A Classification Method for Japanese Sentences
based on the Difficulty Level of Emotion Estimation
Sanae Yamashita
, Yasushi Kami
and Noriyuki Okumura
National Institute of Technology, Akashi College, 679–3 Nishioka, Uozumi-cho, Akashi-shi, Hyogo, 674–8501, Japan
Otemae University, 6–42 Ochayasho-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo, 662–8552, Japan
Emotion Extraction, Emotion Estimation, Response Time, Annotation.
The existing systems to estimate emotions extract some emotions from the given sentences in any and all
circumstances. However, there are many sentences whoever cannot estimate emotional features. It follows that
the systems should not extract some emotions all the time. Systems should return "It is difficult to estimate"
as we humans do so. This paper proposes a method to classify Japanese sentences based on the difficulty level
of emotion estimation. Proposed system judges the difficulty level to estimate emotions using three conditions
(negative expressions, emotive expression, and machine-learned classifications). As a result, proposed system
achieved 0.8 of F
score based on mechanical evaluation.
With the spread of SNS, there have been increasing
in the opportunities of being read the messages we
wrote. However, unintentional spreading and slander-
ing of messages are increasing concurrently. Because
of the messages on SNS frequently contain writer’s
emotions, it may be possible to prevent these prob-
lems if we can analyze the emotions included in the
messages (Matsubayashi et al., 2016).
Many of the existing systems of estimating emo-
tions have been presuming that they can always es-
timate some kind of emotion from given sentences.
However, we found there are many difficult sentences
for humans to estimate emotions actually. The inter-
active system should provide results not any emotions
compulsorily but such as "difficult to estimate" in the
same way as a human.
In this paper, we constructed a classification
method for Japanese sentences to estimate the diffi-
culty level to extract writer’s emotion. The system
consists of a combination of several decision condi-
tions. For example, a sentence including any nega-
tive expressions is marked as "high difficulty" to es-
timate emotions. Also, if a sentence includes any
emotive expressions, we regard it as "low difficulty."
Accordingly, in this system, it decisions the diffi-
culty of emotion estimation from Japanese sentences
by the following combination: the existence of neg-
ative expressions,
existence of emotive expressions, and prediction by
machine-learned classifiers.
Section 2.1 introduces some emotion classify meth-
ods being used by existing research. Section 2.2
presents the methods for determining whether or not
sentences have any negative expressions.
2.1 Classify Emotions
Emotion classifications vary. One case, in Emotive
Expression Dictionary ( ) , emotions
are classified into 10 classes: (joy), (anger),
(sorrow), (fear), (shame), (liking),
(dislike), (excitement), (relief ),
(surprise). Ptaszynski uses this classification to his
emotion analysis system ML-Ask (Ptaszynski et al.,
Other cases, emotion models in psychology are
also often used. Hasegawa and Saravia use Plutchik’s
wheel of emotions shown in Figure 1 (Hasegawa
et al., 2014; Saravia et al., 2018). This model has
8 basic emotions, and each emotion has 3 levels. In
the case of joy, serenity, joy, and ecstasy are sub-
divided emotions. The basic 8 emotions are joy,
sadness, trust, disgust, anger, fear, anticipation, sur-
Yamashita, S., Kami, Y. and Okumura, N.
A Classification Method for Japanese Sentences based on the Difficulty Level of Emotion Estimation.
DOI: 10.5220/0008366303830390
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 383-390
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Plutchik’s wheel of emotions (Excerpt).
prise. These make 4 pairs as joy-sadness, trust-
disgust, anger-fear, anticipation-surprise, and emo-
tions in the pair are regarded to have the opposite
meaning, respectively. This feature is useful in emo-
tion systems, thus often be used as an emotion clas-
sify method. Also in this paper, Plutchik’s wheel of
emotions is used.
Jung sugggests the word-association method.
With this method, he tests what word is associated and
how long is the response time to associate for a word.
White shows the response time of pleasant words is
shorter than the time of unpleasant words (White and
Powell, 1936).
2.2 Detect the Negative Expressions
About Japanese sentences, most of the research on
detecting the existence of negative expressions need
the information of a part of speech (POS) of words.
