Implementation of Principal’s Academic Supervision in
Improving Teacher Performance
Marimbun Napitupulu
Department of Education Management, Medan State University, Medan, Indonesia
Abstract. The success of the administration of education is determined by the
ability of the principal in managing all the resources available at the school. The
objectives of this study are: (1) To describe the planning of academic supervision.
(2). To explain the implementation of academic supervision (3.)To discuss the
follow-up plans for supervision of teacher performance.This research is a
qualitative research. The subjects in this study were the Head of the School,
competent teachers and students, the research was conducted at the Vocational
School of Pharmacy, APIPSU Medan. Data obtained from this study are (1)
Planning and implementing Academic Supervision (2) Academic Supervision
Assessment, (3). Implementation of Academic Supervision. (4) Follow-Up
Academic Supervision. The results of research and discussion on the
implementation of educational supervision on the performance of vocational
school pharmacy teachers at APIPSU Medan, in general the management of
school principals in carrying out academic supervision has been going well.
Keywords: Academic supervision · Principal · Teacher performance
1 Introduction
The administration and management of education in schools basically covers planning,
implementation and supervision activities. Planning, implementation and supervision
activities are interrelated and constitute the main functions and activities of education
management. [1]. Educational management includes the arrangement of resources that
support the implementation of education, namely: education personnel, students,
learning resources (curriculum), facilities and infrastructure, finance, governance,
school organization, and school relations with the community.
The success of the implementation of education is largely determined by the ability
of the principal in managing all the resources that exist in the school [2].
Academic supervision is a series of activities to help teachers develop their abilities,
so in their implementation it is first necessary to assess the ability of teachers, so that
aspects can be developed and how to develop them. Educational supervision is
coaching towards improving the educational situation. [3]. [4] ect. Educational
supervision is to help create graduates who are optimal in quantity and quality. Helping
teachers develop their personal, competence, and social. Through academic supervision
it is expected that the academic quality carried out by teachers will increase. The final
goal and supervision activities are to improve student learning outcomes.
Napitupulu, M.
Implementation of Principal’s Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0010434800002900
In Proceedings of the 20th Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2019), pages 388-395
ISBN: 978-989-758-582-1; ISSN: 2655-9064
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Supervision needs to be carried out routinely and gradually with a clear schedule
and supervision program, it is the principal's obligation to carry out supervision so that
teachers are more professional in improving the quality of their students. In reality the
headmaster has not been able to carry out supervision properly on the grounds that the
workload of the principal is too heavy and the educational background is not in
accordance with the supervised field of study. So the purpose of fostering and guiding
teachers is still not perfect and teachers do not understand the meaning and importance
of supervision conducted by the school principal [5].
2 Literature Review
Supervision is an activity to determine the conditions / essential conditions that will
guarantee the achievement of educational goals. The principal's duty as a supervisor
means that he must research, search for, and determine which conditions are needed for
the progress of his school. Supervision is basically a service provided by school
principals to help teachers become more capable or skilled in carrying out their tasks in
accordance with the demands of the times. [6] Supervision is an effort made by school
principals in helping teachers to be more able to realize the teaching and learning
process. The aim of supervision of school principals is to foster teacher awareness to
try with their own abilities to improve their weaknesses or weaknesses in carrying out
their tasks, based on the results of assessments conducted by the school principal. [7]
The principal's job as a supervisor, then he supervises and controls the teaching staff,
especially teachers, which aims to improve the professional abilities of teachers and
improve the quality of learning through effective learning.
Principal supervision competencies consisting of: (a) planning academic
supervision programs in order to improve teacher professionalism, (b) carrying out
academic supervision of teachers using the appropriate supervision approaches and
techniques, and (c) following up on the results of academic supervision of teachers in
order improvement of teacher professionalism. [8] The principles of academic
supervision are: (a). Practical, (b) Systematic, (c). Objective, (d) Realistic, (e).
Anticipatory, (f). Constructive, (g). Cooperative, (h). Family, (i). Democratic, (j).
Active, (k). Humanist, (l). Continuous (m). Integrated, (n). Comprehensive. [9] The
results of supervision conducted by the principal must be notified to the teacher
concerned, so that the teacher can know the strengths and weaknesses in teaching. [2]
In its implementation, the principal as a supervisor must pay attention to the following
principles: (a) consultative, collegial, and not hierarchical relationships, (b) is carried
out democratically, (c) is centered on teaching staff, (d) is based on the needs of the
staff education or teacher, and (e) is professional assistance. Supervision activities by
the school principal can be carried out effectively through: group discussions, class
visits, individual talks and learning.
School principal supervision is academic assistance given by the school principal
so that teachers are more professional at work, which includes: (a) planning academic
supervision programs, (b) carrying out academic supervision appropriately, and (c)
following up on the results of supervision in order to improve teacher professionalism.
In the education process, supervision or supervision is an inseparable part in efforts
to improve learning achievement and school quality. [10] Educational supervision is
Implementation of Principal’s Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance
nothing but an effort to provide services to educational stakeholders, especially to
teachers, both individually and in groups in an effort to improve the quality of the
process and learning outcomes. Teachers can simply be interpreted as people who
provide knowledge to students [11]. Because of that task, teachers can increase their
authority and the existence of teachers is very much needed by the community, they no
longer doubt the urgency of teachers for their students.
There are 19 roles of teachers, namely as educators, instructors, mentors, trainers,
advisors, reformers, models and role models, personal, researchers, promoters of
creativity, generating views, routine workers, campers, story carriers, actors,
emancipators, evaluators, preservatives and culminators [12]. Performance is the
implementation of the plan that has been prepared. Implementation of performance is
carried out by human resources who have the ability, competence, motivation and
interests. How organizations value and treat their human resources will influence their
attitudes and behavior in carrying out performance [13].
Performance is the ability of teachers in a variety of teaching skills, guiding,
assessing, using the media, associating or communicating with students, preparing
teaching plans, skills in carrying out classroom administration. [14] Systematically are
directed steps to achieve the goals that have been formulated by a teacher.
The above factors also determine the teacher's activity in analyzing the needs and
priority scale carried out by a teacher to students. The ability of analysis will realize
mutual understanding, respect and ultimately together to try to achieve the results that
have been formulated. Positive and meaningful teacher performance will be able to
color the behavior of their students. This behavior is work creativity that is actualized
by the teacher and has an impact on performance. The higher the creativity the higher
the teacher's performance. [10] Thus the performance carried out by the teacher helps
to plan and implement activities programs more precisely and better. Required teacher
competencies, namely: pedagogical competence, personal competence, social
competence, and performance [15].
3 Methodology
The research approach used in this study is qualitative research, which is a research
procedure that produces descriptive data, in the form of written or oral data and people
and behaviors that can be observed as research objects. Qualitative research is the
collection of data in a natural setting, using natural methods, and carried out by people
or researchers who are naturally interested. [16] [17] Qualitative research has six
characteristics, namely: (1) care about context and situation (concern of context); (2)
natural setting; (3) human as the main instrument (human instrument); (4) data is
descriptive (descriptive data); (5) research designs emerge in conjunction with
observations (emergent designs); and (6) inductive analysis of data. In qualitative
research humans are the main data source and the results of research in the form of
words or statements that are in accordance with the actual.
The type of research the researcher is researching is using a case study research
type, which is an empirical inquiry that investigates phenomena in real life contexts,
when the boundaries between phenomena and contexts are not clearly visible and where
multiple sources are utilized. [17] Case studies are: "In case study the investigator
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
attempted to examine individuals or units in depth. The investigator fries to discover
all the variables that are important in the history or development of the subject. "Data
collection is done using several techniques: a. participant observation, b. interviews
(semi-structured and unstructured interviews), c. documentation. [18] The data analysis
process here the researchers divide into three components, namely: data reduction, data
presentation and drawing conclusions. This research was conducted at the Pharmacy
Vocational School of APIPSU Medan for 3 months, from 1 April 2019 to 30 July 2019.
4 Result and Discussion
4.1 Academic Supervision Planning and Implementation Are Carried
out by the School Principal
In the Planning, the elements supervised by the Head of Pharmacy Pharmacy at
APIPSU Medan were related to professional competence in the form of supervision of
the learning process, the implementation of the learning process and its assessment. In
supervising the ability of learning planning the Head of Pharmacy Pharmacy APIPSU
Medan pays attention to several things, including: 1 examining the teacher in making
outlines of the organization of learning, 2). see the suitability of the subject matter
analysis delivered by the teacher, 3) check the preparation of semester programs and
annual programs, 4). checking lesson plans by the teacher, 5) checking KKM
(Minimum completeness criteria) and the analysis.
The examination of learning planning is carried out every new school year, so
before the teaching and learning process the teacher has prepared a learning plan that
will be conducted in that semester. This learning plan is made as a guide for a teaching
teacher. The making of this learning plan must be made by Medan APIPSU Pharmacy
Vocational School Teacher every new school year, before the teaching and learning
process is carried out. The School Principal always checks the completeness of the
administration of learning before conducting teaching which includes the Syllabus,
Annual Program, Semester Program, RPP, and KKM. Coaching includes giving a way
of making good planning, and choosing a good learning method in accordance with the
conditions of students, and providing opportunities to discuss with colleagues through
the MGMP.
4.2 Academic Supervision Assessment Conducted by the School
Assessment is the process of giving meaning or determining the quality of measurement
results by comparing the number of measurement results with certain criteria. Criteria
as a comparison of the process and learning outcomes can be determined before the
measurement process or can also be determined after the measurement. This criterion
can be the minimum required process / capability, or the limits of success, it can also
be the average ability for group work and various other benchmarks. Criteria in the
form of the minimum criteria that have been set before the measurement and are
Implementation of Principal’s Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance
absolute. The principal as a supervisior is expected to foster teachers in conducting
4.3 Academic Supervision Implemented by the Principal
Implementation is not an activity, but several activities are planned and carried out in
accordance with certain facts to achieve the objectives of the activity. Therefore
implementation does not stand alone by the next object. The implementation of
academic supervision by the school principal discusses problems, learning methods,
learning media and classroom management that requires teachers with non-educational
Implementation of academic supervision by school principals on improving teacher
performance, by fostering teachers in learning methods, learning media and classroom
processing, with various methods one of which uses peer tutors who are mentored by
teachers who have received training transferred by the education office. In the findings
of this study, including presenting the supervision strategy undertaken by SMK
Pharmacy APIPSU Medan to implement academic supervision in improving
professional competence:
a. Improvement of teacher professional competence in planning learning, where the
Pharmacy Vocational School APIPSU Medan with several supervision strategies.
b. Increasing teacher professional competence in the implementation of learning,
strategies by providing input after monitoring the implementation of learning,
providing opportunities for fellow teachers to make observations while learning
and discuss the results and provide mutual input, provide motivation and
understanding of the importance to continuously improve the quality of learning,
in meetings service.
c. Improvement of teacher professional competence in evaluation of learning,
strategies to by giving opportunities to discuss with peers through the deliberation
of subject teachers (MGMP) in Schools and Cities in Medan.
4.4 Follow-up Academic Supervision Conducted by the School
Follow-up academic supervision that is intended here is to follow up on the results of
academic supervision planning, academic supervision supervision, and academic
supervision evaluation conducted by the school principal for teachers at SMK
Pharmacy APIPSU Medan.
4.4.1 Follow-up Academic Supervision Conducted by the School Principal
Supervision conducted by the principal is related to planning, which includes fostering
syllabus and lesson plans, has been well done by the school principal for teachers based
on interviews. Academic supervision planning means thinking about the application of
the general principles of supervision in the implementation of supervisory tasks in a
situation of interaction between the headmaster and the teacher, both within the school
MIICEMA 2019 - Malaysia Indonesia International Conference on Economics Management and Accounting
and outside the school. The result is the syllabus is a learning plan for a particular group
and / or group of subjects / themes that includes KI, KD, learning material, learning
activities, indicators of competency achievement, assessment, time allocation, and
learning resources. The syllabus is useful as a guideline in developing further learning,
such as making learning plans, managing learning activities, and developing an
assessment system. Syllabus is the main source in preparing learning plans, both
learning plans for one KI and one KD. The syllabus is also useful as a guideline for
planning the management of learning activities, for example classical learning
activities, small groups, or individual learning. The headmaster conducts academic
supervision planning in fostering lesson plans that are already good according to the
procedure, that is, the lesson plans are a translation of the syllabus that was prepared in
the previous step. In the RPP reflected activities that have been determined. Learning
Implementation Plan (RPP) is an absolute requirement that must always accompany the
teacher when implementing the learning process in class.
From the discussion of research results strengthened with the opinion of the syllabus
experts is a set of plans and arrangements for implementing learning and assessment
systematically compiled containing interrelated components to achieve mastery of
basic competencies.
4.4.2 Academic Supervision Implemented by the Principal
The implementation of academic supervision by the school principal concerns issues,
learning methods, learning media and classroom management. Innovative learning
methods - In addition to the usual learning methods that we know a lot, there are
currently other innovative learning methods that are expected to be effective when used
for learning activities that take place at school. The learning method is expected that
the teacher does not seem to be a single source of information. The learning method is
a method used by teachers in establishing relationships with students during teaching.
[14] Learning methods are ways to present subject matter conducted by educators so
that the learning process occurs in students in an effort to achieve goals. Besides being
able to use the tools available the teacher is also required to develop the skills of making
teaching media which will be used if the media is not yet available. For this reason the
teacher must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the teaching media,
which includes (a). Media as a communication tool to make the teaching-learning
process more effective, b). The function of the media in order to achieve educational
goals; c). The ins and outs of the learning-teaching process, d). The relationship
between teaching methods and educational media in. Teaching; the selection and use
of educational media; e). Educational media in each subject; f). Innovation efforts in
educational media.
4.4.3 Academic Supervision Assessment Conducted by the School Principal
Assessment in learning involves three aspects, namely cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor. The assessment method consists of two methods, namely the test method
and non-test method. Assessment determines not only one aspect but three aspects
namely cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. So that we as teachers are always
fostered by the principal in implementing it, and the assessment procedure consists of
Implementation of Principal’s Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance
two methods, namely the test method and non-test method. These assessments are
written tests, observations, practical tests, assignments, oral tests, portfolio
assessments, journals, self-assessments, peer-to-peer assessments.
4.4.4 Follow-up Academic Supervision Performed by the School Principal
The principal's management in carrying out academic supervision at the Pharmacy
Vocational School APIPSU Medan, The follow-up of academic supervision is done by
the school principal for teachers in the Vocational School Pharmacy APIPSU Medan,
starting from planning academic supervision to applying the general principles of the
supervision in the implementation of supervision tasks in situations of interaction
school principals and teachers, both within school and outside school. Because with
that planning, the principal will be able to provide supervision properly, because he can
deal with the situation in the school in a firm, steady and flexible manner.
Implementation is not just an activity, but an activity that is planned and carried out
seriously based on a reference to certain norms to achieve the objectives of the activity.
Assessment answers the question about how well the results or learning achievements
of a student. The results of the assessment can be in the form of qualitative values and
quantitative values, because they are used to improve assessment techniques and
assessment procedures. To follow up on the planning, implementation, and evaluation
of academic supervision conducted by the principal to foster teachers in the planning
which includes fostering syllabus and lesson plans.
5 Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion on the implementation of educational
supervision on the performance of APIPSU Medan Vocational School teachers, it can
be generally concluded that the principal's management in carrying out academic
supervision has been going well. Specifically, the conclusions that can be drawn from
this study are as follows:
1. Planning academic supervision conducted by the head of the Pharmacy Pharmacy
at APIPSU Medan, has been carried out according to the procedure.
2. The implementation of academic supervision, including methods, media, and
classroom processing, has been done well by the school principal.
3. Academic supervision assessments covering techniques and procedures have
been given good guidance by the school principal.
4. Follow-up academic supervision which includes planning, implementation, and
assessment, has been done a good coaching by the principal.
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Implementation of Principal’s Academic Supervision in Improving Teacher Performance