Leadership in Total Quality Management for Service Quality
Erna Kusumawati
Universitas MH Thamrin
Keywords: Leadership, TQM, Service Quality
Abstract: A leader inspires the functions of Total Quality Management (TQM), it operates and it is become as
philosophy or method to increase service quality in educational service. In educational service, the
implementation of TQM focuses practically on external’s customer. But internal customer is as one of the
keys in optimizing service function which is less to get attention. Internal customer seems to be separated
from the improvement practice of sustainable service performance. Reviewing phenomenon for leadership in
TQM, this study aims to analyze the leadership in TQM for quality service. The method is used by survey in
educational service which is Private Universities that spreads in West Java, with observing on lecturer as
internal customer. Research result shows that the low of service quality stated by Universities in West java
on internal customer. Furthermore, TQM as method has not functionalized overall in providing service to
internal customer. It is caused by the weak of leadership to optimize the function of structure and culture in
giving service to internal customer
Service quality to external customer becomes the
major focus of educational service organization (de
Jager & Gbadamosi 2013), it is done in order to
produce a qualified service on the major customer,
and it means students. Besides that, there is other
customer in implementation of service quality which
is internal customer (Ragavan 2016). Service to
internal customer is sub system that becomes part of
efforts to build a qualified university (Husso &
Nybakk 2010). The happening phenomenon today in
educational service industry, the effort of service
quality to internal customer has not run effectively in
practice. One of important factors in implementation
of service quality in educational service is leadership
(Cappelli & Crocker-Hefter 1996). In which
leadership has close relationship with the
implementation of all educational managements
included service quality (Pearce & Manz 2014).
Service quality is truly focuses on company
customer; it is included internal customer (Husso &
Nybakk 2010). In educational service of University,
internal customer meant is lecturers and educational
staffs (Majerová & Križanová 2015). An important
principle of Total Quality Management (TQM) is
stated that every employee is appreciated to customer
(Samat et al. 2006), because employee is the
important case in achiving company success (Ledford
2014). It explains that lecturer as one of internal
customer of educational service becomes important in
supporting University’s performance. In marketing
science, it is stated that internal marketing that comes
from employee can not be separated from marketing
strategy (Kotler & Keller 2012). It is same with
educational service that also controls lecturer’s ability
as internal part of University in realizing its
performance. Furthermore, it is stated that internal
marketing as requierements to get success of external
market (Quazi et al. 2003). It means that by
controlling lecturer’s ability, it can improve
University’s performance on external environment.
The phenomenon for internal customer is lecturer
states directly the importance of internal service by
service quality on lecturer. Remember it has revealed
that there is positive correlation between internal
marketing with service quality (Casidy 2014). Service
quality on internal customer to educational service, at
least it can develop employee’s capability and it
becomes educational service system to be more
effective (Ragavan 2016).
Service for internal customer is included in
educational institution that has not been major focus
(Casidy 2014). It is depended on the lack of
understanding and practices which describes the
whole system of marketing, customer and quality
continuously. It is emphasized in previous study that
internal marketing at university relates to
commitment, satisfaction and employee’s
performance (Fu & Deshpande 2014). Reviewing
Kusumawati, E.
Leadership in Total Quality Management for Service Quality.
DOI: 10.5220/0009948625762582
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2576-2582
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from those opinions explains directly that satisfaction
from internal customer is the important part of
company that needs to be noticed relating to internal
marketing. Associating with internal marketing in
educational service like University, it lies on lecturer
as internal stakeholder. In line with the previous
theory that conceptually, education quality of higher
education can be determined by evaluation of their
stakeholders’s satisfaction level. Those proof are
stated in the next research which reviews service on
internal customer has positive influence to external
service at University (Arslanagic-Kalajdzic & Zabkar
Other phenomenon which runs recently is
known that structure and culture has not fully used by
Universities’ leaders (Suparjo & Darmanto 2015). In
fact it has been known the implementation of
structure and culture can optimize the functions on
internal customer service at Universty particularly
lecturers (Ganieva et al. 2015). University, especially
Private Universities tend to rule out service to internal
customer (Abduh & Andrew 2017). It is often
happened on service for research, further education,
and service in carier development and functional
position. The essence of phenomenon for internal
customer shows the framework of University is still
limited on the perspective of human resource
functions inside. The implementation practice of
quality management system for internal customer in
educational institution is still limited; it can obviously
influence Unversity’s performance (Yunaningsih et
al. 2015). However all of them can still be improved,
when University’s leaders can run its role that focuses
on internal customer, which is lecturer.
One of the keys in TQM is leadership (Ciasullo
& Troisi 2013). The study of leadership in quality
management system for internal customer has
contribution to solve the functions and role leadership
problems in educational sector (Dubey et al. 2014). In
leadership context for TQM, there is a small attention
for strategical research, leadership organizational
culture (Valmohammadi & Roshanzamir 2015).
Finally, it focuses on internal customer and leadership
becomes one of strategical issues on educational
service development. Although the variety of proofs
explain that leadership becomes strategical aspect in
supporting TQM’s success (Chen et al. 2018), the
phenomenon explains that leadership value in TQM
at University is still weak. Reviewing from the
problem phenomenon in Private Universities relates
to internal customer and leadership so the aim of this
study focuses on description analysis of leadership in
TQM for quality service.
2.1 Leadership in TQM on Educational
TQM has function as philosophy, method and
strategy to encourage quality in educational
institution (Ahmed & Ali 2013). It can be stated as
activity, goal, and management function fully both
the policy of quality, purpose, responsibility also
implementation of quality management tools
(Oakland 2014; Alamsyah & Hariyanto 2017). In
practical, it states that TQM as philosophy gives the
whole concept which encourages the continous
improvement in an organization (Prakash et al. 2015).
Those philosophies emphasize the systematical,
integrated, consistent perspective; it involves all
people and all of the things for customer’s
satisfaction, included internal customer. TQM in
educational service is stated as business to change
culture with positive way, it involves all people in
each level in organization (Sallis 2014). Finally, it is
stated that TQM is comprehensive and applicative
management approach with the number of supports
(Obeidat et al. 2016).
Leadership in TQM as stated before will
encourage company’s management productivity
(Sallis 2014). TQM emphasizes management based
on leadership instead of management by objective,
command, and coercion (Ross 2017). That theory
focuses on service industry, where it explains the
importance of leadership that support university’s
productivity level. Talking about leadership
challenge in the implementation of integrated quality
management system at University, it is close related
to human resource inside (Johnson et al. 2016).
Leadership in TQM context is started from top
management with vision and its deployment strategy
(Oakland 2014). In the last, it is proven that
proposition shows the function and strategic role of
leadership in TQM needs human resource support
inside (Chen & Reyes 2017).
2.2 Internal Marketing
In principle, educational service has internal and
external customer (Sallis 2014). The position of
internal customer has correlation to institution’s
success. Organizational’s function is optimized to
give service to internal customer in order to realize its
external customer’s satisfaction (Mcnaughton et al.
2012). The position of internal customer is very
important, it is included its correlation to other
elements inside of organization (Choi & Mogyoro
Leadership in Total Quality Management for Service Quality
2011). A good external service quality is started by
significant internal service quality. Those cases
explain that it is close relationship to internal and
external customer with service quality accepted. In
the process of internal service quality is called also as
internal marketing, which is a main stage in
communicating ideas, products and services, which is
traded to employee is the same with service to its
customer (Laohasirichaikul et al. 2011). It means that
knowledge of company product information needs to
be known at first by internal customer, then for next
is external customer. So it needs an attention to
internal customer through internal service quality as
organizational performance requirements. At the
previous, it has been proven that proposition about
internal service needs to be attention particularly in
educational service (Nazeer et al. 2014). It relates to
internal marketing of company and company’s
Remember the significant internal marketing
practice can improve company’s effectiveness.
Surely, internal service can influence organizational’s
effectiveness (To et al. 2015), so human resource’s
practices are proposed to encourage the improvement
of internal service quality and organizational’s
effectiveness. Sometimes external customer’s
satisfaction is influenced by service quality in which
there is an internal marketing activity (Wali et al.
2015). It explains that University’s service quality is
surely affected by internal and external marketing.
Internal marketing is not only becomes a part that
shows there is a focus to customer as system (Chow
et al. 2015). But, focus on internal customer as a
culture (customer focus) will lead behavior pattern
both in individual and system level to focus on
customer (Eichorn 2004).