We use morphological analyzers
to extract the POS
data, however, it is impossible to detect negative ex-
pressions, not in a dictionary of the analyzer, and also
they cannot necessarily estimate POS of words or di-
vide to words correctly. Therefore we research the
method to decide that Japanese sentences have some
negative expressions or not without depending POS
data only (Yamashita et al., 2018). Consequently,
Naive Bayes trained by following features is helpful:
matching by POS and basic form, the position of rep-
resentative negative expressions and negative polarity
item (NPI) in the sentence.
MeCab (http://taku910.github.io/mecab) and its dictio-
nary NEologd (https://github.com/neologd/mecab-ipadic-
In this section, to discover the feature when people
estimate some emotions from sentences, we estimated
the writer’s emotions from Japanese sentences and an-
notated them manually. From the required time to an-
notate and the accuracy rate, the difficulties of esti-
mation on each emotion and the features of the high
difficulty sentences. In this section, 3.1 describes the
method of experiment, 3.2 describes the result, 3.3
describes the features got from this experiment.
3.1 How to Examine the Features
This section shows the method of this experiment.
3.1.1 describes the classify methods of emotions,
3.1.2 describes the measure of annotation time,
3.1.3 describes the evaluated data and the annotating
3.1.1 Emotion Classify
For the annotation, we adopt Plutchik’s Wheel of
Emotions introduced in section 2.1. This model di-
vides the basic 8 emotions into 3 levels for each emo-
tion, but in this experiment the basic 8 emotions in-
tact because subdivided emotions are not appropriate
to manual annotation.
When annotating, 8 emotions are divided into
4 groups from the feature that each emotion of
Plutchik’s model has an opposite emotion, then select
an emotion from each group including no emotions
(none). The details of the groups are below.
joy, sadness, and none
trust, disgust, and none
anger, fear, and none
anticipation, surprise, and none
3.1.2 Annotation Time Measurement
It is conceivable that the shorter the period people
spend on annotating (annotation time), the easier the
level of difficulty. For this reason, all logs of annota-
tion time when chose emotions are recorded. In par-
ticular, the passage of time from displaying evaluated
data to choosing each emotion in the selecting emo-
tion area by clicking or tapping is recorded. For ex-
ample, choosing again as the following case is also
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 1: The examples of evaluated data.
Japanese (original) English (translated)
! hakama is enjoyable!
I’m very sorry because it’s too cold to come back home when
I realized
renewed the best awakening in this century
[emoji:cherry_blossom] I’d like to go cherry-viewing
@[USER] thanks, I’ll do my best
Figure 2: The view of the annotating application.
Figure 3: A flow of the annotation.
1. Select joy,
2. Cancel joy,
3. And then select sadness.
3.1.3 Annotation Method
For the evaluated data, the author’s tweets (1,000
tweets, posted from 2018/01 to 2018/03)
are used.
Table 1 shows these data. They are annotated emo-
Figure 4: The median of annotation time for each emotion.
A web application is constructed for recording se-
lected emotions with annotation time. Figure 2 shows
the view of the application and Figure 3 shows the or-
der to annotation. Selecting emotion area has 4 sub-
areas, joy-sadness, trust-disgust, anger-fear, and an-
ticipation-surprise, are reordered randomly on each
evaluated data. When the position of the subareas
are fixed, if an annotator tends to annotate from left
to right, the right subarea is the possibility of being
had some bias. By default, all emotions are not se-
lected and then annotators select 4 emotions totally
from each column one by one.
In this experiment author’s tweets are used for
evaluated data. Annotators were 26 persons, includ-
ing 4 acquaintances of the author, by an above appli-
cation for annotation.
3.2 Annotation Time and Accuracy of
each Emotion
The medians of annotation time for each emotion are
shown in Figure 4. For the view of annotation time,
joy is an easy emotion to estimate relatively.
The accuracy of each emotion is shown in Figure
5. joy, sadness, and anticipation are high accuracies.
Especially joy is regarded to be an easy emotion to
3.3 Feature of Difficult Sentence to
Estimate Emotion
This section describes the features when people esti-
mate emotions from sentences got from this experi-
A Classification Method for Japanese Sentences based on the Difficulty Level of Emotion Estimation
Table 2: The examples of evaluated data.
Feature Japanese (original) English (translated)
Only proper noun Higashi-Kakogawa KOSEN is
Applied Waking Up Technology Engineer
Only onomatopoeia oh
Including an intent of question will I get tired when using CHERRYMX
Black for a long time?
Suggesting fact because the room is cold, executing heavy
processing and keeping warm
Figure 5: The accuracy of each emotion.
ment. As the example described in section 3.1.2, we
focus on the case of reselecting emotions. When an
annotator selects some emotions and reselects none,
the evaluated data is regarded to be a high difficulty
for the annotator. We examined these data and re-
covered the following features. Table 2 shows these
features with some example sentences.
We decide the sentences consist only proper nouns
as high difficulty without having any words associ-
ated specific emotions strongly: a name of a theme
park is associated with joy. On the sentences con-
sist only onomatopoeia, for example, an interjection
(oh ) is able to estimate both of surprise and an-
ticipation. Therefore without considering around con-
text, the difficulty of emotion estimation of the only
The objective of this experiment is to get a standard to
decide whether or not a given sentence includes emo-
tive expressions. Section 4.1 describes the method of
this experiment, and section 4.2 describes the results
and considerations.
4.1 Definition of the Emotive
We define emotive expressions as words or phrases
suggesting some emotions. In this experiment, 2,100
emotive expressions used in existing emotion analy-
sis system, ML-Ask
, are based. These expressions
are not necessarily covering all of existing emotive
expressions, and hence we calculate a words’ similar-
ity (Cosine similarity) by Word2Vec, then if a word
is similar to an emotive expression in ML-Ask, we
regard the word as an emotive expression too. The
process is as follow. In this experiment, the objective
is to decide this similarity score of θ.
1. Consider emotive expressions in ML-Ask as emo-
tive expression list.
2. Split given a sentence to words by morphological
analyzer MeCab
and get a set of appeared words.
3. Calculate the similarities of between the words in
emotive expression list and appeared words, then
a max similarity will be the score of the given sen-
4. If the score is greater than θ, the sentence is re-
garded as it contains emotive expressions.
We made 26 annotators to annotate emotions of
tweets (Yamashita et al., 2019), if over 25% of an-
notators get lost to annotate, then the sentence is re-
garded as a difficult data to estimate emotions, else is
regarded as an easy data.
4.2 Examine the Similarity
About each of difficult data and easy data, a rate of
data including emotive expressions is shown in Fig-
ure 16. Emotive expressions are the high rate in dif-
ficult data, not in easy data. An example of difficult
data having a max score (1.0) is
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 6: The rate of data including emotive expressions.
(well, I cannot get angry if I praise myself, it’s regret-
table to be open to the public). This example has a
fit of emotive expression anger, thus this sentence can
be regarded to be easy data. But this includes a nega-
tive expression, so this sentence can be regarded to be
difficult data, too.
An example of Over 0.7 score sentence is
(RubyKaigi, I have a bad feeling
that it may conflict with the exam and I’ll give up this
year), we regard these sentences as including emo-
tive expressions. In practical use, deleting most of
the difficult data by some way is the best to detecting
emotive expressions.
In this experiment, we aim to decide the difficulty of
emotion estimation. Section 5.1 describes the method
of this experiment, and Section 5.2 describes the re-
sults of this experiment. In section 5.3, we compare
the results with the baseline.
5.1 Classifiers
Difficulty deciding by similarity without some clas-
sifiers to be a baseline. As the classifiers, we make
SVM, CNN, and LSTM that these features are vec-
tors of Word2Vec. Preparing features excluding some
POS from 11 list of POS: (noun),
(postpositional particle = PP), , (verb),
(auxiliary verb = AV), (symbol),
(adjective), (adverb), (interjec-
tion), (pre-noun adjectival = PA),
(filler), (conjunction), we find useful
POS to classify experimentally.
Figure 7: The CNN model.
For training and evaluating, we use the same data
as section 3. In the whole 998 data, difficult data is
635, and easy data is 373.
5.1.1 The Baseline
Calculating a similarity between given data and dif-
ficult data, if the similarity is over the specific value,
this given data is regarded to be difficult data. Word
Mover’s Distance is used to calculating a similarity.
5.1.2 SVM with Word2Vec Features
Split the train data to word lists with MeCab, and get
200 dimensions Word2Vec vectors. The sum of word
vectors composing train data is regarded as a sentence
vector, and this vector to be the feature of SVM. Then
10-fold cross-validate and evaluate the model.
5.1.3 CNN with Word2Vec Features
An example of an implementation to classify texts by
CNN is Kim’s model (Kim, 2014). In our method,
we refer the model Kim proposed and make a model
up in Figure 7. At the embedding layer, same as
SVM, make the sentence vectors having 200 dimen-
sions each word. At the convolution layer, make 128
filters size of 3x200, and convolute each other. And
then pooling each filter at pooling layer, output 128
neurons. At last, fully connect and output class prob-
abilities by Softmax. Dropout is selected as the best
score from 0.1 steps in range 0.01.0.
5.1.4 LSTM with Word2Vec Features
The network is built like Figure 8. At the embedding
layer, create sentence vectors the same as SVM and
A Classification Method for Japanese Sentences based on the Difficulty Level of Emotion Estimation
Figure 8: The LSTM model.
CNN. Next, provide an LSTM layer with 100 hidden
layers. Fully connect onward are the same as CNN.
5.2 The Results of this Experiment
Compare the performance of the baseline and three
classifiers. As a performance indicator F
value (β =
0.4) was is used, because we look upon a propor-
tion of actual easy data in data decided to be easy
by the system as important. Confusion matrixes are
displayed as order [TP FN FP TN]. TP shows dif-
ficult data predicted as difficult, FN shows difficult
data predicted as easy, FP shows easy data predicted
as difficult, TN shows easy data predicted as easy.
5.2.1 The Baseline
The similarities in max F
scores and other score are
shown in Table 3. Most of the sentences are predicted
as difficult data.
5.2.2 SVM with Word2Vec Features
The scores of SVM trained by features excluded spec-
ify POS is shown in Table 4. Comparing this model
with the model trained by all POS features, in par-
ticular, the feature excluding postpositional particle,
adjective, and adverb gives F
value upper. Though,
these 3 POSes are not looked upon useful for features
to decision difficulty of emotion estimation. The case
of training by excluding postpositional particle, the
average number of characters per a given data is 39.7
characters, and the median is 33.0 characters. On the
difficult data predicted as easy, the average is 44.2, the
median is 21.0, and long sentences intended to adver-
tise often exist. On the easy data predicted as easy,
over 40% includes URLs of images or websites, but
the rate that other data includes URLs is limited to be
less than 10%.
Table 3: The scores of the baseline.
Recall Prec. F
0.901 0.519 0.552 (336 37 311 62)
Table 4: The scores of SVM.
Excluded Recall Prec. F
0.545 0.552 0.551 (48 40 39 55)
Noun 0.482 0.562 0.549 (41 44 32 51)
PP 0.636 0.644 0.643 (56 32 31 63)
Verb 0.568 0.593 0.590 (54 41 37 50)
AV 0.620 0.516 0.528 (49 30 46 57)
Sym. 0.516 0.605 0.591 (49 46 32 54)
Adj. 0.593 0.622 0.618 (51 35 31 65)
Adv. 0.470 0.644 0.613 (47 53 26 56)
Int. 0.535 0.590 0.582 (46 40 32 63)
PA 0.609 0.582 0.586 (53 34 38 57)
Filler 0.525 0.602 0.590 (53 48 35 46)
Conj. 0.556 0.610 0.602 (50 40 32 60)
PP, Adj. 0.633 0.538 0.549 (57 33 49 43)
PP, Adv. 0.550 0.647 0.632 (55 45 30 52)
Adj., Adv. 0.711 0.602 0.615 (59 24 39 60)
Table 5: The scoers of CNN.
