Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical
Framework using Time Series Modelling
Yassir Alharbi
, Daniel Arribas-Be
and Frans Coenen
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.
Geographic Data Science Lab., Department of Geography & Planning, University of Liverpool, U.K.
Almahd College Taibah University, Al-Madinah Al-Munawarah, Saudi Arabia
Bottom-up Hierarchical Classification, Time Series Forecasting, UN Sustainable Development Goals.
A framework is presented which can be used to forecast weather an individual geographic area will meet its
UN Sustainable Development Goals, or not, at some time t. The framework comprises a bottom up hierar-
chical classification system where the leaf nodes hold forecast models and the intermediate nodes and root
node “logical and” operators. Features of the framework include the automated generation of the: associated
taxonomy, the threshold values with which leaf node prediction values will be compared and the individual
forecast models. The evaluation demonstrates that the proposed framework can be successfully employed to
predict whether individual geographic areas will meet their SDGs.
In the year 2000, leaders of the world gathered in
the United Nations to finally agree, after a decade
of conferences and summits, to adopt a set of eight
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) (United Na-
tions Development programme, 2007). The eight
goals were directed at different aspects of humani-
tarian well being. The success of the MDGs initia-
tive prompted the United Nations (UN) to propose
a further set of seventeen Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) in 2015, with an attainment date of
2030. A series of targets and indicators were iden-
tified and listed in the United Nations’ “Transforming
our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Devel-
opment” (UN, 2015). An individual goal, a Sustain-
able Development Goals (SDG), is met if the associ-
ated indicator values meet some condition. This paper
presents a framework for predicting whether a given
country (geographic region) will meet its SDGs by a
given date t with reference to the UN SDG dataset,
a publicly available data set which at time of writing
(2019) comprised 1, 083, 975 records.
Whether a country meets its SDGs or not is depen-
dant on whether individual SDGs are met, which in
turn depends on whether the component targets mak-
ing up an individual SDG are met, which also de-
pends on whether particular indicators, sub-indicators
and, in some cases, sub-sub-indicators are met; which
inherently suggests a hierarchical forecasting (classi-
fication) system. However, unlike established hier-
archical classification systems, which work in a top
down manner (Silla and Freitas, 2011), the envisaged
prediction mechanism would work in a bottom-up
manner. In both cases, the objective is to establish the
“class” of an entity with respect to some predefined
hierarchical taxonomy, and in both cases, the classifi-
cation will operate in a level-by-level manner. How-
ever, the branches in the taxonomy in the top down
case represent disjunctions, while the branches in the
bottom up case represent conjunctions. In the top
down case, the identified path in the hierarchy from
the root node to the leaf node holds the labels to be
assigned to the entity to be classified; In the bottom-
up case, labels associated with the leaf nodes need
to be established before labels associated with parent
nodes can be established, all the way up to the root
node; The taxonomy in the case of bottom up hierar-
chical classification can thus be thought of as a “de-
pendency tree” (Zhang et al., 2018). An alternative
way of differentiating the two approaches is to de-
scribe top down hierarchical classification as adopt-
ing a “coarse-to-fine” classification approach, whilst
bottom up hierarchical classification adopts a “fine-
to-coarse” classification approach. It should also be
noted that top-down hierarchical classification was
originally proposed as a mechanism for addressing
classification problems that featured a large number
Alharbi, Y., Arribas-Be, D. and Coenen, F.
Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling.
DOI: 10.5220/0008067202970304
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 297-304
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of classes. Techniques for top down hierarchical clas-
sification are well established, techniques for bottom
up hierarchical classification have been less well stud-
In the proposed bottom up framework, each node
will hold a time series forecasting model. At the
root and intermediate nodes, the models will simply
take binary input from their child nodes and apply
a Boolean function to this input, passing the result
to their parent node (or as output in the case of the
root node). At the leaf nodes, the classification mod-
els will be more sophisticated addressing individual
indicators, sub-indicators or sub-sub-indicators. The
question to be addressed is then the nature of the fore-
casting models to be held at the leaf nodes. At their
simplest such models would consider a single indica-
tor (sub-indicator or sub-sub-indicator), operating on
the assumption that there is no link between the indi-
cator and other indicators.