2.3 Service Quality
Service quality is measured depends on dimension
attached to those services (Seo et al. 2015). One of
service quality approach that many referenced is
SERVQUAL model (service quality) developed by
the researchers (Chi et al. 2008). SERVQUAL is built
for the comparison of two major factors, which is
customer’s perception for perceived service that they
accepted with expected service (Roostika 2011). In
educational service, service quality is close related to
internal and external customer (Naik et al. 2010).
Internal customer needs to understand and deliver
service quality to external customer. When external
customer feels satisfied with service quality given, it
can support educational service’s performance (de
Jager & Gbadamosi 2013). In line with the study in
educational service about there is influence of service
quality to University’s performance (Casidy 2014).
There are five determinants of service quality
(Hussain et al. 2015); first reliability is ability to carry
out the promised services reliably and accurately,
second responsiveness is willing to help customer and
to give service quickly, third certainty is knowledge
and employee’s courtesy and also their ability to
emerge trust and conviction, fourth emphaty is
willingness to care, give attention specifically to
customer, the last tangible is physical facility
appearance, tools, officials and communication
material about service quality to internal service.
However, in educational service industry can be
formulated internal dimension by using SERVQUAL
that is added by two other dimensions, which is
school’s discipline and school’s facility service
(Ragavan 2016).
This qualitative study was conducted in 2017 with
analysis unit of Private Universities in West Java was
about 15 samples. Remember Private University was
more vulnerable for empowerment of internal
customer (Lecturer) especially related to research,
while observation unit on internal customer
(Lecturer) who was conducted the function of TQM
in human resource management. Also data was
obtained through observation, documentation and
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) towards 45 former
lecturers. In explaining data, it was conducted data
analysis using constructive analysis.
From 15 samples of universities, then it is selected
each of 3 until 4 lecturers to represent the
implementation of FGD. FGD is done not in one
special place, but on several places with combining
some universities. Remember time limitation from
lecturers in implementing FGD. In the final of FGD,
it is collected a total of 45 lecturers who give
information related to leadership in TQM and service
quality at University.
4.1 The Implementation of Service
Quality on External Customer
External customer of University is student, while
internal customer is lecturer. Those two unsures are
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
important correlation to university’s performance. So
the implementation of service quality needs to be
management’s attention. FGD’s result shows that
service quality to major customer which is student, is
close related to teaching process and learning in the
class. Service to students through teaching and
learning process, most of other academic service
relate to lecturer’s function. It shows factor that
affects more to students relating to lecturer.
Teaching and learning process at Private
University in West Java are commonly stated to run
well. Lecturer gives optimum ability in educational
service through teaching and learning process. It is
closed related to lecturer’s responsibility, in which
one of them is teaching to students. However, it is
found the obstacle where facility in teaching and
learning process is limited at several Universities, so
the teaching quality is less optimum. It is obviously
impact to lecturer’s service quality to external
customer which is not optimum students. However,
students’ understanding for teaching and learning
process from lecturer is become lecturer’s
responsibility, it is not campus’s responsibility. So
university’s image is lying on lecturer; it is not fully
lies on university. In fact service quality in practical
at university is fully university’s responsibility
through University’s leader (Casidy 2014).
The next finding is stated that teaching and
learning practice offered critical dialogue about
science has not been tradition; it is supported by
lecturer’s ability in the research. The novelty of
science describes how paradigm of lecturer to
understand the reality with the more wide horizon.
However, there is university’s limitation to encourage
the research both from material aspect in form of
research aids and supervision to do research and also
encouragement. It leads the lecturer’s research work
that is still low. The result is teaching and learning
practices are minimum in dialogue between theory
and empirical fact in order to encourage discourse of
change that orientates the role and university’s
function as one of institutions that produces novelty
in sience. Based on the problem fact obtained from
FGD result, it seems that there is gap of service
quality implementation given by lecturer to students,
remember University’s support on lecturer’s teaching
and research facilities are still limited. This finding is
line with the previous opinion from Xiao & Wilkins
(2015), that it is close related to learning tools and
lecturer’s research support with students satisfaction
level (external customer).
