Relationship between Work Motivation and Teaching Methods to
Teacher Performance in Raudhatul Athfal Kecamatan Cipayung
Jakarta Timur
Umi Komalasari
Postgraduate Ptogram, Jakarta Islamic University, Balai Rakyat Street Utan Kayu Matraman, Jakarta
Keywords: Work Motivation, Teaching Methods, Teacher Performance.
Abstract: This study aims to identify and analyze the relation ship between motivation and teaching methods
on the performance of teachers in Raudhatul Athfal AZIZ AL East Jakarta Munjul Cpayung The research
method used is survey method. Samples were selected by the use of saturated sample method, the entire
population of some 47 teachers Raudhatul Athfal subdistrict Cipayung research sample. The data analysis
was done by using simple regression and correlation analysis, and multiple regression and correlation
analysis, which is used to analyze the indicators work motivation of teachers and the teaching method
as improving performance of teachers in the learning process. The results of the study can be seen: (1)
there is a positive and significant relationship between work motivation and performance of teachers
represented by the equation regression = 28.462 + 0,849X1, the correlation coefficient (ryx1) =
0.927 and determination coefficient of 0.860; (2) there is a positive and significant relationship between
teaching methods with a regression equation = 19.694 + 0,892X2, the correlation coefficient (ryx2) = 0.884
and determination coefficient of 0.781; (3) there is a positive and significant relation ship between
motivation and teaching methods together with the performance of teachers represented by the regression
equation = 10.851 + 0,554X1 + 0,430X2, multiple correlation coefficient (Ry1.2) = 0.968, and the
coefficient of determination amounting to 0.937.
Development methods that are not in accordance with
the objectives will be the goal to achieve the
objectives that have been formulated. The problem
that arises is the ability to learn in accordance with
learning techniques with the ability to learn
continuously with regularity, how to use and make
normal ways that produce optimal results. the quality
of teacher performance will greatly determine the
quality of educational outcomes, because teachers are
the people who are most connected with students in
the learning process in school. The teacher is obliged
to plan learning, apply a quality learning process and
evaluate and evaluate learning outcomes. Teachers
must always strive to improve their performance in
achieving school or program activities to realize the
goals, mission and vision of the school. The teacher's
performance in the learning outcomes of students or
students produced by students shows that the teacher
uses a very important role in the learning process.
Audhatul Athfal AL-AZIZ munjul cipayung East
Jakarta as one of the educational institutions
established in 1998 and until now is a development
that can be categorized as good in terms of education
management. As an educational institution that has a
vision as Raudhatul Athfal that is able to unite the
world globally with the knowledge, knowledge and
potential of students with freedom to the nobility and
independence, make all components of the school to
move the goal as a driver towards the goal. So with
regard to this matter, it is necessary to conduct
research in this school with the hope that this study
can provide clear information to determine the
effectiveness of work motivation and methods for
teacher performance in Raudhatul Athfal in Cipayung
District. kabupaten, Kecamatan Munjul Cipayung,
East Jakarta.
Raudhatul RA AL-AZIZ is one Raudhatul RA who
familiarize instill five aspects namely berakhlakul
karimah habituation, social, emotional and
independence, Islamic religious education, language
ability, cognitive, and physical motor skills that
include gross motor and fine motor skills. (Eni Rosda
Syarbaini, 2012: 70-78). Motivation teacher work
we've seen in RA AL-AZIZ very less, as teachers
come to school often too late, lack of method in
Komalasari, U.
Relationship between Work Motivation and Teaching Methods to Teacher Performance in Raudhatul Athfal Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta Timur.
DOI: 10.5220/0009943804300436
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 430-436
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
teaching, so it will affect the performance of teachers
in educational success in RA AL-AZIZ is less than
optimal. Based on the research we saw that the
teaching method that is often used by teachers in
teaching in RA AL-AZIZ is only the classical
method, lectures, and story telling, even though there
are still many good and suitable methods that must be
used and applied in education in this Raudhatul
The selection and use of appropriate methods in
accordance with the objectives of competency is
needed. Because the method is a method used by the
teacher to establish relationships with students during
teaching and learning activities. For that the teacher
as a director and mentor is not only good at choosing
learning methods, but the efforts of teachers to
optimize the components of learning are needed in
order to improve learning achievement. Where
Raudhatul Athfal Park is a Basic Preschool Park that
really needs patience, tenacity and perseverance in
developing the talents that exist in students. So, the
learning method must be appropriate in order to get
maximum results.
Development of methods that are not in
accordance with the objectives of teaching will be an
obstacle to achieving the goals that have been
formulated. The problem that arises for students is
how to learn effectively which is in accordance with
standard learning techniques by practicing training
their brain to learn continuously with regularity, how
to adjust to the teacher and how to create regular
habits so as to achieve optimal learning outcomes. the
quality of teacher performance will greatly determine
the quality of educational outcomes, because the
teacher is the party that has the most direct contact
with students in the learning process at school. The
teacher is obliged to plan learning, implement a
quality learning process and assess and evaluate the
results of learning. Teachers must always strive to
improve their performance in achieving school
activities or programs to realize the goals, mission
and vision of the school. Teacher performance is
reflected in student learning outcomes or
achievements achieved by students, this shows that
the teacher plays a very important role in the learning
process. Audhatul Athfal AL-AZIZ munjul cipayung
East Jakarta as one of the educational institutions
established in 1998 and up to now experience
development that can be categorized as good in terms
of education management. As an educational
institution that has a vision as Raudhatul Athfal that
is able to compete fairly in the global world by
optimizing the intelligence, knowledge and potential
of students by focusing on nobility and independence,
making all components of the school work in order to
realize the vision of the role of the principal as the
driver towards the goal. Then with regard to this, it is
necessary to conduct research in this school in the
hope that this research can provide a clear picture to
find out how effective the relationship between work
motivation and teaching method for teacher
performance at Raudhatul Athfal in Cipayung sub-
district, Munjul Cipayung sub-district, East Jakarta.
2.1 The Work of Motivation
Motivation is "encouragement"; a conscious effort to
influence a person's behavior to move his heart to act
to do something to achieve a certain outcome or goal,
(Ngalim Purwanto, 1998: 71).
2.1.1 Understanding Motivation
Here are some understandings of motivation
according to experts including: 1. According to
Morgan, the term motivation has something to do
with psychology in general. According to motivation
motivation related to three things which are at the
same time aspects of aspects of motivation, these
three things are conditions that encourage motivating
2.1.2. Work Motivation Function
The purpose of motivation is a means to achieve a
certain goal. For a teacher, the purpose of motivation
is to be able to move or spur students so that there can
be a desire and willingness to improve learning
achievement so that the educational goals are
achieved in accordance with the expectations and set
in the school curriculum.
2.1.3. Scope of Work Motivation
In the form of objects needed in the implementation
of education, such as tools in the house, school
equipment, etc. This is often called "educational
means". Objects that are used to assist the
implementation are called educational facilities,
especially in schools, such as: school buildings, study
rooms, study chairs tables, etc. Not an object but in
the form of educator actions used for educational
Relationship between Work Motivation and Teaching Methods to Teacher Performance in Raudhatul Athfal Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta
2.2 Teaching Method
2.2.1 Definition of Teaching Method
Methods according to Djamaluddin and Abdullah Aly
in the Kapita Selekta Islamic Education, (1999: 114)
derived from the word meta means through, and
hodos jalan. So, the method is the path that must be
passed to achieve a goal. Meanwhile, according to the
Indonesian Ministry of Religion in the book on
Methodology of Islamic Religion Education (2001:
19) Method means a systemic way of working to
facilitate the implementation of an activity in order to
achieve the specified goals
2.2.2 Functions and Objectives of the
Teaching Method
Learning at school at this time began to be adjusted to
the development of information technology, so that
there was a change and a paradigm shift in education.
The rapid development in the field of information
technology, especially the internet, accelerates the
flow of knowledge that penetrates the boundaries of
the dimensions of space, bureaucracy, stability, and
time. Learning Media serves to stimulate learning by:
1. Presenting actual objects and objects that are
2. Creating duplication of actual objects
3. Making abstract concepts into concrete concepts
4. Giving common perception
2.2.3 Teaching Method Techniques
In the learning process there are several terms that
have similar meanings, so that often people feel
confused to distinguish them. These terms are: (1)
learning approaches, (2) learning strategies, (3)
learning methods, (4) learning techniques, (5)
learning tactics, and (6) learning models. The
following will explain the meaning of these terms, in
the hope of providing clarity about the use of the term.
2.2.4 Scope of Teaching Method
The scope of the teaching and learning strategy
includes; material, media, approaches, time
allocation, methods, integrated coaching patterns,
students' basic competencies and evaluation.
2.3 Teacher Performance
2.3.1 Definition of Teacher Performance
The term performance is derived from the word job
performance or actual performance (work
performance or actual achievement achieved by
someone). Understanding performance (work
performance) is the work quality and quantity
achieved by an employee in carrying out their duties
in accordance with the responsibilities given to
2.3.2 Teacher Performance
Teacher performance is basically a performance or
performance performed by the teacher in carrying out
his duties as an educator.
2.3.3 Teacher Performance Standards
Teacher performance is an achievement or
achievement of the work achieved by the teacher
based on the specified assessment standards and
2.3.4 Teacher Performance Indicators
To find out whether a teacher's performance is
optimal or not yet seen from various indicators.
According to Simamora (2000: 423), performance
indicators include:
1) Decisions on all rules established by the
2) Can carry out their work or tasks without
error (or with the lowest error rate.
2.4 Islamic Review of Work Motivation
for Education
The glory of a human being depends on what he does.
With that, a practice or work that brings someone
closer to God is very important and deserves
3.1 Research Operational Objectives
The operational objectives of this research are to
describe and test whether or not there are
relationships between the variables that have been
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
established, using relevant statistical measurement
tools, so that they can obtain valid, correct, and
reliable data, information and knowledge about the
problem under study. The variables studied consist of
the relationship between work motivation (x1),
teaching method (X2), and teacher performance (Y).
3.2 Research Methods
The research approach used is a quantitative, factual
and accurate research approach by making a
questionnaire to respondents (RA teachers in
Cipayung District) who will answer questions about
the relationship between work motivation and
teaching methods on teacher performance in RA AL
AZIZ Munjul Cipayung, East Jakarta.
3.3 Research Design
The design used is descriptive associative, which
aims to describe or describe the facts about the
population systematically and accurately, which is
then analyzed by a statistical approach that is relevant
to link the independent variables with the dependent
variable with the following design:
Figure 1: Research design
Information: design with two independent variables
X1 and X2, and one variable dependent Y. To find the
relation X1 with Y and X2 with Y,
using simple
correlation techniques. To look for a relationship X1
3.4 Operational Definition of Research
Variables are objects of research, or what is the focus
of research (Arikunto, 2013: 161). The research
variable is basically everything that is in the form of
what is determined by the researcher to be studied so
that information is obtained about it, then the
conclusions are drawn (Sugiyono, 2013: 38).
3.4.1 Work Motivation Variables (X
Work motivation is Giving the driving force that
creates the excitement of one's work, so that they
want cooperation, work effectively and integrated
with all their efforts to achieve satisfaction.
(Hasibuan, 1999: 95).
3.4.2 Teaching Method Variables (X
The formation of teaching methods is a score
obtained from questionnaires about teaching methods
with indicators of teaching methods which include: 1)
Information delivery orally, 2) attitude of students
who listen, 3) Maateri delivered, 4) Class atmosphere
that is conducive when learning, 5) Use of teaching
aids when teaching and learning.
3.4.3 Teacher Performance Variables (Y)
Teacher performance is a score obtained from
questionnaires about teacher performance in the
learning process with indicators: 1) Learning
Planning, 2) Learning Implementation, 3) Learning
Evaluation, 4) Implementation of Learning Analysis,
5) Improvement and Enrichment.
3.5 Population and Research Sample
3.5.1 Population
The population in this study was the teacher of
Raudhatul Athfal in Cipayung sub-district totaling 47
people who were teaching in the 2015/2016 school
3.5.2 Sample
The sampling method used is the saturated sample
method. Saturated sampling is a sample
determination technique if all members of the
population are used as a sample (Sugiyono, 2013: 96),
which is taking a whole population of 47 teachers in
the cipayung district as a research sample, or a
saturated sample.
3.6 Data Collection Technique
The data in this study were collected by field research
techniques to obtain primary data, and library
research to obtain secondary data.
Relationship between Work Motivation and Teaching Methods to Teacher Performance in Raudhatul Athfal Kecamatan Cipayung Jakarta
3.6.1 Primary Data
Primary data was obtained and collected by the
researcher directly from the respondent by
distributing questionnaires (list of statements)
distributed and filled out by respondents on
statements relating to the relationship between work
motivation and teaching methods on teacher
performance, questionnaires used were closed
questionnaires so respondents only have the answers
3.6.2 Secondary Data
Secondary data is data obtained from literature
review, research results, and relevant theories,
documents that describe the state of the object of
research both about the number of students, teachers
and employees or other conditions in the school
environment that are still related to this research.
The results of the study to determine the relationship
between work motivation and teaching methods with
the performance of Raudhatul Athfal AL AZIZ
teachers are explained as follows.
4.1 Teacher's Work Motivation
Overall the results of the descriptive statistical
analysis of the work motivation of Raudhatul Athfal
AL AZIZ showed a very varied distribution. It is
known that 85.11% of teachers have good
perceptions, and 14.89%
4.2 Teaching Method
Overall the results of the statistical analysis of the
description of the teaching method of Raudhatul
Athfal AL AZIZ showed a very varied distribution. It
is known that 80.85% of teachers consider teaching
methods to be good, and 19.15% have a perception
that teaching methods are good enough.
4.3 Teacher Performance
As a whole, the results of the analysis of teacher
performance description of Raudhatul Athfal AL
AZIZ in East Jakarta totaling 47 people according to
the assessment of the principal found that the
teacher's performance of Raaudhatul Athfal AL AZIZ
East Jakarta was 44.7% with a good category and
55.3% with a fairly good category.
4.4. Relationship between Teacher Work
Motivation (X1) and Teacher
Performance (Y)
The results of the study show that there is a positive
and significant relationship between teacher's work
motivation and teacher performance. The
interpretation of the correlation coefficient is very
strong with a correlation coefficient (ryx1) of 0.927.
While the coefficient of determination (R) = 0.860,
indicating that the teacher's work motivation
contributed 86% to the performance of the teacher
Raudhatul Athfal AL AZIZ. The relationship between
teacher work motivation and teacher performance is
known through regression regression ̂ = 28,462 +
0,849X1. So it can be concluded that there is a
positive and significant relationship between teacher
work motivation and teacher performance.
The results of the study show that the motivation
implemented so far has a positive impact on aspects
that affect the performance of the teacher Raudhatul
Athfal AL AZIZ.
4.5 Relationship Teaching Method (X2)
with Teacher Performance (Y)
The results showed that there was a positive and
significant relationship between teaching methods
and teacher performance. The interpretation of the
correlation coefficient is very strong with a
correlation coefficient (ryx2) of 0.884. While the
coefficient of determination (R) = 0.781, shows that
the teaching method contributes 78.1% to the
performance of teachers Raaudhatul Athfal AL AZIZ.
The relationship between teaching methods and
teacher performance is known through the regression
equation ̂ = 19,694 + 0,892X2. So it can be concluded
that there is a positive and significant relationship
between teaching method competence and teacher
4.6 Relationship between Teacher's
Work Motivation (X1) and
Teaching Method (X2) with
Teacher's Performance (Y)
Based on the results of statistical analysis obtained
regression equation which is expressed by Y = 10.851
+ 0.554X1 + 0.430X2. This shows that there is a
relationship between teacher performance (Y) with
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
work motivation (X1) and teaching methods (X2).
The level of dependence of teacher performance
variables on the variables of work motivation and
teaching method is shown by the coefficient of
determination (R) = 0.937, which means 93.7% of
teacher performance is determined jointly by the
value of the teacher's work motivation variables and
teaching methods.
Good teaching methods also result in an increase
in teacher performance. So that it can be said that the
fact that the work motivation of the teacher and the
teaching method are very important factors in the
effort to improve the performance of the teacher of
Raudhatul Athfal AL AZIZ.
Limitations in the implementation of research are
faced with the problem of the scope of the study, the
research sample, and the conceptualization of its
development. Limitations relating to the problem of
the scope of the study of the three variables studied,
namely Teacher Work Motivation, Teaching Method,
and Teacher Performance, have many factors that
influence it other than those discussed in this study,
both internal factors such as work interest and
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded
that there are several main points as follows:
1. There is a relationship between teacher work
motivation and teacher performance. The
correlation between teacher's work motivation
and teacher's performance results in correlation
coefficient number (ryx1) of 0.927. This figure
shows the very strong correlation between
teacher work motivation with teacher
performance, with the significance value of
correlation coefficient t count 16,613> t table
1,679, and p-value = 0,000 <0,05, so the
hypothesis of the relationship between work
motivation and teacher performance proved to be
2. There is a relationship between teaching methods
and teacher performance. The correlation
between teaching method competency and
performance results in correlation coefficient
(ryx2) of 0.884. This figure shows the very
strong correlation between teaching method
competence and teacher performance, with the
significance value of the correlation coefficient t
arithmetic 12,666> table 1,679, and p-value =
0,000 <0,05, so the hypothesis of the relationship
between teaching methods and teacher
performance proved significant.
3. There is a relationship between teacher work
motivation and teaching methods together with
teacher performance. The correlation between
teacher work motivation and teaching method
and teacher performance results in multiple
correlation coefficient (Ry1.2) = 0.968. This
figure shows very strong, the correlation between
work motivation and teaching methods with
teacher performance, with the significance value
of the correlation coefficient f count 328,385> f
table 3,209, so that the hypothesis of the
relationship between teacher work motivation
and teaching methods with teacher performance
proved significant.
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