Discovering the Geometry of Narratives and their Embedded Storylines
Eduard Hoenkamp
Science and Engineering Faculty, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia
Institute for Computing and Information Sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Storyline, Topic Models, Document Space, Foreground/Background Separation, Robust PCA, Sparse
Recovery, Subspace Tracking, Geometric Optimization, Grassman Manifolds.
Many of us struggle to keep up with fast evolving news stories, viral tweets, or e-mails demanding our at-
tention. Previous studies have tried to contain such overload by reducing the amount of information reaching
us, make it easier to cope with the information that does reach us, or help us decide what to do with the
information once delivered. Instead, the approach presented here is to mitigate the overload by uncovering
and presenting only the information that is worth looking at. We posit that the latter is encapsulated as an
underlying storyline that obeys several intuitive cognitive constraints. The paper assesses the efficacy of the
two main paradigms of Information Retrieval, the document space model and language modeling, in how well
each captures the intuitive idea of a storyline, seen as a stream of topics. The paper formally defines topics
as high-dimensional but sparse elements of a (Grassmann) manifold, and storyline as a trajectory connecting
these elements. We show how geometric optimization can isolate the storyline from a stationary low dimen-
sional story background. The approach is effective and efficient in producing a compact representation of the
information stream, to be subsequently conveyed to the end-user.
In today’s world, news feeds may become obsolete in
minutes, e-mails stack up, and fresh tweets may arrive
before we have digested the current one. Just back
from a vacation, or after having been away from the
internet for some time, we have to rely on our friendly
neighbor or colleague for a summary of events, in
order to resume absorbing those information feeds.
Absent such human helper, good algorithms for sum-
marization and topic tracking are called for to keep
abreast of all those events.
In this paper we like to investigate which, if any,
traditional IR techniques can be used for this task.
But first we want to distinguish techniques whose
value lie in detecting and tracking topics in real-time,
hence under time pressure, from the more fundamen-
tal question of what exactly it is that we would like to
track. To this end we will study a case far away from
the maddening internet. The case where people have
control over the pace at which they process the stream
of topics they encounter: reading a book at leisure.
As illustration we will use Hemingway’s The Old
Man And The Sea for which he was awarded a Nobel
prize. The story is short, simple, and likely familiar
to many readers. Note that we won’t give a formal
definition of ‘storyline’ because we have none, and
defining it as a ‘plot’ would only beg the question.
But the reader will probably agree that for The Old
Man and the Sea it will be somewhere between “a
man catches a big fish” which has too little detail, and
the book itself which has too much.
Furthermore, while reading the literature, we did
not come across any a priori constraints on the con-
cept of a storyline. So let us mention some cognitive
constraints on the model that seem so self-evident that
we might otherwise forget to incorporate them in the
. While reading a book, we can see ourselves:
CC1: Skim a page without losing the storyline
CC2: Recount the storyline after one read
CC3: Ignore frequent words without loosing track
CC4: Recount the storyline thus far
CC5: Encounter generally more words than topics
We invite the reader who disagrees with some of these
items to check at the end of the paper if they would
have consequences for the model. Elsewhere we already
demonstrated the use of other cognitive constraints on im-
proving existing models, e.g. in the area of informa-
tion overload (Hoenkamp, 2012) and language modeling
(Hoenkamp and Bruza, 2015)
Hoenkamp, E.
Discovering the Geometry of Narratives and their Embedded Storylines.
DOI: 10.5220/0008356004830490
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 483-490
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: LDA topic representation for The Old Man and the Sea where the narrative is treated as corpus with the pages as
documents. (a) the top ten topics, with words in order of probability (b) pages best described by the topics on the left (c) the
first topic as a ‘word cloud’, where the size of a word is relative to its probability in the distribution.
