Systematic Review of Bibliography on Social Interactions using the
Meta-analytical Approach
William Bortoluzzi Pereira
, Renan L
ırio Souza
, Un Hee Schiefelbein
ao Carlos Damasceno Lima
, Bol
ıvar Menezes da Silva
and Cristiano Cortez da Rocha
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Av. Roraima n
1000, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Penguin Formula, Lisbon, Portugal
Context-aware Computing, Intrusiveness, SSP, Social Signal Processing, Social Context, Systematic Review.
The general objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the evolution of studies on social interactions
up to 2018, in addition to proposing a diagnostic tool on social interactions, sensors used, among others.
The methodology of the research was the bibliographic research of an exploratory nature, using the data
collection, it was possible to see that there is a significant growth of articles on this subject. The analysis
identified different countries that conducted research on this subject and the most cited articles with their
authors. Different jobs were found, such as care for the elderly, interactions in vehicular networks, social
interactions in public environments, among others.
Humans are constantly developing and for this, they
have the need to communicate, whether through spo-
ken language, writing or even by gestures. According
to (de Mello and Teixeira, 2011), since birth the in-
dividual is already a social being in development and
all its manifestations happen because there is another
social being that corresponds, even using the sign lan-
guage the individual can interact, getting used to the
environment in which it lives.
We could consider that the interaction is one of
the main principals means of development of the hu-
man being, especially in the initial years of life in
which the child is interacting crying, pointing, bab-
bling, knowing and adapting to this new environment
in which he lives and the culture that there is submit-
ted. For (Rabello and Passos, 2013), humans are born
’immersed in culture’, and this will be one of the main
influences on the development of it.
The interactions can be face-to-face or virtual,
where face-to-face interaction happens in a context
of co-presence, in which all involved are present and
share the same referential system of space and time,
being of great importance gestures, posture, facial ex-
pression and even the physical distance between the
interlocutors (Gumperz, 1998).
The virtual interaction according to (Leontiev,
1978), the subject is perceived in its relations with the
object to be learned, a relation made through a medi-
ation instrument. This subject is not isolated in space
but situated within a context in which he interacts with
other people, forming a community to achieve a cer-
tain goal that is shared by all.
The structure of the present study is given below.
Section 2 presents the background, section 3 presents
the areas of knowledge that will be applied as crite-
ria in the comparison of works, section 4 presents the
methodology and analysis on the Search String in ad-
dition to the questions that should be answered. Sec-
tion 5 will present the criteria for inclusion and pa-
pers, synthesis, and synthesis and a comparative ta-
ble, and in section 6 a report and the answers to the
questions will be presented, and section 7 will present
the conclusions of the research.
This section will present the background needed to
understand this systematic review. Context Aware-
ness concepts, which is a subarea of Ubiquitous Com-
puting will be presented.
Context Awareness is represented by the ability of
the system to use the context in which it is currently
Pereira, W., Souza, R., Schiefelbein, U., Lima, J., Menezes da Silva, B. and Cortez da Rocha, C.
Systematic Review of Bibliography on Social Interactions using the Meta-analytical Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0007727002610268
In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2019), pages 261-268
ISBN: 978-989-758-372-8
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
providing appropriate information/responses to users.
Several systems can be considered as Context Aware-
ness, but they are often called by other names like in-
telligent systems, evolutionary systems, etc.
In Ubiquitous Computing it is important that mod-
ules and sensors interact with each other and between
users, making them sensitive, allowing interaction
with users through response actions and/or reactions,
and these characteristics make them aware or sensi-
tive to the context, these are designated as a subgroup
of Ubiquitous Computing.
According to (Abowd et al., 1999), there are dif-
ferent ways of using Context Awareness, which may
interact together or separately. According to (Kofod-
Petersen and Cassens, 2006), the context can be di-
vided into five subcategories: environmental context,
personal context, social context, task context, and
temporal space context, these subcategories are:
Environmental Context: This context captures the
user environment, such as existing elements in the
environment, services, people, and information ac-
cessed by the user.
Personal Context: This context captures the phys-
ical and mental information about the user, such as
mood, abilities, and disabilities.
Social context: This context captures the social as-
pects of the user, such as information about the differ-
ent functions that a user can assume.
Task Context: This context captures what the user
is doing, can describe the user’s goals, tasks, and ac-
Temporal Space Context: This context captures
attributes such as: time, location, and community
This section presents concepts related to the areas of
knowledge involved in this systematic review, which
include Social Context, Social Signal Processing, and
3.1 Social Context
According to author (Kofod-Petersen and Cassens,
2006), social context describes the social aspects of
the user, such as information about friends, relatives,
and colleagues. For (Carter, 2013) the social context
is the medium by which people can relate easily, in-
cluding the culture in which the individual lives and
was educated and the people and institutions he inter-
acts with. It’s possible to add places and activities to
this concept. Therefore, according to the definition of
(Schilit and Want, 1994) mentioned above, the social
context addresses two of the main aspects to define
the context, which is: ”where are you?” and ”who are
you with?”.
3.2 Social Signal Processing (SSP)
To automate the process of evaluating human behav-
ior, the Social Signal Processing (SSP) has emerged.
The purpose is to use the maximum number of sensors
to collect data and automatically detect information
about users’ social behavior, identifying the informa-
tion of the context in which the user is. SSP addresses
the issues of impartiality, indifference, and scalability.
The author (Vinciarelli et al., 2010) defined some
procedures for the detection of social behavior, which
were later adapted to the mobile environment by
(Palaghias et al., 2016), who concluded that to ex-
tract knowledge about social behavior in mobile de-
vices four steps are necessary:
Sensing: It is done by the sensors present in the
device, such as a gyroscope, accelerometer, camera,
microphone, etc. Each sensor is responsible for gen-
erating the data of certain characteristics, the micro-
phone will generate the data referring to the user’s
speech, for example.
Detection of social interaction: It can be per-
formed using a single modality or multiple modali-
ties. In the single mode, Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connec-
tions are used to identify nearby people. In the multi-
ple modes are used Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections,
microphone, camera, among other sensors.
Extraction of behavioral cues: Behavioral cues are
characteristics, habits or patterns of user interactions
with people.
Obtaining knowledge about social behavior
through the inference of social signals: During a so-
cial interaction, in addition to dialogue, there are ges-
tures, features, directing speech, etc. All these at-
tributes are called social signs. The author (Eagle and
Pentland, 2005) describes that social cues as signs of
non-verbal communication emitted when people are
interacting socially. The union of these social signs
for a period of time leads to the knowledge of social
3.3 Intrusiveness
Second author (Palaghias et al., 2016) the understand-
ing of human behavior in an automatic non-intrusive
way is an important area for several applications.
These applications will reduce the human error that
is introduced by intrusive methods used, one of the
most widely used methods known to be intrusive are
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
questionnaires. Below can be seen non-intrusive and
intrusive technological methods:
Non-intrusive: Through mobile devices and their
internal sensors, not changing the daily routine of the
user; Smart glasses that have several built-in sensors
(only if the user already uses glasses); Sound trans-
mission from mobile devices; Applications that the
user must fill in few data to enjoy the same is consid-
ered non-intrusive.
Intrusive: Sensors attached to the user’s body;
Video or external sensor for monitoring; force the
user to place their smartphone in a respective posi-
tion; force the user to hold something.
As planning of this section of the work, the method-
ology of exploratory bibliographic research was uti-
lized through the meta-analytical approach, aiming to
combine a well-known database, in order to present
a reliable material base. The meta-analysis allows to
obtain the best authors, articles, and journals, as well
as to perform an analysis of the statistical techniques,
the sampling techniques, the most searched lines and
the approaches used in the works.
The methodology of the systematic review applied
in this work was based on the use of the meta-analytic
approach, and was subdivided by the author (Correa
and Cruz, 2005), in four stages: (1) choice of articles
for the study; (2) reading articles, planning items for
exclusion and inclusion of articles; (3) build a basis
for analyzing the articles; and (4) analysis and expo-
sure of results. In this section, you will see the se-
lection of the search source, the search string, graphi-
cal analysis of the return of the searched string, and a
comparative analysis of the articles.
4.1 Research Questions
The objective of this systematic review is to answer
the following research questions:
Q-1 What does it take to create applications that
span the social context in an automated way without
interfering with the user’s life?
Q-1.1 What is the intrusiveness of each job?
Q-1.2 What types of interaction sensors were
Q-1.3 How much was the percentage used in the
works in what is said referring to the SSP?
