The Influence of Islamic Economic Literacy on the Purchasing Power
of Unida’s Students in Unit Usaha Unida (U3)
Ahmad Lukman Nugraha
, Arie Rachmat Soenjoto
and Adib Susilo
Department of Islamic Economics, Universitas Darussalam Gontor, Jln Raya siman 06 km, Ponorogo, Indonesia
Department of Business Administration, Islamic International University Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia
Keywords: Purchasing Power, Islamic Economic Literacy, U3.
Abstract: Literacy will affect attitude and way of thinking of someone including their economic activities such as
purchasing power on a product. Especially pesantren universities such as UNIDA Gontor which have
economic independence, Islamic economic literacy are carried out both in practice and curriculum.
However, does the literacy attempted affect the purchasing power of students in UNIDA Business Units or
U3? This study aims to seek the effect of Islamic economic literacy at UNIDA on the purchasing power of
UNIDA students at U3. The method used in this research is quantitative analysis with multiple regression
analysis. Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire and then tested with SPSS 20 through 222
samples. The results of this study were that the halal of the product, product quality, elements of syubhat or
doubt, tabzir and isyraf elements significantly and positively influenced the purchasing power of UNIDA
students in U3 either simultaneously or partially. Based on the results of the regression test, it was found
that the variables of halal product, product quality, elements of syubhat or doubt, tabzir and isyraf had a
strong influence on the purchasing power of UNIDA students in U3, which about 69.1%.
A person's ability to read literature and write
scientific papers and have skills in certain fields as a
result of his ability to read and write can also be
called literacy (Margaretha and Pambudhi, 2015).
Therefore a person who is literate is able to master
certain fields or activities so that he can face various
problems according to his abilities.
Therefore, literacy plays an important role in a
person's basic well-being. Where someone who has
been literate will easily face the challenges of the
times and can follow the changes and developments
of the times so quickly (Sina, 2012). Furthermore,
literacy, especially economic literacy, plays a major
role in the development of one's ability to make
decisions with the basic concept of how to think
economically to achieve prosperity (Mathews,
1999). Therefore, a person's economic knowledge
will influence economic activities.
One of the economic activities that is often
carried out is consumption, where humans as living
things will consume goods or products and maybe
even services to be able to meet their daily needs
and in order to survive (Juliana, Ulfah and
Syahrudin, 2014). For this reason, it is very
important for someone to understand and be able to
carry out economic literacy, so that he can manage
his personal consumption according to his level of
needs (Kanserina, Haris and Nuridja, 2015).
One's consumption activities can activate
economic life through the exchange of goods and
services with money through buying decisions
(Dwityanti, 2008). With this active economic
activity, economic growth can increase both on a
small scale such as companies and on a large scale
such as regions or countries. The business unit of an
agency is the pulse of economic growth for the
development of that agency, so that it is
economically independent (Pratama, 2019). So that
the agency can be more advanced in its activities
without always relying on assistance.
Darussalam University Gontor as one of the
higher education institutions has been financially
independent and economic activities. This is
evidenced by the development of agency
cooperatives into larger business units (Chotimah,
2015) with six subsidiaries that have a clear and
fixed target market. The business unit of Darussalam
Nugraha, A., Soenjoto, A. and Susilo, A.
The Influence of Islamic Economic Literacy on the Purchasing Power of Unida’s Students in Unit Usaha Unida (U3).
DOI: 10.5220/0010119700002898
In Proceedings of the 7th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance (7th AICIF 2019) - Revival of Islamic Social Finance to Strengthen Economic Development Towards
a Global Industrial Revolution, pages 172-177
ISBN: 978-989-758-473-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Gontor University hereinafter referred to as U3 or
UNIDA Business Unit.
Behind the rapid development of U3, various
problems arise, one of which is the purchasing
power of students to consume goods and services
offered by U3 for daily life is quite low. In fact,
what U3 has to offer is the daily needs of people
who live on campus. Moreover, Darussalam Gontor
University is an Islamic boarding school, which
means students and some lecturers live within the
campus (Bali, 2017). This confirms that the
entrepreneurship curriculum in pesantren is well
implemented, not only through teaching and learning
activities but also by direct practice through business
units in pesantren.
With the number of students on the Siman
campus reaching 1400s and on the women's campus
reaching 1300s the purchasing power for
consumption of student needs should be quite
significant. The fact is that some of U3's subsidiaries
have not shown significant income to be developed
into other U3 subsidiaries.
Based on this background, this study aims to find
out how economic literacy affects the purchasing
power of students at Darussalam University of
Gontor at U3.
2.1 Islamic Economy Literacy
The low economic literacy has an impact on welfare,
Islamic economic literacy not only has an impact on
one's well-being, but will have an impact on the
people or society in general. That is because Islamic
economics has the concept of ta'awun or help
(Khasanah, 2019) which in turn, if a person is
titrated on the Islamic economic side he will be able
to advance himself and his environment.
Conversely, if the economic literacy of Islam is low,
then it will be far from the value of togetherness,
even further from religious values.
Therefore, the priority to increase Islamic
economic literacy becomes a necessity for
individuals or society. In other words, increasing
mastery of Islamic economic literacy is not
negotiable but rather a necessity and all of that
begins with the desire of continuous learning (Sina,
2012). Considering that the increase in Islamic
economic literacy not only has a positive impact on
the accumulation of assets, debt accumulation,
protection, accumulation of savings and carefulness
in managing spending, but the value behind it all and
the concept of ta'awun (Jirhanuddin, Dakhoir and
Sulistyaningsih, 2016) that exists in the economy
Especially in consumption or in Islamic
economic terms also called istihlak, the perspective
that must be used is the mashlahah of the
consumption of goods or services (Harahap,
Nasution and Syahriza, 2017). For that someone
who will consume an item or service must pay
attention, whether or not halal the product or service
(Pujiono, 2006). Furthermore, someone who has
been literated will see the element of doubt from a
product (Puslitbang Kehidupan Keagamaan Badan
Litbang dan Diklat Kementerian Agama RI, 2013).
Furthermore, in the consumption of goods and
services, someone who has been titrated by the
Islamic economy will be careful in consuming goods
and services so that they are not tabdzir and isyraf or
excessive (Arief, 2012; Alkautsar and Hapsari,
2015; Almizan, 2016; Nugraha, Sunjoto and Susilo,
2019) These elements are of concern to a person
who is economically titrated in Islam when going to
buy a product or service without leaving the quality
of the product and service itself. Thus, these
elements that affect one's consumption will also
affect one's purchasing power.
2.2 Purchasing Power
Purchasing power is a person's ability to obtain
goods or services that are desired or needed, so that
purchasing power between one person and another
will be different (Abdurrahman, 2014). Purchasing
power can also be said as a person's ability to
consume goods or services (Hapsari, 2010) caused
by several factors such as income (Nugroho, 2009;
Widiastuti and Handayani, 2013), price of goods
(Mahardini and Woyanti, 2012; Sriwidodo and
Ernawati, 2012), product quality (Bachriansyah and
Ferdinand, 2011) and other factors (Musyawirah,
People's purchasing power is closely related to
the level of income they have, while income is
related to the work done. So that work is also an
important factor in the strength of people's
purchasing power. In which someone who does not
have a job will cause a decrease in purchasing power
due to lack of income or lack of income (Zarkasi,
A person's purchasing power will further
influence buying interest in goods or services and
determine the consumer's decision to buy the goods
or services offered. Although purchasing power does
not fully affect consumer buying interest. However,
The Influence of Islamic Economic Literacy on the Purchasing Power of Unida’s Students in Unit Usaha Unida (U3)
consumer buying interest will affect the consumer's
decision to buy the goods or services offered.
The method used in this research is quantitative with
multiple regression analysis. The population in this
study was 2700 students from the male campus and
from the female campus using the Slovin formula
with error errors of 5% and 10%, so the number of
samples to be obtained was between 97 respondents
to 348 respondents. In this study the number of
samples obtained was 222 respondents in the range
97 to 348.
Data collection techniques used in this study was
questionnaires. The questionnaire distributed
contained questions about the general knowledge of
students regarding Islamic economics related to
factors that influence purchasing power. Such as, the
halal product, quality, elements of doubt, elements
of Islam, and elements tabdzir.
Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used in
this study is a descriptive analysis that describes the
phenomena or characteristics of the data. The
questionnaire used was a Likert scale that was tested
for validity and reliability and was tested by multiple
linear regression analysis.
With the data analysis technique used in this
study the hypotheses to be tested are as follows:
: Islamic economic literacy has no influence on
the purchasing power of UNIDA students at U3
: Islamic economic literacy affects the purchasing
power of UNIDA students in U3
4.1 Validity Test
The Validity test is done by looking at the
correlation between variables, using the SPSS 20
application, the test results show that all variables
are valid (see appendix 1)
In this study df with a total of 222 respondents
was 220. Based on r table for N-2 or in this study
was 220 then the value of r table was 0.131. From
the results of the output table, r count for X1 or halal
product is 0.551 or greater than r table. Likewise
with X2 or product quality with an arithmetic of
0.557 which is greater than the r table. X3 or product
doubtful element r count is 0.591. Furthermore X4
or calculated element r count is 0.598 and X5 or
tabzir element r count is 0.472 which means that the
overall r count is greater than r table that is 0.131 so
it can be concluded that the data is valid and can be
continued in further analysis.
4.2 Reliability Test
As the validity test above, the reliability test was
also carried out with SPSS 20 then based on the
reliability test output it can be seen that the
Cronbach Alpha number for this research is 0.687 or
greater than 0.5 which means the data is still quite
reliable or the data is of moderate level. Data will be
considered reliable if Cronbach alpha is getting
closer to 1.00. Conversely, the closer to 0, the lower
the reliability of the data.
4.3 Hypothesis Testing
Based on the results of the regression test with
multiple regression analysis, the regression equation
can be determined based on the table below:
Table 1: Coefficients
Model B t Sig.
(Constant) .292 1.587 .114
X1 .191 4.826 .000
X2 .176 5.360 .000
X3 .175 5.594 .000
X4 .242 7.953 .000
X5 .138 4.899 .000
From the table above can be made multiple linear
regression equations as follows:
Y = 0.292 + 0.191 X1 + 0.176 X2 + 0.175 X3 +
0.242 X4 + 0.138 X5 + e
In the regression equation above, the constant
value is 0.292. This means that if the halal product,
product quality, elements of doubt, isyraf elements
and tabzir elements are considered constant then the
purchasing power will be constant of 0.292 units.
The regression coefficient for X1 or halal product is
0.191 which means that if the product halal variable
increases by one unit, purchasing power will
increase by 0.191. Meanwhile the regression
coefficient for X2 or product quality is 0.176
meaning that if the product quality variable increases
by one unit then purchasing power will increase by
0.176. Furthermore, the regression coefficient for X3
or the element of doubt is equal to 0.175 meaning
7th AICIF 2019 - ASEAN Universities Conference on Islamic Finance
that if the variable of the doubtful element increases
by one unit, the purchasing power will increase by
0.175. Furthermore, the regression coefficient for X4
or isyraf element is 0.242 which means that if the
variable isyraf element increases by one unit,
purchasing power will increase by 0.242. And
finally the regression coefficient for X5 or tabzir
element is 0.138 which means that if the tabzir
element increases by one unit, the purchasing power
will increase by 0.138.
Meanwhile the results of the ANOVA test or the
F test to see the relationship of variables
simultaneously or together can be seen in the table
Table 2: ANOVA
Model df Mean
F Sig.
Regression 5 9.637 96.671 .000
Residual 216 .100
Total 221
Based on the ANOVA table above it can be seen
that the calculated f value of 96.671 with a
significance value of 0,000 which is smaller than
0.05 means that the halal product, product quality,
doubtful elements, isyraf elements and tabzir
elements have an influence on the purchasing power
of UNIDA students in U3 therefore H1 is supported
or Islamic economic literacy influences the
purchasing power of UNIDA students in U3.
Meanwhile, based on the coefficient table for the
T test, the calculated t value for X1 was 4.826 with a
significance of 0,000 which was smaller than 0.05
meaning X1 or partial or individual halal products
had a significant influence on the purchasing power
of UNIDA students at U3. Meanwhile t count for X2
is 5,360 with a significance of 0,000 which is
smaller than 0.05 meaning that the quality of the
product partially or individually has a significant
influence on the purchasing power of UNIDA
students at U3. Furthermore, t arithmetic for X3 is
5,594 with a significance of 0,000 which means that
the element of doubt partially or itself has a
significant influence on the purchasing power of
UNIDA students at U3. Meanwhile, the t-count for
X4 was 7.953 with a significance of 0.000, meaning
that the isyraf element partially or individually
significantly influenced the purchasing power of
UNIDA students at U3. Furthermore, the t-count for
X5 is 4,899 with a significance of 0,000, meaning
that the tabzir element partially or individually
significantly influences the purchasing power of
UNIDA students at U3.
Furthermore, based on the same table, the beta
value for X1 is 0.215; X2 of 0.231; X3 of 0.250; X4
of 0.336 and; X5 of 0.202. Because the beta value
for X4 or isyraf element is greater than the others,
then X4 or isyraf element has a dominant influence
on Y or the purchasing power of UNIDA students at
U3 than other variables.
Meanwhile, the output summary model can be
seen R square (R2) as follows:
Table 3: Model Summary.
R R Square
Change Statistics
R Square
F Change Sig. F
.691 .691 96.671 .000
Based on the table above, it can be seen that R2
is 0.691, which means 69.1% of the purchasing
power of UNIDA students in U3 is explained by the
halal product, product quality, syubhat elements,
isyraf elements and tabzir elements. Meanwhile, the
remaining 30.9% is explained by other factors not
examined in this study.
Based on the test results, all variables can be
concluded that H
is accepted and H
is rejected,
namely the economic literacy of Islam in UNIDA
Gontor has an influence on the purchasing power of
UNIDA Gontor students in U3. This indicates that
the Islamic economic literacy model at UNIDA
Gontor has run well. Starting from the curriculum to
the implementation or practice in economic
activities, especially on the campus itself. This
reinforces research conducted by Zarkasyi et al.,
Which states that curriculum design and
Islamization for economics is very important in
order to prepare individuals who are able to face the
challenges of the times in terms of economics both
in theory and practice (Zarkasyi et al., 2016).
Therefore halal is the main requirement for a
Muslim in buying an item. So that if someone does
not pay attention to the halal of a product, it is clear
that the economic literacy of Islam is not imprinted
on him. Where halal products consumed are positive
indications in his life (Pujiono, 2006). Therefore
product quality becomes number 2 after product
halal-ness. The results of this study indicate that
product quality has a significant relationship as well
as product halal quality, but the beta coefficient for
product halal-ness is smaller than product quality.
So that in practice UNIDA students continue to
prioritize the quality of new products then see the
The Influence of Islamic Economic Literacy on the Purchasing Power of Unida’s Students in Unit Usaha Unida (U3)
halal product to be purchased. This means that
product halal-ness has not become the main
indicator in buying goods or services. Even though it
should be good in the production or consumption of
halal goods is the main indicator (Ulum, 2015).
However, the main benchmark on the purchasing
power of UNIDA students based on beta testing is
the element of overkill. It means, UNIDA students
really avoid excessive elements when they want to
buy an item. This is consistent with research
conducted by Putriani and Shofawati which states
that the consumption patterns of Muslim students
have followed the pattern of consumption of
Rasullah that is not excessive (Putriani and
Shofawati, 2AD) likewise tabdzir that are avoided
by UNIDA students in buying products. This is also
in line with research conducted by Arifin which
revealed that consumption that goes beyond
reasonable limits is a taboo that should be avoided
by Muslim students who therefore desire to consume
a product needs to be controlled with the limits of
the required needs (Arifin, 2009).
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be
concluded that the halal product, product quality,
syubhat, tabzir and isyraf elements significantly and
positively influence the purchasing power of
UNIDA students in U3 either simultaneously or
together, partially or individually.
Based on the results of the regression test, it was
found that the variables of halal product, product
quality, elements of doubt, tabzir and isyraf had a
strong influence on the purchasing power of UNIDA
students in U3, amounting to 69.1%.
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Appendix 1: Test of Validity.
The Influence of Islamic Economic Literacy on the Purchasing Power of Unida’s Students in Unit Usaha Unida (U3)