Topics Pages described by this topic A ‘word cloud’ for the first topic
shark hit bring club close pain drove
took course know inside set beat live
ask mast basebal father high today eighty
think aloud knife meat seen blade sorry
dark fish wood purple cut soon cord
head let felt turn side put feel
watch light fly night stern dolphin left
eat left hour cramp steady open arm
boy remember carry strong road bed tell
water thought fast circle bow yellow rope
28, 30, 32, 31, 33, 10, 8
20, 4, 28, 29, 6, 21, 12
5, 3, 19, 2, 29, 4, 10
31, 29, 30, 32, 5, 15, 28
20, 22, 7, 18, 15, 17, 9
26, 24, 11, 30, 25, 32, 33
7, 8, 20, 21, 33, 10, 22
16, 11, 12, 15, 17, 22, 21
6, 3, 4, 35, 1, 34, 2
9, 28, 8, 25, 17, 27, 26
(a) (b) (c)
To make headway we introduce our working defini-
tion of a storyline as the sequence of topics in the
narrative. And in the terminology of traditional Infor-
mation Retrieval (IR), we use the book as corpus, and
the pages in the book as documents. So doing, they
are amenable to the same techniques when needed
both of the main paradigms of IR. We will first look
at probabilistic language models, and then turn our at-
tention to the document space approach. (One moti-
vation to elaborate both was to avoid someone asking
why we did not study the other other paradigm.)
With the substitution of pages and book for docu-
ments and corpus, we will first follow the IR model
of Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) but applied to
pages in a book. In this model, a topic is defined as a
probability distribution over words. Recall that LDA
postulates the probability distribution over topics θ,
topic vectors z, and word vectors w as follows:
p(θ, z,w|α, β) = p(θ|α)
, β) (1)
where the probability right after the equal sign is a
Dirichlet distribution and the next two are multinomi-
Instead of pages one can think of other units, such as chap-
ters, sections, and paragraphs, as we will see.
als. We ran the LDA model on The Old Man and the
Sea, resulting in the summary of Table 1. At first sight
this looks good. The first topic has, among others, to
do with ‘shark’, and in the the middle column we see
what pages it applies to. This can be checked with the
book in hand. The topic is indeed important in the sto-
ryline at the end of the book (pages 28 to 33 as found
by LDA). It is also significant that some pages where
the word ‘shark’ occurs are not mentioned (pages 2,
7, 9 and 14), and that these pages are indeed without
import for the storyline. Unfortunately, what works
for ‘shark’ is very difficult to replicate for other top-
ics. Another problem is that the outcome seems to be
the luck of the draw: when we changed the number
of topics anticipated in LDA from 25 to 10, we got as
first topic {sea fast water turn eye bird circle bait},
the ‘shark’ topic became less prominent and changed
to {shark head skiff kill aloud hit oar saw}, and the
other topic distributions became even more unintelli-
gible as a storyline. (Note that by the same token, this
makes it hard to check the cognitive constraints CC1
and CC3 we set out in the introduction. The others
seem to hold.) But it was already well-known in the
LDA literature that topics as a list of words are hard
to interpret. This is akin to the situation with unin-
terpreted latent factors in LSA (C.Deerwester et al.,
1989). And like the latter, it does not prevent LDA
from being successfully applied in classifying docu-
ments correctly, assigning authors, or analyzing shift
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
in topic (Griffiths and Steyvers, 2004).
Not only did we vary the LDA parameters in our
study, we also experimented with amending the def-
inition for the LDA probability distribution in equa-
tion 1. After all, in the current form it does not incor-
porate the story’s continuity over subsequent pages.
The generative process starts anew for each docu-
ment, selecting a topic distribution irrespective of
the document chosen previously. Hence each page
is also generated anew without regard of the previ-
ous page, i.e. ignoring the continuity of the story.
However, amending the distribution did not help. It
seemed to usher us back in the direction of pLSA
(Hofmann, 1999) which LDA so successfully super-
seded. Then we experimented with proposals in the
literature about on-line LDA, for example using ‘em-
pirical Bayes’ techniques (AlSumait et al., 2008) or
approaches to detect topic drift by identifying change
in Z-score for central tendency (Wilson and Robin-
son, 2011). Perhaps these approaches require larger
samples from independent distributions, which does
not apply to book pages. In brief, our attempts to use
Language Modeling to discover a storyline seems to
have reached a dead end. But we are not alone in
this conclusion. The NIST sponsored topic detection
and tracking (TDT) initiative “has ended and will not
be restarted in the near future” (Allan et al., 1998).
Therefore, and for the time being, we decided to give
up on the language modeling approach, report our re-
sults here
, and move on to the other important IR
paradigm, the vector space model for documents. Or
rather, we will use a more abstract topological exten-
sion of it.
We will now continue with the standard represen-
tation of the document space, namely the term-
by-document matrix. Recall that the rows are in-
dexed by words and the columns by documents.
The entries are numbers usually weighted according
to term frequency and inverse document frequency.
The columns can be viewed as vectors in a high-
dimensional space with the words as basis vectors.
Although it is usually difficult to get negative results pub-
lished, it is important to try nonetheless. It is necessary to
prevent other researchers from wasting time doing the re-
search all over, and it is crucial to counterbalance positive
results that others published and which might be statisti-
cally significant only in isolation.
3.1 Revisiting Luhn 1957 and 1958
In his groundbreaking work at the end of the 1950’s,
Luhn (Luhn, 1957) described a number of document
preparation steps, such as term frequency normaliza-
tion, stop-list removal, stemming, and the use of the-
sauri. These steps have persisted in IR over these six
decades. Lesser known seems his work on the Auto-
matic Creation of Literature Abstracts (Luhn, 1958),
of which the objective was “to save a prospective
reader time and effort in finding useful information”
especially as the ”widespread problem is being aggra-
vated by the ever-increasing output” (p. 159). This
is a similar objective as given in recent IR proposals
for storyline extraction, namely to reduce information
overload. Several of the recent proposals even contain
some of Luhn’s mechanisms. Oddly, as the reader can
verify, references to this work are glaringly absent in
those proposals.
In order to recover a storyline or produce a sum-
mary, two steps must be taken (1) detect topics and (2)
output a representation for each topic. In so-called
extractive summarization, the first step locates sen-
tences in a document which are concatenated into a
summary (see (Saggion and Poibeau, 2013) for an
Luhn (Luhn, 1958) proposes a method he calls
‘auto-abstract’ which first computes a significance
value for sentences based on word frequencies and
word proximities. The significant sentences that rank
highest are then output to form an abstract (i.e. extrac-
tive summarization). If one adds an extra step, namely
notice when the vocabulary changes substantially
over significant sentences, this can be used to lo-
cate topic boundaries. This is essentially the method
Table 2: A “movie after the book” (a) Depiction of a word-
by-page matrix. (b) Each column (page vector) is folded
into a frame with entries normalized to values of gray scale
pixels. This metaphor helped to experiment with algorithms
developed for surveillance videos as a way to divide text on
a page into background and foreground; the latter to repre-
sent topics that occur on the page.
01 21 etc.
02 22
03 23
04 24
05 25
06 26
07 27
08 28
09 29
10 30
11 31
12 32
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32
etc. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
(a) (b)
Discovering the Geometry of Narratives and their Embedded Storylines
used for the much more recent technique of TextTil-
ing (Hearst, 1997). Other algorithms do not just no-
tice vocabulary changes, but changes in vocabulary
distribution to delineate topic boundaries (Mao et al.,
2007). The approach in this paper is in spirit akin to
Luhn’s. However topics are located based on the ge-
ometry of the document space, as we will see, where
the documents will be the pages in the book.
3.2 A Foreground/Background Analogy
The techniques in the remainder of this paper are best
introduced by way of their analogy to video process-
ing for surveillance cameras. The task there is to sep-
arate foreground from background, e.g., to discover
an intruder against the background of a lobby. Now
imagine we equate storyline with foreground, and the
uninteresting part of a page with background. Just as
videoprocessing lets the intruder stand out from the
lobby, we can explore similar techniques to let the
storyline stand out from the rest of the story. (Readers
should recall this metaphor when they would get lost
in technicalities later in this paper.) Given the success
of such algorithms for video surveillance, we adapted
a number of such algorithms to bring the storyline to
the fore, as we will explain in a moment. To explore
if there were algorithms suitable for our purpose (i.e.
applied in the linguistic domain) we transformed a
book into a video as follows: Start with a word-by-
page matrix and normalize the entries to grey-scale
pixels. Next, factor the number of words in two num-
bers, say l and w and make a rectangle of hight l by
width w. Now fill the rectangle from top to bottom
with the first column of the word-by-page matrix and
repeat this for all columns, see table 2. This way, we
can view the sequence of rectangles as the frames of
a movie and, presto, all well-known algorithms devel-
oped for video are available to process the word-by-
page representation as a sequence of video frames. So
next we will explain the foundations of a class of suc-
cessful video algorithms for foreground/background
separation and show that these indeed fare well in the
analogical case for storyline discovery
Of course analogies and metaphors are often helpful in re-
search. Many years ago, at the time that Latent Seman-
tic Analysis (LSA) was studied intensively, the main tech-
nique for dimension reduction was Singular Value Decom-
position (SVD). At that time I proposed to represent the
word-by-document matrix as a picture, hence making it
amenable to a plethora of image processing techniques.
For LSA this resulted in many efficient alternatives for
SVD, most notably JPEG 2000 (Hoenkamp, 2003).
The remainder of this paper assumes familiarity with
dimension reduction, and the reader familiar with that
concept can skip ahead to section 4.2. First we will
briefly take a step back, from processing the high di-
mensional document space to the mundane example
of linear regression. Suppose we have a collection
of data that we plot as points in a 2-D graph. Infor-
mally, linear regression is a way to draw a straight
line through the data points such that it best fits the
data. Formally it is a way to reduce a two dimen-
sional space (the points in the 2-D graph) to a one-
dimensional space (the straight line) that is nearest
to it in terms of Euclidian distance. (Hence also the
name ‘least-squares’ method.) In higher dimensions,
such dimension reduction is usually achieved through
Principle Component Analysis or PCA, which is also
a least-squares method. Given a measurement matrix
M the data model is M = L
+ N
where L
is low
rank and N
a small perturbation matrix representing
noise. PCA estimates L
by a k-dimensional approx-
imation L in the sense of least-squares, i.e. the Eu-
clidean norm ||.||
is minimized as follows:
minimize ||M L||
subject to rank(L) 6 k
The approach is known to be very sensitive to outliers.
Outliers therefore usually receive special treatment in
data analysis, sometimes by explaining them away, or
by removing them from consideration.
Whatever the treatment, outliers are usually to be
avoided. But this requires a method to locate the
pesky outliers in the first place. In a graphical rep-
resentation one can rely on visual inspection, but in
higher dimensions this is not so straightforward. Not
long ago, an effective approach to the problem of lo-
cating outliers has been proposed in the form of Ro-
bust PCA, which has been developed in the area of
Compressed Sensing (CS). To our knowledge, and
consulting recent literature, ours is the first time that
CS is applied to language processing. Compare the
comprehensive overview of (Bouwmans et al., 2018)
where this approach is not to be found among the
large number of application areas.
4.1 The Storyline as a Sparse Subspace
Continuing the surveillance video metaphor, unless
something eventful happens, such as a burglar enter-
ing the premises, each frame consists of thousands of
pixels highly correlated with the next frame. Conse-
quently, these data form a very low dimensional sub-
space of the high dimensional space of all possible
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
pixel combinations. Similarly, imagine it were possi-
ble to leave out the storyline in a narrative, not much
would remain other than a boring list of words, highly
correlated from one page to the next. In other words,
in the case of the storyline the outliers are the objects
of interest, representing the topics. So instead of try-
ing to remove the outliers from the data as noise, we
want to keep them in.
Formally, we want to split the word-by-page ma-
trix M from the narrative as the sum of a low dimen-
sional matrix L
, and a high dimensional but sparse
matrix S
of topics (the spikes as it were in the other-
wise boring story):
M = L
+ S
In signal analysis, as with many statistical problems,
one is interested in finding L
from the measurements
M, where S
forms the noise that one wants to get rid
So the focus is on isolating and possibly remov-
ing such outliers. But again, in our case the outliers
are the objects of interest. In other words, we want
to recover S
from the data M. This, however, is a
severely under-constrained problem, as there is a po-
tentially infinite number of ways to split the matrix M
such that M = L + S. So how can this ever be accom-
plished? For this we will turn to a curious result in
the blossoming field of compressed sensing, see e.g.
(Baraniuk, 2007) for an introduction to the field.
4.2 Robust PCA
Again, what we are trying to do, is solving the seem-
ingly impossible problem of recovering S
from the
under-constrained equation M = L
+ S
. But a truly
remarkable theorem was proven by Cand
es and col-
leagues (Cand
es et al., 2011) namely that under some
(precisely defined) assumptions, it is indeed possible
to recover both the low-rank and the sparse compo-
nents exactly. The algorithm they propose is a convex
program called Principal Component Pursuit which
solves the problem (Cand
es et al., 2011):
minimize ||L||
+ λ||S||
subject to M = L + S
with trace norm ||.||
and l
norm ||.||
. How do we
know that there is a solution to this optimization prob-
lem in the case of storyline discovery?
Recall that the computation requires two steps:
1. Dimension reduction, and
2. Locating the outliers
Regarding the first item: There are many ways
to accomplish this, traditionally through PCA and the
related SVD (singular value decomposition), founded
on basis transformations. In our work we use the more
recent technique of random projections (Vu et al.,
2018; Bingham and Mannila, 2001). A problem could
arise if dimension reduction resulted in basis trans-
formations that destroy the constellation of the story-
line in the manifold. For example, it could change
the order of events in the story, and that is not what
we want. Fortunately we can rely on the following
lemma (Johnson and Lindenstrauss, 1984):
Lemma. For 0 < ε < 1, any n, and k
logn then
for any set A of n points R
there exists a map f : R
such that for all x
, x
(1 ε)||x
|| f (x
) f (x
(1 + ε)||x
This, in other words, guarantees that there exists a lin-
ear operator that leaves the distances between pairs of
points approximately in tact. Since the lemma is in-
dependent of the dimension of the original space, in
the present application it does not depend on the size
of the lexicon. But knowing there exists a solution is
different from finding one.
Regarding the second item: Once the dimension
reduction has been performed, the outliers are to be
found in the space orthogonal to the low dimensional
space. That is, once the storyline has been separated
from the background noise, the remaining part of the
manifold contains the uninteresting part, the glue be-
tween the sequence of interesting events.
If we represent the book in its entirety as a man-
ifold of dimension n, then the algorithms reconstruct
a sequence of sub-manifolds S of dimension say m,
forming the Grassmann manifold Gras(m, n)
, which
the physicist reader may recognize from String theory
(Schwarz, 1999). Given that the sequence of solutions
S represents the storyline, one could express discov-
ering a storyline as tracking the m-dimensional topics
in an n dimensional Grassmann manifold representing
the book
After so much theory it is time to see how this
works out in practice.
4.3 Checking Cognitive Constraints
In section 2 we found it hard to see how the Language
Modeling paradigm could comply with the cognitive
Gras(m, n) is the collection of manifolds of dimension m
contained in a manifold of dimension n, which is not nec-
essarily a Hilbert space as is IR’s traditional document
For the reader who could use a more concrete mental pic-
ture of this approach, we refer to an application in the area
of emotion detection (Alashkar et al., 2018) mainly be-
cause it contains illustrations that may help envisage the
Discovering the Geometry of Narratives and their Embedded Storylines
page 18
page 19
page 20
Figure 1: Topics appearing and disappearing in subsequent pages halfway The Old Man and the Sea (pages 18, 19, 20). Top:
Page vectors folded into ‘video frames. Bottom: the same folded pages after Robust PCA. Some topics persist over several
pages, such as ‘fish’ in the upper left. Others are short-lived, such as the topic {hand, negro, night} of page 19, where the
old man recounts how he “had played the hand game with the great negro from Cienfuegos who was the strongest man on the
docks. They had gone one day and one night with their elbows on a chalk line on the table and their forearms straight up and
their hands gripped tight. Each one was trying to force the other’s hand down onto the table”.
constraints set out in the introduction. Hence we need
to check if the Document Space paradigm fares any
better in this respect.
Applications of compressed sensing resulted in a
variety of algorithms to isolate sparse subspaces. An-
other result is that a matrix of type L, i.e. low rank and
dense, can be reconstructed even if data M is highly
corrupted or when there are many missing data. This
is precisely the case for cognitive constraint CC1. So
the good news is that even if many words are ignored,
that is, when there are missing data in M, Principal
Component Pursuit can still reconstruct both L
. So when CC2 is satisfied, say when a speed reader
can recall a storyline, the algorithm can reconstruct
the storyline as well. This also applies to CC3, which
means that the narrative can be processed as is custom
in IR and the topics can still be discovered. Finally,
for algorithms as RPCA it is known what degree of
sparsity is needed for it to find a solution to the objec-
tive function to be optimized. The degree of sparsity
in the language domain depends on the proportion of
topics to words. And that the number of topics is usu-
ally much smaller than the number of words used to
convey these topics is an instance of CC5. That con-
straint guarantees that there must exist a sparse sub-
space for the storyline and the Johnson Lindenstrauss
lemma even defines the degree of sparsity attainable.
4.4 Results
Our transformation of a story to a video sequence al-
lowed us to experiment with a plethora of algorithms
for foreground/background separation. So new algo-
rithms from the video processing field using geomet-
ric optimization, can be incorporated as well. These
fall largely in two categories: some researchers op-
timize for M = L + S (Hage and Kleinsteuber, 2013;
Seidel et al., 2014), others optimize for M = L+S +D
with error term D (Zhou and Tao, 2011). The techni-
cal details of these algorithms are beyond the scope
of this paper. For a comprehensive overview of these
techniques we refer to (Bouwmans et al., 2018) and
for Newton methods to solve the equations to (Edel-
man et al., 1998). But we do not want to leave
the more application oriented reader empty-handed.
Therefore we include as example the application of
‘bilateral random projections’ proposed in (Zhou and
Tao, 2011) to The Old Man and the Sea. The result is
depicted in Figure 1 for pages halfway the book
. We
used several other books for our evaluation, namely
The Da Vinci Code and the first volume of The Lord
of the Rings. To compare the various methods, we ob-
tained code (mostly Matlab) from the authors (see ref-
erence list), who were extremely helpful. Of course
we needed to rewrite code that was written for the
Note well that the frames are not word by document vec-
tors, but each frame represents one document vector, rolled
up as in Table 2
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
video domain and adapt it to the language domain.
The resulting sparse S matrices were then (1) pro-
jected back into the word space (compare figure 1),
(2) verbalized using extraction summarization (i.e.
with their surrounding sentences) and placed one af-
ter another to form the storyline, (3) we asked col-
leagues to evaluate the storylines (e.g. (Janaszkiewicz
et al., 2018)). In this informal evaluation the method
of (Zhou and Tao, 2011) gave the best results.
To stem the information deluge, many researchers
have proposed algorithms and techniques to mitigate
the often overwhelming stream of information. These
approaches are most often tailored to specific users,
kinds of information, or circumstances, see the very
comprehensive overview of (Strother et al., 2012).
We take the view that different kinds of informa-
tion streams, from news feeds, to mail exchanges,
to twitterstorms, all keep the reader in suspense of
the developing storyline. This allows us the unify-
ing approach of studying how to capture such sto-
rylines. We presented the analogy of book pages
to video frames, hence borrowed heavily from tech-
niques from the processing of surveillance videos. We
used the mathematics developed in the area of com-
pressed sensing and showed how it can be applied in
the linguistic domain for the discovery of storylines.
We have not extensively experimented to validate the
approach, but we showed that the sound underlying
mathematics, the cognitive plausibility, and the infor-
mal experiments are promising and warrant further in-
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval