Hierarchical Ontology Graph for Solving Semantic Issues in Decision
Support Systems
Hua Guo and Kecheng Liu
Informatics Research Centre, University of Reading, Reading, U.K.
Keywords: Ontology Graph, NLP, Knowledge Graph, Decision Support Systems, Semantic Composition,
Neural-symbolic Integration.
Abstract: In the context of the development of AI algorithms in natural language processing, tremendous progress has
been made in knowledge abstraction and semantic reasoning. However, for answering the questions with
complex logic, AI system is still in an early stage. Hierarchical ontology graph is proposed to establish
analysis threads for the complex question in order to facilitate AI system to further support in business
decision making. The study of selecting the appropriate corpora is intended to improve the data asset
management of enterprises.
Strategic questions are often formulated as openly as
possible in order to stimulate more considerations
involving different perspectives of business
operations. Those questions are not easy to answer
and usually demand a great deal of effort of analysis
before they can be addressed adequately. In order to
achieve the goal to help managers identify the hidden
impact factors of decision making, the enormous
academic explorations over query understanding
(Moldovan et al., 1999), information retrieval and
process (Harman,1993) or over heterogeneous data
sources (Kumar et al., 2014) have been ongoing for
years. Along with the solutions of key issues for
knowledge engineering, e.g.: semantic parsing (Cai
and Yates, 2013), knowledge graph (Kwiatkowski et
al., 2013), have been proposed in recent years, the
open-domain question answering system is becoming
one of the most important applications in AI-NLP
arenas. Most state-of-the-art searches adopts the
bottom-up approach, which firstly classifies the
question into a few classes (Moldovan et al.,1999; Li
and Roth, 2002), secondly retrieve the relative
information (Stoyanchev et al, 2008), and finally
extract the answer from the relative documents
(Ravichandran and Hovy, 2002). The purpose of the
question processing stage is to narrow down the
search scope and it focuses on question classification
(Allam and Haggag, 2012). For the open-domain QA
system, which relies on universal ontology and
information, the bottom-up approach handles well.
However, the closed-domain questions, like the
strategic questions related to the business operation,
usually consist of multiple aspects and contain
complex judgment logic. It is often the case that two
of the keywords in completely unrelated fields are
logically linked when answering a particular question.
This really is a challenge for AI algorithms to abstract
the tacit relationship from the limited corpus. So, how
can these AI techniques help in answering strategic
questions? In this paper, a top-down approach of
hierarchical ontology graph is proposed, which is
starting from the question analysis. This approach
will embed the logic of business operation and the
collaborative relationships of departments in the
organization into the procedure of decomposing user
queries into sub-questions. In other words, this
approach focuses on question reformulation (Allam
and Haggag, 2012) to understand the query in an
enterprise context and transform the complex logic
question into a few simple logical questions to
empower the search engine. From a practical point of
view, the hierarchical ontology graph is a visualized
procedure of decision-making, and the threads of
analysing the strategic questions could be mapped to
the entities on the hierarchical ontology graph.
Hierarchical ontology graph, rooted in the
knowledge graph (Singhal, 2012), illustrates complex
question from the relevant aspects, breaks one general
question into several domain-level sub-questions, and
Guo, H. and Liu, K.
Hierarchical Ontology Graph for Solving Semantic Issues in Decision Support Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0007769904830487
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 483-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
gradually decomposes the domain-level questions
layer by layer until the sub-questions can be answered
by the existing databases/documents. The reasoning
procedure will display on a hierarchical ontology
A thorough understanding of the company
operational details is a prerequisite for decision
making. However, those details dispersed among
organizations and isolated within domains. The
routine approach of an executive making decision is
to call a meeting involving the heads of all
departments (domain experts), who have the ability to
interpret or decompose the strategic question into
sub-questions in domain-level, and their subordinates
can decompose these sub-questions into queries and
bridge these queries with the existing database or
documents. With the help of frontline staff or data
analysts, these queries will be answered, and bringing
together the answers to these queries, the
subordinates can answer sub-questions to their
department head. As these sub-questions are
answered individually and then aggregated, finally
the strategic question could be answered. This is the
normal procedure of an executive makes a strategic
decision, which is not only inefficient but also
significantly impacted by the personal experience of
domain experts, reflected in the ability to interpret the
question. Even more, interest disputes are also likely
to arise between departments due to the knowledge
Hierarchical ontology graph can speed up this
process and can bridge the knowledge islands. It can
break down complex problem layers into simple
questions that can be answered by existing data
sources, and it can also provide an enterprise-wide
knowledge graph that effectively eliminates
knowledge barriers between departments. A shared
and reusable knowledge graph is an effective tool to
construct an agile organization in the quickly
evolving business competitive environment. It will
help on rapidly engaging in multidirectional
communication and complex collaboration.
The proposed hierarchical ontology graph consists of
four different levels, shown as in Figure 1. The
application ontology is constructed by the data of
department-level, which theoretically docks with the
data warehouse, indicating the analysis results and
reports of the current business performance. Task
ontology is a department-level knowledge graph
abstracted from the internal corpora, which refer to
the documents of enterprise processes and operational
logics. Considering the number of relevant internal
documents is comparatively limited, it is highly
recommended to annotate these documents as much
as possible in order to apply the full supervision or
semi supervision learning algorithms. Different to
task ontology, domain ontology is built on the
industry professional corpora, which may or may not
be well trained. In order to get the enterprise-level
knowledge graph, the outcomes got from training the
semantically-rich annotated corpora in department
level can be used to do semi supervision training. The
semi-automatic tools, like ONION (Mitra et al.,
2000), are also recommended to bridge department-
level ontologies in the procedure of creating domain
ontologies. The top layer in the figure is a top-level
ontology, which includes some tacit knowledge.
These inexplicit factors could be abstracted from the
business activities based on the strategic management
theory and may vary in industries.
Figure 1: Hierarchical ontology graph.
Considering that the number of the corpus in a
specific domain is usually very limited in practice,
deep learning algorithms, which is based on a large-
scale corpus, often find the difficulty to obtain high-
quality training results. The latest research direction
of neural-symbolic integration network (Garcez et al.,
2008) is trying to combine the strengths of connective
and symbolic paradigms to enhance the ability of
machine learning and reasoning. The framework of
Object-oriented Neural Programming (OONP) (Lu et
al., 2017) is proposed for semantically parsing
documents in specific domains, which leverage the
advantages of reasoning feature of the symbolic
network to construct object-oriented ontology in the
process of text comprehension. The OONP
framework provides another approach to constructing
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
the hierarchical ontology graph, furthermore, the
design of carry-on memory (Lu et al., 2017) model
can effectively store and reuse the prior knowledge,
which can be used in dealing with the existing
business logic in enterprise ontology graph. Evans
and Grefenstette (2018) proposed a logic
programming method based on Inductive Logical
Programming (ILP) to reason on symbolic domains,
which could effectively support the reasoning
function of a hierarchical ontology graph.
The following example will explain how a
hierarchical ontology graph support decision making
on a specific strategic question.
Figure 2: Decomposing a complex question over
hierarchical ontology graph.
Suppose the CEO of an e-commerce company is
considering adding a new category of middle-aged
clothing. His question is “Whether should we add a
category of middle-aged clothing?”. Cost and income
might be the first two key factors to be taken into
consideration because all the business activities
revolve around the purpose of making a profit. So,
primarily this business-related question type can be
decoded into a ‘quantitative’ question in terms of cost
and potential income. Furthermore, profitability is not
the only indicator of business decision-making, but
also the need to take into account the company's long-
term strategic plan. Feasibility is another dimension
to evaluate the possibility of success of the project,
and it is listed as a separating factor in the top-level
ontology as well.
At the second level of the ontology graph, the four
aspects sub-questions have been allocated to the
different domains. They are HR department, R&D
department, purchasing department, and marketing
department. In practice, entities at this level are often
closely related to the organizational structure.
At the third level of the ontology graph, the same
indicator may appear in different domains, such as
“supplier selecting” appears in both cost and
feasibility. The same indicator can map to multiple
domains and also one concept can be interpreted into
different meanings. In this case, “cost” has different
implications in HR, purchasing, R&D and marketing
departments. There are 1-to-N and N-to-1 tree-like
relationships and even can emerge N-to-N network
relationships in some cases. At this point, at the third
level, a complex strategic issue has been broken down
into a variety of queries belonging to various
The fourth level of the ontology graph does not
show in Figure 2, which are the answers to the queries
in the third level and got from the data analysis of the
existing database.
To build an enterprise-level knowledge graph,
selecting appropriate corpora is one of the most
important tasks besides selecting algorithms or
models. Corpus selection will be one of the future
research directions of this research.
The above description presents a decomposition
process of how hierarchical ontology graph performs
on complex questions, and AI algorithms will help on
constructing the hierarchical ontology graph.
Artificial intelligence is changing the business
landscape, especially with the development of weak
supervision learning and self-learning neural in NLP.
Usually, the result is highly correlated with the
quality of the corpus. Comparing with the general
linguistic corpus, the corpus in a business context has
clear boundaries and are comparatively simple in
terms of less ambiguity, polysemy, and vagueness
issues. The workload of getting a semantically-rich
annotated corpora is manageable, which is a crucial
impact factor of the computing result.
For the corpus with rich semantic annotations, the
full supervision training models can be applied, e.g.:
DeepCoder (Balog, 2016), NPI (Reed & Freitas,
2015) and Seq2Tree (Dong & Lapata, 2016). To train
the small volume of databases, the end-to-end models
like Neural Programmer (Neelakantan et al, 2015)
and Neural Turing Machines (Graves et al, 2014) can
be adopted. For those context-sensitive processing,
LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber 1997), Seq2Seq
(Sutskever et al, 2014), named entity recognition
(Lample et al, 2016), and reading Comprehension
models (Yu et al., 2018) can be considered. Those
NLP related algorithms provide the feasible methods
for concepts extraction from text and from semi-
structured tables (Pasupat & Liang 2015).
The complex question defined in this paper
referrers to a question that contains multiple
independent variables, rather than the complex syntax
logic of the sentence. These independent variables are
often difficult to obtain from ready-made documents,
and they exist in the minds of domain experts in the
Hierarchical Ontology Graph for Solving Semantic Issues in Decision Support Systems
form of knowledge or experience. The human
knowledge composed in different forms, including
tree-like relationships, two-dimensional grid
relationships, single dimensional sequential
relationships and directed grid relationships (Kemp
and Tenenbaum, 2009). The classical TransE (Bordes
et al., 2013) model and its derivations are not strong
enough to present these cognitive models from a
mathematical approach. This is the reason why a
symbolic network will be considered to do
relationship reasoning and neural networks will focus
on learning and information extraction. The
hierarchical ontology graph proposes an approach to
building the close-domain question and answering
system by leveraging the prior experiences to support
decision making.
The hierarchical ontology graph is proposed to solve
semantic issues through injecting business operation
logic and the experiences of domain experts to
support executives to make strategic decisions. The
procedure of constructing an enterprise-level
ontology graph is also the process of establishing the
organizational knowledge graph. A unified
knowledge graph can not only help on decision
making but also be the basis for efficient business
operation. Further research will include the following
1. Enterprise Semantic Model: constructing the
abductive reasoning model for decision support
2. Algorithm: selecting appropriate algorithms to
match the requirements for semantic analysis
3. Corpus acquirements: working out which types of
documents in an enterprise can be trained as
4. Tacit knowledge transfer: visualizing the tacit
enterprise experience in a hierarchical ontology
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