Community Poverty Reduction Strategies through a Village-owned
Enterprise in Kampung Belakang Village, West Aceh Regency
Afrizal Tjoetra, Irsadi Aristora, Sudarman and Nodi Marefanda
Universitas Teuku Umar, Meulaboh, Indonesia
Keywords: Village, Community, Poverty Alleviation, and BUMG.
Abstract: Gampong (village) or other names has a number of limitations, which include human resources, capital, and
low-volume sustainably products. It is unfortunate referring thatvillage communityhas an authority and
opportunity to grow and developtheirpotential. Besides, village community also has a greater social capital
to create change through development. The aim of this study was to identify the strategies of the Kampung
Belakang Village government in alleviating poverty through Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMG).This
study used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques were performed
using observations, interviews, focus group discussions, and documentation. The results of this study
showed the strategies of the village officers inalleviating poverty, namely: 1) identification to potential and
opportunities of village enterprise in cooperation with the village officers, 2) announcement of village
officers about programs carried out in the village, 3) conducting development planning sessions involving
all village stakeholders and community, 4) program implementation by involving the villagers as workers,
5) carrying out continuous supervision for implemented programs.
Poverty is often associated with villages. Villages
are attached to various limitations, including the
limitations of human resources, capital, and the low
level of business products that are produced in a
sustainable manner. This fact, inreality, should not
be a problem referring that the village community
has the authority and opportunity to grow and
develop their potential. In addition, the village
community also has greater social capital to create
changes through development.
Gampong is a term from the Acehnese language
which means village. The existence of a village is
mentioned in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, stating that
"Village shall be village and traditional village or as
referred to by other names, hereinafter referred to as
Village, shall be a unit of community that has
boundaries with the authority to regulate and
manage the affairs of government, interests of the
local communities based on the community’s
initiatives, right of origin, and/or traditional rights
recognized and respected in the system of
government of the Republic of Indonesia". On the
other hand, (Anggraeni, 2016)states that as a state
representative, each village is obliged to carry out
development in both physical and human resources,
as an effort to improve the quality of life that can be
optimally utilized for the welfare of the
community.Efforts that can be made by the
gampong government are creating and encouraging
the development of the gampong’s economy through
entrepreneurship in order to be able to realize a
prosperous society through development and
economic prosperity (Ansari, 2013).
The entrepreneurship mentioned can be
accommodated in the Village Owned Enterprises
(BUMD) or the Gampong Owned Enterprises
(BUMG) developed by the government and the
community (Anggraeni, 2016).
The government of West Aceh Regency has
established a BUMG in each village starting from
2015, including in Kampung Belakang Village.
Based on the gampong’s profiles and observations, it
is known that Kampung Belakang has a population
of 1,448 people, with an age composition dominated
by elderlies of 798 people, 284 adults, 305 children
and 61 under-fives. The number of unemployed in
Kampung Belakang reaches 9.94% of the
population. This means that there is still a lot of
unemployment that occurs in the village so that it
Tjoetra, A., Aristora, I., Sudarman, . and Marefanda, N.
Community Poverty Reduction Strategies through a Village-owned Enterprise in Kampung Belakang Village, West Aceh Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010033503560359
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 356-359
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
needs a strategy to reduce that number as well as to
realize the poverty alleviation.
Kampung Belakang Village has undergone a
development through various types of businesses
managed by BUMG. Since 2017 until now, the
BUMG of Kampung Belakang has created jobs for
the village community with wages given following
the standard of Minimum Wage of West Aceh
Regency. The types of businesses developed by the
BUMG of Kampung Belakang consist of: Savings
and Loans Unit, Paving Block and Brick Block
Business Unit, Kabel Sejahtera 3R (Reduce, Reuse,
and Recycle) Waste Dump Site, Refill Drinking
Water Depot and Crystal Ice Factory. The success
carried out by the village officers in the management
of the BUMG over a period of 4 years since the
village fund was disbursed by the government has
been able to open jobs for the community. The
results of this study can later be applied in other
locations to transmit this success as a solution to
poverty alleviation in Aceh, through further studies
on community poverty alleviation strategies through
the BUMG in Kampung Belakang.
This study used qualitative methods, which
according to Bogdan and Taylor(in Moleong, 2007),
these methods are translated as research procedures
that produce descriptive data in the form of written
or oral words from people and observable behaviour.
The informants participated in this study were:
1) The village leader of Kampung Belakang, 2) The
village secretary, 3) The managers of the BUMG, 4)
The community who received the benefits from the
Data collection in this study was carried out
through observation, interviews, and documentation.
The steps in data analysis data collection, data
reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing
or data verification.
An independent village is a village which is capable
in managing and cultivating its potential and
resources. Furthermore, this kind of village can build
its social networking and develop cooperation. The
establishment of BUMG which aims to make a
village independent can empower villagers’
organization, facilitate and strengthen village
deliberation, and organize critical awareness of its
community (
Fauzil, N. 2018).
The results of this study revealed that there were
five strategies which were established by the officers
of Kampung Belakang in alleviating poverty as the
3.1 Performing Calculations about the
Potential and Opportunities of the
Village Enterprise
In solving poverty, Kampung Belakang officers
undertook mapping approach for determining any
available potentials in the village. The mapping was
carried out through deliberating with the villagers
and village officers, and it was also attended by
village elements, BUMG teams, TuhaPeut(council
of four elders), youth element, PKK (Empowerment
of Family Welfare) elements, and community
The village leader of Kampung Belakang
emphasized that the type of business established
should be beneficial for the village and also should
be different and unique compared to those that had
been running in other villages that gave no positive
value and benefit for their village. In other words,
the business programmed in Kampung Belakang
Village must be a productive one.
Moreover, Kampung Belakangofficers should
not only focus on the potential aspects and business
opportunities that would be implemented, but
assured that the type of business carried out must be
able to provide an added value which includes
village's original income. In addition, the business
programmed in the village was expected to be able
to hire the surrounding villagers and empower the
local youth as a way to increase job opportunities
able 1: The types of the business program that had been
agreed and stipulated in the deliberation carried out in
Kampung Belakang Village.
No. Program Year
1 Paving block 2018 5
2 3R waste dump site 2017 5
Refill drinking water
2017 3
4 Ice factory 2017 1
5 Savings and loans 2018 3
6 Animal feed 2019 3
Source: Officers of Kampung Belakang Village, 2019.
Community Poverty Reduction Strategies through a Village-owned Enterprise in Kampung Belakang Village, West Aceh Regency
3.2 Conducting Socialization of the
Type of Business Program That
Would Be Implemented
According to KBBI (The Great Dictionary of
the Indonesian Language),socialization is an effort
to spread something that is informative to be
renowned, acknowledged, understood, and
internalized by the public or community.
Socialization is quite important to conduct since
without it, the goals or the programs set by an
organization are highly unlikely to be realized.
Socialization is one of the important activities in
sustaining an organization, company, and
government, including village governments.
Socialization was one of the main activities carried
out by the village officers to make their business
program successful, profitable, beneficial, easily
comprehensible, and popular among villagers. One
of the strategies implemented by Kampung
Belakang village officers was conducting
socialization for their program for the community in
order to gain positive support from them, and also to
involve them in the implementation process.
The socialization activities did not merely cover
about introduction of the six mentioned business
programs, but also elaborate them so that the
community would know the amount of the budget
needed for running them. Furthermore, the village
officers also gave an elaborative explanation to the
community that the programs were chosen based on
the potentials existing in Kampung Belakang village.
Based on the researcher’s view, the socialization
activities done for each business program in
Kampung Belakang Village were very effective
since transparency was an essential aspect for
Kampung Belakang villagers considering they
would be informed about the business thoroughly
both from the program implementation and the
amount of finance needed for it. This transparency
would also become the fundamental factor that made
the programs run successfully.
3.3 Development Plan Deliberations
Deliberation is an effort made together to solve
various kinds of problems and agree on decisions
produced. Deliberation is derived from Arabic,
namely syawara, which means to negotiate or to
recollect. Deliberation has the aim to reach
consensus or agreement. Basically, the principle of
deliberation is a part of democracy.
Before the implementation of the program, the
village officers carried out deliberations to prepare a
development plan involving stakeholders in the
The deliberations on the development plan were
undertaken to determine the various agreed
programs, the human resources to be involved as
well as various agreements related to the
implementation of the program. In addition, the
development plan deliberations also determine the
amount of finance and infrastructure used for each
3.4 Programs Implementation
The next strategy undertaken by the officers of
Kampung Belakang nodimarefanda is implementing
the program itself. The implementation would be
successful if the village officers and the community
were equally committed to build the village.
Implementation according to Van Meter and Van
Horn (1975) is the realization of actions by
individuals, officials, government agencies or
private groups aimed at achieving the objectives
outlined in certain decisions. These bodies carry out
governmental tasks that have an impact on citizens.
According to Friedrich (1963), implementation is
a policy in a form of an action that leads to the goals
proposed by a person, group or government in a
particular environment in relation to the existence of
certain obstacles while looking for opportunities to
achieve the desired goals.
In Kampung Belakang, the BUMG program has
not fully succeeded in making the village
independent. It is based on the facts from data
collection that the researchers found that the village
government has not been able to realize the goals of
the program. This is stated by Silvia, M (2018) that
the cause for this problem is the human resource
factor that cannot be optimally empowered.
In addition, the officers of Kampung Belakang
also experienced some obstacles in implementing
the program, including:
1. The efforts carried out had not developed
significantly due to the lack of human resources
who were reliable in handling the problems of
each program. For example, most of the ice
produced in the "ice factory" program was not in
a form of perfect block because of problems in
the machine. The problems had not been
resolved because there were no human resources
who had expertise in fixing the machine. This
certainly hampered the operation of the ice
factory. In fact, this type of business is a type of
business that is productive if managed properly
and correctly.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
2. Another obstacle faced by the officers of
Kampung Belakang was the lack of awareness of
some people, especially in the savings and loan
program. This program was implemented in
2018 with a budget of Rp. 150,000,000, which
was lent to 45 people with the provision that they
are the residents of Kampong BelakangVillage
and classified as economically disadvantaged.
The loaned money must be returned within one
year and without interest. However, what
happens in the field was that there were still
some people who had not returned the money to
the BUMG manager. This was due to the view of
some people that the money was government
assistance and should not be returned to the
village officers.
3.5 Continuous Supervision for the
Programs Implemented
Another strategy that was also carried out by the
village officers was to supervise every program that
was carried out.
The supervision aimed to make the program run
smoothly in accordance with a predetermined plan.
The supervision carried out was generally effective
and also continuously because the village officers
was active to evaluate the success of the program.
Of the six BUMGs that had been carried out
since 2017, they were able to provide profits/income
to villages and could employ the community in
every business implemented. The supervision was
carried out not only by village officers, but also
involved elements of the community.
The types of supervision carried out by village
officers were:
1. Direct supervision; carried out by village
officers, especially by the village leader and
BUMG managers by directly observing,
studying, examining or carrying out their own on
the spot checks at the place of business. In
addition, the village officers also received reports
directly submitted by the village community and
immediately followed up on each report
2. Indirect supervision; by receiving reports both
verbally and in writing from the community, as
well as studying the opinions expressed by the
Besides carrying out direct and indirect
supervision, the village officers also applied
preventive and repressive supervision, where they
always conducted audits before implementing the
program, for example by supervising preparations,
work plans, budget plans, and use of personnel and
other resources plans.
Based on the results of the study, it was found out
that there were five strategies carried out by the
officers of Kampung Belakang Village in alleviating
poverty, consisting of:
1. The officers of Kampung Belakang along with
the community performed mapping for the
village’s potentials and business opportunities.
2. The officers conducted socialization on the type
of business programs that would be carried out in
Kampung Belakang.
3. The officers of Kampung Belakang conducted
deliberations to compile the development plan by
involving all stakeholders of the village.
4. The business programs were implemented by
involving the villagers of Kampung Belakang as
the workers.
5. The officers of Kampung Belakang continuously
supervised the implementation of the business
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Community Poverty Reduction Strategies through a Village-owned Enterprise in Kampung Belakang Village, West Aceh Regency