How the Role of Information Technology in the Quality
of Accounting Information Systems: Empirical Test on
Accredited Private Universities in Java
Ruhul Fitrios, and Nasrizal
Fakulty of Economic and Business, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Abstract. Various government and private units have not yet implemented
quality accounting information system. Users need quality information generated
by accounting information systems to guide them in making quality decisions.
Information technology plays an important role in helping accounting
information systems to achieve this goal. This study is intended to examine the
role of information technology in producing the quality of accounting
information system. The research hypothesis was tested on 108 financial units of
A and B accredited Private Universities in Java selected using the stratified
random sampling method, and 71 sample units have returned the questionnaire.
The research methods used are descriptive and verification methods. The study
results show that information technology significantly influences the quality of
accounting information system. And it can be used to solve the problem on there
is no quality of accounting information system through the use of appropriate
information technology.
Keywords: Information technology · Accounting information system quality
1 Introduction
An organization is in an environment that generally changes faster than the changes in
the organization itself [1]. To continue to exist in their environment, the organization
must be able to adapt to changes in the environment. One such effort is seen in the
dependence of organizations with information technology and information systems,
both for operational needs and to maintain their strategic advantage [2]. Specifically
information technology plays a role in helping information systems produce
information for decision making and problem solving more thoroughly in organizations
An accounting information system produces useful accounting information, both
for internal and external party decision making [5]. Thus, quality information depends
on the quality of the information system that produces it [6]. Some of the characteristics,
such as: Integration, reliable, and flexible system describes the quality of the accounting
information system applied. The quality of system integration is reflected in the
integration of various components or sub-systems [7], data integration [3], and
integration between related systems [8]. The reliability of the system is seen in the
system's ability to minimize errors and produce true and consistent information [8].The
Fitrios, R. and Nasrizal, .
How the Role of Information Technology in the Quality of Accounting Information Systems: Empirical Test on Accredited Private Universities in Java.
DOI: 10.5220/0010520700002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 563-571
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
use of quality accounting information systems helps improve the quality of decision
making by providing accurate and timely and relevant information [9][10].
But in reality the accounting information system applied in the units of government
and private not meet the quality characteristics such as: the system is not yet integrated
[11], the system is not reliable [12], and the system is not flexible [13]. Wahid [11] as
Head of the Information System Board (BSI) of the Islamic University of Indonesia
stated that the accounting information system at the Islamic University of Indonesia
was not yet integrated, because the system services available today were still
fragmented, so system users had to move platforms to access. In another part, Bisri [12]
as the Chancellor of Brawijaya University stated that there are some university revenues
that have not been included as university income, even though the internal campus
already has an Internal Control Unit (ICU). The statement shows the problem of the
reliability of the accounting information system to produce accurate information.
In addition, Niartiningsih [13], as the Kopertis Region IX Coordinator of Sulawesi,
described that the information systems at twelve private universities in South Sulawesi
are inflexible, because these private institutions have difficulty adjusting the reporting
system changes from the University Database System (UDS) to the Feeder System.
Based on some of the phenomena stated above, it can be concluded that there are
problems with integration, reliability and flexibility system in accounting information
systems in various universities in Indonesia.
Information technology used is one of the factors that influence the quality of
accounting information systems [10][14][15]. Information technology (IT) is a term
that refers to all technologies that collectively facilitate the development and
maintenance of information systems [4]. Information technology influences every
aspect of accounting which includes financial reporting, management accounting,
auditing and tax [10]. More specifically [14] states that information technology has a
major influence on accounting information systems because technology is the
foundation for accounting information systems. In addition, information technology has
significantly strengthened the role of accounting information systems to support the
decision making of every manager and knowledge worker in business [15].
Several previous studies have proven the importance of the role of information
technology for the quality of accounting information systems. Al Eqab & Ismail [16]
prove a positive and significant relationship between information technology and
accounting information systems. In line with the results of research Sacer & Oluic [17]
on small and medium-sized companies in Croatia that information technology
contributes significantly to the quality of accounting information systems. In addition,
Al-Zwyalif [18] also proved that the appropriate management of information
technology affects the usefulness of accounting information systems. Furthermore,
Susanto's research results [19] at universities in Bandung also concluded that
information technology influences the quality of accounting information systems.
The importance of the quality of accounting information systems to produce quality
information for decision makers, and the role of technology for information to improve
the quality of accounting information systems, this study aims
to examine how much
influence the information technology has on the quality of accounting information
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
2 Literature Review
2.1 Information Technology
Pearlson & Saunders [20] states that information technology is all forms of technology
used to create, store, exchange, and use information. Williams & Sawyer [21] reinforces
the above opinion that information technology describes every technology that has the
ability to help produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and or disseminate
information. In addition, Thomson & Baril [22] argues that information technology is
something that is used as a computing and communication tool that has the ability to
capture data (input), process and or convert, store and presents data (output). We define
that information technology is all forms of technology that have the ability to help
accounting information systems to process, store, transfer and transfer quality
According to Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT), there is a set of theoretical
constructs that represent information technology, including: image, visibility,
compatibility, result demonstrability, voluntariness of use, which is used for research
on acceptable technological innovation [23]. In another part according to Pearlson &
Saunders [20] information technology can be seen from the aspect of technical issues,
through the characteristics: adaptability, scalability, standardization, maintainability,
and security. Other experts, Turban, et al., [24] describe information technology
through 4 (four) characteristics, namely: dependable, manageable, adaptable, and
affordable. Likewise Thomson & Baril [22] suggested that there were 4 (four)
characteristics groups to measure the performance of information technology, namely
functionality, ease of use, compatibility, and maintainability. This study uses the
characteristics: compatibility, maintainability and functionality to measure the concept
of information technology.
2.1.1 Accounting Information System
Simkin, Roce, & Norman [10] state that an accounting information system is a
collection of data and processing procedures that produce financial information that is
needed by its users. Another opinion was expressed by Mancini, et al., [25] that the
accounting information system is a complex system consisting of a collection of
components that are closely interrelated (such as data, information, human resources,
information technology tools, models and procedures accounting). Furthermore
Susanto [26] defines accounting information systems more specifically, as a collection
(integration) of sub-systems / components both physical and non-physical that are
interconnected and work together in harmony to process financial transaction data into
financial information. We argue that an accounting information system is a collection
of components or subsystems that interact harmoniously to process financial data and
generate financial information for decision makers.
Petter, Delone & Mclean, [27] describe the quality of information systems through
characteristics-characteristics: ease of use, system flexibility, system reliability, and
ease of learning. The same thing was stated by Delone & McLean [28] that the quality
of information systems can be measured through the characteristics: ease-of-use,
functionality, reliability, flexibility, data quality, portability, integration, and
How the Role of Information Technology in the Quality of Accounting Information Systems: Empirical Test on Accredited Private
Universities in Java
importance. Fitrios [29] uses characteristics: flexibility, reliability, and integration to
determine the quality of accounting information systems. The quality of the accounting
information system in this study is measured by the characteristics: flexibility,
reliability and integration.
2.1.2 Framework and Hypothesis
Information technology affects the quality of accounting information systems. Valacich
& Schneider [3] suggested that information technology is used by accounting
information systems to collect, create and distribute useful data. Gelinas & Dull [14]
emphasize that the development of information technology has a major impact on
accounting information systems, because technology is the foundation on which
accounting information systems lean. More specifically other impacts of the use of
information technology are related to the time needed to carry out input-process-output,
to produce financial information [10]. With advances in technology, transaction-
financial transactions processed immediately, so that the accounting information
system can generate financial reports in real time [10].
The results of previous studies from Sacer & Oluic [17] concluded that information
technology contributes significantly to the quality of accounting information systems.
Furthermore Quintero, Mora, & Abrego [30] stated that information technology
supports the application of accounting information systems by increasing company
productivity, such as increasing administrative activities, and making decisions based
on information generated. Likewise, Susanto [19] conducted research at college
institution in Bandung to conclude that information technology has a significant effect
on the quality of accounting information systems.
Based on the description of the theories and the results of previous studies above, it
can be concluded that the research hypothesis that information technology affects the
quality of accounting information systems.
Fig. 1. Research Model.
3 Methodology
The research method used is descriptive research methods and causal research methods.
Descriptive method is intended to describe the characteristics of the data regarding the
event, person or situation under study [31]. While the causal research method is
intended to determine the cause and effect / effect of the relationship between two or
more variables [32].
This research was conducted at private universities accredited A and B in Java.
Unlike state universities as government tertiary education, private tertiary institutions
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
are owned and managed by certain individuals or groups / foundations. The funding for
the management and implementation of education is the full responsibility of the
tertiary institution. The population of accredited private universities A and B is 170.
The questionnaire was sent to 119 selected private universities that were selected
through the stratified random sampling method. A total of 71 universities returned
questionnaires with a total of 220 questionnaires fulfilling the criteria to be processed.
This study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Square
(PLS) to test the validity and reliability and test the hypothesis. PLS-based SEM is used,
because latent variables are formed by dimensions and indicators.
4 Result and Discussion
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics of Information Technology and Accounting Information System
Quality Variables.
Maximum Mean
IT1 220 2.00 5.00 3.9364 .76184 enough
IT2 220 1.00 5.00 3.3045 1.03057 enough
IT3 220 1.00 5.00 3.4455 .93717 enough
IT4 220 2.00 5.00 3.6273 .82605 enough
IT5 220 1.00 5.00 3.5545 .88195 enough
IT6 220 1.00 5.00 3.0182 1.43334 enough
IT7 220 1.00 5.00 3.7136 .81917 enough
AISQ1 220 1.00 5.00 3.4612 .88934 enough
AISQ 2 220 1.00 5.00 3.2146 1.0859 enough
AISQ 3 220 1.00 5.00 3.5455 1.52318 enough
AISQ 4 220 1.00 5.00 3.9591 .85823 enough
AISQ 5 220 1.00 5.00 3.5864 .92555 enough
AISQ 6 220 1.00 5.00 3.7318 .87800 enough
AISQ 7 220 1.00 5.00 3.1364 1.28125 enough
AISQ 8 220 1.00 5.00 2.8000 1.23565 Not good
Valid N (listwise) 220
How the Role of Information Technology in the Quality of Accounting Information Systems: Empirical Test on Accredited Private
Universities in Java
Table 1 show that the average respondent's answers to questions related to indicators
of the information technology variable and the accounting information system quality
variable on the "sufficient" criteria, except AISQ 8 questions regarding integration
between systems showed the criteria of "not good". Each respondent's answer shows
that there is a gap between theory and reality in universities.
Evaluation of structural models is used to see the results of hypothesis testing. The
evaluation of the structural model evaluation results through path coefficient and R
Square will determine the ability of empirical data to support the theory [33].The ability
of information technology constructs to explain the constructs of the quality of
accounting information systems can be seen through the value of R Square. R Square
test results show a value of 0.6607 and can be said to be "moderate". This can be
interpreted that the information technology construct is able to explain the quality of
accounting information systems by 66.07%, while the remaining 33.93% is explained
by other variables.
The statistical hypothesis indicates whether or not there is an influence of
information technology on the quality of the accounting information system. The
structural model evaluation results provide a path coefficient with a positive sign of
0.813 and significant at alpha 5%, which is marked by a statistical t value of 19,217>
1.96 (see in table 2). The results of this study reject H
and accept H
. Thus it can be
concluded that information technology has a significant positive effect on the quality
of accounting information systems. That increasing the use of information technology
appropriately increases the quality of accounting information systems at private
accredited universities in Java.
This study empirically proved that information technology affects the quality of
accounting information systems. This result is shown by the statistical t value which is
greater than the critical value and is supported by a high path coefficient value. This
result is also strengthened by the R square value of 0.6607 which shows the ability or
role of information technology in explaining the quality of accounting information
Table 2. Path Coefficients (Mean, STDEV, T-Values).
T Statistics
AISQ -> AISQFLEX 0.812675 0.817258 0.027016 0.027016 30.081093
AISQ -> AISQINTERG 0.884474 0.883816 0.030005 0.030005 29.477473
AISQ -> AISQRELIAB 0.816081 0.819446 0.041333 0.041333 19.74381
IT -> AISQ 0.812834 0.809177 0.042298 0.042298 19.217018
IT -> ITCOMPAT 0.908885 0.907752 0.023265 0.023265 39.067152
IT -> ITFUNCT 0.857911 0.853234 0.031701 0.031701 27.062296
IT -> ITMAINT 0.963207 0.963631 0.008202 0.008202 117.44136
The significance of the influence and the magnitude of the role of information
technology on the quality of accounting information systems is supported by the strong
relationship of 3 (three) dimensions of information technology, namely: compatibility,
maintainability, and functionality of the construct (see in table 2). This result is shown
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
by the path coefficient value of the three dimensions is higher. Whereas in other parts
the quality of accounting information systems is also supported by the dimensions of
flexibility, reliability and integration which have a strong relationship with the construct
(see in table 2).
Furthermore, the results of empirical data collected in this study are able to describe
or explain the phenomenon of the lack of quality accounting information systems that
occur in the field. Empirical data shows that the average value per item question both
about information technology and accounting information systems that show a value of
"sufficient" and specifically for the question item "integration between systems" shows
the results of "not good" than the maximum value of 5. These results illustrate that
accounting information systems at private accredited universities are not yet of high
quality, and the information technology used has not been able to support the quality of
accounting information systems.
The above discussion illustrates that to improve the quality of accounting
information systems, it is necessary to increase the ability of the information technology
used. The ability of the information technology used can be seen through its
dimensions. The path coefficient value shows successive results from the dimensions
of "maintainability" followed by "compatibility" and "functionality". The information
technology used must have the ability to adapt to other information technologies
needed, have the ability to adapt to changes in the capacity of the accounting
information system. In addition, the information technology used must be supported by
the availability of parts and repair services.From the aspect of compatibility,
information technology is needed that is interoperable with other technologies, and they
have conformity to product standards. Then from the aspect of functionality, it takes
technology that has sufficient speed to send and receive data / information and has
sufficient connectivity capability to operate.
The results of this study are able to confirm the statement of Wilkinson, et al., [5]
where information technology is able to significantly improve the performance of a
company's accounting information system. The results of this study also reinforce the
statement put forward by Gelinas & Dull [14] that information technology has a major
impact on the quality of accounting information systems, and provides opportunities
for organizations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of accounting information
systems [10].The results of this study further strengthen the results of previous studies:
Al-Eqab & Ismail [16], Al-Zwyalif [18], Sacer & Oluic [17], Quintero, Mora, &
Albegro [30], and Susanto [19] which concludes the importance of the role of
information technology on the quality of accounting information systems.
5 Conclusion
Based on the results of the research and discussion above it can be concluded that
information technology influences the quality of the accounting information system.
Not yet the quality of accounting information systems at accredited private universities
in Java which is characterized by accounting information systems that are not flexible,
not integrated and not reliable due to the inadequate use of the required information
How the Role of Information Technology in the Quality of Accounting Information Systems: Empirical Test on Accredited Private
Universities in Java
The results of this study are able to answer the research problem described through
phenomena. The use of information technology with the right characteristics can
minimize the problem of not yet quality accounting information systems.A limitation
of this study is the number of samples used and this study focuses on private
universities, not in combination with public universities. Information system quality
research can also be grouped by region and other status, owner groups, and others
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