The Effect of Work Life Balance and Compensations on Employee
Engagement with Employee Motivation as Intervening Variable for Y
Millenials Generations in Java, Indonesia
Aris Setiyani, Lenny Ch Nawangsari, Djumarno and Setyo Riyanto
Doctoral Management, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia
Keywords: Compensations, Work Life Balance, Employee Motivation, Employee Engagement, Millenial Generations,
Abstract: The important point of this research is to analyze the impact of compensations and work life balance on
employee engagement with employee motivation as an intervening variable. The respondents of this study
are Y millennial generations in Indonesia. The type of research is quantitative with the survey method.
Respondents of research were 285 people of millennial generations from Java, Indonesia. The data were
analyzed using Structural Equation Model - Analisis of Moment Structures (SEM AMOS). The results show
that there is an influence of compensations on employee engagement, but the work-life balance has not to
influence on employee engagement. Employee motivation has the effect of mediating of compensations but
not for work-life balance. The new things of this research are the respondents of this study from millennial
generations in Java Island, Indonesia.
Most business leaders implicitly understand that
employee engagement is an important thing of
performance and productivity. Mercer I Sirota said
that assessing employee involvement can be done by
measuring employees' level of pride, motivation, and
commitment to the organization they work for. The
following are the results of the "2017 Trends in
Global Employee Engagement", employee
engagement survey released by Aon Hewitt in 2017
Figure 1: Trends in Global Employee Engagement
The engagement score graph is still fluctuating, so
further research needs to be done on what factors
cause the rise in the engagement score. Whether with
the emergence of Y millennial generations which
began to enter the workforce a lot of causes and how
practitioners of Human Resource (HR) respond to it,
it is something that must be analyzed more deeply.
This study aims to see whether compensation and
work-life balance programs affect employee
engagement. And also see whether employee
motivation has the effect of mediating between
compensation and work-life balance and also have an
influence on employee engagement.
2.1 Millenials Generations
William Strauss and Neil Howe collaborated in the
late 1980s when they began writing their first book,
Generations. These two historians developed their
theory further in the next book, The fourth turning,
which focused on the cycle of four types of
generations and the atmosphere of the era in US
history, (Nugroho, 2016). Generation Y (Millenials)
is a generation born around 1982 - 2004. Millennials
are born in very rapid technological developments.
Setiyani, A., Nawangsari, L., Djumarno, . and Riyanto, S.
The Effect of Work Life Balance and Compensations on Employee Engagement with Employee Motivation as Intervening Variable for Y Millenials Generations in Java, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0008435607090715
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World (ICIB 2019), pages 709-715
ISBN: 978-989-758-408-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Having different behavior because of the more
advanced technology. Their knowledge of the digital
world is far greater than their parents (Wong & Chin,
2018). Characteristics of Genes suggest that they
want work-life balance. They need a relaxed and
flexible work environment (Brown et al., 2015)
2.2 Employee Engagement (EE)
There are so many scientists who define employee
involvement. Kahn, W.A. 1990, began research on
employee engagement and defining it as harnessing
the potential of employees for their work roles so that
they are involved physically, cognitively and
emotionally for the benefit of the organization.
According to (Muthike, 2017), employee engagement
can be explained as the readiness of workers to work
extra, trust the company and what they stand for in an
attempt to help the success of the organization.
Employee engagement is a work area approach
deliberated to confirm that workers will be committed
to the targets and values of their organization,
encourage to support to the success of the
organization, and at the same chance able to increase
their own feeling of prosperity (Dash & Mishra,
2014) .
2.3 Employee Motivation (EM)
The term “motivation” comes from the Latin word
"movere". "Movere" imply about a move.
Accordingly, it makes a description of something that
will increase, maintain us to working and helping the
company to reach our purpose (Korth 2007 on
Nguyen 2019). “Motivation is psychological forces
that determine the direction of a person’s behavior in
an organization, a person’s level of effort and a
person’s level of persistence” (Jones & George 2008
on Nguyen, 2017). Motivation in community has an
important key of the part to play for the viability and
competitiveness of businesses in the environment of
economic recession (Cardoso et al., 2015). All
indicator in this study refers to Maslow theory that
consisting of physiological, security, affiliation,
esteem, and self-actualization.
2.4 Compensations (CP)
Compensation theory according to Dessler (1997),
states that compensation is one form of payment or
compensation given to employees because the
employee is employed by the organization. Which
includes the dimensions of compensation according
to Dessler include:
1. Financial compensation: Included in financial
compensation, include wages or incentives,
commissions, and bonuses
2. Non-financial compensation: those who enter
the non-financial category include health
benefits or health insurance, entertainment, and
all that is given is not in the form of money.
The compensation dimension can also refer to
the applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia,
in this case referring to Labor Law No. 13 of
2.5 Work Life Balance (WLB)
In a study conducted by Fisher, Bulger & Smith
(2009), there are four parts of work life balance
A. Work Interference with Personal Life (WIPL).
This dimension explains how big the effect of the
work can disturb with one's private life, for example
the work can make the person becomes difficult to
manage time with his activities.
B. Personal Life Interference with Work (PLIW).
This dimension is the opposite of the previous
dimension where this dimension analyzes the extent
to which an employee's private life can disturb with
his work. An example that we often encounter every
day is when an employee is having a personal
problem, sometimes to impact his work. Work lazily
or become out of focus
C. Personal Life Enhancement of Work (PLEW).
This dimension can illustrate how personal life can
improve the performance of individuals in the world
of work. For example, an individual has a good
religion or level of faith so he can rely on work
because of his honesty at work.
D. Work Enhancement of Personal Life (WEPL).
The point of WEPL refers to the extent to which work
can increase the quality of the individual's private life.
We can give an example, someone who acquires the
skills and knowledge of the world of work (for
example getting knowledge of 5R), then this
knowledge can be applied in his personal life every
day at home.
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
By referring to the conceptual framework above, the
author formulates
H1: There is an influence of compensations on
employee motivation
H2: There is an influence of compensations on
employee engagement
H3: There is an effect of work life balance on
employee motivation
H4: There is an effect of work life balance on
employee engagement
H5: There is an influence of compensations on
employee engagement through employee
H6: There is an effect of work life balance on
employee engagement through employee
H7: There is an influence of employee motivation
on employee engagement
This research uses quantitative methods with a survey
to respondents conducted on Y millennials
generations in Java, Indonesia. Total of the
respondents are 285 people. To measure the result in
the study, we are using scale of Likert with range 1-5.
5.1 Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis in this research using Structural
Equation Model - Analisis of Moment Structures
5.2 Goodness of Fit Model
The Goodness of Fit test used to analysis the accuracy
regression of the sample to evaluate the real value.
Statistically, the Goodness of Fit test can be done by
measuring the coefficient of determination, the F
statistic value and the statistical t value, according to
Ghozali (2011). The compatibility test of the
structural model in SEM analysis was carried out by
looking at several goodnesses of fit model criteria
such as Chi-Square, probability, df, GFI, AGFI, TLI,
Absolute Fit Test if it meets the criteria :
Chi-Square and P-value: the size of the
model suitability test based on maximum
likelihood (ML). It is expected that the value
is low so that a high P-value (probability)
that exceeds 0.05 is obtained.
The goodness of Fit Index (GFI): descriptive
asess of model suitability. The value is
expected to be greater than 0.90.
Root Mean Square Error of Approximation
(RMSEA): the approximate value of the
average square root error. It is expected that
the low value is approximately equal to 0.08.
Figure 2: Complete Structure of the Variables to be analysed.
The Effect of Work Life Balance and Compensations on Employee Engagement with Employee Motivation as Intervening Variable for Y
Millenials Generations in Java, Indonesia
The estimation results of the structural model are
the results of the goodness of fit test, we can see in
the picture of the model. The figure 2 above is a
complete structure of variables and indicators that are
used in this research.
After analyzing the data, we obtain a structure that
has a goodness of fit Meeting the SEM AMOS
prerequisites are as figure 3.
Based on the picture above, after modifying with
re-calculation, the model has a likelihood above 0.05
(probability = 0.146), RMSEA is0.02 (Specifications:
0.02 - 0.08) so, the model can use to test the
hypothesis in this research.
5.3 Significance Test
Significance test aims to test whether there is a
significant effect of exogenous variables on
endogenous variables. The hypotheses built in this
test are as follows:
Ho: There is no significant effect of exogenous
variables on endogenous variables.
Ha: There is a significant impact of independent
variables on dependent variables.
With a significant level of 0.05, Ho will be rejected if
the significant value (P) <0.05 and cr> 1.96, whereas
if the value is significant (P)> 0.05 and cr <1.96 then
Ho is accepted.
The table 1 is the results of the model significance
5.4 Sobel Test
In this study, the employee motivation variable acts
as an intervening variable, to test whether the
employee motivation variable can mediate the impact
of compensations and work life balance on the
employee engagement so that the Sobel test can be
conducted as in table 2.
Figure 3: Result of Goodness Fit Model.
Table 1: Result of Significance Test Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model).
ICIB 2019 - The 2nd International Conference on Inclusive Business in the Changing World
Tabel 2: Result of Sobel Test.
P Value
Has an effect mediating
Work Life Balance
Not effect mediating
The hypotheses used in the Sobel test are as follows:
Ho: Employee motivation can mediate the effect of
compensations on employee engagement variable.
Ha: Employee motivation can not mediate the
influence of work life balance on employee
engagement variables.
With a significance level of 0.05, Ho is rejected if
the p-value of the Sobel test results is > 0.05, while if
the p-value is < 0.05 Ho is accepted.
It is mean that employee motivation has a mediating
5.5 The Result of Hypothesis Testing
Based on the results of SEM analysis in the table
above, some results are obtained as follows:
1. H1: There are Influences of Compensations on
Employee Motivation => accepted
The result of the p-value influence of the
compensation variable on employee motivation is
very significant (p = ***) with c.r marked positive at
7.998. Because the p-value obtained is <0.05 and cr
is positive and> 1.96, H1 is accepted, summarize that
the compensations have a positive and significant
impact on the employee motivation variable, the
higher the compensation variable, the higher the
employee motivation variable, vice versa.
2. H2: There is an Influence of Compensations on
Employee Engagement => Accepted
The result of the p-value of the effect of the
compensation variable on employee engagement is
significant (P = ***) with c.r marked positive at
4.161. Because the value of p-value obtained <0.05
and c.r is positive and >1.96, H2 is accepted, and it is
concluded that compensation variable positive
influence and significant on employee engagement.
3. H3: There is an effect of Work life Balance on
Employee Motivation => Not Accepted
The value of the p-value influence of the work life
balance variable on employee motivation is 0.718
with c.r marked positive at 0.361. Because the p-value
obtained is >0.05 and cr is positive and <1.96, it is
mean that work life balance has not to influence on
employee motivation.
4. H4: There is an effect of work life balance on
employee engagement => Not accepted
The value of the p-value influence of the work life
balance variable on employee engagement is not
significant (0.398) with c.r marked negative at 0.845.
Because the p-value obtained> 0.05 and c.r is
negative and <1.96, it is mean that work life balance
has not to influence on employee engagement.
5. H5: There is an influence of compensations on
Employee Engagement through
Employee Motivation => Accepted
From the Sobel test result, we can see that the p-value
to the correlation of compensations on employee
engagement through employee motivation is 0.0000.
The value < 0.05, it's mean that employee motivation
affects mediator of compensation on employee
6. H6: There is an effect of work life balance on
employee engagement through employee
motivation => Not accepted
From the Sobel test result, we can see that the p-value
to the correlation of work life balance on employee
engagement through employee motivation is
0.71178. The value > 0.05, it is mean that employee
motivation does not affect mediator of work life
balance on employee engagement
7. H7: There is an Influence of Employee
Motivation on Employee Engagement =>
The worth of p-value of the Employee Motivation
variable on Employee Engagement is very significant
(p = ***) with c.r marked positive at 17,530. Because
the p-value obtained is <0.05 and cr is positive and>
1.96, it is concluded that the employee motivation
variable has a positive and significant effect on the
employee engagement variable, the higher the
employee motivation variable, the higher the
employee engagement, and vice versa.
The Effect of Work Life Balance and Compensations on Employee Engagement with Employee Motivation as Intervening Variable for Y
Millenials Generations in Java, Indonesia
From 285 data collected, compensation is very
important to increase employee motivation while
work life balance programs are not very popular
among the millennial generation. In addition to
compensation, communication is also considered to
be a factor that supports an employee to be able to
survive in a company. With good communication,
fellow supervisors and subordinates and fellow
employees will create a good work culture and a
conducive work environment.
A conducive work environment can be created from
many factors, including good cooperation between
teams. Besides that, the safety factor is also support
for someone who will work comfortably in one
environment in the company
Whereas flexible working hours are indeed
currently very much favored by millennials, but not
all companies can implement them. Especially for
manufacturing companies that produce mass
production with goods that are fast moving will be
very dependent on the discipline of employee
working hours. Every line in production is usually
determined by how many people work in that area. So
that if there are several employees who arrive late, it
can greatly disrupt the productivity of work on the
line. Employer branding is one of the considerations
of a millennial retainer or not in the company. In the
current disruptive era, many millennials views are
shifting where the fame of a company has its value in
their hearts. They feel proud if they can work in a
company that is classy or known to the public. So
management must also think about this, how to
complete a company branding so that millennials are
interested in joining and working together and also
those who have worked will stay at the company.
So, management needs to make a strategy on how
to provide clear information regarding compensation
programs to increase employee motivation, thus
increasing employee engagement.
The results of this study can be summarized as
1. Compensation influences employee motivation.
This means that good compensation can
improve employee motivation for Y millennials
2. Compensation have a direct influence on
employee engagement. This means that good
compensation can improve employee
engagement for Y millennials generations.
3. Employee motivation has the effect of
mediating the relationship between
compensations on employee engagement
4. Work Life balance has not influence on
employee motivation and employee
5. Employee motivations have not to effect
mediating the connection between work life
balance on employee engagement
Limitations of this research are :
1 This study only takes samples on the island of
Java; there are still other islands in Indonesia
that have not been studied about how the
behavior of the millennial generation in
another Island in Indonesia.
2 The variables studied were only
compensations and work life balance, which
were seen to be related to employee
motivation and employee engagement, other
researcher can explore many variables that it
can improve employee engagement
It recommended to explore more variable that can
influence employee motivation and employee
engagement, So management has a clear strategy,
how to maintain the millennial generation to stay in
the company and not move to another company. The
sample for future study must increase to get results
that represent the millennial generation in Indonesia
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The Effect of Work Life Balance and Compensations on Employee Engagement with Employee Motivation as Intervening Variable for Y
Millenials Generations in Java, Indonesia