Jepara Wooden Carving in the Digital Era
Edi Eskak
and Irfa’ina Rohana Salma
Center for Handicraft and Batik, Ministry of Industry, Jl. Kusumanegara No. 7, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: wooden carving, CNC, Jepara, digital era
Abstract: This paper is a study for redefinition of latest arts, in wooden carving. The equipment in work carving in
today's is Computer Numerical Control (CNC). CNC can eliminates manual processes. Also, there was a
diminishing interest in people’s youth of Jepara in pursuing jobs as wood carvers. The presence of CNC is a
solution that can replace human source. However, carving products produced by CNC machines are less
attractive to the consumers. There is a contradiction, wich is this advanced technology can replace most o
the production of art to be more effective, efficient, consistent, and precisely, but consumers actually wan
the unique and distinctive handiwork. This paper aims to uncover the creativity of entre
reneurs and woo
carving artists responding to the tastes of markets and to get solutions to the existing problems. The metho
used is qualitative by getting data of literature and observation. The solution is to use CNC to speed up the
production in initial engraving and then the carving process is continued with the hand skill manually. The
roduct still expresses a distinctive creativity as a carving work done with hand skills, but can be done
faster than using the full manual technique.
Jepara is a city of carving, as a tagline shown that
the existence of intelligence carves as an ancestral
heritage is still preserved and developed in
accordance by changing times. The carving brings
blessing to those who pursue it in high persistence.
Art as a living force (Marianto, 2017), has been
practiced significantly by Jepara wood carvers. The
superior products of the Jepara wood industry are on
various beautiful carvings of furniture, reliefs, and
other various interior accessories products. Jepara
known as the center of the carving furniture industry
(Pratiwi, Kenang, & Ruki, 2017). The advantages of
Jepara wood products are mainly in fine carving and
carpentry techniques (Eskak, 2013a).
Jepara is a heaven of wood carving hunters. It is
a city located on the north coast of Central Java
within an area of 949.80 km2. The city which has
been known as the center of wooden furniture is at
the position of 5º 43 '20.67' to 6º 47 '25.83' South
Latitude and 110º 9 '48.02' to 110º 58 '37.40' East
Longitude. Jepara borders the Java Sea in west and
south side, Kudus and Pati Regencies in east side,
and Demak in south side (Cemerlang, 2018). As
Jepara is not crossed by the Pantura transportation
route, which is the largest economic route on the
island of Java. But, it is able to utilize the potential
of its resources, and turn it into a regional economic
power. This makes Jepara is able to align the
economy with other regions, even in some other
sectors Jepara is far more advanced than other
regions (Prastiyan, 2017).
Eventhough it is an area with minimum potential
natural resources and is not located on the main
coastline, it has been able to align itself
economically with other regions, one of them is due
to the presence of wood carving industry. The Jepara
wood carving industry has become one of the
driving forces of the regional economy (Eskak,
2013a). Carving is the art technique of sculpting
material with patterns and decorative structures,
made in a concave or convex style, following the
drawing plot with a chisel (Gustami, 2000). The
material for traditional carving are wood and stone
Eskak, E. and Salma, I.
Jepara Wooden Carving in the Digital Era.
DOI: 10.5220/0008525800310039
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative Technology (CREATIVEARTS 2019), pages 31-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-430-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Sunaryo, 2009). Bamboo (Eskak, 2016a) and
coconut shell (Eskak, 2016b) can also be a media for
carving. The traditional Jepara carved motif is a
stylation or a vines formed, the stylation is a
changing form styled and is generally patterned
(Sunaryo, 2018). Its motifs also have the meaning of
beautifying life in beauty with integrity, balance, and
harmony in community. The goodness must be
spread to all directions and places. The ancestors
inherited many noble and meaningness values
contained in artwork (Eskak & Salma, 2018).
The Jepara carving industry contributes about
10% of Indonesian furniture, and contributes to the
district's economy by 27%. More than 12,000
furniture artisans operate in Jepara. The main
competitor of Jepara's furniture trade is China,
which it dominates trade by 16% of the world and
prices are 20% cheaper than Indonesian furniture
(Raharjo, Rubijanto, & Solechan, 2015). The price
of Jepara wood carving products is more expensive,
while it loses in competing with China, because of
China's wood carving production process uses
automation machines, so the output can be massive
and have cheaper price. The higher price of Jepara
carving products is due to the longer time production
processes has taken, with high costs, and low output
quantity in the contrary, less futuristic designs, and
manual processes (Raharjo, Rubijanto, & Solechan,
2015). In contrast to the Chinese carving industry
which has collaborated on an advanced technology
and art, so that it can produce massively and has the
lower prices.
In addition, today there is a decline in the
number of professional carvers, further to threatens
the sustainability of the wood carving business in
Jepara. The study and work carving interests of the
younger generation has also wane off. If For this is
left without a solution, the concern about the
extinction of traditional art is close to reality (Eskak,
2013b), which it is truly unfortunate if the existence
of classical archipelago carvings those are beautiful
and comprise with high philosophies (Nizam,
Nugraha, & Gustami, 2018) can not be preserved.
Along with this feeling of concern, the existing
conditions must still be addressed with various
solutions. Jepara entrepreneurs, artisans and carvers
need to take steps forward so that the survival of
their businesses is maintained. The use of more
technology is one of the solution can be taken to
these problems.
The technology can help increase productivity
while resolving the problem of the difficulty of
finding a carving industry workforce. The use of
carving machines is one of the solution. A
sophisticated and reliable carving machine is a CNC
machine. CNC is a computer machine that uses a
numerical control system. CNC itself stands for
Computer Numerical Control. The factory uses CNC
to control their factory machines. At a glance, it is as
if a normal computer controls the machines, but
actually the computer runs using a unique software
and special consoles. With CNC machines, factory
machines are controlled with number controls. The
computer programs are specifically designed to
control machines and objects. The program uses the
CNC machining language (called G-code). This
program organizes features such as feed rate,
coordination, location and speed. With CNC
machining, computer can control the precise position
and velocity of the machine (Mengenal Apa Itu
Mesin CNC, 2019).
There are many benefits to use a CNC machine.
This process is more rigorous than its manual
machining. Besides that, it can also be repeated the
same way many times. CNC machines are a series of
machines with programmable intelligence work
patterns for the execution of drilling system work
(Guiping, Yazhou, & Guangwen, 2010). By seeing
the specificity of CNC machine performance does
not rule out the possibility that CNC machines can
still function with a variety of materials including
wood material. CNC machine components consist of
two basic components, namely hard components in
the form of machine physical devices and soft
components in the form of programable devices or
software executors (Iskra & Hernández, 2010).
Material working patterns using CNC are more
commonly used for soft material types such as
wood, so that the use of CNC machines currently
dominates solid-shaped and wood-based work such
as multiplexes, hardboards, medium-density
fibreboard, and other types of wood particles. CNC
is considered to be more capable of providing a high
level of accuracy compared to other wood manual
machines. CNC is currently being used for
ornamental work on the surface (Iskra & Hernández,
2012). CNC can be used for mass production
patterns. The current CNC development system has
3 axis and 4 axis pattern. The 3 axis pattern can be
found in most furniture industries while the 4 axis
pattern is still rarely found due to the price of CNC
machines those are quite expensive. The CNC
machine reading pattern is based on a code pattern
called G Code contains coordinates of the object to
be pointed by a blade driven by a CNC machine so
that the level of accuracy can be achieved even in
millimeters (Raju, Janardhana, Kumar, & Rao, 2011;
Firstiawan, 2012). CNC is able to provide very
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
smooth levels of wood material execution on its
surface (Darmawanto & Minardi, 2017).
The use of CNC can increase a company's
competitiveness, because of the selling price of the
products. However, the reality of the Jepara wood
carving market is different to it. It is said that Jepara
wood carvings do not compete with Chinese wood
carvings, basically it turns out that the sculptures of
Chinese Gods, altars, and Chinese cultural symbols
created by residents of Jepara which are many
buyers are interested in mainland China, Hong
Kong, and Taiwan (Eskak & Sumarno, 2016). This
is shows that Jepara carving lost in terms of mass
production but won in the manual carving
production. The advantages for Jepara wood carving
are better than Chinese’s in quality and durability
(Soedarso, 2006). Some of Jepara carving
companies have also used CNC machines, but their
carving products are less attractive to the foreign
markets, as the main market for wood carving
products from Jepara. There is a contradiction,
which a sophisticated technology can replace most
of the art production processes to be more effective
and efficient, but consumers actually demand a
unique and particular results of handwork carving.
This paper aims to uncover the creativity of wood
carving artists in responding to the tastes of markets
and getting solutions to the existing problems.
This research categorized as qualitative research, by
obtaining data from the literature and observations.
Literature studies are carried out by reading relevant
references and the observations are carried out in
Jepara. Observation is sighting, but they are carried
out carefully and deeply on an object or problem
(Eskak, 2014). Qualitative research aims to explain
phenomena through deep data collection. If the data
collected is in-depth and can explain the
phenomenon under this study, then there is no need
to look for other sampling. The depth issue is more
emphasized of or quality of the data rather than its
quantity, and researchers actively participate in
determining the type of data desired (Kriyantono,
2010). Data is analyzed qualitatively and
interpretatively through several processes such as:
data verification, data reduction, data presentation,
and conclusion (Moleong, 2012).
3.1 Reverse Progress
Technological and community development are
interrelated and influenced to each other in life,
including in the Jepara wood carving industry.
Today there is a significant decrease in the number
of carvers resources, which threatens the
sustainability of the wood carving industry. The
younger generation interests has declined to practice
and become a professional carvers. Learning to
carve requires perseverance and a long enough time
to become skilled. Today's younger generation is
more likely to think and act pragmatically and
instantaneously so they choose to work in cigarette
factories, cables, clothing, and other factories which
are now prevalent in Jepara (Purnomo, 2018). The
regional government has been negligent by giving
many permission to establish factories those are not
in accordance with the regional superiority and
culture of the Jepara community. The large factories
have absorbed a lot of naturally talented human
resources in the field of carving and it is not
immediately taken care off by the government, so it
can turn off the existing efforts of populist carving.
The local governments should have better
understandable according this matter and they are
not solely tempted by the tax revenues from these
The provision of carvers skilled in Jepara
has 2 lines, those are traditional routes and formal
education routes. The traditional path is taken first
by becoming an assistant (kenek) for professional
carvers while working (Hariyadi, 2010), and
received wages from the learning process. At present
days, it is difficult to find young people who want to
learn to work on carving (Eskak & Sumarno, 2016).
Jepara young generation generally prefer to work in
other fields those are easier and faster to make
Pathways to sculpturing formal education
learning can be passed by taking courses or
conducting studies in vocational schools. The
famous sculpturing course institute in Jepara in
1990s were Nevada and Jenggala Course. Formal
education of carving can be taken at SMK Negeri 2
Jepara which has wood carving as one of its majors.
It is become a favorite major to be chosen in the
school that was formerly called the Jepara State
Craft Industry Middle School (SMIK). Uniformizing
by the national curriculum, the wood carving major
has renamed by the wood craft design and
production major. From its special major in
accordance with the needs of the industry region has
transformed into a national curriculum that no longer
Jepara Wooden Carving in the Digital Era
fully learns to carve but to learn wooden crafts in
general. This is has made an decreasing effect on the
graduates ability and competence to carve. The last
stronghold of defense of skilled carvers supply was
already weakening. The Ministry of Education and
Culture should consider wisely about the special
needs those support the progress of regional
industries, and not just do the appliance of
uniformity which would reverse the existing local
The impact of these policies was truly felt in
difficulty search for carving workers. The wood
carving industry that has raised and made Jepara into
a famous national and international forums is
experiencing production sluggishness, not just even
a few but more than are out of business. The
government should be present to provide for
strengthening policies and refreshment so that the
wood carving industry rises and triumphs again,
instead of deflating and letting it die slowly. The
government must immediately realize and revise the
wrong direction of regional development programs.
It can not be turned upside and down and belated to
be realized, which it is to intend and work to develop
the region, but it turns out to be as a setback.
3.2 Carving Automated CNC Machine
The development of advanced technology can
help solve many human problems, one of which is a
CNC that has the ability to automate the work of
carving. The development of wood carving
production from traditional manuals to CNC
automation machines can be done with various
social and economic considerations. CNC can be
easily obtained in the market, but for small
entrepreneurs the price is still quite expensive. For
medium and large entrepreneurs, investment in CNC
carving machines is very beneficial for the
efficiency and effectiveness of production. Carving
has the potential and opportunity to be developed
into an industrial production business through
coaching to answer the demands era, as well as to
improve the welfare of society (Gustami, 2007).
The creation of works of art needs to pay attention to
the development and changes of the times because
each era has different challenges and problems. The
current development demands higher creativity in art
creation with the ability to utilize in multiple
scientific field. Gustami in (Eskak, 2013c) states that
the obligation of today's young generation to
anticipate this change so that later it can be realized
as a new craft according to the soul of the times but
it still reflects the national culture. Jepara’s carving
today, has undergone a shift in definition from the
concept of manual traditional production to digital
automation production. Redefinition of carving
needs to be done so that the current generation is not
confused and being as a technology stuttering. A
simple or sophisticated machine is just a tool to
work, but the core or the essence of art is still
creativity. Today's carving can be interpreted as a
technique of decorating wood by carving using
manual, masinal, or digital programs.
The use of advanced technology is a necessity
in traditional arts, including in carving. In this digital
era, the art and culture space of the community
changes with the development of information
technology and media (Kusrini, 2015). The latest
technology can be used to make carving works in
accordance with the development of the era. In
essence of carving is the technique not in its
decorative design, this has always been the wrong
thing to understand related to finished products
which are often considered lay as carving because of
their motifs (Darmawanto & Minardi, 2017). The
developing technique of carving can be done by
designing a machine that is specially set to be able to
do the work of carving (Raharjo, Rubijanto, &
Solechan, 2015).
It is not something difficult that the production
of wood carving on an industrial scale can be done
with CNC tools because it will increase the
competitiveness of small industries (Making
Indonesia 4.0 - Kementerian Perindustrian, 2016).
Rapid industrial climate change demands market
segmentation related to carving techniques that are
compatible with economical counts so that art
expression changes into commodity calculations. Art
is actually a form of technique that is able to provide
economic results for the actors (Adu-Agyem,
Sabutey, & Mensah, 2013).
a b
Figure 1: a. CNC carving machine, b. Carving process
Carving ornaments still have a high selling
value so that the development of design and design
parameters can be made coding catalysts so as to
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
facilitate producers in making the same production.
Traditional decorative motifs can be modernized
according to the tastes of the present, so that
consumer interest increases and producers can feel
the economic impact (Salma & Eskak, 2012). The
use of CNC can maintain production consistency,
carving quantity, and uniformity.
3.3 Speed and Precision
To give a real picture of the effectiveness and
efficiency use of CNC, it take for an example of the
CNC application for carving the krawangan of
calligraphy products. Krawangan is a technique to
carve until it penetrates material (Eskak, 2016a). The
CNC used has the following specifications: 3 axis,
namely X, Y, and Z or can move left and right, back
and forth and up and down. Movement of 400 x 500
x 400 mm. Axle track to adjust the movement of the
wood carving router. The rail uses drawer rail slides,
30 mm in diameter and 600 mm in length. The
carving platform uses an aluminum Profile 150
Series coated with a thickness of 2 mm. 230W /
11000 Spindle Motor as a router carve on the stand.
The drive system uses a Screw ball Pitch 4 mm in
length of 600 mm. Screw ball Pitch bearings use
stainless steel Insert Ball bearings SUC202-10.
Stepper motors - 1/2 dual shafts with X, Y, and Z
axis movements on ball screw. The voltage cable to
the drive component is protected by a chain cable.
Stepper Motor Driver M542 / M752, inventer, and
Omron Automation. The inverter for motor spindle
speed control uses a 2.7 kW 220V VFD inverter.
S8VS-06024 AC-DC Omron Automation; 24V-2.5A
as a power supply for wood carving machines. M542
/ M752 Stepper Motor Driver for drive control
interface, parallel serial cable interface. Core-2
desktop computers equipped with DSP or digital
singal processing systems (Suwignyo & Yanto,
2018). These specifications can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Protable CNC carving machine
The CNC mentioned above will be used to test the
manufacture of krawangan calligraphy carving
products in Banjaran Village, Jepara Regency. The
production of wood carving calligraphy in the
village averages 20-30 daily sales at a price of Rp.
400,000 - Rp. 6,000,000 each, while for exports per
month 1 container contains 4000-5000 pieces.
Banjaran Village has 2 groups of artisans, that is:
The Harjo Kaligrafi Cahaya Seni group. The
problem faced is that the small production capacity
and product precision are not maintained. The use of
CNC succeeded in accelerating the process of
carving and increasing the precision of significant
carving products (Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018).
3.3.1 Speed of the Carving Process
Carved calligraphy with CNC has gained a
significant working speed. Calligraphy design was
carried out on the help of Computer Aided Design
(CAD) with CorelDRAW. The size of the carving
calligraphy is 25cm long and 45cm wide using a
3mm chisel. Software for running programs using
Max3. The time of the process of carving
calligraphy with variables into the feed rate of 50, 60
and 70 mm / rev. Cutting speed 30 m / min, 1 mm
depth of cut, and 200 rpm spindle speed. The type of
wood used is mahogany with a water content of 26%
and density of 512 kgs / m3. The speed of the
process of carving calligraphy with the feed rate
variable is shown in Table 1, and the product results
in Figure 3.
Jepara Wooden Carving in the Digital Era
Figure 3: Carved products with variabel feed rate
(Source: Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018)
The lowest feed rate is 50 mm / rev for the longest
carving process time is 2:33 hours better than the
manual carving process of 80%. Increasing the feed
rate speeds up the process of carving at a 60 mm /
rev feed rate which takes 2:12 hours. This can cut
time by 2; 23 hours or 108% of the process of
carving manual calligraphy. The fastest CNC
carving process at the 80 mm / rev feed rate is
shown in Table 1. The carving process time is 1:33
hours and is able to save time compared to the
manual by 2:56 hours or 177%. The increase in the
feed rate accelerates the process of carving
calligraphy because the feeding process is higher
and the completion time is faster. Savings in the
process of carving calligraphy can increase
productivity. Within 1 working day of 8-hour work,
CNC engraving can produce 4-5 calligraphy
carvings (Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018).
Table 1: Manual and CNC carving times
Time Process of Carving Calligraphy
50 mm/rev 60 mm/rev 70 mm/rev
Manual 4:35 4:35 4:35
Carving 1 2:35 2:09 1:33
Carving 2 2:28 2:14 1:30
Carving 3 2:37 2:14 1:36
Average 2:33 2:12 1:33
(Sumber: Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018)
3.3.2 Precision of Carving Results
CNC carving precision results show better results
compared to its manual. Feed rate speed has a
significant effect on product precision. Repetition of
the process is done to accuracy test of the design.
Table 2 shows a 73% manual carving precision,
while a CNC carving with a 50 mm / rev feed rate
reaches 93%, it has a difference of 20%. By
increasing the feed rate to 60 mm / rev, precision has
decreased to 90%. As the feed rate increases to 70
mm / rev, the precision decreases again to 85%
(Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018).
Table 2: Level of precision of manual and CNC
Level of precision carving (%)
50 mm/rev 60 mm/rev 70 mm/rev
Manual 73 73 73
Carving 1 93 89 85
Carving 2 92 90 84
Carving 3 94 91 86
Average 93 90 85
(Sumber: Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018)
Increased feed rate speed carving wood
calligraphy decreases to the precision of the product.
High precision level is influenced by wood hardness
and chisel feeding speed. A high feed rate makes the
surface of the carving product rough and fibrous and
decreases its precision (Rahman & Kadirgama,
2015). The difference in the products precision of
the carved calligraphy with CNC machine feed rate
variables is very small, but it affects the tidiness,
surface cleanliness, and beauty of the products
produced. Suwignyo & Yanto, 2018).
3.4 Quick Tips and Taste Tricks
The existence of a CNC carving machine is a
solution that can replace human resources for the
process of making wood carving products, but the
carved products produced are less attractive to
consumers. Overseas consumers as the main market
for wood carving products from Jepara do not like
products those are automatically processed with
these CNC. The contradictory thing is that CNC
technology can replace most of the production or
work processes of art in a more effective, efficient,
consistent and precise way, but consumers actually
want a unique and distinctive handwork. Therefore
wood carving artists need to be creative in
addressing the market's tastes. Carving artists can
use CNC to speed up the process of producing wood
CREATIVEARTS 2019 - 1st International Conference on Intermedia Arts and Creative
Figure 4: Carved product of CNC carving machine from
China (Wood Cnc Router, 2018)
Figure 5: Combined product of CNC and manual carving
The tread carved by a CNC is different from
hand carving. The process of CNC carving uses a
router system, not a chisel knife. The router system
only works in the form of a straight one-way rotation
from above. The machine is only able to work
according to the program's instructions, not as
creative as humans. CNC carving results can be seen
in Figure 4. The carving works still feel stiff and
empty of meaning. Carving artists can use CNC to
speed up the production process, especially in the
initial carving process, then continued with hand
skills manuals. The artwork produced still expresses
a distinctive creative expression as a pieces of work,
but can be done faster than when it using manual
techniques completely. CNC carving results that are
enhanced by manual carving can be seen in Figure 5.
4.1 Conclusion
The creative industry needs to pay attention to the
development and changes of the times because every
era has different challenges and problems. The
development era demands an increasingly high
artistic creativity with the ability to utilize multiple
scientific fields. The carving today, has undergone a
shift in definition from the concept of manual
traditional production to digital automation
production. A simple or sophisticated machine is
just a tool to work, the essence of art is creativity.
Today's carving can be interpreted as a technique of
decorating wood by carving using manual, masinal,
or digital programs. Entrepreneurs and carving
artists can use CNC to accelerate the process of
wood carving, while respond to the increase
difficulty of workforce seeking. CNC carvings that
still feel stiff and empty of meaning, can be given a
touch of hand carved so that the results are more
flexible, lively and soulful.
4.2 Suggestions
The policies issued by the government should really
be through in-depth studies of the specificities and
needs of the region, not to aim at advancing but
instead of to reverse the existing conditions. This has
happened to the Jepara wood carving industry
sector. The government should be present to provide
policies for strengthening and invigorating it so that
the wood carving industry rises and triumphs again.
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