Framing "Full Day School" Issues in National Media
Halomoan Harahap
, Bugi Satrio Adiwibowo
, Euis Heryati
, Fajarina
Communication Science Faculty, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Framing analysis, Full Day School, Online mass media
Abstract: The issue of Full Day School (FDS) gets media attention and raises the pros and cons of the community.
The emergence of pros and cons can also be seen in the news. The study aims to describe how news
coverage of Full Day School in and Media Research method using framing
analysis by Zhongdang Pan & Gerald M. Kosicky. As the research material was published during June
2017.The results showed that there was a difference between the two media in reporting the issue of Full
Day School. The difference is seen in the way they categorize the issue, tend to support the
rejection of FDS because it eliminates the moral education and character of students. While tends to answer and eliminate public concerns about negative aspects of FDS.The
media should serve the curiosity of the community by presenting factual events that are assembled with
Information is society’s basic need to be able to
navigate life. Without information, it can lead to a
deadend and inability to choose and make important
decisions. Therefore, information is searched and
collected every day so that it will be easier to take
action. The source of information that is commonly
used by many people is the mass media.
Information in mass media is often mentioned
as news. In producing news, mass media carry out
the process of writing/producing. Events that
reporters observe in the field are written in certain
structures and formats, so that readers, viewers, and
listeners can easily understand them. Media
managers select and highlight the facts of the event.
Not all facts need to be submitted, it is important to
select which news are most interesting. Interesting
facts will be reported,and unattractive facts will be
After a fact is chosen, in the writing process
there is a section that is highlighted or explained in
more detail, while other facts are presented as simple
as possible. The process of selecting and
highlighting facts in news writing is often called
framing or information framing (McQuil 2005). The
frame is a storyline or cluster of ideas arranged in
such a way and presents the construction of the
meaning of events.
The meaning can be different because of the use
of different words and the use of different
punctuation marks. Different meanings can lead to
reader’s different reaction. From the writer’s point
of view, the difference in the use of the term has a
specific purpose. The author wants to leave a certain
impression on the reader. Different impressions will
produce different actions.
Basically,the news is the storyline of the events
reported. The storyline is created and engineered by
the author in accordance with the intention. The
purpose of news writing varies greatly, depending
on who wrote it.There are news that is intentionally
written to build a person's image, product, or
institution. There are news written with the intention
of discrediting someone, product, or institution.
There are news written as it is, neutral, and balanced
in accordance with the available facts.
In general, issues can be categorized as local,
national, regional, or International. Local issues are
interesting news only for certain regional
communities. National Issues are interesting and
influential news in a country like Indonesia. For
example, the issue of Full Day School is important
for all Indonesian people and is less attractive to
Harahap, H., Satrio Adiwibowo, B., Heryati, E. and Fajarina, .
Framing "Full Day School" Issues in National Media.
DOI: 10.5220/0009953328352842
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2835-2842
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Americans or other countries. Regional issues are
interesting and important news for the Asian region.
International issues are interesting and important
news for everyone in the world.
Generally, mass media reports issues that are
interesting to many people. The more people who
are affected by the issue being reported, the higher
the value of the news. However, how the issue was
reported by the media is very interesting to note. In
the case of Full Day School, media coverage raised
pros and cons. Some media support and some media
reports are less supportive.Thisis reflected in the
figures they made as sources in their reporting.
Supporting media will quote sources who agree.
Media that is less supportive will quote sources who
disagree. Neutral media will report equally between
the pros and cons.
The polarization of the media’s political
alignments in Indonesia will also raise a variety of
reporting colors. The variety of reports on social and
political issues will vary according to the media's
alignments. This will be even more colorful when
there are writers who covertly support the reported
In connection with that, it is interesting and
necessary to review how the medias in Indonesia
reports about school issues 5 days a week.
Therefore, this research will establish a research
focus. What is the Frame of News about the Issue
of "Full Day School" in National Media?
