Research Directions on Big IoT Data Processing using Distributed
Ledger Technology: A Position Paper
Benjamin Agbo, Yongrui Qin and Richard Hill
School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, U.K.
Big Data, Blockchain, IOTA, Internet of Things.
The significant growth and adoption of Internet of Things (IoT) solutions has led to tremendous increase in the
generation of data. The need for high speed data processing has become very important to meet with the ever
increasing volume and velocity of IoT data, due to the large scale and distributed nature of IoT infrastructure
and networks. Present cloud based technologies are struggling to meet up with these needs for real time data
processing in the midst of enormous amounts of data. The success of bitcoin has inspired more research
in the application of Distributed ledger technologies in various domains. The decentralized nature of these
platforms have enabled security and privacy of data in previous research and their architecture has a potential
for enabling large scale decentralized data processing. In this paper, we identify some open areas of research
in the use of distributed ledger technology and propose a framework for storing, analyzing and ensuring the
security of large volumes of IoT data.
The Internet of Things can be described as a net-
work of multiple homogeneous and heterogeneous
devices that have the ability to sense, process and
share data generated from their surroundings (Singh
et al., 2018). By enabling easy communication and
access with a wide range of devices such as home
appliances, sensors, actuators, surveillance cameras,
vehicles, etc., IoT will need to deploy more applica-
tions that will make use of the potential large amount
and variety of data that will be generated by IoT de-
vices (Zanella et al., 2014).IoT cuts across various ap-
plication domains and several surveys have presented
different views of IoT: (Gazis et al., 2015) focused
on the challenges of IoT, (Bandyopadhyay and Sen,
2011) identified sets of IoT standards and (Miorandi
et al., 2012) presented various applications of IoT. In
this paper, we focus on some challenges involved in
processing Big IoT data and explore the potential of
distributed platforms in enhancing Big IoT data pro-
cessing. Thousands of use cases and applications of
IoT can be identified in each domain, bringing new
challenges in the need for interconnection among de-
vices. Various solutions have been proposed to solve
the issues associated with the interconnection of smart
things. However, the massive generation of data by
IoT devices has led to new demands for real time pro-
cessing of IoT data and improved security and privacy
(Gazis et al., 2015). This proposes new challenges,
driving research in industry and academia.
The introduction of blockchain technologies has
gained significant interest in industry and academia
due to the huge success of Bitcoin (Nakamoto, 2008).
Blockchain is a distributed ledger system which
was developed to enable trust between participants
(nodes) in a multi-party business network (Vo et al.,
2018). Transactions in a blockchain network can oc-
cur without any third party intervention. Blockchain
could be viewed as a public ledger where transactions
are stored in each block. The size of a blockchain
grows as new transactions are continuously added.
The key characteristics of this distributed ledger sys-
tem are: decentralization, anonymity, persistency and
auditability (Zheng et al., 2017). Blockchain can
be used to provide various solutions and services in-
cluding smart contracts (Kosba et al., 2016), secu-
rity services (Noyes, 2016), financial services (Peters
et al., 2015). A framework for data sharing using
blockchain has been tested in a clinical research con-
ducted by (Benchoufi and Ravaud, 2017). It has also
shown huge potential for enhancing security, privacy
and trust in a multiparty network. This has inspired
various attempts to integrate distributed ledger tech-
nologies in the Internet of Things (Ramachandran and
Krishnamachari, 2018; Panarello et al., 2018).
Agbo, B., Qin, Y. and Hill, R.
Research Directions on Big IoT Data Processing using Distributed Ledger Technology: A Position Paper.
DOI: 10.5220/0007751203850391
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2019), pages 385-391
ISBN: 978-989-758-369-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
A framework for processing large volumes of IoT
data is proposed in this paper, integrating IOTA tech-
nology in the big data process life cycle.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides a view of Big Data. Section
3 lays the identified challenges and motivation for Big
IoT data processing. An overview of some distributed
ledger technologies is provided in Section 4. Section
5 points out some open research challenges and Sec-
tion 6 concludes the paper.
The growth in the amount of data generated by IoT
devices has played a key role in the big data domain
(Jara et al., 2014). Big data can be described as any
form of structured, semi-structured or unstructured
data characterized by large volume. The wide adop-
tion of IoT has brought new challenges in big data an-
alytics because IoT has brought about requirements
for the collection and processing of heterogeneous
data obtained from different sensor devices (Marjani
et al., 2017). Big data is an important ingredient
for making constructive decisions. Most importantly,
hidden patterns and deeper understanding of events
can be discovered when big data is efficiently mined.
Big data is popularly characterized using 4Vs, i.e.,
Velocity,Volume,Variety and Veracity (G
eczy, 2014):
Velocity: Recent technological advancements
have resulted in the rapid generation of real-time
data from various platforms. This rapid increase
in the generation of data is what researchers char-
acterize as the velocity of data.
Volume: Various domains such as business,
health, transport, entertainment and other aspects
of human life, uses and generates large amount of
data in terabytes, exabytes or zettabyte. Big data
is characterized by large volume of data.
Variety: The new big data era must make use of
fast paced data generated from multiple sources.
Data generated from different sources often have
heterogeneous formats. The structured, semi-
structured and unstructured nature of data de-
scribes the variety of big data.
Veracity: This describes the importance of qual-
ity data as a tool for drawing accurate conclusions.
It is important to note that, big data in any form (struc-
tured, semi-structured or unstructured) requires pre-
processing before it can be used for analytics.
2.1 Characteristics of Big IoT
Generated Data
According to (Mahdavinejad et al., 2017), data gener-
ated by IoT devices can be continuous or dynamic in
nature. For instance, data generated from traffic, en-
ergy and health management applications would gen-
erate large continuous data (Big Data). However, pro-
cessing data generated in different rates is a challeng-
ing task, as they vary from different devices. Another
example can be seen in the measurement of data from
IoT devices. The frequency of updates from GPS
sensors is measured in seconds whereas, temperature
sensor updates may be measured hourly. The risk of
important information loss always exists regardless of
the rate at which data is generated. Another charac-
teristic of IoT data is its dynamic nature. For exam-
ple, the data generated from sensors embedded in au-
tonomous cars will differ based on locations and time.
It is important that data generated by IoT devices
is of high quality. However, different levels of data
quality can be noticed in IoT data due to the fact
that they are obtained from multiple heterogeneous
sources. The quality of information obtained from
each data source is dependent on the following fac-
tors (Jara et al., 2014):
Precision of data collection or error in measure-
Noise from devices in the environment.
Discrete measurements and observations.
The high adoption of intelligent devices and the in-
creased use of sensor data, Internet data, finance data,
streaming data, etc., has brought about new chal-
lenges in the management, analysis and even the us-
age of big data in the IT industry. In this paper, we
consider how we can leverage the potential of dis-
tributed ledger technologies in providing more solu-
tions to big data challenges. (Ji et al., 2012) has
identified three important aspects that are important
in processing big data and we present the challenges
around the three points as follows:
3.1 Big Data Management and Storage
Current big data management technologies are strug-
gling to meet up with the needs of big data because the
velocity of big data is far greater than the increasing
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
speed of storage capacity. Also, previous computer
algorithms find it difficult to directly store data gener-
ated from the actual world due to the heterogeneity of
real world data. The use of virtual server technologies
can also exacerbate the problem when high concur-
rent I/O is required. This challenges have motivated
more investigations into decentralized processing to
provide solutions to present master-slave models.
3.2 Big Data Analysis
Speed is very important when processing big data
queries. However, this is usually a time consum-
ing process because queries cannot traverse an en-
tire database within a short period of time. Presently,
big data indices only process simple data types even
though big data requirements are becoming more
complicated. Real time pre-processing can help in-
crease query response times. In addition, exploit-
ing the potential of decentralized platforms like IOTA
could help target specific queries, thereby improving
query response.
3.3 Big Data Security
Various big data applications have helped organiza-
tions reduce their IT costs. However, the issue of se-
curity and privacy still remains a challenge in big data
storage and processing due to the massive involve-
ment of third party services. Unlike traditional se-
curity techniques, big data security is concerned with
how big data can be processed without exposing sen-
sitive user information. Exploiting the potential of
distributed ledger technologies could be a good so-
lution in ensuring security and privacy of big data due
to the elimination of third parties on these platforms.
Also, the decentralized architecture of these technolo-
gies could have significant impact in handling big data
In the next sections, we will provide an overview
of popular distributed ledger technologies and further
considerations in data processing.
4.1 Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is an interconnection of decentralized
blocks, inspired by the distributed ledger technology.
BC enables direct crypto transactions between sellers
and buyers without any central authorization. Each
peer in a blockchain network records information
from each transaction. The records generated from
individual pairs form a block (Hassani et al., 2018).
The key identifiable characteristics of blockchain are
shown below (Zheng et al., 2017)
Decentralization: The integration of technolo-
gies such as digital signature, consensus algo-
rithms and cryptographic hash has eliminated the
need for a centralized transaction system which
required third party intervention in validating
Persistency: In a blockchain network, transac-
tions can easily be verified and invalid transac-
tions will be rejected by honest miners. It is diffi-
cult to rollback transactions once they have been
added to a blockchain. This makes it easy to dis-
cover transactions that are invalid
Anonymity: Each user in a blockchain network
interacts using a generated address which masks
the real identity of the user. However, it is impor-
tant to note that perfect preservation of user in-
formation is not guaranteed in blockchain due to
the fact that the transactions and balances of each
user’s public key is visible to the public.
Auditability: Data regarding user balances are
stored in a Bitcoin blockchain using the Un-
spent Transaction Output (UTX-O) model. This
model follows a principle whereby each transac-
tion is required to refer to previous unspent trans-
actions. Once new transactions are recorded in a
blockchain, the status of previously unspent trans-
actions switches from unspent to spent. This
makes it easy to track and verify transactions.
Figure 1: An Example of Blockchain Nodes.
Although research has shown that blockchain technol-
ogy can add more value to the operations of future IoT
systems, this technology is still facing some technical
challenges. Firstly, the issue of scalability is a major
concern faced with blockchain. This large amount of
data generated by blockchain is due to the replication
and transmission of data recorded from every trans-
action that takes place on the blockchain network.
Due to this reason, blockchain technology does not
scale enough to meet the requirements for real-time
Research Directions on Big IoT Data Processing using Distributed Ledger Technology: A Position Paper
processing of fast paced data. Secondly, a research
conducted by (Eyal and Sirer, 2018) has shown that
miners could receive more revenue than they deserve
through selfish mining. In this strategy, selfish min-
ers do not broadcast their mined blocks but the pri-
vate branch created will only be revealed to the pub-
lic when certain conditions have been satisfied. The
rapid growth of the cryptocurrency market and vari-
ous research attempt to integrate blockchain in IoT,
has led to the development of an alternative tech-
nology that outperforms the fundamental blockchain
technology. In order to scale to the large require-
ments of millions of IoT devices, there is a need for a
more lightweight and efficient platform that can scale
to meet the requirements of IoT devices. This chal-
lenge is solved by IOTAs major innovation: The Tan-
gle (Popov, 2016).
4.2 IOTA Technology
IOTA is a novel application of cryptotokens, opti-
mized for Internet of Things micro-transactions. Un-
like the heavy and complex bitcoin blockchain, which
are designed for various use cases, IOTA is designed
to be more lightweight. Hence, the name IOTA was
coined out which means something small (Founda-
tion, 2016). One of the visions of IOTA is to enable
frictionless payments of small amounts between con-
nected IoT devices. While IOTA was developed to
provide solutions to the scalability issues faced by IoT
devices, its underlying protocol is potentially applica-
ble in various use cases. Although IOTA is popularly
known as a cryptocurrency, recent studies have shown
its potential application in various domains such as:
the elimination of identity theft using TangleID, loca-
tion based solutions and the interconnection of cyber-
physical systems. The idea of the tangle is based on
a concept known to computer scientists as a directed
acyclic graph (DAG). DAG is simply an assembly of
vertices (squares), interconnected by edges (arrows)
(Popov, 2016).
Figure 2: The IOTA Tangle.
The Tangle is a kind of directed graph which forms
an IOTA data structure that holds transactions. Ev-
ery transaction in the graph is represented as a vertex.
When a new transaction is added to the tangle, it picks
two previous transactions to validate, therefore, intro-
ducing two new edges to the directed graph. Unap-
proved transactions on the other hand are called tips.
For example, the gray colored transactions in figure 2
are tips because they have not been validated by any
incoming transaction. Every incoming transaction is
required to validate a maximum of 2 tips and a mini-
mum of 1tip at random. It is important to note that no
rules are imposed on any node with regards to choos-
ing which transaction to validate. However, certain
rules can be followed when there is a consensus in the
number of nodes following a rule of the same kind
(Popov, 2016).
A node must do the following to issue out a trans-
action (Popov, 2016):
Choose two transactions to validate according to
an algorithm. Ideally, situations may arise where
two transactions coincide.
The node checks if there is any conflict between
two nodes and disapproves any conflicting trans-
A cryptographic puzzle must be solved before a
node can issue a valid transaction. This is similar
to the concept used for the bitcoin blockchain.
The storage and transmission of sensor data over an
IOTA tangle has been demonstrated using a protocol
called masked authenticated messaging. MAM is a
layer 2 data communication protocol that allows de-
vices to produce and access encrypted data streams
over IOTAs distributed ledger (the tangle) (Handy,
2017). As various transactions are currently recorded
using distributed ledger technologies e.g., blockchain,
IOTA goes a step further to enhance scalable interac-
tion between IoT devices and thus, it could be used as
a platform to enhance some specific data processing
4.3 An Enhanced Framework for Big
IoT Data Processing
As opposed to current commercial Database Manage-
ment Systems (DBMSs) used for big data process-
ing e.g. Google and Azure, we propose a framework
that will ensure better solutions to the bottlenecks
caused by peak workloads in processing big data re-
quirements as shown in Figure 3. According to (Ji
et al., 2012), scalability and cost are important factors
to consider in processing big data. Distributed file
systems like Google file system (GFS) and Hadoop
Distributed File System (HDFS) were designed and
largely optimized for very complex files (measured
in gigabytes). The IOTA data market place is cur-
rently utilized for a distributed storage of sensor data
IoTBDS 2019 - 4th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
streams and can be exploited to ensure the verifiabil-
ity and security of data using MAM. However, as the
IOTA platform becomes more data driven, the capa-
bility of performing real-time analytics on the IOTA
network becomes paramount. A more detailed de-
scription of our contribution can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 3: A Framework for Enhanced Big IoT Data Pro-
cessing using IOTA.
4.3.1 IOTA and Big Data Process Life Cycle
Various phases can be observed in the life cycle of big
data processing. The framework in Figure 4, shows
the integration of IOTA technology through out the
big data life cycle. Various types of IoT sensor de-
vices e.g., temperature detection sensors, proximity
sensors, optical alarm sensors, pressure sensors, etc.,
play a major role in the data generation phase.
The Data generated in the first phase is passed
on to the IOTA network through MAM, where an
unprecedented amount unstructured, semi-structured
and structured data will be collected. This is to en-
sure that the data collected can only be accessible by
nodes that have permission.
Pre-processing of collected data is an integral as-
pect of the data acquisition phase. Raw data generated
by sensor devices often require de-duplication, filter-
ing, compression, integration and cleaning, to handle
the issue of inconsistent and incomplete data. Each
private sensor node on the IOTA network will have
the capability of executing the complete phases of the
big data life cycle and connecting with other sensor
nodes to aggregate complex data to perform more ad-
vanced analytics (Taleb et al., 2015).
The proposed framework will store all processed
data as transactions using the IOTA tangle as a
database. Each node will have the capability of exe-
cuting pre-processing algorithms in order to filter the
data obtained from sensor devices. The use of IOTAs
distributed architecture will eliminate the problem of
single points of failure when data is stored and will
Figure 4: The integration IOTA in the Big Data Process Life
also help in avoiding scenarios where data processing
and storage is controlled by a central node.
As the tangle becomes a popular platform for
the secure transmission and storage of future com-
plex IoT data, more requirements will be made to
transform these large amount of structured, semi-
structured or unstructured data into meaningful in-
formation. This can be achieved by exposing sen-
sor data to parallel and distributed processing mod-
els such as MapReduce or Spark on the IOTA tangle.
When immediate response is required, Spark could be
a be a better solution as it can handle fast iterative al-
gorithms and interactive queries. MapReduce on the
other hand, spends a significant amount of time fetch-
ing data from iterations. In addition, Spark or MapRe-
duce execution nodes can be fused with specific nodes
on the IOTA tangle to reduce the need for data transfer
before analytics, therefore, enhancing data analytics
performance (Vo et al., 2018).
Although the concepts and prospects of distributed
ledger technologies is evident, its implementation still
poses significant amount of challenges. This section
identifies some main issues (Reyna et al., 2018).
5.1 Storage Capacity
The ability of distributed platforms to store the
amount of data generated in the current big data era
has been deeply questioned especially in blockchain.
Despite the fact that trust is ensured through the abil-
Research Directions on Big IoT Data Processing using Distributed Ledger Technology: A Position Paper
ity of each node to verify transactions, this will lead
to the replication of a large amount of data which use
up a significant amount of storage.
5.2 Security
One of the well known security challenges facing to-
day’s distributed ledger technologies is the denial of
service (DoS) attacks, also called sybil or Man in the
Middle(MitM). This will obstruct network operations
because distributed ledger technologies strongly rely
on peer-to-peer communication.
5.3 Legal Issues
The absence of censorship from a central author-
ity is an interesting but yet dangerous peculiarity
in distributed ledger platforms. Bitcoin is the first
cryptocurrency that rests on a decentralized platform.
However, this technology has been accused of pro-
moting fraudulent transactions and illegal conducts.
This will require extensive legal considerations in the
application of distributed ledger technologies in vari-
ous domains.
The rapid adoption of IoT will continually produce
new use cases and requirements. This paper has pro-
vided a general view of the nature and characteristics
of IoT sensor data. It further identifies resultant big
data processing challenges caused by the fast paced
generation of data by present IoT devices. The paper
further identified the potential of distributed ledger
technologies in enhancing big IoT data processing.
The adoption of parallel processing technologies
is becoming very important to handle the fast paced
generation of data by smart devices today. However,
the threat of security and privacy of data still remains
and more work is required to eliminate data tampering
and ensure the integrity of IoT data.
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Research Directions on Big IoT Data Processing using Distributed Ledger Technology: A Position Paper