The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor
Raina Linda Sari
, Sirojuzilam Hasyim
, Inggrita Gusti Sari Nasution
Herfita Rizki Hasanah Gurning
Doctoral Program in Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T.M Hanafiah, SH,
Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Development Economics, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T.M Hanafiah, SH,
Kampus USU, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Labor, Productivity, Internet Access, Crime.
Abstract: Human resource development is a part of the focus of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indonesia
relates most targets and indicators SDGs into Indonesia's development plans. Productivity is one of the
problems of human resource development that needs to be resolved by the government. This paper aims to
analyze the effects of education and health (social factors), crime (cultural factor), and internet access on
labor productivity in Indonesia. This paper uses panel data which is estimated using the Fixed Effect Model
(FEM). This research can prove that to increase Indonesian labor productivity can be achieved by improving
health, reducing crime, and increasing internet access. Meanwhile, this paper has not been able to prove that
education affects Indonesian labor productivity.
Over the past three decades, Indonesia has benefited
tremendously in human development. With the value
of the human development index (HDI) of 0.68
Indonesia is in the group of countries with "medium
level in human development". From the data
obtained on the page of the Human Development
Report (2017), Indonesia as a whole is ranked 113th
out of 188 countries in 2015, where the ranking has
increased three times from 2010. Meanwhile, the
growth of HDI slowed in 2010 to 2015 (only
increased by 0.92 percent).
The problem of human resource development is
one of the focuses of the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs). One of the objectives of the 17 SDGs
is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment
and decent work for all.
( Signing of
Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2017 concerning
the Implementation of Achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals is one form of
Indonesian government support for the SDGs. The
government connects most SDGs targets and
indicators into the national mid-term development
plan (RPJMN) and follows up on the strong
convergence between the SDGs and the president's
nine priority agenda "Nawa Cita".
Research on labor productivity has been widely
studied. However, some of the existing studies such
as. (Wahyuni, 2019); (Muslim et al, 2019);(Kumala
et al, 2018); (Ganau & Pose, 2018); (Naidah &
Hermansyah, 2017); (Grimes et al, 2012); (Fleisher
et al, 2011); (Hanson et al, 2010) and (Boles et al,
2004) have not conducted a thorough research on the
effects of social, cultural, and internet access
simultaneously on labor productivity. In addition,
this study examined all workers in the country of
Indonesia, while some previous studies only
examined labor in a company not a country.
This study aims to analyze the influence of
social, cultural, and internet access on labor
productivity. The social factors in question refer to
education and health, while the cultural factor refer
to the level of crime that occurred in Indonesia.
The findings of this study are expected to be able
to provide policy proposals to the government to
increase labor productivity in Indonesia.
Furthermore, increasing labor productivity is
Sari, R., Hasyim, S., Sari Nasution, I. and Hasanah Gurning, H.
The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity.
DOI: 10.5220/0009314205370541
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 537-541
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
expected to improve people's welfare and then be
able to increase economic growth.
2.1 Human Resources
Capital accumulation, population growth, and
Technological Advancements are the main
components in the economic growth of every nation
(Todaro & Smith, 2004). Capital accumulation
includes investment and improving the quality of
human capital to increase output in the future.
Population growth as a factor of production and their
involvement in technological advancements will also
spur economic growth.
Therefore, the quality of human resources is an
important aspect that needs to be considered by the
government. Quality human resources will increase
productivity and will further increase economic
growth in a country.
2.2 Labor Productivity
Pindyck & Rubinfeld (2012) He describes the
production function as the output relationship (Q) of
its inputs, namely technology (A), capital (K), and
labor (L). As in the following function:
Q = f (A, K, L) (1)
The aggregate output is written as an endogenous
variable (Y) which can be valued by the amount of
money from the output value produced. If the labor
is moved to the left section as an output divider, the
labor productivity function is obtained as follows:
Y/L = f (K/L),A (2)
According to Greeberg in Mathis & Jackson
(2001) labor productivity is a comparison between
the totality of expenditure at a given time divided by
total input during that period. In other words,
productivity is defined as the ability of the
workforce to produce output.
2.2.1 Social Infrastructure and Labor
The World Bank divides infrastructure into three
types. First, economic infrastructure which is the
physical infrastructure needed to support economic
activity. Second, social infrastructure, including
education, health, housing, and recreation. Third,
administrative infrastructure, including law
enforcement, administrative control, and
This study will discuss social infrastructure that
refers to the second classification that is education
and health. Because both of these are forming
human capabilities as elements of human resources
to achieve economic growth..
