Ontology and HMAX Features-based Image Classification using Merged
Jalila Filali
, Hajer Baazaoui Zghal
and Jean Martinet
ENSI, RIADI Laboratory, University of Manouba, Tunisia
Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 – CRIStAL – Centre de Recherche en Informatique,
Signal et Automatique de Lille, F-59000, Lille, France
Image Classification, HMAX Features, Ontology.
Bag-of-Viusal-Words (BoVW) model has been widely used in the area of image classification, which rely on
building visual vocabulary. Recently, attention has been shifted to the use of advanced architectures which are
characterized by multilevel processing. HMAX model (Hierarchical Max-pooling model) has attracted a great
deal of attention in image classification. Recent works, in image classification, consider the integration of onto-
logies and semantic structures is useful to improve image classification. In this paper, we propose an approach
of image classification based on ontology and HMAX features using merged classifiers. Our contribution
resides in exploiting ontological relationships between image categories in line with training visual-feature
classifiers, and by merging the outputs of hypernym-hyponym classifiers to lead to a better discrimination bet-
ween classes. Our purpose is to improve image classification by using ontologies. Several strategies have been
experimented and the obtained results have shown that our proposal improves image classification. Results
based our ontology outperform results obtained by baseline methods without ontology. Moreover, the deep
learning network Inception-v3 is experimented and compared with our method, classification results obtained
by our method outperform Inception-v3 for some image classes.
Image classification consists in labeling images with
one of a number of predefined categories. To achieve
this goal, machine learning techniques are used. As
the basis of image processing and computer vision,
image representation is the key study content in
this field because its performance directly affects the
image classification results. In this context, the Bag-
of-Visual-Words model (BoVW) proposed by (Sivic
and Zisserman, 2003) is widely used in image classi-
fication and object recognition. In the literature, se-
veral works dealing with image classification revolve
around BoVW method, which consist on building a
visual vocabulary from image features (Wang and Hu-
ang, 2015), (Gao et al., 2013). The image features are
quantified as visual words to express the image con-
tent through the distribution of visual words.
Recently, special attention has been shifted to the
use of complex architectures which are characteri-
zed by multi-layers. Indeed, the biologically-inspired
HMAX model was firstly proposed by (Riesenhuber
and Poggio, 1999). The HMAX model has attrac-
ted a great deal of attention in image classification,
due to its architecture which alternates layers of fea-
ture extraction with layers of maximum pooling. The
HMAX model was optimized in the work of (Serre
et al., 2007) in order to add multi-scale representation
as well as more complex visual features.
To improve image classification, several classifi-
cation approaches based on ontologies have been pro-
posed. The use of ontologies is generally motivated
by the need to use semantic relations and describe
data at a more semantic level for better classifica-
tion. However, the accuracy of classification results
remains far from authors’ expectations due to several
problems which still persist, such as the problem of
ambiguity between classes. The ambiguity between
classes is made explicit when similar visual features
belonging to different image classes. An example of
the ambiguity problem is presented in Figure 1.
In this paper, our objective is to propose an ap-
proach of image classification based on ontology and
HMAX features using merged classifiers driven by
taxonomic relationships in order to improve image
classification. Our contribution consists in exploiting
Filali, J., Zghal, H. and Martinet, J.
Ontology and HMAX Features-based Image Classification using Merged Classifiers.
DOI: 10.5220/0007444101240134
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2019), pages 124-134
ISBN: 978-989-758-354-4
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Images correctly classified with positive (top)
images that belong to tiger class and negative (bottom) ima-
ges that, belong to cat class. The cat images appear in the
tiger class due to their similar visual features to tiger ima-
ontological relationships between classes in line with
training visual-feature classifiers, and in merging the
outputs of hypernym-hyponym classifiers to lead to a
better discrimination between classes. The ontology
is built to represent the semantic information associa-
ted with training images. The aim is to improve image
classification using taxonomic relationships between
image categories.
The remaining parts of the paper are organized in the
following way. Section 2 explains the related works
and our motivations. Section 3 details our proposed
image classification approach. In section 4, we pre-
sent the experimental setup and then, we present and
discuss the image classification performance. The last
section concludes and recommends possible areas for
future works.
Image classification has acquired the attention of rese-
archers in computer vision and image processing. In
image classification, several methods and approaches
have been introduced and applied. In this section, we
give a general overview of the main related works.
BoVW model was originally applied to classify
images in the field of image processing and compu-
ter vision. Several studies have focused on the use
of the BOVW-based methods for classifying and re-
cognizing images. For instance, in (Singhal et al.,
2017) a novel technique of image classification using
BOVW model is proposed. The aim is to perform bi-
linear classification of images, deciding between car
and non-car images. The process involves feature de-
tection of images using FAST features (Rosten and
Drummond, 2006) and a supervised learning model is
trained and then tested for image classification. The
experiment shows that the proposed method is an ef-
ficient method of performing bi-linear classification.
Recently, several methods based on HMAX archi-
tecture have been used for improving image classifi-
cation (Theriault et al., 2013), (Hu et al., 2014). In
(Theriault et al., 2011), a method of feature learning
based on HMAX architecture for image classification
has been proposed. The purpose is to build complex
features with richer information to improve image
classification. Moreover, in (Zhang et al., 2016) a fast
binary-based HMAX model (B-HMAX) is proposed
for object recognition. The goal is to detect corner-
based interest points and to extract few features with
better distinctiveness. The idea is to use binary strings
to describe the image patches extracted around de-
tected corners, and then to use the Hamming distance
for matching between two patches.
To improve image classification, several classifi-
cation approaches based on ontologies have been pro-
posed. For instance, (Su and Jurie, 2012) proposed
to address two limitations of BOVW model: the lack
of explicit meanings of visual words and the visual
words are usually polysemous. Two novel methods
have been proposed to improve the performance of the
bag-of-words model for image classification. Both
approaches consist in predicting a set of semantic at-
tributes. One is combining bag-of-words histograms
with semantic image descriptors. The other is em-
bedding semantic information into the visual vocabu-
lary. In addition, (Ristin et al., 2015) have addressed
the problem of learning subcategory classifiers when
only a fraction of the training data is labeled with fine
labels while the rest only has labels of coarser catego-
ries. The aim is to adopt the framework of Random
Forests (Breiman, 2001) and to propose a regulari-
zed objective function that takes into account relations
between categories and subcategories. Moreover, in
(Abdollahpour et al., 2015), a new visual vocabulary
generation and feature representation method based
on semantic taxonomies is proposed for image classi-
fication. The aim is, firstly, to leverage the semantic
taxonomy to define visual words which are aware of
contents and categories; secondly, to design a hierar-
chical classifier based on semantic taxonomies.
Other recent work tackle how coarse and fine la-
bels can be used to improve image classification. In
this context, (Dutt et al., 2017) address the problem
of classification of coarse and fine grained categories
by exploiting semantic relationships. In this work, the
idea is to adjust the probabilities of classification ac-
cording to the semantics of categories. An algorithm
for doing such an adjustment is proposed to show the
improvement for both coarse and fine grained classi-
fication. In (Lei et al., 2017), a weakly supervised
Ontology and HMAX Features-based Image Classification using Merged Classifiers
Table 1: Overview of the related image classification approaches.
Approaches Model Ontology Dataset
(Al Chanti and Caplier, 2018) BoVW
(Durand et al., 2017) FCN ResNet-101 VOC 2012
(Dutt et al., 2017) CNN X CIFAR-100
(Singhal et al., 2017) BoVW car images
(Lei et al., 2017) CNN X CIFAR-100
(Zhang et al., 2016) HMAX GRAZ01
(Szegedy et al., 2016) Inception-v3 ILSVRC 2012
(Wang et al., 2016a) CNN-RNN
(Wang et al., 2016b) BoVW
Caltech 101
VOC 2007
(Li et al., 2015) HMAX Caltech 101
(Abdollahpour et al., 2015) BoVW X CIFAR-10
(Hu et al., 2014) HMAX Caltech 101
(Gao et al., 2013) BoVW specific data
(Su and Jurie, 2012) BoVW X VOC 2007
(Theriault et al., 2011) HMAX Caltech 101
image classification method with coarse and fine la-
bels has been proposed. The goal is to use weakly
labeled data aiming at learning a classifier to predict
the fine labels during testing. For this, authors have
proposed a CNN-based approach to address this pro-
blem, where the commonalities between fine classes
in the same coarse class are captured by min-pooling
in the CNN architecture.
