Design of Data Warehouse in Library Circulation using Pentaho
Totok Suprawoto
Department of Information System, STMIK AKAKOM, Jl. Janti No. 143, Yogyakarta
library collection, library circulation, data warehouse, pentaho.
Library is a source of knowledge that can be accessed by students, lecturers and employees both from inside
and outside campus. Library as a tool that can be used for the development and improvement of knowledge for
its members, plays an important role in disseminating information and providing references for the academic
community. Current and previous circulation of lending and returning data books can be stored in a data
warehouse. Data warehouse is a database that is designed to work on the query process, create reports and
further analysis for the decision making process. In this research, 5 dimensions have been designed, namely:
the time dimension, the member dimension, the publisher dimension, and the author dimension. Furthermore,
it is implemented using 2 fact tables, namely: borrowing tables and book returns tables. Data Warehouse that
has been built can be used by management to use certain software to produce information that can be used for
decision making.
Library is one source of knowledge that can be ac-
cessed by students and employees. The library col-
lection includes textbooks, research journals, theses,
scientific magazines, lecture modules, ebooks, and e-
journals. The library is a tool used for the develop-
ment and improvement of knowledge, plays a very
large role in the series of information dissemination
because the library provides collections that can be
used as a reference for the academic community. Cir-
culation of library materials, is one of the main activi-
ties of the library in providing services to its members.
There are two activities in the circulation of li-
brary collections, namely lending activities and li-
brary material return activities. Borrowing activities
carried out by members are divided into two types,
namely: 1) lending to lecturers with a maximum of 4
titles in 1 semester, and 2) lending to students with a
maximum of 2 titles with a maximum borrowing of
1 week and can be extended again once. Book return
transactions are carried out in stages and / or at the
same time as long as they are still within the deadline
for borrowing. If a member is late returning books, a
late fee will be imposed. Many books are borrowed
by members, are not returned on time and it is diffi-
cult to get information about who the borrower is and
when it should be returned. So that it can provide op-
portunities for other members to borrow certain books
to support their learning process. In addition, library
leaders still find it difficult to obtain information re-
lated to books most borrowed by members, making it
difficult for leaders to make plans for procurement of
Data Warehouse is a database that designed to
work on the query process, create reports and anal-
ysis. Data stored in a data warehouse is historical
data from an organization / company that has not been
stored in detail. Data Warehouse is different from
OLTP (Online Transactional Processing) data whose
data is stored until the process is complete. The tra-
ditional approach to the ETL process takes data from
the data source, places it in the staging area, and then
transforms and loads it to the datawarehouse shown
in Figure-1 below.
Figure 1: Data Warehouse Architecture
Research (Kurniawati, 2006) on the design and
manufacture of cluster analysis applications on book
transaction data in Petra Christian University Library.
This study aims to determine the relationship between
lending patterns and student GPA using the cluster
analysis method. Being research from (Supriyatna
and Wahyudi, 2012) about data warehouse design in
the Bina Sarana Informatika library, aims to build
a database that can be used by leaders to analyse
Suprawoto, T.
Design of Data Warehouse in Library Circulation using Pentaho.
DOI: 10.5220/0009431200590063
In Proceedings of the International Conferences on Information System and Technology (CONRIST 2019), pages 59-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-453-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and make decisions appropriately, and make appli-
cations that can analyze deeply on the subjects de-
sired. Researchers (Andri and Tujni, 2015) designed
a Data Warehouse as a library repository that was
implemented using Pentaho Kettle assistive software.
Research (Suprawoto et al., 2017) on integration of
morbidity data of puskesmas patients into the data
warehouse at the district health office in the Bantul,
emphasized on how to integrate outpatient morbidity
data from puskesmas in the Bantul district health of-
fice. Furthermore, the data is further processed to pro-
duce information according to the needs of leaders to
support decision making.
2.1 Data Collection
The first step in this research is data collection. For
this purpose researchers conducted data collection by
taking data from the library information system (Si-
pusta) which was the object of research and conducted
a literature review to explore information related to
library data management systems and business pro-
In this study, researchers used a top-down ap-
proach, this approach begins with defining organiza-
tional goals and policies and then analyzing informa-
tion needs and then down to transaction processing.
Before starting to create a data model for a data ware-
house, identified information and data requirements
specifications available in the Library. The data ob-
tained at this stage are operational data from the cir-
culation of books in the library. Furthermore, a deeper
analysis of the information needs of the leadership is
carried out. Furthermore, the data obtained will be
used as input to the system analysis process.
2.2 System Analysis
The data source used in this study came from a book
circulation database at library. The database taken
consists of book data, library members, loan transac-
tions and library book return transactions. The Data
Warehouse design methodology used in this study
uses the nine-step methodology. The process of in-
tegrating data is carried out with the concept of ETL
(Extracts, Transformation, Loading). Data that has
been integrated and stored in the same format is fur-
ther grouped into the form of dimension tables and
fact tables.
Pentaho Kettle software can be used as a device
to integrate data. Pentaho Kettle provides facilities
for ETL (Extraction, Transformation and Loading)
processes. The main elements of Pentaho Kettle are
Transformation and Job. Transformation is a set of in-
structions to change the input into the desired output.
Whereas Job is a collection of instructions for carry-
ing out transformation. There are three main com-
ponents in Pentaho Kettle namely, Spoon, Pan and
Kitchen. Spoon is the user interface for creating Job
and Transformation. Pan is a tool that functions to
read, change and write data, and Kitchen is a program
that executes jobs.
2.3 System Design
Before designing the system, an analysis of business
processes from the circulation of library collections
in library includes: 1) Member registration (students
and lecturers), 2) Procurement of library collections
(books, journals, magazines), 3) Borrowing books, 4)
Returning books, and 5) Free submission of student
After knowing the business processes that occur
in the library, then do the grain selection process. The
selected grain will be used as a fact table in the Data
Warehouse. Based on the business processes that have
been defined, the resulting grains include: the number
of books, the number of members (number of students
and number of lecturers), and the number of books
Next identify and adjust the dimensions associated
with the fact table. From the results of the identifica-
tion of fact tables, 6 dimensions can be determined in
this design, namely: 1) Dimensions of members, 2)
Dimensions of books, 3) Dimensions of time, 4) Di-
mensions of categories, 5) Dimensions of publishers,
and 6) Dimensions of authors.
The next step is to choose a fact table based on
the selection of grains in the previous stage. The fact
table obtained from the analysis consists of borrowing
and returning library collections in book form. The
design of the fact table produced in this study is the
borrowing fact table and the book return fact table.
The loan fact table and the book return fact table can
be seen in Figure-1 and Figure-2.
2.4 Detailed Design Stage
2.4.1 Save Initial Calculations and Fact Tables
Aggregation in the loan fact table is total borrowing of
books based on time (days, weeks, months and years)
and aggregate factual returns of books are total returns
based on time (days, weeks, months and years).
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
Figure 2: Borrowing Facts Table
Figure 3: Return Fact Table
2.4.2 Complete Dimension Tables
The book dimensions table and its attributes in this
study include: Id Book, Id Category, Id Publisher,
Id Author, Title, Year, and ISBN.
Figure 4: Book Dimensions.
The book dimensions in Figure 4 function to hold
the book data, there are 7 attributes, with the primary
key Id Book, and 3 guest keys, namely: Id Category,
Id Author, and Id Penerbit.
Figure 5: Book Category Dimensions.
The Category dimension in Figure 5 serves to hold
the book category data, there are two attributes, with
the primary key Id Kategori and is equipped with the
Nama Kategori attribute.
Figure 6: Author Dimensions.
Author dimension in Figure 6 has the function to
accommodate the data of the author’s name, there are
2 attributes, with the primary key Id Pengarang and
equipped with the name Pengarang.
Figure 7: Publisher Dimensions.
The Publisher Dimension in Figure 7 functions to
hold the data of the book publisher’s name, there are
2 attributes, with the primary key Id Penerbit and is
equipped with the Nama Penerbit attribute.
Figure 8: Members Table.
The Member Dimension in Figure 8 serves to hold
the data of the name of the author of the book, there
are 3 attributes, with the primary key Id Anggota,
which is equipped with the attribute Nama Anggota
and Status.
Figure 9: Time Dimension.
The Time Dimension in Figure 9 serves to hold the
data of borrowing and returning books, there are 5 at-
tributes, with the primary key Id Waktu and equipped
with attributes of hari, minggu, bulan and tahun.
Figure 10: Borrowing Fact.
The Borrowing Facts in Figure 10 have the func-
tion to store the data of borrowing books from mem-
Design of Data Warehouse in Library Circulation using Pentaho
bers, there are 4 attributes, with a combined key (com-
posite key) Id Anggota, and Id Waktu, Id Kategori,
which is equipped with attributes Jml Pinjam.
Figure 11: Return Fact Table.
The Borrowing Facts in Figure 11 functions to
collect the book return data from members, there
are 4 attributes, with a combined key (composite
key) Id Anggota, and Id Waktu, Id Kategori, which
is equipped with attributes Jml Pinjam.
2.5 Database Duration Selection
In designing this library Data Warehouse, the duration
of time used is 3 years. The data stored in this Data
Warehouse will be the last 3 years of data.
3.1 Making Facts on Borrowing Books
The results of the design of the fact of borrowing
books, after being implemented into Pentaho can be
seen in Figure 12. In the loan table consists of
five attributes, namely: anggota pinjam buku asso-
ciated with dimensi anggota, waktu peminjaman as-
sociated with dimensi waktu, jum buku pinjaman as-
sociated with dimensi buku, and the end node is tot-
Figure 12: Formation of Book Borrowing Facts
3.2 Making Fact Returns Books
While the results of the design of the return of books
after being implemented using Pentaho can be seen in
Figure 13. In the return table consists of six attributes,
namely: anggota pinjam buku which is connected
with dimensi anggota, waktu pengembalian associ-
ated with dimensi waktu, jum buku pengembalian
associated with dimensi buku, associated with pen-
gaturan field and the end node is tot pengembalian.
Figure 13: Making of Fact Returning Books
Anggota kembali buku associated with di-
mensi anggota, waktu pengembalian associated with
waktu, jum buku pengembalian associated
with dimensi buku, associated too with pengatu-
ran field, and the end node is tot pengembalian.
From the results of the discussion in the previous
chapter it can be concluded that the design of the Li-
brary circulation Data Warehouse with case studies in
the Library can be designed, in 5 dimensions, namely:
the time dimension, the member dimension, the pub-
lisher dimension, the author dimension, and the cate-
gory dimension. Furthermore, it is implemented us-
ing 2 fact tables, namely: borrowing tables and book
returns tables. Data warehouse that has been built can
be utilized by interested parties by using certain soft-
ware to produce information that can be used to sup-
port decision making.
The advice given for this research is so that it can
be expanded even further, to produce a more detailed
output in helping the decision making process that is
more specific to the leadership.
CONRIST 2019 - International Conferences on Information System and Technology
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Design of Data Warehouse in Library Circulation using Pentaho