Muslim et al (2019) make a research about
Analysis of Labor Productivity at Wall Façade
Works on POP Hotel Development Projects in
Pekanbaru. This study analyzes the influence of age,
work experience, level of education, suitability of
wages, health of workers, relations between workers,
managerial, and composition of working groups on
the level of labor productivity. The results of the
study show that education and wage levels can affect
productivity. In this study it can also be concluded
that the level of education has a dominant influence
on productivity with a beta value of 0.993.
The influence of this level of education on
productivity has also been examined by Naidah &
Hermansyah (2017) and Fleisher et al (2011). Their
research found that the higher the level of education
the higher the labor productivity.
In addition, Boles et al (2004) conducted
research on The Relationship Between Health Risks
and Work Productivity. This research was conducted
on 2264 employees of a large national employer
located in the Northeast. The results showed that
reduced productivity occurred in labors who had
diabetes and stress. In other words, health can affect
labor productivity. The lower the quality of health,
the lower the productivity of the labor.
In this study the level of education was proxied
by variable School Life Expectancy (HLS). While
the level of health is proxied by the variable life
expectancy (AHH).
2.2.2 Culture and Labor Productivity
Romer (2012) Romer stated that in addition to
human capital, there are other variables that can
affect worker productivity, namely geography and
culture. In this study the variable used to capture the
cultural effect on productivity is crime. In this case,
criminality is considered a variable that is thought to
reduce labor productivity. This makes sense,
because crime is related to comfort. A good work
environment will make workers more comfortable in
doing their jobs.
Crime affects people's quality of life.
Victimization of crime affects many things,
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
including disruption of work functions and higher
unemployment rates (Hanson et al, 2010). Ganau &
Pose (2017) conduct research about industrial
clusters, organized crime, and productivity growth in
Italian SMEs. The results found that firms’
productivity growth affected by the negative direct
effects of organized crime. It also shows that the
negative effect on productivity growth from
organized crime is greater for small companies than
for large companies.
Thus, an increase in crime is thought to be able
to influence the productivity of individual workers.
This study uses a variable in the number of criminal
incidents reported to the Police Station to proxy
crime rates.
2.2.3 Internet Access and Labor
According to Romer (2012) Developing countries
are currently poor because the population does not
have access that is used by developed countries to
create economic value. The technology gap is in the
form of physical object gaps (factories, highways,
and modern machines) and idea gaps (information
and processing of transactions and generating
motivation for labor).
Berg (2001) argued that in order to realize
economic growth, one that is needed is technological
advancement which has the role of finding new
production methods that are more productive and
efficient. The development of the Internet is one part
of technological progress.
A study of convergence and the influence of the
internet and capital on industrial labor productivity
in Indonesia has been carried out by Wahyuni
(2019). By using dynamic panel data from the
extended GMM approach, this study concludes that
capital increases and increased internet use can
increase industrial labor productivity and accelerate
convergence so that the time needed to reduce
industrial labor productivity gaps can be shortened..
Similar research has also been carried out by
Grimes et al (2012). This paper uses a large micro-
survey of firms to determine the impact that
broadband access has on firm productivity. The
results found that firm productivity boosted by 7-
10% due to broadband adoption. This results are
consistent across urban versus rural locations and
across high versus low knowledge intensive sectors.
The development of information technology,
especially the use of internet access, is thought to be
able to increase effectiveness and efficiency in a job
so as to increase labor productivity. This study uses
the percentage of residents who access the internet
to proxy the internet access variable.
This study uses panel data, namely a combination of
cross-section and time series data. The data used are
data from 33 provinces in Indonesia with a period of
2013-2017. The variables used in this study are
productivity variables as dependent variables. While
the independent variable is School Life Expectancy
Life Expectancy Crime, and Internet Access.
The data used in this research is secondary data.
Data was obtained from the Central Statistics
Agency (BPS), World Bank, Human Development
Report (HDR), and the United Nations Development
Program (UNDP).
To analyze the influence of social, cultural, and
internet access on labor productivity, the method
used is panel data regression with the following
= α+β
+ β
+ β
+ β
Y / L is labor productivity, HLS is School Life
Expectancy, AHH is Life Expectancy, Crime is a
crime rate, and Aksin is Internet Access. Whereas i
is the province in Indonesia (33 provinces), and j is
the time studied (2013-2017).
Equation (3) is estimated by the Chow Test and
Hausman Test to get the appropriate model. Some of
the models to be chosen are Pooled Least Square
(Common Effect), Fixed Effect, or Random Effect.
It is estimated by using Eviews 9.
Pooled Least Square (Common Effect) estimates
panel data with ordinary OLS, there is no similar
character between province A in 2013 and province
A in 2014. In contrast, Fixed Effect Model has a
constant slope coefficient, whereas intercept is
different - different between times. Meanwhile, in
Random Effect Model, variations in values and
direction of relationships between subjects are
assumed to be random specified in residual form
(Gujarati, 2009).
4.1 Choosing Appropriate Model
Choosing the appropriate model whether using
Pooled Least Square/PLS (Common Effect) or Fixed
The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity
Effect Model (FEM) is by using the Chow Test.
While choosing a model whether using the Fixed
Effect Model (FEM) or Random Effect Model
(REM) is by using the Hausman Test.
Table 1: Estimated Results of Chow Test and Hausman
Test Hypothesis P-Value Conclusion
Reject Ho
(Using FEM)
Reject Ho
From the estimation results as shown in table 1,
it can be concluded that the most appropriate model
to use is the Fixed Effect Model. This study assumes
that all variables (Productivity, HLS, AHH, Crime,
and Internet Access) change at a constant level over
4.2 FEM Estimated Results
Table 2 is the specification effects of Fixed Effect
Model. R-squared value of 0.9676 means that
variations in the amount of labor productivity in
Indonesia can be explained by the variable School
Life Expectancy, Life Expectancy, crime, and
internet access by 96.76%, while the rest are
explained by other variables outside the model. In
this case, the model used in this study is appropriate.
Table 2: Effects Specification of Fixed Effect Model.
Specification Value
Prob(F-statistic) 0.000000
Table 2 also shows that the probability of a F-
statistic value of 0.00 is smaller than alpha 5%,
rejecting Ho. This indicates that the School Life
Expectancy, Life Expectancy, crime and internet
access variables simultaneously affect labor
productivity in Indonesia.
Based on the estimation results as found in table
3, School Life Expectancy does not significantly
affect labor productivity in Indonesia. This indicates
that formal education alone is not enough to increase
labor productivity. However, it also requires an
increase in competence and skills through non-
formal education and training.
This study can prove that each variable, namely
the level of health, crime, and internet access has a
significant effect on labor productivity. The Life
Expectancy coefficient of 3.0077 indicates that for
every 1 year increase in life expectancy, labor
productivity in Indonesia will increase by Rp 3
billion, ceteris paribus.
Table 3: Productivity Fixed Effect Model
Dependent Variabel:
Parameter Estimates
Coefficient SE
School Life Ex
0.1856 1.0957
Life Ex
3.0077* 1.7050
Crime -0.0001** 6.74E-05
Internet Access 0.0428*** 0.0144
Constant -200.27* 108.4331
Note:*Significant at 10%, **significant at 5%,
***significant at 1%
The Crime coefficient of -0.0001 indicates that
every increase in the number of incidents of crime
reported to the police by 1 event, labor productivity
in Indonesia will decrease by Rp 100,000 ceteris
paribus. Meanwhile, the internet access coefficient
of 0.0428 indicates that each 1% increase in the
population who access the internet, labor
productivity in Indonesia will increase by Rp 42.8
million, ceteris paribus.
This research is able to prove that each variable of
Life Expectancy, Crime, and Internet Access
significantly affects labor Productivity in Indonesia.
This research can prove that to increase Indonesian
labor productivity can be achieved by improving
health, reducing crime, and increasing internet
access. Meanwhile, this paper has not been able to
prove that education affects Indonesian labor
Therefore, the government needs to create a
program that is able to encourage workers to
improve their competencies and skills, for example
through informal education and training assistance
programs in certain areas of expertise. In addition,
the government must also be able to run programs
that support sustainable health improvement. Equity
for the advancement of information technology also
needs to be considered so that all levels of society
are able to enjoy convenience due to technological
developments, especially internet access. Finally, the
government needs to improve the security and order
system to maintain the comfort of the community.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
The authors thank Allah SWT for the abundant
blessings. We thank all lecturers of Development
Economics Departement and people for supporting
us on this research. Finally, we gratefully
acknowledge that the present research is supported
by Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher
Education Republic of Indonesia. The support is
under the research grant TALENTA USU 2019.
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The Effects of Social, Cultural, and Internet Access on Labor Productivity