The Balancing Principles Enforcement in Electronic Contract: A
Case Study of Motorcycle Transportation Application Service
Provider in Indonesia
Ria Safitri
, Heru Subandono Notonagoro
, Khamami Zada
and Nur Habibi
Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
Sebelas Maret University Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Balancing Principles, Electronic Contract
Abstract: The electronic contract allows parties who are financially stronger to take actions that harm other weaker
parties in an unfair manner. The existing electronic standard contract is more considered to be likely to take
side to application service providers than to partners because the legislation has not been issued regarding
contract that are in line with the development of electronic transactions. This paper aims to stimulate
renewal in the regulation and treaty law practice that is more up-to-date and equitable. This paper uses a
sociological juridical approach and inductive and deductive analysis. The findings of the study show that the
balance of interests can prevent shift or displacement in wealth which is not justified and can cause the
unjust enrichment. Legal protection in the form of legislation is needed to achieve legal justice.
The development of information technology has a
very broad influence in the economic field; there has
been a significant change in the economic system in
Indonesia, from the conventional economic system
to the digital economic system. Digitalization allows
business people to use electronic media to do
transaction with all ease, speed and efficiency. The
speed of technological development has not been
matched by the rules and regulations that support
and protect the parties involved in electronic
transactions based on e-commerce and e-business.
The legal protection in business transactions is very
important because of the rapid development of
internet-based business contracts.
Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic
Information and Transactions and Government
Regulation No. 28 of 2012 concerning Electronic
Systems and Transactions Implementation are not
enough to regulate the type of internet-based modern
contracts, considering all electronic contact in the
form of standard contracts that are vulnerable to
imbalances that lead to injustice. Therefore, it needs
to be studied more deeply related to balancing
principles enforcement in the electronic standard
contract. The emergence of electronic standard
contract is a form of initiative by parties that need an
electronic contract related to internet technology-
based business fields; this initiative does not conflict
with the principle of freedom of contract as stated in
Article 1338 of the Civil Code.
In conducting business activities, many parties
that have legal relations between one and another
use an agreement as an important instrument that
bonds the relationship. The legal relationship is then
agreed, initiated, confirmed and clarified by the
direct signing of the agreement, the submission of
the terms and conditions of the agreement and the
submission of the common practices commonly
carried out. The practice of implementing
agreements among parties in Indonesia factually is
more to approve or not to approve or to sign and not
to sign as a form of agreement. Thus, the agreement
made by the parties can also cause imbalances for
the parties; ideally the agreement should place the
parties in a balanced position. Agreements between
parties which is in imbalanced position cannot
guarantee justice.
Even though the physical form of electronic
standard contract is different from other written
contract, both have similarities, which are subject to
the contract law, fulfillment of the legal conditions
of the contract and in accordance with the principles
of the contract. In the General Provisions concerning
the contract which are regulated in the Civil Code,
Safitri, R., Notonagoro, H., Zada, K. and Habibi, N.
The Balancing Principles Enforcement in Electronic Contract: A Case Study of Motorcycle Transportation Application Service Provider in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0009945024712477
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2471-2477
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the contract can be in the form of unwritten and
written form. Article 1320 of the Civil Code
regulates the validity of the contract, an contract
must satisfy the following four conditions: 1) there
must be consent of the parties without coercion,
oversight or fraud, 2) there must be capacity; it is
made by a person who is capable of legal action, 3)
there must be a specific subject, 4) there must be an
admissible cause.
The substance of the standard contract also uses
standard clauses, the standard clause is specific
provision or section that have been prepared and
determined unilaterally in advance which must be
fulfilled by other parties. In practice the standard
clause aims at clearly defining the duties, rights and
privileges that each party has under the contract
terms. In practice the standard clause aims to protect
those who provide certain business products.
Most of the electronic contracts are in the form
of standard contracts that have been determined by
the application service provider for partners-drivers
and consumers, users can choose by clicking if they
agree or not clicking the terms of the contract if they
disagree. Although the use of e-standard contracts is
common in the world of internet-based business, it
still must not have conflict with the Civil Code and
Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.