Recently, deep learning and Convolutional Neural
Networks (CNNs) have been successfully applied in
many vision tasks including image classification and
object recognition. The quality of network architec-
tures significantly improved by utilizing deeper and
wider networks such as Inception-v3 (Szegedy et al.,
2016) and AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012). (Wu
et al., 2015) incorporated deep learning into a weakly
supervised learning framework and demonstrated that
their deep multiple instance learning system achieves
convincing performance in both image classification
and image annotation. Moreover, (Wang et al., 2016a)
proposed a unified CNN-RNN framework for multi-
label image classification, which effectively learns
both the semantic redundancy and the co-occurrence
dependency in an end-to-end way. The multi-label
RNN model learns a joint low-dimensional image-
label embedding to model the semantic relevance
between images and labels. In addition, (Durand
et al., 2017) introduced a deep learning method which
jointly aims at aligning image regions for gaining spa-
tial invariance and learning strongly localized featu-
res. The idea is to extend Convolution Neural Net-
work at some levels for image classification.
To summarize the recent related work, we present
in Table 1 a review of the related image classifica-
tion approaches. It can clearly be seen that BoVW
model has been applied by several work in both ca-
ses: without and with ontologies. But, in the litera-
ture, HMAX model is used only without ontologies
for image classification. In addition, the use of onto-
logies is generally motivated by the need to improve
image classification, however, the accuracy of classi-
fication results remain far from authors’ expectations.
Thus, despite this large number of the classification
approaches in the literature, several problems persist,
mainly the problem of ambiguity between classes that
can degrade classification accuracy (cf.Figure 1).
In previous work, an image annotation approach ba-
sed on visual features and ontologies has been pro-
posed (Filali et al., 2017). To achieve better image
annotation precision, an improvement of image clas-
sification is needed.
To overcome the related work limitations, we pro-
pose an ontology and HMAX features-based image
classification method using merged classifiers to im-
prove image classification. Our motivation is to ex-
ploit ontological relationships between image catego-
ries in line with training visual-feature classifiers, and
to merge the outputs of hypernym-hyponym classi-
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
fiers in order to lead to a better discrimination bet-
ween classes. The originality of our proposal con-
cerns the integration of ontology in order to improve
image classification and to decrease ambiguity bet-
ween image classes.
In our method, firstly, we adopt HMAX model to
extract visual features, and we build an ontology that
can represent relationships between concepts (clas-
ses or categories) associated with training images.
Secondly, visual-feature classifiers are trained accor-
ding to taxonomic relationships between classes, in
particular, for each super-category, images of sub-
classes are bagged in super-categories to train hy-
pernym classifiers, and then for each sub-category,
hyponym classifiers are trained using only images of
the sub-classes in order to discriminate between the
node’s sub-categories. Finally, test images are clas-
sified using both hypernym and hyponym classifiers,
then when the taxonomic relationship between the
best hypernym class and the top hyponym classes are
detected, output classifiers are merged to assign best
classes to the test images. This enables to improve
classification accuracy, and to decrease the ambiguity
between classes.
In this section, we describe our proposed image clas-
sification approach and detail their components. As
depicted in Figure 2, our image classification appro-
ach is composed of three components: (1) feature ex-
traction, (2) ontology building, and (3) image clas-
sification component. The different components are
detailed below.
Firstly, visual features are extracted from the trai-
ning set (cf.Figure 2: (1) feature extraction). In our
work, we adopted the HMAX model because HMAX
features are generic, dos not require hand-tuning, and
can represent well complex features with richer infor-
mation (a detailed description is given below). Se-
condly, image categories from the train set are used to
build the ontology which consists in establishing re-
lations between classes using taxonomic relationships
found in WordNet (cf.Figure 2: (2) ontology buil-
ding). Finally, the obtained HMAX features are used
to train classifiers. We have selected a multi-class li-
near SVM in order to classify images (cf.Figure 2:
(3) image classification). The classification method is
detailed in Section 3.3.
3.1 Feature Extraction
To extract visual features from training images, we
use the HMAX model. In particular, we adopt the
HMAX model to provide complex and invariant vi-
sual information and to improve the discrimination
of features. The HMAX model follows a general 4-
layer architecture. We describe below the operations
of each layer. Simple (”S”) layers apply local filters
that compute higher-order features and complex (”C”)
layers increase invariance by pooling units. A gene-
ral architecture of the HMAX model is presented in
Figure 3 (Theriault et al., 2011).
Layer 1 (S1 Layer): In this layer, each feature
map is obtained from a convolution of the test
image with a set of Gabor filters g
with orien-
tations o and scales s. In particular, S1 Layer, at
orientation o and scale s, is obtained by the ab-
solute value of the convolution product given an
image I:
= |g
I| (1)
Layer 2 (C1 Layer): The C1 layer consists in
selecting the local maximum value of each S1
orientation over two adjacent scales. In particular,
this layer partitions each L1
features into small
neighborhoods U
, and then selects the maxi-
mum value inside each U
= max
i, j
Layer 3 (S2 Layer): S2 layer is obtained by con-
volving filters α
, which combine low-level Ga-
bor filters of multiple orientations at a given scale.
= α
Layer 4 (C2 Layer): In this layer, L4 features
are computed by selecting the maximum output
of L3
across all positions and scales.
L4 = max
(x, y), ..., max
The obtained C2 features (HMAX features) are used
as the input of the multi-class linear SVM model to
train classifiers.
3.2 Ontology Building
As depicted in Figure 2 : (2) ontology building, the
ontology building component consists of two main
steps, namely, concept extraction and relation gene-
ration. Let us consider that categories of the training
images consisting of the synset (synonym set or con-
cept that is described by one or multiple words) IDs
which are defined by an external lexical resource; we
Ontology and HMAX Features-based Image Classification using Merged Classifiers
Figure 2: Ontology and HMAX features-Based Image Classification Using Merged Classifiers.
Figure 3: General architecture of the HMAX model (Ther-
iault et al., 2011).
used WordNet
. To achieve this aim, firstly, we need
to extract concepts (or classes) from the synsets. In
particular, we extract the first concept that appears in
this synset and relationships between concepts. We
are interested in hypernymy and hyponymy relations-
hips. Secondly, relationships between concepts are
generated. The resulting sets of taxonomic relations-
hips as well as the resulting concepts are the basis of
our ontology. Finally, once the taxonomic relations-
hips between concepts are extracted and created, the
ontology is built. To successfully construct the onto-
logy, we used the OWL API
. Some rules are app-
lied in order to transform the extracted relationships
in OWL language. Algorithm 1 is used for building
our ontology.
3.3 Image Classification
In this section, we detail our image classification met-
hod. As depicted in Figure 2: (3) image classification,
Algorithm 1: Building ontology.
Input : Cat
: categories, LR :
lexical resource
Output: θ: ontology
1 Initialization : θ (root : animal)
2 Concepts extractConcepts(Cat
3 SubC f indHypoCon(root, concepts, LR)
4 While (|SubC| > 0)do
5 Foreach (C SubC do
6 HyperC f indHyperConcept(θ,C, LR)
7 T R createTaxonomicR(HyperC,C)
8 AddTaxonomicR(θ, T R)
9 EndForeach
10 SubC
f indHypoCon(SubC, concepts, LR)
11 EndWhile
12 Return θ
the obtained visual features and the ontology are used
to perform the image classification. Visual features
are used as the input of SVM classifiers. In our work,
the aim is to learn a discriminative model for each
class in order to predict the visual features members-
hip. To achieve this goal, we focus on linear SVM
classifiers since the diversity of image categories ma-
kes that using a non linear models is impractical. Gi-
ven the visual features of the training images, we
train a One-vs-All SVM classifier (Cortes and Vap-
nik, 1995) for each class to discriminate between this
class and the other classes. Each classifier provide an
output confidence value, which allows to determine
the probability that a given image belongs to the rela-
ted class.
In particular, the visual-feature classifiers are
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Proposed image classification method.
trained in two different strategies according to the
taxonomic relationships between ontology concepts
which represent image categories or classes. Fir-
stly, at each node of the ontology, classes are bag-
ged in super-categories based on the ontology in or-
der to train hypernym classifiers. Specifically, based
on semantic relationships, we can easily obtain trai-
ning images for categories at each intermediate se-
mantic level by grouping together images of their sub-
categories or hyponym concepts. Secondly, for each
hyponym concept in the ontology, visual-feature clas-
sifiers are learned using sub-categories as labels and
their training images.
As depicted in Figure 4 (a), let us suppose that
our ontology contains two hypernym concepts (super-
categories) dog and cat and 4 hyponym concepts (sub-
categories) persian cat, tomcat under cat, and pooch,
sheepdog under dog. At the given node domestic
animal, its intermediate children are regarded as the
super-categories. For example, the training images
of cat will include the training image of persian cat
and tomcat, thus the hypernym classifier of this super-
category is trained with these images. Then, for each
hyponym concept (sub-category), we trained classi-
fiers using their images separately. Finally, given, a
test image, classification is done using both hypernym
and hyponym classifiers as shown in Figure 4 (b). The
test image is assigned to the class that has the best
hypernym classifier that is dog in our example (be-
cause it gives the maximum confidence value). Also,
it is assigned to the best hyponym classifier (tiger in
our example) where classification is done using only
the hyponym classifiers. As a result, top-k classes are
obtained for each classification.
If the best hyponym class (tiger) has a direct re-
lationship with the best hypernym class (dog), we
merge the output of the hyponym-hypernym classi-
fiers by combining their confidence values. For each
selected hyponym class, a new confidence value is
computed (is equal to the average of the confidence
values of both hyponym and hypernym classes). The
test image is assigned to the best hyponym class.
In the case where no direct relationship is detected
between the best hyponym class and the best hyper-
nym class, the next best hyponym classes from the
top-k classes is considered and treated in the same
manner. Therefore, cat and tomcat classifiers are se-
lected because tomcat is the first hyponym class that
appear in top k-classes and that has a direct relations-
hip with cat class. The average of the confidence va-
lues obtained by the two selected classes is computed
and is then assigned to tomcat class. This class beco-
mes the correct class of the test image.
Throughout this section, we illustrate the experimen-
tal results of our work. We start with the experimental
setup, then, we present the evaluation of our method.
Ontology and HMAX Features-based Image Classification using Merged Classifiers
Figure 5: The ontology for the animal dataset.
4.1 Experimental Setup
The aim is to evaluate the classification accuracy of
our proposed method. To achieve this goal, we evalu-
ated our approach on an animal dataset from Image-
Net (Deng et al., 2009). We selected 22 animal clas-
ses from ImageNet, including 6 super-classes (cat,
mammalian, bird, dog, insect and arachnid), 12 sub-
classes and 4 other sub-classes of carnivore and aqua-
tic mammal categories. For each class, we used 180
images as training data and 20 images as testing ima-
ges, resulting in a total 4400 images. We use Word-
Net to generate a semantic ontology for the 22 animal
categories. The resulting animal ontology is shown
in Figure 5. We use accuracy as metric to evaluate
the image classification results. In particular, for each
class, the accuracy is computed as follows:
T P + T N
Where: T P and TN is the number of true positive and
true negative of images that were correctly classified,
respectively, and N
is the total number of images.
4.2 Evaluation Results
The goal, in this experiment, is to show the effect
and the advantages of using ontology to improve the
image classification task. For this purpose, we com-
pare our ontology-based image classification appro-
ach with the baseline method that consists in classi-
fying images using SVM classification. Thus, to show
better performance of our proposed image classifica-
tion approach, we use different image classification
strategies. We introduce the proposed strategies be-
1. BoVW: classical BoVW model is used with
2. BoVW-ONTO: same as above, plus ontology.
3. HMAX: HMAX features are extracted and clas-
sified with SVM.
4. HMAX-ONTO: same as above, plus ontology.
For the classification method based on BoVW model,
SIFT features are extracted and quantized with KMe-
ans and histograms of visual words are used to train
SVM classifiers. In the case of the classification met-
hod that based on HMAX model, HMAX features are
extracted as detailed in section 3.1.1 and they are used
to train SVM classifiers. The size of the final featu-
res is, in the BoVW model, given by the size of the
vocabulary. However, in the HMAX model, the size
is given by the number of the C2 features. For both
methods, multi-class classification is done using one-
versus-all SVM.
For the classification strategies using ontology
(HMAX-ONTO and BoVW-ONTO), features are ex-
tracted as previously. For classification, firstly, visual-
feature classifiers are trained according to the onto-
logy that describes the taxonomic relationships bet-
ween image categories. Two ways of training clas-
sifiers are applied. In the first way, we trained clas-
sifiers which are associated with the super-categories
(6 classes). Specifically, based on the taxonomic rela-
tionships, the training images of these categories in-
clude training images of their sub-classes. For ex-
ample, training images for the super-category at the
node bird include training images of wood ibis and
robin. Thus, hypernyms classifiers are trained using
images of both super and sub-categories. The second
way consists in training classifiers which are associ-
ated with the sub-categories. In particular, for each
class, we trained classifiers using their images sepa-
rately. Thus, hyponyms classifiers are obtained using
the sub-categories. If a class has children nodes in the
ontology, the same process that is used in the first way
is applied.
Given the test image, classification is done using
both hypernym and hyponym classifiers. Firstly, the
test image is assigned to the class that has the best
hypernym classifier (that gives the maximum confi-
dence value). Also, it is assigned to the best hyponym
classifier where classification is done using only the
hyponym classifiers. As a result, for each way, top
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 6: Comparison of accuracy depending on the number
of features for BoVW and BoVW-ONTO methods.
Figure 7: Comparison of accuracy depending on the number
of features for HMAX and HMAX-ONTO methods.
k-classes are obtained. Secondly, if the best hypo-
nym class has a direct relationship with the best hy-
pernym class, we merge their confidence values and
the test image is assigned to the best hyponym class.
If no direct relationship is detected between the best
hyponym class and the best hypernym class, the next
best hyponym class is considered and treated in the
same manner. Classification results of some test ima-
ges are presented in Figure 11. Figure 6 shows the
comparison results in term of accuracy depending on
the number of features for the BoVW and BoVW-
ONTO methods. The obtained classification results
for the strategy based on our method using BoVW
model and ontology (BoVW-ONTO) is clearly higher
than the strategy based on the BoVW model without
ontology. Figure 7 shows the same comparison for
HMAX features. It highlights a similar increase in
accuracy when the ontology is used. The best accura-
cies for BoVW-ONTO and HMAX-ONTO methods
were performed with a dictionary of 3000 features.
In fact, as depicted in Table 2, the best improvement
obtained by HMAX-ONTO method is 8%. However,
the improvement reaches 12,63% for BoVW-ONTO
method. According to the results, we conclude that
Figure 8: Comparison of accuracy depending on the number
of features for BoVW and HMAX methods.
our ontology-based classification method with mer-
ged classifiers increases the classification accuracy for
both HMAX and BoVW models. This explains that
exploiting taxonomic relationships between images
categories in line with training visual-feature classi-
fiers and merging their out pouts classifiers, can im-
prove the classification results.
We also focus on comparing the HMAX and
BoVW models with and without ontology: HMAX
versus BoVW (cf.Figure 8) and HMAX-ONTO ver-
sus BoVW-ONTO (cf.Figure 9). We observe in Fi-
gure 8 that, using SVM, classification method based
on HMAX model provides a better performance than
the classification method based on BoVW model. The
best accuracy for HMAX method is obtained with
a dictionary of 3000 features. When comparing the
HMAX to BoVW method, the improvement reaches
11,66% (cf.Table 3). However, as depicted in Figure
9, we observe that, using the ontology, the difference
in performance of classification results obtained by
HMAX and BoVW models with ontology is much
smaller and the best improvement reaches only 3,22%
(cf.Table 3), and accuracy values are almost the same
with a dictionary of 1000 features (cf.Figure 9). This
results indicate that our proposed method, brings an
increase in accuracy, independently of the selected
features. Moreover, when comparing BoVW-ONTO
and HMAX, we observe that the ontology helps the
BoVW reach an accuracy (0.61) that is comparable
to HMAX without ontology (0.60). Whereas without
ontology, the accuracy of BoVW (0.42) is much lower
than HMAX (0.46).
Finally, we compare our methods using ontology
(BoVW-ONTO and HMAX-ONTO) with Inception-
v3 model. The per-class accuracy is shown in Figure
10. Table 4 presents the accuracy comparison of some
classes and the average accuracy of all used classes.
We find that our methods with ontology outperform
the Inception-v3 on some sub-classes such as pooch,
Ontology and HMAX Features-based Image Classification using Merged Classifiers
Table 2: Accuracy comparison for BoVW versus BoVW-ONTO and HMAX versus HMAX-ONTO methods.
Methods Low-Acc Best-Acc Low-Improvement Best-Improvement
BoVW 0.42 0.58
BoVW-ONTO 0.46 0.61 +4,94% 12,63%
HMAX 0.46 0.60
HMAX-ONTO 0.48 0.63 4,34% 8%
Table 3: Accuracy comparison for HMAX versus BoVW and HMAX-ONTO versus BoVW-ONTO.
Methods Low-Acc Best-Acc Low-Improvement Best-Improvement
BoVW 0.42 0.58
HMAX 0.46 0.60 2,21% +11,66%
BoVW-ONTO 0.46 0.61
HMAX-ONTO 0.48 0.63 0,18% 3,22%
Table 4: Accuracy comparison of some classes for HMAX-ONTO, BoVW-ONTO and Inception-v3 methods.
Methods whale pooch wood ibis spider cheep dog tomcat tiger dolphin average
HMAX-ONTO 0.65 0.65 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.75 0.638
BoVW-ONTO 0.6 0.55 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.611
Inception-v3 0.7 0.3 0.8 0.3 0.65 0.35 0.8 0.7 0.621
Figure 9: Comparison of accuracy depending on the number
of features for BoVW-ONTO and HMAX-ONTO methods.
spider and tomcat. Accuracy values are almost the
same for some super-classes such as aquatic mam-
mal and dog. For all classes, the average accuracy
obtained by HMAX-ONTO method is a little better
than that is obtained by Inception-v3 model. This lat-
ter is also a little better than BoVW-ONTO method
(cf.Table 4).
In this paper, an image classification approach has
been defined. It relies on training visual-feature clas-
sifiers according to the taxonomic relationships be-
tween image categories. Firstly, visual features are
extracted by adopting HMAX model. Then, con-
cepts are extracted from image categories and taxo-
nomic relationship between them are created to build
the ontology, which represents the semantic informa-
tion associated with the training images. Secondly,
two ways of training feature classifiers are applied,
the first one consists in training hypernym classifiers
using training images of super-categories that inclu-
ded images of their sub-classes. The second way, is
performed by training hyponym classifiers using only
images of sub-categories. Finally, test images are
classified using both hypernym and hyponym classi-
fiers, then when taxonomic relationship between the
best hypernym class and the best hyponym class (that
appear in top-k hyponym classes) are detected, output
classifiers are merged in order to assign best classes to
test images. In this work, we have conducted an ex-
perimental study where we are focused on the impro-
vement given by our approach. It is worth to be noted
that our methods, using HMAX and BoVW models
with ontology, achieve superior performance to the
baseline methods. Also, using the ontology, the diffe-
rence in classification performance between HMAX
method and BoVW method is much smaller. More-
over, we compared our methods with the Inception-
v3 model. Our methods outperform the Inception-v3
on some sub-classes and accuracy values are almost
the same for some super-classes. For future work,
the idea would be to evaluate our approach on a large
VISAPP 2019 - 14th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 10: The per-class accuracy comparison of HMAX-ONTO, BoVW-ONTO and Inception-v3 model.
Figure 11: Classification results of some test images using HMAX and HMAX-ONTO methods.
image dataset, as well as to exploit other semantic re-
lationships between classes.
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