Q-1.4 What works have contributions to face-to-
face social relations?
4.2 Selecting Fonts and Search String
As a data source for this review, the Scopus search
engine was used, as it indexes other data sources such
as ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore and Science
Direct. Table 1 below shows the search string devel-
oped for the search, which considers the terms in the
title, abstract and keywords fields of the article.
Table 1: Search string.
(TITLE-ABS-KEY ”Context Awareness” AND
TITLE-ABS-KEY ”Social Context” OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY ”Social Interaction”
In the return of the search, it was possible to ver-
ify in the area of the computation the quantity of 93
publications of the year of 1999 until 2018, this can
be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Representation of the number of publications x
An analysis was also made of the number of ci-
tations per year, the total citation is 591 between the
years 1999 and 2018, this information can be seen in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Representation of the number of citations x year.
4.3 Analysis of the Most Cited
For the analysis of the most cited publications, we
chose to identify 10 articles with their authors, and
Systematic Review of Bibliography on Social Interactions using the Meta-analytical Approach
these will be presented in Table 2. We obtained a to-
tal of 289 citations from the 10 articles most cited,
that corresponds to approximately 49% of the total
citations which is (591).
Table 2: Ten most cited articles and their year of publica-
4.4 Distribution of Articles by
Countries of Origin
Table 3 presents the 10 articles classified by the coun-
tries of origin. Data analysis shows that 27 countries
as a whole contribute to the research of this theme,
considering the Scopus database. These 10 countries
account for 65.66% of the total of 93 articles pub-
lished in the area of computing.
Table 3: Ten countries that contributed the most in the pub-
The inclusion (I) and exclusion (E) criteria were elab-
orated for the selection of the studies, as shown in Ta-
ble 4. The criteria have the objective of selecting rel-
evant studies that can answer the research questions
previously described in this review.
Table 4: Inclusion and exclusion criteria.
(I-1) Studies containing terms from the Social
Features area in the title, abstract or keywords.
(I-2) Studies published in workshops, conferences
or periodicals.
(I-3) Complete studies (4 or more pages).
(E-1) Studies not related to the area of Social
(E-2) Works in research areas other than
(E-3) Works prior to the year 2000.
(E-4) Works that are not in Portuguese / English.
(E-5) Studies not entirely available on the web.
5.1 Leading
The research was carried out in the Scopus database,
held on October 18, 2017, until October 22, 2018, us-
ing filter tools, returned 111 papers. Out of this total,
18 papers were excluded because they were not from
the Computing area, with 93 papers remaining.
Then of this result were excluded after reading ti-
tles and keywords 19 articles, the remaining 74 stud-
ies to be analyzed. Of these, 44 were excluded after
reading summaries, totaling 30 remaining studies, af-
ter which the other criteria for inclusion and exclusion
of work were used, which were cited in Table 4 above.
Thus remaining 11 papers, which were included in
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
this systematic review. In Figure 3 the process de-
scribed can be seen in detail.
Figure 3: Steps of the study selection process.
5.2 Selected Works
After the exclusion step using different criteria pre-
sented in Figure 4, we obtained 11 selected papers,
Figure 6 will present a Word Cloud, which returns
a cloud of words that illustrate the most used words
in the titles of the 11 selected papers. The larger the
word the greater the number of occurrences of it, after
the segment will be presented the proposals of each
selected work.
Figure 4: Word Cloud with the titles of the selected articles.
5.3 Synthesis of Selected Works
In the article in (Correa and Cruz, 2005) it shows that
society is represented by one or more human beings,
they have visual contact and interact with each other
in casual situations, talk, dance, play and so on. The
most significant part of our long-term research is how
to enable the AffectiveWare platform to convey in-
ferred user mood from the aesthetics of the wearer’s
As a result of this article, it was possible to de-
tect through a graphical analysis whether the system
user was feeling sad, cheerful, accepting or angry. In
the work of (Paay and Kjeldskov, 2008) a prototype
system was created to promote social connections in
places of the city. A 2-day planning workshop was
conducted to derive ideas of applying sensitivity to
the environment so that the context-aware mobile sys-
tem assists sociality in City.
With this article, it was discovered that peo-
ple were fascinated with the idea of meeting peo-
ple, places, and activities in the space around them.
