Dominant Biological and Psychological Factors Affect Adolescent
Awareness about Reproductive Health
Nurul Aini
Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Science, University of Muhammadiyah Malang, Jalan Bendungan Sutami
No. 188A, Malang, East Java, Indonesia
Reproductive awareness, adolescents.
Knowledge about reproductive health should already be possessed by adolescents, through information
media it is very easy to get it. But with the vast amount of knowledge possessed by teenagers, it has not
been able to foster a sense of belonging to their reproductive health status. This research was conducted
through a cross sectional study approach. This study obtained 221 respondents using purposive sampling
technique. The value of the results of multiple logistic regression tests conducted simultaneously on the
three variables obtained significant results are as follows, X1 (0,000), X2 (0.122) and X3 (0.009). The
results showed insignificant because of the sig value. X2> 0.005. The odds ratio (OR) values of X1 and
X3, are 0.069 and 0.218 which means the greatest odds ratio is on biological and psychological factors.
Various factors that become variables on adolescent awareness about reproductive health are social,
economic and demographic factors, cultural and environmental factors as well as biological and
psychological factors affecting the level of adolescent awareness of their health in terms of reproduction.
Of the three components of the factors mentioned above, biological and psychological factors have the
greatest influence.
There are almost one billion young people aged
between 10 and 24 years who live in Asia. These
young people live in diverse socio-cultural and
economic contexts, but there are important
challenges and opportunities related to their sexual
and reproductive health. In all countries, increasing
access to media, and urbanization globalization
contributes to changes in sexual values, norms and
behavior of young people (UNFPA, UNESCO &
WHO, 2015). There is broad international agreement
that young men and women have the right to sexual
and reproductive health (Khatiwada, et al., 2013).
Knowledge about reproductive health should
already be possessed by adolescents, through
information media it is very easy to get it. But with
the vast amount of knowledge possessed by
teenagers, it has not been able to foster a sense of
belonging to their reproductive health status. This
situation cannot be allowed to flow and continue to
flow without any real solution. The future of the
nation's children must be saved. The most feared
danger due to low awareness of reproductive health
is unsafe sex that can result in unwanted pregnancy,
abortion, early marriage, and most recently
HIV/AIDS is ready to threaten (Okigbo & Speizer,
2015). Data in 2011 showed an increase in cases of
premarital intercouse, an increase in unwanted
pregnancies, and an increase in sexually transmitted
diseases experienced by adolescents aged 12 to 21
years in Indonesia, especially in East Java.
Reproductive health is a state of perfect health
both physically, mentally, and socially and not
merely free from disease or disability in all aspects
related to the reproductive system, its functions and
processes (WHO, 2008). Referring to this definition,
it can be said that adolescents who have a low
awareness of attitudes towards reproductive health
are actually being sick. Because of being sick, it is
necessary to be given help, not be judged or
punished when experiencing abusive reproductive
health behaviors. The low awareness of these
attitudes can be influenced by internal and external
factors. This is important to be a concern of health
workers regarding reproductive health for
adolescents. The use of reproductive health services
is an important component in preventing adolescents
from different sexual and reproductive health
problems (Negash et al., 2016). Based on the above
Aini, N.
Dominant Biological and Psychological Factors Affect Adolescent Awareness about Reproductive Health.
DOI: 10.5220/0009119700100014
In Proceedings of the 2nd Health Science International Conference (HSIC 2019), pages 10-14
ISBN: 978-989-758-462-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
background, the purpose of this study is to analyze
the factors that cause low awareness of adolescents
about reproductive health.
This research was conducted with an observational
research design through a cross sectional study
approach. The population in this study were
secondary students in East Java - Indonesia. The
sampling technique used was purposive sampling
technique. Obtained a sample of 221 respondents.
The instrument used in this study was a
questionnaire consisting of questionnaires about
hormonal factors, knowledge factors, parent factors,
friend factors, advertising factors, demographic
factors, psychological factors, social class factors.
Statistical calculations were performed with the
chi square test to determine the effect of each
variable. Then a multiple logistic regression test is
performed to test the significance of the relationship
of the dependent variables simultaneously with the
dependent variable and find out which factors are
most influential.
The result of the study describe in the table 1 and
table 2
Table 1: Frequency of demographic dominance
Dominance (%)
88 (40)
Culture and environment:
91 (41)
Biology and Psychology:
57 (26)
Based on the results of bivariate data analysis
using chi square with a significance level of 5% was
carried out to determine the effect of each variable.
While multi-variate data analysis using multiple
logistic regression tests with a significance level of
5% was carried out to test the significance of the
relationship between the dependent variables with
the dependent variable and find out the factors that
most influence between X1 (socioeconomic and
demographic factors), X2 (factors culture and
environment), and X3 (biological and psychological
factors). The data analysis test table results in
multiple logistic regression as below:
Table 2: Logistic regression analysis.
Culture and
Biology and
The value of the results of multiple logistic
regression tests conducted simultaneously on the
three variables obtained significant results are as
follows, X1 (0,000), X2 (0.122) and X3 (0.009).
From these results it can be said that when tested
simultaneously (simultaneously) X2 is said to be
insignificant because of the sig value. X2> 0.005. So
to determine which factors are most influential, just
compare the odds ratio (OR) values of X1 and X3,
which are 0.069 and 0.218. Where from the value of
the two variables that have the greatest odds ratio is
on biological and psychological factors.
This study found that the majority of respondents
were at a high social, economic and demographic
level, this is according to the Indonesian
demographic and health survey (SDKI) in 2012,
which stated that variations in provincial and district
locations significantly influenced the chances of
having premarital sexual relations with or without
considering reproductive health. A study in Ethiopia
was conducted on high school female students in
northwestern Ethiopia, where 3.9% have been
reported to be sexually active. This may be due to
cultural barriers both for having premarital sex and
for reporting having sex. However, this figure is far
lower than a study conducted at Zeway secondary
school (south central Ethiopia) where 31.5%
reported experiencing sexual experiences (Melaku et
al., 2014).
Education and employment become one of the
important determinations in adolescent awareness
about reproductive health. Economic imbalances can
cause differences in terms of education and
employment, members of the community with lower
economies have lower levels of awareness about
reproductive health, this is because adolescents with
lower economies get less knowledge about
reproductive health. Sexual maturation also often
Dominant Biological and Psychological Factors Affect Adolescent Awareness about Reproductive Health
occurs earlier than average than cognitive maturity,
girls tend to mature more quickly than boys. When
combined with the disparities in the socioeconomic
status of young adolescents, the dwellings and rural-
urban living conditions mentioned earlier, these
individual and group variations create significant
challenges to the effective implementation of sexual
and reproductive health (WHO, 2010).
Research has found that there is a relationship
between cultural and environmental factors with
adolescent reproductive health awareness. Family
environment, family structure and communication in
the family have values and norms that are different
from other families, this can affect adolescent sexual
behavior patterns. This is due to several factors such
as some families being more protective of
association from other family members and the
disruption of communication between teenagers and
parents, due to the taboo to discuss matters of
systems, functions and reproductive organs. WHO
collects information about 1315 years old
perceptions of protective factors (or lack thereof) in
schools, networks of friends and families (such as
whether their parents or guardians know where they
are and what they do when they are not in school), in
alongside student self-reports on their healthy or
risky behavior (WHO, 2010).
Adolescent ignorance about reproductive health
will have serious consequences, such as adolescents
will experience an unwanted pregnancy (unwanted
pregnancy), which in the system and values in
Indonesia, means prolonged disaster. In addition to
the family environment, the environment between
peers can also affect adolescent sexual behavior
patterns because during adolescence, the interaction
and presence of adolescents with their parents tends
to decrease because of the great need to be with their
peers. This results in reduced parental control and
increased peer influence and not infrequently the
perception of parents is considered old-fashioned by
teenagers. Teenagers tend to follow the opinions of
their groups and behave according to agreement. So
that often adolescents behave where the behavior
carries a great risk, one of which is sexual behavior
that can lead to unwanted pregnancy. The
community environment is also one of the factors
that can influence sexual behavior and awareness
about adolescent reproductive health.
In the rural environment sex tends to be
considered taboo while in big cities the promiscuity
between genders among adolescents continues to
increase. The marginalization of rural areas creates
further challenges for adolescents who want to
access and utilize preventive reproductive health
services. Efforts to provide reproductive health
services to adolescents have focused mainly in urban
areas leaving rural areas (Kamau, 2006). Every
society has cultural differences, from these cultural
differences there are still cultures that apply norms
and values that can affect the reproductive health
and sexual behavior of members of the community,
such as there are still strong restrictions on sexual
behavior outside, the prohibition is made to prevent
the occurrence STD or HIV infection and teenage
pregnancy at an early age. Dating behavior or having
a romantic relationship with a partner in this era of
globalization tends to adopt western culture, so the
behavior that is manifested is more permissive.