4.2 Leadership Model in TQM at
It has been known that based on previous analysis,
one of factors assessed to have the influence towards
the weak of service performance to students is
internal service to lecturers. It is not line with the
implementation of TQM element, where it is revealed
that focuses on customer becomes priority in TQM
implementation (Kenyon et al. 2016). It is intended
that it needs service quality management to internal
and external customer at university in order to support
TQM implementation at university and it also
encourages univeristy’s performance. The
implementation of TQM emphasizes the conception
of basic principle in TQM system which is service for
all included to lecturer as internal customer at
university (Burhanuddin & Supriyanto 2017).
However, support to lecturer to do research is still
limited so it can be stated that the implementation of
leadership in TQM has not run optimally.
Research encouragement or teaching process is
included into structure element in TQM (Miller et al.
2018), while service quality both internal and external
customer is included into culture in TQM (Fu et al.
2015). Reviewing from problem facts, it is clear that
structure element and culture in university has not
been functionized to encourage the optimation of
service performance to lecturer. It is included the
weak of culture that orientates on internal customer
service which is not presented yet. It seems that
culture-orientated on customer has not been norm
which is created, socialized and also emphasized by
university’s leader. It explains that leadership at
University is supported by TQM implementation,
will encourage a better service quality. This research
finding is presented in leadership model in TQM for
service quality (Picture 1).
Figure 1. Leadership Model in TQM for Service Quality
Leadership is a case inside of University (Naser
et al. 2016). In TQM implementation, it becomes
important because it is close related in supporting
service to internal customer (lecturer) and it is tipped
on external customer, is students. Service to lecturer
both on teaching and learning are included research
and community service are not separated from
customer’s focus that has integrated become value or
Leadership in
Leadership in Total Quality Management for Service Quality
norm and it is supported by University’s structure.
Success invests focus value to internal customer and
it becomes culture in at university and it is close
related to university’s leader. So that, success
becomes customer’s focus as part of structure
function that is not separated from leader’s role.
Therefore, university’s leader needs to ensure both
structurally and culturally in TQM for its internal
services. Leader in TQM context is transforming
culture that based on participative management
(Hickman & Akdere 2017). This finding is in line
with the previous theory from R. Chen et al., (2018),
and also in which it is known that leadership is as one
of challenge in TQM. Leadership is the most
important unsure in the success of TQM (Hussain et
al. 2014). Leader inspires vision, strategical pace
direction also values, it emphasizes that leadership
focuses on each function of TQM. Actually,
leadership in TQM is as motivate and encourage the
workforce (Samat et al. 2006). It becomes
leadership’s challenge in the implementation of total
quality management system on educational service
like University. It is needed paradigm shift in order to
transform leadership that understands TQM
requirements and university’s system needs.
The success of TQM is as a system, norm,
philosophy that leads the function of internal service
which is close related to leadership (Miller et al.
2018). Leadership has commitment to optimize
functions in organization to give service to its internal
customer (Eichorn 2004). Success to provide internal
service will impact to deliver values to its external
customer (Plouffe et al. 2016). The importance of
leader’s position mentions that internal service
quality is affected by leader who encourages the
changing in organization and it creates a healthy
bureaucracy culture that appreciates lecturer’s
performance. Based on the concept of EFQM quality
management that is TQM development, leadership is
as key of success of university quality management.
Leader ensures that one of the main unsures in
educational service system is fulfilled, which is
service to internal and external customer.
University is educational service that gives priority to
service quality for students as external customer.
However, service quality given by lecturer as internal
customer gets the obstacles. It seems from the support
of teaching process, research and lecturer’s
dedication that are still limited in University, as
structure and culture in TQM implementation.
Leadership becomes the key of success in optimizing
structure and culture in TQM, with focuses on
internal customer to satisfy external customer.
However the implementation is not fully optimum,
because the limitation of university’s leadership in
leadership implementation through TQM. It is needed
paradigm shift where leader understands the
qualification of TQM and understand about internal
customer’s needs. So it is stated the leadership model
in TQM for service quality. This study has obviously
limitation, remember that data is not sourced from
lecturer, while information from University’s leader
is not become attention. So it is suggested to the next
research to explore information related to leadership
in TQM in order to service quality with information
source from University’s leader also from external
customer directly is students.
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