Excluded Recall Prec. F
0.500 0.676 0.645 (46 46 22 68)
Noun 0.735 0.581 0.598 (61 22 44 41)
PP 0.667 0.667 0.667 (66 33 33 50)
Verb 0.535 0.662 0.641 (53 46 27 56)
AV 0.740 0.640 0.652 (71 25 40 46)
Sym. 0.60 0.698 0.682 (60 40 26 55)
Adj. 0.772 0.617 0.635 (71 21 44 46)
Adv. 0.710 0.660 0.666 (66 27 34 55)
Int. 0.787 0.914 0.894 (74 20 7 80)
PA 0.729 0.642 0.653 (70 26 39 47)
Filler 0.605 0.571 0.576 (52 34 39 57)
Conj. 0.823 0.612 0.635 (79 17 50 36)
5.2.3 CNN with Word2Vec Features
On the case of CNN, the scores of a model trained
by features excluding specify POS is shown in Table
5. As a result of excluding interjection, the easy data
predicted as difficult are not including any parenthe-
ses, brackets, or braces. And same as SVM, difficult
data predicted as easy often include URL compara-
5.2.4 LSTM with Word2Vec Features
On the case of LSTM, the scores of a model trained
by features excluding specify POS is shown in Table
6. As a result of excluding verb and auxiliary verb,
the average number of characters per a given data is
40.4 characters, the median is 32.5 characters. On the
difficult data predicted as easy, the average is 32.1, the
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 6: The scores of LSTM.
Excluded Recall Prec. F
0.788 0.670 0.684 (67 18 33 64)
Noun 0.642 0.612 0.616 (52 29 33 54)
PP 0.753 0.615 0.631 (64 21 40 57)
Verb 0.609 0.709 0.693 (56 36 23 67)
AV 0.545 0.714 0.685 (55 46 22 59)
Sym. 0.681 0.627 0.634 (64 30 38 49)
Adj. 0.698 0.615 0.625 (67 29 42 44)
Adv. 0.529 0.672 0.648 (45 40 22 75)
Int. 0.591 0.658 0.648 (52 36 27 66)
PA 0.653 0.711 0.702 (64 34 26 58)
Filler 0.625 0.640 0.637 (55 33 31 63)
Conj. 0.624 0.624 0.624 (53 32 32 65)
Verb, AV 0.717 0.724 0.723 (71 28 17 56)
median is 17.5, and the median tends to be lower sim-
ilar to SVM. Also same as SVM or CNN, the difficult
data predicted as easy are often including URLs.
Auxiliary verbs are often used as previous, com-
pletion, or affirmation meanings:
(the moon is beautiful so-so). This POS is
not useful to estimate emotions because it is hard to
associate some emotions with these auxiliary verbs.
However, sentences including like (no), one
of the negative expressions, some auxiliary verb, are
regarded to be high difficulty to decision them emo-
tion estimation so it is not always correct to exclude
all auxiliary verb.
5.3 Compare Methods with the Baseline
Extract the results shown in section 5.2 and compare
in Table 7. From F
values, for deciding the difficulty
of emotion estimation by classifiers, CNN trained by
features excluding interjection is adopted. The base-
line by words similarity decisions almost data to be
difficult. It is expected to be easy to decide as difficult
when using word similarities. On the other hand, the
case based on word distributed representation, easy
and difficult data are correctly decided over 60%, the
decision has not a bias. Especially CNN, the propor-
tion that easy data are correctly predicted to be easy
is over 90%.
Table 7: Compare the methods with the baseline.
Method (Excluded POS) Recall Prec. F
Baseline 0.901 0.519 0.552
SVM(PP) 0.636 0.644 0.643
CNN(Int.) 0.787 0.914 0.894
LSTM(Verb, AV) 0.717 0.724 0.723
In section 4 and 5, we are can decide the difficulty
of emotion estimation from the existence of emotive
expressions and classifiers. In this section, build a de-
ciding the difficulty of emotion estimation system to
combine these deciding methods. In section 6.1 de-
scribes the construction of this system and section 6.2
describes the evaluation of the system.
6.1 The Construction of the System
This system receives Japanese sentences and then re-
turns difficulties of emotion estimation “high diffi-
culty” or “low difficulty” for each sentence. Inside the
system, which decisions by a combination of 3 condi-
tions: (1) existence of negative expressions, (2) exis-
tence of emotive expressions, (3) prediction by classi-
fiers. The decision of the existence of negative expres-
sions, Naive Bayes is used (Yamashita et al., 2019).
The sentence including some negative expressions is
considered to be “high difficulty”, so if the sentence is
decided that it includes some negative expressions by
Naive Bayes, the decision of the sentence becomes
high. Including emotive expressions or not, is sug-
gested in chapter 4, is decided by the words similarity
score (over 0.7 or not). The sentence including emo-
tive expressions are regarded to be easy to decide the
difficulty, so the sentence predicted including emotive
expressions becomes easy. In the case of prediction
by classifiers, decide the difficulty by classifiers sug-
gested in section 4.
6.2 Evaluation of the System
To evaluate the system, use the annotation data that
8 people who know the writer (author) annotated 254
author’s tweets. This data is not included in the data
used on each above experiments. Same as section 4,
separate this data into the difficult data and the easy
The evaluations are shown in Table 8. Deciding
by 2 steps, the existence of negative expressions and
classifiers is the best score. 70% of the difficult data
are correctly predicted, but the easy data could not be
predicted correctly 20%. In the case of the decision
including emotive expressions, one of the features of
the FN (= False Negative) data which is actually diffi-
cult but predicted easy is including (want
to do). This expression shows the writer’s hope or
request, but usually, it is not written that what kind
of emotion the writer can give to do it really, so the
emotive expressions are hard to be detected. In FP (=
A Classification Method for Japanese Sentences based on the Difficulty Level of Emotion Estimation
Table 8: The evaluation of the system.
Combination Acc. Recall Prec. F
Negative 0.268 0.241 0.951 0.384 0.676 ( 58 183 3 10)
Emotive 0.575 0.593 0.935 0.726 0.866 (143 98 10 3)
Classify 0.646 0.660 0.952 0.779 0.897 (159 82 8 5)
Negative + Emotive 0.689 0.718 0.940 0.814 0.902 (173 68 11 2)
Negative + Classify 0.740 0.768 0.949 0.849 0.919 (185 56 10 3)
Emotive + Negative 0.154 0.116 0.933 0.207 0.474 ( 28 213 2 11)
Emotive + Classify 0.413 0.411 0.934 0.571 0.794 ( 99 142 7 6)
Classify + Negative 0.173 0.133 0.970 0.234 0.519 ( 32 209 1 12)
Classify + Emotive 0.413 0.411 0.934 0.571 0.794 ( 99 142 7 6)
Negative + Emotive + Classify 0.579 0.598 0.935 0.729 0.867 (144 97 10 3)
Negative + Classify + Emotive 0.579 0.598 0.935 0.729 0.867 (144 97 10 3)
Emotive + Negative + Classify 0.465 0.473 0.927 0.626 0.819 (114 127 9 4)
Emotive + Classify + Negative 0.102 0.054 1.000 0.102 0.292 ( 13 228 0 13)
Classify + Negative + Emotive 0.484 0.490 0.937 0.643 0.832 (118 123 8 5)
Classify + Emotive + Negative 0.102 0.054 1.000 0.102 0.292 ( 13 228 0 13)
False Positive) data which is easy data predicted as
hard, there are some data including words not being
regarded as emotive expressions. (god ) and
(enjoyable) are samples of these words. For
example, is used to express such as joy and trust.
In the decide system constructed in this research, high
similarity words to are (grace) and
(mercy), but these words are not regarded to be
emotive expressions because similarities are less than
0.7. Although (written in hiragana – the
Japanese cursive syllabary) is the same meaning with
(written in kanji the Chinese ideographs),
the similarity of these 2 words is 0.51 counterintu-
Even though it cannot compare the scores because this
theme has no existing research, 70% of high difficulty
data are decided correctly. On the other hand, 80% of
easy data are decided incorrectly. Following two sen-
tences are proved to be hard to decide the difficulty:
(1) Including emotive expressions but failed to detect.
(2) Not including any emotions.
In the future, we aim to improve the score of
the system by considering the annotation times and
the features of miss-decided sentences. Also, we try
to improve versatility by using not only the author’s
tweets but also sentences written by other people.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number 18K11455.
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KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems