Multi-criteria Modelling Approach
for Ambient Assisted Coaching of Senior Adults
, Bernard
, Alja
z Osojnik
, Marko Bohanec
, Pan
ce Panov
Helena Burger
, Zlatko Matja
and Mojca Debeljak
zef Stefan Institute, Jamova cesta 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia
University Rehabilitation Institute, Linhartova 51, Ljubljana, Slovenia
{helena.burger, zlatko.matjacic, mojca.debeljak}
Rule-based systems, Multi-criteria Modelling, Ambient Assisted Living, Elderly Care.
This paper presents and critically discusses an approach for knowledge modelling and reasoning in a system
for monitoring and coaching of senior adults. We present a modular architecture of the system and a detailed
description of the modelling methodology which originates from the field of multi-criteria decision modelling
and differs from the commonly used ones in this problem domain. The methodology has several characteristics
that make it fit well to the purpose in this application and initial insights from potential users are positive. A
discussion of the suitability of the proposed methodology for knowledge representation and reasoning in the
given problem domain is provided, with an outline of its potential benefits and drawbacks and a comparison
with the ontological approach.
In this paper we describe and discuss an approach for
knowledge modelling and reasoning in a system for
multi-modal long-term monitoring and coaching for
the elderly.
Demographic changes in most of the world are re-
sulting in increased share of older people. An im-
portant aspect of quality of life of this population is
independent living, which has many benefits, but also
presents some risks. This gave rise to various techno-
logical solutions of ambient assisted living (AAL) for
the elderly (Azimi et al., 2017; Li et al., 2015). AAL
solutions usually consist of sensors and communica-
tion infrastructure, data management elements, mod-
elling and reasoning tools and finally actuators or ser-
vices. There is a need and recent trend to provide
platforms that are capable of managing and exploit-
ing multiple components and services of this kind, to
combine multiple information and knowledge sources
and corresponding reasoning on various levels.
In scope of an international collaborative project,
we are tackling such a task and one of the main chal-
lenges is design of the modelling and reasoning com-
ponents. Design of these components must allow rep-
resentation of relevant data and domain knowledge in
a transparent and understandable manner. At the same
time it must be flexible and general enough to support
updates and extensions of the system’s functionalities
and input/output devices.
Systems of this kind usually employ ontologi-
cal (Chen et al., 2012; Yamada et al., 2007; Fides-
Valero et al., 2008; Herv
as et al., 2013), agent-based
(Ayala et al., 2013), rule-based (Bikakis and Anto-
niou, 2010) or mixed (Rafferty et al., 2017; Bouznad
et al., 2017) approaches for knowledge representation
and reasoning. We have considered these types of
approaches and opted for a rule-based approach that
employs hierarchical multi-criteria models, which are
commonly used in the field of multi-criteria decision
support (Greco et al., 2016). These models are trans-
parent and easy to interpret and manage. For each is-
sue that we want to provide monitoring and coaching
for, we use a cascade of three such models, which are
responsible for: (I) situation assessment, (II) coach-
ing action selection and (III) coaching action render-
ing. All the models rely on data transformation com-
ponent for input data preprocessing and criteria con-
struction. The three sequential models together with
the data transformation component represent a modu-
lar pipeline architecture which enables decoupling of
core reasoning components from those that are tied
to the input and output devices. This ensures ease of
maintenance and simplifies addition of new input and
c, M., Ženko, B., Osojnik, A., Bohanec, M., Panov, P., Burger, H., Matja
c, Z. and Debeljak, M.
Multi-criteria Modelling Approach for Ambient Assisted Coaching of Senior Adults.
DOI: 10.5220/0008066900870093
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 87-93
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
output devices.
We find this modelling methodology and archi-
tecture very suitable for the problem at hand, but to
the best of our knowledge, hierarchical multi-criteria
modelling methodology has not been used for such
purposes yet. The methodology as such was used in
AAL domain for decision support purposes, for ex-
ample for quality evaluation of AAL systems (Zavad-
skas et al., 2008; Kara et al., 2017), but not for rea-
soning tasks in an automated system of this kind. In
this paper we offer it for consideration through pre-
sentation of its characteristics and discussion of its
knowledge representation and reasoning features that
are relevant for the tackled problem domain.
The monitoring and coaching system for the elderly,
which is being developed in the scope of the project,
is aimed at continuous monitoring of users in their
home environments, detection of relevant changes in
their activity (for example: abandonment of cooking
meals, disturbed sleeping patterns, potential loneli-
ness etc.) and issuing of corresponding coaching ac-
2.1 Coaching Actions and Domains
The coaching actions are twofold: they can be issued
to the user directly, or they can be indirect, issued to
the members of the user’s social circle, which then
take part in executing the coaching action. An exam-
ple of a direct coaching action is a context-dependent
list of sleep improvement suggestions that is shown
on the user’s tablet screen. An indirect coaching ac-
tion would be a suggestion to a family member to visit
the user or to engage in an activity together (a walk for
In the scope of the project we are addressing four
domains of monitoring and coaching, which were
identified as important by the target population: (I)
Mobility, (II) Activity, (III) Sleep quality and (IV) So-
cial activity. For each of these domains we are im-
plementing a continuous monitoring and coaching so-
lution for one or more domain-specific phenomena.
While the data processing, knowledge modelling and
reasoning infrastructure is shared, each coaching so-
lution relies on a specific set of sensoring devices and
a specific set of coaching actions.
There is, however, a long and non-trivial informa-
tion path from sensor readings and domain knowledge
to the final high-level coaching action suggestions. It
is described in the following subsection.
2.2 Coaching Pipeline
Each phenomenon that we intend to monitor and
coach about demands a specific set of input informa-
tion about its context and dedicated reasoning pro-
cesses for automated triggering of actions. We denote
one set of such elements that pertains to one coaching
action as a coaching pipeline (see sketch in Figure 1).
The data-flow starts at the sensors that continu-
ously send raw data to a database. In predefined time
intervals, the coaching pipeline gets activated by an
execution process on the server. This triggers the cri-
teria estimation module to collect the relevant data
from the database and calculate or estimate the values
of all the criteria that are needed as inputs by any of
the three models in the pipeline (the situation model,
the coaching action model, and the coaching action
rendering model).
There are three kinds of transformations that the
criteria estimation module conducts in order to trans-
form raw data into criteria for the models:
Passing, without processing. There is actually no
transformation in this simplest case. An exam-
ple of it would be passing of the temperature as
sensed by the environmental sensor directly to the
Processing of data with simple explicit functions
(use of filtering, equations, etc.). An example of
this is heart rate calculation from the ECG signal
of a wearable ECG device or a simple noise or
no noise signal from a thresholded amplitude of
an audio signal.
Provision of output by a machine-learned model.
An example of this kind is transformation of ac-
celerometer data into activity, such as walking, sit-
ting, etc. This is an example for the case of super-
vised models (in which we have the learning data
about the target class). In unsupervised case, the
machine-learned models can be used to transform
specific data into criteria such as usual or unusual
activity or situation.
The situation model is the first one that is exe-
cuted. It conducts a focused situation assessment, the
one which is relevant to the pipeline’s target phenom-
ena. Next, the coaching action model is used to select
a suitable coaching action based on the outcome of
the situation assessment and other relevant external
factors that can influence the choice of action, such
as the user’s personal profile information that is pro-
vided by the criteria estimation module (forward ar-
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 1: Coaching pipeline.
row in Figure 1) or the history and sucess of previ-
ous actions (backward arrow in Figure 1). Of course,
the possible coaching actions are individualized and
also strictly limited to only those accepted by the user.
The selected action is then used as the main input in
the action rendering model, which selects a suitable
modality of presentation of the coaching action (the
way it is presented to the user) based on the selected
action and the context that is relevant for rendering,
such as previous effectivness of various modalities
in similar contexts. The coaching suggestion is then
rendered through a corresponding coaching interface.
The coaching interface is in most cases realised by
an electronic device. In addition, in this project the
coaching actions are also realised through people who
are supporting the user and whom we denote as social
circles or secondary users. In some sense, the inter-
face is extended by the members of the user’s social
For example: an outcome of a situation model
from the coaching pipeline that is dedicated to social
activity might indicate a decrease in social activity in
the past week. The coaching action model would take
this information, together with some additional con-
textual information (as defined in the coaching ac-
tion model) and would suggest a suitable coaching
action, which might be: Go for a visit. However, this
coaching action could be rendered or conveyed to the
user via several modalities, such as a notification on
the smartphone screen, specific audio, visual or tac-
tile nudge, or it might be sent to a secondary user (a
friend), who could convey this message to the user or
accompany the user to a visit.
The three models that are used in the coaching
pipeline are mainly based on expert knowledge, with
some parts, such as some of the parameters, also esti-
mated from available data with statistical and machine
learning techniques. The elements of knowledge that
need to be encoded in a form that is available for rea-
soning are:
The criteria that must be taken into account in
each particular model. What factors affect a spe-
cific phenomena and can be used to assess it?
Collection of the possible outputs of each model.
For example, what are the appropriate coaching
actions in each given scenario?
Definition of how the values of the input crite-
ria affect the assessment of the outputs of each
model. What rules govern the state of outcomes,
based on the states of the inputs?
For the purposes of formalisation of expert knowl-
edge and reasoning we use the multi-criteria mod-
elling methodology, which is presented next.
The three models from the coaching pipeline (as de-
scribed in Section 2.2) act as the main knowledge
representation and reasoning components of the sys-
tem. In ambient intelligence systems, the most com-
monly used knowledge representations are ontolo-
gies (Bouznad et al., 2017) as they offer rich knowl-
edge representation capabilities. Our initial design
of the modelling pipeline envisaged use of existing
problem domain ontologies (e.g., dogont
and uni-
) for description of sensor readings and con-
textual information. A collection of simple rules that
would include elements from the ontologies was fore-
seen as the reasoning engine. However, the available
existing ontologies from this field were found not to
be focused on concepts that are important in our appli-
cation, such as wearable sensors and coaching-related
concepts. Instead of expected minor adaptations, sig-
nificant additional ontology development would be
needed. We therefore opted for a less demanding
modelling solution with a more elaborate reasoning
engine and weaker knowledge representation capabil-
ities: the hierarchical multi-criteria decision models
(MCDM), which are established in the field of deci-
sion making and decision support.
Multi-criteria decision models (MCDM) are used
to evaluate, compare and study alternatives (Greco
et al., 2016). Typical examples of alternatives are,
for instance, cars, job candidates, office locations, etc.
Usually the task is to select the most appropriate al-
ternative for specific goals, the one with the highest
Multi-criteria Modelling Approach for Ambient Assisted Coaching of Senior Adults
utility. Decision support with MCDM is based on a
hierarchical decomposition of the problem. Alterna-
tives are hierarchically decomposed into sub-concepts
(or aggregate attributes) and finally to a finite set of
basic attributes, which represent model inputs. Util-
ity of aggregate attributes is evaluated with functions,
which depend on the corresponding attributes located
on the lower levels of the hierarchy. In view of the
problem presented in this paper, the alternatives are
situation assessments, coaching actions and their ren-
derings in specific contexts. In case of coaching ac-
tions for example, their utility corresponds to the fit-
ness of the coaching action in a given situation. Basic
attributes describe the context and the topmost aggre-
gate attribute represents the coaching action to be trig-
gered in such a context.
Due to our past experience, we used the method-
ology DEX (Bohanec et al., 2013), which is a quali-
tative multi-criteria decision modelling methodology
that is well established in practice and is supported by
freely available software, primarily by DEXi
. Sim-
ilarly as in many other methodologies of this kind,
its models have a hierarchical structure of variables,
which represent concepts relevant for solving the as-
sessment problem at hand. The lowest level concepts
are inputs for the model, which get hierarchically ag-
gregated into higher-level concepts up to the outputs,
which usually represent assessments of decision op-
tions. For example, in Figure 3 a hierarchical struc-
ture of such a model is shown in which the topmost
concept Mobility stand-up Coaching Action depends
on two sub-concepts: Ability to stand-up and Rela-
tive change. The latter further depends on Ability to
stand-up and Predicted ability to stand-up.
A distinctive characteristic of DEX is its focus on
qualitative modelling in which the inputs to the model
are qualitative values and the value functions (the
functions used for aggregation of criteria into higher
level ones) are rule-based, usually represented in tab-
ular form. In the exemplary model from Figure 3, the
value scales are shown to the right of each concept
and exemplary rules (a selection, not all) which are
used for calculation of the higher-level concept from
the lower-level concepts are shown in tables that over-
lay the arrows that indicate dependencies.
The qualitative nature of this methodology allows
the models to be transparent, which is particularly
useful in situations in which the operation of the
model must lend itself to human understanding. Au-
tomated AAL solutions are a prime example of such
a case. However, the use of qualitative values can
also represent a limitation in situations in which re-
lationships among the criteria are naturally numerical
Ability to
Ability to
Ability to
climb/descend stairs
Ability to
Number of
Mode of
with help
of hands
no help of
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ...
very high
very low
very high
very low
Figure 2: Structure of the situation model for the Mobility
(summations, averages, etc.). Such relationships usu-
ally occur at the lower levels of models, thus, they
are commonly left out of the main model and are sep-
arately computed as inputs. If a direct inclusion of
such concepts in the models is necessary or benefi-
cial, it can be done by using specific DEX methodol-
ogy extensions (Trdin and Bohanec, 2018;
and Bohanec, 2010).
In the following, we present selected models that were
developed for the Mobility domain pipeline. This
pipeline conducts an assessment of a person’s phys-
ical mobility the ability to move. It is executed
daily and mostly uses the data of the past 24 hours.
The models were developed in collaboration of com-
puter modelling and domain experts, in this case do-
main experts for physical mobility and rehabilitation.
The structure of the situation assessment model
for Mobility is shown in Figure 2. The topmost con-
cept of Mobility general is decomposed into four dif-
ferent aspects of physical mobility. For one of them,
Ability to stand-up, further decomposition is shown,
while for the others, their sub-hierarchies are omitted
from the sketch.
Based on the input criteria, this model conducts
an assessment of a person’s mobility in general. As a
side-result we also get the values of all intermediate
concepts in the model, for example all the individual
abilities that constitute Mobility general. In the sub-
sequent model of the cascade, which selects a coach-
ing action, we usually consider the topmost concept
of the situation model as one of the inputs. However,
sometimes also intermediate concepts can be used as
criteria. In case of Mobility pipeline it makes sense to
separately coach for the general mobility, as well as
for the individual abilities to move, as coaching ac-
tions for each of these are in some cases different.
This way we can construct five coaching pipelines,
which all share a situation model, but have different
coaching action models.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Coaching Action
Predicted ability to
Ability to
large increase
large decrease
send a message to a caregiver
send message to PU (positive only)
no action
Ability to stand-up Relative Change Mobility_stand-up
Coaching Action
very high large increase send message to PU+
very high increase send message to PU+
... ... ...
high decrease no action
high increase send message to PU+
high large increase send message to PU+
... ... ...
low decrease send message to
... ... ...
very high
very low
very high
very low
Ability to stand-up Predicted ability to
Relative Change
very high very high none
very high high increase
very high medium large increase
... ...
Figure 3: Structure and a preview of decision rules of the coaching action model for the Mobility pipeline.
A coaching action model for the person’s ability
to stand-up is shown in Figure 3, which shows the
structure of relevant concepts and also some exem-
plary rules. There are only three coaching actions
possible: (I) send a message to a caregiver, (II) send
a message to the primary user (positive only) and (III)
no action. A suitable coaching action is chosen based
on the values of the Ability to stand-up and Relative
change. The Ability to stand-up is an input that orig-
inates from the situation model (see Figure 2), while
the Relative change is an aggregate concept that de-
pends on the values of the Ability to stand-up and the
Predicted ability to stand-up. The latter can be sim-
ply the most frequent value in a specific past time in-
terval or a result of prediction with machine-learned
tools, which can take into account past values as well
as abundant contextual information (weather, day of
the week, etc.).
The rules that are used to calculate the values
of Relative change and Mobility stand-up Coaching
Action are shown in the tables that overlay the de-
pendency arrows in Figure 3. The rules of Relative
change are simply expressing how different is the cur-
rent assessment of the ability to stand-up compared to
the usual values of a particular person. The idea of
the rules for Mobility stand-up Coaching Action is to
combine absolute and relative information in a way to
primarily consider the relative change, but differently
in case of some specific absolute values. For example,
a small relative decrease in mobility does not trigger
a coaching action if its absolute value is high.
In previous sections we presented an AAL problem
and a system that tackles it by employing qualitative
multi-criteria models in its knowledge modelling and
reasoning infrastructure. Use of such a design and
methodology is novel in the specific problem domain.
Its effectiveness will be objectively evaluated in the
scope of dedicated evaluation tasks in the correspond-
ing project, but here we outline some of its qualitative
characteristics and potential benefits and drawbacks,
particularly in comparison to the entirely ontological
Besides very fast execution and feasibility of seri-
alization of the models (which makes them easy to
store and update), the main benefit of MCDM ap-
proach, which was expressed as such also by several
stakeholders that were presented with the proposed
methodology, is the transparency and understandabil-
ity of the models and their operation. This is a very
important aspect in the targeted AAL domain. Some
of the possible reasons for their understandability are:
(I) use of (primarily) qualitative values and rules, (II)
Multi-criteria Modelling Approach for Ambient Assisted Coaching of Senior Adults
united representation of concepts and reasoning rules,
(III) limited representation of concepts.
The qualitative variables used in the models and
the corresponding (mostly) qualitative reasoning ele-
ments are transparent and easy to understand. There
is no black-box model or complex calculation func-
tion included from the level of model inputs onwards.
However, the qualitative nature of the models repre-
sents also a limitation when the natural representation
of the variables is numerical. There are methodologi-
cal extensions necessary (and some available) for this
kind of modelling, but the corresponding software
tools are only experimental. There is another negative
consequence of qualitative modelling: given a large
number of criteria to aggregate, the rule-sets can be-
come too large to grasp and manage. This is to some
extent alleviated by the use of hierarchical structures
and possibility of using rule summarization tools, but
could still represent a problem in some situations.
The MCDM models represent relevant knowledge
(concepts, their value scales and dependencies) and
at the same time function as reasoning tools (as they
incorporate operational rules). This importantly sim-
plifies understaning of the system’s operation. On
the other hand, consequently there is no separation
of knowledge from its use, which limits the reusabil-
ity of the models for other purposes. Ontological ap-
proach is very different in this respect, with clearly
separate knowledge base and reasoning components.
In some sense, the MCDM models represent concepts
in a specific way (their specific aspect or interpreta-
tion), which is subjected to the model’s purpose or
output. This makes them more easily understandable,
but at the same time also less general.
The concepts in MCDM models are represented
with very limited information: name, description,
value scales, structure and rules that govern depen-
dencies of their values. Limited information and lim-
ited amount of relations among them (essentialy ony
one among each two) constrain the knowledge repre-
sentation and reasoning options to only the purposes
in line with the main purpose of the model. This is an-
other example of a generality versus understandability
Difference among the ontological and MCDM ap-
proach to modelling is also in the assumption of the
open versus closed world. The ontologies assume an
open world and allow reasoning also about concepts
that are not represented in an ontology (e.g., having an
ontology of animals with only birds defined, a con-
dition on not being a bird can be formed). On the
other hand, the MCDM models only contain what is
necessary for their reasoning purposes and for exam-
ple need options of none-existance explicitly defined
(e.g., as a specific value in the value scale of a con-
The MCDM modelling methodology seems to
clearly have some important benefits in tackling the
problem presented in this paper, but also some lim-
itations. Likewise, the ontological approach is very
general and powerfull, but has drawbacks for its use.
There is, however, also a possibility of combined
use and there were some attempts of it in some do-
mains (Bastinos and Krisper, 2013; Brahimi et al.,
2017). In AAL and similar problems, the two ap-
proaches could be used in combination on different
levels ontological on the level closer to data and
MCDM on higher levels that are more important for
the people to find them easy to comprehend. We in-
tend to experiment with such a hybrid approach, start-
ing with the use of ontologies for data fusion, in our
future work.
Knowledge modelling and reasoning parts of an AAL
system were presented in the paper, which differ from
the common purely ontological approach, but seem to
fit well to the purpose of the application and the needs
of its users. We presented the architecture of the solu-
tion and the details of the applied multi-criteria deci-
sion modelling methodology, with a discussion of its
potential benefits and limitations in the context of ap-
plication in the given problem domain. The character-
istics of this methodology somewhat limit its general
reusability, but make it very suitable for implemen-
tation of the reasoning components that are close to
human users.
The authors acknowledge the financial support from
the Slovenian Research Agency for research core
funding for the programme Knowledge Technologies
(No. P2-0103) and the project SAAM Supporting
Active Ageing through Multimodal coaching which
has received funding from the European Union’s
Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme,
Horizon 2020 SC1-PM-15-2017 Personalised coach-
ing for well-being and care of people as they age
(RIA), grant agreement no. 769661.
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Multi-criteria Modelling Approach for Ambient Assisted Coaching of Senior Adults