Because this issue is on the national level, this
research will select 2 media with national
circulation. Also, the media that will be used as
study material are those supportive, independent and
Not-Supportive media.
The purpose of the study is to describe the frame
of reporting for each media
Research Significance
The result of this research is hoped to :
1. Theoretically, be used as a reference to the
theory and method of framing.
2. Add a reference to teaching materials for
lectures on communication theory and
qualitative communication research
As explained by Rusadi (2015) research on
mass media had begun since the 1920s. Since that
time, many theories and approaches have been used.
The current research approach known were two;
quantitative and qualitative. Neuman (2000)
explains that there are three social research
paradigms, namely positivism, interpretive, and
critical. Research for mass media can use these three
Noting the purpose of this study, the suitable
research method is the second one, namely the
production flow. News writers try to construct the
meaning that the reader, listener, and audience will
understand. Of the several methods available, the
author chooses framing analysis as the most suitable
The research material is a news script about Full
Day School in selected mass media. Looking at the
framing of the news, two national media which are, and Media Indonesia Online were
chosen. published 14 news on June published 3 news on
June 2017. Each media will be analyzed3 news.
Framing analysis method was developed by
several experts, including Modigliani, Robert
Entmant, Zongdang Pan & Gerald Kosicki, Muray
Edelman, and William Gamson (Eriyanto 2002)
(Rusadi 2015). Each expert is different in describing
the steps of analysis but the goal is the same, which
is on how the news writer chooses facts and
highlights the facts. For this opportunity, the author
will choose the analysis technique developed by Pan
& Kosicki.
This section must be in one column.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
7.1.1 Article 1
Title: PBNU does not agree on 5 days a week
school days
Analysis and Interpretations :
Syntax Structure
Title writing attracts the readers' interest by
conveying the message, PBNU does not agree on 5
days a week school days policy. The lead in this
article raised the theme, the PBNU Chairperson
considers the policy ignored the history and socio-
culture of Muslim community in Indonesia.
Sources were quoted from NU's Chief
Executive Officer who have many followers in
Indonesia. The argument presented outlined the
reason for PBNU Chairman to consider 5 days a
week school days policy ignored the existing history
and social culture of Indonesia, especially the
existence of religious learning, ethical guidance, and
morality of religious teachers, which usually
obtained by children in the late afternoon. With the
implementation of this policy in the future, children
may not be able to get religious education from
religious institutions because the duration of
teaching and learning time in schools is too long. By
elaborating on the reasons that touched the spiritual
side of the community, strengthening the statement
of PBNU Chairman who stated that 5 days a week
school days policy was not yet feasible to be
implemented in schools.
Structure of the Script
The theme raised in this article is that PBNU
does not agree with 5 days a week school days
policy. The 5W + 1H element meets the elements in
this article and focuses on PBNU logical reasons
which do not agree with the policy. The ‘who’
element is Muhammad Sulton Fatoni, as the
Chairman of PBNU, in which NU has a considerable
influence on the Muslim community. With his
statement as a religious figure respected by the
community, the reasons for disagreement that he
conveyed can certainly inspire the public and can
direct the reader, the policy for this education system
is not yet feasible to implement, especially if it
distracts children from spiritual education.
Thematic Structure
The writing at the beginning of the first
paragraph, was written by the author to lead the
reader to think that this policy does not yet cover the
interests of all parties, is still unsatisfactory, because
it is as if education only learn about science. Even
though spiritual education for children also has a
major influence on character strengthening. If the
policy is forced to be implemented, it will have the
potential to undermine Islamic teachings that should
be obtained by Muslim children in Indonesia.
Sulton's opinion as a Sociology lecturer at NU
University was included in the seventh to ninth
paragraph, The problem was not the students, but the
policy on an education system that was always
changing by the Minister in charge. This
inconsistency makes education in Indonesia unable
to compete internationally. Sulton's advice was also
included, which suggested that the government
should evaluate existing policies in the education
system in an ideal time period. By writing opinions
and suggestions from people who are considered
credible in terms of religion, and also people who
are directly involved in the world of education,
readers are given a picture, education system
policies that are always changing is not a good
policy to implement.
