Factors Affecting Discovery of Pulmonary TB Case
through Molecular Quick Method (TCM) and Information System
Treking for Transport Specimens (SITRUST) in Medan
Tukiman, Syarifah, Hiswani
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Pulmonary TB, TCM, Sitrust, Case Finding.
Abstract : Globally (2016) there were 10.4 million incidents of pulmonary TB equivalent to 120 cases per 100,000
population. Medan City is sample area of the International KNCV NGO with TCM and SITRUST facilities.
The aim of the study was to analyze the sociodemographic relationship, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors
of TB officers at the health centre with the discovery of pulmonary TB cases using the TCM and SITRUST
methods. This research used cross sectional study. The population are TB officers in health centre and TB
program managers in Medan City Health Office. Samples are 39 pulmonary TB officers in Medan City
Health Center. Data collection is done by interview using a questionnaire that has been tested before and
analyzed with the Mann-Whitney test. The results of this study were 53.8% of officers aged 45 years,
female sex (97.4%), having an undergraduate education (46.2%), long time serving 8 years, had attended
training (87.2% ). There is no relationship between age, sex, education, length of service, training,
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors with pulmonary TB case finding (p> 0.05), which means that all
characteristics can use the TCM and SITRUST methods in the context of TB case finding pulmonary.
Globally in 2016 there were 10.4 million incidents
of pulmonary TB equivalent to 120 cases per
100,000 population. The five countries with the
highest incidence of pulmonary TB are India,
Indonesia, China, the Philippines and Pakistan. The
highest estimated incidence of pulmonary TB in
2016 occurred in Southeast Asia (45%). The number
of new TB cases in Indonesia was 420,994 cases in
2017. The Case Notification Rate (CNR) per
100,000 population in Indonesia in 2017 was 161, an
upward trend from the previous year. Indonesia's
Case Detection Rate (CDR) coverage from 2008-
2017 tended to be a significant increase in 2017's
CDR of 43.4% (Ministry of Health RI, 2018).
The estimated burden of pulmonary TB in North
Sumatra Province in 2017 TB incidence was 73,488
with a CDR of 50%. Sumatra's CNR in 2017
increased by 185 from the previous year and the
2016 Success Rate of 92.3. Based on Regency /
City the highest CNR in 2017 was Medan City
(369). In 2017 the North Sumatra Province CDR
was 35.9%, the Medan City CDR was 58.7% and
Deli Serdang was 26.4%. Whereas in the 1-3
quarters of 2018, the North Sumatra Province CDR
was 36%, the Medan City CDR was 65% and Deli
Serdang was 27%. Pulmonary TB intervention is
given evenly in all districts / cities but the results are
significant differences in the discovery of new cases.
Medan City and Deli Serdang are sample areas of
international NGOs namely KNCV in accelerating
the process of TB elimination by providing
assistance and increasing human resources in both
other regions and regions in North Sumatra
Province. Facilities provided by the KNCV in case
finding include TCM in all districts/cities.
Specifically for Medan City and Deli Serdang, they
were also given SITRUST.
Factors causing the low case finding of
pulmonary tuberculosis in health center based on
research Nugraini et al (2015) are influenced by the
duties and responsibilities of the P2TB program
holder, laboratory staff, and the head of the health
center, funding, suspicion screening, diagnosis, and
To overcome the above problems related to the
examination currently developed Rapid Molecular
Tukiman, ., Syarifah, . and Hiswani, .
Factors Affecting Discovery of Pulmonary TB Case through Molecular Quick Method (TCM) and Information System Treking for Transport Specimens (SITRUST) in Medan.
DOI: 10.5220/0010014302220227
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 222-227
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Test (TCM) with Xpert MTB / RIF which is fast and
can identify the presence of MTB and resistance to
rifampicin simultaneously, so that early initiation of
accurate therapy can be given and can reduce the
incidence of TB by general. At present, TCM
examination with Xpert MTB / RIF is the only
molecular examination covering all required
rebehavior elements including all reagents for the
Polymerase Chain Rebehavior (PCR) process in one
cartridge. Xpert MTB / RIF examination detects
qualitative MTB complex DNA from direct
specimens, both sputum, and no sputum. In addition
to detecting complex MTB, Xpert MTB / RIF
examination also detects mutations in the rpoB gene
that cause resistance to rifampicin. Xpert MTB / RIF
examination can diagnose TB and rifampicin
resistance quickly and accurately.