This was from the great interest and value to get an
overview of a public place and generate discussions
between groups about possible activities that the user
can do next to their current action or even a next place
he can go.
In the article of (Izumi et al., 2009) the uEyes pro-
totype was implemented, and some experiments were
carried out based on several real-life scenarios. It was
assumed scenario where an elderly person is seen by
his family and neighbors of the local community. It
was assumed that when the old man was in his room, a
low quality live video streaming system would work,
it was set up in such a way as to protect the maximum
of his privacy.
As a result, it has been confirmed that uEyes can
provide real-time multimedia viewing services for se-
niors with reasonable quality of service and privacy
according to each user’s situation.
In the article (Pernek and Hummel, 2009), So-
cioNet, a social network platform dedicated to mobile
devices to support social interactions between people,
was presented. SocioNet provides tips for people who
are willing to interact, interact, follow the view that
human interaction allows a better resolution of every-
day problems through the richness of human social
interactions. In order to find the best people, a repre-
sentative model of social relations was presented.
After testing the application in a group of people,
a questionnaire was done with 40 people, of whom
75% answered that SocioNet would be better to estab-
lish communication channels with friends and people
of similar interest than with unknown people, even if
they are friends of friends .
The article (Tran et al., 2009) presents a prototype
for cars, these are equipped with context-sensitive
telematics systems that allow interactions between
them. Relationships can be formed ad-hoc.
The results of this article show that with the help
of contextual information and the connectivity of
Systematic Review of Bibliography on Social Interactions using the Meta-analytical Approach
users between cars it is possible to detect improve-
ments in overall drivability performance.
The article (Yasar et al., 2010) shows how a so-
cial network of vehicles is part of the general context,
allowing to significantly improve the sharing of infor-
mation in the vehicular network. The goal is for ve-
hicles to be able to acquire information from relevant
contexts of other nodes based on their social profiles
and subsequently manipulate this information to per-
form context-sensitive tasks so that this information
can be shared with a friend or friend of a friend.
The results show that with the help of quality and
relevance information provided by the social network
and the sociability among friends, we can limit the
flow of messages between a smaller number of nodes,
but with a high degree of reliability, improving the
overall performance of a network vehicle.
In the article of (Hasswa and Hassanein, 2010) a
new conscious architecture was proposed in a context
that captures multiple properties of the environment
through different sources, using different contexts of
location, social, network, physical device, physical
As a result, greater socialization of people was
achieved because of separate groups in different
themes/categories, directing users to social groups
that satisfied them at that time.
The article (Biamino, 2011) presents a proposal
for an ontology-based social context model to enable
intelligent objects to communicate through social rea-
soning in a pervasive computational environment. For
this, a social context approach was introduced based
on the idea of relying on social network structures for
classification and reasoning of the context.
As a result of this article, it is concluded that the
analysis of group and user modeling improves the rea-
soning and the prospective group-centered perspec-
The article of (O’Connor, 2012) aims to contribute
with research on social context and to help in the de-
velopment of machines for social purposes through
the provision of contexts information, currently, sev-
eral questions are produced regarding the definition,
detection and processing contextual information re-
lated to the use of this information in applications.
As a result, we have identified that it is possible to
identify possible user social events from a collection
of data collected from YouTube.
In the article of (Gilman et al., 2013) an intelligent
space interaction was defined as a sequence of inter-
actions between actors (or a group of actors) that take
into account the context, including the actions and be-
havior of these actors. Actors in such interaction are
independent entities, able to detect and receive infor-
mation, act on their own and communicate with one
another through the environment (eg, outdoors, wire-
less networks, etc.).
This work served to help researchers recognize
human social activities in intelligent spaces, and with
these activities being recognized, it is possible to pro-
vide support and services for them, considering the
intelligent space as an active actor.
In the article (Moreno et al., 2013) SSP was ap-
plied in interactive parks/playgrounds the SSP can
lead to a new generation of playgrounds where each
game acts differently depending on the game and the
children, the way they play, and the type of behavior
promoted or discouraged. The game helps children
explore the capabilities of their bodies, develop their
motor skills, coordination and cognition.
Activities such as jumping and running can help
develop and maintain muscular fitness and flexibility,
creating positive social relationships between players.
Finally, the game allows children to feel part of a
group, helping children to interact with others. The
interactive game fields are composed of three main
elements: sensors, actuators, and gameplay.
In this article, it is concluded that the evaluation
of entertainment facilities particularly those aimed at
free play is difficult. Current playing fields are usu-
ally assessed using questionnaires, group discussions,
or observational studies. The SSP could assist in the
assessment process by automatically measuring raw
data instead of annotated and subjective data. This
could help to better determine if goals were achieved.
5.4 Comparation of Works
After reading the 11 selected papers, it was possible to
generate a table that can verify if there is intrusiveness
to the user, the types of sensors used in each work and
an analysis of which steps of the SSP were used, be-
sides detecting if there was a social relation of mode
virtual or face-to-face, these relationships can be seen
in Table 5.
In this section, the different proposals present in the
domain of the different types of interactions, whether
face to face or virtual, are evaluated and compared.
The selected papers provide an overview of the tech-
niques used to apply these contexts to Context Aware-
ness. By explaining the works, it was possible to an-
swer the questions asked in this systematic review and
their answers will be presented below.
ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 5: Comparative work table.
Q-1.1 What is the intrusiveness of each job?
Of the 11 papers selected, 9 papers have a low
degree of intrusiveness that can be considered non-
existent, since the work of (Izumi et al., 2009)
presents a high level of intrusiveness due to being
an assisted environment for elderly people contain-
ing cameras, monitors, among others; the work of
(Goulev et al., 2004) also has a high level of intrusive-
ness using sensors in the user’s clothing to measure
the degree of user’s mood from the wearer’s clothing
being able to define their primary emotions as anger,
joy, sadness and acceptance, thus resulting in 81,81%
of the articles selected have a low degree of intrusive-
ness or are not intrusive.
Q-1.2 What types of interaction sensors were
Besides the works, they need to have network ac-
cess be it Wi-Fi, 3G, etc. They use a variety of dif-
ferent sensors such as image detection through (cam-
eras and monitors), GPS, interpersonal distance, time,
accelerometer, environment sensors, pressure sensors,
temperature, sensors for clothes, light sensors, etc.
Q-1.3 How much was the percentage used in the
works in what is said referring to the SSP?
Of the 11 works, 4 use 100% of the techniques
available through the SSP, 6 works use 75% of the
techniques and 1 work uses 50%.
Q-1.4 Do the papers contain contributions to face-
to-face social relations?
The works that have contributions to social rela-
tions are 6 out of 11, which use techniques that focus
on users to have possible face-to-face social interac-
Q-1 What does it take to create applications that
span the social context in an automated way without
interfering with the user’s life?
After reading the selected works, it was possible
to detect that it is necessary to implement contextu-
ally aware applications since Context Awareness has
the ability to identify the current context of the user by
providing appropriate information/responses to users
automatically. It is important that the application be-
comes ubiquitous in the user’s day-to-day life, and
that it is not intrusive to the user, and utilize the SSP
techniques because these techniques help to solve the
user’s impartiality and indifference problems.
Due to the constant growth and development of hu-
man beings in relation to social interactions, differ-
ent ways of communicating human beings were un-
veiled. Being able to communicate with oral language
Systematic Review of Bibliography on Social Interactions using the Meta-analytical Approach
(face to face), but also through virtual means express-
ing himself through a mediation tool, to interact with
other people.
Interaction through virtual means can help human
life in daily life, being relevant to different tasks in
order to achieve a certain goal, which is shared by all,
can be given as example basis a trip between friends,
who suffers the intermediation of a conscious applica-
tion of context that aims to travel together to a certain
destination in safety.
This systematic review had as a contribution of re-
search to the academic community, how the dynamics
of social interactions between individuals are done ei-
ther face-to-face or virtual, using context-aware com-
We also interpreted all selected works for the use
of social signals behavior, recognizing which steps
are appropriate for each work, being (1) sensing, (2)
detecting social interaction, (3) extracting behavioral
cues, and (4) obtaining knowledge about social be-
havior through the inference of social signs, these
were presented in a comparative table in order to con-
tribute with possible future work that will be carried
out in this area.
The authors would like to thank Penguin Formula
for partial supporting/funding of this research and
UFSM/FATEC through project number 041250 -
9.07.0025 (100548).
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ICEIS 2019 - 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems