Considerations for Face-based Data Estimates:
Affect Reactions to Videos
Gustaf Bohlin
, Kristoffer Linderman
, Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm
and Reynold Bailey
o University, Sweden
Rochester Institute of Technology, U.S.A.
Affective Reactions, Facial Expressions Estimates, Face-based Pulse Estimates.
Video streaming is becoming the new standard for watching videos, providing an opportunity for affective
video recommendation that leverages noninvasive sensing data from viewers to suggest content. Face-based
data has the distinct advantage that it can be collected noninvasively with minimal equipment such as a simple
webcam. Face recordings can be used for estimating individuals’ emotional states based on their facial mo-
vements and also for estimating pulse as a signal for emotional reactions. We provide a focused case-based
contribution by reporting on methodological challenges experienced in a research study with face-based data
estimates which are then used in predicting affective reactions. We build on lessons learned to formulate a set
of recommendations that can be useful for continued work towards affective video recommendation.
Face-based data has the distinct advantage that it can
be collected noninvasively with minimal equipment
such as a simple webcam. Face recordings can be
used to estimate an individual’s emotion based on
their facial movements. Pulse can also be estima-
ted from videos of the face, providing additional cues
about the viewers’ emotional state.
We provide a focused case study contribution by
reporting on methodological challenges with face-
based data estimates, experienced in the context of
predictive modeling as a step towards affective video
recommendation. We captured webcam recordings of
users’ faces and upper bodies as they watched video
clips intended to evoke reactions of anger, fear, hap-
piness, sadness, or surprise. We report on the use of
face-based estimates of emotional facial movements
and face-based pulse for computational modeling to
predict a user’s rating of a video, comparing against
the explicit self-reported rating.
Video streaming is becoming the new standard for
watching videos, providing a need to suggest content
to users. Although an individual’s rating is valuable to
a recommendation system, most people do not rate the
videos they watch (for example, 50% of the subjects
involved in this study indicated that they never rate
videos). This provides an opportunity for affective vi-
deo recommendation that leverages noninvasive sen-
Figure 1: Facial expression and pulse were both captured
using standard webcams as demonstrated here by one of the
authors. The green box indicates where the pulse was trac-
sing data from viewers to suggest new content. Af-
fective video recommendation sets out to analyze the
users’ emotions while they are watching videos in or-
der to conclude what to recommend.
Bohlin, G., Linderman, K., Alm, C. and Bailey, R.
Considerations for Face-based Data Estimates: Affect Reactions to Videos.
DOI: 10.5220/0007687301880194
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 188-194
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Face-based estimates are commonly used in infe-
rence of emotional experiences. For example, (Busso
et al., 2004) explored multimodal emotion recogni-
tion using speech and facial expressions. An actor
read sentences while being recorded and face markers
were utilized to interpret facial muscular movement.
Similarly, (Ioannou et al., 2005) extracted face featu-
res and explored the understanding of users’ emotio-
nal states with a neurofuzzy method and facial ani-
mation parameters. As another example, (Tarnow-
ski et al., 2017) used a Microsoft Kinect to record
a 3D model of subjects’ faces with numerous facial
points. They recognized seven emotions using facial
expressions, a k-NN classifier, and a neural network .
Work in affective computing has also focused on re-
actions for specific emotions. For instance, (Shea
et al., 2018) studied intuitively extracted reactions to
surprise, spanning multiple modalities. Estimated fa-
cial expressions were particularly important for iden-
tifying naturally occurring surprise reactions.
More specifically, affective computing methods
have been considered promising for video recommen-
dation and classification. (Zhao et al., 2013) presented
a framework for recognizing human facial expressi-
ons to create a classifier, which identified what genre
viewers watched from their facial expressions. Howe-
ver, as they drew on acted facial data, reactions tended
to involve exaggerations rather than corresponding to
less direct, more intuitive and natural expressions, re-
sulting in modeling unsuitable for actual practical use.
The use of facial data towards video recommen-
dation was explored by (Rajenderan, 2014). To facial
expressions, Rajenderan added analysis of the pulse
modality, calculated with a method called photoplet-
hysmography, developed at MIT by (Poh et al., 2011).
The work was continued by (Diaz et al., 2018), with
a focus on estimating and visualizing viewers’ domi-
nant emotions over the course of a video. The pho-
toplethysmography method uses fluctuations in skin
color related to blood volume and the proportion of
reflected light to help estimate the viewer’s pulse. For
this case study, we also apply photoplethysmography
for non-invasive pulse estimation (see Figure 1), with
recalibration occurring between each video viewed by
the subject in the study.
Conducting an experiment that entirely focuses on
face-based capture provides an opportunity to reflect
on challenges that occur when working with face-
based data estimates. We build on this experience
in presenting examples that illustrate methodological
considerations and summarize lessons learned, as a
springboard to formulate a set of recommendations
that can be useful for continued work towards af-
fective video recommendation. This section describes
how we collected face data and processed the face-
based estimates for use in predictive modeling, taking
a step towards video recommendation.
3.1 Data Collection
Equipment. The equipment used for data col-
lection included two standard webcams operating
in real-time: the Logitech C922 Pro Stream We-
bcam and the Logitech Pro 9000 Webcam. One we-
bcam was used to capture the subject’s facial ex-
pressions, while the other was used to estimate the
subject’s pulse using the aforementioned photoplet-
hysmography method. Additional hardware included
a desktop computer with a 24” computer monitor with
external loudspeakers, keyboard, and a mouse.
Stimuli. The experiment included carefully se-
lected short video clips with content from movies, TV
programs, or videos. The clips intended to elicit re-
actions corresponding to five major emotions: happi-
ness, sadness, anger, fear, and surprise. The emotio-
nal impact of the videos was assessed jointly by the
authors. Three clips were included per emotion cate-
gory with a total of 15 video clips. We avoided con-
tent that might cause strong discomfort. Table 1 pro-
vides an example from each emotion category. Sub-
jects consented to participating in the IRB-approved
Procedure. The data collection process is illustra-
ted in Figure 2. Each subject was given oral instructi-
ons explaining the outline of what the experiment
would look like. After completing the consent form
and receiving a walk-through of the experiment, par-
ticipants filled out a demographic survey. They did
not know what clips they were watching prior to vie-
wing the videos.
(Diaz et al., 2018) discussed that an experimen-
ter being present could potentially have an effect on
a viewer’s emotional expressions. Accordingly, the
subject was alone in the room during the experiment
to mitigate any such an effect. For each video:
1. the subject was shown an image with instructions
for the pulse calibration
2. a 50 second video of a countdown was shown in
order to calibrate the pulse estimation
Considerations for Face-based Data Estimates: Affect Reactions to Videos
Figure 2: Data collection procedure. Subjects viewed fifteen videos to elicit affective reactions from five emotion categories.
3. the video was shown
4. the subject filled out a survey regarding the video
they watched
This was repeated 15 times, and each subject wat-
ched all videos. The order of the videos displayed
was randomized for each subject. The survey after
each video included the following questions, adapted
from (Diaz et al., 2018):
Have you seen this video before?
What did you feel when watching the video?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate the vi-
Would you want to watch similar videos? (Yes,
No, Maybe)
For the second question, the subject could choose
any one or more of the following emotions as appli-
cable: happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise, and
other (please specify). At the end of the experiment
the subjects were thanked for their participation and
received a cash payment of $12 USD.
The facial expressions were processed using Af-
fectiva ((McDuff et al., 2016)) in iMotions, focusing
on automatically inferred high-level facial expressi-
ons such as joy and anger, as shown in Table 2. All
features extracted from iMotions were represented as
a numeric value reflecting the confidence that the fea-
ture was expressed. Every feature extracted was then
aggregated in five ways (min, max, average, median,
and standard deviation) for subsequent modeling ana-
The estimated pulse was processed into three ty-
pes of features: (1) pulse derivative, or the change in
pulse from one sample to the next; (2) absolute pulse
derivative, meaning the absolute value of the pulse de-
rivative, and (3) pulse derivative direction represented
as 1 (increasing), 0 (no change), or -1 (decreasing).
We used measures of change as opposed to the exact
estimated pulse values because of differences in pulse
between individuals as well as concerns about inaccu-
rate values; by focusing on measures of change we
mitigated such issues and centered on trends instead.
Subjects. The data collection involved 32 volun-
teers (17 female and 15 male) recruited on campus
through study announcements. Twenty-six reported
an age between 18-24 and six reported an age bet-
ween 25-44. In the quantitative analysis, five subjects
were excluded because of data quality concerns.
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Table 1: Examples of the video clips used to elicit emotional reactions. Length of clip in parentheses.
Happy Sad Anger Fear Surprise
Despicable me 2 Marley & me Witness Shining Magic show
A man has a date
with a woman that
goes well. The day
after, he is happy
and dances around
the town. (1:57)
A dog is being put
down. Flashbacks
of the dog’s life in
a happy family are
shown. (2:02)
A group of Amish
people are entering
a town. When they
enter a gang of
youths harass them
as they are unwil-
ling to fight back.
A video of a frig-
htened boy follo-
wed by a slow pan
through an empty
living room pai-
red with menacing
sound. (1:22)
A man is perfor-
ming magic where
he produces birds
out of nowhere. In
the end he also re-
veals a woman that
could not be seen
during the perfor-
mance. (2:01)
Figure 3: Theoretical diagram explicating three approaches to consider data from the viewing process.
Table 2: Facial expression features.
Anger Sadness Disgust
Joy Surprise Fear
Contempt Smile
Computational Modeling. As a step towards af-
fective video recommendation, and given the modest
size of the dataset, we used a Support Vector Classi-
fier (SVC) from scikit-learn
to implement predictive
modeling of the subjects’ ratings of the videos (5 clas-
ses) and whether they would watch similar videos
again (3 classes). For the machine learning model
two types of face-based estimated feature modalities
were used: facial expressions and pulse. We used ab-
lation to tune the model to well-performing features.
For every model trained, the accuracy was calculated
using an average of the score for all folds where each
fold left one subject out. We also explored Decision
Tree and Random Forest methods, and we compared
against a baseline classifier from scikit-learn.
To investigate which data from the viewing pro-
cess enabled prediction, we considered three approa-
ches in the feature aggregation, as shown in Figure 3,
considering: (1) the entire video, (2) 10 second win-
dows anchored in time points where viewers demon-
strated a significant change in their estimated pulse
(with 5 seconds before and after), and (3) the 10 last
seconds of the clip where the clip highlight tended to
We first include example findings from analyzing the
data from the participants that shed light on methodo-
logical challenges with face-based capture. Second,
we provide results from the classification developed
based on the face-based estimated features. We also
discuss limitations of this study.
Considerations for Face-based Data Estimates: Affect Reactions to Videos
Figure 4: A viewer looks away.
4.1 Examples of Challenges
The following examples are indicative of challenges
encountered when affective estimates are based me-
rely on face-based capture.
Example 1: Looking Away. Subjects were not mo-
nitored by a person in the room. Several subjects did
at some point in the data collection process begin to
look around the room or at their phone. When this
happened the pulse estimation lost track of their face
and it also temporarily obstructed the facial expres-
sion processing; see Figure 4. A contributing reason
could be leaving subjects alone in the experimentation
Example 2: Abundance of Joy. While more pro-
minent for happy videos, facial indicators of joy occur
for videos of various emotion categories, as shown in
Figure 5. We suspect that this is due to subjects smi-
ling when experiencing other emotions than just joy.
For instance, they could be smiling as a sign of frus-
tration or smiling at something nice in a sad scene.
(Hoque et al., 2012) reported on a study which ex-
plored how smiles occurred with such noncanonical
emotional reactions.
Example 3: Other Visual Reactions. There are
strong visual cues for emotional reactions that extend
beyond facial movements, which a human could re-
cognize immediately, but that may be missed by facial
expression analysis focusing on facial movements.
Figure 6 shows a subject shedding tears while viewing
a clip intended to elicit sadness; the analysis based
on facial movements detected only a small amount of
sadness for short periods of time as indicated by the
circled episodes in Figure 6.
4.2 Subpar Predictive Modeling with
Face-based Estimations
The results of the ablation and in turn the best perfor-
ming classifiers are in Table 3. Face-based features
from across the entire clip appear to generate more
accurate models, however, the subpar prediction per-
formance (only slight improvement over the compari-
son baseline) suggests that sole reliance on face-based
features, which suffer from methodological challen-
ges during capture or processing, did not aid robust
prediction, at least not in this case.
There are also other issues with face-based es-
timates. For instance, one face experienced repea-
ted track loss even though the subject remained still,
highlighting nonrobustness to the range of faces.
Limitations. The videos used were intended to eli-
cit emotional reactions yet were intentionally mild to
mitigate emotional triggers, and they were at most 3
minutes long, which may have resulted in less emoti-
onal expression or absence of such reactions. In addi-
tion, 27 participants represents a modest sample size
with implications for the effectiveness of the machine
learning modeling.
This case study identified challenges for face-based
data estimates with implications for producing reli-
able data, data analysis, and predictive modeling of
affective reactions, summarized here:
1. Users may not face the camera or their faces may
be obstructed and not capturable.
2. Users often multitask and distribute their attention
which limits face-based estimation.
3. Models are biased towards expected behaviors
and fail to identify reactions when users behave
4. Models do not yet robustly account for the full
range of human diversity.
We recognize that several scenarios need to be explo-
red further such as what happens when multiple faces
are tracked in a group simultaneously as well as the
impact of lightning conditions.
Affective video recommendation is an emerging field.
While face-based data is an intuitive, unobtrusive mo-
HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
Figure 5: Abundance of joy. While happy videos are clearly marked by the estimated smiles, so are other categories too.
Figure 6: Tears shed when watching a sad clip as visual cue going beyond analyzed facial movements.
Table 3: Mean accuracy from leave-one-subject-out evaluation using SVC with ablation.
Mean Accuracy
Classifier Question Entire video End instances Pulse instances No. labels
SVC Which rating? 36% 33% 31% 5
Baseline Which rating? 27% 28% 30% 5
SVC Watch similar videos? 48% 47% 47% 3
Baseline Watch similar videos? 46% 46% 47% 5
dality to consider for this application, methodological
challenges introduce complications, as illustrated in
this case study. To set the path to begin to respond to
these challenges we formulate three recommendati-
ons towards human-aware affective video recommen-
dation. First, system should detect loss of attention
measurement and adapt when needed to raise atten-
tion with visual or audio cues. Second, robust sys-
tems must also leverage multimodal sources of hu-
man behavioral data when face-based estimates fail
to provide adequate input. Third, face-based software
models must be trained with large and diverse sample
sizes, accounting for unexpected and uncooperative
We are grateful to Malm
o University and Rochester
Institute of Technology for their support of the student
authors. This material is based upon work supported
by the National Science Foundation under Award No.
IIS-1559889. Any opinions, findings, and conclusi-
ons or recommendations expressed in this material are
Considerations for Face-based Data Estimates: Affect Reactions to Videos
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation.
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HUCAPP 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications