Function-as-a-Service Benchmarking Framework
Roland Pellegrini
, Igor Ivkic
and Markus Tauber
Plan-B IT, Vienna, Austria
Lancaster University, Lancaster, U.K.
University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Eisenstadt, Austria
Cloud Computing, Function-as-a-Service, Benchmarking.
Cloud Service Providers deliver their products in form of ”as-a-Service”, which are typically categorized by
the level of abstraction. This approach hides the implementation details and shows only functionality to the
user. However, the problem is that it is hard to measure the performance of Cloud services, because they
behave like black boxes. Especially with Function-as-a-Service it is even more difficult because it completely
hides server and infrastructure management from users by design. Cloud Service Prodivers usually restrict the
maximum size of code, memory and runtime of Cloud Functions. Nevertheless, users need clarification if more
ressources are needed to deliver services in high quality. In this regard, we present the architectural design
of a new Function-as-a-Service benchmarking tool, which allows users to evaluate the performance of Cloud
Functions. Furthermore, the capabilities of the framework are tested on an isolated platform with a specific
workload. The results show that users are able to get insights into Function-as-a-Service environments. This,
in turn, allows users to identify factors which may slow down or speed up the performance of Cloud Functions.
In the past, many benchmark tools have been devel-
oped and characterized to evaluate the performance of
hard- and software components (Berry et al., 1991).
The standardization of those benchmark tools by or-
ganizations such as Standard Performance Evaluation
Corporation (SPEC, 2019) made it possible to ob-
jectively assess single components or an entire sys-
tem. Traditionally, computer benchmarks are mainly
focused on performance qualities of computer sys-
tems, which are under the direct control of the bench-
marking program. Cloud service benchmarking, in
contrast, is about IT benchmarking of software ser-
vices where the underlying infrastructure is abstracted
away (Bermbach et al., 2017). Nevertheless, it can
not be avoided that Cloud services may become un-
available, slow to respond, or limited with regards to
resources such as memory, computing time, or max-
imum number of requests. Therefore, Cloud Service
Consumers (CSC) need a clear statement if a Cloud
service fulfills its purpose with the existing resources
or if additional Cloud resources are needed. Conse-
quently, new methods for benchmarking and perfor-
mance metrics for Cloud services must be taken into
account. As shown in Figure 1, an external client calls
a Cloud service (S), which is provided by a Cloud Ser-
vice Provider (CSP). Since the client and Cloud ser-
vice are geographically dispersed, a variety of perfor-
mance issues can occur, which may be a compound
result of many various causes. In this scenario, the re-
quest may be delayed by service provisioning mech-
anism (1) inside the CSP infrastructure, while code
execution (2) of the Cloud Service itself, or by net-
work delays (3) between CSP and the client. Since
the Cloud infrastructure is hidden by design, the CSC
is not able to identify the exact location of the root
cause. As a result, the CSC can not get to the bottom
of the issue in order to solve the problem as well as to
prevent it in the future.
Figure 1: Various performance issues (1, 2, 3) while invok-
ing and executing a Cloud service (S).
Pellegrini, R., Ivkic, I. and Tauber, M.
Function-as-a-Service Benchmarking Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0007757304790487
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2019), pages 479-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-365-0
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) is a relatively young
technology in the field of Cloud Computing, which
provides a platform for CSC to develop and run appli-
cations without managing servers and providing low-
level infrastructure resources. In a FaaS environment,
applications are broken down into granular function
units of scale, which are invoked through network
protocols with explicitly specifed or externally trig-
gered messages (Spillner, 2017). All functions are ex-
ecuted in a fully-managed environment where a CSP
handles the underlying infrastructure resources dy-
namically and manages the runtime environment for
code execution. The software development and ap-
plication management remains with the CSC whereas
the responsibility for running and maintaining the en-
vironment shifts from the CSC to the CSP.
In recent years, a large number of commercial and
Open-source FaaS platforms have been developed and
deployed. Under the hood, all platform are hetero-
geneous in nature, because they use different hard-
ware and software components, different runtime sys-
tems and programming languages, routing gateways,
resource management tools and monitoring systems.
As an example, Malawski et al. (2017) points out that
most platforms use Linux, but Azure functions run on
Windows. With the rising popularity of FaaS, an in-
creasing need to benchmark different aspects of FaaS
platforms has been recognized by research and indus-
try (Kuhlenkamp and Werner, 2018). However, the
authors add that it remains challenging to efficiently
identify a suitable benchmarking approach. They fur-
thermore point out that there is a need for efficiently
identifying the current state of the art of experiments,
which validates FaaS platforms.
In this paper, we present a prototype of a frame-
work for benchmarking FaaS, which takes Cloud
Functions and the underlying environment into ac-
count. We describe the architectual design, the com-
ponents, and how they interact with each other. Typ-
ically, benchmark tools are used to evaluate the per-
formance of hard- or software components in terms
of speed or bandwidth. However, we show how this
benchmarking framework can also be used to iden-
tify limitations and restrictions on top of the FaaS in-
frastructure. This, in turn, helps CSC to identify if
the overall performance of Cloud Functions and FaaS
platform meets their business requirement.
The remainder of this paper is as follows: we pro-
vide a summary of the related work in Section II,
followed by a detailed description of the benchmark
framework archictechture in Section III. Afterwards,
we present our test scenario and the results in Section
IV. Finally, we conclude our work with a short sum-
mary and future work in Section V.
An initial introduction and guideline have been done
by Bermbach et al. (2017) who are mainly interested
in client-observable characteristics of Cloud Services.
The authors cover all aspects of Cloud service bench-
marking including motivation, benchmarking design
and execution, and the use of the results. The au-
thors point out that Cloud benchmarking is important
as applications depends more and more on Cloud ser-
vices. However, this work describes a general picture
of Cloud benchmarking but does not focus on FaaS,
in particular, and specific characteristics of this new
Cloud Service.
Kuhlenkamp and Werner (2018) identify the need
to benchmark different qualities and features of FaaS
platforms and present a set of benchmarking ap-
proaches. They present a preliminary results for a sys-
tematic literature review in support of benchmarking
FaaS platforms. The results show that no standardized
and industry-wide Benchmark suite exists for measur-
ing the performance and capabilities of FaaS imple-
mentations. Their results indicate a lack of bench-
marks that observe functions not in an isolated but in
a shared environment of a Cloud Service.
Spillner et al. (2017) analyze several resource-
intensive tasks in terms of comparing FaaS models
with conventional monolithic algorithms. The au-
thors conduct several experiments and compare the
performance and other resource-related characteris-
tics. The results demonstrate that solutions for sci-
entific and high-performance computing can be re-
alized by Cloud Functions. The authors mainly fo-
cus on computing intensive tasks (e.g. face detec-
tion, calculation of π, etc.) in the domain of scientific
and high-performance computing but they do not take
other FaaS qualities of interest into account. For ex-
ample, FaaS environments offer a timeout parameter,
which specifies the maximum time for code execu-
tion. After this time, any code execution stops and
the FaaS platform returns an error status. A timeout
might become crucial when it comes to Cloud Func-
tion pricing since CSC is charged for the entire time
that the Cloud Function executes. Therefore, a lack
of precision can lead to early and misleading time-
outs during code execution, which, in turn, can end in
uncompleted tasks and high costs.
McGrath and Brenner (2017) present a
performance-oriented serverless computing platform
to study serverless implementation considerations.
Their prototype provides important insights how
functions are managed and executed in serverless
environments. The authors also discuss several
implementation challenges such as function scaling
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
and container discovery in detail. Furthermore, they
propose useful metric to evalute the performance of
serverless platform. The presented prototype and its
internal architecture, in particular, helped us to design
and implement the FaaS Benchmarking Framework.
Malawski et al. (2017) present an approach for
performance evaluation of Cloud functions and take
the heterogeneity aspects into account. For this pur-
pose, the authors developed a framework with two
suites of computing-intensive benchmarks for perfor-
mance evaluation of Cloud functions. Their results
show the heterogeneity of Cloud Function Providers,
the relation between function size and performance
and how providers interpret the resource allocation
policies differently. The authors conclude that there
is need of research that should analyse the impact of
parallelism, delays, and warm-up on performance.
Lloyd et al. (2018) study the factors that influ-
ence the performance of microservices provided by
serverless platforms. In detail, the authors focus on
infrastructure elasticity, load balancing, provisioning,
infrastructure retention, and memory reservation. For
this purpose, Lloyd et al. (2018) implement two ded-
icated functions, which are executed on the platforms
Azure Functions (Microsoft, 2019) and AWS Lambda
(Amazon, 2019). This approach is useful when com-
paring the performance of different FaaS platforms
but it does not take the performance of business-
related Cloud Functions into account. Therefore, the
FaaS Benchmark Framework presented in this pa-
per is able to benchmark Cloud Functions which are
not specifically adapted for benchmarking. Instead,
it is also applicable for performance evaluation of
production-related Cloud Functions including the un-
derlying FaaS platforms.
Hwang et al. (2016) present a generic Cloud Per-
formance Model and provide a summary of useful
Cloud Performance Metrics (CPM) on three levels:
Basic performance metrics, Cloud capabilities, and
Cloud productivity. The Basic performance metrics
include traditional metrics such as execution time
or speed. The Cloud capabilities describe through-
put, bandwidth, and network latency. Finally, Cloud
productivity deals with productivity metrics such as
Quality of Service (QoS), Service Level Agreement
(SLA) and security. The authors encourage the Cloud
community to test Cloud capability in big-data ana-
lytics and machine learning intelligence. In particu-
lar, they argue that the Cloud community is short of
benchmarking tests. In this regard, the authors moti-
vated us to develop the FaaS Benchmarking Frame-
work and to adapt existing tests for FaaS platforms.
This includes also the analysis and feasibility of ap-
propriate FaaS performance metrics.
Back and Andrikopoulos (2018) discuss the use
of a microbenchmark in order to evaluate how dif-
ferent FaaS solutions behave in terms of performance
and cost. For this purpose, the authors develop a mi-
crobenchmark in order to investigate the observable
behavior with respect to the computer/memory rela-
tion of different FaaS platforms, and the pricing mod-
els currently being in use.
Mohanty et al. (2018) analyse the status of
Open-source serverless computing frameworks Fis-
sion (2019), Kubeless (2019) and OpenFaaS (2019).
For this purpose, the authors evaluate the performance
of the response time and ratio of successfully re-
sponses under different loads. The results show that
Kubeless has the most consistent performance across
different scenarios. In constrast, the authors notice
that OpenFaaS has the most flexible architecture with
support for multiple container orchestrators.
Finally, the FaaS Benchmark Framework pre-
sented in this paper is built upon a previous work of
Pellegrini et al. (2018), who present an initial inves-
tigation of benchmarking FaaS and outline the archi-
tectural design. Pellegrini et al. (2018) present a two-
tier architecture of a benchmarking framework where
requests are invoked by a sender and processed by
a Cloud Function on the CSP platform. This paper
takes up the idea of previous research and introduces
an additional third component that enables testers to
evaluate the performance of the FaaS platform more
precisely. Details about this third component and its
improvements for benchmarking FaaS are discussed
in Section III.
The components of the FaaS Benchmarking Frame-
work are shown in Figure 2. Basically, it consists of
two software components, a Java-based application
(FaaSBench) and a JavaScript-based Proxy Cloud
Function (PCF). The FaaSBench is responsible to cre-
ate and invoke workloads on the Target Cloud Func-
tion (TCF) while the PCF collects benchmark relevant
metrics of the TCF and the FaaS platform.
Figure 2: Architecture of the Faas Benchmarking Frame-
work with FaaSBench, PCF (P), and TCF (T).
Function-as-a-Service Benchmarking Framework
The following subsections provide a detail de-
scription about the architecture of the FaaS Bench-
mark Framework, the components involved and how
they communicate and exchange data with each other.
3.1 Framework Architecture
As illustrated in Figure 2, the proposed architecture
divides the intial request into two separate calls. The
first call between FaaSBench and the PCF allows the
measurement of transmission relevant metrics such as
bandwith, byte size, or transfer rate. Since Cloud
Functions are invoked over network protocols, laten-
cies and delays during the data transmission can be
easily identified. In contrast, the second call between
PCF and TCF is used to measure benchmark relevant
metrics on top of the FaaS platform. This includes
not only the time measurement of compute-intensive
tasks on top of the CSP’s infrastructure but also to
measure the routing time for invocation calls the time
needed for launching a new function instance, and the
time a function instance stays active.
In addition, the proposed architecture supports a
variety of implementation and application options.
Since the PCF is under the control of the CSC, it can
be easily adapted, modified, and extended with addi-
tional benchmark-relevant profiling methods or log-
ging functionalities without adapting the source code
of the TCF. Furthermore, the PCF can decode and an-
alyze the communication between any client and the
TCF in both, production and test environments. For
this purpose, the PCF can split, enrich and invoke new
requests on-demand, if necessary. In summary, the in-
troduction of the PCF allows the measurement of time
and resource critical factors of Cloud Functions on top
of FaaS platforms.
3.2 FaaSBench Application
The first component of the FaaS Benchmark Frame-
work is a Java-based application named FaaSBench.
This tool is responsible for generating workloads, in-
voking requests, collecting metrics, and providing
statistical reports. Since the FaaSBench application
is written in Java, it can be installed on any client ma-
chine which provides a Java runtime environment.
Technically, the FaaSBench application consists
of a set of Java classes, which are grouped in three
main packages. The first package, the Generator, con-
sists of Java classes, which are responsible for execut-
ing a set of benchmark tests by extracting workloads
from the properties. For this purpose, the Genera-
tor supports different operations, which take techni-
cal aspects and specific characteristics of FaaS plat-
forms into account. In the context of this paper, the
following three types of operations have been im-
plemented: first, if the workload focuses on peak
performance evaluation, the Generator executes re-
quests or in groups of batches, synchronously or asyn-
cronously. Second, in order to test the responsive-
ness of the FaaS environment, the Generator uses an
operation with an automatic retry logic, which pro-
gressively longer waits between the retries. This op-
eration evaluates the time when functions need to be
provisioned in as a short time span due to incomming
requests. Finally, if the maximum time for Function
code execution is crucial, the Generator executes an
operation, which provokes a timeout error, either on
the FaaS Gateway or on Cloud Function level. Typi-
cal uses are therefore situations when it comes to re-
source planing in terms of timing and accuracy.
The purpose of the second package, the Metrics, is
three-fold: first, it records the status of each invoca-
tion call. This logic helps to identify and distinguish
successful invocation calls from unsuccessful or un-
completed calls. Second, it records the responses of
the TCF for the purpose of transparency and provid-
ing proof of the correctness. Finally, the package also
records all benchmark relevant performance metrics
during each benchmark run. At the time of writing,
the FaaS Benchmark Framework records only a set of
well-established metrics. A detailed overview of all
supported metrics are listed in Table 1, including a
brief description and the measured units, expressed in
milliseconds (ms), seconds (sec), or in bytes.
Table 1: Metrics provided by the FaaS Benchmarking
Finally, the Java-classes of the Reporting package
provide different forms of presentation of the mea-
sured values (e.g. total runtime, total byte size, etc.).
The package generates a set of logfiles and comma-
separated values (CSV) files, which can be processed
by a various spreadsheet applications or command-
line programs for data visualization.
3.3 Proxy Cloud Function (PCF)
The second and innovative component of the FaaS
Benchmark Framework is the PCF, a JavaScript-based
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Cloud Function, which is installed on a FaaS plat-
form. From the viewpoint of a workflow, the PCF
is placed between the FaaSBench application and the
TCF. The PCF receives requests from the FaaSBench
application and forwards them to the TCF. After-
wards, it sends all responses of the TCF back to the
FaaSBench application.
Since the PCF acts as an intermediary, it gains
new opportunities and solutions by solving following
problems efficiently:
1. The PCF is useful when any kind of modification
of the testbed for benchmark-relevant profiling in-
tegration is not allowed or possible. In addition,
the PCF can be easily adapted and modified to
meet very special requirements of the TCF. For
example, a request can be split up and its data can
be enriched with additional workflow-relevant in-
formation at runtime. As a result, the PCF can
be used not only in test environments but also in
production-related environments.
2. The PCF is able to collect useful performance
metrics of the FaaS environment itself. As an
intermediary, the PCF is able to measure and
evaluate the routing time of invocation calls, the
throughput and the data transfer capabilities of the
Cloud network inside the FaaS environment.
3. The PCF is useful when problems with clock syn-
chronization between the FaaSBench and the TCF
occur. Since the CSP dictates the system time for
the FaaS platform, PCF and TCF can rely on this
unifom time basis.
4. Multiple PCF instances can be installed in dif-
ferent regions of the CSP. In terms of Google
(2019), a region is defined as a geographical loca-
tion where resources and services are hosted and
executed. Running multiple PCF instances in dif-
ferent regions can be helpful in choosing a loca-
tion that is close to the service and has minimal
network and transmission latency.
3.4 Target Cloud Function (TCF)
TCFs usually represent a set of Cloud Function,
which are optimized for production environments.
They are characterized by the fact that code modifi-
cations for a benchmark-relevant profiling integration
are not permitted or possible. Typical use-cases for
productive TCF are data and event processing, server-
side back-ends for mobile apps, or the orchestration
of microservice workloads. The FaaS Benchmark
Framework uses representative real-world workloads
for performance evaluation of productive TCFs.
However, the FaaS Benchmark Framework also
includes a set of non-productive TCFs. These func-
tions include benchmark-relevant profiling methods
and execute synthetical workloads, which take the
unique characteristic of FaaS platforms into account.
For example, a TCF may provoke a timeout errors
when executing a long-running operation for deter-
mining the behavior of the FaaS platform. Another
non-productive TCF supports workloads for evaluat-
ing the responsivness of FaaS platform by executing
requests periodically with progressively longer waits
between two requests.
By using productive and non-productive TCFs,
the FaaS Benchmark Framework can be used in
test and production-related environments without the
need of implementing a complex testbed. Due to
performance reasons, however, all non-productive
TCFs do not log information to external logging
tools. Instead, all benchmark-relevant data are kept in
memory-based messages and distributed between the
components of the FaaS Benchmarking Framework.
3.5 Communication Flow
The interaction between the FaaSBench, the PCF, and
the TCF in sequential order as well as their corre-
sponding method calls are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Interaction between the components FaaSBench,
PCF, and TCF.
The communication between the components is
as follows: After starting (1) the FaaSBench applica-
tion, the program prepares the workload (2), starts the
corresponding profiling method (3), and invokes the
initial request (4). On the recipients’ side, the PCF
extracts the workload from the request (5), starts its
Function-as-a-Service Benchmarking Framework
internal profiling method (6), and invokes a separate
request (7) to the TCF. After executing the requested
task (8) and receiving (9) the result from the TCF, the
PCF stops its internal profiling method (10), prepares
the result message (11) and returns it back (12) to the
FaaSBench application. Finally, the FaaSBench stops
its internal profiling (13) as well, runs the statistical
analysis (14) and saves the results locally (15). This
also marks the end of the benchmark run (16).
3.6 Data exchange
FaaSBench, PCF, and TCF (if non-productive) use a
common way to exchange workloads, data and log-
ging information. Both components communicate
with each other by using JSON-based (JavaScript
Object Notation) messages, which contain self-
describing data fields. Each field name starts with a
prefix, which indicates the location of its origin. For
example, the field ”proxy start time” refers to the in-
ternal timer of the PCF, and only the PCF is able to
create this field.
In order to evaluate the performance of a TCF for
counting letters, the following example illustrates a
JSON message used for the communication between
FaasBench and the PCF.
{ "faasbench_workload_uuid": "112c338d",
"target_uri": "https://faas:8080/func/word",
"faasbench_workload_data":"F a a S" }
The request message is structured as follows: the
field ”faasbench workload uuid” specifies the uni-
versally unique identifier (UUID) for this request.
This ensures uniqueness over the entire lifetime of
the benchmark run. The field ”target uri” refers to
the location of the TCF and instructs the PCF to
forward this request to it. Finally, the key ”faas-
bench workload data” contains the workload which
has to be processed by the TCF. In the example above,
the workload consists of a text with four (4) letters,
which has to be counted by the TCF.
After the TCF has executed its task, the follow-
ing sample response shows an extract of the JSON
message created by the PCF and reported back to the
FaaSBench application.
{ "proxy_workload_uuid": "112c338d",
"target_workload_result": "4" }
Each response message is structured as follows:
The field ”proxy workload uuid” specifies the UUID
of this response which must be identical to the
original UUID of ”faasbench workload uuid”, other-
wise the workload will be marked as invalid. The
fields ”target start time” and ”target stop time” refer
to the start and stop time of the TCF. All time val-
ues are representatives of the Long data type, and
refer to the Unix Epoch Time (The Open Group,
2019). The fields ”target run time hr seconds” and
”target run time hr nanoseconds” refer to the time of
TCF execution in high-resolution realtime of a [sec-
ond, nanosecond] tuple array. Finally, the result of
the function execution can be found in the field ”tar-
get workload result”.
The last section described the architecture of the FaaS
Bechmark Framework. This section demonstrates
how the framework is used on basis of a concrete ex-
ample and discusses the results of the benchmark run.
4.1 Setup & Procedure
The testbed is based upon the Open-source FaaS
implementation OpenFaaS (2019), a framework for
building serverless functions on top of containers.
The testbed consists of a virtual machine (VM) run-
ning Debian 9.1 with 4 GigaByte (GB) of memory al-
located, which is deployed on a physical QNAP server
with a quad-core Intel i5-4590S CPU @ 3.00 Giga-
Hertz (GHz) and 16 GB of memory in total. This
isolated testbed eliminates any effects of interference
and perturberation that could affect the experiment.
A PCF and a non-productive TCF, as discussed in
Section 3.3 and 3.4, are deployed on the same VM.
The experiment does not focus on performing high-
performance computating tasks, which are preferably
used in most researches. Instead, the proposed testbed
allows the study of request and response messages on
top of the FaaS platform. For this purpose, the TCF
expects a text and answers immediately with the num-
ber of words and letters in this text. In the context of
the work, a word represents a character separated by
at least one space from another character.
Figure 4: Measurement points with routes for HTTP traffic.
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
A schematic overview of the workflow is shown
in Figure 4, illustrating four measurement points (m1,
m2, m3, and m4) where HTTP traffic is decoded,
stored, and prepared for further analysis.
The aim of the benchmark run is to evaluate the
size of the Hyptertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) re-
quests/responses inside the FaaS environment in re-
lation to the size of the workload. For this purpose,
the benchmark run uses different workloads (10, 10
, 10
, 10
, and 10
words). The first measurement
point (m1) evaluates the size of the initial request,
sent by FaaSBench. Measurement point m2 exam-
ines the request size of the HTTP invocation for the
TCF, while measurement point m3 evaluates the size
of the reply message. Finally, measurement point m4
collects the size of the response message, returned by
the PCF. In addition, more data such as runtimes or
latencies are measured by FaaSBench, PCF, and TCF
in order to identify variances and trends.
4.2 Results & Findings
Table 2 illustrates the collected measurement values
for progressively increasing word count per row. Each
column of the table refers to a measurement point
(m1, m2, m3, m4) that evaluates the size of the HTTP
message header (Header) and the message body data
(Data) in Kilobyte (KB). Finally, the last row of the
table summarizes the total size in KB.
Table 2: Size of HTTP messages per measurement point, all
values in KB.
Measurement points m1, m2 and m3 report an in-
crease of the size of message body data in sync with
the payload, while the size of the message headers re-
mains stable. However, measurement point m3 shows
a completely different picture. While the size of the
HTTP message body data increases slowly in sync
with the result of the word count, the HTTP message
header increases rapidly. Analyses of the logging data
(see 3.6 for more details) demonstrate that the reason
for the growth of the header is caused by the under-
lying JavaScript runtime environment. In detail, the
engine creates an internal message object, which con-
tains the result of the function call but also the original
workload data of the benchmark run. As a result, the
size of the HTTP message header increases in sync
with the workload. This, in turn, may have impact to
total runtime caused by the amount of time it takes for
the HTTP response to travel from TCF to PCF.
In order to get a clear picture, Table 3 summarizes
the effect to the transmission time in response to the
HTTP requests and responses. The column ”Request
(m2)” refers to the route PCF to TCF and represents
the total byte size (in KB) of the HTTP requests and
the transmission time (in ms) per HTTP request and
word count. In contrast, the column ”Response (m3)”
refers to the route TCF to PCF and represents the to-
tal byte size (in KB) of the HTTP responses and the
transmission time (in ms). The last row summarizes
the total byte size of the HTTP requests/responses
sent and their total runtimes.
Table 3: Time for transmission (in ms) of HTTP requests
and responses (in KB) per measurement point m2 and m3.
As expected, the transmission times for HTTP re-
sponses increases in sync with the word count but not
in the same way as the transmission times for HTTP
requests. The time values for HTTP requests range
from 80 up to 107 ms, with a total runtime of 526
ms. However, the time values for HTTP responses
range from 7 up to 9 ms, resulting in a total runtime of
46 ms. The results are even more surprising because
the total byte size of HTTP requests are only slightly
different from the total byte size of the correspond-
ing HTTP responses. A possible explanation for this
is the use of caching mechanism inside the Node.js
(2019) runtime. However, a detailed examination of
the reasons for this divergence is not in focus of this
paper but offers opportunities for further research in
this area.
4.3 Discussion
The FaaS Benchmark Framework demonstrates that
CSCs are able to get insights into the FaaS environ-
ment. It overcomes the limitation of abstraction be-
cause the PCF acts as an middleman between the
FaaSBench and a TCF. When the FaaSBench sends
a request to our PCF, it forwards the request to the
Function-as-a-Service Benchmarking Framework
TCF and waits for the response. As an intermediary, it
monitors the HTTP traffic and measures the byte size
of outbound requests and inbound responses. This ap-
proach allows CSC to compare the size of all inbound
and outbound HTTP messages, which are handled by
the FaaS environment. As demonstrated in the ex-
periment, the FaaS Benchmarking Framework uncov-
ers HTTP overhead while transmitting data inside the
FaaS platform.
In this experiment, we have evaluated and ana-
lyzed the size of the HTTP requests/responses in-
side the FaaS environmnent in relation to the size of
the workload. We have shown that the cascading of
Cloud Functions generates an overhead in the HTTP
message header with the potential of negative perfor-
mance impacts for the runtime environment. How-
ever, we have not evaluated critically the performance
of the testbed. The reason for this is that most re-
search, as discussed in Section 2, have evaluated and
compared the performance of commercial and Open-
source FaaS platform. Instead, we believe that the
performance evaluation of a business-related Cloud
Function with its underlying FaaS platform is a more
reliable indicator for the CSC.
We encountered three issues while preparing and
executing the experiment. First, we noticed that time
synchronization becomes crucial when it comes to
benchmarking, monitoring and realtime control of
Cloud Functions as timestamps must by synchronized
across multiple geographical regions, between differ-
ent Cloud infrastructures, and clients. Second, we
observed performance degradation caused by logging
services of the FaaS platform. This is because logging
requires additional resources that must be handled by
the FaaS platform during the function’s execution. Fi-
nally, we observed issues with performance isolation
between the coresident PCF and TCF instances. The
phenomenon with ”noisy neighbors” may be fixed
by isolation through dedicated FaaS platforms or by
moving workloads across physical servers. We there-
fore encourage researchers to work jointly in devel-
oping methods for dealing with these issues.
The proposed architecture has room for improve-
ments. First, the FaaS Benchmark Framework has
been tested with different sizes of workloads. How-
ever, the limiting factor are not the number of re-
quests or the size of workloads but computer mem-
ory and network bandwidth. The FaaS Benchmark
Framework code is not optimized for benchmark runs
that exceed these limits. Second, the PCF does not
provide any functionality to store a specific workload
temporary on the FaaS Platform when re-using it for
multiple runs. Finally, CSPs usually provide logging
functionality which records detailed activities of the
FaaS Platform. Currently, FaaSBench and PCF are
not able to retrieve logging data from FaaS platforms.
In this paper, we introduced a benchmarking frame-
work for measuring the performance of Cloud Func-
tions and FaaS environments. First, we explained the
idea behind FaaS, its benefits for CSC and CSP, but
also the challenges for benchmarking FaaS. Next, we
explained the architecture of the framework, its com-
ponents, and how they are linked together. Finally,
in Section IV we prepared and executed a benchmark
run executed on an isolated FaaS platform. The re-
sults showed a growth of message sizes generated by
the underlying runtime environment and identified the
root cause. In summary, the main contribution of this
paper is a FaaS Benchmarking Framework framework
which allows performance evaluation of FaaS envi-
ronments by a using proxy-based implementation.
The current version of the FaaS Benchmark
Framework provides interesting insights of a FaaS en-
vironment. Nevertheless, many experiments, adap-
tations, and scientific intensification of knowledge
in FaaS have been left for the future. First of all,
we plan to migrate our project to OpenJDK (Ora-
cle, 2019). Afterwards, we will make the soure code
of the FaaS Benchmark Framework publicly avail-
able. Furthermore, we plan to implement additional
PCF and non-productive TCFs written in different
programming languages and supporting more runtime
environments. In addition, we plan to define new
workloads, which are specially tailored to the fea-
tures of FaaS enviromnents. For example, we want
to examine how precisely a FaaS environment works
in case of time controlling for code execution ver-
sus billing. For this purpose, we plan to examine the
timeout parameter of Cloud Functions, which speci-
fies the maximum time for code execution. Inaccu-
racies in the timing may lead to uncompleted tasks
and high costs for CSCs. More workloads for high-
performance computing will complete the portfolio.
Finally, we consider using the FaaS Benchmark-
ing Framework on public FaaS platforms. For future
work, it would be interesting to know how the bench-
marking results of the different FaaS providers would
differ from the reference testbeds. We also plan to
analyse different configurations of existing autoscal-
ing solutions in respect to performance.
CLOSER 2019 - 9th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
The research has been carried out in the context of
the project MIT 4.0 (FE02), funded by IWB-EFRE
2014-2020. The technical infrastructure needed for
the research has been provided by Plan-B IT.
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