Analysis of Centroid Cluster in X-Means Clustering in Data
Classification: Power Absorb Oxygen
Sardo Pardingotan Sipayung
, Poltak Sihombing
and Sutarman
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera Utara,
Medan, Indonesia
Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universitas Sumatera
Keywords: Oxygen, Cluster, Centroid, X-Mean.
Abstract: On gardens city of Medan, there are type different trees. On every tree have power absorbency oxygen and
work issue oxygen every day. It will be grouping the tree data that issued oxygen with use X-Means method
on Clustering algorithm. Then in research, an analysis to centroid that is point data center inside process
grouping, then need t o a n analysis centroid in determining gift value early to process the beginning
of clustering. So that data was used as point center cluster on process X-Means clustering algorithm.
Centroid cluster selected in a manner random through
a number of K-cluster. Algorithm share the data
provided to in K-cluster, respectively have
membership cluster own and set every data point to
center mass closest. Then compile reset it centroid use
association cluster when this and if grouping not
fused, the process will be repeat to several times. X-
means clustering is variation from K-means
clustering treat allocation cluster with try partition
over and over and keep separation optimal results,
arrive some criteria achieved. X-mean cluster with do
grouping intrinsic in a data set that is not labeled.
Giving fast way and efficient for grouping data that
doesn't structure, usage concurrency with speed up
process model and construction use.
Point center cluster or centroid is a point early
start grouping in the cluster on algorithm K-Means.
Data grouping is done with calculating distance
closest with point center initial cluster as point central
information every group or cluster. However on its
application, determination point center initial cluster
this is what become weakness from algorithm K-
Means. This caused because not there is an approach
used to choose and determine point center cluster.
Point center cluster selected in a manner just any or
random from a set of data. The results clustering from
algorithm K-Means often less optimal and not
maximum in every experiment conducted. By
because that, can say it that well bad the results
clustering, very depend on point center cluster or
centroid beginning (Baswade, 2013).
Some researchers have looked for the problem of
k-means clustering and some have taken many
approaches to accelerate k-means. But several
methods have been introduced to scalability and
reduce the time complexity of the k-means algorithm.
(Pelleg, 2000) has proposed a method called X-
means. The purpose of this method is to divide
several centroids into two to match the data reached.
The X-means algorithm has proven to be more
efficient than k-means. This method does not have
any disadvantages, based on the BIC (Bayesian
Information Criterion) on the separation of many
centroid selections when the data is not completely
2.1 Clustering
Clustering is method classify or partition data inside
a dataset. On basically clustering are something
method for looking for and group data that has
similarity characteristic (similarity) between one data
with other data (Bhusare, 2014). The Cluster is a
group data objects that have similarity one each other
Sipayung, S., Sihombing, P. and Sutarman, .
Analysis of Centroid Cluster in X-Means Clustering in Data Classification: Power Absorb Oxygen.
DOI: 10.5220/0008547601350137
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology (ICONART 2019), pages 135-137
ISBN: 978-989-758-404-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
inside of cluster and who doesn't have similarity to
objects that are different cluster. Object will grouped
to in one or more cluster so objects that are located in
one cluster will have a high similarity between one
with others. The objects will be grouped based on
principle maximizing similarity object on cluster and
maximizing inequality on a different clusters.
Similarity object usually obtained from values
attribute that explains data object, whereas data
objects usually represented as a point in room
multidimensional. Characteristics from every cluster
not determined before, however pictured from data
similarity grouped in inside it.
2.2 X-Means Clustering
X-means clustering is used for completely wrong the
other weakness main from K-means clustering, that is
the need knowledge previous about a number of
clusters (K). In method this, value in fact from K
estimated in something that isn't watched over way
and only based on that data set alone.
Figure 1 Steps General In X-Means Grouping.
and K
as limit on and under for possible
values from K. Step first X-
knowing that when this is K = K
, K-means find
structure early and centroid. In step then, every
cluster in the expected structure treated as parent
cluster, which can divide to be two group children.
Based on some criteria, which will explain in part
next, we rate structure parents and children. Score
help decide is person old is representations well for
sample data or children. Cluster gives more
distribution accurate on sample. As a result, a good
parent will be replaced by centroid children, or
algorithm will permanent person old centroid and
leave children. Then, the new structure will be built
or updated based on selection person old or children.
Procedure this will next for all clusters inside
structure early to when this estimated number of
clusters to be bigger from max.
K algorithm
convergent to structure the best. Algorithm this can
too slow because need run reset it K
for every
separation cluster. For resolve problem, apply kd-tree
of data set that is natural reduce total demand
neighbor closest for K-means (Pelleg, 2000).
The centroid is point data center inside process
grouping, then need to an analysis centroid in
determine gift value early in process the beginning of
clustering. So that used as point center cluster on
process X-Means clustering algorithm.
The purpose of this study is to determine the center
point of the cluster or centroid, measure the
performance of the X-Means algorithm with range
cluster parameters and compare the results of the X-
Means algorithm accuracy with the k-means
algorithm and by measuring the distance between
centroids for fast and efficient ways to group
unstructured data, and to speed up the process of
construction of the model and divide some centroids
into two to match the data achieved.
Results a reason about algorithm Clustering on
X-Means method uses Power dataset Absorb
Oxygen on Tree could be seen as the following of
Cluster used:
Cluster 0: 104 items
Cluster 1: 3 items
Total number of items: 107
On the results analysis centroid, can be seen on a
table the following:
Table 1: Analysis Centroid.
Name of Tree
kg / year
ton / year
Table 2: Analysis Performance Vector.
centroid distance
centroid distance cluster 0
centroid distance cluster 1
Davies Bouldin
ICONART 2019 - International Conference on Natural Resources and Technology
Figure 2: Cluster Graph.
Based on trial and analysis that has been done,
obtained the results conclusion researcher as the
From measurements X-means accuracy has
obtained the results namely: structure clustering
obtained is nature medium.
Results measurement performance from the
cluster, there are different distances between
clusters 1 and 0.
More and more the size of the dataset used, then
more and more the greater the value obtained
but not change a number of clusters produced.
X-Means proved to have level Good accuracy
compared with K-means with classifying type
tree that has power absorbency oxygen.
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Analysis of Centroid Cluster in X-Means Clustering in Data Classification: Power Absorb Oxygen