The Enhancement of Junior High School Students Self-efficacy through
Problem Based Learning
Fitriana Yolanda
Department of Mathematic Education, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Enhancement, Student Self-Efficacy, Problem Based Learning
This study aims to examine enhancement of students self-efficacy who get learning with problem based
learning and scientific approach. The design used in this study is the design of non-equivalent control
groups. The population in this study were all of eighth grade students of one of the junior high schools in
Bandung. Determination of the sample was done by purposive sampling. Technique of collecting data using
a self-efficacy questionnaire. Data analysis techniques used the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that
the average value of the problem based learning class was 64.16 while the average value of the learning class
students with the scientific approach was 51.06. Based on the Mann-Whitney test results obtained a value of
significance value of 0,000 smaller than α = 0.05. The conclusions from the study show that the self-efficacy of
students who get problem-based learning is better than students who get learning with the scientific approach.
In life, self-efficacy is a very important thing that
humans have. self-efficacy encourages someone to
discuss about who can solve someone who corrects
and is successful. From that experience, he will
be able to express his confidence. Etymologically,
self-efficacy consists of two words namely ”self”
which is interpreted as not a belief structure (Alwisol,
2010), and ”efficacy” related to oneself, can be used
to perform tasks that can be done well, right or wrong,
can or can not do something that is in accordance with
the prepared (Alwisol, 2010).
Self-efficacy theory is based on Bandura’s
social-cognitive theory which postulates that
one’s achievement or performance depends on the
interaction between behavior, personal factors (for
example: thoughts, beliefs) and one’s environmental
conditions (Sudrajat, 2008). From the various
opinions of experts, self-efficacy in practice is
synonymous with self-efficacy ”. Self-efficacy has
influence in election, big effort and perseverance, as
well as patterns of thinking and emotional reactions.
Self-efficacy assessment encourages individuals
who avoid challenges that exceed their abilities or
carry out activities that are expected to overcome
them. In solving difficult problems, individuals who
have doubts about their abilities will reduce their
difficulties to let go.
Self-efficacy can improve students’ mathematical
abilities through an effort to build one’s self-efficacy
to achieve success in problems solving in life.
self-efficacy is an ability that must be possessed
by students, it is in accordance with the general
goal of mathematics, namely having an attitude
of appreciating the usefulness of mathematics in
life, namely having curiosity, attention and interest
in learning mathematics, and being resilient and
confident in problem solving.
According to (Hendriana et al., 2017) so that the
ability of students to develop properly, several factors
need to be considered by teachers, namely
by providing relevant feedback.
explaining the importance of objectives.
giving examples (examples ) which can be used as
a guide for students to behave
Therefore, self-efficacy must be developed within
students so that they can interpret mathematical
processes and learning in real life, so that the
learning process occurs optimally, and can connect
the knowledge they have with the surrounding
Some studies conclude that student self-efficacy
is positively correlated with student motivation,
performance and achievement. Among them is
the research conducted by (Ilhamsyah, 2014) which
states the positive influence between self-efficacy
Yolanda, F.
The Enhancement of Junior High School Students Self-efficacy through Problem Based Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0009057700290033
In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education and Humanity (ICoSEEH 2019) - Sustainable Development in Developing Country for Facing Industrial
Revolution 4.0, pages 29-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-464-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and student mathematics learning achievement. If
the student’s self-efficacy is higher then the learning
achievement achieved is higher and vice versa.
Successfully considering individuals who have higher
self-efficacy consider it to be a failure, while
individuals who have low self-efficacy consider better
than ability.
The statements that are not much better are
delivered by (Hamdi and Abadi, 2014) on PGSD
STKIP-H students and PGMI IAIH, which states that
there is an influence between self-efficacy and student
learning achievement. Self-efficacy refers to the
individual’s belief that he is able to do certain tasks,
or the belief can do something in certain situations
successfully. Thus it can be seen that self-efficacy
is not the same as expectation of results (outcome
expectation), outcome expectation is a consideration
of the possible consequences that will result from
behavior (Bandura, 1993), but self-efficacy is the
expectation of excellence or self-mastery (personal
mastery expectation).
Based on preliminary studies conducted by
authors on students of Senior high school Negeri
15 Bandung, information was obtained that many
students had low self-efficacy. This can be
seen from the attitude of students who are easily
hesitant and unsure of their own abilities when
given difficult questions and require problem solving
concepts. Students look confused and do not
have the confidence to resolve the problems given.
Furthermore, weak students even give up immediately
when given a problem that requires a high level of
resolution. As a result students are not successful in
learning the material provided by the teacher.
This is in line with the opinion of (Bandura,
1997) which states that individuals who have low
self-efficacy will tend to stay away from difficult tasks
because the task is seen as a threat to them. They
are also slow in fixing or regaining their self-efficacy
when facing failure. While individuals who have high
self-efficacy tend to do a certain task, even though
these tasks are a difficult task. They do not view
duty as a threat that they must avoid. In addition,
they develop intrinsic interests and deep interest in
an activity, develop goals, and are committed to
achieving these goals. They also increase their efforts
in preventing failures that may arise. From some of
the opinions of the experts above it can be concluded
that student self-efficacy is still not as expected. To
overcome this, one of the lessons needed to improve
student self-efficacy is problem-based learning.
Problem-based learning is one of learning based
on constructivism learning theory, which is oriented
towards student centered learning. Problem-based
learning according to (Fogarty, 1997) provides
opportunities for students to understand concepts
or subject matter to reveal problems first with the
initial knowledge they already have, both formal and
informal. In problem-based learning students are
required to find problems first, state problems, gather
facts, build questions, submit hypotheses, re-examine
problems in other ways. Build alternative solutions
and propose solutions.
In problem-based learning the teacher does not
present mathematical concepts in ready-made forms,
but by exposing students to a problem in which
there are facts, situations, circumstances that can
potentially lead to cognitive conflict in students.
Through the help of friends and teachers, it is
expected that students can rearrange and find the
correct concept of the problem given. Assistance
given by the teacher does not mean having to answer
student questions directly, but can ask questions by
using questioning techniques and directing students
to find the right concepts. With all the knowledge
and abilities they have, students are required to solve
problems that are rich in mathematical concepts.
Furthermore according to (Rusman, 2011) open
learning spaces, using democratic processes, and
centering on student activity are some of the
learning environment factors that must be prepared in
problem-based learning.
In the learning process, in the step of student
orientation to the problem, the teacher motivates
students to be involved in solving the problem
provided so that students require high self-efficacy.
Student’s self-efficacy will be created in the first stage
in problem-based learning syntax because with high
self-efficacy students are able to solve mathematical
problems. Based on these explanations, it can be
concluded that problem-based learning can provide
challenges to students in order to find solutions to
solving mathematical problems and motivate students
to be more active in learning and create a spirit of
student self-efficacy.
The advantages of problem-based learning
according to (Ibrahim and Nur, 2000) are :
student retention of what is learned longer and
well integrated knowledge.
develop long-term learning skills, namely how to
research, communicate in groups, and how to deal
with problems.
increasing motivation, interest in the field of
study, and learning independence.
increasing the interaction of students and student
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Based on the description above, the researcher
is interested in examining whether problem-based
learning can improve students’ self-efficacy in
mathematics learning. So this study the author
entitled ”the enhancement of junior high school
students self-efficacy through problem based
This research is a Quasi Experimental study
consisting of two research groups, namely the
experimental class is a group of students who do
problem-based learning and the control class is a
group of students who conduct learning with a
scientific approach. The design used is the design
of non-equivalent control groups (Ruseffendi, 2006).
This research was conducted in class VIII at one of
the junior high school in Bandung, odd semester of
the 2014/2015 school year. Samples are determined
by purposive sampling, namely sampling techniques
based on certain considerations (Sugiyono, 2013),
namely classes that have equivalent academic
characteristics and abilities. The purpose of sampling
is like this so that research can be carried out
effectively and efficiently, especially in terms of
supervision, the condition of the research subjects,
the time of the study set, the conditions of the
research site and licensing procedures. Based on
the consideration of the teacher of the mathematics
class VIII local junior high school, two classes were
chosen as the research sample, namely class VIII.C as
the experimental class and class VIII.F as the control
Data relating to student self-efficacy were
collected through self-efficacy questionnaires. The
self-efficacy scale in this study is arranged in the form
of a Likert scale. The self-efficacy scale consists of
18 items given to students after learning, both in the
experimental class that have problem-based learning
as well as in the control class that has learning through
the scientific approach. Furthermore, to answer the
hypothesis ”whether the self-efficacy of students who
obtain problem-based learning is significantly better
than students who obtain learning with a scientific
approach” then a nonparametric test is performed,
namely the Mann-Whitney test. The self-efficacy
questionnaire data processing of students uses the
help of SPSS version 21 software for Windows.
3.1 Result
3.1.1 Self-efficacy Analysis
Student self-efficacy data were obtained from the
provision of scale questionnaires composed of 18
statements consisting of 12 positive statements and
6 negative statements. Self-Efficacy of students was
measured using a Likert self-efficacy scale in the form
of a questionnaire given to students after obtaining
learning treatment in both classes. The results of
scale data processing of self-efficacy of students in
problem-based learning class and learning class with
scientific approach can be seen in the table below:
Table 1: Descriptive Obtaining Self-Efficacy Score of
Students on Problem-Based Learning Classes and Learning
with Scientific Approach.
N Min Max Mean Sd
37 48 75 64,16 7,034
Efficacy control 37 32 64 51,06 8,446
Valid N 37
The table above shows that the difference in the
acquisition of students’ self-efficacy scores in the
problem-based learning class and the learning class
with the scientific approach. Problem based learning
class with an average of 64.16 while the learning
class with a scientific approach 51.06. Based on
this, it can be concluded that the average difference
between the acquisition of students’ self-efficacy
scores in the problem-based learning class and the
learning class with the scientific approach is 13.1.
The maximum value in the problem-based learning
class is 75 and the minimum value is 48. As
for the learning class with a scientific approach
the maximum value is 64 and the minimum value
is 32. Also based on obtaining the standard
deviation between problem-based learning classes
which is 7.034 and the learning class 8.466 means
that the variance of class data distribution that
applies problem-based learning and classes that apply
learning with the scientific approach has different
distribution variances. Furthermore, to reinforce the
conclusions of descriptive statistics, nonparametric
tests were carried out, namely the Mann-Whitney
test to show that the self-efficacy of students in
problem-based learning classes was better than
students’ self-efficacy in the learning class with the
scientific approach.
The Enhancement of Junior High School Students Self-efficacy through Problem Based Learning
3.1.2 The Difference of the Average Self-efficacy
of Students
The test of the difference in mean self-efficacy of
students was done to show the effect of learning
treatment carried out by both classes on students’
self-efficacy through nonparametric tests namely
Mann-Whitney. The research hypothesis proposed is:
Hypothesis : ”Self-efficacy of students who get
problem-based learning is significantly better than
students who get learning with a scientific approach”.
With the testing criteria as follows:
The average self-efficacy score of students who
get problem-based learning is the same as the
average score of self-efficacy students get learning
with the scientific approach.
The average score of self-efficacy of students who
get problem-based learning is significantly better
than the average score of self-efficacy of students
who get learning with the scientific approach.
Table 2: The Mean Difference Test Results in Obtaining
Self-Efficacy Score of Students in Problem-Based Learning
Class and Learning Class with Scientific Approach
Mann-Whitney U 160,000
Wilcoxon W 863,000
Z -5,671
Asymp. Sig (2-tailed) ,000
Based on the table above, it can be seen that
the value of Sig. (2-tailed) is 0,000. Because
the hypothesis test is used one-sided (1-tailed), the
significance value is 0,000 < α. So it can be
concluded that H
is rejected, meaning that the
self-efficacy of students who get problem-based
learning is significantly better than students who get
learning with the scientific approach.
3.2 Discussion of Research Result
A person’s self-efficacy greatly determines how much
effort is spent and how strongly the individual
survives in the face of obstacles and painful
experiences. The stronger the perception of one’s
self-efficacy the more active and diligent his efforts.
Individuals who have high self-efficacy tend to do a
certain task, even though these tasks are a difficult
task. They do not view duty as a threat that they must
avoid. In addition, they develop an intrinsic interest
and a deep interest in an activity, develop goals, and
are committed to achieving those goals. They also
increase their efforts in preventing failures that may
arise. This is also in line with the opinion of (Yolanda,
2019) which states that individuals who individuals
who are persistent in carrying out developmental
tasks as an individual with good things are individuals
who have positive self-efficacy.
While individuals who have low self-efficacy will
tend to stay away from difficult tasks because the task
is seen as a threat to them. They are also slow to
fix or regain their self-efficacy when facing failure
(Bandura, 1997). The measurement of self-efficacy
in this study focused on four characteristics adapted
from (Hendriana, 2009), namely:
believing in one’s own abilities, namely a belief in
oneself against all phenomena that occur that are
related to the individual’s ability to evaluate and
overcome phenomena happened that
acting independently in making decisions, which
can act in making decisions about what is done
independently without involving many others. In
addition, it has the ability to believe in the actions
have a positive self-concept, namely the existence
of a good judgment from within themselves, both
from the views and actions taken so as to create a
positive sense of self
dare to express opinions, namely the existence
of an attitude to be able to express something
in themselves that wants to be revealed to others
without any coercion or things that can hinder the
disclosure of these feelings.
The results of the study showed that the
self-efficacy of students who obtained problem-based
learning was better than students who obtained
learning with the scientific approach. Based
on descriptive self-efficacy statistical tests in both
classes, for problem-based learning classes with many
students 37 people obtained maximum scores of
self-efficacy questionnaires by 75, a minimum score
of 48 and an average of 64.16 with a standard
deviation of 7.034. As for the learning class with
a scientific approach with 37 students the maximum
score of self-efficacy was 64 and the minimum score
was 32 with an average of 51.06 and a standard
deviation of 8.44. Based on the explanation above,
it can be described in polygon form as follows:
The results of the above data are also proven
by testing the difference in the average of the two
classes. The average difference test results show a
(Hendriana, 2009) significance value of 0,000 smaller
than α = 0.05. Thus it can be concluded that
is rejected, meaning that the self-efficacy of
students who get problem-based learning is better
than students who get learning with the scientific
ICoSEEH 2019 - The Second International Conference on Social, Economy, Education, and Humanity
Figure 1: Descriptive statistics polygon.
approach. The results of this study are in line with
the research conducted by (Hendriana, 2009) which
suggests that the self-efficacy of groups of students
who have learned metaphorical thinking is better than
the self-efficacy of groups of students who obtain
conventional learning. Furthermore, it is emphasized
by research conducted by (Risnanosanti, 2010) which
says that the self-efficacy of students who take inquiry
learning is better than the self-efficacy of students
who obtain normal learning.
Based on the research and discussion mentioned
above, the average value of the problem-based
learning class is 64.16 while the average value
of the learning class with the scientific approach
is 51.06. The standard deviation of the problem
based learning class is 7,034 and the learning class
with the scientific approach is 8,466. This means
that the variance of class data distribution that
applies problem-based learning and classes that apply
learning with the scientific approach has different
distribution variances. Furthermore, based on the
Mann-Whitney test obtained a significance value of
0,000 smaller than α = 0,05. The conclusion of this
study is that the self-efficacy of students who obtain
problem-based learning is better than students who
obtain learning with a scientific approach.
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The Enhancement of Junior High School Students Self-efficacy through Problem Based Learning