Having a partner or in other words having a
boyfriend can be things that affect awareness about
reproductive health, this is caused by lust, lust that
arises when you're with a partner. Couples who are
dating, are more likely to make physical contact in
the form of touch to their partners. Sensations that
arise can be excessive and if not controlled can lead
to acts of premarital sexual behavior (Sarwono,
This study also found that there was a
relationship between biological and psychological
factors and adolescent reproductive health
awareness. Adolescence is characterized by an
increase in emotional, biological and psychological
changes. that change makes adolescents more
vulnerable to unsafe sex, premature marriages,
extramarital pregnancy and unsafe abortion. This is
as said by Odo, et al. (2018) that adolescents
represent 25% of the world's population and are
characterized by a series of physiological,
psychological and social changes that expose them
to unhealthy sexual behavior such as early sex
experiments, unsafe sex and many sexual partners.
So that in adolescence knowledge and awareness
about reproductive health must be increased.
Having a partner (girlfriend) is often considered
as a process to pour out the contents of the hearts of
couples of the opposite sex who love each other,
love and love each other. Dating orientation in
adolescents today has led to behavior beyond the
limits such as sexual behavior to fill leisure time and
do not rule out the possibility of engaging in sexual
behavior that they should not. Puberty and
maturation of reproductive health can cause sexual
urges in adolescents who begin experimenting with
sexuality through courtship. This relationship was
found among teenagers who were interested in
expressing feelings through behavior. These patterns
can illustrate a limited level of reproductive health
awareness regarding gender and social norms during
HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference
puberty. This shows that the age of marriage must be
increased to prevent premarital sexual activity
among adolescents in Indonesia (Sugama, 2016).
Adolescence can be called as a period where a
person's curiosity begins to increase in various ways
including the field of sex. By the time the adolescent
reproductive organs have begun to experience
development, hormones begin to function, changes
in physical form and increased sex drive in
adolescents. Psychological development of
adolescents is shown by the emergence of interest in
the opposite sex and the drive for desire to get
sexual satisfaction. one of the problems that often
arises among adolescents during the early maturity
of the reproductive organs is unsafe sex. Unsafe sex
is a great risk for pregnancy outside of marriage,
whereas in adolescents the reproductive organs such
as the uterus are not quite ready to maintain the
results of conception and fetal development and
mentally at adolescence are not mature enough and
mature (Tucker et al., 2012). Lack of knowledge and
awareness of adolescents about reproductive health
is one of the causes of adolescents having sexual
The results showed that the most dominant factor
in relation to reproductive health awareness was
biological and psychological factors. A WHO report
in Algeria, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, and
Nigeria shows that the risk of death from
complications related to pregnancy or childbirth is
twice as high for those aged 15-19 years than for
women in their mid-twenties (Odo et al., 2018).
Teenagers are a transitional stage from childhood to
adulthood. In this period, adolescents underwent
several changes in themselves including biological,
psychological, social, moral and spiritual changes.
Biological changes include physiological changes,
hormonal changes and sexual behavior as well as
emotional changes. Psychological changes include
the formation of new identities, changes in the
function of self-identity, the beginning of the
individuation process, understanding new
experiences in life and efforts to adjust.
Teenagers often lack basic reproductive health
knowledge and access to affordable and confidential
health services. In addition, most teenagers do not
feel comfortable discussing reproductive health
issues with their parents (Helano, 2017). Teenagers
at this stage have not yet reached mental and social
maturity so in this period adolescents face many
conflicting emotional and social pressures. In this
period, adolescents will experience rapid physical
changes when adolescents enter puberty. One of the
physical changes is the ability to carry out the
process of reproduction. Problems that often occur
among adolescents regarding reproductive health
include those related to unprotected sexuality, the
spread of venereal disease (sexual transmitted
disease), pregnancy outside marriage or unwanted
pregnancy (adolescent unwanted pregnancy) among
These latter problems can lead to other problems
including unsafe abortion and early marriage. All of
these problems are referred to by WHO as
adolescent reproductive health problems.
adolescence is a phase of life in which young
children are very vulnerable to health risks,
especially those related to sexuality and
reproduction. The most common adolescent
problems related to sexuality and reproductive
health include: HIV / AIDS, unwanted pregnancy,
unsafe abortion, early marriage and teen pregnancy,
sexually transmitted infections and malnutrition
(10). These problems can arise due to the fact that
most teenagers do not yet know and understand
reproductive health, which is about fertility and how
pregnancy occurs and adolescents have not yet
reached mental and social maturity.
Various factors that become variables on adolescent
awareness about reproductive health are social,
economic and demographic factors, cultural and
environmental factors as well as biological and
psychological factors affecting the level of
adolescent awareness of their health in terms of
reproduction. Of the three components of the factors
mentioned above, biological and psychological
factors have the greatest influence.
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Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and
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HSIC 2019 - The Health Science International Conference