Rhetorical Structure
In the rhetorical structure, an illustrative picture
is drawn depicting the recitation conducted at the
mosque, the picture supports the statement made by
the Chairperson of PBNU, children still need
spiritual education and guidance which is usually
done in the afternoon at a qualified religious
The word 'forcing' and 'silting' seems to give the
reader an image that the Full Day School policy is
not good to apply because children are forced to go
to school for a longperiod of time, and children can
be spiritually dry because they do not get time to
study religion.
7.1.2 Article 2
Title: Education Reform is expected not to
overhaul learning hours
Analysis and Interpretations
Syntax Structure
Title wand Lead writing in this article goes in
the same direction, a policy that changes the lesson
hours is not something that should actuallybe
applied in the education system in Indonesia.
The source cited was taken from credible
sources in the eyes of the public to support the Title
and Lead, namely Sutan, as Chairman of the
Commission X of the House of Representatives of
the Republic of Indonesia, and Sulton, as Chairman
of PBNU.
In the element of 'statement/opinion', the author
gives an overview to the reader in the form of
writing, the policy that will be implemented by the
Minister of Education and Culture is still under
Framing "Full Day School" Issues in National Media
consideration because it reaps the pros and cons
from many groups.
As an element of 'closing', the author
emphasized the objection statement of PBNU
Chairman, he wanted the government to end the
tradition which had a negative impact on the
education system, namely changing policies
according to who the minister was at that time.
Structure of the Script
The 'what' element in the script structure is the
Full Day School policy that can be said to be still
inappropriate to be applied. The ‘who ’element in
this article, is a credible source in the eyes of the
public; Sutan Adil Hendra, Chairman of the House
of Representatives Commission X and Muhammad
Sulton Fatoni, Chairman of NU. The press
conference held by the Chairman of the House of
Representatives Commission X in the Indonesian
Parliament Building and the written statement given
by Sulton to Republika became an element of "how"
in writing this article. News elements ‘what, who,
and why’ became the core to writing scripts.
Thematic Structure
The writing from paragraph to the next
paragraph further strengthens the reasons for the two
speakers in this article to express their objections to
the policies issued by the Ministry of Education and
Culture. Religion, economy, and facilities as stated
by the speaker, Sutan, were written so that readers
could see the weaknesses of the policy from various
aspects. Also, the speaker, Sulton, as one of the
Islamic religious leaders, was also included in the
writing of the article as a reinforcement to Sutan's
statement, because Indonesian people had a strong
religious influence in their decision making.
Rhetorical Structure
The words "pros and cons", showed that various
groups have not fully agreed this policy. Therefore,
the Full Day School policy still seems unfit to be
implemented in the 2017-2018 school year. The
word "far from feeling fair" illustrates that the policy
is still full of its own interests, without
considerations of other parties. Moreover, the word
'siltation' of Islamic teachings, is a word that really
illustrates to the reader, the five-days a week school
policy can make children's knowledge of Islamic
teachings decrease significantly.
7.1.3 Article 3
Title: MUI: Students Have the Right to Get
Religious Education
Analysis and Interpretations
Syntax Structure
The title in the article reported, MUI said
students had the right to get religious education. In
his lead, the author emphasized, the Deputy
Chairperson of MUI, Zainut Tauhid, all students in
schools have the right to get a religious education,
and religious education should be obtained from
formal and informal schools.
With the title and lead in the article, the reader
can grasp the impression that the policy of removing
religious education from formal school subjects is
not the right policy, because students have the right
to get a religious education in formal schools.
Structure of the Script
In the script structure, this article meets the 5W
+ 1H element. The main topic is that MUI objected
to religious education is removed from the
curriculum of subjects in formal schools. To
strengthen the topic and to make its contents
influential to the reader, a credible source who has
an important position in the MUI is sought, namely
Zainut Tauhid as Deputy Chairperson of MUI. With
the 'why' element in the last paragraph, the Ministry
of Education and Culture will eradicate religious
education as a subject in formal schools, making it
the reason for MUI to object to the policy.