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 presents a brief literature review of the previ-
ous work underpinning the work presented in this pa-
per. The SDG data set is described in further detail in
Section 3. The proposed SDG bottom-up hierarchical
classification framework is then presented in Section
4. The evaluation of the proposed framework is dis-
cussed in Section 5. The paper is concluded in Section
6 with a summary of the main findings.
In this section a brief literature review of the work un-
derpinning the SDG prediction framework proposed
in this paper is presented. The literature review com-
mences, sub-section 2.1, with a review of existing
work directed at the SDG challenge. The problem is
essentially a time series forecasting problem; hence a
review of time series forecasting is presented in sub-
section 2.2. As noted in the introduction to this report,
the SDG problem can be couched as a Hierarchical
classification problem. Hierarchical classification is
therefore discussed in some further detail sub-section
2.1 Sustainable Development Goal
Many studies have been published on the SDG prob-
lem problem, and the SDG challenge in general. To
monitor the progress of SDGs, the UN publishes a
yearly report (UN, ) to measure the progress towards
the global attainment of the SDGs; the report pro-
vides a good annual general overview. The UN also
publishes statistics used to monitor progress towards
SDG attainment
; this is the input data used with re-
spect to the proposed framework and is therefore dis-
cussed in further detail in Section 3. The majority
of the available literature has been directed at indi-
vidual SDGs. For example, Cuaresma et al. (Cre-
spo Cuaresma et al., 2018) considered the SDG “End
poverty in all its forms everywhere” (SDG 1). The
proposed forecasting mechanism was based on a sin-
gle criteria GDP (Gross Domestic Profit) by using
regression-based estimates. In Shumilo et al. (Shu-
milo et al., 2018) the SDG “Life on land” (SDG 15)
was considered. Here the proposed forecasting mech-
anism was founded on the utilisation of satellite im-
agery by implementing neural networks to classify
forest area. SDG 11 was considered in (Anderson
et al., 2017) using data obtained from air quality sen-
sors installed on data collection satellites.
2.2 Time Series Forecasting
Time series analysis has been the subject of much
research (Konar and Bhattacharya, 2017; Hyndman,
2018). Much of this work has been directed at su-
pervised learning, the mapping of time series to class
labels of some kind (Bagnall et al., 2016). Many
methods have been proposed to predict (forecast) fu-
ture occurrences in time series data, examples in-
clude: Vector Autoregression (Stock and Watson,
2001), Holt Winters Exponential Smoothing (Gelper
et al., 2010) and autoregressive (Gooijer and Hynd-
man, 2006). In the context of SDG prediction a par-
ticular challenge is the nature of the time series data
available; at time of writing (2019) this was limited to
18 observation points per time series.
Any forecasting method, considered in the con-
text of the proposed framework, must therefore be
able to operate using such short time series. From
the literature there are three models that seem appro-
priate: (i) Auto-Regressive Moving Average (Arma)
(Lawrance and Lewis, 1980), (ii) Auto-Regressive
Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) (Hyndman,
2018), and (iii) Facebook Prophet (Fbprophet) (Tay-
lor and Letham, 2017).
The ARMA model combines autoregression
(Mills, 1990) with a moving average model. It can
be expressed as shown in Equation 1, where φ is the
auto regressive models parameter, θ is the moving av-
erage, c is a constant and ε is the error terms.
= c + ε
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
The ARIMA time series forecasting model is
a generalisation of the ARMA model (Hyndman,
2018). It can be expressed as shown in Equation 2,
where t is a temporal index, u is the mean term, B is
the backshift operator, φ(B) is the autoregressive op-
erator, θ(B) is the moving average operator, and a
the independent disturbance or the random error.
(1 B)
= µ +
Fbprophet is an additive regression model, di-
rected at non-linear time series forecasting, developed
by Facebook (Taylor and Letham, 2017). Fbprophet
operates by decomposing a given time series into
three different components, the “trend”, “seasonal-
ity”, and “holidays” components, and includes an er-
ror term as shown in Equation 3 where g(t) is the
trend, s(t) is the the periodic change, h(t) is the sea-
sonality effect and ε is the parametric assumption.
The result is a model that is robust to short time se-
ries and randomness in the observation points.
y(t) = g(t)+ s(t) + h(t) + ε
An alternative to the above is to consider forecast-
ing methods directed at hierarchical time series such
as those proposed in (Wickramasuriya et al., 2018)
and (Hyndman, 2018), applicable where the time se-
ries under consideration naturally divided hierarchi-
cally. The example given in (Athanasopoulos et al.,
2009) is forecasting tourism in Australia. However,
given that the available SDG time series are already
very short the potential for a hierarchical division of
these time series is very limited and unlikely to prove
A further disadvantage of short time series fore-
cast model generation is that there is very little op-
portunity for taking the presence of noise into con-
sideration. It is argued that inaccuracy in time series
forecasting is directly related to the amount of noise
in the data; the proportion of noise in short time series
is often higher than in long time series (Hyndman and
Kostenko, 2007). In the context of the SDG applica-
tion, it is unclear how much noise there is, or how this
might be defined; it can be argued that, there is no
spurious data and hence no noise. Whatever the case,
given a collection of short time series the interaction
between the different time series may be utilised, al-
though this is not considered in this paper.
2.3 Hierarchical Classification
As noted in the introduction to this paper, hierarchical
classification is a type of supervised learning where
the output of the classification is derived from a hi-
erarchical class taxonomy (Silla and Freitas, 2011).
There are many methods directed at top-down classi-
fication, examples can be found in (Dangerfield and
Morris, 1992) and (Edwards and Orcutt, 1969). As
far as the authors are aware there has been little
work directed at bottom-up hierarchical classification
founded on a taxonomy. In (Rostami-Tabar et al.,
2013) a new approach, called grouped time series,
was discussed. This approach was applicable given
an application where the required time series forecast-
ing is to be conducted used multiple levels of granu-
larity. For example in a warehouse stock forecasting
application where there are thousands of products ar-
ranged according to a hierarchical categorisation; not
quite the same as the SDG challenge but of interest
because of its hierarchical nature.
Each of the UN’s 17 SDGs has between 3 and 13 tar-
gets, and each target, in turn, has a number of indi-
cators associated with it. In most cases, the indica-
tors have sub-indicators, and even sub-sub-indicator
(Sapkota, 2019). An illustration of the SDG hier-
archical structure is given in Figure 1. With refer-
ence to the figure, the time series forecast models will
be held at the leaf nodes, while the remaining inter-
mediate nodes and the root node will hold “logical
and” functions. For ease of understanding a num-
bering system has been adopted to identify individual
indicators, hg,t, i, s1, s2i (goal, target, indicator, sub-
indicator, sub-sub-indicator), for example the identi-
fier [] indicates: Goal1, Target 1, Indicator 1,
sub-indicator1, sub-sub-indicator 1.
The SDG data set is publicly available from the
SDG website
. At time of writing (2019) the data set
spanned an 18 year period. The SDG data set is rel-
atively large, 500MB, and is comprised of 1, 083, 975
records holding statistical SDG information covering
individual geographic areas. An example record is
given in Table 1. Here the indicator is 3.7.2, “Adoles-
cent birth rate (aged 10-14 years; aged 15-19 years)
per 1,000 women in that age group”, and the sub-
indicator (series description) is Adolescent birth rate
(per 1,000 women aged 15-19 years). The major-
ity of geographic areas considered are countries that
currently exist, 195 of them. The remainder com-
prise countries that currently are no longer in exis-
Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling
Table 1: SDG example record.
Record sample
Att Num Label Value Att Num Label Value Att Num Label Value Att Num Label Value
1 Goal
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives
and promote well-being for
all at all ages
2 Target
By 2030, ensure universal
access to sexual and reproductive
health-care services, including
for family planning, information
and education, and the integration of
reproductive health into
national strategies and programmes
3 Indicator
3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate
(aged 10–14 years; aged
15–19 years) per 1,000 women
in that age group
4 SeriesCode SP DYN ADKL
5 SeriesDescription
Adolescent birth rate
(per 1,000 women aged
15-19 years)
6 GeoAreaCode 818 7 GeoAreaName Egypt 8 TimePeriod 2001
9 Value 47 10 Time detail nan 11 Source nan 12 FootNote nan
13 Nature nan 14 Units nan 15 Age 15-19 16 Bounds nan
17 Cities nan 18 Education level nan 19 Freq nan 20 Hazard type nan
21 IHR Capacity nan 22 Level/Status nan 23 Location nan 24 Migratory status nan
Mode of
nan 26
Name of
nan 27
name of non-
nan 28 Quantile nan
29 Reporting Type nan 30 Sex Female 31 Tarif regime (status) nan 32
Type of Mobile technology
33 Type of occupation nan 34 Type of product nan 35 Type of skill nan 36 Type of Speed nan
Figure 1: SDG Hierarchy.
Figure 2: Histogram summarising number of SDG absent
and missing data values per sample year.
tence and geographic groupings of countries. Each
record references a particular time stamp (year), ge-
ographical area and indicator (sub -indicator or sub-
sub-indicator). The data is organised according to
36 columns (attributes) these are listed in Table 1.
The first three columns list the goal, target and in-
dicator referenced by each record. The geographi-
cal area ID and name are given in Columns 6 and 7
and the associated time stamp in column 8. The re-
maining 29 columns give additional information con-
cerning whether a record referrers to a sub-indicator
or a sub-sub-indicator or not, and relevant values. In
many cases the attribute referenced by the column is
not applicable, hence the value is absent. For example
the last attribute, Column 36, refers to internet speed
which is irrelevant with respect to most indicators. In
other cases the the column is applicable, but the value
is missing. Hence the data set features both “absent”
and “missing” values”; a summary of the number of
absent and missing values featured in the data set is
given in Figure 2.
As noted above the data set spans an 18 year pe-
riod, thus for a given geographic area and a given in-
dicator (sub-indicator or sub-sub-indicator) there will
be a time series comprised of a maximum of 18 points
(values). There are records where the time series only
feature a small number of points, the remaining val-
ues being missing.
The SDG data set D, as described above, is there-
fore comprises of a single table measuring r × |A|,
where r is the number of records and |A| is the size
of the attribute set (the number of columns). At time
of writing r = 1, 083, 975 and |A| = 36. To gener-
ate the desired forecast models the data set D had to
be “reshaped” (Wang et al., 2019) to give a data set
= e × y where e is the number of leaf nodes that
will feature in the SDG hierarchy, and y is the number
of years for which data is available. At time of writ-
ing D = 1803096 (18 × 128429 and y = 18; it is antic-
ipated that y will increase year-by-year as further data
becomes available. The data set D
holds numeric val-
ues only. In effect each row in D
is a time series
, v
, . . . , v
} which in turn can be used to build the
desire forecast models. As noted above the data set
spans an 18 year period, thus for a given geographic
area and a given indicator (sub-indicator or sub-sub-
indicator) there will be a time series comprised of a
maximum of 18 points (values). There are records
where the time series only feature a small number of
points, the remaining values being missing.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
This section details the SDG Prediction Framework.
There are three aspects to the Prediction Framework:
(i) the generation of the taxonomy, (ii) the generation
of the associated constraints to be embedded in the
framework and (iii) prediction model generation. The
first two are generic processes independent of the geo-
graphic region of interest; the third is a geographic re-
gion dependent process that will be repeated for each
geographic region to be considered. Each is discussed
in further detail in the following three sub-sections.
A schematic of the proposed SDG framework is pre-
sented in Figure 3.
Figure 3: System overview.
4.1 SDG Taxonomy Generation
Hierarchical classification (top-down or bottom-up)
requires a taxonomy and associated hierarchy. In
many cases of top-down hierarchical classification,
the hierarchy and taxonomy are easily defined and
are often quite trivial. In the case of the SDG hier-
archy, the hierarchy and taxonomy are substantial as
indicated in Figure 1. Further, the UN does not pro-
vide a taxonomy for the data. Therefore the taxon-
omy and hierarchy need to be extracted from D (the
UN SDG data set). Hand-crafting of the taxonomy
and hierarchy was clearly not a desirable option, as it
would be time-consuming and prone to error; there is
also the potential that the UN may change elements
of the SDGs, or add a completely new goal or edit
an existed one. An automated approach to generat-
ing the taxonomy and hierarchy was therefore seen as
desirable. A Hierarchical Taxonomy Generator was
developed for this purpose, the input for which was
the raw SDG data for all geographical regions. This
was developed using the Python Pandas library for
data manipulation and analysis, specifically the cross-
tabulation (Crosstab) function included in the Pandas
library. Now Crosstab is used to do contingency ta-
ble. So before using the method to produce the taxon-
omy, some columns must be removed from the data
set such as Value and dates. We only keep what is im-
portant to produce the hierarchical representation of
the data set; we also need a unique id for each differ-
ent combination. So we do summation operation in
all the columns together to create a unique ID. now
we use the crosstab with the following argument
This allowed for the automated generation of SDGs
taxonomy from D from which the associated hierar-
chy could be inferred. A fragment of the generated
taxonomy is shown in Table 2,
4.2 Threshold Generation
Each node in the SDG hierarchy (Figure 1) has a
boolean condition associated with it. At the root and
intermediate nodes the conditions are expressed sim-
ply as “logical and” functions; if all the inputs have
the value True the output value will be True, and
False otherwise. At the leaf nodes, the conditions are
more complex and are outlined in the SDG Handbook
(Sapkota, 2019). These are typically expressed in the
form of some conditional operator, such as greater
than (>), less than (<) or equal to (=), some thresh-
old σ. The challenge is that the σ values to be associ-
ated with the leaf nodes are not included in D and
are not specified in (Sapkota, 2019). Instead, they
are published separately in (UN, 2017). However,
in (UN, 2017) some of the thresholds are not math-
ematically defined. A solution, in the context of the
proposed hierarchical framework, was available in the
(Lozano et al., 2018) where the authors published a
mathematical interpretation for the health-related tar-
gets from the SDG published target goals document.
The same methodology was replicated and used upon
all other targets manually. The generated thresholds
were added to the SDG Taxonomy produced by the
Hierarchical Taxonomy Generator described above in
sub-section 4.1, a fragment of the updated SDG tax-
onomy, with threshold conditions and expected com-
pliance date, is given in Table 2. Once the full SDG
Taxonomy had been generated, it could be used to
generate the required SDG hierarchy automatically.
4.3 Forecast Model Generation
As noted above, each leaf nodes in the hierarchy will
hold a forecast model. The forecast models at the
leaf nodes are required to predict what the value as-
sociated with the indicator in question will be and
then to determine whether that value meets its spec-
ified threshold value σ or not. However, unlike the
pd.crosstab([dataset.Goal, dataset.Target,
dataset.Indicator, dataset.SeriesDescription,
dataset.SeriesCode], [dataset.TimePeriod])
Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling
Table 2: Fragment of SDGs taxonomy and thresholds.
Goal Target Indicator Series Description Series Code Threshold Date
1 1.1 1.1.1
Proportion of population below international poverty line (%) SI POV DAY1 0.05% 2030
Employed population below international poverty line by sex and age(%)
SI POV EMP1 15-24 MALE 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 MALE 15+ 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 MALE 25+ 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 BOTHSEX 15+ 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 BOTHSEX 25+ 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 BOTHSEX 15-24 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 FEMALE 15+ 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 FEMALE 25+ 0.05% 2030
SI POV EMP1 FEMALE 15-24 0.05% 2030
SDG hierarchy, generated as described above, the na-
ture of the forecast models are specific to individual
geographic regions and thus each needs to be gen-
erated on a “as required” basis. The forecast mod-
els held at the leaf nodes were generated using the
available data for each indicator (sub-indicator or sub-
sub-indicator) associated with each geographic area
included in the SDG data set, e = 128429 of them.
A number of forecast model generation mechanisms
were considered, as noted in sub-section 2.2: (i) Auto
Regression Moving Average (ARMA) (Lawrance and
Lewis, 1980), (ii) Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving
Average (ARIMA) (Kinney, 1978) and (iii) Facebook
Prophet (Fbprohphet) (Taylor and Letham, 2017).
The evaluation of the proposed framework is pre-
sented in this section. The evaluation comprised two
elements: (i) evaluation of the forecast models and (ii)
evaluation of the the framework as a whole.
5.1 Forecasting Evaluation
As noted above, three forecast model generators were
considered: (i) ARMA, (ii) ARIMA and (iii) Fbproh-
phet. The evaluation metrics used were: Root Means
Square Error (RMSE) and Means Absolute Percent-
age Error (MAPE) (Hyndman and Koehler, 2006).
RMSE is calculated as shown in Equation 4 where
f is the forecasted value and o is the observed value.
RMSE provides results with the same unit as the fore-
casted values, it is therefore easy to compare RMSE
values generated by alternative forecasting methods,
however it is not an intuitive measure. MAPE is cal-
culated as shown Equation 5 where f is the fore-
casted value and o is the observed value. MAPE of-
fers an easy to understand forecasting error expressed
in terms of a percentage.
( f o)
) 100 (5)
For the evaluation SDG Target 3.2, “By 2030, end
preventable deaths of newborns and children under
5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce
neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per 1,000
live births and under-5 mortality to at least as low as
25 per 1,000 live births”, was selected, together with
the geographic area Egypt. This was selected because
a complete set of data points was available for this
target-geographic location pairing. Target 3.2 com-
prised six indicators; the associated time series are
given in Figure 4. The forecast models were trained
using the first seventeen data points and used to pre-
dict the eighteenth (2018) value. The accuracy of the
prediction was measured using RMSE and MAPE.
The results are given in Table 3. From the table, it can
be seen that the Fbprophet prediction model produced
the best results. For example in the case of forecasting
“Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live birth)”
the RMSE score was 0.55 using ARIMA, 5.24 using
ARMA and 0.016 using Fbprophet. Figure 5 shows
the output using Fbprophet.
Figure 4: Indicator time series for Target 3.2.
5.2 Framework Evaluation
To evaluate the utility of the proposed SDG frame-
work the geographic area Egypt was again used to-
gether with SDG Target 3.2. The framework was then
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 3: Evaluation results using three different forecast model generators.
Infant deaths (number) (Male) 4.475% 5115 13.376% 14258 2.188% 2688
Infant mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births) (Male) 1.121% 0.771 0.392% 24 0.012% 0.016
Under-five deaths (number) 6.197% 8432 16.130% 19975 1.852% 2755
Under-five mortality rate, by sex (deaths per 1,000 live births) 1.219% 1.015 43.846% 31.661 0.006% 0.010
Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births) 4.410% 0.591 41.260% 5.249 0.079% 0.016
Neonatal deaths (number) 6.339% 2190 16.472% 5423 0.153% 66.095
Table 4: Framework evaluation using Target 3.2 and the geographic area Egypt.
Goal Series Description Series Code Initial Value Prediction Threshold value Result
Neonatal mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births) SH DYN NMRT BOTHSEX <1M 12.5 13.17215962 <=12 Not Met
Under-five deaths (number)
SH DYN MORTN MALE <5Y 32537 35278.79895 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN MORTN BOTHSEX <5Y 59728 63777.62493 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN MORTN FEMALE <5Y 27191 30430.79312 <=25% Not Met
Infant deaths (number)
SH DYN IMRTN MALE <1Y 27957 31526.79254 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN IMRTN BOTHSEX <1Y 50924 57755.00977 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN IMRTN FEMALE <1Y 22967 24871.78097 <=25% Not Met
Neonatal deaths (number) SH DYN NMRTN BOTHSEX <1M 31796 32688.55331 <=25% Not Met
Under-five mortality rate, by sex (deaths per 1,000 live births)
SH DYN MORT MALE <5Y 25.1 25.05650949 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN MORT BOTHSEX <5Y 23.7 25.9189049 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN MORT FEMALE <5Y 22.3 26.04007075 <=25% Not Met
Infant mortality rate (deaths per 1,000 live births)
SH DYN IMRT MALE <1Y 21.4 23.6886514 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN IMRT BOTHSEX <1Y 20.1 21.0875916 <=25% Not Met
SH DYN IMRT FEMALE <1Y 18.7 20.00149873 <=25% Not Met
Figure 5: Forecasted values for Target 3.2.
used to automatically predict whether the target will
be met by 2030, as specified in the UN Agenda for
Sustainable Development. Target 3.2, as noted above,
encompasses six indicators, six forecast models were
therefore generated using Fbprophet (because earlier
evaluation, reported on in sub-section 5.1, had shown
this produced best results). The prediction models
were trained using the first eighteen data points and
then used to predict the 2030 values which were then
used to automatically determine, using the frame-
work, whether the indicators were met, or not, by
comparing the forecasted values with the appropriate
threshold value. In the case of Target 3.2, for the SDG
to be met in 2030, all forecasted values must be less
the 25% of the benchmark value for the year 2015.
The results are presented in Table 4. From the ta-
ble, it can be seen that in the case of the geographic
area Egypt and Target 3.2 the target will not be met
by 2030. However, if the “trend” for each indicator
is examined, as shown in Figure 5, it can be seen that
the SDG will be met at some time in the future.
5.3 Framework Visualisation
An additional feature of the proposed SDG frame-
work is that it includes a visualisation of predictions
in the form of dendrograms generated using the D3.js
JavaScript library (Bostock et al., 2011). The predic-
tion visualisation for Target 3.2, with respect to the
geographic area of Egypt, is given in
A framework has been presented for predicting
whether individual geographic areas will meet their
UN SDGs at a given time t. The framework com-
prises a bottom up classification hierarchy where the
leaf nodes hold predictors founded on time series data
and the intermediate nodes and root node simple “log-
ical and” operators. A feature of the framework is
that the required hierarchical classification taxonomy
and threshold values to be held at leaf nodes (with
which predicted values are compared) are both gen-
erated automatically. For individual geographic areas
individual time series-based predictors are required,
these are also generated in an automated manner. The
framework was evaluated by considering a number of
Sustainable Development Goal Attainment Prediction: A Hierarchical Framework using Time Series Modelling
prediction models, and by using it to predict whether
individual geographic areas would meet their targets
by 2030 as specified in the UN Agenda for Sustain-
able Development. The best prediction model was
found to be Facebook’s Fbprophet. The evaluation
indicated that the proposed framework could be suc-
cessfully employed to predict whether geographic ar-
eas would meet their targets or not.
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval