Analysis of Algorithms Support Vector Machine with Naive Bayes
Kernel in Data Classification
Juanto Simangunsong
, Muhammad Zarlis
and Tulus
Graduate Program of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes, Accuracy, Classification.
Abstract: This research is about SVM and Naive Bayes in data mining. Many researchers carry out and develop
methods to improve the accuracy and classification of data in good results. This research was carried out by
conducting experiments on the types of flowers. In this study, it was concluded that the performance of
Naïve Bayes was better than Support Vector Machine, Naïve Bayes had excellent results that promised to
help classify the best values to get data grouping. This research is better than SVM. The training process has
a difference of 28% and a testing process of 0.83% with the accuracy.
According to (Lee, 2001) SVM utilizes optimization
with quadratic programming, so for high-
dimensional data and large amounts of SVM data to
be less efficient. Support Vector Machine (SSVM).
When compared with SSVM, SVM has a longer
running time and smaller accuracy than SSVM.
According to Rachman (2011), Huang, (2003) and
Byvatov, (2003), Support Vector Machine has a
better level of accuracy compared to the logistic
regression method, ANN, Naive Bayes, and CART.
SVM learning based method that is very promising
to be developed because it has high performance and
can be widely applied for classification and
estimation. According to the study (Honakan, 2018),
the classification with the machine vector support
process has high accuracy with a combination of
stopword, tokenizing, term frequency & chi-square
47.43%. While research (Pratama, 2018) Support
Vector Machine (SVM) classifies data into 2 classes
using Gaussian kernel RBF with a combination of
parameter values λ = 0.5, constant γ = 0.01, and ε
(epsilon) = 0.001 itermax = 100, c = 1 using training
data for 170 datasets. This research resulted in an
average accuracy of 80.55%. So that the
determination of training data influences the
percentage of precision, recall, and accuracy.
(Ridwan, 2013).
The application of naïve Bayes method is
expected to be able to predict the amount of
electricity usage per household so that it is easier to
regulate electricity usage. From 60 data on
electricity usage in homes has been tested using the
Naive Bayes algorithm and its percentage results
were 78.3333% for the accuracy of predictions, of
which 60 electricity usage in homes has been tested
using the Naive Bayes algorithm were 47 data on
electricity usage in homes that were successfully
classified correctly. (Saleh, 2015).
2.1 Naïve Bayes
Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC) is an algorithm that
performs data mining techniques by applying the
Naive Bayes method in classifying data. The theory
of naive Bayes characteristic in doing pattern
recognition. Naive Bayes has an independent
attribute value when output values are used. Output
probability through individual probability. NBC is
done by entering equation 1 and equation 2.
(Santosa, 2002).
Simangunsong, J., Zarlis, M. and Tulus, .
Analysis of Algorithms Support Vector Machine with Naive Bayes Kernel in Data Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0008553302870291
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 287-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The probability of a simple classification that
performs calculations with several probabilities by
performing several frequencies and mixing values
from the dataset used is a naïve Bayes method of
testing. Naïve Bayes assumes independent attributes
or not interdependence on the variable values of
each class. (Patil, 2013). Other researchers say that
the naïve Bayes method is made by English people,
Thomas Bayes, who classifies probabilities and
statistics by predicting the future by doing it using
previous experiences (Bustami, 2013).
Naïve bayes is not given an output value and
simplifies the independent atriut values
conditionally. In other words, by observing the
probability of the product's probability. (Ridwan,
2013). The good that is produced by using the
method n is that this method only requires little data
in conducting data training and in determining
estimates of the parameters used in the data
classification process. Naïve Bayes works very well
in real global life as expected.
Theorem bayes is used to calculate the number of
probabilities to events that influence the results of
observations. In Bayesian, the parameter is used as a
random variable while in the former statistical
world, the parameters must always be corrected.
Pastor Thomas Bayes is the name of the theorem
Bayes, which is described as the relationship
between the opportunities of events A and Z, which
are explained in the following formula (Kundu,
P( H | x ) =
P( x | H ) P(H)
In the X data sample class whose label is not yet
known, and H is the hypothesis, the sample data x is
transferred to the special class c. P (H / x) is a
probability that explains data about research data x.
P (H / x) is a posterior probability that resembles
trust in predictions after x is given. Conversely, P
(H) is the probability H before the sample is used,
before the sample is formed. Posterior probability P
(H / x) is based on a lot of information from the
priori probability P (H). Bayes theory has a way of
calculating posterior probability P (H / x) using
probabilities P (H), P (X) and P (H / x).
The Bayes method is a statistical approach for
induction inference on classification problems. First
discussed first about the basic concepts and
definitions in the theory of Bayes, then using this
theorem to classify in Data Mining. The Bayes
method uses conditional proportions as the basis.
2.1.1 Principles of The Bayes Method
The Bayes method has an easy way to add outside
information to the data analysis process. The process
is done by distributing existing data with approved
datasets (Albert, 2009). this method is done with
opportunities that have requirements..
2.1.2 Principles of The Bayes Method
Some classification techniques are used (Albert,
2009): Decision tree classifier, Rule based classifier,
Neural network, Naive Bayes.
Each technique uses a learning algorithm to identify
the model that provides the most appropriate
relationship. An example of the Bayesian theory is
the case of patients who have difficulty breathing.
Decisions taken are between cases of patients
suffering from asthma or patients suffering from
lung cancer (Bolstad, 2007).
a. Decision 1: states that someone has lung cancer
despite the actual symptoms of asthma (cost:
high enough, so that it scares patients and makes
patients undergo unnecessary examinations).
b. Decision 2: declare someone asthma even though
it is actually lung cancer (cost: very high that
makes the patient lose the opportunity to treat
cancer at the initial or final stage).
2.1.3 Principles of The Bayes Method
Disadvantages of the Bayes Method include is The
Bayes method can only be used for classification
problems with supervised learning and categorical
data, The Bayes method requires initial knowledge
to be able to make a decision. The success rate of
this method depends on the initial knowledge given.
The advantages of the Bayes Method include is
Interpolation: The Bayes method has choices about
how much time and effort is made by humans vs.
computers; Language: The bayes method has its own
language for determining the things prior and
posterior; Intuition: Involving priors and integration,
two broadly useful activities.
Bayesian probability is the best theory in dealing
with estimation problems and drawing conclusions.
Bayesian methods can be used to draw conclusions
in cases with multiple sources of measurement that
cannot be handled by other methods such as
complex hierarchical models (Bolstad, 2007).
2.2 Smooth Support Vector Machine
SVM was created by Vapnik in 1992 using a series
of superior concepts that are good in the field of
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
pattern recognition. SVM is still considered young
in pattern recognition methods. However, its ability
in various applications is often used as an art in
making a pattern. SVM is also a learning machine
method that works based on the principle of
Structural Risk Minimization (SRM), which
functions as the best hyperplane that separates an
The SVM concept is a right combination of
computer theory that has been used for several years,
such as the hyperplane margin (Duda & Hart in
1973, Cover in 1965, Vapnik 1964, etc.), Kernel
introduced by Aronszajn in 1950, and also with
other supporting plans. However, until 1992, there
had never been an attempt to assemble these
SVM has multi-dimensional features that have
plots as data points in classifying by defining the
boundary between data points from the surface.
SVM aims to make the bottom line or called the
hyperlink with the same direction of data partition
with each other. In this way, SVM learning
combines aspects of the learning of the closest
neighbors. For binary classification problems, SVM
is very suitable. For example, in Figure 1, below.
Figure 1: Support Vector Machine
From the background of the problem that has been
described, then the authors take the formulation of
the problem for the data processing required several
methods to get better and optimal results. By making
a comparison of the methods used it is very
necessary for good data processing to analyze the
performance of algorithms through a comparison of
the Support Vector Machine and Naive Bayes
Kernel algorithms with different class classifications
from the perspective of precision, recall & accuracy
and F-Measure..
The results of the analysis that we did on the
methods in this study, I experimented with a student
data set. All of these experiments were carried out
using a personal computer, which used a 1.66 GHz
Intel Atom Core 2 Duo CPU processor. The
computer runs using the Windows 7 operating
system, by installing Rapid Miner 8.1.
At this stage, the performance testing of the
Naïve Bayes algorithm and SVM is carried out.
Images show graphs of classification results
measured based on accuracy values obtained from
the Naïve Bayes algorithm and SVM
Table 1: Test Results Table
class precision
class recall
In the Naïve Bayes and SVM algorithms there are
graphs of different shapes, which can be seen in the
following figure:
Analysis of Algorithms Support Vector Machine with Naive Bayes Kernel in Data Classification
4.1 Naïve Bayes Graph
Figure 2: Petal Length Graph
Figure 3: Petal Width Graph
4.2 Naïve Bayes Graph
Figure 6: SVM Graph
In conclusion, the results can be seen as follows:
Naïve Bayes performance is better than SVM, Naïve
Bayes gets impressive results that promise to help
find excellent data accuracy. The accuracy of the
Naïve Bayes classification in this study is better than
SVM, which experiences a 30% difference in
accuracy. Therefore, Naive Bayes should be used in
testing data classification in a larger form because it
can classify data with useful data.
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Analysis of Algorithms Support Vector Machine with Naive Bayes Kernel in Data Classification