Media Performance During General Election
Ika Karlina, Atika Budhi Utami, Tri Wahyuti
Universitas Paramadina
Keywords: Media, Performance, Coverage, Election, News
Abstract: Media play a vital role in democracy. Media functions as social control and as a means of information allow
the public to receive free access to information. In the age of openness, fact-checked information should be
provided to people rather than biased news. The research discusses the media coverage of the general
election, which was conducted simultaneously in Indonesia on 17 April 2019. The study is based on the
media performance concept by McQuail (Mazzoleni, 2015) that independence, objectivity, informativeness,
and diversity are the indicators to measure journalist performance. The method used is content analyses of
192,800 tweets of news site’s Twitter accounts and 800 samples of news gathered from February to April
2019. Samples are taken from tweets posted by seven accounts of major news sites in Indonesia: Detikcom,
Kompascom, Tempoco, Sindonews, Merdeka, Viva, and Okezone. Of the 192,800 tweets, 60,876 related to
the election. The main topics of the news coverage in the seven news sites in this study are the candidates
(49.08%), topics related to the election in general (15.58%), infrastructure (9.41%), law (7.08%), social
welfare (6.76%), environment (6.65%), economy (5.74%), energy (2.45%), national security (2.25%),
presidential debate (2.01%).
Media play an important role in democracy.
Darmastuti (2012) stated that the functions of media
are to monitor, to educate, and to entertain. Media
monitor public activity based on its standard. Media
provide educative and informative messages as a
means of the learning process to the public. To
entertain, media deliver a relaxed and fun program
or coverage to the public. These ideal functions of
media have slightly evolved due to several factors.
One of those factors is technology. The
advancement of communication technology affects
all aspects of life, including the media. Online media
are mushrooming. Thus, media reporting and media
coverage have changed its course to compromise
with the characteristics of online media.
As a means of information, media is misused,
and political agenda is widely inserted in media
coverage. Political parties represented by political
figures and individuals try to steer media in such a
way that media often take sides and be partisan. This
has become a growing concern in a democratic
country like Indonesia. Some studies have revealed
this existing issue.
Studies about media and its role in democracy
mainly discuss media control, media freedom, new
media, and policy. We chose several studies
conducted abroad and in Indonesia. Research
conducted by Firmstone and Coleman (2014)
discussed the perception of local government,
journalists, and citizens towards the changing mode
of media from conventional to digital one in public
engagement. This research has revealed that both
conventional and new media are crucial to building
and maintaining communication with the public.
However, due to the transition between mainstream
and new media, instability over changing roles
occur. Another study conducted by Leschenko
(2014) was to describe press freedom during
Yanukovych administration. The media was
oppressed and used for government propaganda. As
a result, some journalists took to the street and
protested. This prompted the so-called EuroMaiden,
a reform movement in Ukraine. Indonesia, the third
world's largest democratic nation, faced strict media
control during the New Order reign. Media in the
New Order were controlled tremendously while
critics to the government were regarded as
subversive criminals. Wahyuni (2000) states that as
a social institution, media interacts with other
institutions, namely state, society, and market. This
Karlina, I., Utami, A. and Wahyuti, T.
Media Performance During General Election.
DOI: 10.5220/0009400500960101
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity (ICOACI 2019), pages 96-101
ISBN: 978-989-758-461-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
interaction intertwines and affects media expansion
and political communication in Indonesia. The
research describes that there are only two
administrations, namely President Habibie and
President Abdurrahman Wahid, who marked
compelling changes in media-related policy. Syam
(2006) studied that the reform in 1998 brought a
significant impact on the press. Press has found its
long-lost character: Freedom.
Since 2000 the Internet has thrived rapidly, and
as a result, it has converted the way people live,
communicate, consume, travel, and many more.
Media and journalism, as its core has faced a
revolutionary era when coverage, consumption,
distribution, and ownership transform. On the one
hand, this shift creates a positive impact, such as the
increase in media consumption through new media.
On the other hand, this brings to biased media
coverage due to a lack of verification and speed-
driven information.
This study argues about media coverage during
Indonesia's latest simultaneous and the most
complicated election.
1. What were the main topics of news coverage
during the 2019 Indonesia Presidential
2. Who were the main sources of news during
the 2019 Indonesia Presidential Election?
3. What was the dominant method of news
coverage during the 2019 Indonesia
Presidential Election?
4. How was the media performance structure
3.1 Online Journalism
The development of online news media in Indonesia
is growing rapidly. This is based on the needs of
people in the current digital era who are
experiencing the need to search for information in
digital form. With the public's need for news
presence on a digital platform, much conventional
print media began to turn to online media. Even
some of the print media in Indonesia has been
closed. The development of online news media has
not only changed the way of delivery from the
conventional era to the digital era, but also the
workings of journalists who have also changed, as
we are familiar with the term online journalism.
According to James Glen Stovall (in Hadi, 2009),
online journalism is known for its dimensions of
flexibility, capacity, immediacy, and permanence.
Reporters can enter their news reports in various
forms for information, both in full text, accompanied
by biographical information on sources, diagrams,
maps, and images that can help readers understand
the subject matter of the news. It can even include
audio from sources and video scenes where the news
is taken. This is the flexibility of the internet media
rather than print or broadcast. However, in online
journalism, there are also restrictions that are located
on the server computer in terms of quota or data
space where the information is stored and the length
of time for access. Online journalism can send news
instantaneously and simultaneously (instantaneous
reporting) in the form of breaking news events
according to its context with global coverage.
Something that is felt difficult for broadcasters to
provide information on breaking news. This is what
is called immediacy. Meanwhile, online journalism is
called permanent because reporters work long hours
for a digital document that can be stored in a
computer server for a long time and maintained
quality. The quality of information stored online is so
powerful, easy to be traced but also prone to
duplicate. Because the web is an open medium and
full of networked technology, so it is easily
duplicated and stored in a different location from the
According to Hadi (2009), interactivity in online
journalism is a relationship between reporters and
their readers (public) and a meaningful relationship
with a new form of journalism. According to
Williams, Rice, and Rogers (in Hadi, 2009), defining
interactivity as "the degree to which participants in
communication processes have control over, and can
exchange roles in, their mutual discourse." So
internet communication control is on the user. One
study of the use of the internet gets six dimensions
of interactivity, namely (1) the internet is able to
provide information rather than just persuasion; (2)
control lies with internet users; (3) many activities
are carried out by (active) users; (4) communication
that occurs in both directions; (5) the time spent in
communication is more flexible than scheduled and
(6) communication takes place in a place that is
'created' by consumers.
Although the digital age has developed rapidly,
the role of journalists in carrying out their work must
be maintained; on any platform, a journalist delivers
Media Performance During General Election
the news. According to McNair (in Elridge II, 2018),
key roles of journalists include being: (1) source of
information, (2) a watchdog on power, (3) a
mediator between government and people, (4) an
advocate of social issues. These four roles must be a
reference in conveying the news. As a source of
information, a journalist is required to be able to
give the right message to the public. Whereas the
role of the watchdog on power can be interpreted as
a journalistic activity that carries out the function of
controlling the running of the government, thus the
journalist becomes a mediator between the
government and the community. In carrying out this
role, journalists are also expected to be an advocate
on social issues in society.
A professional journalist is also required to be
able to do work as a journalist who understands his
work. On news that appears on platforms such as
print and online, the news content at least fulfills the
following basic things (Wendratama, 2017: 38-55):
(1) Focus, (2) Facts (accurate and verified), (3)
News Value, (4) Answers, (5) Sources, (6) Clarity,
(7) Ethics. Focus is the most important element in
the good news. Focus can also be interpreted as a
news angle. The second element is Facts. This is
related to how deep news has passed verification to
be feasible to be conveyed to the public. The
purpose of verification is to obtain the truth. The
third element is the News Value. News Value is the
journalist's reference when presenting the news.
Some considerations can be made, such as the value
of novelty, importance, interest, irregularities, and so
on. The next element is the Answer. This is related
to news that has met the formula 5W + 1H. The next
element is the Source, which is interpreted as the
ability of journalists to deliver news sources so that
they can be trusted. The element that is considered
important is also Clarity, which is interpreted as the
working principle of journalists in presenting an
issue that must have good clarity in the structure of
news writing to provide evidence such as
photographs or multimedia that reinforce the content
of the news delivered. The last is the element of
Ethics, and journalists must do the right way, both
justified according to universal rules and the rules of
the society in which the journalist works.
3.2 Media Performance
In seeing whether a journalist's performance is
appropriate in carrying out its functions, there are
various concepts by which data are used as a
reference. But there is one concept that can be used
as a reference, namely the concept conveyed by
McQuail. According to McQuail (in Mazzoleni,
2015), the four main indicators that can measure
journalist performance are independence,
objectivity, informativeness, and diversity. The
concept of independence is an indicator that is
difficult to assess because when making these
measurements, we also measure the structure that
occurs in the media, such as media regulations that
are based on law, economic regulations, and others.
How the media really uses their freedom is another
story and more difficult to judge, although evidence
can be obtained from observing practice. Thus, the
more critical, investigative, argumentative,
participatory, and stimulating media are in reporting
journalists, the more independent they can be
The second indicator is the objectivity. In this
context, journalists are prosecuted to be neutral and
concentrate on facts that can be verified and avoid
bias. A more developed view expressed about the
objectivity of journalists is measured how capable
they are giving confidence to the public by
conveying information that has a level of trust and
The third indicator is the informativeness.
Informativeness can be interpreted as a term that
refers to some basic features of the public role given
to, or accepted by, mass media in modern society.
This has several sub-principles. First, there must be
comprehensive monitoring of events and conditions
in the national community and in the wider
international environment, important for warning of
risks, hazards, or problems that arise and are
relevant to public outreach. Second, the information
published must be based on good evidence and as far
as possible in accordance with observed reality. This
must be sufficiently complete in terms of essential,
accessible, and understandable, and presented in
ways that are effective in achieving learning
outcomes and increasing public awareness of
relevant facts.
The fourth indicator is diversity. The basis for
assessing the diversity of media settings is the extent
to which content and sources or media voices reflect
population composition in proportional and relevant
terms, for example, in relation to political allegiance,
social class, ethnicity, geographical location, and so
3.3 Structural and Performance
Differences on Media
According to McQuail (2010:162), there are three
levels of media operation: structure, conduct, and
ICOACI 2019 - International Conference on Anti-Corruption and Integrity
performance. However, in this paper, we only
discuss the structure and performance of the media.
Media structure lays the media system, while media
performance indicates the content.
Based on the freedom principles, media structure
includes the independence of channels, access to
channels, and diversity of contents. Media
performance encompasses reliability, critical stance,
originality, choice, change, and relevance (McQuail,
2010: 165).
At the level of structure, media freedom means
no censorship, equality of information access, and
independence from ownership intervention. These
values are basically conflict-driven because absolute
freedom is futile. Media freedom is limited by
power, controller, and owners or those who have no
power like the audience. Meanwhile, at the level of
performance, media freedom evaluation is somewhat
difficult to conduct due to the misuse of
communication freedom itself. Therefore, the media
should fulfill the investigation and verification of
their coverages. Media performance should be
innovative and independence that would lead to
ingenuity, resourcefulness, and variety.
In this study, we conducted a content analysis of
192,800 tweets from news sites' Twitter accounts
and 800 samples of news that we gathered from
February 22 to April 24, 2019. Content analysis
involves setting categorizations, measuring the
reliability of the categorizations, classifying samples
into the categorizations, and drawing conclusions
based on the frequencies and contexts of the
messages (Riffe, Lacy, & Fico, 2005). We
operationalized the news into two types of
information units: words and symbols (Riffe, Lacy,
& Fico, 2005). We used words to analyze the topics
of news coverage and symbols to investigate the
news sources, method of news coverage, and method
of verification.
Due to the difference in the unit of analysis, we
took different samples from the population of
collected news articles. To examine the main topic
of news coverage, we took the whole population of
tweets posted by seven accounts of the major news
sites in Indonesia: Detikcom, Kompascom,
Tempoco, Sindonews, Merdeka, Viva, and Okezone.
Today, as people get their daily news from social
media, news sites post every article on Twitter to
reach more audiences. The unit of analysis in this
sample was a word, and the categorizations were
referred to like the topics of presidential debate
(Indonesia Commission of General Election, 2018):
economy, energy, law enforcement, infrastructure,
national security, environment, social welfare, and
the presidential debate. We added three categories
for the topics, which were the candidates (Jokowi
and Prabowo) and the general election.
To examine the main news source and method of
news gathering, we took 800 samples from the 192,
800 population. Before we choose the sample, we
cleaned the data and only selected news related to
the general election. From the population, we
randomly selected samples based on the proportion
of articles that each of the news sites posted during
the data collection.
The unit of analysis in this sample was a symbol,
as Riffe, Lacy, and Fico (2005) define it as a
"discrete unit of content that contains meaning." In
this study, we operationalized the news source into
ten categories: politician, candidates, campaign team
or spokesperson, university professor, expert, survey
agency, non-government organization (NGO),
Indonesia Commission of General Election, or KPU,
citizen, and other. We also operationalized the
method of news gathering into eight categories:
face-to-face interview, mediated interview, field
coverage, press conference, press release, social
media conversation, public discussion, and other.
The reliability scores for both categorizations were
0.78 and 0.80.
In addition, we investigated whether any effort of
verification in each article and if whether any
potential impact the news had on citizens’ life or
public discussion related to the general election.
From all the 192,800 tweets, we found 60,876
related to general elections. During the 2019
Indonesia general election, the main topics of the
news coverage in the seven news sites in this study
were the candidates (49.08%), followed by topics
related to the election in general (15.58%),
infrastructure (9.41%), law (7.08%), social welfare
(6.76%), environment (6.65%), economy (5.74%),
energy (2.45%), national security (2.25%),
presidential debate (2.01%). Although the post about
candidates dominated the news coverage, we found
that there were more articles related to the
incumbent candidate President Joko Widodo/Jokowi
(27.42%) compare to other candidates Prabowo
Subianto (21.66%). This finding also accoutred in
the 800 samples of news articles that we chose. We
Media Performance During General Election
found 1,891 words related to Jokowi and only 1,381
words related to Prabowo. Meanwhile, words related
to the election, in general, were only 498.
The main news sources related to the 2019
Indonesia general election were the candidates
(22.76%), followed by campaign team or spoke
person (19.21%), politician (18.75%), others
(15.39%), Indonesia Commission of General
Election or KPU (8.2%), citizens (4.66%), NGO
people (3.45%), survey agency (2.79%),
academician (2.79%), and expert (1.95%).
The main method of newsgathering that the
online news sites applied was face-to-face interview
(51.22%), followed by field coverage (24.94),
mediated interview (7.34%), quoting press releases
(4.23%), press conference (3.89%), public
discussion (3.11%), others (3.11%), social media
conversation (2.11%).
In addition to those three findings, we
investigated whether any effort of verification in
each article. Apparently, 69.92 percent of the articles
did not contain any verification method, and only
one third (30.07%) of the articles mentioned that the
news had been verified. When we looked further
into what verification method that the journalist did
to check the information, most of them just referred
to the previous articles that they run before
(41.66%). Other verification methods were checking
the information with the press releases sent to the
news media (29.58%), phone interviews (15.83%),
social media posts (10%), and interviews via texting
or messenger (2.91%).
Furthermore, we analyzed whether the news
contents had any potential impact on citizens' lives
in the next three months. We found that most of the
news would not bring any changes to citizens' lives
for the next three months (67.91%) and only 32.08
percent of the articles that would potentially bring
changes to citizens' lives. Most of the news,
however, could contribute to the public discussion
related to the election (66.2%) and 33.79 percent of
the news could not even contribute to enriching the
public discussion related to the general election.
The last finding of the media performance
structure used in the research displays uniformity of
coverages. During the election periods, online media
tend to play safe. This was probably due to the strict
control and interruption from the media owners and
also a reluctance to being different.
The 2019 Indonesia general election was the first
election where voters chose the presidential
candidates, members of parliaments, house
representatives, and local representatives at the same
time. Issues related to the election logistics, elections
officers and supervisors, and the performance of the
Indonesia Commission of General Election, 2018,
needed more attention from the journalists and mass
media. Unfortunately, the mass media tended to
cover news related to the political debates initiated
by the candidates
Politicians—candidates, political party
representatives, and campaign team/spoke person—
dominated the news coverage during the 2019
Indonesia general election. The category of “Others”
also dominated the news coverage. When we
analyzed further, most of the news sources fell in
this category were government officials and
ministers in Jokowi’s administrations. Voices from
the citizens, who would use their votes and
determine the election results, apparently were not
considered important by the mass media. At the
same time, there were only 8 percent of news came
from the Indonesia Commission of General Election.
This commission role was critical as they continued
to show poor performance in managing this first
simultaneous election.
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Media Performance During General Election