Traumatic Experience During Aceh Military Operations Area (DOM)
on the Openness of Local Communities against Migrant Residents in
Burni Pase Village, Aceh Province
Iskandar Zulkarnain
, Febry Ichwan Butsi
, and Sahri Daini
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi Pembangunan, Medan, Indonesia
Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
Keywords: Conflict , Aceh,Military Operations Areas, Traumatic, Migrant Residents.
Abstract: The Aceh conflict with the Indonesian Government occurred in 3 eras, namely in the Orde Lama, Orde Baru,
and Orde Reformasi. The peak of this conflict occurred since May 1989, where the Government of Indonesia
applied the status of Military Operations Areas (DOM) in Aceh. GAM and TNI conflicts occurred in various
places in the area including in Simpang Simpur village and Burni Pase village. As a result of this conflict, the
Simpang Simpur village is no longer inhabited by the community.Many residents in this village were
slaughtered so that Simpang Simpur residents left their village one by one to save themselves, and those who
survived until this conflict ended were the villagers of Burni Pase because they consider themselves
innocent.This dark history will certainly leave a deep trauma for victims who experienced and witnessed the
conflict. This article presents the results of research into the extent to which the openness of the people of Burni
Pase in Aceh Province towards newcomers.
The history of Aceh's conflict with the Indonesian
central government occurred in 3 eras, namely the old
order, the new order, and reformation era. The peak
of this conflict occurred since May 1989, where the
government of Indonesia applied the status of
Military Operations Areas (MOA) in Aceh. At that
time there were many violations of the law, justice did
not apply, there was military violence. At that time
the people of Aceh experienced violence by the
military. Arrests, killings, rapes, torture by the
military happened to the people of Aceh. The people
of Aceh suffer from it. The implementation of MOA
also paralyzed the economic and education sectors,
especially in areas that were many victims of MOA
(Hertiana and Amboro, 2017).
After the Reformation, in 1998, President B.J.
Habibi revoked the status of MOA in Aceh.
Revocation should be able to bring better conditions
for the people of Aceh, but the situation is not getting
better. The revocation was not followed by
rehabilitation of MOA victims, so that the Aceh
people's wounds have not healed. Even the economic,
social and legal conditions in Aceh have not been
improved by the government. This situation was used
by GAM (Aceh Independence Movement) to attract
public sympathy, so GAM's influence was
strengthened. Violence and conflict in Aceh have
even increased. The government's policy to solve the
problem of Aceh militarily turns out to worsen the
situation in Aceh, a policy made by the government
to solve the problem in Aceh by means of the military
cannot overcome the problems in Aceh. There are two
things that are at the root of the problem in Aceh,
namely economic and social cultural reasons.
GAM and TNI (Indonesian National Military)
conflicts occurred in various places in the Aceh
region such as in Southeast Aceh, Central Aceh, East
Aceh, South Aceh, and Bener Meriah. One of the
most severe places in this conflict occurred in the
village of Simpang Simpur and the village of Burni
Pase in Permata Merdeka Regency. But unfortunately
due to this conflict the Simpang Simpur village is no
longer inhabited by the community because many
residents in the village were killed during the GAM
and TNI conflict so that Simpang Simpur residents
left their villages one by one to escape, and those who
Zulkarnain, I., Butsi, F. and Daini, S.
Traumatic Experience During Aceh Military Operations Area (DOM) on the Openness of Local Communities against Migrant Residents in Burni Pase Village, Aceh Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0010002200390043
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 3 2019) - Social Engineering Governance for the People, Technology and Infrastructure in
Revolution Industry 4.0, pages 39-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-472-5
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
survived until this conflict ended is the Burni Pase
villagers because they consider themselves are
The prolonged conflict in Aceh only ended with
the Helsinski negotiations on August 15, 2005. After
that the people of Aceh began to hope for peace on
earth without conflict and bloodshed on the land of
Aceh (Basyar, 2016). This dark history will certainly
leave a deep trauma for victims who have
experienced and witnessed conflict events. This
article presents the results of research on the extent of
self-disclosure of the Burni Pase community in Aceh
towards newcomers.
2.1 Self Concept
Self-concept in psychology is a central concept to be
able to understand humans and their behavior and is
something that humans learn through their
interactions with themselves, others, and the real
environment around them. The concept of self is the
view of each individual about himself. This mental
self-portrait, according to Calhoun has 3 dimensions,
namely (1) the individual's knowledge of himself, (2)
the individual's expectations of himself, and (3) the
individual's assessment of himself (Calhoun, 1998).
An individual's view of himself, which he obtains
from information through his interactions with others,
known as self-concept, will likely fall between two
poles. The first pole is a positive self concept and the
other pole is a negative self concept. By knowing the
two differences from the understanding of the concept
of self, would be more helpful and provide the ability
to assess the direction in which the individual self-
concept tends (Zulkarnain, 2016: 5095-5099).
The basic assumption of behavior in a
psychological perspective is that behavior is not
something that always looks as it looks. There is no
absolute relationship between certain behaviors and
their causes. To be able to understand the relationship
between a behavior and its cause, one must first know
and understand something about an individual and the
situation in which the behavior arises.Something
about individuals that must be known and understood
is pointing to personality as something that can help
in understanding behavior. The self-concept is
formed through social interaction and this self-
concept influences one's behavior. A person's self-
concept is based on the perception of other people's
reactions to him (Mead, 1972: 186 – 199; Kinch in
Fitts, 1971: 12 – 13).
2.2 Self Disclosure
The process of disclosing our information to others or
vice versa is calledself disclousure.One type of
communication where information about oneself that
is usually hidden from others is now communicated
to others (Rahmat, 2004:108). Self-disclosure is an
activity to share feelings and information that are
familiar with others. Self-disclosure can be
descriptive or evaluative. In self-disclosure, we
describe various facts about ourselves that may not
yet be known, while in evaluative self-disclosure, we
express opinions or personal feelings.
Opening up means giving others our feelings
about something that has been said or done, or our
feelings about the events we witnessed (Miller,
Kamenchenko, & Krasniasnski,1992). Self-
disclosure also has two sides, namely being open to
others and being open to others. Both processes that
can take place simultaneously if they occur to both
parties will produce an open relationship between us
and others.
2.3 Traumatic
Trauma comes from Greek which means wound
(McFarlane and Bryant, 2007). The word trauma is
used to describe an event or situation experienced by
the victim. Traumatic events or experiences will be
lived differently from one individual to another, so
that each person will have a different reaction when
faced with a traumatic event. Traumatic experience is
an event experienced or witnessed by an individual,
which threatens his own safety (Ward-Lonergan, 1998).
According to Hawari (1996: 96), traumatic stress
is a natural reaction to events that contain violence
(such as group violence, rape, accidents, and natural
disasters) or terrible conditions in life (such as
poverty, deprivation, etc.). This condition is also
called post traumatic stress (post traumatic stress
disorder).Kaplan and Sadock (1997: 45) state that
post-traumatic stress disorder can be seen at any age,
but is most prominent in young adults, because of the
nature of the situation that triggers it. For women, the
most frequent are assault and rape. The number of
women who experience trauma is twice that of men.
Disturbances are likely to occur to those who are
alone, divorced, widowed, experiencing economic
disruption, or withdrawing socially.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
3.1 Population and Sample
In this study, the population is the community in the
village of Burni Pase, Permata District, Bener Meriah
Regency, Aceh Province. The total population is 316.
The number is divided into 134 households. Based on
data from representatives of the Aceh Provincial
BKKBN. In this study the sample is a portion of the
population taken using certain methods (Nawawi,
2001:144). Based on the data obtained, the
researchers used the formula Soekidjo Notoatmodjo
with a precision of 10% and a confidence level of
90%, so this study requires a sample of 76 people.
3.2 Data Collection Techniques
1. Field Research
This research was conducted by collecting data
directly at the study site, which includes survey
activities through:
a. Questionnaire, which is a data collection tool in
the form of a number of questions that have been
prepared in writing to be answered by respondents
in writing as well. This questionnaire was
arranged by the researcher based on research
variables. Of all the items and tested on several
people turned out to be valid. And finally the
questionnaire was distributed to 76 people in
accordance with the sample that has been
determined, the questionnaire has been tested for
validity through the test of validity and reliability
b. Observation; activities of observing and record
statistics on everything that appears on the
research object.
c. Interviews, namely a number of oral questions
asked by researchers to the parties concerned.
2. Library Research
This research was conducted by collecting
existing data about the problem by reading and
studying books as well as relevant reading sources
and supporting research.
3.3 Data Analysis Techniques
Analysis is the process of simplifying data into a form
that is easier to read and present (Singarimbun, 1995),
As for the analysis of the data used in this study are
as follows:
a. Single Table Analysis; by dividing the research
variables into the number of frequencies and
percentages of each category (Singarimbun,
b. Cross Table Analysis; the technique used to
analyze and find out which one variable has a
relationship with another. So it can be seen
whether the variable plays a positive or negative
value (Singarimbun, 1995).
c. Hypothesis testing; by testing the data and
statistics to find out the hypothesis data that is
submitted can be accepted or rejected. In this
study the measured variables contained in the
ordinal scale. In accordance with the guidelines
for using applicable statistical tests, ordinal-scale
hypothesis testing can be done with statistical
tests “Spearman’s Rho Rank Order Correlations.
3.4 Hypothesis
The hypothesis proposed in this study is as follows:
: There is a relationship between Traumatic and
Self Openness of the villagers of Burni Pase,
Kec.Permata Kab. Mer Meriah on newcomers
after GAM conflict
: There is no relationship between Traumatic and
Self-Openness of the villagers of Burni Pase,
Kec.Permata Kab. Mer Meriah on newcomers
after the GAM conflict
In terms of the sex composition of the sample, this
study consisted of 41 people (53.9%) who were male
and 35 people (46.1%) were women. The results
showed that of 76 respondents stated 48 people
(63.2%) stated that opening up was important in
reducing feelings of trauma, 12 people (15.8%) stated
that it was very important 13 people (17.1%) stated
less important and the rest only 3 people (3.9%) stated
that opening up was not important in reducing
feelings of trauma. So it can be concluded that
opening up is important to reduce feelings of trauma
experienced by the people of the village of Burni Pase
kec.Permata kab.Bener Meriah prov. Aceh because
by opening up someone can tell the problem that is
being faced and find a solution to the problem.
As many as 56 people (73.7%) of 76 respondents
said they often open themselves to newcomers about
events that occurred during the GAM conflict, 12
people (15.8%) stated often, 6 people (7.9%) stated
Sometimes and sometimes the remaining 2 people
(2.6%) said never. It can be concluded that the
villagers of Burni Pase have opened themselves to
newcomers about what they experienced during the
GAM conflict, although we don't tell everything
about ourselves, at least we open ourselves only to the
Traumatic Experience During Aceh Military Operations Area (DOM) on the Openness of Local Communities against Migrant Residents in
Burni Pase Village, Aceh Province
outside if someone only knows someone else, and not
ready to share a personal problem with that person, at
least we always open ourselves with other people. this
is done in order to get solutions to the problems they
face after the conflict.
Self-disclosure has a strong correlation with
openness in communication. In this study showed that
33 people (43.4%) of 76 respondents stated that it was
very often difficult to communicate with newcomers,
19 people (25.0%) stated often, 12 people (15.8%)
stated sometimes and the remaining 12 people
(15.8%) said they had never had difficulty
communicating with newcomers or other people.
This finding shows that there are still many people
who are traumatized by the GAM conflict that
occurred in Aceh, which makes it difficult for people
to get along with other people they consider foreign
in their area, they only communicate well with the
people around them, if they communicating with
newcomers is not everything they can tell to maintain
their own safety.
Furthermore, to examine the relationship between
feelings of fear and opening up to newcomers about
GAM and TNI conflict events, look at the Table 1.
Table 1 shows that the fear experienced by
someone influences the openness of the Burni Pase
villagers to newcomers. Of the 76 respondents there
were 31 people stated that fear affects the openness of
the community, 9 people said it was very influential
that the feeling of fear had an influence on one's
openness and there were 56 respondents who stated
that they had opened up with the newcomer, 12
people stated that only sometimes they talked about
the conflict between GAM and the newcomers and 6
stated occasionally. Furthermore, from 24
respondents stated that the fear experienced by
someone had less effect on community self-
disclosure. Furthermore 12 respondents stated that
fear did not affect the openness of Burni Pase
villagers to newcomers while only 2 people said they
had never opened themselves up to newcomers about
GAM events in Burni Pase village. Then it will be
explained in the calculation as follows.
In this study, after going through the stages of data
analysis and proceeding with testing the hypothesis
with the Spearman formula, a correlation coefficient
(rs) of 0.58 (rs> 0) was obtained. This shows that the
Alternative Hypothesis (H_a): There is a relationship
between the traumatic influence of the GAM conflict
on the openness of the community to newcomers in
the village of Burni Pase in Aceh Province, accepted,
and the Zero Hypothesis (H_0): There is no
relationship between the traumatic influence of the
GAM conflict the community's openness to
newcomers in the village of Burni Pase in Aceh
Province was rejected.
Based on the Guilford scale, the relationship
between the two research variables is on a scale of
0.40 - 0.70 indicating a significant, strong
relationship. Furthermore, after testing the
significance of the variable X to the variable Y at the
0.05 level of significance obtained the calculation of
the t-value of 6.124 and the value of the table of
1.469. From these results there is a difference
between the value of tcount and ttable where the value
of tcount> ttable which indicates the traumatic
influence of the GAM conflict on the openness of the
community to newcomers in the village of Burni Pase
in Aceh Province is significant, meaning that trauma
experienced by the people of Burni Pase Village
caused by the conflict GAM has an influence on the
openness of the people with the arrival of newcomers
in the village.
Table 1: The relationship between fear and openness to newcomers due to GAM & TNI conflict.
Effects of fear on
Openness to Newcomers Due to
GAM & TNI Conflict
Ever Sometimes Occasionally Never Total
Very influential 6 1 2 0 9
Influential 24 5 2 0 31
Less influential 18 4 1 1 24
No effects 8 2 1 1 12
Total 56 12 6 2 76
Researchers also look for the magnitude of the
effect strength caused by the variable X to the Y
variable and the results obtained are 33.64%. This
shows a low but certain effect that traumatic influence
on the self-disclosure of Burni Pase villagers is
33.64%, while 66.36% is influenced by other factors
beyond the trauma experienced by the community
due to GAM conflict such as personal factors,
background socio-economic, social environment, and
psychological community itself.
ICOSOP 3 2019 - International Conference on Social Political Development (ICOSOP) 3
The results of the research point out that:
1. The hypothesis in this studyobtained a correlation
coefficient (rs) of 0.58 (rs> 0). Based on the
Guilford scale which is located between 0.40 -
0.70 which means it has a significant relationship;
Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, that show there
is a relationship between the traumatic influence
on the openness of the citizens to newcomers in
the village of Burni Pase, Aceh Province,
2. The factors that become obstacles for the Burni
Pase villagers when opening up with others or
newcomers include, the closed attitude of the
community towards newcomers, a lack of trust in
newcomers, and a sense of community fear of
newcomers. . These obstacles are experienced by
the Burni Pase villagers to newcomers, making it
difficult for them to interact and open up with
newcomers because this is still a feeling of trauma
experienced by the people after the GAM conflict
that makes them afraid of people they do not know
who come to their village.
3. The solutions and efforts made by the Burni Pase
villagers are to make persuasive communication,
by continuing to adapt to newcomers, asking
many newcomers where they come from, and
their purpose for coming or moving to their
village, and share information with each other.
Dialogue using face-to-face interpersonal
communication and sharing information will
make people more calm and trusting others even
if they are newcomers.
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Traumatic Experience During Aceh Military Operations Area (DOM) on the Openness of Local Communities against Migrant Residents in
Burni Pase Village, Aceh Province