Analysis of Durian Peel and Teak Wood Sawdust Combination
Briquettes as an Alternative Fuels
Rani Ismiarti Ergantara, Natalina and Wawan Joni Irawan
Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas Malahayati, Jl. Pramuka No. 27 Kemiling, Bandar Lampung,
Keywords: Durian Peel, Teak Wood Sawdust, Compressive Strength, Briquette, Calorific Value.
Abstract: Agricultural and wood waste are potential energy sources for industrial and domestic activities. Nevertheless,
they are hardly utilized. Briquette offers not only accessible different forms alternatives and sustainable
energy source, but also can reduce waste. This study is aimed to analyse the effect of durian peel and teak
wood sawdust combination briquettes, compressive strength on calorific value. Durian peels and teak wood
sawdust were dried in the sun for 3 days until 15% moisture content, charcoal burning, milling, and pressing.
The briquettes calorific value tests were conducted using a bomb calorimeter with compressive strength
variation. The results show that the increasing the durian peel content in briquettes enhances the caloric value.
In case of compressive strength, with increase in pressure influencing calorific value. These mixed briquettes
calorific value is qualify based on quality of standards in Indonesia. Thus, it’s strongly recommended for
contributes to offset bio-residue management problems.
The role of energy in sustainable development
process is gaining more attention and concern over
the last few decades than ever. The increasing prices
and environmental impacts makes the biofuel
production slightly increased. Moreover, the
alternative cheaper and accessible form of energy is
developed. These include the improvement biomass
and wood waste which are prospect an important
emergency backup fuel. Biomass is considered a
global renewable energy resource and a way out of
human dependence on non-renewable materials.
Indonesia known as an agrarian country which is
also rich in forest product that are potential used as
renewable energy source. Durian peel waste has not
been used properly because of its character which is
difficult to be composed and its potential impact to
environmental pollution. This also occurs in sawmill
waste which is 10% in the form of sawdust.
Furthermore, that’s have a negative impact on the
environment if it left unchecked, stacked, and burned.
Briquetting is one method used convert loose
biomass by optimizing fuel efficiency, reduce unused
product, and could be among the most right solution
(Purohit et al. 2006., Cosgrove-Davies, 1985).
Several studies on various briquetting parameters
have been done. These included determination of
physical properties (moisture content, ash content,
density, particle size, humidity), mechanical
properties (compressive strength), and calorific value
(Boasiako and Acheampong, 2016; Friedl et al.
2005). The calorific value of any fuel is its essential
property, as it is a measure of the amount of energy
that the resource is capable of producing. Meanwhile,
Eastop and McConkey (1993) stated calorific value
as the number of heat unit that is obtained by the
complete combustion the fuel unit mass.
Other experiments have been conducted over the
years to relate the calorific values of different wood
fuels and biomass. In the case of biomass, higher
lignin and extractive content positively correlate to
calorific value (Demirbas, 2001; White, 1987). Ben-
Dzam and Hagan (1986) noted that a good or an
effective briquette has a higher calorific value (CV)
than solid wood since a considerable part of the
moisture and volatiles are removed during the
briquetting process.
Hence, the objective of the present study was to
analyse the effects of durian peel and teak wood
sawdust combination through calorific value. Thus,
this work sought to determines the relationship
between compressive strength and calorific value.
Ergantara, R., Natalia, . and Irawan, W.
Analysis of Durian Peel and Teak Wood Sawdust Combination Briquettes as an Alternative Fuels.
DOI: 10.5220/0008554203470350
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 347-350
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This is helps in selecting compressive strength needed
to prepare briquettes with the highest calorific value.
A laboratory experiment was performed to
investigate the calorific value of each and mixed
briquettes. Also, the properties evaluated to study the
effects of compressive strength and particle size on
calorific value. Additionally, a simple
recommendation is developed to help the consumers
in deciding the best option of available mixed
briquettes for heating purpose.
2.1 Materials
Materials used in this study are the durian peel waste
and teak wood sawdust. Fresh durian peel and teak
wood sawdust obtained from durian sellers centres and
furniture store in Bandar Lampung. Durian peel has
been chopped/sliced and dried in the sun for 3 days
until 15% of moisture content, subsequently air dried
durian peel was carbonized in charcoal to get a carbon
and it sieved with 50 mesh sized sifter. Sawdust from
teak wood screened for splinters and metals, then air-
dried to 15% moisture content and sieved through 50
mesh sized sifter for briquette. Starch and water cooked
as glue in the amount of 5% of the total weight of
briquette. Collected samples were then placed on
plastic containers for further analysis. The equipment
used was a mortar, knife, pestle, basin scales, sieving,
bomb calorimeter, winnowing, furnace, printing press
equipment briquettes, and universal compressive
testing machine.
2.2 Method
2.2.1 Sample Preparation
The dry durian peel and teak sawdust air-dried and
grounded using a mortar and pestle. The sample
powder of durian peel, teak wood sawdust, and mixed
of durian peel and teak wood sawdust were pressed
by using universal compressive testing machine.
Printing was using a square shape mould from the box
plate with a pressure gauge. The sample mixed with
starch as a binder for the briquettes and then
compressed with 600 PSI (Per Square Inch), 800 PSI,
and 1000 PSI. The briquette produced when sawdust
mixed with starch. The sample was placed in between
plates of the machine. The briquettes were produced
at combination using durian peel and teak wood
sawdust as follows 100%, 75%: 25%, 50% : 50%, and
25%: 75%.
2.2.2 Calorific Value/Heating Value of
Calorific value (CV) is amount of energy (kg) emitted
during combustion (Kollman and Cote, 1968) and it’s
an important parameter of fuel. Calorific value of raw
teak wood sawdust and durian peel made at various
600 PSI, 800 PSI, and 1000 PSI were determined
according to ASTM Standard D 5865 by using bomb
During sample combustion, the temperature was
rising due to the heat release. The amount of heat
released by the sample determined by multiplying the
measured the number of rising temperature with the
energy equivalent of the calorimeter. Furthermore,
calorific value on a unit weight basis, the release heat
divided by the weight of the sample.
𝑄 (𝑘𝐽/𝑘𝑔) = [𝑊 𝑥 (𝑇1 − 𝑇2)]/𝑋
Q is heating value, W is the energy equivalent of
calorimeter that was found at 10027.42 kJ/C by using
standard benzoic acid, T1-T2 is the temperature rise
in a calorimeter, and X is the sample mass.
3.1 Preliminary Calorific Value
An important characteristic of any biomass fuel lies
on its heating value. In this study, the researcher used
the mixed durian peel and teak wood sawdust
briquettes with compressive strength 800 PSI
(Pounds per Square Inch) in 1 gram of each powder.
The result of the experimental test of the calorific
value can be seen in Figure 1.
The obtained result values expressed as the durian
peel had a higher caloric value than teak wood
sawdust with 51,7%. This is because of combined
effect of higher content or lignin carbon of the
individual biomass materials (Emerhi, 2011, Syahri et
al., 2015). Furthermore, durian peel briquette density
is smaller than briquette from hardwood (Tumurulu
et al, 2010, Yudanto and Kusumaningrum, 2011).
That’s also consistent with Nuriana et al., 2014
finding that stated calorific value of durian peel
briquette is greater than teak wood sawdust, palm
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 1: Initial calorific value in durian peel and teak wood
sawdust Briquettes.
shell, coal briquettes mix (type of lignite), coconut
fibre, rice husk.
3.2 Durian Peel and Teak Wood
Sawdust Testing
This study continues the effort of author to
understand the calorific value of mixed durian peel
and teak wood sawdust briquettes. Figure 2 presents
the comparison of 100% teak wood sawdust, durian
peel 25% and teak wood sawdust 75%, durian peel
50% and teak wood sawdust 50%, durian peel 75%
and teak wood sawdust 25%. All the combination
tested with compression strength of 800 PSI.
Figure 2: Calorific value durian peel and teak wood sawdust
combination briquettes.
From Figure 2, it is apparent that the highest
calorific value in briquettes shown by the mixed
of durian peel 75% and teak wood sawdust 25%
(5809.23 cal/g), then followed by durian peel 50%
and teak wood sawdust 50% (5640.13 cal/g), durian
peel 25% g and teak wood sawdust 75% (5593.55
cal/g). This finding also support the preliminary
calorific value test that with the greater combination
of durian peel than teak wood sawdust, it's definitely
increase briquettes calorific value.
3.3 Calorific Value Test
Figure 3 illustrates the effect of compressive strength
on briquettes density, that shows gradual increase in
density for mixed (50:50) briquette with increasing
compressive strength of 600 PSI, 800 PSI, and 1000
PSI. The calorific value shows the high result on 1000
PSI. Interestingly, the caloric value was increasing
gradually from 600 PSI to 1000 PSI. The higher
compressive strength indicated more water content
comes out which correlates well with the caloric
value of mixed briquette (Nuriana et al, 2014., Poddar
et al, 2014). The higher moisture content is responsible
for the low mass and height of their briquettes. This
effect of lower moisture and water content occurred
along with increasing of compressive strength. Thus,
compressive strength is prominent in the context
changes the higher calorific value.
Figure 3: Compressive strength durian peel and teak wood
sawdust combination briquettes.
The current work evaluated the durian peel briquette,
teak wood sawdust, and its blends. The result
illustrates that the durian peel has higher caloric value
than the teak wood sawdust briquettes. The test with
various blend ratio powder shows that the increasing
content of the durian peel briquette enhances the
calorific value of the briquettes. The compressive
strength test result shows that the increase in
compressive strength will also increase the caloric
value briquettes. Therefore, it can be concluded that
mixed durian peel and teak sawdust can be used as
good quality of biomass briquettes which fit with the
standards in Indonesia quality (BSN, 2000). Further
investigation on mixed durian peel and teak wood
sawdust briquettes is suitable for the source of
alternative energy in all communities.
Durial Peel Teak Wood Sawdust
Calorific Value (cal/g)
Briquettes Samples
Initial Caloric Value Briquettes
Teak wood
Durian peel
Durian peel
Durian peel
Durian peel
Calorific Value (cal/g)
Briquettes Sample
Calorific Value Combination Briquettes
600 800 1000
Calorific Value (cal/g)
Compressive Strength (PSI)
Compressive Strength Combination Briquettes
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ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology