Artificial Intelligence: Obstacle or Opportunity?
Christina Tri Setyaningtyas, Malvin Hizkia
Faculty of Business Administration and Communication Studies, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya,
Jl. Jend. Sudirman no. 51, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Impact
Abstract: At the beginning of its civilization, humans always thought of creating tools that could help or facilitate their
lives. Through their imagination they make equipment that their predecessors never thought of. Humans can
go to other places that are far away by using airplanes, information can be disseminated quickly by telephone
are an example of a technological development that is used to make human life easier. Along with the
development of technology, humans arrived at the digitalization era which greatly facilitated humans in living
their lives. In this era humans can create technology that allows humans to do many things using only the
touch of their fingers. Humans managed to create sophisticated computers, android, internet networks,
intercontinental wireless connections, communication devices, applications for trading to medical devices.
The latest technology that is currently emerging is artificial intelligence that is capable of doing things done
by humans. Gradually, artificial intelligence replaces the role of humans in doing their jobs, even certain jobs
are threatened with extinction. Technology that was created to facilitate human life turned to threat human
existence itself. This research was conducted to determine the impact of the application of artificial
intelligence to the employee in the banking industry.
When the operating costs of an industrial business are
large compared to income, is a one way out option
chosen by business people. According to Winston and
Prendergast (1984: 25), from the very beginning of
their creation, artificial intelligence was built for the
purpose of making machines more intelligent and
useful. Like its original purpose, scientists have now
succeeded in making more intelligent machines used
in various industrial fields.
In the field of health, scientists have managed to
plant artificial intelligence in CT scans so that they
can analyse recordings more accurately. This tool can
sharply analyse the colour gradations on the scan
results which are invisible to the eye as the
differences are difficult to identify. This tool can even
provide identification of types of diseases and drugs
that are suitable for use by the patient.
In the field of processing agricultural products,
artificial intelligence is used to help separate coffee
beans that are ripe and raw by analysing the colour of
the fruit. Raw fruit will be directed to a special
container while the ripe one will be directed to the
next process.
Robot hands driven by artificial intelligence are
currently used in the motor vehicle assembly
industry. Beside its precision in assembling, these
robotic hands are also faster and stronger to move
heavy equipment. They are operated 24 hours without
time break which is very useful to push the production
turnaround time.
In the banking industry, artificial intelligence is
planted in an online service answering machine so
that customers can easily get the necessary
information such as account balances, remaining
debts, reset pins or passwords. Artificial Intelligence
can also be applied in customer data updating process
so that the processing time is improving.
Recently Japanese scientists have made an
artificial tongue that can identify how much sweet,
salty and acidic elements are in a food. This tool can
analyse the percentage of each element contained in a
particular food. This tool helps chefs to be able to
develop new foods that are healthier with a taste that
is as good as the food normally consumed by humans.
It is not impossible in the future, people can diet with
food that tastes delicious.
If at the beginning of its creation it was used to
facilitate human work, but over time the function of
Setyaningtyas, C. and Hizkia, M.
Artificial Intelligence: Obstacle or Opportunity?.
DOI: 10.5220/0008435707160719
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 716-719
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
artificial intelligence began to shift the role of
Artificial intelligence according to Teahan (2010),
commonly abbreviated as AI is the science of how to
build a computer system that shows intelligence in
various ways. Artificial intelligence was originally
built to help humans facilitate activities in their lives.
According to Winston and Prendergast (1984) there
are three objectives of the establishment of artificial
Making the machine smarter (the main goal);
Understanding what intelligence is (scientific
Making the machine more useful
(entrepreneurial goals);
Like its initial purpose, scientists have succeeded
in making machines which are getting smarter in
various industrial fields. But in its development,
artificial intelligence began to bring influence both
positively and negatively to human life.
2.1 Impact of the Use of Artificial
The use of artificial intelligence in various industries
triggers various debates among academics,
regulators, entrepreneurs and even in the wider
community. Some argue that artificial intelligence is
an opportunity, but some argue otherwise.
According to the Balliester & Elsheikhi study
(2018) although the threat of using artificial
intelligence to jobs that currently exist will not be felt
in the near future, but fears begin to emerge because
of indications that show a significant number of loss
of some types of work.
2.1.1 Positive Impact
Artificial intelligence is created to help or facilitate
human work. Systems that are planted in the
computer can remember the steps of repetition which
are carried out daily by humans. This has an impact
on savings in settlement time. Artificial intelligence
can be run 24 hours, so it can increase work
productivity because there is no need to have time to
rest like humans.
In the heavy equipment industry, the engine
assembly is run by robotic hands that help improve
the safety of employees, because heavy and
dangerous activities can be replaced by machines.
In the field of health, the application of artificial
intelligence is very helpful for medical personnel to
detect diseases experienced by patients more
accurately through laboratory results and can also
identify the types of drugs suitable for their patients.
In the banking sector, the application of artificial
intelligence can be used to help work online services,
customer service and tellers in branches.
