The Influence of Managerial Ability, School Culture and
Motivation on Teachers Performance
Bahler Siregar, and Ridwan
Faculty of Graduate, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze managerial
ability, school culture and motivation on the teachers’ performance of Senior
High School of Padangsidimpuan simultaneously and partially. The independent
variables examined consist of managerial ability variables (X1), school culture
(X2), and motivation (X3) while the dependent variable is teacher performance
(Y). This research was designed using a quantitative approach, with data
collection techniques using a questionnaire. The number of respondents in this
study was 45 people. Variables were measured by Likert scale and analyzed using
multiple linear regression analysis techniques. This study concludes
simultaneously managerial ability, school culture and motivation as measured by
teacher performance has a positive and significant contribution to the level of
teacher performance. The contribution of managerial ability, school culture and
motivation to teacher performance was 53.2%, while the influence of other
variables outside this study amounted to 46.8%.
Keywords: Managerial ability · School culture · Motivation · Teachers’
1 Introduction
Advances in science and technology have brought changes in almost all aspects of
human life, where various problems can only be resolved except by mastery and
improvement of science and technology. These changes are beneficial to human life,
besides that it has also brought humans into the era of global competition, then as a
nation we need to develop and improve the quality of human resources (HR).
Talking about the quality of Human Resources (HR), school is an institution or
institution in which there are various dimensions which are interrelated and decisive.
Wahjosumidjo said that the school as a formal educational organizational unit is a place
of cooperation between teachers, staff, school principals and students / parents [1]. To
achieve school goals both quantity and quality are more determined by the role of the
teacher, and the success of the teacher's work is strongly influenced by the managerial
ability of the principal through leadership who is able to create morale.
According to Uno, the performance is the result of the implementation
achievements demanded by someone about the responsibilities given as a whole as
evidenced by the results of good work performance [2]. Teacher performance is an
important element in education, in addition it is also a determinant of the high and low
quality of education. In addition, a teacher should spearhead the implementation of
Siregar, B. and Ridwan, .
The Influence of Managerial Ability, School Culture and Motivation on Teachers Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0010435000002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 404-410
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
school culture, the teacher must be an example in terms of discipline, by teaching on
time, consistent with the rules that exist in schools both written and not. School culture
is a characteristic, character or image and image of the school in the wider community.
However, according to Komarudin Hidayat without a good school culture, it would be
difficult to conduct character education for students [3].
Speaking of teacher performance, according to Supardi good teacher performance
will result in student achievement [4]. Teacher performance is low related to
professionalism which of course is caused by many factors including low human
resources, lack of learning infrastructure, low teacher welfare guarantees, lack of
learning infrastructure, low teacher welfare guarantees, the opportunity and willingness
to develop oneself that have not yet been increased, managerial ability, school culture
and low work motivation that contribute to influence the level or scale of performance.
Furthermore, to find out the learning achievements of students of Padangsidimpuan
7 Public High Schools seen from the UNBK results in the 2018/2019 school year.
Fig. 1. Scores per Test for Natural Sciences.
Fig. 2. Scores per Test for IPS.
Based on the observations in the graph above, it can be seen that the mean score of
Padangsidimpuan Public High School 7 is still far from expected because the scores
obtained are still very low. Because of this, the authors wrote the best in order to conduct
research in order to obtain a concrete explanation of how much the actual contribution of
the three factors above, namely the principal's managerial ability, school culture and work
motivation on the performance of the 7 Padangsidimpuan High School teachers.
2 Literature Review
The success of teachers in carrying out their duties is a reflection of teacher
performance, and this can be seen from the actualization of teacher competencies in
The Influence of Managerial Ability, School Culture and Motivation on Teachers Performance
realizing their professional assignments. Wibowo said that performance is a process of
how work takes place to achieve work results [5]. Furthermore Engkay Karweti said
that teacher performance can be interpreted as a display of teacher work performance
shown or the results achieved by teachers on the implementation of professional and
functional tasks in learning that have been determined at a certain time period [6].
According to RI Law number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, in
chapter 1 article 1 it is stated that: "Teachers are professional educators with the main
task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating
students in early childhood education through formal education, basic education, and
secondary education." [7]. Principals' leadership in organizations, according to
Wahjosumidjo, takes two forms, namely: formal leadership and informal leadership [8].
Principals and teachers should spearhead the implementation of school culture,
teachers must be an example in terms of discipline. Deal and Peterson said that school
culture is a set of values that underlies behavior, traditions, daily habits, and symbols
practiced by principals, teachers, administrative officers, students and the community
around the school [9]. Furthermore Juwita Rubayhan school culture is a pattern of
values, norms, attitudes, myths and habits that are formed in the long journey of school,
where the school culture is shared by the school community as their basis in
understanding and solving various problems that arise at school [10].
The quality of teacher performance is crucial in the quality of educational outcomes
because the teacher is the figure who most often interacts with students during the
learning process. In carrying out their duties and obligations, a teacher must have high
work motivation. Motivation is often equated with encouragement, encouragement or
energy is a mental and physical motion to act, so that the motive is a driving force that
moves humans to behave and the act has a specific purpose.
Priyono and Marnis's motivational functions for humans including workers are as
follows: (1) motivation functions as energy or a driving force for humans, like fuel in a
vehicle; (2) motivation is a regulator in choosing alternatives between two or more
conflicting activities; (3) motivation is a regulator of direction or purpose in carrying
out activities [11]. Whereas Torang stated that work motivation is a process of giving
encouragement to subordinates so that subordinates can work in line with the limits
given in order to achieve optimal organizational goals [12].
Fig. 3. Research framework.
Based on the literature review and mindset mentioned above, the hypotheses
proposed in this study are as follows:
H1: Managerial ability, school culture and motivation have a positive effect on
teacher performance simultaneously.
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
H2: Managerial ability has a positive effect on teacher performance partially.
H3: School culture has a positive effect on teacher performance partially.
H4: Motivation has a positive effect on teacher performance partially.
3 Methodology
This research was conducted at Padangsidimpuan Public High School 7
Padangsidimpuan City, North Sumatra, since the approval of this research until
completion. This research is a quantitative study, in which the population as well as a
sample in this study amounted to 45 people. This is done if the population is limited
(relatively small in number). Another term for this sample is the census, where the
entire population is sampled [13].
Data analysis was performed with the Validity and Reliability Test. Validity test is
useful for knowing whether there are questions on the questionnaire that must be
discarded / replaced that are considered irrelevant [14]. Pearson Product Moment
validity test uses the principle of correlating each questionnaire item score with the total
score of the respondents' answers. Validity test is done by comparing the value of r
count with r table. Then proceed with the Reliability Test with the intention to show the
extent to which a measurement result is relatively consistent if the measuring
instrument is used repeatedly. Reliability shows the extent of the results of
measurements with these tools can be trusted. The test used is the Cronbach Alpha
theory. A variable is said to be reliable, if it gives a Cronbach alpha value > 0.60.
The next step before the Double Regression Analysis is done first is the Classical
Assumption Test. First normality test which aims to determine whether the residual
value is normally distributed or not. A good regression model is a residual value that is
normally distributed, can be done using the Kolmogrov-Smirnov (K-S) non-parametric
statistical test. The second Multicollinearity Test aims to test whether the regression
model found a correlation between independent variables. A good regression model
does not occur correlation between independent variables. To detect the presence or
absence of multicollinearity in the regression model is to look at the value of tolerance
and Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). If the tolerance value > 10% and the VIF value <
10, it can be concluded that there is no multicollinearity between independent variables
in the regression model. Third The Heteroscedasticity Test aims to test whether in the
regression there is an inequality of variance from the residuals of one observation to
another. Heteroscedasticity shows the spread of independent variables. The test
conducted is the glacier test that is testing by regressing the absolute value of the
residual to the independent variable.
Furthermore, Multiple Regression Analysis is done through the F Test and t Test,
where the F test is carried out to see the significance of the effect of the independent
variables simultaneously or together on the dependent variable or often called the
linearity test of the regression equation. T test is performed to determine whether
individually (partial) independent variables significantly influence the dependent
variable or not. The final step is to calculate the value of the coefficient of determination
(R2). To see the contribution of influence given the independent variable or
independent variable (X) to the dependent variable or dependent variable (Y), or in
The Influence of Managerial Ability, School Culture and Motivation on Teachers Performance
other words, the value of the coefficient of determination or R Square is useful for
predicting and seeing how much the contribution of the influence of variable X given
simultaneously to the variable Y.
4 Results and Discussion
The data obtained has passed the validity and reliability test. After the regression model
is obtained, the model obtained has also passed the classic assumption test. Then the
regression test is performed with the following results:
Table 1. Testing the Effects of Managerial ability, school culture and motivation on teacher
performance simultaneously.
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 2253.000 3 751.000 15.509 .000
Residual 1985.312 41 48.422
Total 4238.311 44
a. Dependent Variable: The performance
b. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation, School Culture, Managerial Ability
Anova test results show the value of F
= 15,509 with a significance level of
0,000. The value of F
can be searched with F
= F (k; n-k) so that the F
worth 2.62 thus, the following conclusions can be obtained: F
value 15,509 > F
with an F-Sig value < 0.05 then all the independent variables together have a significant
effect on the dependent variable. This means that hypothesis I, managerial ability,
school culture and motivation have a positive effect on teacher performance
Table 2. Significance Test Results Managerial ability (X1), school culture (X2) and motivation
(X3) on teacher performance (Y).
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
-2.161 13.920 -.155 .877
Managerial Ability
.373 .153 .298 2.441 .019
School Culture
.327 .156 .243 2.103 .042
.523 .160 .403 3.267 .002
a. Dependent Variable: The performance
Based on the results of hypothesis testing in the table above. Regression coefficient of
managerial ability is 0.373 with Sig 0.019 then 0.019 <0.05. This means that managerial
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
ability partially has a significant effect on teacher performance. School culture
regression coefficient is 0.327 with Sig 0.042 then 0.042 <0.05, meaning that school
culture partially has a significant effect on teacher performance. Furthermore, the
motivation regression coefficient is 0.523 with Sig 0.002, then 0.002 <0.05, meaning
that there is a significant effect of motivation partially on teacher performance.
Table 3. Coefficient of Determination (R2).
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .729
.532 .497 6.95861
a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation, School Culture, Managerial Ability
Based on the SPSS Model Summary output table above, it is known that the coefficient
of determination or R Square is 0.532. R Square value of 0.532 is derived from the
square of the correlation coefficient or "R" that is 0.729 x 0.729 = 0.532. The amount
of determination (R Square) is 0.532 or equal to 53.2%. This figure implies that the
variable Managerial Ability (X1), School Culture (X2) and Motivation (X3)
simultaneously affect the Teacher Performance variable (Y) 53.2%. While the rest
(100% - 53.2% = 46.8%) is influenced by other variables outside the variables not
5 Conclusion
Simultaneously managerial ability (X1), school culture (X2) and Motivation (X3) as
measured by teacher performance (Y) have a positive and significant contribution to
the high and low performance of teachers in Padangsidimpuan Senior High School 7.
The contribution of managerial ability, school culture and motivation to teacher
performance was 53.2%. While the influence of other variables beyond managerial
ability, school culture and motivation is 46.8%.
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MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting