Metaphors in Mutanabbi’s Poetry as a Description of the Ecological
Community of the Arabic (A Literary Ecology Study)
Arabic Language Education, Faculty of Language and Art, Jakarta State University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Metaphor, Poetry, Ecosystems, Mutanabbi, Literary Ecology
Abstract: This study aims to gain an understanding of the meaning of the metaphors used by Mutanabbi in describing
humanist values in his poetry. The metaphors inherent in Mutanabbi poetry are inseparable from his
reflection on the surrounding natural phenomena. In other words, the understanding that will be found
includes the description of the human ecosystem with nature. The importance of analyzing the meaning of
this metaphor is motivated by the lack of students' ability to understand metaphors especially in Arabic
poetry. This study is expected to be able to increase student’s sensitivity in harmonizing life. This study
used a qualitative method of content analysis with a literary ecology approach and literary semiotics.
Mutanabbi is the poet who is very inspired by natural phenomena; in other words, the beauty of poetry can
be seen in terms of literary ecology. Thus, this research can provide and understanding of the way humans
understand the meaning o life about something that has been made by God.
Metaphor is part of the language figuration, in
particular the language of poetry. Sometimes
understanding the metaphor is not as easy as ABC.
The primary intention is not just to understand the
meaning of sentence explicitly but also implicitly.
Understanding the implicit meaning is far more
important especially in literary learning because it
will unwittingly increase student sensitivity in
understanding the meaning of life.
God creates this world not only to fulfill physical
needs but also as a means to reflect ourselves
(muhasabah) through metaphors. One of the literary
materials that are difficult for students to understand
is metaphor. Explanation of the metaphor in a
literary work cannot be separated from the context
because the exact meaning is not found explicitly,
but is integrated in the utterance as a whole. The
context contained in literary works can be in the
form of (1) linguistic context, (2) physical context,
(3) social context, (4) divine context. Metaphor
actually exists in almost all kinds of literature. In
this study, the metaphor being analyzed is a
metaphor in poetry. Poetry as a symbol of metaphor
is an expression of the poet's feelings about his
evaluation of life by using limited words yet has
intense meaning.
The study of human interaction with the
environment through a metaphor can be conducted
by employing ecological theory. As Wahab (1990)
stated that ecology is the study of the interactions
between humans and their environment. Adapting
the theory to the study of poetry is to find out how
the poet uses natural objects such as stars, moon,
sun,and the ocean, as a field where he devotes his
heart in the form of metaphors. In other words
metaphor is the soul of the poetry.
The writer chooses Al Mutanabbi's poetry for two
reasons; 1) to analyze the type of metaphors used
and; 2) to analyze the ecology of the Arab society
through the metaphors in the poetry. This study is
qualitative research of content analysis by
employing Pierce semiotic approach and sociology
of literature because this study is connected with the
realities of the people. The data analysis technique is
by employing Haley’s classification in the
perspective of literary semiotics.
Zuriyati, .
Metaphors in Mutanabbi’s Poetry as a Description of the Ecological Community of the Arabic: A Literary Ecology Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009003105450550
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Education, Language and Society (ICELS 2019), pages 545-550
ISBN: 978-989-758-405-3
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Metaphor
Like the proverb "Don’t measure others by your
yardstick", that is like poetry. Different poets differ
in their metaphorical style. Then, what is meant by
metaphor? Metaphor is a style of language that
describes two objects containing similarities. In
other words according to Wahab (1990) that
metaphor is to compare meaning by referring to one
other object, between one object with its semiotic. In
conclusion, that metaphor is an expression of
language which combines prediction with symbol
with meanings expected (Wahab, 1995). Translating
metaphors literally often results in deviation or
ambiguity of meaning. According to Widiarti (2011)
there are a number of reasons why metaphor is
difficult to interpret and cannot be translated
literally: (1) the image used in the metaphor may be
unknown in the target language; (2) the topic of
metaphor is not clearly stated; (3) the fact that the
point of similarity can be interpreted differently in
different cultures; (4) each language is different in
the frequency of using metaphors and how to create
Reaske in Albertin (2005) said that metaphors
are similar to figurative. He stated: The figure of
speech which compares one thing to another
directly.Usually a methaporis is created through the
use of someof the verbs to be is the expression of
language to compare the living with the living, the
living with the dead, and the dead with the dead.