2.1 The Balancing Principle in
One of principles in the contract is the principle of
consensualism in which the agreement is deemed to
have been formed at the time of consensus between
the parties. This principle is contained in Article
1320 of the Civil Code. However, the formation of
consensus is often accompanied by the absence of a
balanced position from the parties. Therefore, in the
contract there is a principle that is important, namely
the principle of balance. This principle is not
regulated in the Civil Code which is the legacy of
the Dutch East Indies Government.
The balancing principle is the principle that
requires both parties to fulfill and implement the
agreement. Creditors have the power to demand
achievement and if it is needed, creditors can
demand repayment of achievements through the
wealth of debtors, but debtors also bear the
obligation to implement the agreement with good
The balancing principle is based on the ideology
which becomes the basic of Indonesian law.
Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution are sources of
values and reflect the perspective of Indonesian
people. The Indonesian government is the
representative and reflection of people and also
maintains the direction of the development of legal
order so that the benchmark of Pancasila and the
1945 Constitution value is maintained as an ideal
that is to be embodied every time.
The balancing principle meaning can be
understood as an ethical principle and a juridical
principle, ethically the balancing principle can be
interpreted in everyday language, the word
"balanced" (even-wicht) refers to the meaning of a
"state of sharing burden on both sides in a balanced
state. In the context of this research, "balance" is
understood as a state of silence or harmony because
none of the forces at work dominate the other, or
because not one element controls the other.
The idea of balance encourages balance spirit
(evenwichtsgeest) in customary law, an admission of
the equality of the individual's position with the
community in a common life. The "balance" of
inward, in character or soul, refers to the
understanding of that there is no mental turmoil
anymore, and the rapprochement or harmony has
been achieved between the desire and the ability to
fulfill it, or between emotional impulses and will.
The potential of human abilities consciously
manifested in the action of an action whose true
consequences are desired to appear or directed at an
improvement in living conditions. This means that
the word "balance", on one side, is limited by will
(which is raised by favorable considerations or
profitable situation), and on the other side, by belief
(of the ability to) manifest desired or consequences
results, within the limits of both sides this achieved a
balance that can be interpreted positively. In or
through a promise, a person psychologically
(psyche) places himself in a situation with the
conviction that "as a result of profitable situations"
logically can be strived for the desired outcome. Of
course these wills and beliefs must be experienced
as something that is truly worthy or logic.
Otherwise, if someone imagines a condition that is
"not feasible or illogical" (onredelijk), the risk that
arises is disappointment for those who have that
illogical shadow.
These situations bring us to the matter of
contractual attachments that are worthy of being
justified (gerechtvaardige). At the same time this
means that the promise between the parties will only
be considered binding as long as it is based on the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
principle of balancing relation between individual
interests and the public interest or the balance
between the interests of both parties as each party
expects it.
Then, the balancing principle as a juridical
principle can be explained that the principles of law
are not only useful for solving new problems and
opening new fields, but also it is necessary to
interpret the rules in line with the principles
underlying the rules in question. The principles are
very important role in interpreting and interpreting
the rules that can never fully cover all the problems
that may arise, it's not only when facing difficult
cases that we will return to the principle, but also in
facing of the application of rules in general, it will
play a role, even if it is only to just reaffirm the
meaning that is related or given to the rule, Smits
said. Regarding to the application of rules to certain
cases, therefore it is necessary to find a benchmark
based on the explanation and a description of the
rules that can be given from the background of the
principle, to then move on and reaffirm the meaning
related to the rule. A criterion must be found, which
is gained from where facts can be tested for their
relevance to contract law (it refers to Indonesian
contract law), so that each time the balancing
principle that underlies an agreement between the
parties can be a proper or fair juridical attachment.
Efforts in finding such criteria must begin by
sorting out which facts in the contract can qualify as
facts or conditions that give rise to legal engagement
which in turn can be assessed and tested in relation
to juridical attachments based on the balancing
principles. The balancing principle in addition to
having certain characteristics, it must also be
consistently directed to the truth of logic and
adequately concrete. Based on these considerations,
the idea developed that the principle of balance
could be understood as a principle that is proper or
fair and subsequently accepted as the basis for
juridical attachment in Indonesian contract law. For
this reason it is very important to clarify the
description of the origin of the principle of balance
and to explain how the characteristics and principles
of balance and answer the question of why this
principle should function as a justification and
juridical attachment to Indonesian contract law.
.The balancing principle is a new principle in the
formation of an contract in Indonesia that develops
from western civil law. Herlien Budiono argues that
there is a new principle in the law of contract,
namely the principle of balance.
The Freedom of contract definition and the
principle of Pacta sunt servanda in reality can lead to
injustice. The freedom of contract is based on the
assumption that the parties of contract have a
balanced bargaining position, but in reality the
parties do not always have a balanced bargaining
position. Standard requirements are always accepted
by the opposite party without reading these
requirements or knowing the contents in its entirety,
that the determination of the standard contract on its
use causes a very serious loss. An contract is a very
important aspect of business activities that is carried
out between individuals within a country as well as
inter-company relations that are cross national
borders. An contract exists with an contract between
at least two parties involved. It can be ascertained
that the contract is based on the freedom of
contracting the parties concerned. The principle of
balance cannot only be submitted its mechanism to
freedom of contract, the principle of balance must be
part of the principle of the law of contract. The
balance includes the making of contracts, the
contents of the contract and changes that may occur
in the future and the implementation of the contract.
In connection with business agreements, even
though it is based on an open system, but with
consideration of efficiency, effectiveness and best
practices, the majority agreement is made with
standard agreement prepared by the creditor.
Various business needs have available templates or
electronic agreement standards to then be signed by
the parties.
PT AKAB (Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa) is an
application-based company that operates in 50 cities
in Indonesia. The service categories are Go-Jek, Go-
Life, Go-Pay. Go-Jek consists of Go-Jek, Go-Ride,
Go-Car, Go-Food. Gojek provides transportation
applications that use motorbikes, so that PT. AKAB
makes an electronic agreement with the cooperation
partners namely motorcycle owners using fixed
templates. Such standard agreements are generally
made with instruments of application forms and
standard electronic agreement instruments.
Likewise, electronic agreements are made between
PT. AKAB and consumers of motorcycle gojek
It is known that generally what is meant by a
standard agreement is an agreement that almost all
of its clauses have been standardized by the users
and the other party has basically no opportunity to
negotiate or request changes. Only a few things
which have not been standardized, for example
concerning the type, price, amount, color, place,
time and some other specific and agreed objects. In
other words, the standard form is not standardized
form but the clauses. Therefore, an agreement made
The Balancing Principles Enforcement in Electronic Contract: A Case Study of Motorcycle Transportation Application Service Provider in
by notary deed, if it is made by a notary by clauses
that only takes into account clauses that have been
imposed by one party, while the other party has no
opportunity to negotiate or request changes in
clauses, the agreement made by notarial deed is also
a standard agreement.
In its development, the standard electronic
agreement has a negative effect on the debtor, which
is in an unbalanced position; there is a tendency for
exploitation from strong parties to weak parties such
as banks and customers. If such legal issues are not
immediately responded by law, then economic
power will be concentrated in certain groups, too
large economic concentrations can cause disruption
and inhibit economic freedom for individuals.
The standard agreement does not provide the
same bargaining position, for example in bank
lending, banks as lenders have the power to
determine requirements, but the dominant
bargaining position in making the agreement will
change if the credit funds have been disbursed, the
position of the bank as creditor weakens because the
funds have been controlled by the customers
(clinets) or debtor.
The provisions of an agreement may be
inappropriate or unfair when the agreement is
formed on an unbalanced relationship or condition.
When such irregularities or injustices occur in an
unbalanced party relationship then this condition is
called Undue Influence (inapropriate influence).
Whereas inequality occurs in an unbalanced state
(not relationship), then this situation is called
unconscionability (injustice).
The balancing principles is the starting point of
the contractual attachment principles which is the
justification of the binding power of an agreement.