2.1.2 Negative Impact
One of the negative effects that humans gradually feel
is the disappearance of various kinds of human work
that can be replaced by artificial intelligence
CNN describes the fields of work that will be
extinct in the future, namely:
Finance and insurance (reduced by 25 percent);
Retail (reduced by 28 percent);
Construction (reduced by 15 percent);
Public administration and defence (reduced by
23 percent);
Transportation and warehousing (38 percent
Manufacturing (reduced by 30 percent);
The work sectors above are sectors where the
majority of jobs are carried out repetitively and
administratively. This type of work does not require
special skills so that they can be easily replaced by
artificial intelligence.
2.2 Impact of Using Artificial
Intelligence on Labour in Indonesia
With the application of artificial intelligence to
various industrial sectors, this will affect the
availability of job opportunities for workers,
especially laborers in Indonesia. Indonesia as a
developing country still relies on its operations with
human resources. According to the Central Bureau of
Statistics or BPS in the 2016 Indonesian Economic
Census, the industry of large and retail trade, repair
and maintenance of cars and motorbikes; processing
industry; the industry that provides accommodation
and provision of food and beverage, and the financial
and insurance industries are examples of industries
that absorb the most labor. If the companies in the
above sectors begin to apply the use of artificial
intelligence tools, automatically the reduction of
labor cannot be avoided. With the reduction of jobs
above means that it will increase the number of
Artificial Intelligence: Obstacle or Opportunity?
unemployed who if not anticipated will become a
source of social problems in the future.
Based on BPS data, 48% of the total population of
Indonesia works as laborers. 38% of the total workers
work as factory workers and the economic sector
which will directly feel the influence of the use of
artificial intelligence in the production process. In the
future, these workers without special skills will lose
their jobs. This matter must be watched out by many
parties, especially the government in preparing its
citizens in the face of waves of the use of artificial
2.3 Impact of Using Artificial
Intelligence on the Financial
Industry in Indonesia
In the world of banking today, the development of
artificial intelligence has made the company change
its business strategy by placing technology as a major
factor in the process of product and service
innovation. The same thing is also done by one of the
international banks in Indonesia which is known as an
innovation leader. This bank applies artificial
intelligence in its services so that it has been recorded
to have reduced 10 branches from a total of 20
branches in 2018. Customers can now do activities in
their hands.
This international bank does not only use artificial
intelligence for things that are directly related to
customer service, but also in the operational process.
One process that was immediately replaced by
artificial intelligence was the process of completing
customer administrative documents. This process is
carried out to ensure that the administrative
information of customers recorded in the bank system
is in accordance with current conditions. This process
can last for two months with a process carried out by
human power. This bank has planned to apply
artificial intelligence that can shorten this process,
from two months to only two days. One day direct
charging by the customer in an application and one
day to get the bank's internal approval.
On the other hand, this international bank also has
outsourcing employees who will immediately feel the
impact of the application of artificial intelligence. The
problem is whether the application of artificial
intelligence has an effect on the motivation of the
work of outsourcing employees. This research aims
to investigate the impact of the implementation of
artificial intelligence to outsourcing employees which
will also influence the company’s performance
especially in operation processes.
Research on the influence of the application of
artificial intelligence and outsourcing to employee
motivation using descriptive quantitative research.
According to Bungin (2005: 59), quantitative
descriptive research methods can be interpreted as
research methods used to describe, explain or
summarize various conditions, situations, phenomena
or various variables.
Artificial intelligence at the beginning of its creation
was used to facilitate human work. But along with its
development, the function of artificial intelligence
began to shift the role of humans. This phenomenon
is the responsibility not only by companies that apply
it but also the government.
The government has a very important role to be
able to prepare the Indonesian people, especially
citizens with productive working age. One effort that
can be done is to make education evenly distributed
in all provinces. Adding information technology
content to the education curriculum from basic to
university level can also prepare citizens to be tech
savvy so they have special skills.
From the BPS data there are indications that the
population per province with ages 15 to 59 who have
technological skills are as follows:
Table 1: Proportion of Adolescents and Adults Aged 15-59
Years with Information and Computer Technology (ICT)
Skills by Province (Percent)
DKI Jakarta
From the above data, the regions that still have the
lowest level of technological knowledge was Papua
and the highest was DKI Jakarta. There are striking
differences that indicate the lack of even distribution
of Information and Computer Technology (ICT)
skills education. By increasing the content of
computer science skills in the education curriculum,
it is expected that the distribution of information and
computer skills will become wider so that the
Indonesian nation is ready to face the challenges of
the emergence of artificial intelligence technology.
Companies that plan to implement artificial
intelligence technology must anticipate the impacts
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
that affect internal and external ones that will be
faced. Internally, outsourcing employees are those
who are directly affected by the presence of this
technology because outsourcing employees are
employees who are employed because their
administrative capabilities are not due to special
skills. With the application of this technology,
outsourcing employees are threatened with
termination of employment.
The research limitation in this journal is that it is
only discussing the impact of the implementation of
artificial intelligence in the banking industry that will
reflect on the motivation of outsourcing employee.
This research will not discuss further to the
government involvement in anticipating the
implementation of artificial intelligence. This
research will focus on the specific industry which is
By starting the implementation of artificial
intelligence technology, both companies and
employee need to be aware of the impacts that will be
caused so they can prepare themselves to deal with it.
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Artificial Intelligence: Obstacle or Opportunity?