Student Readiness Model Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0
Dedek Andrian and Astri Wahyuni
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Determinants, Student Readiness, Industrial Revolution
The purpose of this study is to describe the factors that influence the student readiness in facing the industrial
revolution 4.0. This study uses quantitative research methods. The population in this study was the student
teacher of education faculty of Universitas Islam Riau. The sampling technique used is cluster random
sampling. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data analysis technique uses Product Moment
Correlation and Path Analysis with the help of Lisrel 8.80 Software. The results showed that; (1) there is no
significant effect the variable of Parent Support (PS) and Learning Environment (LE) on Industrial Revolution,
(2) there is significant effect learning facilties (LF) and university policy (UP) on Industrial Revolution (IR),
(3) there is significant effect of university policy and parent support (PS) on learning facilities, (4) there is
significant effect of learning facilities (LF), parent support (PS) and university policy (UP) on the learning
environment (LE).
The beginning of the industrial revolution allowed
all preparations to be made by every university.
This is doing so that every university is able to
keep up with the flow of globalization that is
difficult to be stopped. The world is entering the
era of 4.0 industrial revolution which is followed
by technology developments and emphasizes on all
digital (digital economy, artificial intelligence, big
data, robotic), or the phenomenon of disruptive
innovation. Universities need to pay attention to
the factors that influence the readiness of students in
facing the industrial revolution because the success
of students facing the 4.0 industrial revolution
depends on what is prepared both from students and
Global competitiveness index data shows that
Indonesia’s ability to face the 4.0 industrial revolution
is still lower compared Thailand which is at level
32, Malaysia ranks 23 and Singapore is at level
3. The factors that cause Indonesia still cannot
compete with Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore
are weak in higher education, lack of training or
workshops, the knowledge readiness of science and
technology, innovation and satisfaction in doing
business (Kemenristek Dikti, 2019).
These aspects need to be improved so that
Indonesia’s ability to face the 4.0 industrial revolution
is better and on top of Singapore.
Resources strengthening is very important for
universities, resources strengthening includes the
development of lecturer abilities, learning facilities,
learning environment, campus policy, and parental
support. Resources that are the determinants factors
of success in facing the industrial revolution need
to be strengthened so that the ability of students
to face the flow of globalization in the era of 4.0
Industrial Revolution is not doubted because students
are supported by strong and good facilities and
Responding to the importance of competition in
facing 4.0 industrial revolution, higher education
specifically universities need to provide good quality
services. In addition, the research needs to be
done for knowing whatever the thing must be
increased, repaired, and prepared so that research
can be used to determine what factors are capable
of making students ready to face the 4.0 industrial
revolution. Based on this reason, the research
titled ”The Influence of Parent Support, Learning
Facilities, Learning Environment, and Universities
Policy, on Student Readiness in Facing the 4.0
Industrial Revolution is very important to be done.
Andrian, D. and Wahyuni, A.
Student Readiness Model Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
DOI: 10.5220/0009128703020306
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 302-306
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Learning facilities are an important factor in getting
maximum learning outcomes. Quality of learning
facilities is a determining factor in improving student
performance (Uline and Tschannen-Moran, 2008).
Learning facilities such as online-based learning can
improve student satisfaction in learning and influence
learning outcomes or student achievement (Eom
et al., 2006). Learning facilities create value or
learning experiences that can produce better learning
outcomes (Parnabas et al., 2014). Learning facilities
can improve the quality of learning where students
get learning experiences that are different from the
previous process (Bliuc et al., 2007). Learning
facilities have a significant relationship to student
achievement, so it can be concluded that the better
learning facilities, the better the learning outcomes
(Keramati et al., 2011).
The learning environment is a factor that can
influence the success of the learning process. The
learning environment has an important role in
increasing interest and learning outcomes (K
and Julin, 2015). A conducive environment for
learning can improve learning outcomes (Kleij &
Fesken, 2015). A different or less conducive
environment can be significantly different from the
results of a conducive learning environment (Khalifa
and Lam, 2002). The learning environment can make
learning activities interesting because the learning
environment becomes a stimulus for students to
achieve success in learning (Rasch and Schnotz,
2009). The learning environment is a determining
factor for the success of a teaching and learning
The success of students is also influenced by
the stake holder’s policy. Stakeholders who tend to
have the desire to advance education through policies
that build student achievement (Price and Roberts,
2008). Governments that have the same policies as
leaders in each educational institution can produce
good learning outcomes (Ngware, Onsomu, Muthaka,
& Manda, 2006). Collaboration between government
and educational institutions can realize educational
goals in producing great educational output (Bektas¸
and Tayauova, 2014). Government policies that
specifically have their own fields of education can
affect the educational institutions below them through
programs aimed at improving education (Lumby and
Wilson, 2003).
