. The purpose of this study
to determine how the resilience of widows who lost her husband caused by tsunami after ten years in Banda
Aceh. This study used a qualitative method with phenomenological approach. Respondents in this study
were three widows who are in middle adult age range (40-65 years) in Banda Aceh who have responsibility
to their family. In this study, the technique of taking respondents with purposive sampling. The data
collection used a interview and observation methods. The result showed that two resilient widows had
hardiness, self-enhancement, and able to overcome the problem through emotion-coping. Another result
showed that one of a widow has no resilience, because the respondent did not feel the better life after 10
years tsunami than before tsunami. In addition, due to the declining of health condition caused respondent
did not feel the lesson learned after tsunami.
The tsunami was an extraordinary event that had an
impact on its victims. The tsunami disaster had a
psychological impact on survivors, which caused
psychological distress such as anxiety, somatization,
trauma, and depression due to loss of property and
family members (Novianty, 2011). Chandra, Pandav
and Bughra (2006) also emphasized that tsunami
victims from various affected countries faced
various psychological impacts, including shock, fear
and despair. The Tsunami can lead to various
disorders such as distress, disorder and health-risk
behavior. One of the negative effects of the tsunami
is the family who lost family members that is
husband, wife and children. One form of loss
suffered by a widow after the tsunami was the loss
of a life partner. The tsunami widow suddenly lost
her husband and children and had to live her future
life as a single parent with challenges. Husband's
death has the highest value of life change compared
to other events in the life of the individual as the
party left behind. The death of a spouse is the most
stressful problem in an adult's life (Santrock, 2012).
Widows who experience the loss of a husband will
feel sad, find it difficult to accept the feeling of loss
and accept the fact that his life partner is gone and
prefers not to remarry.
After 10 years of tsunami disaster, psychological
condition has not fully recovered, especially in some
groups of individuals who are vulnerable after the
tsunami, such as children, the elderly, and women,
especially women who are widowed after the
tsunami disaster still have difficulties in fighting for
their lives. Priyono (2012) explains that widows will
be in a more vulnerable position after the tsunami
due to social roles built in the community so that
they have less access to resources such as:
transportation, information, economy, individual
mobility, security of housing and employment, and
less in control of decision making.
Based on preliminary interviews conducted on
three tsunami widow respondents that there are two
problems faced after the tsunami disaster, namely
economic problems and psychological problems.
First, economic problems; tsunami widows stated
that before the tsunami they were housewives and
not working, so that after losing their husbands, they
had to work to pay for school fees for children, had
difficulty finding work and had inadequate
Karjuniwati, . and Husna, M.
Resilience of Tsunami Widow after 10 Years Tsunami in Banda Aceh.
DOI: 10.5220/0009438501190125
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Psychology (ICPsy 2019), pages 119-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-448-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
educational background and had no work
experience. In accordance with the opinion of
Aprilia (2013) that widows who do not have
adequate education and even lack of work
experience will experience difficulties in meeting
family needs. Second, psychological problems;
tsunami widows feel lonely because there are no
friends to tell stories and gather together and lose
deeply due to the death of her husband and child.
This is consistent with statement of Rianti (2014)
that widows will feel lonely and feel helpless
without their husbands, always dissolve in deep
sadness and feel that after a husband dies he can no
longer move on. Feelings of sadness and loneliness
make widows worse off in a sense of loss, so it takes
a long time to really recover from the sadness felt
(Aprilia, 2013).
Individuals have different reactions when
meeting a failure. Reactions that arise include stress,
anxiety, fear, trauma but those who continue to try
despite repeated failures (Reivich & Shatte, 2002).
Solichatun (2008) adds that feelings of sadness and
loss due to a separation is a reasonable response to
the pressures of life, while the intensity of time and
the process of adjusting to loss varies in each
individual, some require a process in a long period
of time, but some are able adjust to loss in a short
period of time.
The ability to adapt individuals to traumatic
events, including the loss of a life partner and being
able to rise to continue life after losing a partner, is
known as the process of resilience. According to
Bonanno (2008) resilience has an important role for
the individual as a strength in the individual that
makes the individual able to rise up and continue his
life after the traumatic events he faces. Resilience is
the ability of individuals to stay afloat and remain
stable and psychologically healthy after going
through a traumatic event. Resilience is needed by
tsunami widows to be able to survive and be able to
live their lives better.
Sulistyorini (2014) explains that resilience is
formed through thoughts that enable individuals to
seek new experiences and view life as progress,
individuals who have resilience are able to
understand that a tough life challenge is not the end
of everything. Desmita (2005) adds that individuals
are considered resilient if they are able to quickly
return from trauma and appear to be immune from
negative life events. Research on resilience
conducted by Gaugler, Kane and Newcomer (2007)
states that social relations and widows' friendships
influence how resilience is formed in their lives.
This means that someone who is in a slump needs
social support from his environment to be able to
rise and be able to reduce maladaptive behavior.
Based on the explanation above, researchers are
interested in knowing more deeply how the
resilience of tsunami widows after 10 years of
tsunami disaster in Banda Aceh.
2.1 Resilience
Resilience is the ability of an adult to deal with
abnormal conditions when experiencing traumatic
and potentially life-threatening incidents such as
losing loved ones, experiencing violence or life-
threatening situations to build a normal life and
function physically and psychologically so as to gain
new experiences and positive emotions (Bonanno,
Bonanno (2008) explained that resilience has
four aspects which are tough personality (hardiness),
self-improvement (self-enhancement), repressive
coping, and positive emotions. Furthermore,
Bonanno, Galea, Bucciarelli, and Vlahov (2007)
described the factors which may form and hamper
the formation of resilience, i.e. gender, age, racial,
education, level of trauma, income, social support,
pressure stress of life in past to present, and health.
2.2 Widow
Widow is marital status given to woman after her
husband died (Keister & Destro, 2008). According
to Hurlock (2009) widow will experience common
problem such as economic problems where
declining income causes widow unable to fulfill
their daily needs adequately as their previous life.
A practical problem is the widow tries to run her
own household after getting used to being assisted
by her husband but after the husband is gone, the
widow must hire someone to help. In addition,
according to Akmalia (2013) widow also suffered
psychological problems which is to feel a negative
cognitive effects such as difficult to concentrate and
emotional negative effects such as anxiety, sadness,
anger, and frustration, and as well as physiologically
negative impacts such as health problems and
decreased body endurance.
2.3 Tsunami
Natural phenomena such as earthquakes and tsunami
that occurred in the west waters of Sumatra
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
(Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, North Sumatra and
West Sumatra) on December 26
2004 with
magnitude 9 on the Richter Scale were devastating
incidents throughout the territorial waters around the
epicenter. This is because there is a shift in the
Earth's plates that occurred underwaters of the west
coast of Sumatra, causing a very high magnitude
earthquake and tsunami until several kilometers
from the coastline (Surinati, 2009).
The type of approach in this research is a qualitative
method of phenomenology, which produces
descriptive data in the form of written or oral words
from people and observable behavior (Bogdan &
Taylor in Moloeng, 2009). The selection of this
phenomenological qualitative approach is based on
the purpose of the research, which is to find out how
resilient to tsunami widows. Respondents in this
study consists of 3 tsunami widows with the
following characteristics: (a) The widow of middle
adult ages 40-65 years and experienced a tsunami on
December 26
2004 in Banda Aceh, (b) lost the
husband due to the tsunami disaster of December
2004, (c) The widow who works to support the
family, (d) still a widow until the research is
conducted, (e) willing to be a research respondent.
Collecting data on the respondents using purposive
sampling technique based on the characteristics
possessed by the subject chosen for these
characteristics in accordance with the purpose of
research to be conducted (Herdiansyah, 2011).
3.1 Methods of Collecting Data
Data collection in this study used interview and
observation methods. The interview method is
conducted using semi-structured by referring to the
interview guidelines that have been compiled based
on Bonanno's theory (2008) on the resilience aspects
of strong personality (hardiness), self-improvement,
overcome problems repressive, and positive
emotions. In addition, the observation method is
used as a support to obtain additional information
and data from respondents during the research.
3.2 Data Analysis Method
This study uses interactive model data analysis
methods referring to the theories of Miles and
Huberman (in Idrus, 2009) which is the process of
data analysis that begins with studying all available
data from various sources including from interviews
and observation results that have been written in
verbatim and observation records. The collected data
is made in verbatim according to the results of the
record and then arranged in the verbatim table. After
that, the coding process is made on each statement
given by the respondent, then compiled themes
based on groups of coding that have a common
pattern. Furthermore, the giving of meaning
corresponds to the understanding and interpretation
made, as well as adapting to the theories that support
the results of the research.
Based on the research, the demographic overview of
the respondents is shown in table 1 as follows:
Table 1: Respondents Demographics Overview
Age Education Occupation
SS 47
Housemaid Lampu
NM 60
JR 43
Gardener Tibang
The results of interviews on all respondents can
be seen that each respondent has a different way of
achieving resilience. Comparison of capability to
achieving resiliency can be seen in table 2.
Resilience of Tsunami Widow after 10 Years Tsunami in Banda Aceh
Table 2: Comparison of the Resiliency Between Respondents
Aspects SS NM JR
- Facing the depressed state
withresignation, gratitude and
the tsunami.
- Facing the depressed state
by working
-Facing the depressed state with
received help from others so can
fulfill thedail
- Get back up with working and
support from friends so
enthusiasm arises.
- Get back up with working
however feel resigned to the
current conditions because o
the health deteriorates.
- Get back to the work and friends
and do not focus on the past
because it is the Allah’s will.
- The lessonslearned after 10
years of tsunamiare the heart
is calmer and have notrauma
- Less lesson learnedafter 10
years of tsunami because
the circumstance are no
longer profitable
- Lessons learned 10 years after
tsunami that the mean of living
increased and the conditions
improved than before.
- Have the confidence to get
back up through advice and
support from friends.
- Have confidence to get
back up although health
conditions decline.
- Have the confidence to rise up by
forgetting the tsunami and thought
the fate come from God, not
focusing on sadness, and applying
a healthy lifestyle to get the mean
of living.
- Aside from the routine
activities, attending in Wirid
activities, reciting Yasin and
- Not involved in other
activities besides routine
activities because of
physical weakness.
- Aside from routine activities,
involved in teaching activities,
Wirid and visit relatives who are
going to do the pilgrimage
- Adapting to gather with
children and families, so the
irit is back.
- Adapting to the activity
like selling cakes, Gurih
rice, and beans
- Adapting to visit friend’s house
and nephew to keep in touch.
- Attending Wirid andreciting
Yasin activities in order to
good way of life and feel
calmer also revitalized
because of the belief
ers are to Allah.
- Attending Wirid so can do
a good deed
- Attending the recitation to learn to
read prays so that will know the
good and sinful deeds.
- The support of the firstchild
and ask to overcome the
problems to the expert
- Had the support from
children and overcome the
problem by shared them
about my problemandpray
to God.
- Had the support from families and
overcome the problem by telling
- On the 10th anniversary of the
tsunami, still felt sad but
relieved it by praying to my
husband who already dead
also did Khenduri and dhikr.
- On the 10th anniversary of
the tsunami, felt sad but
relieved it by gave alm to th
- On the 10th anniversary of the
tsunami, felt sad but relieved by
prayed for tsunami’s victims
- Eager to work and live. - Less enthusiastic due to the
family was no longer intact.
- Eager to undergo the activities after
the tsunami.
- Being happy in this life. - Feel less happy and more
resigned in life today
- Being happy in this life.
ICPsy 2019 - International Conference on Psychology
This study aims to determine the dynamics of
resilience of tsunami widows after 10 years in Banda
Aceh. Tsunami widows are widows who have lost
their husbands as a result of the earthquake and
tsunami, which has caused trauma due to the sudden
loss of a partner. Based on interviews that have been
conducted on respondents showed that all three
responses have resilience in the face of the tsunami
event after 10 years. Each respondent starts to rise
from adversity and rebuild his life normally. In this
study, the resilience of the respondents based on the
underlying aspects, that are having a strong
personality, being able to improve themselves, being
able to overcome problems repressively and having
positive emotions in everyday life. In line with what
was explained by Bonano (2008) that resilience is
the ability of adult individuals to deal with abnormal
conditions when experiencing traumatic and
potentially life-threatening events such as the loss of
a loved one, experiencing violence or life-
threatening situations to build a normal life again
and function in a normal way physical as well as
psychological so as to get new experiences and
positive emotions.
The aspect of resilience in each respondent
shows similarities and differences. Overall, the
tough personality aspect shows that the three
respondents were able to accept the difficult
conditions they faced after 10 years of tsunami with
resignation, the existence of gratitude to Allah SWT
and starting to forget the tsunami event. Gratitude
that appears as a form that he can still be saved and
get wisdom from the incident. The wisdom he
gained was to get a better life than before. The three
respondents also started to get back up by doing new
activities such as working, building social
interactions with other people so that they can
generate enthusiasm in themselves. This is in
accordance with research conducted by Ghafur, et al
(2012) that acceptance of women in seeing disasters
as a trial from God so as to form self-acceptance that
always accepts any bad condition, without
complaining and being tough in dealing with it
effectively and being able to adapt to the new
environment. In addition, Maddi (2013) also
mentioned that individuals who have strong
personalities have confidence in themselves and do
not see how hard the trials are, but are able to re-
engage with various activities no matter what
In the aspect of self-improvement, respondents
showed being able to readjust after a disaster with
their social environment. Respondents were able to
gather with friends and family, visit family and
friends to stay in touch and share stories with each
other, and start their activities again. According to
Bonanno, Rennicke, and Dekel (2005) individuals
who have self-improvement are able to adjust to
being healthy and positive, have active social
networks, get good judgment from their immediate
family, and are able to overcome problems in a
healthy and good way. Activities undertaken for
self-improvement by involving themselves in
religious activities such as recitation and religious
guidance. This religious activity becomes an
important thing because it has a positive impact, so
that respondents can feel calm, feel excited again
because of the belief in the power of prayer to Allah
SWT, no longer feel trauma, and can know the good
deeds that must be done and the bad deeds that must
be left out. In addition, Aceh's religious culture has a
strong influence on respondents to be able to
resilience. Baumister (1991) adds that religion plays
an important role in helping to restore internal
conditions such as human behavior and emotions.
Furthermore the resilience of a tsunami widow
can also be seen in the aspect of the ability to
overcome problems repressively through emotional
coping by expressing a bit of sadness in difficult
conditions but rather showing behavior that does not
appear in the form of physiological reactions. This
means that the three respondents shortly after the
tsunami experienced stress, were beaten and sad at
the thought of their family. Some physiological
reactions that arise are palpitations, shortness of
breath, difficulty sleeping and high blood pressure,
but over time after the 10-year tsunami, respondents
can readjust themselves by gathering with family
and friends and engaging in religious activities,
sadness and physiological reactions begin to
decrease and lost. In line with Bonano, Noll, et al (in
Bonano, 2008) explain that resilient individuals are
also able to overcome problems repressively through
coping that focuses on emotions, the individual has
several emotional reactions under stressful
conditions, even experiencing physical symptoms
due to stress. but over time the symptoms do not
appear anymore. Bogar (2006) also said that resilient
individuals are able to control their emotions by
applying spirituality and religiosity.
In the aspect of positive emotions, two from
three respondents were able to show positive
emotions in the form of a sense of enthusiasm and
happiness after the 10-year tsunami. Bonanno, Noll,
Putnam, O'Neill, and Trickett; Keltner and Bonanno
(in Bonanno, 2008) stated that one way to show
Resilience of Tsunami Widow after 10 Years Tsunami in Banda Aceh
resilience is when individuals are able to overcome
difficulties well through the use of positive emotions
such as enthusiasm and feeling of joy. A sense of
enthusiasm arises in carrying out the respondent's
daily activities that is enthusiasm in working to earn
a living for the family and having enthusiasm in
living his current life. The strength to get back up
and the spirit to continue to live because of the
presence of children and grandchildren who are still
his responsibility. Sari and Wardhana (2015) explain
that widows who lose their husbands due to Sudden
Death feel that children's education and the security
of daily needs are the main objectives to be
achieved, considering that after losing a spouse still
has children who are responsible for future
education. In addition, Aprilia (2013) mentions one
reason that widows can continue to survive because
of the existence of their children. Generally the child
will be the strongest reason for a widow to endure a
stressful situation.
Happiness is interpreted by two respondents as
feeling happy in their current life by showing a sense
of gratitude to Allah SWT. They expressed gratitude
to Allah swt verbally for the help of the home and
the work he got after the tsunami in order to be able
to continue to live again, besides that they also
expressed gratitude for the grace and longevity help
that God still gave and had the spirit of returning
from the belief in prayer. Emmons and McCullough
(2003) explain that individuals who often feel and
express gratitude enjoy life more, are optimistic and
energetic and help other individuals more than
individuals who do not have gratitude. In addition,
gratitude for life can lead to peace of mind,
happiness, physical health and make personal
relationships more satisfying.
However, one of the respondents from two
respondents did not yet fully have resilience because
they still felt the loss of their husband and five of
their six children, their health condition was getting
worse, causing physical weakness. This is consistent
with the statements of Bonanno, Galea, Bucciarelli,
and Vlahov (2007) who explain that one of the
factors that can form and hinder resilience is formed,
namely, health. Health factors are closely related to
the formation of resilience, individuals who have
health problems have less resilience than individuals
who do not have health problems.
In addition to the aspects of resilience,
respondents obtained information that social support
is important to bring about resilience. Respondents
have social support from the people closest to them
such as support from friends in the form of
encouragement to be enthusiastic in undergoing new
activities, and support from doctors who check their
health in the form of suggestions for evaluating
eating and taking medicine regularly and social
support in the form of material assistance such as
clothing, food, shelter and funds to help them get on
with their lives. According to Utz (2005), social
support is one factor that can protect a widow from
negative effects after losing a partner. Friends,
family members, and neighbors can provide various
forms of emotional and instrumental support to help
a widow ease the difficult transition times she faces.
Connor and Davidson who mentioned that resilience
is related to personal competence, high standards
and tenacity; believe in yourself, have tolerance for
negative aspects and be strong or tough in dealing
with stress; accept changes positively and can make
a safe relationship (able to adapt) with others control
or self control in achieving goals and how to ask for
or get help from others; spiritual influence on God
(Sulistyorini, 2014).
The results of this study indicate that there is
resilience in two tsunami widows after the 10-year
tsunami disaster in Banda Aceh, namely they have
resilient personalities, self-improvement, coping
with problems responsibly through emotional coping
and positive emotions. While one respondent has not
fully experienced resilience, because respondents
did not feel life after the tsunami was better than
before the tsunami occurred. In addition, his health
condition continued to decline causing the
respondent to not feel the wisdom behind the
tsunami. In addition to the aspect of resilience, an
important factor influencing resilience is a sense of
gratitude to Allah SWT and social support from the
environment so as to accelerate the process of
resilience of respondents.
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Resilience of Tsunami Widow after 10 Years Tsunami in Banda Aceh