In addition to TCM, a Treking Information
System for Specimen Transport (SITRUST) was
also developed, an information system to monitor
the movement of shipments of test sample packages
starting from the order process, pick-up by courier,
confirmation of receipt, feedback related to the
conditions of the test sample to the recapitulation of
the test sample inspection results. SITRUST consists
of a form of a web-based application for managing
data and user accounts of SITRUST and an Android-
based mobile application that is used to send and
receive test samples. The main users of the
information system are program management
officers and laboratory analysts from the health
facilities and correctional institutions, couriers,
health services and the TB Sub-Directorate. In
addition to functioning as a tracking device,
SITRUST also supports the electronic recapitulation
of recording and reporting of sample shipments.
Rye, et al (2007) stated that there was a
significant correlation between TB suspicion
screening (OR = 8.92; 95% CI 2.36-38.65), IEC
services on TB (OR = 8.85; 95% CI = 2.16 -36.97),
and DOTS training (OR = 5.84; 95% CI = 1.54-
26.77) for the discovery of new cases in Palu City.
Research Saomi et al (2013) states there is a
relationship between educational background (p =
0.027; OR = 8.0) and knowledge (p = 0.023; OR =
9.75) to the discovery of cases of pulmonary TB in
the Ex-Pati Pati.
This research model is quantitative. Quantitative to
see the relationship between the independent
variables and the proportion of case finding targets
in both study sites. Mann-Whitney test is used to see
the relationship between dependent and independent
3.1 Respondent Characteristic
Characteristics of respondents can be seen by using
a questionnaire through interviews which include
sociodemography (age, gender, last education, long
on duty and training experience). Respondents in
this study were 39 TB officers in Medan City Health
Center. The proportion of respondents based on
characteristics can be seen in the Table 1.
Table 1: Distribution of characteristics based on
sociodemography (age, sex, recent education, long on
duty, and training experience) of TB officers in Medan
city health center.
Characteristic n %
<45 years old 18 46,2
45 years old 21 53,8
Total 39 100
Recent Education
Senior High School 4 10,3
Diploma 17 43,6
Bachelor 18 46,2
Total 39 100
Long on duty
<8 years 18 46,2
8 years 21 53,8
Total 39 100
Training experience
Has never been
Based on the Table 1, the results show that the
proportion of the age group of TB workers in Medan
majority is 45 years (53.8%), female (97.4%),
having a bachelor degree (46.2%), the majority have
been an officer in the pulmonary TB program for 8
years (53.8%), and the majority of staff had attended
pulmonary TB training (87.2%).
Based on Maryun's research (2007) that the
majority of TB workers are> 40 years old (42.3%).
In the Nuraisya study (2018), the same results were
Factors Affecting Discovery of Pulmonary TB Case through Molecular Quick Method (TCM) and Information System Treking for
Transport Specimens (SITRUST) in Medan
obtained with the majority of TB workers being
aged 46-55 years (48.8%).
This is in line with the results of Rye's research
(2009) which shows that the majority of TB workers
are female (78.6%). This is in line with the results of
Widjanarko's research (2006) which shows that the
majority of TB workers have D3 and above
education (57.7%). This is different from Maryun's
research (2007) that the majority of TB workers
have D3 education (69.2%) with the lowest
proportion of S1 education (3.8%). The majority of
staff have D3 education and above, this meets the
minimum qualification standard for health workers
to have a minimum D3 education. Based on the
research results of Ratnasari (2015) in Rembang
Regency, it shows that the level of education has no
relationship with the achievement of officers on the
case detection rate (CDR) in the pulmonary TB
program. From these results it can be concluded that
having a high education is no guarantee to produce
satisfactory performance.
The results of Nuraisya's study (2018) also
showed that the majority of officers had 12 years of
service. Maryun's research (2007) also shows a
consistent result that the majority of officers have a
working period of 11-20 years (34.6%). The results
of Husein's research (2012) showed that the majority
of officers had lama3 years of service (65%) with p>
0.05, ie the length of work had no relationship with
the performance of TB officers in the discovery of
pulmonary TB cases.
Table 2: Relationship between age of pulmonarytb
program officers and pulmonary TB case finding through
TCM and SITRUST methods in Medan city health center.
No Age
TB Case Finding
n SD Mean
<45 years old
18 4,754 37,39
2 45 years old 21 3,948 51,76
Based on the Table 2, it can be seen that there are
18 TB case findings aged <45 years with a standard
deviation of 4.754 and as many as 21 TB case
findings aged 45 years with a standard deviation of
Based on the Mann-Whitney test p value <0.05
(p = 0,703), which means there is no significant
difference between age and the discovery of
pulmonary TB cases in Medan City Health Center.
This is in line with the study of Widjanarko
(2006) which shows that age and sex have no
relationship with pulmonary TB case finding. Based
on the results of this study, it cannot be said that
holders of pulmonary TB programs at the older age
will produce better case findings than younger
officers. This can be proven by the existence of
some younger officers with high TB cases.
Table 3: Relationship between the sex of the pulmonary
TB program officer with pulmonary TB case finding
through the TCM and SITRUST method in Medan city
health center.
No Sex
TB Case Finding
n SD Mean
1 Male 1 - 1,00
2 Female 38 0,001 2,00
Based on the Table 3, it can be seen that there is
1 male case finding of TB. There is only 1 male case
so no standard deviation is obtained. There are as
many as 38 TB cases that are female with a standard
deviation of 0.001.
Based on the Mann-Whitney test p values <0.05
(p = 0, 109), which means there is no significant
difference between the sexes and the discovery of
pulmonary TB cases in Medan City Health Center.
This is in line with Widayat's (2006) research
which shows that there is no relationship between
the sex of TB workers and the role of health workers
in TB case finding. Some male health workers at the
health center perform their roles in TB case finding
well and some perform their roles unfavorably.
Likewise, with female health workers, some carry
out their roles well and some don't. This shows that
there are similarities between male and female
officers. Thus the TB case finding results do not
have a relationship with sex.
Table 4: Relationship between the recent education of
pulmonary tb program officers and pulmonary tb case
finding through TCM and SITRUST methods in Medan
city health center.
No Recent Education
TB Case Finding
n SD Mean
1 Senior High School 4 0,001 1,00
2 Diploma 17 0,001 2,00
3 Bachelor 18 0,001 3,00
Based on the Table 4 it can be seen that the most
TB case finding is done by officers with a bachelor's
education, namely 18 cases, with a standard
deviation of 0.001.
Based on the Mann-Whitney test p values <0.05
(p = 0, 945), which means that there is no significant
difference between the recent education and the
discovery of pulmonary TB cases in Medan City
Health Center.
This is not in line with Maryani's (2015) study
which found that the majority of TB workers had
Diploma education (66%). Education is an effort in
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
providing knowledge to individuals. The higher the
level of one's education, the higher the level of
knowledge. In this study, it was found that the
majority of TB workers had an undergraduate level
of education (46.2%), but in interviews conducted
relating to staff knowledge, there were still officers
who did not know/were wrong in answering
questions about TB or TB case finding with TCM.
Table 5: Relationship between the long on duty of
pulmonary TB program officers and pulmonary TB case
finding through TCM and SITRUST methods in Medan
city health center.
No Long on duty
Case Finding TB
n SD Mean
1 <8 years 18 1,96 3,08
2 8 years 21 8,17 18,80
Based on the Table 5, it can be seen that TB case
finding is mostly done by officers with a duty of 8
years with 21 cases, with a standard deviation of
Based on the Mann-Whitney test, p-value <0.05
(p = 0, 945), which means that there is no significant
difference between the long on duty with TB case
finding in Medan City Health Center.
Husein's research (2012) shows that there is no
relationship between the length of work and the
discovery of pulmonary TB cases. The study also
shows a consistent result, namely the length of time
the officer has no relationship to the case detection
rate in the Pulmonary TB program. In the results of
this study also showed the same thing because some
of the officers who had kerja8 years of work had a
case-finding rate that was below average and vice
versa with officers who had a length of work <8
Table 6: Relationship between training experience of
pulmonary TB program officers and pulmonary TB case
finding through TCM and SITRUST methods in Medan
city health center.
TB Case Finding
n SD Mean
1 Has never been 5 0,001 1,00
2 Ever 34 0,001 2,00
Based on the Table 6, it can be seen that the TB
case finding is more in the officers who have done
training compared to those who have never been
done, namely the discovery of 34 cases in the
officers who have done training with a standard
deviation of 0.001.
Based on the Mann-Whitney test, p-value <0.05,
which means there is no significant difference
between the experience of TB staff training and the
case finding of pulmonary TB cases in Medan City
Health Center.
This is different from the research results of
Ratnasari (2015) which shows that there is a
relationship between training conducted by officers
and the discovery of pulmonary TB cases. In the
results of this study, the majority of officers had
attended training (87.2%), but there was still low
pulmonary TB case finding rates. According to the
results of research Rye (2009) states that there is a
relationship between DOTS training with the
discovery of pulmonary TB cases because the
training of someone aims to look for the expected
capacity improvement. It is expected that the
increased ability will be directly proportional to the
results of improved performance which ultimately
results in the discovery of good cases of pulmonary
TB. Also, the training aims to improve the
effectiveness of officers in achieving work results by
specified and specific work implementation
techniques. In connection with TCM training, there
are still officers who are found not to know about
TCM, even though the existence of TCM is expected
to provide better results in TB case finding in the
Table 7: Relationship between knowledge of pulmonary
TB program officers and pulmonary TB case finding
through TCM and SITRUST methods in Medan city
health center.
No Knowledge
TB Case Finding
n SD Mean
1 Low 19 3,36 16.26
2 High 20 4,26 26,5
Based on the Table 7, it can be seen that TB case
finding is more in officers who have high knowledge
compared to officers who have low knowledge,
namely the discovery of 20 cases in officers who
have higher education with a standard deviation of
Based on the Mann-Whitney test, p-value <0.05,
which means there is no significant difference
between the knowledge of TB officers and the
discovery of pulmonary TB cases in Medan City
Health Center.
This is in line with research Rye (2009) which
shows that there is no relationship between the
knowledge of officers with the discovery of
pulmonary TB sufferers in the city of Palu. It means
that TB officers with good knowledge or lack the
Factors Affecting Discovery of Pulmonary TB Case through Molecular Quick Method (TCM) and Information System Treking for
Transport Specimens (SITRUST) in Medan
same opportunity to find patients with pulmonary
TB. In this study, it was obtained that some officers
who had high knowledge resulted in a case-finding
rate that was below average. Also, it was found that
officers who still lacked knowledge of TCM and
SITRUST due to the program that had just been
enacted and training that was lacking by officers.
In contrast to the results of Maryani's study
(2015) at the Kartasura Community Health Center
which found that there was a relationship between
the level of knowledge of health workers and the
role of TB suspects discovery, with the Spearman
test that obtained a significance value of 0.00 (p-
value <0.05). The results of the study found that the
majority of health workers had insufficient
knowledge (46%).
Table 8: Relationship between attitudes of
pulmonarytb program officers and pulmonary tb case
finding through tcm and sitrust methods in medan city
health center.
No Attitude
TB case finding
n SD Mean
1 Not good 19 1,98 29,42
2 Good 20 2,38 36,30
Based on the Table 8, it can be seen that TB case
finding is more in officers who have a good attitude
compared with officers who have less attitude,
which is found 20 cases in officers who have good
attitude with a standard deviation of 2,38.
Based on the Mann-Whitney test, p-value <0.05,
which means that there is no significant difference
between the attitudes of TB workers and the
discovery of pulmonary TB cases in Medan City
Health Center.
This is different from the results of Widjanarko's
research (2006) which shows that there is a
relationship between the attitude of TB workers with
the discovery of suspected pulmonary TB.
Ratnasari's research (2015) also shows the same
results that there is a relationship between the
attitudes of the officers and the achievement of the
officers towards the case detection rate in the
Pulmonary TB program in Rembang Regency. From
the results of this study obtained an overview of
officers who have attitude scores above average but
have low case finding results.
Based on the Table 9, it can be seen that the
discovery of more TB cases in officers who have
good behavior compared with officers who have bad
behavior, namely the discovery of 25 cases in
officers who have good behavior with a standard
deviation of 0.66.
Table 9: Relationship between behavior of pulmonary TB
program officers and pulmonary TB case finding through
TCM and SITRUST methods in Medan city health center.
No Behavior
TB Case Finding
n SD Mean
1 Not good 14 0,49 3,64
2 Good 25 0,66 5,76
Based on the Mann-Whitney test, p-value <0.05,
which means that there is no significant difference
between the behavior of TB officers and the
discovery of pulmonary TB cases in Medan City
Health Center.
The behavior illustrates the process of finding
pulmonary TB cases using the TCM method and the
SITRUST application, which includes TB officers
conducting the TCM method in sputum examination,
providing information to TB suspects regarding the
TCM method, and using the SITRUST application
in the process of sputum delivery until receiving the
results of the examination using the TCM method .
Research by Boehme, et al (2010) on rapid
molecular tests of tuberculosis and rifampicin
resistance conducted at five trial sites namely Peru,
Azerbaijan, Cape Town, South Africa, and India
with the conclusion that the MTB / RIF test provides
sensitive detection of tuberculosis resistance and
rifampicin directly from sputum in less than 2 hours.
Research conducted by Lawn, et al (2011) states that
the MTB/RIF Expert Test greatly accelerates the
time for diagnosis, with approximately 2 hours
compared to 1 day for smear microscopy, 16 days
using liquid culture and 20 days using solid culture.
This study also demonstrated the ability to quickly
and reliably detect 90% of TB cases including
almost 77% of smear-negative cases. So the faster
the detection time, the faster the TB sufferers get
According to the TB program holders in Medan
City Health Center, the implementation of SITRUST
has run quite well. With SITRUST, the process of
sending sputum specimens from the health center to
the hospital where the TCM examination is made is
easier and benefits patients in terms of time and
money. Besides the benefits provided, there are
obstacles in its implementation. In Medan, there are
only 3 hospitals which serve as TCM examinations
from all health center in Medan. In the process,
checking with TCM only takes about 2 hours to get
results, but every specimen that is taken for TCM
examination must queue up before the inspection
process is carried out. The queuing process is the
obstacle so that the patient receives phlegm
examination results longer. Because of these
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
constraints, several health centers have implemented
regulations that patients suspected of having special
conditions such as those suspected of having MDR
as well as patients with complications whose sputum
examination will be sent to use TCM examination. If
the patient still shows symptoms of regular TB, then
the examination is only done with a conventional TB
examination at the health center.
The majority of TB workers in Medan are in the age
category 45 years (53.8%), female sex (97.4%),
last education S1 (46.2%), length of service 8 years
(53.8% ), and had attended training (87.2%).
There is no relationship between age, sex, last
education, length of service, experience in training,
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of TB officers
with TB case finding using the TCM and SITRUST
methods in Medan City.
Thank you to the TALENTA Research Institute,
University of North Sumatra for providing and
researching with contract number: 4167 / UN5.1.R /
PPM / 2019 dated April 1, 2019.
Boehme, C., 2010. Rapid molecular detection of
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Factors Affecting Discovery of Pulmonary TB Case through Molecular Quick Method (TCM) and Information System Treking for
Transport Specimens (SITRUST) in Medan