Parent support is very important in student success
of learning both at school as well as the university.
Parent support is described as the main support
because they have an enormous effect in developing
the student to achieve success in its life (Creech,
2010). Parental involvement will help students more
if they are supported by easily accessible technology
(Lewin and Luckin, 2010).
The research method used in the study is a
quantitative research method with a correlational
approach. This research aims to find the relationship
or influence of one or several independent variables
on the dependent variable. Creswell (2014) states
that the correlational research method can in the
form of correlation, regression, path analysis, and
Structural Equation Modeling (Creswell, 2012; Hair
et al., 2013).
3.1 Population and Sample
The population in this study were all Teachers
and Education Faculty students, while the sample
was some of the Teaching and Education Faculty
students who were taken randomly. The sampling
technique used in this study is the stratified random
sampling technique, the number of research samples
was 265 students. In the context of this study,
researchers will randomize students in all Teaching
and Education Faculty Study Programs based on the
level or semester taken by Students, that is 2, 4, 6, 8.
3.2 Research Instrument
The data collection instrument used in this study
was a questionnaire. A questionnaire was developed
based on studies of variables so that indicators were
found. Based on these indicators, items are arranged
to obtain data in the field.
3.3 Validity and Reliability of
The validity of the instrument in this study used
content and construct validity while reliability
used construct reliability and Cronbach Alpha.
Content validity was analyzed using Aiken’s Formula
while construct validity was analyzed using CFA
(Confirmatory Factor Analysis). Construct reliability
was analyzed using CFA based on the value of loading
factor and error, while Cronbach Alpha reliability
used the formula from Cronbach Alpha.
Student Readiness Model Facing the Industrial Revolution 4.0
3.4 Analysis Data Technique
Data analysis in this study using product moment
correlation and path analysis. Product Moment
correlation is used to see the relationship between
independent variables to other independent variables
and independent variables to the dependent variable
with the help of SPSS 16. Path analysis is used
to see how far the independent variable affects the
dependent variable and see how far the independent
variables affect the other independent variables as
moderator. Path analysis was carried out with the help
of the Lisrel 8.80 program.
4.1 Product Moment Correlation
Product moment correlation in this research aims
to see the correlation between variables of parent
support, learning facilities, university policy, learning
environment, and readiness of student facing the
industry revolution 4.0. the result of product moment
correlation can be seen at the correlation matrix in
Table 1: Correlation Matrix
PS 1 .553** .515** .583** .319**
LF .553** 1 .717** .652** .563**
UP .515** .717** 1 .657** .582**
LE .583** .652** .657** 1 .477**
IR .319** .563** .582** .477** 1
**= significant with level 95%
Based on Table 1 were acquired the result of
analysis of product moment correlation from all
variables. From analysis has found that there is a
significant correlation between independent variables
PS with LF, UP, LE and IR with values consecutively
are o.553, 515, 583, 0.319. there is a significant
correlation between LF variable with UP, LE, and IR
with values consecutively are 0.717, 0.622, and 0.563.
There is a significant correlation between UP variable
with LE and IR with values consecutively are 0.657
and 0.582. There is a significant between LE variable
with IR variable. These results show that all variables
have the good correlation and significant with level
4.2 Path Analysis Result
Path analysis will describe the effect of the
independent variable on independent variables and
independent variables (moderation variables) on
dependent variables. in this research, parent support
(PS) as independent variables. Learning facilities
(LF), university policy (UP), learning environment
as moderation variables, and student readiness facing
the industrial revolution as the dependent variable.
Before the result of the analysis is shown. the first
step, the researchers must know that the analysis
result has got good data which is the measurement
model has developed. the data was said well if the
Goodness of Fit that acquired from the analysis result
has fulfilled criteria. The result of the analysis can be
seen in Table 2.
Table 2: Standard and Result of Goodness of Fit.
GOF Standard Result Conclusion
Chi-Square P >0,05 0,4421 Fit
RMSEA RMSEA <0.08 0,000 Fit
GFI GFI 0.90 0.96 Fit
NFI NFI 0.90 0.95 Fit
CFI CFI 0.90 0.96 Fit
IFI IFI >0.80 0.96 Fit
RFI RFI 0-1 0.91 Fit
From table 2 was got seven criteria of GOF. this
result show that the data were collected at the field are
fit and fulfilled the criteria the good data. This result
indicates that the measurement model has developed
from studying the theory in accordance that was
proposed by the statistics expert. because of the result
has fulfilled the good criteria, so the result of path
analysis can be continued or interpreted. The result
of path analysis can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3: The Result of Path Analysis.
Variables Coefficient T-Value Criteria
PSLF 0,25 3,91 Significant
PSUP 0,52 7.26 Significant
PSIR -0,08 -0.01 Not Significant
PSLE 0.27 3.88 Significant
UPLF 0,59 9.17 Significant
UPLE 0,32 3.98 Significant
UPIR 0,35 3.46 Significant
LFLE 0,27 3.23 Significant
LFIR 0,29 2.88 Significant
LEIR 0,11 1.14 Not Significant
From Table 3 above can be concluded that there
is significant effect variable PS on LF, UP, and LE
with the contribution of each variable are 25%, 52%,
and 27% but there is no significant contribution PS
variable on IR variable. There is a significant effect
of UP variable on LF, LE, and IR with contribution
are 59%, 32%, and 35%. There is a significant effect
of LF variable on LE and IR with contribution are
27% and 29%. There is no significant effect of LE
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
variable on IR variable. The biggest contribution in
this research is UP variable on LF variable and the
smallest contribution is LE variable on IR variable.
From the result of analysis has got the effect of
independent variables on the dependent variable. the
analysis shows there is an effect of Parent support
on Learning Facilities. This information explains
that parent support gives a good contribution to
learning facilities. Dempsey (2001) said that parental
involvement in education is very important as a
school-improvement effort. Parental involvement in
educational setting and activities are the important
thing for the schools because the parent can give
any contribution to the school for creating the good
school that educates the student from various useless
things (Hara and Burke, 1998). Parent support has
a good effect on learning Environment because the
student parent is an element of school that gives
recommendation about the learning environment and
will care with learning environment (Hara & Burke,
2019). Parent support in form learning facilities will
give an opportunity to the student for developing their
skill (Hoefer et al., 2001). Family support will have a
tremendous role in helping the student adapt to rapid
technology development (Ratelle et al., 2005).
There is a significant result of parent support
on university policy, learning facilities, and learning
environment. this result explains that university
policy depends on parent support to make policy
for creating good facilities and environment. the
college collaboration with the parent of student will
make education become more effective (Ratelle et al.,
2005). Parent and school need to work together
for achieving the maximum outcome. Schools have
accountabilities about the academic outcome, and the
parent has accountabilities about moral, cultural, and
religious (Hill and Taylor, 2004).
From analysis was acquired negative contribution
of Parent support on the Student readiness facing the
industry revolution 4.0. this thing happens because
many of parent doesn’t have knowledge about the
important facing the industry revolution 4.0 so they
don’t think how to motivate their children to face the
industry revolution 4.0. Anderson & Minke (2010)
said that parent involvement in student study can give
a positive outcome for the student but it depends on
how the parent decides for motivating their children.
Effect of learning facilities on the learning
environment and the readiness student facing the
industry revolution 4.0 is significant. this result
shows that facilities are an important factor in
making the conducive environment of learning
and good outcome. student performance in the
classroom depends on learning facilities and facilities
management (Leung and Fung, 2005). Bad facilities
of learning can make the learning environment
uncomfortable and give a negative impact on student
outcome (Earthman, 2002). Learning facilities is very
important for increasing the quality of education.
Based on the analysis result can be made the
conclusion that there are two factors or variables
were affected the student readiness in facing the
industry revolution 4.0 that is Learning Facilities with
contribution 25% and University Policy (52%) while
Learning Environment (27%) and Parent Support
can’t contribution on the student readiness in facing
the industry revolution 4.0. Biggest contribution on
the student facing the industry revolution variable
is University Policy variable while the smallest
contribution on the student readiness in facing the
industry revolution 4.0 is Learning Facilities.
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ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity