Study of Enviromental Approaching on Lake Toba
Parlindungan Purba, Sirozuliam, Agus Purwoko, Hidayati
Program Studi Perencanaan Wilayah, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. T. Ma`as Kampus USU
Medan, North Sumatera , Indonesia
Keywords: Regional Spatial Planning, Strategic Environmental Assessment, Lake Toba.
Abstract: The region development of Lake Toba requires of Regional Spatial Planning (RSP), and RSP should
be able to save the natural resources and the environment that become the pre-eminent Lake Toba area. The
challenge of managing natural resources is better, with the emergence of regional autonomy since 2001,
since its approach emphasizes the administrative approach rather than the ecological or bioregion approach.
This indicates the need for a study on the SPR called Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which is
the discussion of failure or it may be said imperfection of methods or models that have been applied in the
protection and management of the environment can be overcome. SEA should be the basis for spatial
arrangement, then spatial arrangement underlying the development of Lake Toba area. Thus, spatial
planning that is not based on good SEA, will result in spatial planning that is not organized; As well as the
development of areas that do not base themselves on good spatial planning will result in the development of
areas that are not harmonious and sustainable to the area of Lake Toba in Simalungun Regency
Regional development is a regional spatial policy in
order to exploit the natural resources potential of the
existing region to improve the welfare of the
community. Spatial planning has an important role
in the implementation of development for the
realization of sustainable development in the form of
giving a tangible contribution in the development of
sustainable areas and cities, so that justice and
prosperity for the people of Indonesia can be
achieved. The role of natural resources in this case
becomes very important because as an object of
development or development of the region. Natural
resources (NR) is everything that is obtained from
the physical environment to meet the needs and
desires of mankind.
Sustainable development is a development based
on the principle of economic growth, environmental
conservation and social stability to improve human
welfare, both current and future generations without
causing damage to the environment and ecosystems.
According to Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental
Protection and Management, sustainable
development is: A conscious, planned effort that
combines environmental, social and economic
aspects into development strategies to ensure
environmental needs and safety, capacity, well-being
and quality Living the present generation and future
The problems of sustainable development are
complex. This can be identified from the lack of
development of tourism sector in Lake Toba area,
where the number of tourists tends to decline, which
seen decrease in the number of foreign tourists in
2011 amounted to 21,988 people to numbered
16,492 people in 2012 (BPS Simalungun Regency,
Lake Toba is one of the vulkano-tectonic lake,
due to the process of land terban (subsidence) in the
middle formed Samasir Island with a mering
position to the western arena and in other parts of its
lower position inundated surface water to form a
lake (Bapedaldasu,
2005). However, the beauty of the panoramic
estitika and any potential natural resources (NR) of
the region threatened its function preservation due to
unequal development pressure between economic,
social and environmental development. According to
Jayakusuma (2011), in the last two decades the rate
of damage to natural resources and environmental
pollution in Indonesia has been increasing steadily
and showing no signs of decline. If two decades ago
the rate of forest destruction in Indonesia at tengarai
Purba, P., Sirozuliam, ., Purwoko, A. and Hidayati, .
Study of Enviromental Approaching on Lake Toba.
DOI: 10.5220/0008848700450051
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation (ICOCSTI 2019), pages 45-51
ISBN: 978-989-758-415-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
about 1 to 1.2 million per year, has now reached 2
million hectares per year.
The high population growth, urbanization,
industrial, agricultural and fishery flows around the
lake are the greatest threat to the environmental
degradation of the lake. Consequently, the diversity
of lake biota is reduced, water quality declines, and
silting due to water hyacinth and sedimentation, thus
affecting environmental function. In addition,
agricultural development has not been able to
prosper the community, this is due to: 1) lack of
water discharge of Lake Toba) and 2) irrigation
farming system is not fulfilled. To prevent the
above mentioned in the development of the
region with programs that are environmentally
sound with the aim of preventing damage,
maintaining equilibrium and maintaining natural
sustainability (Mulyanto, 2008).
The region development of Lake Toba requires
of Regional Spatial Region (RSP), and RSP should
be able to save the natural resources and the
environment that become the pre- eminent Lake
Toba area. Proper management of natural resources
and environment is highly dependent on its
management capacity, both human resource,
organizational, institutional and regulatory
capabilities (Muller and Glodde, 1994). The
challenge of managing natural resources is better,
with the emergence of regional autonomy since
2001, since its approach emphasizes the
administrative approach rather than the ecological or
bioregion approach (Hardiyanto, 2003). This
indicates the need for a study on the SPR called
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) which is
the discussion of failure or it may be said
imperfection of methods or models that have been
applied in the protection and management of the
environment can be overcome. The government with
thorough studies has adopted concepts and models
that have been applied by several countries in the
world, developed and developing countries, as an
alternative in maintaining the sustainability of
development in Indonesia. Integrating environmental
interests at a strategic decision-making level, ie at
the policy level, plan or program through the
Stategic Environmental Review is the choice of
government- implemented measures in the
Environmental Protection and Management Act.
Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection
and Management requires the Government and local
governments to make a strategic environmental
assessment (SEA) to ensure that the principle of
sustainable development has become the basis and
integrated in the development of a region and / or
policies, plans and/Or program. In other words, SEA
results should be the basis for development policies,
plans and / or programs within a region. If the SEA
results state that the carrying capacity and capacity
have been exceeded, such policies, plans and / or
development programs shall be improved in
accordance with SEA recommendations and any
business and/or activities that have exceeded
environmental carrying capacity and capacity shall
no longer be allowed.
In the last two decades along with the increasing
knowledge in the field of environmental studies, has
also developed various understanding of SEA which
reflects the differences in interpreting the purpose of
SEA. So that there is no definition of SEA which is
universally embraced by all parties. However, there
are generally four types of definitions or definitions
of SEA, namely: According to Sadler and
Verheem in Jayakusuma (2011) SEA is a
systematic process to evaluate the environmental
consequences of a proposed policy, plan or program
in order to ensure that the consequences are as early
as possible In the process of parallel decision
making with social and economic considerations.
According to Therievel et al, in Jayakusuma
(2011) SEA is a comprehensive, systematic and
formal process to evaluate the environmental
effects of the plan's policies, or the following
alternative programs, including the preparation of
documents containing the findings of such
evaluations and using such findings to produce
decision making that has Public accountability.
DEAT and CSIR in Jayakusuma (2011) defines
SEA is the process of integrating the concept of
sustainability in strategic decision making. Brown
and Therievel define SEA is a process intended for
those responsible for policy development (initiators)
(at policy formulation) and decision makers (at the
time of policy approval) with a view to providing a
holistic understanding of the social and
environmental implications of policy design, With
the focus of the study beyond the issues that were
originally a factor driving the birth of new policies.
Brown and Therievel in Jayakusuma (2011)
defines SEAs as a process intended for those
responsible for policy development (initiators) (at
policy formulation) and decision makers (at the time
of policy approval) with a view to providing a
holistic understanding of social implications and The
environment of policy design, with the focus of the
study beyond the issues that were originally the
driving force behind the birth of a new policy.
Implementation of SEA as mandated by Law
no.Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection
ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation
and Management has short and long term
implications for the government at national,
provincial and district/city levels, especially for the
Directorate General (DG) of Regional Development
which has the main duty and function of facilitating
the implementation SEA at the provincial and
district / city levels.
The Directorate General of Regional
Development has conducted pilot testing of SEA
implementation since 2007, after SEA was
introduced in Indonesia through Danish Government
Assistance through Environmental Support Program
(ESP) since 2005. The results of SEA
implementation testing in the context of regional
development planning in several regions have given
Some lessons or inputs to develop strategies for
implementing SEA in Indonesia for short, medium,
and long term. Based on input from SEA Experts,
both international consultants and national
consultants, that capacity building is required in the
implementation of SEAs at the policy and planning
level. Particularly in integrating, integrating and
synchronizing Regional Spatial Planning and Long
Term Development Planning, and Medium Term at
provincial and district/city levels. It is intended that
the implementation of SEA as a mandate of Law No.
32/2009 can be done more practical and applicable
both in terms of process and the effectiveness of
time and funding.
In relation thereto, in 2010 a review of
institutional and stakeholder and human resource
strengthening was carried out for SEA
implementation at the Central and Regional Offices.
Institutional, stakeholder and human resource
studies for SEA implementation are prepared as an
inseparable part of a legally formal consultation,
participation and extension plan related to the
planning and implementation process of
development both at the national, provincial, To the
district /city level in implementing of Strategic
Environmental Assessment (SEA). Based on
Bapedaldasu Report (2011) Simalungun District
Government has not yet integrated the
environmental aspect on economic and social
aspects. The environmental conditions of
Simalungun Regency in RPJPD Simalungun
Regency 2005-2025 described as follows:
a) the increasing number of people, the
conversion of agricultural lands into the form of
settlement areas, the destruction of forests will be
more severe due to the irresponsible behavior of
certain parties who exploit the forest on a large
b) forest encroachment will be higher intensity
because it is supported by energy crisis and high
selling price of crude oil in the market, so this
condition forced the community to get alternative
energy from forest wood around the settlement
c) collection of excavated materials of class C whose
number is increasing from year to year, will cause
the river habitat to be damaged.
d) clean water crisis is expected to be a serious threat
not only to meet domestic water needs but also
for industrial and agricultural purposes. This is
because the water catchment and water catchment
areas decrease or switch function.
e) water pollution will be higher due to waste
disposal into the river without going through the
processing first.
From the above conditions, very minimal
development priorities in the area of Lake Toba.
Simalungun Regency is very interested in the
maintenance and improvement of water quality of
Lake Toba to support tourism activities in Prapat,
Tigaras, Haranggaol and other areas.
Although it has been born some of the
policies by the government (both central,
provincial and district governments for the
management of Lake Toba area, among others is the
Regional Regulation No. 1 of 1990 on Lake Toba
Lake Toba Lake Area Management Plant (LTEMP),
Lake Toba Regional Management, North Sumatera
Regulation No. 7 of
2003 on the General Plan of Spatial Planning of
North Sumatera, Pergub No. 1 Year 2009 on the
Stipulation of Water Quality Standard of Lake Toba,
but these policies have not been able to support the
Lake Toba area.
Based on the above, a study is needed to
analyze: (1) the impact of SEA implementation on
spatial planning in Simalungun Regency, (2) to
analyze SEA implementation on the development of
the area in Lake Toba area of Simalungun Regency,
and (3) to analyze the effect of spatial planning on
the development of the area in Lake Toba
Simalungun Regency.
2.1 The Influence of SEA
Implementation on Spatial
The purpose of this research is to analyze the
influence of SEA implementation on spatial
Study of Enviromental Approaching on Lake Toba
planning in Simalungun Regency. The summary of
the research results can be seen in Table 1.
Tabel 1: The Summary of Results the Influence of SEA
Implementation On the Spatial Planning in
Simalungun Regency
= .735
Prob. F = .000
Source: Research Results are Processed (2016)
In Table 1: shows that the SEA implementation
tested to answer the first question proved to have an
effect on the spatial planning in Simalungun
Regency. This result means that SEA
implementation variable is an important factor in
planning of spatial planning in Simalungun
Regency. Testing to answer this first question is the
three dimensions of SEA implementation variables
under study ie policies, plans and programs of SEA
proved to have a significant positive effect on spatial
planning in Simalungun Regency.
Through this research can be constructed and
produced a model to know whether the SEA
variable, that is Policy (Po), Plan (Pl) and Program
(Pr) in a region can be utilized for improvement of
spatial planning (SP). The intended model is that
spatial arrangement can be improved or influenced
by SEA, with the mathematical model as follows:
SP = a + Po + Pl + e (1)
Based on the above model can be said that if the
spatial plan to be improved then the policies, plans
and programs SEA should be optimized. The
position of the three dimensions of SEA variables in
relation to spatial arrangement in Simalungun
Regency can be illustrated as shown in Figure 1:
Figure 1 shows that there are three factors:
policies, plans and programs of the SEA that have a
role in spatial planning in Simalungun Regency.
These three factors constitute a unity that cannot be
separated in the SEA implementation effort to
improve spatial planning.
Figure 1: Three factors of SEA have a role in spatial
2.2 The Influence of SEA
Implementation On the Regional
Development of Lake Toba Area in
Simalungun Regency
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence
of SEA implementation on the regional development
of Lake Toba area in Simalungun Regency. The
summary of the research results can be seen in
Table 2.
Tabel 2: The Summary of Results the Influence of SEA
Implementation On the Regional Development of
Lake Toba Area in Simalungun Regency
= .766
Prob. F = .000
Source: Research Results are Processed (2016)
Table 2: shows that SEA application tested to
answer the second question proved to have an effect
on the development of Lake Toba area in
Simalungun Regency. This result means that SEA
implementation variable is an important factor in
planning the development of Lake Toba area in
Simalungun Regency, where the three dimensions of
SEA implementation variables studied are SEA
policies, plans and programs proved to have a
significant positive effect on the development of
Lake Toba Area in Simalungun Regency.
ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation
Through this research can be constructed and
produced a model to know whether the
implementation of SEA variables, namely Policy
(Po), Plan (Pl) and Program (Pr) in a region can be
utilized for the improvement of regional
development (RD). The intended model is that
regional development can be improved or influenced
by SEA, with the mathematical model as follows:
RD = a + Po + Pl + Pn + e (2)
Based on the above model it can be said that if
the development of the region wants to be improved
then SEA policies, plans and programs must be
optimized. The position of the three dimensions of
SEA implementation variables in relation to regional
development in Simalungun Regency can be
illustrated as shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Three factors of SEA have a role in regional
Figure 2 shows that there are three factors: the SEA
policies, plans and programs that have a role in the
development of Toba Lake area in Simalungun Regency.
These three factors constitute a unity that cannot be
separated in the SEA implementation effort to improve
regional development.
2.2 The Influence of Spatial Planning
on the Regional Development of
Lake Toba Area in Simalungun
The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence
of spatial planning on the regional development of
the Lake Toba Area in Simalungun Regency. The
summary of the research results can be seen in Table
In Table 3: shows that the spatial arrangement
tested to answer the third question proved to have an
effect on the development of Lake Toba area in
Simalungun Regency. This result means that spatial
planning variable is an important factor in planning
the development of area in Simalungun Regency,
where the three dimensions of spatial variables
studied are planning, utilization, and control of
spatial planning proved to have a significant positive
effect on the development of the region in
Simalungun Regency.
Tabel 3: The Summary of Results the Influence of Spatial
Planning Implementation On Regional
Development of Lake Toba Area in Simalungun
= .942
Prob. F = .000
Source: Research Results are Processed, 2016
Through this research can be built and produced
a model to know whether the implementation of
SEA variables, namely Planning (P), Utilization (U)
and Control (C) in a region can be utilized for the
improvement of regional development (RD). The
intended model is that regional development can be
improved or influenced by the application of spatial
planning, with the mathematical model as follows:
RD = a + P + U + C + e (3)
Based on the above model can be said that if the
development of the region wants to be improved
then planning, utilization, and control the
implementation of spatial planning should be
optimized. The position of the three dimensions of
spatial application variables in relation to the
development of the region in Simalungun Regency
can be illustrated as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 shows that there are three factors,
namely planning, utilization, and control of spatial
planning that have a role in the development of Lake
Toba area in Simalungun Regency. These three
factors constitute a unity that cannot be separated
in an effort to implement spatial planning to
improve regional development.
Based on model equations 1, 2 and 3, a model
can be developed to determine whether the
application of Strategic Environmental Assessment
(SEA) and spatial planning (SP) can be utilized to
improve regional development (RD).
Study of Enviromental Approaching on Lake Toba
Figure 3: Three Factors of Spatial Planning have a role in
Regional Development
The intended model is that regional development
can be improved or influenced by SEA
implementation and spatial application, with the
mathematical model as follows:
RD = a + SEA + SP + e (4)
Based on the above model can be said that the
development of the area of Lake Toba want to be
improved then the application of SEA and the
implementation of spatial planning must be
optimized. The position of variables of SEA
implementation and spatial application to the
development of Lake Toba area of Simalungun
Regency can be described as shown in Figure 4:
Figure 4: The Role of SEA and Spatial Planning on
Regional Development
Figure 4: shows that SEA implementation and
spatial planning can increase the development of
Lake Toba area in Simalungun Regency. Both
variables are interconnected in an effort to improve
regional development.
Regional development is the utilization of space
conducted by the government, private and
community, whether done jointly or individually
will provide progress for the developing region. The
Government plays a role in opening road access for
the community of a region to interact with other
regions. Road is the access of means of
transportation from one region to another. Private
sector plays a role in opening a good business
industry sector, trade and services. The public plays
a role in opening their own business and selling their
agricultural products. The isolated area can cause the
community to have difficulty in conducting
economic activities, access to education and health
facilities, thus causing the community to take longer
time and distance in carrying out such activities,
which consequently people have to spend more on
the activities. Sirojuzilam (2005) suggests that
regional development basically means increasing
the benefit of the region for the community of a
certain region capable of accommodating more
residents, with the level of community welfare that
on average many facilities / infrastructure, goods or
services are available and business community
activities Which increases, both in terms of type,
intensity, service and quality.
The results of this study corroborate the research
conducted by Lepa, et al (2011) concluded that: 1)
PPP in RSP Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow has
the value of the relationship of 84.24%, the
principle of balance 79.59%, the principle of fairness
83.72%, with SEA value of 82.52%; 2) Identified 9
issues of sustainable development have a negative
impact, and 1 issue has a positive impact; And 3)
How to mitigate the negative impacts of integrating
SEA values for articles that have not fully SEA or
medium-to-moderate SEH values have a negative
impact on the environment. Furthermore, Dariah
(2012) study stated that the difference of SEA
implementation of one sector and multisector lies in
the scope of study and implementation technique.
In terms of substance, one sector and
multisectoral SEAs have in common the
identification of strategic issues, priority PPP
identification, PPP impact assessment on strategic
issues, the preparation of alternative
recommendations and recommendations.
Gunn and Noble (2009) states that the strategic
environmental assessment of the region is the most
appropriate framework for addressing the
cumulative effects of environmental impacts in
support of sustainable development. Kornov, et al
(2015) suggests that the implementation of SEA in
the Copenhagen spatial plan shows that the role of
plan serves as an innovator in the SEA process.
Furthermore Stoeglehner, et al. (2009) concluded
that the role of planners in SEA implementation is
very important for environmental effectiveness.
ICOCSTI 2019 - International Conference on Chemical Science and Technology Innovation
Protection and environmental management of the
Lake Toba region mainly lies in the
determination of the meaningful use of space use as
well as the utilization of the resources in it. With this
clear allocation, then all the interests associated with
the utilization of Lake Toba area can be
accommodated so as to achieve harmonization in the
utilization of space which in turn realize the added
value of the use of a safe, comfortable, productive
and sustainable.
SEA should be the basis for spatial
arrangement, then spatial arrangement underlying
the development of Lake Toba area. Thus, spatial
planning that is not based on good SEA, will result
in spatial planning that is not organized; As well as
the development of areas that do not base
themselves on good spatial planning will result in
the development of areas that are not harmonious
and sustainable to the area of Lake Toba in
Simalungun Regency.
The author would like to thank RistekDIKTI the
financial support to complete this study and all
lecturer in the Department of Chemistry Universitas
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Law No. 32 of 2009 on Environmental Protection and
Study of Enviromental Approaching on Lake Toba