The developed balancing principles here is a new
concept as extracted from of Indonesia's typical way
of thinking that is the principle of balance based on
real ideal rights factors which in turn is sourced from
a family perspective, help and mutual support.
Characteristics of national law are kinship, mutual
support, and mutual assistance, unity of formality,
and justice and legal certainty. The treaty which
embraces the principle of balance of course
emphasizes justice; justice is one of legal goals.
Legal objectives are not only justice, but also legal
certainty and benefits. It is appropriate that the
promises among the parties are considered binding
as long as it is based on the principles of balancing
relationship between individual interests and the
public interest or the balance between the interests
of both parties as expected by the parties.
2.2 Electronic Contract (e-Contract)
E-contract is any kind of contract formed in the
course of e-commersce by the interaction of two or
more individuals using electronic means, such as a
e-mail, the interaction of an individual with an
electronic agent, such as a computer program, or the
interaction of at least two electronic agent that the
programmed to recognize the existence of a contract.
The uniform computer information transaction act
provides rules regarding the formation, governance
and basic term of an e-contract. Traditional contract
principles and remedies also apply to e-contracts.
Many transactions and other forms of trade are
now conducted electronically, for example most
people will at least be familiar with Go-Jek
Aplication and on line shops. More and more
business is now done electronically, often with the
parties never physically meeting each other.
An electronic contract is a standard contract that
is designed, created, defined, duplicated and
disseminated digitally through a website unilaterally
by the contract maker (business actor) to be closed
digitally also by the closing of the contract. In
addition, there are also those who use the term on-
line contract (on-line contract), namely an
engagement or legal relationship conducted
electronically by integrating a network of computer-
based information systems with a communication
system based on networks and telecommunications
services (telecommunication based), facilitated by
the existence of a global internet computer network.
It also can be defined that e contract is an contract
between two or more parties that is carried out by
using computer media, gadgets or other means of
communication through the internet network.
Electronic contracts use digital data instead of
paper, as described in Law No. 11 of 2008
concerning electronic information and transactions,
Article 1 number 17, electronic contracts are
contracts between parties made through electronic
systems. Electronic system: a set of electronic
devices and procedures that has function to prepare,
collect, process, store, display, collect, send and
disseminate electronic information.
In the electronic standard contract, there are
several characteristics including: electronic contracts
can occur based on the internet, parties do not meet
face to face, standard clause contracts are made by
business actors, the contents of the contract cannot
be changed by the user. Electronic contracts are
included in the category of nameless contracts
(innominaat), namely contracts that are not regulated
in the Civil Code but exist and are carried out in the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
community. Likewise with the electronic standard
contract, it appears and is used in society because of
the development of information technology and the
demands of transaction and business needs.
However, it must remain subject to Article 1320 of
the Civil Code concerning the legal requirements of
the contract and also has the legal power as a law for
the parties who make it (pacta sunt servanda: Article
1338 of the Civil Code).
The plenty frequency and routine transactions
become the reason for PT. Gojek to prepare a
standard electronic agreement so that it can be filled
and agreed quickly by potential partners and
immediately decided by providing electronic
facilities. Such conditions allow the exploitation of
PT. Gojek to motorcycle owner partners, it is
important to reinterpret the existence of the principle
of freedom of contract to adjust to the development
of electronic contracts. The principle of contractual
freedom should no longer be understood in terms of
absolute, but relative. Contractual freedom can be
applied when the position of the parties is balanced
or at least in the legal setting.
In Go-Jek application for partners, a partnership
contract is attached, one of the contents of the
contract is as follows: this cooperation contract is
effective from June 1, 2017. Hereby the partners
give approval for the terms and conditions listed in
this contract by way of clicking on the electronic
agreement on this contract, accessing and using the
go-jek application, the partner will be interpreted as
agreeing to be bound by requirements, which is a
contractual relationship between partners, Go-Jek
and PT. AKAB. Therefore, after the partner clicks,
the obligation in the contract must be adhered to
along with every policy in terms of the requirements,
and the use of the Go-Jek application. PT Go-Jek
has another contract with PT. Paket Anak Bangsa
(PAB) and PT. Dompet Anak Bangsa (DAB).
Partners (drivers) if they agree to a contract with PT.
Go-Jek, they are automatically bound by a contract
with PT. PAB in connection with each postal service
carried out by partners. They also contracted with
PT. DAB relates to every use of electronic money
systems in service providers that are carried out
through applications. If the partner does not agree
with automatic attachment with PT. PAB and PT.
DAB, the partners may not access or use the Go-Jek
application. If the partner does not approve PT. Go-
Jek, he can immediately stop using the application.
Based on the example above it can be concluded
that electronic agreements make conventional
agreements face to face to be an act of clicking. By
clicking on the agreement electronically, accessing
or using it is interpreted as agreeing to be bound by
the terms, including attachments to other parties
connected to PT. Go-jek. This electronic contract
also includes approval if there are changes and
additions to the terms and conditions that will come;
the notification is delivered electronically as well.
PT Go-Jek grants some rights to partners in the form
of limited licensing, but non-exclusive, non-sub
licensable, irrevocable and non-transferable for
partners' interests and personal use.
C. Relations and Legal Effects for Parties in e-
One of the companies engaged in providing
applications for motorcycle transportation services is
PT. Aplikasi Karya Anak Bangsa (AKAB) as the
owner of the Go-Jek trademark. The legal
relationship between PT. AKAB as an entrepreneur
of application services with drivers is a partnership
relationship based on a partnership contract. The
contract is in the form of an electronic standard
contract (e-standard contract). The contract is about
partnership relations, the legal protection for driver-
partners is not legal protection as in the labor
contract, but protection as a party in a partnership
Legal relation in the form of exchange of
services between service providers and service users
is done by exchanging data through media that is
intangible or virtual (internet). Regulations
regarding electronic contracts (e-contracts) are set
forth in Government Regulation No. 82 of 2012
concerning the Implementation of Electronic
Systems and Transactions Article 47 paragraph (2)
describes the legal requirements for electronic
contracts in accordance with those stipulated in the
Civil Code Article 1320. Electronic contracts made
with standard clauses which must be in accordance
with laws and regulations.
An electronic standard contract carried out by a
Limited Liability Company (LLC) of motorcycle
transportation application service provider is a
partnership contract, it doesn’t contain elements of
orders and wages., an contract that is implemented
between businesses to need each other to obtain
profits. In its development this contract raises
various contracts including network-based contracts
(e-contract). Partnership contracts cause personal
responsibilities related to transportation means, for
The Balancing Principles Enforcement in Electronic Contract: A Case Study of Motorcycle Transportation Application Service Provider in
example, replacement of spare parts is the
responsibility of the driver partner. While the LLC is
responsible for providing application services in the
form of technical support for partner-drivers related
to consumers.
The electronic standard contract (e-standard
contract) object is information or non-physical
services, where the party communicates through the
internet network. As an example, an contract made
by PT. AKAB with the driver-partner, after making
a communication then the electronic standard
contract is sent, if it has been approved by the
partner, PT. AKAB will send information or services
that are the object of contract through the internet.
The contract is accompanied by a license of click
wrap and shrink wrap, 8Software downloaded
through the internet is usually sold with a click wrap
license. The license will appear on the buyers' screen
or monitor at the first time of software installation.
Prospective buyers are asked about their willingness
to accept the license terms, they are given an
alternative accept or don't accept option.
The contract is a very important matter because
the parties did not meet directly, so arrangements are
needed regarding when the contract is considered to
be occurred. The theory that can be used to
determine the existence of an contract is the will
theory that an contract occurs when the willingness
of the recipient is stated.
In essence this electronic contract is a legal
agreement, as long as agreed by the parties in an
electronic media system that has been certified as
provided for in articles 13 - 16 of the Electronic
Telecommunications Information Law (ETI Law).
This is a preventive effort in terms of law so that
people do not cheat by making a statement that
electronic agreements are not valid because they are
not stated specifically by the law related to the
contract. In the case of an electronic agreement, the
parties in making a contract must both provide and
request fulfillment of their rights and obligations to
other parties so that the fulfillment of needs is
obtained. This is different from conventional
contracts that emphasize negotiation and agreement
of the party making the contract. Regarding when
the time request and offer of the ETI Law stipulate
that the time of delivery is when the information has
been sent to the destination address, while the time
to receive information is when the information
enters the electronic system under the recipient's
control. The difference in time is very likely to occur
in the electronic transaction process that is followed
by electronic contracts, because that happens
depending on the quality of the electronic network
facilities. Information recipients are responsible for
having an initial monitoring of the electronic system,
whether it has been notified or not.
The exoneration clauses in the partnership
contract between PT. AKAB, Owners of trademarks
Go-Jek, Go-Car, Go Food and other application-
based services, Owners of trademarks Go-Jek, Go-
Car, Go Food and other application-based services,
with the partner-driver cause the contents of the
contract followed by its implementation to be
unbalanced. This is the basis for PT. AKAB to free
itself from responsibility for losses suffered by the
driver-partner in relation to the use of the Go-Jek
application by the driver, as well as losses suffered
by consumers in relation to transportation services
carried out by the driver-partner through the Go-Jek
application. The exoneration clause puts the partner-
driver in a weak position compared to PT. AKAB as
the owner of Go-jek trademark. Go-Jek is a social-
minded technology company that aims to improve
the welfare of workers in various informal sectors in
Indonesia. GO-JEK activities are based on 3 core
values: speed, innovation and social impact.
Thus the electronic standard contract does not
fulfill the principle of balance in the contracts
contents and implementation. The legal
consequences of the exoneration clause in the
electronic standard contract are null and void
because it contradicts Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning
Consumer Protection. Contracts that are contrary to
the law do not meet the objective requirements of
the legal contract namely causal law, which results
in the contract being null and void. Considering that
the legal conceptual of the electronic standard
contract is still relatively new, new latest provisions
are needed as positive laws which focus on:
A balanced relationship between business
actors, users (partners) and consumers,
especially the provision of opportunities and
broader negotiation space for partners as
well as consumers in the electronic standard
contract offered by business actors.
2. Enforcement of three clicks in the deal of
electronic standard contract, namely:
Click 1 prospective partner see the display
of the offer
Click 2 prospective partners give acceptance
of the offer
Click 3 requirements for confirmation and
approval from PT. AKAB to partners about
receiving acceptance from prospective
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The directive ensures that persons who enter into
on line contracts will have certainty as to the legal
consequences of the contract and will further create
and environment of trust. There is legislation that
contains consumer protection and also that
documents be in writing and the directive that such
contracts are valid if they are made through the
The opportunity to harmonies the rules on
contract forming arose with the requirement to
harmonies the requirement for online contracts. The
problem in this regard is that there is no uniformity
in Indonesia in relation to the formation of electronic
Agreeing contracts electronically can be a risky
business if the parties don’t get the right process,
readers to ensure electronic contracts are safe and
secure. It seems, that there’s less and less formality
in all aspects of business these days. However aided
by advances in technology, this informality is
creeping into the world of contract law, and this can
cause problems if one of parties not careful.
Electronic standard contracts must be agreed upon
by the parties and if there is a change in the contents
of the contract there must be a deal as a form of the
balancing principles enforcement in determining the
contents of the contract. In the case of exoneration
clauses, for example: agree with any changes that
will occur in the future, it needs a regulation that
specifically regulates the exoneration clause in the
form of an electronic contract so that application
service providers as contract makers still pay
attention to balancing principles as a sign that it does
not violate the interests and does not cause harm or
loss to other parties.
Indonesia did not go far enough to harmonies
the moment of contract and directive that deals with
online contracts. Only provide for the procedure of
contracting online. The differences between the civil
law systems still exist and the citizen of different
member state will still not be sure when the contract
has come into existence. Snijders argues that policy
of the directive supports the civil law receipt theory
and the offeree chooses the medium and is the best
positioned to insure against risks. There should be
restrictions to include certain standard clauses in
electronic contracts to prevent misuse of
circumstances by parties who have a stronger
position which will ultimately harm consumers.
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