Metaphor is a manifestation of the turmoil of
imagination, while imagination is the spirit of a
The connection between metaphors with
figurative language is a language phenomenon
especially in the language of poetry. After
understanding Riffaterre, Aristotelas, and
Quintilian's opinion, Wahab synthesized that
metaphor is a language expression which meaning
cannot be achieved directly by the symbol used or in
other words experience or understanding of
something intended for another matter (Wahab,
1995). In conclusion, metaphor has a function to:
first, emphasize the meaning, second replace verbal
expressions with imaginary expressions which are
believed to be more effective in conveying the
intended purpose, third, provide illustrations that can
strengthen emotions, fourth, to bridge understanding
with new notions that is difficult to comprehend
2.2 Poetry
Poetry is an expression of the poet's feelings about
his evaluation of life by using language that is as
economical as possible to convey as much meaning
as possible. Poetry is a bit more complete, namely
poetry is one of the arts that describes life either
happy or even sad, both hope and sorrow, based on
three minimum requirements, namely strong themes,
deep imagination and unique depictions. Riffatere
(1978:1) suggests that the poem from time to time is
always changing due to differences in aesthetic
concepts and evolution of taste.
The depth or shallow meaning of metaphor in
poetry is very much determined by the poet’s
imagination by using natural phenomena as the basis
of his works. The more difficult it is to understand
the poetry the higher its value. Shahnon Ahamad's in
Pradopo (2008) emphasis that imagination in poetry
serves to express thoughts so that those who are not
memorable become memorable. Imagination is the
poet's skill in comparing something with the
surrounding natural environment.
Bramberger (2015) suggests that poetry can
connect intelligence with emotions, to be able to
express language as a form flexibly. Poetry is also
considered a form of conveying experience. Another
opinion expressed by Stephanie, et al (2018) that
poetry is a form of artistic discourse investigation.
Thus, if viewed from the opinion it can be concluded
that poetry can describe emotional expressions that
are supported by the nature of art.
2.3 The Concept of Ecosystems in the
Study of Metaphors
External world can be divided into: (1) the physical
phenomenon or facts that can be seen, heard, and
touched by the individual, and (2) the meaning, not
visible from the phenomenon, the power and the law
that covers scientific, economic, political, moral, and
spiritual (Stanton, 2012). Therefore, culture as a
creation or inheritance of community life is the
result of the creativity of its people in order to
interact with its ecology and the main driver of
cultural evolution (Poerwanto, 2005; Zapf, 2010).
What is the relationship between Haley's scale as
social science and metaphorical research? This
theory says that one's existence can also be known
by what he often communicates and connects. This
study explores any natural objects used by the poet
in expressing his feelings, not only natural objects
but also phenomena that occur in life.
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
In this study the metaphors will be parsed and
analyzed based on the Haley’s concept for tracking
the Semiotic Ecosystem consisting of:
Table 1: Results of the metaphor analysis of haley
Truth, love,
Sun, moon,
Use space
Light, wind, fire
In motion
Mountain, river,
Stretched out
All minerals
Walk, run
Humans with
their behavior
This research is qualitative research using content
analysis. Content analysis according to Krinpendorf
in Emzir (2010) that a research technique for
making replicable and valid inference from teks (or
other meaning full matter) to the contexts of their
use. Thus, content analysis is a method used to
understand the symbolic message of discourse or
text, in this case poetry. The approach used is a
semiotic approach using the scale of the Haley
The steps in this study are: (1) reading and
understanding the poetry to be studied; (2) marking
metaphorical expressions in the form of phrases,
clauses or sentences contained in the poetry; (3)
grouping metaphors based on Haley's (1980)
ecology; and (4) analyzing and interpreting.
4.1 Result
4.2.1 Being
This level emphasizes similarities with something
abstract. In the poetry analyzed here there were 12
data which consisted of: Death (2), shame (1),
corpse (2), sweet (1), bitter (1) sick (2), friendly (2),
and disappointed (1).
4.2.2 Cosmos
The similarity of humans who occupy this universe
or space accessible with human senses: sun (1),
moon (3), and stars (1).
4.2.3 Energy
Similarities associated with human perception by
something that moves like: clouds (2), white clouds,
bonfires, lion's eyes and water (2), and wind.
4.2.4 Substance
Something that moves requires space and is brittle.
4.2.5 Terrestrial
Namely earth-bound stretches including something
hard, sharp and dangerous tools such as corals,
daggers etc. In the extract of the poetry it was found
words like sea (2), land, shroud, far, near, and cliff.
4.2.6 Object
Which is all minerals and everything that is easily
broken down like the eyes, bones, and liver. In this
study no findings of such were found.
4.2.7 Living
This element is associated with something that can
grow and is usually associated with the world of
flora. This study found: grass and gray hair (2).
4.2.8 Animate
Metaphor that is associated with the world of Fauna.
In this poetry, words like dogs, lion’s fang, and bird
were found.
4.2.9 Human
Beings are associated with humans including verbs
for human but are attached to non-humans. Words
like thief, beautiful princess, Jhiizah, and smiling
were found.
From above data, it can be perceived that
Mutanabbi is more focused on making metaphor of
life about divinity, death, graves, and abstract things.
He can imagine the arrival of death like the arrival
of the thief. Not a little bit can be predicted. The
second category that is mostly found in the poetry is
energy. Everything is to give power to human. For
example metaphor that uses the sun. Mutanabbi
takes the highest wisdom from the sun. The sun
gives it light to everything on earth, this symbolizes
generosity. It means that before being used into his
poetry, of course Mutanabbi is familiar with the
hidden meaning behind the sun. Likewise,the
metaphor of "wind" is to foster human creativity. Do
not be static but innovative. Never give up for
success. The findings of this study are based on
relevan research which also examines the meaning
of metaphoric formers in the book of poetry Diman
Iman Syafi’iy which portrays the moral and advice
of the state society at that time (Arianto, 2018).
There isi as similarity of studies in Arianto research,
with the analysis stage using the Haley concept.
Metaphors in Mutanabbi’s Poetry as a Description of the Ecological Community of the Arabic: A Literary Ecology Study
Such is the creative process of Mutanabbi in
creating his poetry through deep constellation that
enables readers to understand it properly. The beauty
contained in his poetry can be considered as a work
of literature that is beautiful and useful. This concept
is in line with the view expressed (Abadi, 2019) that
metaphors do not only serve as a comparison of
texts, but metaphors are born from the experience
and observations of poets the surrounding
4.2 Discussion of the Metaphors
To analyze the metaphor in 30 of Mutanabbi poetry,
the Haley model is used according to the
classification stated in Chapter II. According to
Haley, human interaction in this life can be seen
through the use of metaphors.
Human thinks, as a thinking being human
perceives the similarity of what they see, what they
want, and what they experience with their natural
environment. To express that similarity they are
compelled to use the phrase metaphor. Given the
limitations of space and time, the following is part of
the Mutanabbi metaphor and the Haley Scale.
Table 2: Mutanabbi metaphor and the Haley Scale
Excerp of Poetry
 
Bagaikan rembulan kala
dia melirikmu,
(Like a moon when he
glances at you)
Bagaikan laut yang
Untuk yang dekat dia
berikan mutiara
Untuk yang jauh dia
kirimkan awan hitam
(Like a generous sea
For the one near he gave
pearls For the far away he
sent black clouds)
Bagaikan matahari di
jantung langit,
Sinarnya menebar di
seluruh alam dari timur
sampai kebarat
(Like the sun in the heart
of the sky, The rays spread
throughout the nature
from east to west)
In the poem excerpt above, there are three words used
by Mutanabbi in conveying the generosity of
someone/something, namely the moon, the sea, and the
1. The moon. How is the moon used to describe
someone's generosity? Certainly by understanding
the character of the moon. It radiates light for all
natural objects on earth including humans. From
the fine sand on the beach until the high
mountains will receive its light, equally.
2. The sea.Likewise, the poet uses the word “sea” to
describe someone's patience and generosity. In
terms of patience, the sea sincerely accepts
whatever sent to him including dirts and rotten
carcasses. While the character of the sea that
depicts generosity is by allowing humans nearby
to take pearls and fish from it. Meanwhile, for the
far away area, the sea sends black clouds that
bring rain to the arid places.
3. The sun.The sun is also a metaphor used by the
Mutanabbi to describe generosity, namely giving
its light to the beings that live on earth, human,
plants, and animals. It is because of the sunlight
that all beings can grow, it is called blessing.
Without the sun, the fish, the tree, and even human
will die.
In the Halley category, the moon and the sun
belong to the cosmos category with predictions of
using space, while the sea belongs to the terrestrial
category with predictions of spreading out
Ucapan Mutanabbi saat
raja akan bepergian untuk
waktu yang lama:
Hendak kemana engkau
pergi, Tuan? Kami ibarat
rumput di tepi tebing
sementara kau adalah
(Mutanabbi words when
the king will travel for a
long time:
Where are you going, Sir?
We are like grass on the
edge of a cliff while you
are the cloud)
The use of "like grass on the edge of a cliff” is to
illustrate the helplessness of someone who will wither
and die without the help of clouds. So clouds are also
metaphors that describe someone who is a protector. If
in the Haley classification, grass on the edge of the cliff
is a living category with the predictions of grow and
silence. While clouds belong to the energy category
with "in motion" predictions.
Pujian Mutanabbi
terhadap Kafur:
Bila aku mendapatkan
kasih sayangmu, harta
ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society
kupandang kecil, bahkan
semua yang di atas tanah
adalah tanah.
(Mutanabbi praise for
If I get your love, my
treasure is small, even
everything on land is
The second word "land" is a metaphor for something
worthless even something that is considered
despicable. The word "land" for the metaphor it
represents belongs to the terrestrial category with a
prediction of something spread out.
  
  
Saat Mutanabbi
Maut itu tak ubahnya
bagaikan pencuri..,
mencabut tanpa telapak
tangan, berjala ntanpa
(When Mutanabbi cries:
The death is like a thief,
pulling out without the
palm, walking without
The word "thief" is a metaphor for death. Why is the
death likened to a thief? Because it is not known when
it is arrived. If it has a hand, human can certainly push
it aside when itwants to take our lives. Likewise if it
has legs, of course its steps will make a sound and
human can fight it. Thieves belong to the Human
category with predictions of life and thinking.
Mutanabbi dalam memuji:
Tercipta puisi ini sangat
pantas untuk mereka
berdua bagaikan
pantasnya seuntai kalung
di leher putri jelita.
(Mutanabbi praising:
This poem is created
suitable for the two of
them like a necklace
around beautiful
princess’s neck)
A beautiful poetry for its creator is like the beautiful
necklace around the neck of a beautiful princess. The
metaphor of “a beautiful necklace around the princess’s
neck” depicts the beauty of poetry suitable for war
which is praised in the poem. Beautiful princess is
included in the human category with predictions as life
and thinking.
  
Suatu yang terbaik bagiku
adalah kau tunda
pemberianmu itu…
Bukankah awan yang
paling cepat jalannya
adalah awan putih
(The best for me is you
postpone your gift ...
Isn't the fastest cloud is
the white clouds?)
The description of the gift that is given immediately
when somebody is asking for it will be obtained as is.
If someone asks for a postpone, it is a rare thing. But
that becomes possible if it is described by the
metaphorical expression that the fast-moving clouds
are white clouds which have no water in them. While
the black clouds will move slower because it carries
more water. Mutanabbi uses the word “white cloud” as
an expression of metaphor is in the category of energy
with prediction in motion.
Metaphorical expression cannot be understood when
read only at a glance, cannot be understood easily,
even when we have understood it not necessarily we
are able to internalized it. From the results of the
study, it is concluded that understanding metaphors
in Mutannabi’s poetry is similar with understanding
how we give meaning to life. Mutannabi implicitly
invites human to perceive this life with awe.
Everythingcreated by God is nothing in vain. All can
give metaphorical meaning to the ummah (people).
Metaphor in poetry has more meaning than in
scientific books.
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ICELS 2019 - International Conference on Education, Language, and Society