Thematic Structure
In the thematic structure, from the paragraph to
the next paragraph, the author gives the reader an
overview of the new education system policy which
is considered too sensitive to be implemented
because as a religious country, it is inappropriate for
religious education to be removed from formal
education subjects. Also, it will also cause a
commotion, because people in Indonesia, for the
most part, hold strong religious principles.
The suggestion given by Zainut Tauhid is
contained in paragraphs, the policy of the education
system should focus more on the problems of
education, educators, the problems of the National
Examination, the implementation of 2013
curriculum which is still unstable, and much more.
So that it is not necessary for an education system
policy to eliminate the subject curriculum, which
students should get.
Rhetorical Structure
In the rhetorical structure, there is this sentence;
'things that are very sensitive and potentially cause
commotion', indicating that the policy that the
Ministry of Education and Culture wants to apply in
relation to religious education is very sensitive to be
used as a policy material, and if there is a
misunderstanding with the community, it can cause
commotions, not only in school but throughout the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
community, because this policy applies in all
schools in Indonesia.
7.2.1 Article 1
Title : Kalla: Full Day School Policy
Cannot Be Decided By The Ministry
Analysis and Interpretations:
Syntax Structure
The writing of the title and lead in this article
showed Jusuf Kalla gave Full Day School's policy
statement that it cannot be decided by the Ministry
alone, this policy can only be decided after being
discussed together first. Accompanied by reason,
this policy will have an impact on 50 million school
students. Jusuf Kalla also gave a simple example
which is the reason for this policy to be considered
again, namely logistical needs, where not all
schools, especially schools in the village, can
provide for their students. With the statements made
by Jusuf Kalla, this policy is still too immature to be
implemented and may not be in accordance with the
situation of the education system and the facilities
provided. Therefore, Jusuf Kalla stated, this policy
needs to be considered first.
Structure of the Script
In the script structure, it provides an overview,
the Full Day School policy need to be evaluated and
reconsidered and discussed together in a limited
meeting, which will be decided by the President.
The element "Who" in this article is Jusuf Kalla who
seems to disagree with the enactment of this policy,
because it is considered not in accordance with the
situation of all schools in Indonesia.
Thematic Structure
In the thematic structure, the author shows that
in each paragraph there is an affirmation from Jusuf
Kalla, according to him, the Full Day School policy
needs to be reconsidered and reevaluated. For this
reason, the policy cannot be decided by the Minister,
but a limited meeting must be held first, which will
be decided by the President. The statement is
accompanied by one example that should be
considered, such as student’s logistical need which
may not be fulfilled by all schools in Indonesia.
Rhetorical Structure
In this article, there are some idioms which
reveal that the Full Day School policy really must be
properly considered and reevaluated because the
impact will be related to children who attend school
in Indonesia.
Good education will give birth to a good future
generation in the hope of advancing and promoting
the name of the Indonesian state in the eyes of the
world. Therefore, a policy in the education system
must be thoroughly thought out, so that later there
will be no error in educating.
7.2.2 Article 2
Title: Eight Questions Regarding Full Day
Analysis and Interpretations:
Syntax Structure
The title and lead in this article mentioned that
the Full Day School policy must answer the eight
questions that were asked before they are
implemented. The source quoted, Ferdiansyah
revealed that the problem of education is a crucial
problem that cannot only be considered from one
aspect, but policies related to education must involve
many parties so that their goals can be achievedin
accordance with idealism. Then, the writer in this
article also gave his statement and opinion, the issue
of education cannot be seen partially, especially
those which will affect the fate of many people, in
this policy, 55 million students will be affected.
The writers described this policy as very
immature to be implemented, there are still many
things that need to be considered and reevaluated,
because the contents of the policy do not seem to
consider the impacts that will arise from their
students. Moreover, the implementation also seemed
to be unclear because there are no exact details in
the contents of the policy.
Structure Script
In the structure of the script, the author of the
article takes the element "what", which is the
submission of eight questions conducted by
Ferdiansyah, as the Deputy Chairperson of the
House of Representatives Commission X to the
government regarding the policy of Full Day School
that has been launched. The reason for submitting
the question is contained in the "why" element,
which stated that, because of the Full Day School
policy that was announced in the Ministry of
Education and Culture on June 9, 2017, the contents
are still considered to be too general, there are no
details, and it seems that the consequences of the
policy have not been considered well .
From the elements that have been described, the
article writer describes to the reader, the Full Day
School policy does not meet the criteria for launch
because of the reasons that have been stated by the
speakers who are considered understandable and
Framing "Full Day School" Issues in National Media
credible regarding government policy. Writing in the
article also shows clearly that the policies in
Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation only
think about some aspects, but do not see other
aspects and the impact that will occur later as a
consequence of the implementation of policies
towards the target audience.
Thematic Structure
In the thematic structure, from one paragraph to
the next paragraph further explains the reasons for
the eight questions submitted by the Deputy
Chairperson of the House of Representatives
Commission X to the government related to the Full
Day School policy, and the assessment of the vice
chairman, and reminds the things that must be
considered before the policy really applies.
The composition of paragraphs written in the
thematic structure shows the reader the logical
reason why the policy did not meet the criteria. Also,
the speaker also reminded that education in
Indonesia is not yet equal to all, which is a fact the
public has realized that. With this writing, the author
takes the reader to see and understand, the Full Day
School policy does not meet the good criteria to be
applied as a policy.
Rhetorical Structure
The partial word and eight questions, which are
in a rhetorical structure, showed that the Full Day
School policy has only considered some aspects, and
not detailed enough to be formalized as a policy, let
alone related to education, where the field is quite
sensitive and needs to be considered well, because
education for Indonesian students will be closely
related to the progress of the Indonesian nation and
state in the future.
7.2.3 Article 3
Title: Ministry of Education and Culture
synergizes full day school with the Ministry of
Analysis and Interpretations:
Syntax Structure
The title "Ministry of Education and Culture
Synergizes Full Day School with Ministry of
Religion" in this article conveyed, the Full Day
School policy in Ministry of Education and Culture
Regulation was approved by the Ministry of
Religion so that the Ministry of Education and
Culture would establish productive cooperation with
the Ministry of Religion.
It is different from what is conveyed in the lead.
In the lead, this article seemed to convey that this
Full Day School policy is compulsory to be
implemented. Therefore President Jokowi will issue
a Presidential Regulation to replace the Ministry of
Education and Culture Regulation Number 23 of
2017 concerning School Day. Then, in the next
sentence, it is explained that it is still in the
discussion efforts carried out by the Ministry of
Education and Culture with some related parties.
The source cited, there was a statement from the
General Chairperson of MUI, KH Ma'ruf Amin, who
expressed his support for character education efforts,
where the steps would later be considered so that the
application of character education in the school
environment would be well received by the
community. Therefore, he hoped that the Ministry of
Education and Culture Regulation could be raised to
Presidential Regulation so that in its implementation,
the policy is actually implemented and put to
From the source quoted above, the Full Day
School policy has the support of one of the largest
Islamic organizations in Indonesia, the Chairperson
of MUI, with the support of the figure, showing that
the character education that the Ministry of
Education and Culture wants to make is a good
program for the community, moreover, he also
hoped that the Minister of Education and Culture
can be increased to a Presidential Regulation, so that
later it can actually be implemented properly.
Structure of the Script
In the structure of the script, the author in this
article writes the element "What", the Minister of
Education and Culture Regulation on School Day is
being discussed to be made into a Presidential
Regulation. Because character education is
considered important in schools.
The "Who" element as the resource person in
this article is people who have positions that are
quite influential in the eyes of the public and support
Full Day School policies, such as Hamid
Muhammad, Director General of Primary and
Secondary Education in the Ministry of Education
and Culture, Chatarina Girsang, Special Staff of the
Minister of Education and Culture-Regulation Field,
KH Ma 'ruf Amin, General Chairperson of MUI and
Muhadjir Effendy, Minister of Education.
This article includes elements of "How", this
Minister of Education and Culture Regulation is
being discussed with parties such as Islamic
organizations, Ministry of Religion, and Ministry of
Home Affairs, to be made into a Presidential
Regulation. Those related parties are considered to
have influence and are related to the application of
character education in schools.
Thematic Structure
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The linking from one paragraph to another
paragraph further emphasizes the statement, the
Minister of Education and Culture Regulation
regarding School Day will be raised into
Presidential Regulation, compared to the discussion
on the Ministry of Education and Culture's synergy
with the Ministry of Religion. The statement
regarding the discussion of the synergy between the
Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry
of Religion seemed only to be a supporting
statement in the discussion carried out to raise the
Minister of Education and Culture Regulation into a
Presidential Regulation.
Rhetorical Structure
At the beginning of the first paragraph’s
sentence, the word "will issue" the Presidential
Regulation as a substitute for Ministry of Education
and Culture Regulation Number 23 of 2017
concerning School Day, as if stating to the reader,
the Ministry of Education and Culture Regulation
was approved to be made into a Presidential
Regulation by President Jokowi. Even though the
Ministry of Education and Culture is making efforts
to make Ministry of Education and Culture
Regulation into a Presidential Regulation. Although
there is an explanation after the beginning of the
sentence in the next sentence, in the first
paragraph,the impression that was obtained has
already been formed, the Minister of Education and
Culture Regulation has been approved by President
Jokowi to be made into a Presidential Regulation.
The word "synergy" means building productive
cooperation and a harmonious partnership between
the Ministry of Education and Culture and the
Ministry of Religion. With the word "synergy", the
article conveys to readers, the character education
whose rules are held by the Ministry of Education
and Culture has the support of the Ministry of
Religion, which means that character education is in
accordance with religious teachings, considering that
Indonesian people have strong religious principles.
1. There are differences regarding reporting
news between and,
2. The difference is seen in the way they
categorize the issue, tends to
support the rejection of FDS because it eliminates
the moral and character education of students. While tends to answer and eliminate
public concerns about the negative aspects of FDS.
3.a. The News Frame's reports on FDS issues is more
than 14 articles. This prominence gives an
interpretation, saw this as an
important problem and is needed by most readers.
The FDS issue arouses some Muslim communities. tried to present the news of Muslim
interests. In its reporting, this media tends to
disapprove, FDS should not be applied to all schools
in Indonesia. To interpret the rejection, this media
quoted many speakers from Ulama, PBNU, and
other figures who assessed the many weaknesses of
FDS. The argument of rejection is based on FDS
eliminating the opportunity for students to learn
religion as the basis for moral formation and human
3.b. News Frame
This media only ranked 3 FSD issues in June 2017.
This showed that this issue is less important for its
readers. Issues highlighted was that the community
do not need to worry about FDS program. tried to answer and eliminate
these concerns by raising the issue of the Ministry of
Education and Culture in synergy with the Ministry
of Religion in implementing FDS. The figures used
as sources are figures who tend to agree and support
the implementation of FDS. The promised argument,
the Ministry of Education and Culture and the
Ministry of Religion will work together to address
community concerns about the lack of moral
education and character in the FDS.
MediaIndonesia, com is a media that promotes
democracy in the Media Indonesia group. The
manager of is partly affiliated
with the National Democratic political party, one of
the political parties supporting the government.
Government policy naturally has the support in
For subsequent research,The media should serve
the community's curiosity by presenting factual
events complete with their explanations.The media
should be impartial by taking a neutral and objective
attitude in reporting events.
The researchwas supported by Faculty of
Communication Science, Esa Unggul University.
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation