Building Effective Product Awareness of Indigenous Product through
Marketing Communication Technologies
Arlina Nurbaity Lubis, Prihatin Lumbanraja, and Beby Kendida Hasibuan
Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Product Awareness, Marketing Communication, Relational Marketing, Rational Marketing, Integrated
Abstract: A successful tourism required the support from MSMEs that affiliated with the tourism area. The problem of
The sustainability of MSME is very closely related to the level of public consumption of the products
produced from the MSME. In line with this, North Sumatra has several typical local agricultural products
developed into local special products. This product is a derivative of indigenous plants in North Sumatra. The
initial step in encouraging the performance of MSMEs in this case is to build public awareness of these
indigenous products. Consumption of these local products will encourage the sustainability and progress of
MSMEs while accelerating the development wheel. Therefore, the creation of awareness of indigenous
products is important. This study aims to evaluate the application of marketing communication technology in
building awareness of indigenous products. By its nature, this research is focused on evaluating the consumer's
point of view. A total of 300 consumers participated in this study. Data collected through structured
interviews. The collected data were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate
that the most effective marketing communication technology strategy in building product awareness is
through relational and rational marketing. Therefore, it is important for indigenous product businesses to
develop and implement a marketing communication strategy.
Indigenous agricultural products from North Sumatra
can provide local advantages. As a product of
indigenous agricultural products, the availability of
the best and abundant supply of the best raw materials
is supported by the geographical, climate, and
suitability of plant growth with the position of North
Sumatra. This will have an impact on reducing costs
and will offer a competitive advantage (Paradowska
and Platje, 2015). Besides that good quality raw
materials will also help in achieving good production
results, according to the concept of garbage in-
garbage out (Kilkenny and Robinson, 2018).
Indigenous products can promise good quality
and high competitiveness. However, purchasing
decisions are complex things that involve more than
just purchases. Joshi and Rahman (2015) revealed
that purchasing decisions involve emotional
elements, ethical behavior, and consideration of
social impacts called green purchase behavior.
Furthermore, slogans such as "Cintailah Produk
Indonesia" are part of an effort to change
consumption behavior to buy local products.
Many of the big and small businesses give
awareness to the importance of consumption of local
products and products that are environmentally
friendly. Young et al. (2010) in his research shows
that increasing public awareness of these issues does
not mean that his buying behavior also supports his
awareness. Although the community is aware of the
benefits of local products and the issue of
environmentally friendly products, consumption
behavior is not easy to change immediately. Hughner
et al., (2007) in their research identified that as many
as 67% of the community had a positive attitude
towards locally produced organic products, but only
4% made purchases or consumed these products.
There is a gap between consciousness and
consumption behavior.
The gap between the consumer's mindset and
consumption behavior is called the attitude - behavior
gap (Vermeir and Verbeke, 2006). Because the
awareness of the benefits of the product and the
positive attitude does not always mean that the
product will consume, a deeper study is needed about
this consumption behavior so that it will have an
impact on increasing the consumption of indigenous
Lubis, A., Lumbanraja, P. and Hasibuan, B.
Building Effective Product Awareness of Indigenous Product through Marketing Communication Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0009202002360242
In Proceedings of the 2nd Economics and Business International Conference (EBIC 2019) - Economics and Business in Industrial Revolution 4.0, pages 236-242
ISBN: 978-989-758-498-5
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
products in the community. The planned marketing
technology must be able to drive demand for the
product in question. When the predictor of
consumption behavior or buying behavior is
successfully identified, the marketer together with the
University of North Sumatra can formulate an
appropriate strategy to encourage the actual purchase
of the intended indigenous product.
This study aimed to identify efforts in utilizing
effective marketing technology in marketing
indigenous products of North Sumatra agriculture so
that public awareness of these products increases. The
results of the identification will help formulate the
marketing strategy and be a reference in advancing
the local economy and ensure the indigenous products
in the market.
2.1 Indogenous Product
Indigenous plants are native plants of many regions
that have been processed and used or introduced
plants that have been developing for a long time and
are well-known by the community in a certain area.
Indigenous plants in North Sumatra usually grow in
the forest environment. Besides the use of indigenous
plants as daily consumption, many indigenous plants
that function as medicines and other products.
Indigenous plants have several characteristics,
including being able to adapt well in their original
environment and traditionally these plants are one of
the supporting components of the surrounding
community (village/community). Indigenous
products are derived from indigenous plants in North
Sumatra. This research specifically conducts a study
of derivative products from agricultural plants such as
Kapur, Asam Andaliman, Rattan, Gambir, and Aren.
2.2 Marketing Communication
Marketing communication is an activity based on the
audience or target market. The main purpose of
marketing communication is to stimulate desires and
ideally lead to the achievement of purchases and
bonding with these consumers (Fill and Jamieson,
2014). The concept of marketing communication
starts from the codification of the signal delivered by
the sender (marketer) to the recipient (consumer). The
marketing communication process is not limited to
delivery to consumers, but also feedback that is
delivered by consumers to marketers in the form of
Marketing communication will positively affect
market performance (Germany and Zavrsnik, 2012).
This is also directly related to the company's
performance in selling its products (Kitchen and
Schultz, 2009). The selection of the right marketing
communication channels is very important because
this will drive the effectiveness of marketing
communication itself (Dannaher and Rossiter, 2011).
The selection of the right marketing communication
must be adjusted to the objectives and target audience
expected from the marketing activities undertaken.
During the last ten years marketing communication
has been identified with the delivery of product
information, but this raises questions about the
purpose of marketing communication itself. Therefore
the orientation of marketing communication is
currently categorized in four forms (Fill and Jamieson,
2014), namely:
Rationality, relating to Information and
Promotion, emphasizes the rationality of the
audience with a focus on delivering product
information to drive sales,
Process and imagery, emphasizing the product
image and emotional message of the audience
with a focus on the buying process by creating a
good buying experience
Integration, by balancing between rationality and
emotional messages to the audience to provide a
clear proposition of the brand / product
Relational, by giving different treatment to each
group of audiences in accordance with their needs
with the aim of establishing mutual value to the
2.3 Product Awareness
Product awareness refered to consumer knowledge of
indigenous products and their derivatives and their
benefits to consumers. Wolsink (2007) provides
research results which state that there is no significant
influence between knowledge of products and
purchases. This research shows that being aware of
the benefits of the product has not yet led to a
purchasing decision. Suki (2013) shows that
awareness directly affects consumer behavior and
Young et al., (2010) shows a positive influence
between awareness and purchase behavior.
Building Effective Product Awareness of Indigenous Product through Marketing Communication Technologies
3.1 Research Time and Characteristics
The focus of this research is to increase the marketing
and product potential of the North Sumatra
indogenous plant derivative products, including
Gambir, Cretaceous, Aren, Rattan, and Andaliman
Plant derivatives. The products derived from these
plants include camphor, gambier tea (herbal), palm
sugar, rattan handicrafts, and sambal andaliman
(cooking spices). This study evaluates community
awareness of the benefits of utilizing local special
products and seeks to increase public awareness to
prioritize the use of traditional special products in
daily life. The advantages of using local products, in
addition to empowering local potential, also help
MSMEs to survive in a rapidly spinning business
3.2 Participant
This study involved 300 consumers of indogenous
plant derivative products in North Sumatra.
Consumer criteria is that they have been involved in
purchasing products based on this research. Because
consumers are an open population (undefined
population), this study uses stratified convenience
sampling, where sampling is based more on the
willingness of consumers who have bought and used
indogenous products by chance (non-random
sampling). For the sake of achieving equal
representation, each of the 50 consumers taken for
each derivative product that is the basis of this study.
3.3 Data Collection Method
Self-administered questionnaires were employed
during our research. The questionnaire in this study
was prepared based on a theoretical study and
adjusted to the consumer's condition that was the
object of research. Therefore, the research
questionnaire requires a validity and reliability test
before it is applied as an instrument for research data
collection. The validity and reliability testing of this
instrument was carried out on 30 consumers who had
consumed at least one of the products submitted
outside the research sample later. Evaluation of the
validity of the questionnaire is done by face validity
by adjusting the list of questions raised with existing
theories, as well as the Pearson correlation which
shows the correlation value of the total score on each
variable. The instrument reliability test was
conducted by evaluating the Cronbach's alpha value
on each variable proposed in this study
3.4 Data Analysis Method
We employed multiple linear regression to evaluate
the impact of each technology marketing
communication on its dependent variable, product
4.1 Participants’ Characteristics
Characteristics of respondents by sex were carried out
to obtain the distribution of characteristics of business
operators in Medan City based on gender. The
characteristics of these respondents can be used to
evaluate preferences and awareness based on each
Table 1. Responden berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin
N of Sample
Table 1 provide information that the proportion
between female and male respondents in this study
was relatively similar to the 2: 3 ratio between male
and female. Thus, the involvement of women in this
study was more than that of men. One factor is that
shopping activity which is one of the important
elements in this research is more favorable to the
gender of women.
Respondents in this study are in the age range
between 20 to 59 years. The involvement of
respondents with an age range of less than 20 years
only reached 1% of all study respondents. Youth
participation in the consumption of indogenous
products is still relatively very low. One
consideration factor is that there is no fixed income
from each of these individuals, so their choices for
consumption are very limited. As age increases,
income generally also increases, so the choice to
consume products also becomes wider. There were no
participants in this study in the age range 60 years and
above, considering that at that age it was more
difficult to find consumers in the general market.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
4.2 The Effect of Technology
Communication Marketing on
Product Awareness
This research model uses four independent variables
and one dependent variable. The independent variable
used in this research is a form of marketing
communication strategy that is implemented and
perceived by the buyer, including rationalization,
imaging, integration, and relational. The dependent
variable of this study is awareness / interest in the
indogenous products of North Sumatra. A total of 300
consumers directly involved with at least one of
North Sumatra's indogenous products were involved
in this study.
4.2.1 Residual Normality Test
The normality test aims to find out whether the
intruder or residual variable regression model has a
normal distribution. Good data is data that has a
pattern like the shape of a bell on the histogram
diagram. The data normality test used in this study is
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Criteria for testing one
sample using a one-sided test that is by comparing the
probability with a certain level of significance that is
if a significant value or probability <0.05, then the
distribution of data is not normal and if a significant
value or probability> 0.05, then the data is normally
distributed. Evaluation using graphs is used to
support statistical evaluation results.
Figure 2. Residual Histogram
Figure 2 provides information that in the
histogram graph, the distribution of residual data
leads to bell-shaped; in this case, the residual data can
be categorized as normally distributed. P-P plots are
applied to evaluate this situation more clearly.
Figure 3. Normal P-P Plot
Figure 3 shows that data residuals are spread
evenly along diagonal lines. This condition further
supports that data residuals are normally distributed.
This distribution was evaluated statistically and
summarized in Table 2
Table 2. Normality Test
Tests of Normality
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Table 2 provides information that statistically, the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests, give a
significance value> 0.05 which indicates that the data
residuals are normally distributed. Thus, the
assumption of normality in residual data has been
4.2.2 Multicollinearity Test
Symptoms of multicollinearity can be seen from the
value of tolerance and VIF (Varⅰance Inflate Factor).
Both measures indicate the variables which are
strongly affecting other dependent variables.
Tolerance is to measure the variable variables of the
dependent variables which are not explained in terms
of the other variables. The value that is used for
Tolerance> 0.1 and VIF <5, then there is no
Table 3. Collinearity Analysis
Collinearity Statistics
Building Effective Product Awareness of Indigenous Product through Marketing Communication Technologies
Table 3 showed evidence that there is no problem
of multicollinearity of data on the independent
variables of the study. Each element of marketing
communication technology is independent so that the
variables proposed in this model do not affect each
4.2.3 Heterokedasticity Test
Heterokedastity test data in this study were evaluated
using Glesjer-test statistical method. The result is
summarized as follow:
Table 4. Glesjer Test Analysis
a. Dependent Variable: ABSRES
4.2.4 Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
The results of the regression conducted in this study
are summarized as follows:
Table 5. Regression Result
a. Dependent Variable: Product_Awareness
F-Statistic = 67.430 (Sig < 0,05)
Adjusted R-Square = 0,471
Table 5 provides information that marketing
communication technology is able to explain 47.1%
of the conditions of MSME performance. Thus, there
are 52.9% influences from outside the model
currently proposed. The significance level of the F-
test on the proposed model <0.05 (Table 5) which
indicates that together, each element of marketing
communication technology plays a role in influencing
the performance of MSMEs in Medan City.
Regression models that can be formulated based
on the results of this study are:
Y = 1,119 + 0,254 Rationality + 0,159 Imagery +
0,281 Integrity + 0,392 Relational + e
This study indicates that every element of
marketing communication technology has a positive
and significant influence on consumer awareness of
the products offered. Nonetheless, relational
marketing technology, statistically, has the greatest
influence in influencing product awareness of
consumers of North Sumatra indigenous products.
The regression coefficient on the variable
rationality is 0.254. This indicates that for every
increase in one unit in marketing communication
techniques rationally, the level of product awareness
from consumers will tend to increase by 0.254 units.
The t-test indicates that the t-count (7,964) is greater
than the critical value of 1.65 or a significance value
of 0,000 <0.05 which concludes that statistically there
is a positive and significant influence of rational
communication techniques on the level of awareness
of indigenous products in North Sumatera.
The regression coefficient on the imagery
variable is 0.159. This indicates that for every
increase in one unit in imagery marketing
communication techniques, the level of product
awareness from consumers will tend to increase by
0.159 units. The t-test indicated that the t-count
(4,872) was greater than the critical value of 1.65 or a
significance value of 0,000 <0.05 which concluded
that statistically there was a positive and significant
influence of imagery communication techniques on
the level of awareness of indigenous products in
North Sumatra.
The regression coefficient on the integrity
variable is 0.281. This indicates that for every
increase of one unit in marketing communication
techniques in an integrity manner, the level of product
awareness from consumers will tend to increase by
0.281 units. The t-test indicates that the t-count
(8.295) is greater than the critical value of 1.65 or the
significance value of 0.000 <0.05 which concludes
that there is a statistically positive and significant
influence of communication integrity techniques on
the level of awareness of indigenous products in
North Sumatra.
The regression coefficient on the relational
variable is 0.392. This indicates that for every
increase of one unit in relational marketing
communication techniques, the level of product
awareness from consumers will tend to increase by
0.392 units. The t-test indicates that the t-count
(11,581) is greater than the critical value of 1.65 or a
significance value of 0,000 <0.05 which concludes
that there is a statistically positive and significant
influence of relational communication techniques on
the level of awareness of indigenous products in
North Sumatra.
EBIC 2019 - Economics and Business International Conference 2019
This research shows that in an effort to build product
awareness, marketing has a very important role. In
practice, marketing can be done with a variety of
marketing communication technologies. To build
awareness of North Sumatra's indigenous products,
marketing needs to be integrated by seeking
relational, rational, integrity-based marketing and
image (in order). Relational based marketing is more
embedded in the minds of consumers. Therefore, the
marketing strategy of indigenous products can be
adjusted to achieve optimization of product
awareness from the community, especially the local
The authors gratefully acknowledge that the present
research is supported by Universitas Sumatera Utara.
The support is under the research grant TALENTA -
Penelitian Dasar for year 2019
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